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920  W628  1951 

public  Itkarp 

This  Volume  is  for 




1'our  volumes  containing  tin*  !»ic»- 
graphics  removed  from  WHO'S  WHO 
each  vcar  on  account  of  deatht  \\il\\ 
final  details  and  date  of  death  added. 

VOL.  i.  I897-I9I5 
VOL.  ii.  1916-1928 
VOL.  m.  1929-1940 

VOL,  iv.    I94H95O 



19  51 






A-     &     C.     BLACK     LIMITED 

Australia  and  Mew  Zealand 



South  Africa 


India  and  Burma 




Some  occurrences  notified  at  a  date  later  than  the  beginning  of 
November  1950,  when  the  early  pages  of  this  edition  had  to  go  to 
press,  could  not  be  recorded  in  the  body  of  the  book ;  a  number  of 
these,  of  the  most  general  interest,  are  listed  in  a  supplement  pre- 
ceding the  first  page  of  the  biographies,  This  includes,  also,  a  list  of 
the  recipients  of  titles,  gazetted  1st  January  1951,  in  cases  where  there 
is  not  already  an  entry  in  the  current  edition.  The  obituary  on  pages 
3447  includes  deaths  reported  up  to  1st  January  1951. 

A  proof  of  each  entry  is  posted  to  its  subject  every  year  for  personal 
revision,  but  this  cannot  be  sent  unless  an  address  is  given.  It  should 
be  pointed  out  that  the  numbers  given  of  the  children  of  a  marriage 
are,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  those  of  the  sons  and  daughters  now 
living;  also,  that  it  is  the  practice  to  print  the  names  of  London  clubs 
unaccompanied  by  the  word  London. 

It  cannot  be  stated  too  emphatically  that  inclusion  in  Who's  Who 
has  never  at  any  time  been  a  matter  for  payment  or  of  obligation  to 
purchase  the  volume. 

4,  5  AND  6  SOHO  SQUAKE, 
LONDON,  W.l. 


Auctioneers,  Valuers  PAGE 

Christie's 48 

Sotheby  &  Company     .        .        .  IS 

Books,  Newspapers,  etc. 

Black,  Adam  &  Charles        5, 31, 47,  3158 

Eoyle,  W.  &  G.  Ltd.  51 

Truslove  &  Hanson  26 

Charities,  Hospitals,  Institutions,  etc. 

Dr.  Barnardo's  Homes  .  .  .  40 

British  Empire  Leprosy  Relief  Ass.  3155 

British  Sailors'  Society  .  .  .  3159 

Embankment  Fellowship  Centre  .  3160 

Ex-Services  Welfare  Society  .  .  3 
Forces  Help  Society  and  Lord 

ftoberts  Workshops  .  .  .  3159 

King  George's  Fund  for  Sailors  .  42 

London  City  Mission  .  ,  .  3157 
Methodist  Homes  for  the  Aged  1952** 

Miss  Smallwood's  Society  .  .  3158 
National  Association  of  Discharged 

Prisoners'  Aid  Societies  .  .  3157 
National  Children's  Home  .  1952** 

National  Institute  for  the  Deaf  .  3156 

National  Society  for  Epileptics  .  3154 

Poor  Clergy  Belief  Corporation  .  3156 

Printers'  Pension  Corporation  .  3160 

H.A.F.  Benevolent  Fund  .  .  1 

Royal  National  Life-boat  Institution  35 

Royal  Sailors'  Rests  .  .  .  16 

Salvation  Army  .  .  .  .  33 

Save  the  Children  Fund  .  .  3154 
Shaftesbury  Society  .  .  .3158 


London  Cremation  Co.           .        .  38 

Educational  Section 

Schools  and  Colleges — 

Middlesex  Hospital  Medical  School  3153 

Royal  Merchant  Navy  School      .  22 



Waldorf  Hotel 




Aertex 20 

Mandleberg,  J.,  and  Co.  Ltd.  .        32 

Sanderson,  Wm.  &  Son          .        .  1952* 
South     African     Wine     Farmers' 

Association       .     spine  of  volume  <fe  24 
The  White  House,  Ltd.          .        ,        30 


Harmer,  H.  R 46 



Animal  Defence  and  Anti- Vivisec- 
tion Society  ....     3163 
National  Anti-Vivisection  Society       12 

Professional — 

Association  of  Practising  and  Com- 
mercial Accountants  .  .  3102 

Association  of  Certified  and  Cor- 
porate Accountants  .  .  14 

A.S.L.I.B 3161 

Chartered  Institute  of  Secretaries         2 

Corporation  of  Certified  Secre- 
taries   44 

Society  of  Incorporated  Account- 
ants and  Auditors  .  .  .  49 

Society  of  Secretaries  of  Great 
Britain 3161 


Prowse,  Eeith 


Trans  World  Airlines 

.  1920* 

All  enquiries  regarding  advertisement  space  in  WHO'S  WHO 
should  be  made  to 

ALDRIDGE  PRESS  LTD.,  15  Charterhouse  Street,  London,  E.C.I. 
Holborn  8655/6 



PREFACE  ......  8 



OBITUARY  ......  34 

THE  ROYAL  FAMILY     .  ....  50 

SUPPLEMENT       .....       preceding  p.  1 

BIOGRAPHIES      ......  1 



A.A.A..  . 

A.A.A.S.  . 


A.A.G..  . 
A.A.M.C.  . 
A.B.  .  . 


Aber.  .  . 

Atop.    .  . 

A.C.      .  . 

A.C.A. .  . 

Acad.  .  . 

A.C.A.S,  . 

A.C.F.  .  . 

A.C.G.  .  . 

A.C.G.I.  . 

A.C.I.S.       . 

A.C.S,  .  . 
A.C.T.  .  . 
A.D.  ,  , 
A.D.C. .  . 
A.D.  Corps. 
Adeund.  . 

AJXF.W.  . 

A.D.G.B.  . 

A.D.H.  . 
Adj.  .  . 

Adm.  .  . 
A.D.M.S.  . 

A.D.O.S.  . 
A.D.S.  &  T. 

Adv.  .  . 
A.D.V.S.  , 

Advt.  .  . 
A.E.A. .  . 
A.E.A.F.  - 

A«E.C.  .      . 

Anti-Aircraft ;  Automobile  As- 
sociation ;  Architectural  As- 
sociation; Augustinians  of 
the  Assumption, 

Amateur  Athletic  Association. 
,G.    Assistant     Adjutant     and 

American  Association  for  Ad- 
vancement of  Science. 

Associate  of  the  Association 
of  Certified  and  Corporate 
Accountants  (and  see 

Auxiliary  Air  Force  (now  E. 
Aux.  A.F.). 


Australian  Army  Medical  Corps, 

Bachelor  of  Arts  (U.S.);  able- 
bodied  seaman. 

American  Board  of  Commis- 
sioners for  Foreign  Missions. 



Ante  Christum  (before  Christ). 

Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
Chartered  Accountants. 


Assistant  Chief  of  the  Air  Staff. 

Army  Cadet  Force. 

Assistant  Chaplain-General. 

Associate  of  City  and  Guilds  of 
London  Institute. 

Associate  of  the  Chartered  In- 
stitute of  Secretaries. 

Additional  Curates  Society. 

Australian  Capital  Territory. 

Anno  Domini. 


Army  Dental  Corps. 

Ad  eundem  gmdum  (admitted 
to  the  same  degree). 

Assistant  Director  of  Fortifica- 
tions and  Works, 

Air  Defence  of  Great  Britain. 

Assistant  Director-General  of 
Medical  Services. 

Assistant  Director  of  Hygiene. 


Assistant  Deputy  Judge  Ad- 
vocate General. 


Assistant  Director  of  Medical 

Assistant  Director  of  Ordnance 

Assistant  Director  of  Supplies 
and  Transport. 


Assistant  Director  of  Veterinary 


Air  Efficiency  Award. 

Allied  Expeditionary  Air 

Army  Educational  Corps. 

American  Expeditionary  Forces. 

Air  Efficiency  Medal. 

JBtdfo  (aged). 


A.E.U. .  ,  Amalgamated  Engineering 

A.F.C.  .      .    Air  Force  Cross. 

A.F.H.Q.    ,    Allied  Force  Headquarters. 

A.F.I.A.  .  Associate  of  Federal  Institute 
of  Accountants  (Aust.). 

A.F.I. Ac.S..  Associate  Fellow  Institute  of 
Aeronautical  Sciences  (U.S.). 

A.F.R.Ae.S.  Associate  Fellow  Royal  Aero- 
nautical Society. 

A.F.V. .      .    Armoured  Fighting  Vehicles. 

A.G,  .  .  Attorney  -  General ;  Adjutant- 

A.G.I.  .  ,  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
Certificated  Grocers. 

A.H.Q..      .    Army  Headquarters. 

A.H.W.C.  .  Associate  of  Heriot-Watt  Col- 
lege, Edinburgh. 

A.I.A.  .  .  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
Actuaries ;  American  Insti- 
tute of  Architects. 

A.I.A.E.  .  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
Automobile  Engineers. 

A.I.B.D.  .  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
British  Decorators. 

A.I.B.P.  .  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
British  Photographers. 

A.I.C.A.  Associate  Member  Common- 
wealth Institute  of  Account- 

A.I.C.E.  .  Associate  of  the  Institution  of 
Civil  Engineers. 

A.I.E.E.  .  Associate  Institution  of  Elec- 
trical Engineers. 

A.I.F*  .      .    Australian  Imperial  Forces. 

A.I.G.  .      .    Adjutant-Inspector-General. 

A.LLA.  .  Associate  Insurance  Institute 
of  America. 

A.I.L.  .  .  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 

A.I.Loco.E.  Associate  of  Institute  of  Loco- 
motive Engineers, 

A.I.Mar.E,,  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 
Marine  Engineers. 

A.Inst.P.I. ,  Associate  of  the  Institute  of 

A.I.S.A.  .  Associate  of  the  Incorporated 
Secretaries'  Association. 

A  J.A.G.  .  Assistant  Judge  Advocate  Gen- 

A.K.C.  .  .  Associate  of  King's  College 

A.L.A.  .  .  Associate  of  the  Library  Asso- 

Ala,     .      .    Alabama  (U.S.). 

A.L.A.A.  .  Associate  of  the  London  As- 
sociation of  Certified  Ac- 
countants (name  now 
changed ;  see  A.A.C.C.A.). 

A.L.C.M,  .  Associate  London  College  of 

A.L.F.S.E.A.  Allied  Land  Forces  South-East 

A.L.I.  .      .    Argyll  Light  Infantry. 

A.L.S.  .  ,  Associate  of  the  Linnsean 

Alta.    .      .    Alberta. 

A.M,  .  .  Master  of  Arts  (U.S.);  Alpes 
Maritimes ;  Albert  Medal. 

A.M.F..      .    Australian  Military  Forces. 

A.M.G.O.T.  Allied  Military  Government  of 
Occupied  Territory, 

Advertisements  12 


VIVISECTION  means  scientific  experiments  on 
living  animals.  Many  of  these  experiments  cause 
very  great  pain. 

IT  IS  CLAIMED  by  pro-vivisectionists  that 
animal  experimentation  is  advancing  the  science 
of  medicine.  On  the  other  hand,  doctors  of  the 
highest  standing  and  qualifications  have  denied 

THE  CASE  against  what  is  commonly  known  as 
vivisection  is  founded  in  the  main  on  a  very  simple 
proposition : — That  it  is  base  and  cowardly  to 
attempt  to  derive  some  advantage  from  inflicting 
cruel  suffering  on  dogs  and  other  defenceless 

THAT  PROPOSITION  takes  into  consideration 
not  only  the  suffering  of  the  victimized  creatures 
but  the  disastrous  hardening  of  the  human  heart 
which  must  result  from  practising  and  tolerating 

THE  EVIDENCE  that  vivisection  is  often  ex- 
ceedingly cruel  is  overwhelming.  Apart  from 
the  fact  that  our  law  governing  this  practice 
explicitly  sanctions  the  infliction  of  "  severe  pain," 
there  is  the  testimony  of  the  experimenters  them- 
selves as  published  in  their  scientific  journals. 

Particulars  of  Cruel  Experiments  on 
animals  can  be  obtained  from — 



TELEPHONE  :  Victoria  4705 

All  contributions,  however  small,  help  our  Cause. 
Monthly  Journal  the  "ANIMALS'  DEFENDER." 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

A.M.I.A.E. .  Associated  Member  of  Institute 
of  Automobile  Engineers. 

A.M. I.E. A. .  Associate  Member  of  Institute 
of  Engineers,  Australia. 

A.M.I.E.E. .  Associate  Member  of  Institu- 
tion of  Electrical  Engineers. 

A.M.I.E.  (Ind.)  Associate  Member,  Insti- 
tution of  Engineers,  India. 

A.M.I.Mech.E.  Associate  Member  Institution 
of  Mechanical  Engineers. 

A.M.I.Min.E.  Associate  Member  of  Institu- 
tion of  Mining  Engineers. 

A.M.I.N.A.  Associate  Member  Institution 
of  Naval  Architects. 

A.M.Inst.B.E.  Associate  Member  of  the 
Institution  of  British 

A.M.Inst.C.E.  Associate  Member  of  Institu- 
tion of  Civil  Engineers. 

A.M.Inst.T.  Associate  Member  of  the  In- 
stitute of  Transport. 

A.M.I.Struct.E.  Associate  Member  of  the 
Institution  of  Structural 

A.M.S.  .  Assistant  Military  Secretary; 
Army  Medical  Service. 

A.M.T.P.I. .  Associate  of  Town  Planning 

A.N.A..  .  Associate  National  Academi- 
cian (America). 

Anat.   .       .     Anatomy:  Anatomical. 

A.N.E.C.  Inst.  Associate  of  N.E.  Coast 
Institution  of  Engineers  and 

Anon.  .       .     Anonymously. 

A.O.A. .  .  Air  Officer  in  charge  of  Ad- 

A.O.C.  .       .     Air  Officer  Commanding. 

A.O.C.-in-C.  Air  Officer  Commanding- in- 

A.O.D. .       .    Army  Ordnance  Department. 

A.O.E.R.  .  Array  Officers  Emergency  Re- 

AJP.D. .       .     Army  Pay  Department. 

A.P.S.  .       .     Aborigines  Protection  Society. 

A.Q.M.G.  .  Assistant -Quartermaster -Gen- 

A.R.A.  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Aca- 

A.R.Ae.S.  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Aero- 
nautical Society. 

A.R.A.M.  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy of  Music. 

A.R.B.C.  .  Associate  Royal  British  Colonial 
Society  of  Artists. 

A.R.B.S.  .  Associate  Royal  Society  of 
British  Sculptors. 

A.R.G. .       .     Architects' Registration  Council. 

A.R.C.A.  .  Associate  Royal  Cambrian 
Academy;  Associate  Royal 
Canadian  Academy. 

A.R.C.A.  (Lond.)  Associate  Royal  College 
of  Art. 

A  R.C.E.  .  Academical  Rant  of  Civil  En- 

Archt.        .    Architect. 

A.R.C.M.  .  Associate  Royal  College  of 

A.R.C.O.  .  Associate  Royal  College  of 

A.R.C.S.  .  Associate  Royal  College  of 

A.R.E.  .  .  Associate  of  Royal  Society  of 
Painter  Etchers. 

A.R.I.B.  A. .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Institute 
of  British  Architects. 

A.R.I.C.  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Insti- 
tute of  Chemistry. 

A.R.I.C.S.  .  Professional  Associate  of  the 
Royal  Institution  of  Char- 
tered Surveyors. 

Ark.     .       .     Arkansas  (U.S.). 

A.R.M.S.  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Society 
of  Miniature  Painters. 

A.R.P. .       .     Air  Raid  Precautions. 

A.R.P.S,  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Photo- 
graphic Society. 

A.R.R.C.  .  Associate  of  the  Royal  Red 

A.R.S.A.  .  Associate  Royal  Scottish 

A.R.S.M.  .  Associate  Royal  School  of 

A.R.T.C.  .  Associate  Royal  Technical  Col- 
lege (Glasgow). 

A.R.V.I.A.  Associate  Royal  Victorian  In- 
stitute of  Architects. 

A.R.W.A.  .  Associate  lloyal  West  of  Eng- 
land Academy. 

A.R.W.S.  .  Associate  Royal  Society  of 
Painters  in  Water-Colours. 

A.S.       .       .     Anglo-Saxon. 

A.S.A.A.  .  Associate  of  the  Society  of  In- 
corporated Accountants  and 

A.S.A.M.  .  Associate  of  the  Society  of  Art 

A.S.C.  .       .     Army  Service  Corps. 

A.S.E.  .  .  Amalgamated  Society  of  En- 

Assoc.  I.N.A.  Associate  of  the  Institution  of 
Naval  Architects. 

Assoc.  I.S.I.  Associate  of  Iron  and  Steel 

Assoc.M.C.T.  Associateship  of  Manchester 
College  of  Technology. 

Assoc.M.I.Ae.E.  Associate  Member  Institu- 
tion of  Aeronautical  En- 

Assoc.  Sc.  .     Associate  in  Science. 

Asst.    .       .     Assistant. 

Astr.    .       .     Astronomy. 

A.S.W.  .  Association  of  Scientific 

A.T.A. .       .     Air  Transport  Auxiliary. 

A.T.C.  .       .     Air  Training  Corps. 

A.T.C.L.  .  Associate  of  Trinity  College  of 
Music,  London. 

Ath.      .       .     Athabasca  (Canada). 

A.T.S,  .       .     Auxiliary  Territorial  Service. 

Av.       .       .     Avenue. 

A.V.D.         .     Army  Veterinary  Department. 


b.  .       .       .     born;  brother. 

B.A.      .       .     Bachelor  of  Arts. 

B.A.F.O.  .  British  Air  Forces  of  Occupa- 

B.A.I.  .  .  Bachelor  of  Engineering  (Bac- 
calarius  in  Arte  Ingeniaria). 

B.A.O..        .     Bachelor  of  Obstetrics. 

B.A.O.R.     .     British  Army  of  the  Rhine. 

Barr.    .       .    Barrister. 

Bart,  or  Bt.     Baronet. 

B.A.S.  .  .  Bachelor  in  Agricultural 

Batt.     .       .     Battery. 

B.B.  &  C.LRly.  Bombay,  Baroda  and  Cen- 
tral India  Railway. 

B.B.C.  .  .  British  Broadcasting  Corpora- 

B.C.  .  .  Before  Christ;  British  Col- 

3.Ch.  or  B.Chir.    Bachelor  of  Surgery. 

B.C.L.  .       .     Bachelor  of  Civil  Law. 

B.C.M.S.  .  Bible  Churchmen's  Missionary 

B.C.O.F.  .  British  Commonwealth  Occupa- 
tion Force. 

J.Com.        .     Bachelor  of  Commerce. 

5.C.S.   .       .     Bengal  Civil  Service. 

B.D.      .       .    Bachelor  of  Divinity. 

Bd.       .       .    Board. 

B.D.A. .       .     British  Dental  Association. 

Bde.     .       .    Brigade. 

B.E.  .  .  Bachelorof  Engineering;  British 

B.E.A.  .  .  British  East  Africa;  British 
European  Airways. 

Beds.    .       .     Bedfordshire. 

B.E.F.  .       .    British  Expeditionary  Force. 

I.E.M.         .     British  Empire  MedaL 

Jerks.        .    Berkshire. 

B.G.S.  .       .     Brigadier  General  Staff. 

l.L.      .       .     Bachelor  of  Law. 

I.L.A.  .       .    British  Liberation  Army. 

B.L.E.  .  .  Brotherhood  of  Locomotive  En- 





Association   has   Branches  and    District 
JL       Societies  in  the  principal  towns  of  Great 
Britain,  Northern  Ireland,  and  Eire,  and  also  in 
South  Africa,  Malaya,  and  the  British  West  Indies. 

The  membership  of  the  Association  is  ap- 
proximately 7,800.  Designation  of  members  is 
Certified  Accountant. 

Members  are  not  allowed  to  advertise  or  issue 
circulars  for  business. 

Admission  can  be  obtained  only  by  passing 
the  necessary  examinations  and  satisfying  the 
Council  as  to  practical  experience  and  character. 

The  examinations  of  the  Association  are  held 
twice  yearly  in  the  principal  towns  of  Great 
Britain,  Northern  Ireland,  Eire,  and  once  yearly 
in  selected  centres  abroad. 

By  taking  the  Accountant's  University  Course 
it  is  possible  to  obtain  a  degree  and  a  professional 

Enquiries  should  be  addressed  to  the  Secretary 
of  the  Association  at : 

22  BEDFORD  SQ.,  LONDON,  W.C.i 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

B.Litt.  . 

Bachelor  of  Letters.                     Ch.Ch. 

Christ  Church. 


British  Medical  Association. 

Ch.  Coll.      . 

Christ's  College. 

B.M.J.  . 

British  Medical  Journal. 

Ch.M.  . 

Master  of  Surgery. 

Bn.       . 


Chm.    . 


B.N.A.F.      . 

British  North  Africa  Force. 


Imperial  Order  of  the  Crown  of 

B.N.C.  . 

Brasenose  College. 

India  ;  Channel  Islands. 

B.N.O.C.      . 

British  National   Opera  Com- 


Central  Institute  of  Art  and 

B.O.A.C.      . 

British  Overseas  Airways  Cor- 

C.I.D.   . 

Criminal  Investigation  Depart- 



Bom.  C.S.    . 

Bombay  Civil  Service. 

C.I.E.    . 

Companion  of  the  Order  of  the 

Bom.  S.C.   . 

Bombay  Staff  Corps. 

Indian  Empire. 

Bot.      .       . 

Botany;  Botanical. 


Chief  of  the  Imperial  General 




BJl.      .       . 

British  Hallways. 

C.I.Mar.E.  . 

Companion  of  the  Institute  of 

B.R.A.  . 

Brigadier  Royal  Artillery. 

Marine  Engineers. 

B.R.C.S.       . 
Brig.    . 

British  Bed  Cross  Society. 


Companion  of  the  Institution 
of  Mechanical  Engineers. 

B.S.       .       . 

Bachelor  of  Surgery  ;  Bachelor 



of  Science. 

Cir.       . 


B.S.A.  . 

Bachelor  of  Scientific  Agricul- 
ture ;      Birmingham    Small 

C.I.V.   . 

City  Imperial  Volunteers. 
Chief  Justice. 


C.J.M.  . 

Congregation  of  Jesus  and  Mary 

B.S.A.A.      . 

British   South  American  Air- 

(Eudist  Fathers). 



Commander  of  Order  of  Leo- 

B.S.A.P.     . 

British  South  Africa  Police. 


B.S.C.    . 

Bengal  Staff  Corps. 



B.Sc.     . 

Bachelor  of  Science. 

C.M.      . 

Congregation    of  the    Mission 

B.Sc.  (Dent.) 

Bachelor  of  Science  in  Dent- 

(Vincentians) ;      Master     in 


Surgery;  Certificated  Master; 

B.S.F.    . 

British  Salonica  Force. 

Canadian  Militia. 

B.T.A.  . 

Baronet;  Brevet. 
British  Troops,  Austria. 

C.M.F.  . 

Central  Midwives'  Board. 
Commonwealth  Military  Forces 

B.T.C.  . 

British  Transport  Commission. 

Central  Mediterranean  Force. 

B.T.E.  . 

British  Troops  in  Egypt. 

C.M.G.  , 

Companion  of  St.  Michael  and 

B.Th.    .       . 

Bachelor  of  Theology. 

St.  George. 


Blessed  Virgin  Mary. 

C.M.S.  . 

Church  Missionary  Society. 



C.N.R.  . 

Canadian  National  Railways. 


British  West  Indies. 

C.O.       . 

Commanding  Officer;   Colonial 

B.W.M.       . 

British  War  Medal. 



County;  Company. 

C.  of  E. 

Church  of  England. 

Co.  L.  or  Coal 

.  L.    Coalition  Liberal. 

Col.       . 

Colony;  Colonel. 


Coll.     . 

College;  Collegiate. 

Colo.     . 

Colorado  (U.S.). 

(C.)        .       . 

Conservative;  100. 

Col.-Sergt.  . 


c.   .       . 

Child;  cousin. 

Com.    . 


C.A.       . 

Central      America  ;       County 



Alderman;     Chartered    Ac- 
countant (Scotland). 



Cat.       . 

California  (U.S.). 


Companion  of  the  Institution 



of  Electrical  Engineers. 

C.A.M.W.  . 

Central  Association  for  Mental 




Corny.  -Gen. 

Commissary-  General  . 


Of  Cambridge  University. 

Conn.  . 

Connecticut  (U.S.). 

Capt.    . 
C.A.S.   . 

Chief  of  the  Air  Staff. 

Corp.    . 
Corr.  Mem. 

Corporation;  Corporal. 
Corresponding  Member  or  Fel- 

Cav.     . 


or  Fell. 


C.B.       . 

Companion  of  the  Bath. 

c.o.s.  . 

Charity  Organisation  Society. 

C.B.E.   . 

Commander  Order  of  the  British 

Co.  U.  or  Coal 

.  U.    Coalition  Unionist. 


C.P.       . 

Central  Provinces;    Cape  Pro- 

C.B.S.A.      . 

Clay  Bird  Shooting  Associa- 



C.P.R.  . 

Canadian  Pacific  Railway. 

C.C.       . 

County  Council  ;  Cricket  Club  ; 

C.P.R.E.      . 

Council  for  the  Preservation  of 

C.C.C.    . 

Cycling  Club;  County  Court. 
Corpus  Christi  College  ;  Central 

C.R.      . 

Rural  England. 
Community  of  the  Resurrec- 

Criminal Court. 


C.C.G.   . 

Control  Commission  Germany. 



C.C.R.A.      . 

Commander       Corps       Royal 


created  or  creation. 


C.R.A.  . 

Commander,  Royal  Artillery. 

C.C.S.    .       . 

Casualty     Clearing      Station  ; 

C.R.E.  . 

Commander,  Royal  Engineers. 

Ceylon  Civil  Service. 

Cres.     . 



Canada  Forces  Decoration. 

C.R.O.  . 

Chief  Recruiting  Officer. 

Cdre.    .       . 



Civil  Service. 


Civil  Engineer. 

C.S.C.    . 

Conspicuous  Service  Cross. 

C.E.M.A.     . 

Council  for  the  Encouragement 

C.S.I.     . 

Companion  of  the  Order  of  the 

of  Music  and  the  Arts. 

Star  of  India. 


Church    of    England    Mens' 


Commonwealth     Council     for 


Scientific  and  Industrial  Re- 

C.E.T.S.      . 

Church  of  England  Temperance 



C.S.O.   . 

Chief  Signal  Officer. 

C.F.       . 

Chaplain  to  the  Forces. 

C.S.P.    . 

Chartered  Society  of  Physio- 

C.F.A. . 

Canadian  Field  Artillery. 


C.G.S.   .       . 

Chief  of  General  Staff. 


Congregation  of  the  Most  Holy 

C.H.      . 

Companion  of  Honour. 

Redeemer        (Redemptorist 


Chancellor;  Chancery. 


Chap.   . 


C.St.J.  . 

Commander  of  the  Order  of  St. 

Chap.  St.  J. 

Chaplain  of  Order  of  St.  John 

John  of  Jerusalem. 

of  Jerusalem. 

C.T.C.   . 

Cyclists'  Touring  Club. 

Ch.B.    .       . 

Bachelor  of  Surgery, 

c.u.     .     . 

Cambridge  University. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1931 




DEVON  PORT  (1 876) 
GOSPORT  (1942) 

Co-Founders : 
The  late  Dame  Agnes  E.  Weston,  G.B.E.,  LL.D. 

The  late  Dame  Sophia  G.  Wintz,  D.B.E. 
Trustee  m  Charge:  Mrs  Bernard  Currey,  M.B.E. 

Both  Rests  have  been  destroyed   by  enemy  action  and  are  carrying  on 

in  temporary  premises. 

Funds  are   URGENTLY   needed  to  meet  the  expense  of  replacing  the 

blitzed  buildings,  and  to  enable  the  Spiritual  and  Temperance  work  to  be 



Not  subject  to  Nationalisation.     If  you  are  interested  will  you  please  write  for  descriptive  booklet 


Contributions  should  be  sent    to   The    Treasurer,  Royal   Sailors'  Rests,   Buckingham   Street, 
Portsmouth.     Cheques,  etc.,  to  be  crossed. 

C.U.A.C.  .  Cambridge  University  Athletic 

C.U.A.F.C.  .  Cambridge  University  Associa- 
tion Football  Club. 

C.U.B.C.  .  Cambridge  University  Boat 

C.U.C.C.      .     Cambridge  Univ.  Cricket  Club. 

C.U.R.F.C.  .  Cambridge  University  Rugby 
Football  Club. 

C.V.O,  .  .  Commander  of  the  Royal  Vic- 
torian Order. 


D.  .       .       .     Duke. 

d.  .       .       .     Died;  daughter. 

D.A.     .       .     Diploma  in  Anaesthesia. 

D. A. (Ed in.)  Diploma  of  Edinburgh  College 
of  Art. 

D.A.A.  &  Q.M.G.  Deputy  Assistant  Ad- 
jutant and  Quartermaster- 

D.A.A.G.  .  Deputy  -  Assistant  -  Adjutant  - 

D.A.  &  Q.M.G.  Deputy  Adjutant  and 

D.A.C.G.  .  Deputy  Assistant  Chaplain- 

D.A.D. .       .     Deputy  Assistant  Director. 

D.A.D.M.S.  Deputy  Assistant  Director  of 
Medical  Services. 

D.A.D.O.S. .  Deputy  Assistant  Director  of 
Ordnance  Services. 

D.A.D.Q.  .  Deputy  Assistant  Director  of 

D.A.D.S.T.  .  Deputy  Assistant  Director  of 
Supplies  and  Transport. 

D.A.G. .       .     Deputy-Adjutant-GeneraL 

D.A.Q.M.G.  Deputy  -  Assistant  -  Quarter  - 

D.A.Sc.       .     Doctor  in  Agricultural  Sciences. 

D.B.E.  .  .  Dame  Commander  Order  of  the 
British  Empire. 

D.C.      .       .     District  of  Columbia  (U.S.). 

D.C.A.S.      .     Deputy  Chief  of  the  Air  Staff. 

D.C.G.  .       .     Deputy  Chaplain-General. 

D.C.G.S.  .  Deputy  Chief  of  the  General 
Staff  (on  the  Field). 

D.Ch.    .       .     Doctor  of  Surgery. 

D.C.H.  .       .     Diploma  in  Child  Health. 

D.C.I.G.S.  .  Deputy  Chief  of  the  Imperial 
General  Staff. 

D.C.L.  .       .     Doctor  of  Civil  Law. 

D.C.L.I.  .  Duke  of  Cornwall's  Light 

D.C.M. ,       .     Distinguished  Conduct  Medal. 

D.Cn.L.  Doctor  of  Canon  Law. 

D.C.S.  (or  Sc.)  Doctor  of  Commercial  Sciences. 

D.C.T.  .       .     Doctor  of  Christian  Theology. 

D.C.V.O.  .  Dame  Commander  of  Royal 
Victorian  Order. 

D.D.      .       .     Doctor  of  Divinity. 

D.DX.  .       .     Deputy  Director  of  Labour. 

D.D.M.I.  .  Deputy  Director  of  Military 

D.D.M.S.  .  Deputy  Director  of  Medical 

D.D.N.I.  .  Deputy  Director  of  Naval  In- 

D.D.P.S.  .  Deputy  Director  of  Personal 
Services  (Naval). 

D.D.R.A.  .  Deputy  Director  Royal  Artil- 

D.D.S.  .  .  Doctor  of  Dental  Surgery; 
Director  of  Dental  Services 

D.D.Sc.  .  Doctor  of  Dental  Science  (Mel- 

D.D.S.D.      .     Deputy  Director  Staff  Duties. 

D.D.S.T.  .  Deputy  Director  of  Supplies 
and  Transport. 

Deed.   .       .     Deceased. 

deg.      .       .     Degree. 

Del.      .       .     Delaware  (U.S.). 

D.Eng.         .     Doctor  of  Engineering. 

D.E.O.V.R.  Duke  of  Edinburgh's  Own 
Volunteer  Rifles. 

Dep.      .       .     Deputy. 

Dent.    .       .     Department. 

D.  es  L.       .     Docteur-es-lettres. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

D.F.C.  .       . 

Distinguished  Flying  Cross. 


Diploma  in  Tropical  Medicine. 

D.G.      . 

Dragoon  Guards. 


Docteur    de    1'  University    de 


Director-General  Army  Medical 




Diploma  in  Veterinary  Hygiene. 

D.G.M.S.     . 

Director-General     of    Medical 

D.V.S.M.     . 

Diploma  in   Veterinary   State 



D.G.M.W.  . 

Director  -  General  of  Military 


D.G.P.  .       . 

Director-General  of  Personnel. 

D.G.St.J.     . 

Dame  of  Grace,  Order  of  St. 


John  of  Jerusalem. 

D.H.L.  . 

Doctor  of  Hebrew  Literature. 

E.   .        . 

East;  Earl. 


District  Head  Quarters. 

e.   . 


D.I.C.    .        . 

Diploma  of  the  Imperial  College. 

E.A.P.  . 

East  Africa  Protectorate. 

D.I.G.   . 

Deputy  Inspector-General. 

Ebor.    . 

(Eboracensis)  of  York. 

D.I.H.  . 

Diploma  in  Industrial  Health. 


East  Central  (postal  district). 

Dioc.    . 

Diocese;  Diocesan. 

E.C.A.  . 

Economic     Co-operation     Ad- 

Div.     . 

Division;  Divorced. 


D.J.A.G.      . 

Deputy       Judge       Advocate 

Eccl.     . 
E.C.U.  . 

English  Church  Union. 

DJ.St.J.      . 

Dame  of  Justice  of  St.  John  of 




E.D.      . 

Efficiency  Decoration. 

D.L.       . 


Edin.    . 


D.L.C.  . 

Diploma  Loughborough  College. 

Edn.     . 


D.L.I.    . 

Durham  Light  Infantry. 

Educ.   . 


D.Litt.  or  D.Lit.    Doctor      of      Literature; 

Edw.    . 


Doctor  of  Letters. 

E.E.       . 

Early  English. 

D.L.O.  . 
D.M.     . 

Diploma  in  Laryngology  and 
Doctor  of  Medicine. 

E.E.F.   . 

Egyptian  Expeditionary  Force. 
East  Indian  ;  East  Indies. 
East  India  Company's  Service. 

D.M.I.  . 

Director    of   Military    Intelli- 




E.M.S.  . 

Emergency  Medical  Service. 


Diploma  in  Medical  Radiology. 

Ency.  Brit. 

Encyclopaedia  Britannica. 

D.M.R.E.     . 

Diploma  in  Medical  Radiology 

Eng.      .       . 


and  Electrology. 




Director  of  Medical  Services. 

E.N.S.A.      . 

Entertainments  National  Ser- 


Doctor  of  Music. 

vice  Association. 


Director  of  Military  Training. 



D.N.B.  . 

Dictionary    of   National   Bio- 

esp.     . 



Ext.      .       . 


D.N.I.   . 

Director  of  Naval  InteUigence. 

D.O.      . 

Diploma  in  Ophthalmology. 

D.O.C.  . 

District  Officer  Commanding. 

Doc.  Eng.    . 

Doctor  of  Engineering. 


D.O.L.  . 

Doctor  of  Oriental  Learning. 

Dom.    , 


F.A.      . 

Football  Association. 

D.O.M.S.     . 

Diploma  in  Ophth.  Med.  and 

F.A.A.S.      . 

Fellow  of  the  American  Aca- 


demy  of  Arts  and  Sciences. 

D.O.S.  . 

Director  of  Ordnance  Services. 

F.A.C.C.A.  . 

Fellow  of  the  Association  of 

Dow.    . 


Certified  and  Corporate  Ac- 

D.P.A. . 

Diploma  in  Public  Administra- 

countants (and  see  F.L.A.A.). 

tion;    Discharged  Prisoners' 

F.A.C.D.      . 

Fellow  of  the  American  College 


of  Dentistry. 

D.P.H.  . 

Diploma  in  Public  Health. 


Fellow  of  the  Australian  Chemi- 

D.Pli. or  D.Phil.    Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

cal  Institute. 


Diploma  in  Psychological  Medi- 

F.A.C.P.     . 

Fellow  of  American  College  of 



D.P.S.  . 

Director  of  Personal  Services 


Fellow  of  American  College  of 

(Naval)  ;    Director  of  Postal 



F.A.G.S.      . 

Fellow  American  Geographical 

D.Q.M.G.     . 

Deputy  Quartermaster-General. 




Fahr.   . 


D.R.A.C.     . 

Director   Royal  Armoured 

F.A.I.   . 

Fellow  of  Auctioneers'  Insti- 



Dr.  Oec.  Pol. 
D.S.C.   . 

Doctor  Oeconomiae  Politicae. 
Distinguished  Service  Cross. 

F.A.N.Y.      . 
F.A.O.  . 

First  Aid  Nursing  Yeomanry. 
Food  and  Agricultural  Organ- 

D.Sc.    . 

Doctor  of  Science. 


D.S.D.  . 

Docteur  en  sciences  agricoles. 
Director  Staff  Duties. 


Fellow  American  Public  Health 

D.S.I.R.       . 

Dept.    of   Scientific    and    In- 

FarE.L.F. . 

Far  East  Land  Forces. 

D.S.M.  . 

dustrial  Research. 
Distinguished  Service  Medal. 

F.B.A.  . 

Fellow  of  the  British  Academy. 
FeUow  of  the   British  Horo- 

D.S.O.  . 

Companion  of  the  Distinguished 

logical  Institute. 

Service  Order. 

F.B.I.    . 

Federation   of  British   Indus- 

D.S.P. . 

Director  of  Selection  of  Per- 


d.S.p.    . 

decessit  sine  prole  (died  without 

F.B.O.A.      . 

Fellow  of  British  Optical  As- 


F.B.O.U.      . 

Fellow   British    Ornithologists 

D.S.S.    . 
D.S.T.  .        . 

Doctor  of  Sacred  Scripture. 
Director  of  Supplies  and  Trans- 


Fellow  of  British  Institution 


of  Radio  Engineers. 

D.St.J.  . 

Dame  of  the  Order  of  St.  John 

F.B.Ps.S.     . 

Fellow  of  British  Psychological 

of  Jerusalem. 


D.T.D.  . 

Dekoratie  voor  Trouwe  Dienst 

F.B.S.   . 

Fellow  Building  Societies  In- 

(Decoration for  Devoted  Ser- 


D.T.H.  . 
D.Theol.     . 
D.Th.P.T.  . 

Diploma  in  Tropical  Hygiene. 
Doctor  of  Theology. 
Diploma  in  Theory  and  Prac- 

F.B.S.M.      . 

Fellow  of  Boot  and  Shoe  In- 
Fellow    of    the    Birmingham 
School  of  Music. 

tice   of  Teaching   (Durham 

F.C.A.  . 

Fellow  of  the  Institute  of  Char- 


tered  Accountants. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 




for  Probate,  Insurance  and  Family  Division  at  a  fee  of 
1  per  cent  up  to  £10,000  and  £  per  cent  on  any  sum  in 
excess,  with  a  minimum  fee : — 

In  LoHdon        . .         . .       £550 
In  the  country  . .         . .     £10  10    0 

not  including  travelling  expenses 

Note.  Inclusive  fees  can  be  quoted  for  Valuations  of  the  contents 
of  large  Country  Houses. 

Sotheby  and  Co.  are  pleased  to  arrange  visits  of  inspection  to  advise 
about  the  Sale  of  Literary  Property,  Works  of  Art,  Pictures,  and 

Founded  in  1744  by 


Telegrams:  Abinitio — Wesdo — 

Telephone:  Regent  6545 

Samuel  Baker 

F.C.G.I.  Fellow  of  City  and  Guilds  of 

London  Institute. 

F.C.H.  .  Fellow  of  Coopers  Hill  College. 

F.Cti.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Society  of  Cmr- 

F.C.I.C.  .  Fellow  of  Canadian  Institute  of 

F.C.I.I.  .  Fellow  of  the  Chartered  Insur- 
ance Institute 

F.C.I.P.A.  .  Fellow  of  the  Chartered  Insti- 
tute of  Patent  Agents. 

F.C.I.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Chartered  Insti- 
tute of  Secretaries. 

F.C.P.  .       .     Fellow  College  of  Preceptors. 

F.C.S.    .  Fellow  of  the  Chemical  Society, 

F.C.S.T.  .  Fellow  of  the  College  of  Speech 

F.G.T.  .       .     Federal  Capital  Territory. 

F.C.T.B.  .  Fellow  of  the  College  of 
Teachers  of  the  Blind. 

F.C.W.A.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of  Cost 
and  Works  Accountants. 

F.E.I.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Educational  Insti- 
tute of  Scotland. 

F.E.S.  .  .  Fellow  of  the  Entomological 
Society ;  Fellow  of  the  Eth- 
nological Society. 

F.F.      .       .     Field  Force. 

F.F.A.  .  .  Fellow  of  Faculty  of  Actuaries 
(in  Scotland). 

F.F.A.B..C.S.  Fellow  of  Faculty  of  Anaes- 
thetists, Royal  College  of 

F.F.A.S.  .  Fellow  of  Faculty  of  Architects 
and  Surveyors,  London. 

F.F.F.  .       .    righting  French  Forces. 

F.F.Hom.  .  Fellow  of  Faculty  of  Homoeo- 

F.F.I.    .       .    French  Forces  of  the  Interior. 

F.F.P.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Faculty  of 
Physicians  and  Surgeons 

F.F.R.  .  .  Fellow  of  Faculty  of  Radio- 

F.F.Sc.  Fellow     of    the     Faculty     of 


F.G.A.  .  Fellow  Gemmological  Associa- 


F.G.I.   .  Fellow    of    the    Institute    of 

Certificated  Grocers. 

F.G.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Geological  Society. 

F.G.S.M.  .  Fellow  of  G-uildhall  School  of 

F.H.A.S.  .  Fellow  of  Highland  and  Agri- 
cultural Society  of  Scotland. 

F.I.A.   .       .     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Actuaries. 

F.I.A.A.  &  S.  Fellow  of  the  Incorporated 
Association  of  Architects  and 

F.I.Ae.S.  .  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Aero- 
nautical Sciences. 

F.I.Arfc.  .  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Arbi- 

F.I.A.S.  .  Fellow  Institute  of  Aeronautical 
Sciences  (America). 

F.I.B.          .     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Bankers. 

F.I.B.D.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of  British 

F.I.B.P.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 
British  Photographers. 

F.I.C.    .  See  FJR.I.C. 

F.I.C.I.  .  Fellow  of  the  International 
Colonial  Institute. 

F.I.C.S.  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Chartered 


F.I.D.   .       .     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Directors. 

F.I.E.S.  .  Fellow  of  Illuminating  Engin- 
eering Society. 

F.I.G.C.M.  .  Fellow  Incorporated  Guild  of 
Church  Musicians. 

F.I.I.A.  .  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Industrial 

F.I.Inst.      .     Fellow  of  the  Imperial  Institute. 

F.I.L.  .  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 

F.IX.A.  .  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Land- 
scape Architects. 

F.I.M.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institution   of 



WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

.  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of  the 
Motor  Industry. 

F.I.M.T.  .  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Motor 

F.I.N,  .  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of  Navi- 

F.Inst.F.     .     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Fuel. 

F.Inst.Met.     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Metals. 

F.Inst.P.     .     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Physics. 

F.Inst.Pet..  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 

F.Inst.P. I.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 
Patentees  (Incorporated). 

F.Inst.W.  ,  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 

F.I.O.  .  .  Fellow  of  the  Institute  of 
Ophthalmic  Opticians. 

F.I.O.B.       .     Fellow  of  Institute  of  Builders. 

F.I.R.A.(Ind.)  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Rail- 
way Auditors  and  Account- 
ants (India). 

F.I.R.E.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institution  of 
Radio  Engineers. 

F.I.R.I.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institution  of  the 
Rubber  Industry. 

F.I.S.A.  .  Fellow  of  the  Incorporated 
Secretaries'  Association. 

F.I.S.E,  .  Fellow  Institution  of  Sanitary 

F.I.W.M.  .  Fellow  of  the  Institution  of 
Works  Managers. 

F.J.I.  .  .  Fellow  of  Institute  of  Jour- 

F.K.C.  .  .  Fellow  of  King's  College 

F.L.A.  .       .     Fellow  of  Library  Association. 

Fla.      .       .     Florida  (U.S.). 

F.L.A.A.  .  Fellow  of  the  Association  of 
Certified  and  Corporate  Ac- 
countants (name  now 
changed ;  see  F.A.C.C.A.). 

F.L.A.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Land  Agents 

F.L.C.M.  .  Fellow  of  the  London  College 
of  Music. 

F.L.H.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  London  Historical 

F.L.S.          .     Fellow  of  the  Linnsean  Society. 

F.M.  .     Field-Marshal. 

F.M.S.         .     Federated  Malay  States. 

F.N.I.  .  Fellow  of  National  Institute  of 
Sciences  in  India. 

F.O.  .     Foreign  Office ;  Field  Officer. 

F.O.I.G        .     Flag  Officer  in  charge. 

F.Ph.S  .  Fellow  of  the  Philosophical 
Society  of  England. 

F.Phys.S.   .    Fellow  of  the  Physical  Society. 

F.R.A.C.P.  .  Fellow  Royal  Australasian  Col- 
lege of  Physicians. 

F.R.A.C.S*  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Austra- 
lasian College  of  Surgeons. 

F.R.Ae.S.  ,  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Aero- 
nautical Society. 

F.R.A.H.S. ,  Fellow  Royal  Australian  His- 
torical Society. 

F. R.A.I.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Anthropo- 
logical Institute. 

F.R.A.I.A.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Australian 
Institute  of  Architects. 

F.R.A.M.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Academy 
of  Music. 

F.R.A.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Astro- 
nomical Society;  Fellow  of 
the  Royal  Asiatic  Society. 

F.R.A.S.B.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Asiatic  Society 
of  Bengal. 

F.R.B.S.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Society  of 
British  Seulptors ;  Fellow  of 
of  the  Royal  Botanic  Society. 

F.R.C.M.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 

F.R.C.O.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 

F.R.C.O.  (CHM)  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College 
of  Organists  with  Diploma  in 
Choir  Training. 

F.R.C.O.G.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 
Obstetricians  and  Gynsecolo- 

FJR.C.P.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 

F.R.C.P.E.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 
Physicians  of  Edinburgh. 

F.R.C.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 

F.R.C.S.I.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 
Surgeons  in  Ireland. 

F.R.C.V.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  College  of 
Veterinary  Surgeons. 

F.R.Econ.S.  Fellow  of  Royal  Economic 

F.R.E.S.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Empire 
Society;  Fellow  of  Royal 
Entomological  Society  of 

F.R.F.P.S.(G.)  Fellow  of  Royal  Faculty  of 
Physicians  and  Surgeons  (of 

F.R.G.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Geo- 
graphical Society. 

F.R.Hist.S.  Fellow  of  lloyal  Historical 

F.R.Hort.S.  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Horti- 
cultural Society. 

F.R.I.   .       .     Fellow  of  the  KoyallnBtitutioa. 

F.R.I.A.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Incorpora- 
tion of  Architects  of  Scotland. 

F.R.I.B.A.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Institute  of 
British  Architects. 

F.R.I.G.  .  (formerly  F.I.C.)  Fellow  of 
Royal  Institute  of  Chemistry. 

F.R.I.C.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Institution 
of  Chartered  Surveyors. 

F.R.I.P.H.H.  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Institute 
of  Public  Health  and  Hygiene. 

F.R.M.C.M.  Fellow  of  Royal  Manchester 
College  of  Music. 

F.R.M.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Micro- 
scopical Society. 

F.R.Met.S. .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Meteoro- 
logical Society. 

F.R.N.S.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Numismatic 

F.R.N.S. A.  .  Fellow  Royal  School  Naval 

F.R.P.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Photo- 
graphic Society. 

F.R.P.S.L.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Philatelic 
Society,  London. 

F.R.S.  .       .     Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society. 

F.R.S.  A.      .     Fellow  of  Royal  Society  of  Arts. 

F.R.S.A.I.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of 
Antiquaries  of  Ireland. 

F.R.San. I.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Sanitary  Insti- 

F.R.S.C.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of 

F.R.S.E.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of 

F.R.S.G.S.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Scottish 
Geographical  Society. 

F.R.S.L.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  o 

F.R.S.M.  or  F.R.Soc.Med.  Fellow  of  Roya 
Society  of  Medicine. 

F.R.S.N.Z.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Society  of  New 

F.R.S.S.A.  .  Fellow  of  Royal  Society  of 
South  Africa. 

F.R.S.T.  .  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Society  of 

F.R.S.T.M.  &  H.  Fellow  of  Royal  Society 
of  Tropical  Medicine  and 

F.R.V.I.A. .  Fellow  Royal  Victorian  Insti- 
tute of  Architects. 

F.R.Z.S.Scot.  Fellow  of  the  Royal  Zoological 
Society  of  Scotland. 

f.s.  .  .  Graduate  of  Royal  Air  Force 
Staff  College. 

F.S  .A.  .       .    Follow  of  the  Society  of  Anti- 

ow  of  the  Society  of  In- 
corporated Accountants  and 
F.S.A.M.     .     Fellow  of  the  Society  of  Art 


F.S. Arc.      .     Fellow  of  Society  of  Architects. 
F.S.A.Scot.      Fellow  of  the  Society  of  Anti- 
quaries of  Scotland. 
F.S.A.S.M. .     Fellow  of  the  South  Australian 
School  of  Mines. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Norhing  is  so  healthful  and  comfortable  as  a  cellular 
weave  for  men's  and  boys'  underwear,  for  blouses 

for  women  and  girls3  and  for  corsets  and  pyjamas. 
All  these  garments  are  made  in  AERTEX,  but  to 

avoid  imitations  always  look  for  the  Aertex  label. 

Genuine  Aertex 
"bears  this  label 

F.S.E.    . 

Fellow  Society  of  Engineers. 

G.C.V.O.      . 

Knight  Grand  Cross  of  Royal 

F.S.G.T.       . 

Fellow  Society  of  Glass  Tech- 

Victorian Order. 


Gdfis.  . 


F.S.I.     . 

Fellow  oi  lloyal  Institution  of 

Gen.     . 


Chartered  Surveyors  (changed 

Ges.      . 


AUK.  1947  to  F.R  T  U.S.). 


Girls'  Friendly  Society. 


Fellow  of  Society  of  Industrial 

g.g.s.    . 

Great  Grandson. 



General  Headquarters. 

F.S.M.A.      . 

Fellow      Incorporated      Sales 

Gib.       . 


Managers'  Association. 


Graduate    Institution    of  Me- 

F.S.M.C.      . 

Fellow  of  the  Spectacle-Makers' 

chanical  Engineers. 



Grand  Lodge. 

F.S.S.    . 

Fellow  of  the  lloyal  Statistical 





George  Medal. 

F.T.C.D.      . 

Fellow     of     Trinity     College, 

G.M.I.E.      . 

Grand  Master  of  Indian  Empire. 


G.M.M.G.    . 

Grand  Master  of  St.  Michael 


Fellow   of  Trinity   College   of 

and  St.  George. 

Music,  London. 

G.M.S.I.       . 

Grand  Master  of  Star  of  India. 

F.T  I.    . 

Fellow  of  the  Textile  Institute. 

G.O.C.  . 

General  Officer  Commanding. 

F.Z.S.   . 

Fellow     of     the      Zoological 


General   Officer  Commanding- 




See  F.R.Z.S.Scot. 

Gov.     . 




G.P.      . 

General  Practitioner. 

G.P.D.S.T.  . 

Girls'  Public  Day  School  Trust. 

G.P.O.  . 

General  Post  Office. 

G.Q.G.  . 

Grand  Quartier-Ge"  ne"ral  (French 


G.B.E.  . 

Georgia  (U.S.). 
Governing  Bodies  Assoc. 
Knight  or  Dame  Grand  Cioss 

Gram.  Sen. 
G.S.       . 

Grammar  School. 
General  Staff. 


Order  of  the  British  Empire 
George  Cross. 

G.S.O.  . 

General  Staff  Officer. 

G.C.B.  . 

Knight    Grand    Cross    of   the 


Great   Western   Bailway   (see 



G.C.H.  . 

Knight  Grand  Cross  of  Han- 



Knight  Grand  Commander  of 

the  Indian  Empire. 

G.C.M.G.     . 

Knight    Grand    Cross    of    St. 
Michael  and  St.  George. 
Knight  Grand  Commander  of 

H.A.C.  . 

Heavy  Anti-  Aircraft. 
Honourable  Artillery  Company. 

the  Star  of  India. 



G.C.St.J.      . 

Bailiff  or  Dame  Grand  Cross  of 
the  Order  of  St.  John  of  Jeru- 

Harv. . 

His   Britannic   Majesty    (Ma- 




WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

h.c.      . 
H.C.F.  . 
H.E.      . 

honoris  causa. 
Hon.  Chaplain  to  the  Forces. 
Higher  Dental  Diploma. 
His  Excellency. 

I.L.O.    . 
I.L.P.    . 
I.M.E.  . 

International  Labour  Office. 
Independent  Labour  Party. 
Institution   of   Mining  Engin- 

H.E.I.C.       . 

His  Exalted  Highness. 
Honourable  East  India  Com- 

I.M.E.A.     . 

Incorporated   Municipal    Elec- 
trical Association. 

H.E.I.C.S.    . 

Honourable  East  India  Com- 

I.Mech.E.   . 

Institution  of  Mechanical  En- 

pany's  Service. 

I.M.M.T.S.  . 

Indian  Mercantile  Marine  Train- 

Heir -p  res.  . 


ing  Ship. 

Herts.  . 

Honorary  Foreign  Associate  of 

Imp.     . 
I.M.S.  .       . 

Indian  Medical  Service. 

H.F.R.A.     . 

H.G.      . 
H.H.     .       . 

the  Royal  Academy. 
Honorary  Foreign  Member  of 
the  Royal  Academy. 
Home  Guard. 
His  (or  Her)  Highness;    His 

I.N.A.  . 
Incog,  . 
Ind.      . 

Indian  Navy. 
Institution  of  Naval  Architects. 
Incognito  (in  secret). 
Independent;   Indiana  (U.S.). 

H.I.H.  . 
H.I.M.  .       . 
H.L.I.  . 
H.M.     . 

His  (or  Her)  Imperial  Highness. 
His  (or  Her)  Imperial  Majesty. 
Highland  Light  Infantry. 
His     (or     Her)     Majesty,     or 

Inst.     '.       '. 
Inst.C.E.     . 
Inst.M.M.  . 

Institute;   Institution. 
Institution  of  Civil  Engineers. 
Institution  of  Mining  and  Metal- 

H.M.H.S.     . 
H.M.I.  . 


Hon.    . 

Headmasters'  Conference. 
His  Majesty's  Hospital  Ship. 
His  Majesty's  Inspector. 
His  Majesty's  Ship. 
Honourable  ;            Honorary  ; 

I.  ofM. 
I.O.G.T.       . 

I.O.M.  . 
I.O.O.F.       . 

Isle  of  Man. 
International   Order   of  Good 
Indian  Order  of  Merit. 
Independent    Order    of    Odd- 

How.   .       . 
h.-p.     . 
H.P.     . 
H.Q.     .       . 
(H.R.)  .        . 

House  Physician. 
Home  Ruler. 

I.O.P.   . 
I.o.W.  . 
I.P.S.    . 
I.R.A.  . 
I.R.O.  . 

Inst.  Painters  in  Oil  Colours. 
Isle  of  Wight. 
Indian  Police  Service. 
Irish  Republican  Army. 
International  Refugee  Organ- 

H.R.C.A.     . 

H.R.H.A.    . 

H.R.I.  .        . 
H.R.S.A.     . 

Honorary     Royal     Cambrian 
His  (or  Her)  Royal  Highness. 
Honorary    Member    of  Boyal 
Hibernian  Academy. 
Hon.  Member  Royal  Institute 
of  Painters  in  Water  Colours 
Honorary    Member    of  Royal 
Scottish  Academy. 


I.S.C.     . 
I.S.E.     . 
I.S.O.    . 
Ital.  or  It.  . 
I.T.O.   . 

International  Society  of  Sculp- 
tors, Painters  and  Gravers. 
Indian  Staff  Corps. 
Indian  Service  of  Engineers. 
Imperial  Service  Order. 
Indian  Territory  (U.S.). 
International  Trade  Organisa- 

H.R.S.W.   . 

H.S.      .       . 
H.S.H.  .       . 

Hon.  Member  Royal  Scottish 
Water  Colour  Society. 
House  Surgeon. 
His  (or  Her)  Serene  Highness. 

I.W.     . 
I.Y.       . 

Isle  of  Wight. 
Imperial  Yeomanry. 
I  Zingari. 

Hum.  . 

Humanity  (Latin). 



Hy.       .       . 




Judge  Advocate. 


Judge  Advocate  General. 



I.A.       . 
I.A.E.   . 

Iowa  (U.S.). 
Indian  Army. 
Institute   of  Automobile    En- 



Journal  of  the  Chemical  Society. 
Juris  Canonici  Doctor  (Doctor 
of  Canon  Law). 
Doctor  of  Jurisprudence. 

I.A.H.M.     . 

Incorporated     Association     of 

Joh.  or  Jno. 


I.A.O.C.       . 
I.A.R.O.      . 

Indian  Army  Ordnance  Corps. 
Indian     Army     Reserve     of 

J.P.       .       . 
j.s.c.     .       . 

Justice  of  the  Peace. 
Qualified    at    a    Junior    Staff 
Course,   or   the   equivalent 

Ib.  or  Ibid, 
i/c.        .       . 
I.C.A.A.       . 

Ibidem  (in  the  same  place). 
In  charge. 
Invalid  Children's  Aid  Associa- 

J.S.S.C.  .          . 

Jun.  Opt.   . 

Joint  Services  Staff  Course. 
Junior  Optime. 

I.C.A.O.       . 

International    Civil    Aviation 


Icel.     .       . 


I.Chem.E.  . 

Institution    of  Chemical    En- 

I.C.I.    . 
I.CJEl.C.       . 

Imperial  Chemical  Industries. 
International  Committee  of  the 

Kans.  . 


Kansas  (U.S.). 

I.C.S.     .       . 
i.d.c.     . 

Red  Cross. 
Indian  Civil  Service. 
Idaho  (U.S.). 
Completed    a    Course    at,    or 
served  for  a  year  on  the  Staff 

K.B.E.  . 

K.C.      . 
K.C.B.  . 

Knight  Commander  Order  of 
the  British  Empire. 
King's  Counsel, 
Knight    Commander    of    the 

of,    the    Imperial    Defence 

K.C.C.  . 

Commander  of  Order  of  Crown 

I.EJ3.    . 

Institution   of  Electrical   En- 

Belgian   and    Congo    Free 


IJB.S.    .        . 
I.F.S.    .        . 

Indian  Educational  Service 
Irish  Free  State. 

K.C.H.  . 

King's       College       Hospital  : 
Knight  Commander  of  Han- 

I.H.S.   . 
Ml.        .       . 

lesus  Hominum  Salvator  (Jesus 
the  Saviour  of  Mankind) 
Illinois  (U.S.). 

K.C.I.E.       . 
K.C.L.  .       . 

Knight    Commander    of    the 
Indian  Empire. 
King's  College,  London. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Please  HELP  these  children! 

Since  its  foundation  in  1827,  several  thousand  orphans  of  Merchant  Seamen  have 

been  cared  for,  educated,  and  set  up  in  life  ;  and  there  are  now  over  300  boys  and 

girls  at  the  school,  more  than  half  of  whom  lost  their  fathers  during  the  late  war. 

The  assured  income  does  not  meet 

the  expenditure .   New  subscribers  are 

urgently  needed  to  bridge  the  gap. 

Please    show   your   appreciation    of 

our   Merchant   Seamen  by  sending 

donations    or    subscriptions    to    the 


NAVY   SCHOOL,    28  St.   Mary  Axe, 

London,  E.C-3 


Master  of  the  Merchant  Navy 

and  Fishing  Fleet 

Hon.  Treasurer:  Sir  LEIGHTON  SEAGER 

C.B.E.,  D.L.,  J.P. 
Chairman :  ],  W.  A.  BURNESS,  Esq.,  J.P. 


BEAR  WOOD,  WOKINGHAM,  BERKS.      Formerly  the  Royal  Merchant  Seamen's  Orphanage 

Maintained  by  voluntary  subscription.     NOT  State  aided 

K.C.M.G.     . 

Knight     Commander     of    St 

Michael  and  St.  George 

K.C.S.G.      . 

Knight     Commander     of    St. 




L.A.       . 

Literate   in    Arts;     Liverpool 


Knight  Commander  of  the  Star 


of  India. 


Louisiana  (U.S.). 

K.C.S.S.       . 

Knight    Commander    of    St. 

(Lab.)  .       . 



L.A.C.  .        . 

London  Athletic  Club. 

K.C.V.O.     . 

Knight    Commander    of    the 

L.-Corp.  or  Lance-Corp.    Lance-  Corporal. 

Royal  Victorian  Order. 

Lanes.  . 



King's  Dragoon  Guards. 

L.C.C.    . 

London  County  Council. 

Keb.      . 

Keble  College,  Oxford. 

L.Ch.     . 

Licentiate  m  Surgery. 

K.E.H.  . 

King  Edward's  Horse. 

L.C.J.    . 

Lord  Chief  Justice. 

K.G.      .        . 

Knight  of  the   Order  of  the 

L.C.P.   .        . 

Licentiate   of  the   College   of 



K.G.St.J.     . 

Knight  of  Grace,  Order  of  St. 

L.Div.  . 

Licentiate  in  Divinity. 

John  of  Jerusalem. 

L.D.S.  . 

Licentiate  m  Dental  Surgery. 

K.H.      . 

Knight  of  Hanover 

L.D.V.  . 

Local  Defence  Volunteers. 

K.H.C.  . 

Hon.  Chaplain  to  the  King. 

L.  es  L. 


K.H.D.S.     . 

Hon.  Dental  Surgeon  to  the 

L.H.      . 

Light  Horse. 


L.M.D.  .        . 

(Liter  arum  Humaniorum  Doctor) 

K.H.N.S.     . 

Hon.    Nursing   Sister   to   the 

Doctor  of  Literature. 



Light  Infantry  ;  Long  Island. 


Hon.  Physician  to  the  King. 

Lie.  Med.    . 

Licentiate  m  Medicine. 

K.H.S.  .        . 

Hon.    Surgeon   to   the   King; 

Lieut.  . 


Knight  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre. 

Lines.  . 





Literature;  Literary. 

K.J.StJ.      . 

Knight  of  Justice,  Order  of  St. 

Lit.D.    . 

Doctor  of  Literature  ;    Doctor 

John  of  Jerusalem. 

of  Letters. 

K.O.R.R.     . 
K.O.S.B.      . 

King's  Own  Royal  Regiment. 
King's  Own  Scottish  Borderers. 

Lit.  Hum.  . 
Litt.D.  . 

Liter  c&  Humaniores  (Classics). 
Doctor  of  Literature;    Doctor 

K.O.Y.L.I.  . 

King's  Own  Yorkshire  Light 

of  Letters. 


Liv.      . 


K.P.      .        . 

Kmght  of  the   Order  of  St. 

L.J.     .      . 

Lord  Justice. 


L.L.       . 


K.R.R.C.     . 

King's  Royal  Rifle  Corps. 

L.L.A.  . 

Lady  Literate  in  Arts. 


King's  Scholar. 

LL.B.    . 

Bachelor  of  Laws. 

K.S.G.  . 

Knight  of  St.  Gregory. 

L.L.C.M.      . 

Licentiate  London  College  of 


King's  Shropshire  Light  Infan- 



LL.D.    . 

Doctor  of  Laws. 

K.St.J.  .        . 

Knight  of  Order  of  St.  John  of 

LL.L.    . 

Licentiate  in  Laws. 


LL.M.   . 

Master  of  Laws. 

K.T.      . 

Knight  of  the  Order  of  the 

L.M.      . 

Licentiate  in  Midwifery. 


L.M.B.C.      . 

Lady  Margaret  Boat  Club. 

Kt.  or  Knt. 


L.M.C.C.      . 

Licentiate  of  Medical  Council 

Ky.       .       . 

Kentucky  (U.S.). 

of  Canada. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

L.M.S.  .  .  London,  Midland  and  Scottish 
Railway  (see  B.R.) ;  London 
Missionary  Society. 

L.M.S.S.A. .  Licentiate  in  Medicine  and 
Surgery,  Society  of  Apothe- 

L.Nat.  .       .     Liberal  National. 

L.  of  C.        .     Lines  of  Communication. 

L.P.T.B.  .  London  Passenger  Transport 

L.R.A.M.  .  Licentiate  of  the  Royal  Aca- 
demy of  Music. 

L.R.C.P.  .  Licentiate  of  the  Royal  College 
of  Physicians. 

L.R.C.P.E.  .  Licentiate  Royal  College  of 
Physicians,  Edinburgh. 

L.R.C.S.  .  Licentiate  of  the  Royal  College 
of  Surgeons. 

L.R.C.S.E.  .  Licentiate  of  the  Royal  College 
of  Surgeons,  Edinburgh. 

L.R.F.P.S.  .  Licentiate  of  the  Royal  Faculty 
of  Physicians  and  Surgeons. 

L.R.I.B.A.  .  Licentiate  Royal  Institute  of 
British  Architects. 

L.S.A.  .  .  Licentiate  of  the  Society  of 

L.S.E.   .       .     London  School  of  Economics. 

Lt.        .       .     Light  (e.g.  Light  Infantry). 

Lt.  or  Lieut.    Lieutenant. 

L.T.      .       .     Licentiate  in  Teaching. 

L.T.C.L.  .  Licentiate  of  Trinity  College  of 
Music,  London. 

Lt.-Col.        .     Lieutenant-Colonel. 

Lt.-Gen.      .     Lieutenant-General. 

L.Th.    .       .     Licentiate  in  Theology. 

(L.U,)  .       .     Liberal  Unionist. 

L.U.O.T.C.  .  London  University  Officers' 
Training  Corps. 

LXX.    .       .     Septuagint. 


Marquess ;  Member ;  Monsieur 
Master  of  Arts. 

Mediterranean  Allied  Air  Forces. 
Member  of  the  American  Aca- 
demy of  Arts  and  Sciences. 
Marine  Aircraft  Experimental 

Magnetism  or  Magazine. 
Magdalen;  Magdalene. 
Master  of  Engineering  (Magis- 
ter  in  Arte  Ingeniaria). 

„, .     Major- General. 

M.Am.Soc.C.E.    Member  American  Society 

of  Civil  Engineers. 
M.Am.Soc.M.E.    Member  American  Society 

of  Mechanical  Engineers. 
Manitoba  (Canada). 
Master  of  Obstetric  Art. 
Member    American     Ornitho- 
logists' Union. 

Ministry   of  Aircraft   Produc- 

Master  of  Architecture. 

Massachusetts  (U.S.). 
Mathematics ;  Mathematical. 
Bachelor  of  Medicine. 
Member  of  the  Order  of  the 

British  Empire. 
Member  British  Ornithologists' 

M.Brit.I.R.E.    Member  British  Institute  of 

Radio  Engineers. 
M.C.     .       .     Military  Cross. 
M.C.C.  .       .     Marylebone  Cricket  Club. 
M.C.E.(Melb.)    Master  of  Civil  Engineering 

(Melbourne  Univ.). 
M.Ch.  or  M.Chir.    Master  in  Surgery 



M.A.  . 



Mag.  . 
Magd.  . 
M.A.I.  . 


Man.  . 


Marq.  . 
Mass.  . 
Math.  . 
M.B.  . 



M.Cons.E.  . 

Master  of  Orthopaedic  Surgery. 

Member  of  Civil  and  Mech. 
Engineers'  Society. 

Master  of  Commerce. 

Member  of  Association  of  Con- 
sulting Engineers. 

M.C.S.  .       .     Madras  Civil  Service ;  Malayan 
Civil  Service. 

M.D.     .       .     Doctor  of  Medicine;    Military 

Md.       .       .     Maryland  (U.S.). 

M.D.S.         .     Master  of  Dental  Surgery. 

Me,  .     Maine  (U.S.). 

M.E.  .     Mining  Engineer. 

M.E.C.         .     Member  of  Executive  Council. 

Mech.          .     Mechanics;  Mechanical. 

Med.  .     Medical. 

M.E.F.         .     Middle  East  Force. 

M.E.I.C.  .  Member  Engineering  Institute1 
of  Canada. 

M.E.L.F.      .     Middle  East  Land  Forces. 

M.Eng.        .     Master  of  Engineering. 

Met.R. .       .     Metropolitan  Railway. 

M.F.G.B.  .  Miners'  Federation  of  Great 

M.F.H.        .     Master  of  Foxhounds. 

M.G.A.        .     Maj.-Gen.  i/c  Administration. 

M.G.I.  .  .  Member  of  the  Institute  of 
Certificated  Grocers. 

Mgr.     .       .     Monsignore. 

M.H.A.        .     Member  of  House  of  Assembly. 

M.H.R.  .  Member  House  of  Representa- 

M.I.      .        .     Military  Intelligence. 

M.I.A.E.  .  Member  of  the  Institution  of 
Automobile  Engineers. 

M.I.Ae.E.  .  Member  Inst.  of  Aeronautical 

M.I.B.F.  .  Member  Inst.  British  Foundry- 

M.I.British  E.  Member  Institute  of  British 

M.I.C.E.  .  Member  of  Institution  of  Civil 

M.I. C.E.I.  .  Member  of  Institution  of  Civil 
Engineers  of  Ireland. 

Mich.  .       .     Michigan  (U.S.). 

M.I.Chem.E.  Member  of  the  Institution  of 

Chemical  Engineers. 

|  M.I.E.A.  .  Member  Institution  of  Engin- 
eers, Australia. 

M.I.E.E.  .  Member  of  Institution  of  Elec- 
trical Engineers. 

M.I.E.I.  .  Member  of  Institution  of  En- 
gineering Inspection. 

M.I.E.(Ind.)  Member  Institution  of  Engin- 
eers, India. 

M.I.E.S.S.  .  Member  Institution  of  Engin- 
eers and  Shipbuilders,  Scot- 

M.I.Ex.       .     Member  Institute  of  Export. 

Mil.      .       .     Military. 

M.I.Loco.E.  Member  of  Institution  of  Loco- 
motive Engineers. 

M.I.Mar.E.  Member  of  the  Institute  of 
Marine  Engineers. 

M.I.Mech.E.  Member  Institution  of  Mechani- 
cal Engineers. 

M.I.Min.E.  Member  of  the  Institution  of 
Mining  Engineers. 

M.I.M.M.  .  Member  Institution  of  Mining 
and  Metallurgy. 

M.I.Mun.E.  Member  Institution  of  Muni- 
cipal Engineers. 

Min.     .       .     Minister;  Ministry. 

M.I.N.  .  .  Member  of  the  Institute  of 

M.I.N.A.  .  Member  of  Institution  of  Naval 

Minn.  .       .     Minnesota  (U.S.). 

M.Inst.C.E.  Member  of  Institution  of  Civil 
Engineers  (changed  Feb. 
1946  to  M.I.C.E.). 

M.Inst.GasE.  Member  Institution  of  Gas 

M. Inst. M.E.  Member  of  Institution  of  Mining 

M.Inst.Met.  Member  of  the  Institute  of 

M.Inst.Pet.  Member  of  the  Institute  of 

M.Inst.P.I.  Member  of  the  Institute  of 
Patentees  (Inc.). 

M.Inst.R.A.  Member  of  the  Institute  of 
Registered  Architects. 

M.Inst.T.  .  Member  of  the  Institute  of 



The  glorious  wines  of 
Sonth  Africa 

Quite  recently — within  less  than  a  dozen  years  — 
connoisseurs  and  admirers  of  good  wine  redis- 
covered something  that  had  long  lain  dormant; 
the  potentiality  of  the  Union  of  South  Africa  for 
fine  Viticulture.  The  fine  wines  and  brandies 
specially  selected  and  matured  for  the  British 
market  by  the  Ko-operatieve  Wijnbouwers 
Vereniging  and  shipped  by  the  South  African 
Wine  Farmers  Association  (London)  Ltd.  have 
a  higher  reputation  and  are  more  eagerly  in 
demand  than  ever  before. 

Owing  to  war's  aftermath  these  specially  selected 
wines  were  temporarily  in  short  supply,  but  South 
African  sherries,  brandies,  vermouths  and  certain 
types  of  table  wines  of  real  merit  are  now  readily 
available  to  wine  lovers. 


NINE      ELMS      STATION    •    LONDON    •    S.W.  8 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Member  Institute  of  Welding. 

M.S.R.  . 

Member    Society    of    Radio 


Member  of  the  Institution  of 


Water  Engineers. 



M.I.P.E.      . 

Member  Institution  of  Produc- 

M.T.     . 

Mechanical  Transport. 

tion  Engineers. 


Member  of  Town  Planning  In- 

M.I.R.T.E. . 

Member  of  Institute  of  Road 


Transport  Engineers. 


Bachelor  of  Music. 


Member    of    Iron    and    Steel 


Doctor  of  Music. 



Master  of  Music. 

Miss.    . 

Mississippi  (U.S.). 


Member  of  the  Royal  Victorian 


Member  of  the  Institution  of 


Structural  Engineers. 

M.J.I.  . 

Member  of  Institute  of  Jour- 


M.J.I.E.       . 

Member  of  the  Junior  Institute 

of  Engineers. 

M.J.S.  . 
M.L.      . 

Member  of  the  Japan  Society. 
Licentiate  in  Medicine  ;  Master 



of  Laws. 
Member     of    Legislative    As- 


Nationalist  ;  Navigating  Duties. 




M.L.C.  . 

Member  of  Legislative  Council. 

N.A.      . 

National  Academician  (Amer- 

Mile.   . 

Mademoiselle  (Miss). 


M.L.O.  . 
M.L.S.  . 

Military  Liaison  Officer. 
Member  of  the  Linnsean  Society. 

N.A.A.F.I.  . 

Navy,  Army  and  Air  Force  In- 

M.M.     . 

Military  Medal. 

N.A.B.C.      . 

National  Association  of  Boys' 

Mme.   . 




Master  of  Metallurgy. 

N.A.P.T.      . 

National   Association   for   the 

M.M.S.A.    . 

Master  of  Midwifery  Society  of 

Prevention  of  Tuberculosis. 


Nat.  Sci.      . 

Natural  Sciences. 

M.N.A.S.     . 

Member  of  the  National  Aca- 


New  Brunswick. 

M.O.      . 

demy  of  Sciences  (U.S.). 
Medical  Officer. 

N.B.A.  . 
N.B.C.  . 

North  British  Academy. 
National   Book  Council;    Na- 


Missouri  (U.S.). 
Moderations  (Oxford). 

tional  Broadcasting  Company 
(of  America). 


Master  of  Otter  Hounds  ;  Medi- 
cal Officer(s)  of  Health. 

N.C.B.  . 

North  Carolina  (U.S.). 
National  Coal  Board. 

M.O.I.  . 

Ministry  of  Information. 

N.C.L.C.       . 

National    Council    of   Labour 

Mon.    . 

Montana  (U.S.). 


Most  Rev. 

Most  Reverend. 

N.C.U.  . 

National  Cyclists'  Union. 

M.P.      . 

Member  of  Parliament. 
Member  of  Provincial  Parlia- 

N.D.A. . 

National    Diploma    in    Agri- 


N.  Dak. 

North  Dakota  (U.S.). 

M.P.S.  . 

Member     of     Pharmaceutical 

N.D.D.  . 

National  Diploma  in  Dairying. 


N.E.       . 


M.R.     . 

Master  of  the  Rolls  ;  Municipal 

N.E.A.C.       . 

New  English  Art  Club. 


Neb.     . 

Nebraska  (U.S.). 

M.R.A.S.     . 

Member     of     Royal     Asiatic 


North-East  Coast  Institution  of 


Medical  Research  Council. 

Nev.     . 

Engineers  and  Shipbuilders. 
Nevada  (U.S.). 


Member  of  Royal   College  of 
Obstetricians     and     Gynae- 

New M. 
N.F.S.   . 

New  Mexico  (U.S.). 
National  Fire  Service. 


N.F.U.  . 

National  Farmers'  Union. 

M.R.C.P.     . 

Member  of  the  Royal  College  of 

N.H.      . 

New  Hampshire  (U.S.). 



Northern  Ireland  ;    Native  In- 


Member  of  the  Royal  College 


M.R.C.S.      . 

of  Physicians,  Edinburgh. 
Member  Royal  College  of  Sur- 

N.I.D.  . 

Naval    Intelligence    Division  ; 
National    Institute    for    the 



M.R.C.S.E.  . 

Member  of  the  Royal  College  of 

N.J.       . 

New  Jersey  (U.S.). 


Surgeons,  Edinburgh. 
Member  of  the  Royal  College  of 

N.L.       .        . 
N.L.F.  . 

National  Liberal  Federation. 
National  Liberal. 


Veterinary  Surgeons. 
Member  of  the  Royal  Empire 

Notts.  . 

Northamp  tonshi  re  . 



Notary  Public. 

M.R.I.  . 

Member  of  the  Royal  Institu- 


National     Rifle     Association  ; 

M.R.I.A.     . 

Member    of  the   Royal    Irish 

National  Recovery  Adminis- 

M.R.I.A.I.  . 

Member  of  the  Royal  Institute 
of  the  Architects  of  Ireland. 
Member  of  Royal  Sanitary  In- 

N.R.D. . 


National  Registered  Designer. 
Nova  Scotia  ;  New  Style  in  the 
Calendar  (in   Great   Britain 
since  1752)  ;  National  Society. 

M.R.S.T.     . 

Member  of  Royal  Society  of 


Graduate  of  Royal  Naval  Staff 
College,  Greenwich. 

M.R.U.S.I.   . 
M.S.      .        . 

Member  of  the  Royal  United 
Service  Institution. 
Master  of  Surgery  ;   Master  of 

N.S.A.  . 
N.S.P.C.C.   . 


National  Skating  Association. 
National  Society  for  Prevention 
of  Cruelty  to  Children. 
New  South  Wales. 

MS.,  MSS.  . 
M.S.A.E.      . 

M.S.&R.    . 

Science  (U.S.). 
Manuscript,  Manuscripts. 
Member  of  the  Society  of  Auto- 
motive Engineers  (America). 
Merchant  Shipbuilding  and  Re- 

N.T.     . 

N.U.I.  . 
N.U.T.  . 

New     Testament  ;      Northern 
Territory  of  South  Australia. 
National  University  of  Ireland. 
National  Union  of  Railwaymen. 
National  Union  of  Teachers. 


Member  of  the  Society  of  Auto- 

N.U.T.N.    . 

National    Union    of    Trained 


M.S.C.  .        . 

mobile  Engineers. 
Madras  Staff  Corps. 


National    Union    of    Women 

M.Sc.    . 

Master  of  Science. 



M.S.H..       . 
M.S.I.A.      . 

Master  of  Stag-Hounds. 
Member  Society  of  Industrial 

N.W.F.P.    . 
N.W.T.        . 

North-  West  Frontier  Province. 
North-  Western  Provinces. 
North-  Western  Territories. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Come  to  London's  Brightest 

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The  Bookshops  with  an  ample  choice  of  hooks  on  all  subjects. 

A  wide  selection  of  the  New  Books  always  in  stock. 
Orders  for  the  Standard  Reference  Books  welcomed. 


Engravers  : :  Die  Stampers  and  Printers  : :  Wedding  In- 
vitations : :  Visiting  and  Invitation  Cards  for  Official, 
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14A  CLIFFORD  STREET  (New  Bond  Street,  W.1) 

(Two  minutes  Piccadilly)  Telephone :  REGENT  6493-4 


(Knightsbridge  End)  Telephone:  SLOANE  2128-9 

N.Y.      . 
N.Y.C.  . 

N.Z.       . 

O.  . 
o.   . 

O.A.S.  . 
O.  &0. 

O.B.E.  . 

O.B.I.  . 

O.C.       . 
O.C.F.  . 


O.L.  . 
O.M.  . 
O.M.I.  . 
Ont.  . 
O.P.  . 

O.R.C.  , 
Ore.  , 
O.S.  . 


O.S.A.  . 

New  York— City  or  State. 
New  York  City. 
New  Zealand. 

New    Zealand    Expeditionary 


Ohio  (U.S.). 


On  Active  Service. 

Oriental  and  Occidental  (Steam- 
ship Co.). 


Officer  Order  of  the  British 

Order  of  British  India. 

only  child. 

Officer  Commanding. 

Officiating  Chaplain  to  the 

Officer  Cadet  Training  Unit. 

Organisation  for  European 
Economic  Co-operation. 

Order  of  Friars  Minor. 

On  His  Majesty's  Service. 

Officer  of  the  Order  of  Leopold. 

Order  of  Merit. 

Oblate  of  Mary  Immaculate. 


Ordinis  Prcedicatorum—of  the 
Order  of  Preachers  (Domini- 
can Ecclesiastical  Title). 

Orange  River  Colony. 

Oregon  (U.S.). 

Old  Style  in  the  Calendar  (in 
Great  Britain  before  1752). 

only  son. 

Ontario  Society  of  Artists. 

Order  of  St.  Benedict. 



O.T.  . 
O.T.C.  . 
O.U.  . 



Oxon.  . 







Franciscan  (Capuchin)  Order. 
Orient  Steam  Navigation  Co. 
Office  of  Scientific  Research  and 

Officer  of  Order  of  St.  John  of 

Old  Testament. 
Officers'  Training  Corps. 
Oxford  University. 
Oxford     University     Athletic 

Oxford  University  Association 

Football  Club. 

Oxford  University  Boat  Club. 
Oxford  University  Cricket 

Oxford    University    Dramatic 


Oxford  University  Rugby  Foot- 
ball Club. 
Oxfordshire;  of  Oxford. 

Pakistan  Army. 

Pennsylvania  (U.S.). 

passed  the  final  examination 
of  the  Advanced  Class,  The 
Military  College  of  Science. 

Professional  Associate  Char- 
tered Surveyors'  Institution 
(changed  August  1947  to 

Privy  Councillor;  Police  Con- 
stable ;  Perpetual  Curate ; 
Peace  Commissioner  (Irish 
Free  State). 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Prince  Edward  Island. 
Political  and  Economic  Plan- 

Bachelor  of  Philosophy. 

Pharmaceutical  Chemist. 

Doctor  of  Philosophy. 



Provisional  International  Civil 
Aviation  Organization. 

(He)  painted  it. 

Place;  Plural. 



Principal  Medical  Officer. 
P.M.R.A.F.N.S.    Princess  Mary's  Eoyal  Air 

Force  Nursing  Service. 
P.M.S.  .       .     President  Miniature  Society. 
P.  oc  O.        .     Peninsular  and  Oriental  Steam- 
ship Co. 

P.  &  O.S.N.Co«    Peninsular      and      Oriental 
Steam  Navigation  Co. 

Post  Office. 


Prisoner  of  War;  Prince  of 

Parish  Priest ;   Past  President. 


Princess  Patricia's  Canadian 
Light  Infantry. 

Philosophy,  Politics  and  Eco- 
nomics (Oxford  Univ.). 

Past  President  of  the  Royal 

Province  of  Quebec. 

President  of  the  Eoyal  Aca- 



President  of  the  Royal  Institute 
of  Painters  in  Water  Colours. 

President  of  the  Eoyal  Irish 


Proctor;  Proceedings. 


Pro  tempore  (for  the  time  being). 


Proximo  (next). 

Proxime  accessit  (next  in  order 
of  merit  to  the  winner,  or  a 
very  close  second). 

President  of  the  Eoyal  Society. 

President  Eoyal  Society  of 
Painters  in  Water  Colours. 

Pastel  Society. 

passed  School  of  Instruction 
(of  Officers). 

Graduate  of  E.A.F.  Staff  Col- 

passed  Staff  College. 

Pacific  Steam  Navigation  Co. 

Private  (soldier). 


Public  Works  Department 
(roads,  buildings,  Govt.  rail- 
ways, telegraphs,  etc.). 

Prince  of  Wales's  Own. 

P.E.I.  . 
P.E,P.  . 

P.F.  . 
Ph.B.  . 
Ph.C.  . 
Pli.D.  . 
Phil.  . 
Phys.  . 

pinx.  . 

Plen.  . 

P.O.      . 



P.P.      . 
P.P.C.L.I.    . 

P.P.E.  . 
P.P.R.A.  . 

P.Q.      .        . 

Preb.  . 
Pres.  . 
P.R.I.  .  . 

P.R.I.A.      . 

Prin.    .       . 
Proc.    . 
Prof.    . 
Pro  tern.     . 
Prov.  . 
Prox.  . 
Prox.  ace. . 

P.R.S.  . 


p.s.a.   . 

p.s.c.  . 
Pte.  . 
Pty.  . 



§.     Queen. 
.A.I.M.N.S.  Queen    Alexandra's     Imperial 

Military  Nursing  Service. 
Q.A.L.A.S. .     Qualified    Associate    Land 

Agents'  Society. 
Q.A.R.A.N.C.    Queen     Alexandra's     Eoyal 

Army  Nursing  Corps. 
Q.A.R.N.N.S.    Queen     Alexandra's     Eoyal 

Naval  Nursing  Service. 
.     Queen's  Counsel. 
.     Queen's  Honorary  Physician. 
.     Queensland. 

i.A»A.C.     Queen  Mary's  Army  Auxiliary 

Q.M.G.  Quartermaster-General. 

Q(ops.)  Quartering  (operations). 

Qr.        .  Quarter. 

Q.U.B.  Queen's  University,  Belfast. 

Q.U.I.  .  Queen's  University  in  Ireland. 

q.v.      .  quod  vide  (which  see). 


(R.)       .       .     Eadical;  Eeserve. 

r.   .       .       .     right. 

R.A.  .  .  Eoyal  Academician;  Eoyal 

R.A.A.F.     .     Eoyal  Australian  Air  Force. 

R. A. A.M .C.  Eoyal  Australian  Army  Medical 

R.A.G.  .  .  Eoyal  Automobile  Club  ;  Eoyal 
Agricultural  College;  Eoyal 
Armoured  Corps. 

R.A.C.P.  .  Eoyal  Australasian  College  of 

R.A.C.S.  .  Eoyal  Australasian  College  of 

R.A.D.A.  .  Eoyal  Academy  of  Dramatic 

R.A.E.  .  Eoyal  Australian  Engineers; 
Eoyal  Aircraft  Establish- 

R.Ae.S.       .     Eoyal  Aeronautical  Society. 

R.A.F.         .     Eoyal  Air  Force. 

R.A.F.O.  .  Eeserve  of  Air  Force  Officers 
(now  Eoyal  Air  Force  Eeserve 
of  Officers). 

R.A.F.R.O.  Eoyal  Air  Force  Eeserve  of 

R.A.F.V.R.  Eoyal  Air  Force  Volunteer  Ee- 

R.A.I.A.  .  Eoyal  Australian  Institute  of 

R.A.M.  .  Member  of  Eoyal  Academy  of 

R.A.M.C.    .     Eoyal  Army  Medical  Corps. 

R.A.N.        .     Eoyal  Australian  Navy. 

R.A.N.V.R.  Eoyal  Australian  Naval  Volun- 
teer Eeserve. 

R.A.O.C.     .     Eoyal  Army  Ordnance  Corps. 

R.A.P.C.      .     Eoyal  Army  Pay  Corps. 

R.A.R.O.  .  Eegular  Army  Eeserve  of 

R.A.S.  .  .  Eoyal  Astronomical  or  Asiatic 

R.A.S.C.      .     Eoyal  Army  Service  Corps. 

R.A.S.E.  .  Eoyal  Agricultural  Society  of 

R.Aux.A.F.    Eoyal  Auxiliary  Air  Force. 

R.A.V.C.     .     Eoyal  Army  Veterinary  Corps. 

R.B.      .       .     Eifle  Brigade. 

R.B.A.  ,  Member  Eoyal  Society  of 
British  Artists. 

R.B.C.  .  .  Eoyal  British  Colonial  Society 
of  Artists. 

R.B.S.  .  Eoyal  Society  of  British  Sculp- 

R.B.S.A.  .  Eoyal  Birmingham  Society  of 

R.C.      .       .     Eoman  Catholic. 

R.C.A.  .  .  Member  Eoyal  Cambrian  Aca- 
demy ;  Member  Eoyal  Cana- 
dian Academy. 

R.C.A.F.      .     Eoyal  Canadian  Air  Force. 

R.C.M.         .     Eoyal  College  of  Music. 

R.C.N.  .       .     Eoyal  Canadian  Navy. 

R.C.N.C.  .  Eoyal  Corps  of  Naval  Con- 

R.C.N.V.R.  Eoyal  Canadian  Naval  Volun- 
teer Eeserve. 

R.C.O.  .       .     Eoyal  College  of  Organists. 

R.G.O.G.  .  Eoyal  College  of  Obstetricians 
and  Gynecologists. 

R.G.P.  .       .     Eoyal  College  of  Physicians. 

R.C.S.  .  .  Eoyal  College  of  Surgeons; 
Eoyal  Corps  of  Signals; 
Eoyal  College  of  Science. 

R.C.S.(I.)  .  Eoyal  College  of  Surgeons  (of 

R.C.V.S.  .  Eoyal  College  of  Veterinary 

WHO'S  WHO,  1901 


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R.D.      .       .     Rural   Dean;     Royal     Naval 

Reserve  Decoration. 
Rd.       .       .     Road. 
R.D.C.  .       .     Ilural  District  Council. 
R.D.F.  .       .     Royal  Dublin  Fusiliers. 
R.D.I.  .       .     Royal   Designer   for   Industry 

(Royal  Society  of  Arts). 
R.E.      .       .     Royal   Engineers;    Follow   of 

Royal    Society    of    Painter 


Rear- Ad  m.     Rear- Admiral. 
R.Econ.S.   .     Royal  Economic  Society. 
Rect.    .       .     Rector. 
Reg.  Prof. .     Regius  Professor. 
Regt.    .       .     Regiment. 
R.E.M.E.     .     Royal  Electrical  and  Mechanical 

R.E.R.O.     .     Royal    Engineers    Reserve    of 


R.E.S.  .       .     Royal  Empire  Society. 
Res.      .       .     Resigned ;  Reserve ;  Resident. 
Rev.     .       .     Reverend. 
R.F.A.         .     Royal  Field  Artillery. 
R.F.C.  .       .     RoyalFlyingC'orps(nowR.A.F.). 
R.G.A.         .     Royal  Garrison  Artillery. 
R.G.S.  .       .     Royal  Geographical  Society. 
R.H.A.        .     Royal     Hibernian    Academy; 

Royal  Horse  Artillery. 
R.H.G.        .     Royal  Horse  Guards. 
R.Hort.S.    .     Royal  Horticultural  Society. 
R.H.R.        .     Royal  Highland  Regt. 
R.H.S.  .       .     Royal  Humane  Society. 
R.I.       .       .     Member    Royal    Institute    of 

Painters  in  Water  Colours; 

Rhode  Island. 

R.I.A.  .       .     Royal  Irish  Academy. 
R.I.A.M.     .     Royal  Irish  Academy  of  Music. 
R.I.A.S.C.   .     Royal    Indian   Army    Service 

R.I.B.A.      .     Royal     Institute     of    British 

R.I. B.I.       .     Rotary  International  in  Great 

Britain  and  Ireland. 

R.I.E.  .  .  Royal  Indian  Engineering 

R.I.F.    .  Royal  Irish  Fusiliers. 

R.I.I.A.  Royal  Institute  of  International 


R.I.M.  .  Royal  Indian  Marine. 

R.I.N.  .  Royal  Indian  Navy. 

R.M.     .  Royal  Marines;  Resident  Magis- 


R.M.A.  .  Royal  Marine  Artillery ;  Royal 
Military  Academy,  Sandhurst 
(now  incorporating  Royal 
Military  Academy,  Wool- 

R.M.C.  .  Royal  Military  College,  Sand- 
hurst (now  Royal  Military 

R.Met.S.     .     Royal  Meteorological  Society. 

R.M. L.I.      .     Royal  Marine  Light  Infantry. 

R.M.O.        .     Resident  Medical  Officer(s). 

R.M.P.A.  .  Royal  Medico  -  Psychologies 

R.M.S.  .  Royal  Microscopical  Society; 
Royal  Mail  Steamer;  Royal 
Society  of  Miniature  Painters. 

R.N.      .       .     Royal  Navy ;  Royal  Naval. 

R.N.A.S.     .     Royal  Naval  Air  Service. 

R.N.E.C.  .  Royal  Naval  Engineering  Col- 

R.N.L.B.I.  .  Royal  National  Life-boat  Insti- 

R.N.R.         .     Royal  Naval  Reserve. 

R.N.V.R.  .  Royal  Naval  Volunteer  Re- 

R.O.C.         .     Royal  Observer  Corps. 

R.  of  O        .     Reserve  of  Officers. 

R.O.I.          .     Royal  Institute  of  Oil  Painters. 

(Rot.)  .  Rotunda  Hospital,  Dublin 
(after  degree). 

R.P.*  1    Member  Royal  Society  of  Por- 

trait Painters. 
R.P.S.  .       .     Iloyal  Photographic  Society. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

R.R.C. .       .     Royal  Red  Cross. 

R.S.A.  .       .     Royal   Scottish   Academician ; 

Royal  Society  of  Arts. 
R.S.A.I.       .     Eoyal  Society  of  Antiquaries  of 


R.San.I.      .     Royal  Sanitary  Institute. 
R.S.C.  .       .     Royal  Society  of  Canada. 
R.S.E.  .       .     Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh. 
R.S.F.  .  Royal  Scots  Fusiliers. 

R.S.G.S.       .     Royal    Scottish    Geographical 


R.S.L.  .       .     Royal  Society  of  Literature. 
R.S.M. .       .     Royal    Society    of   Medicine; 

Royal  School  of  Mines. 
R.S.O.  .       .     Rural    Sub  -  Office ;     Railway 

R.S.P.B.      .     Royal  Society  for  Protection  of 

R.S.P.C.A.  .     Royal  Society  for  Prevention  of 

Cruelty  to  Animals. 
R.S.S.A.I.L.A.   Returned  Sailors,  Soldiers  and 

Airmen's  Imperial  League  of 

R.S.W.        .     Member  Royal  Scottish  Water 

.Colour  Society. 

Rt.  Hon.     .     Right  Honourable. 
R.T.O. .       .     Railway  Transport  Officer. 
R.T.R. .       .     Royal  Tank  Regiment. 
Rt.  Rev.     ,     Right  Reverend. 
R.T.S.  .       .     Religious  Tract  Society ;  Royal 

Toxophilite  Society. 

R.U.  . 
R.U.I.  . 



R.Y.S.  . 

P.    :    : 

s.    . 

S.A.       . 
S.A.A.F.       . 

S.A.D.G.      . 

Salop    . 
S.A.S.   . 
S.A.S.O.       . 
S.B.        .        . 


S.C.A.O.       . 
S.C.A.P.A.  . 

Sc.D.  . 
Sch.  . 
S.C.L.  . 
S.C.M.  . 
S.Dalc. . 
S.D.F.  . 


S.E.A.C.       . 
S.E.A.L.F.  . 
Sec.       . 
Selw.    . 
S.G.       . 
S.G.A.  . 


S.J.        . 
S.J.D.    . 

Rugby  Union. 

Royal  University  of  Ireland. 

Royal  United  Service  Institu- 

Member  of  Royal  West  of 
England  Academy. 

Royal  Welch  Fusiliers. 

Member  Royal  Society  of 
Painters  in  Water  Colours. 

Royal  Yacht  Squadron. 


(in  Navy)  Paymaster. 

Succeeded;  South;  Saint. 


South  Australia ;  South  Africa. 

South  African  Air  Force. 

Supreme  Allied  Command,  S.E. 

Socie"t6    des    Architectes    Di- 

pl6me"s  par  le  Gouvernement. 
Special  Air  Service. 
Senior  Air  Staff  Officer. 
Bachelor  of  Science  (U.S.). 
Senior  Counsel  (Eire);    South 

Carolina  (U.S.). 
Student  at  the  Staff  College. 
Senior  Civil  Affairs  Officer. 
Society  for  Checking  the  Abuses 

of  Public  Advertising. 
Doctor  of  Science. 

Student  in  Civil  Law. 
State  Certified  Midwife. 

South  Dakota  (U.S.). 
Sudan  Defence  Force;    Social 

Democratic  Federation. 

South-East  Asia  Command. 
South-East  Asia  Land  Forces. 

Selwyn  College,  Cambridge. 
Senior  Equipment  Staff  Officer. 
Member    Society    of    Graphic 


Supreme  Headquarters,  Allied 

Expeditionary  Force. 
Society  of  Jesus  (Jesuits). 
Doctor  of  Juristic  Science. ' 

S.L.       .       .     Serjeant-at-Law. 

S.M.      .       .     Master  of  Science. 

S.M.A.  .       .     Society  of  Marine  Artists. 

S.M.E.  .       .     School  of  Military  Engineering 

S.M.I.R.E.  .  Senior  Member  Institution  of 
Radio  Engineers  (New  York). 

S.M.O. .       .     Senior  Medical  Officer. 

Soc.      .       .     Society. 

s.p.        .       .     sine  prole  (without  issue). 

S*P.C.K.  .  Society  for  Promoting  Christian 

S.P.G.  .  .  Society  for  the  Propagation  of 
the  Gospel. 

S.P.R.C.  .  Society  for  Prevention  and 
Relief  of  Cancer. 

Sq.        .       .     Square. 

S.R.  .  .  Special  Reserve;  Southern 
Railway  (see  B.R.). 

S.R.M.C.  .  Southern  Rhodesia  Medical 

S.R.N.  .       .     State  Registered  Nurse. 

SS.         .       .     Saints. 

S.S.        .       .     Straits  Settlements;  Steamship. 

S.S.  &  A.F.A.  Soldiers,  Sailors,  and  Airmens' 
Families  Association. 

S.S.C.  .  .  Solicitor  before  Supreme  Court 
(Scotland) ;  Sculptors  Society 
of  Canada. 

S.S.J.E.  .  Society  of  St.  John  the  Evan- 

S.S.M.  .       .     Society  of  the  Sacred  Mission. 

S.S.O.   .       .     Senior  Supply  Officer. 

St.         ,       .     Street;  Saint. 

S.T.D.  .  .  Sacrce  Theologies  Doctor  (Doc- 
tor of  Sacred  Theology). 

Stip.     .       .     Stipend;   Stipendiary. 

S.TX.  .  .  Sacrce  Theologies  Lector  (Reader 
or  a  Professor  of  Sacred 

S.T.M.  .       .     Sacrce  Theologice  Magister. 

S.T.P.  .  .  Sacrce  Theologies  Professor  (Pro- 
fessor of  Divinity,  old  form 
of  D.D.). 

S.T.S.O.       .     Senior  Technical  Staff  Officer. 

Supp.  Res.  Supplementary  Reserve  (of 

Supt.    .       .     Superintendent. 

Surg.    .       .     Surgeon. 

Surv.   .       .     Surviving. 

S.W.     .       .     South-west. 

Syd.      .       .     Sydney. 


T.          .       .     Telephone;  Territorial. 

T.A.  .  .  Telegraphic  Address;  Terri- 
torial Army. 

T.A.A.         .     Territorial  Army  Association. 

T.A.F.  .       .     Tactical  Air  Force. 

T.  &  A.F.A.  Territorial  and  Auxiliary  Forces 

T.A.R.O.  .  Territorial  Army  Reserve  of 

Tastn.  .       .     Tasmania. 

T.C.D.  .       .     Trinity  College,  Dublin. 

T.C.F.  .  .  Temporary  Chaplain  to  the 

T.D.  .  .  Territorial  Decoration ;  (Tealta 
Dail)  Member  of  the  Dail, 

Temp. .       .     Temperature ;   Temporary. 

Tenn.  .       .     Tennessee  (U.S.). 

Ter.  or  Terr.    Terrace. 

Tex.     .       .     Texas  (U.S.). 

T.F.      .       .     Territorial  Forces. 

T.F.R.  .       .     Territorial  Force  Reserve. 

Th.L.    .       .     Theological  Licentiate. 

T.P.      .       .     Transvaal  Province. 

T.P.I.   .       .     Town  Planning  Institute. 

T.R.C.  .       .     Thames  Rowing  Club. 

T.R.H.        .     Their  Royal  Highnesses. 

Trin.    .       .     Trinity. 

T.S.D.  .       .     Tertiary  of  St.  Dominick. 

T.U.C.  .       .     Trades  Union  Congress. 

T.Y.C,  ,       ,     Thames  Yacht  Club. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 



to . . . 

Call  and  inspect  the  compre- 
hensive range  of  beautiful  things 
which  instantly  appeal  to  those 
who  value  quality  and  exquisite 
workmanship.  Delightful  hand- 
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wear, Scarves,  Gloves,  Layettes, 
'kerchiefs  and  Household  linen 
in  infinite  variety  await  your 





V.C.       . 

Victoria  Cross. 


Vice-Chief  of  the  Air  Staff. 


Royal  Naval  Volunteer  Reserve 



Officers'     Decoration    (now 

u.   , 


V.R.D.)  ;  Volunteer  Officers' 


University  College. 
University     College.     Hospital 

Decoration;     Victorian  De- 


Urban  District  Council. 
Union  Defence  Force. 
United  Free  Church. 

V.D.C.  . 
Vcn.     . 
Very  Rev. 

Volunteer  Defence  Corps. 
Venerable  (of  an  Archdeacon). 
Very  Reverend  (of  a  Dean). 



United  Kingdom. 
United  Nations. 

V.H.S.  '. 

Hon.  Surgeon   to  Viceroy   of 


United  Nntioim  Association. 
United  JN'ationH  Conference  on 
International  Organization. 

Viet.     . 

Vice-Aid  miral. 


>.    United   Nations   Educational, 



Scientific  and  Cultural   Or- 

V.M.    ! 

Victory  Medal. 



Victoria     Medal     of     Honour 

Univ.  . 

U.F.       . 

United  Nations  Organization. 
United  Nations  Relief  and  .Re- 
habilitation Administration. 
.     United     Provinces;       United 

Vol.      . 
V.P.      . 
V.R.      . 

(  Royal  Horticultural  Society). 
Volume  ;  Volunteers. 
Victoria    Regma    (Queen    Vic- 



U.S.       . 
U.S.A.  . 

.     United  States. 
.     United  States  of  America. 


Roval  Naval  Volunteer  Reserve 
Officers'  Decoration. 


.     United    States   Military   Aca- 


Vermont  (U.S.). 


.     United  States  Naval  Reserve. 


.     Union  of  Soviet  Socialist  Re- 


U.T.C.  . 

.     University  Training  Corps. 

(U.U.)  . 

.     Ulster  Unionist. 



V.  .       .  .     Five  (Roman  numerals) ;   Ver- 
sion ;  Vicar ;  Viscount ;  Vice. 

V.          .  Versus  (against). 

V.  or  vid.  Vide  (see). 

V.A.     .  Victoria  and  Albert. 

Va.       .  Virginia  (U.S.). 

V.A.D.  Voluntary  Aid  Detachment. 


W.A.    . 



"West  Australia. 

Women's  Auxiliary  Air  Force 
(now  W.R.A.F.). 


Washington  State  (U.S.). 

Wing  Commander. 

Workers'  Educational  Associa- 
tion ;  Royal  West  of  England 


Whitworth  Scholar. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

W.I.     .       .  West  Indies 

Wilts.  .       .  Wiltshire. 

Wis.     .       .  Wisconsin  (U.S.). 

W.L.F.        .  Women's  Liberal  Federation. 

Wm.    .       .  William. 

W.O.    .       .  War  Office. 

W.O.S.B.    .  War  Office  Selection  Board. 

W.R.    .       .  West  Hiding. 

W.R.A.C.  .  Women's  Royal  Army  Corps. 

W.R.A.F.  .  Women's    Royal    Air    Force 

(formerly  W.A.A.F.). 

W.R.N.S.    .  Women's  Royal  Naval  Service. 

W.S.    .       .  Writer  to  the  Signet. 

W.S.P.U.    ,  Women's  Social  and  Political 


W.  Va.        .  West  Virginia  (U.S.). 

W.V.S.        .  Women's  Voluntary  Services. 

Wyo.  .       .  Wyoming  (U.S.). 


X.  .       .        .     Ten  (Roman  numerals?). 

y.          .  youngest. 

Yeo.      .  Yeomanry. 

Y.H.A.  Youth  Hostels  Association. 

Y.M.C.A.          Young  Men's  Christian  Associa- 

Yorks.  Yorkshire. 

yr.        .  younger. 

yrs.      .  years, 

Y.W.C.A.         Young  Women's  Christian 


Foreword  by  SIR  GERALD  WOLLASTON,  K.C.B..  K.C.V.O. 

Earl  Marshal's  Secretary, 
formerly  Garter  Principal  King  of  Arms 

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Published  by  ADAM  &  CHARLES  BLACK 



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of    happy 




At  home,  abroad,  by  night,  by  day 
— Christianity  in  action  !  The  work 
of  The  Salvation  Army  depends  as 
much  as  ever  on  voluntary  dona- 
tions, bequests  and  legacies.  Will 
you  please  help  ?  Write  to  General 
101,  Queen  Victoria  Street,  E.C.4. 
Copies  of  illustrated  brochures  and 
magazines  describing  the  Army's 
activities  will  gladly  be  sent  free 
on  request. 

The  Salvation  Army 


Abbott,  Albert,  (UJ.K,  10  June  '50. 
Abbott,  Evelyn  Robins,  C.I.E.,  7  May  '50. 
Abercrombie,  Peter  Henderson,  30  Sept.  'oO. 
Aberdeen,  Bishop  of,  (R.C.)  (1U.  Rev.  John 

A.  Matheson),  5  July '50. 
Adams,  John,  IS  May  '50. 
Adamson,  Sir  John  Ernest,  C.M.G.,  24  April 

Adler,  Miss  N,,  ail.K,  15  April  '50. 
Ainslie,  Grant  Duff  Douglas,  27  March  '48. 
Aiton,  Sir  (John)  Arthur,  C.B.E.,  24  Jan.  '50. 
Akerman,  John  Camilla,  30  Oct.  '50. 
Alexander,  Harold  Vincent,  C.B.E.,  11  Oct. 

Ali,  Khan  Bahadur  Nawab  Sir  Chaudri  Fazal, 

O.B.E.,  30  Oct.  '42. 
Allard,  Hon.  Jules,  3  Jan.  '45. 
Allen,  Harold  Tuckwcll,  C.M.G.,  19  March  '50. 
Alsop,  Ralph,  C.B.E.,  0  Oct.  '50. 
Altham,  Captain  Edward,  C.B.,  16  Oct.  '50. 
Anderson,  Andrew  Newton,  O.B.E.,  10  May 


Anderson,  Rev.  Edward  Erskine,  28  Feb.  '50. 
Anderson,  John  Eubback,  C.M.G.,  C.B.E., 

4  Nov.  '50. 
Anderson,  Colonel  Rowland  James  Percy, 

CM.G.,  D.S.O.,  20  March  '50. 
Anderton,  Sir  Francis  Robert  Ince,  4  Jan. 

Antigonish,  Nova  Scotia,  Archbishop  of, 

(R.C.)  (Most  Rev.  James  Morrison),  13  April 


Aotearoa,  Bishop  of  (Rt.  Rev.  Frederick- 
Augustus  Bennett),  C.M.G.,  16  Sept.  '50. 
Appleton,  Professor  Arthur  Beeny,  22  April 


Appleton,  Prof.  Henry  William,  29  Sept.  '39. 
AP  Rhys  Pryce,  Gen.  Sir  Henry  Edward, 

K.C.B.,  CM.G,  D.S.O.,  21  June  '50. 
Arbuthnot,  Major  John  Bernard,  M.V.O., 

Archer, 'Henry  Allan  Fairfax  Best,  O.B.E., 
Arkwright,'  Rev.  Ernest  Henry,  M.V.O., 

Armstrong,'  Colonel  Bertie  Harold  Olivier, 

C.B.,  C.M.G.,  24  Feb.  '50. 
Armstrong,  Sir  Richard  (Harold),  30  March 

Armstrong,  Sir  William  Herbert  Fletcher, 

C.I.E,,  9  Feb. '50.  Tr   TT 

Arnold,  General  of  the  Army  Henry  H.f  Hon. 

Arthurs  Sir  George  Malcolm,  4th  Bt.,  27  July 

'49  (succession  not  proved}. 
Ashfteld,  Percy  John,  C.B.E.,  June  '46. 
Asman,  Rev.  Harry  Newbitt,  22  Oct.  '50. 
Ault,  Norman,  6  Feb.  '50. 
Aurobindo,  Sri,  5  Dec.  '50. 
Austin,  Reginald  McPherson,  C.B.B.,  2  July 

Aylward,  Florence,  14  Oct.  '50. 

Bacon,  Commander  Sidney  Kenrick,  D.S.O., 

Ba2ggefstephen  Salisbury,  C.M,G.,  10  Oct.  '60, 
Bagshawe,   Sir  Arthur  William   Garrard, 

C.M.G.,  24  March  '50. 
Bain,  Sir  Frederick,  23  Nov.  '50. 
Baker,  Rev.  Dr.  Stanley,  20  April  '50, 
Baker,  Ven,  William  Arthur,  14  Dec.  '50. 

Ballard,  Philip  Boswood,  1  Nov.  S50. 
Banerji,  Sir  Albion  Rajkurnar,  C.S.I.,  C.I.E., 

25  Feb.  '50. 

Bangor,  6th  Viscount,  P.C.  (N.  Ire.),  O.B.E., 

17  Nov.  '50.  ,  „  ^ 

Banon,  Brig.- General  Frederick  Lionel,  C.B., 

Barker,Vir  Herbert  Atkinson,  21  July  '50. 
Barnes,  Bernard,  C.B.,  17  Oct.  '50. 
Barnes,  Walter  Mayhew,  31  Dec.  '50 
Barr,  Alexander  Wallace,  C.B.B.,  9  Nov.  '49. 
Barr,  Mark,  15  Dec.  '50. 
Barrett,  Edward  Ivo  Medhurst,  C.I.E.,  10 

Julv  '50. 
Barrow,  *Sir  Francis  Laurence  John,  4th  Bt., 

9  June  '50. 
Barton,   Lt.-Col.   Charles   Walter,    C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  21  Sept.  '50. 
Basset,  Arthur  Francis,  30  May  '50. 
Bate,  Francis,  O.B.E.,  28  Nov.  '50. 
Bateman-Champain,  Rt,  Rev.  John  Nor- 
man, 22  Oct.  '50, 

Batten,  Herbert  Ernest,  8  Jan.  50. 
Baverstock,  Rev.  Alban  Henry,  25  April 


Bazett,  Henry  Cuthbert,  C.B.E.,  12  July  '50. 
Beall,   Lt.-Col.   Edward   Metcalfe,   C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  13  March  '50. 
Beaman,  Brevet  Lieutenant-Colonel  Ardern 

Arthur  Hulme,  D.S.O.,  26  Aug.  '50. 
Beard,  John,  C.B.E.,  25  Sept.  '50, 
Beauchamp,  Colonel  Sir  Frank,  1st  Bt., 

C.B.E.,  17  June  '50. 

Bedwell,  Cyril  Edward  Alfred,  24  April  50. 
Behrend,  George  L.,  30  Dec.  '50. 
Belfrage,  Sydney  Henning,  31  May  50. 
Belhaven  and  Stenton,  llth  Baron,  0.1.1-., 

26  Oct.  '50. 

Bell,  Aubrey  FitzGerald,  7  May  '50. 
Belmont,  Perry,  25  May  '47. 
Ben6t,  William  Rose,  4  May  '50. 
Benham,    Sir   William   Blaxland,   K.B.E., 

F.R.S.,  21  Aug.  '50. 

Bennett,  Sir  Francis  Sowerby,  31  March  50. 
Bergin,  Osborn  Joseph,  6  Oct.  '50. 
BernersJ  4th  Baron,  19  April '50. 
Bertie,  Col.  Hon.  Reginald  Henry,  C.B.,  15 

Bettington,   Group  Capt.  (Arthur)   Vere, 
Bewoor,  Sir  Gurunath  Venkatesh,  K.C.I.E., 

Be^sher,  Brigadier  Frederick  William,  C.B.E., 

D.S.O.,  26  Sept.  '50. 
Beynon,    Brig.-General    Henry    Lawrence 

Norman,  C.M.G.,  30  April  '50. 
Bikaner,  Maharaja  of,   G.C.S.I.,  G.C.I.E., 

Bilbrough,  Rt.  Rev.'  Harold  Ernest,  15  Nov. 
Birch,  Wyndham  Lindsay,  D.S.O.,  M.B.E., 

Bird,  Sir  William  Barrott  Montfort,  13  Nov. 

Black,  Rev.  Canon  Gibson  (James  Hunter 

Black,    Colonel    John    Campbell   Lament, 

C.M.G.,  9  Feb.  '50. 

Blackman,  Winifred  Susan,  12  Dec.  50. 
Blake,  Sir  (Francis)  Edward  (Colquhoun), 

2nd  Bt.,  24  Nov. '50 
Blake,  Jack  Percy,  19  Dec.  '50. 

35  Advertisements 



All  Life-boat  men 

are  volunteers  except 

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All  are  rewarded  every  time  they  answer  a  call  Total 

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contributions.  Send  your  contribution  however  small 




THE  DUKE  OF  MONTROSE,  K.T.,  C.B.,  C.V.O.,  V.D.,  Treasurer 
COL.  A.  D.  BURNETT  BROWN,   M.C.,   T.D.,   M.A.,  Secretary 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Bland,  Col.  (Jlrlff.-Gon.)  William  St.  Coluin 

C.B.,  C.M.G.,  t)  fcVb.  T»(). 
Blandy,  Beatrice  Charlotte,  C.B.E..  5  Marcl 

Blatherwick,     Col.     Sir    Thomas,     K.C.B., 

D.S.O.,  12  June  '50. 
Bleackley,   Engineer  Hear- Admiral  Hubert, 

C.B.K.,  M.V.O.,  19  Juno  '50. 
Bliss,  Col.  Thomas  Gordon,  C.B.E.,  21  Oct.  '49. 
Bio f eld,  Rev.  Stuart,  19  Aug.  '50. 
Blois,  Sir  Ralph  Barrett  Macnaghten,  9th  Bt., 

18  March  '50. 
Blondin,    Lt.-Col.    Hon.    Pierre    Bdouard, 

P.C.(Can.),  29  Oct.  '43. 
Blum,  Leon,  30  March  '50. 
Blyth,    Lt.-Col.    Charles    Frederick    Tolmd, 

C.M.G.,  12  July  '50. 

Bogert,  Clarence  Atkinson,  17  Dec.  '49. 
Bond,  William  Linskill,  12  Oct.  '50. 
Booth,  Evangeline  Cory,  17  July  '50. 
Borrett,  Lieutenant  General  Sir  Oswald  Cuth- 

bert,    K.C.B.,    C.M.G.,    C.B.E.,    D.S.O.,    28 

July  '50. 

Bottomley,  Albert  Ernest,  25  Aug.  '50. 
Bouchpr,  Joseph  Felix,  27  Oct.  '37. 
Bourdillon,  Lancelot  Gerard,  D.S.O.,  4  Jan. 


Boville,  Thomas  Cooper,  C.M.G.,  24  Aug.  '48. 
Bowen,  David,  K.C.,  27  Nov.  '50. 
Bowman,  Isaiah,  G  Jan.  '50. 
Bowman,  Laurence  George,  21  Nov.  '50. 
Bowring,  Walter  Andrew,  C.B.E.,  3  Nov.  '50. 
Bowyer,  Sir  George  Henry,  9th  and  5th  Bt., 

27  Sept.  '50  (ext.t  as  to  5th  Btcy.). 
Boyd,  Alfred  Ernest,  23  Dec.  '49. 
Boyd,  Frank  M.,  4  Feb.  '50. 
Boys,  Guy  Ponsonby,  5  Nov.  '50. 
Bradbury,  1st  Baron,  G.C.B.,  3  May  '50. 
Branson,   William   Philip   Sutcliffe,   C.B.E., 

5  March  '50. 

Bray,  Sir  Edward  Hugh,  C.S.I.,  27  Nov.  '50. 
Bray,  Francis  Edmond,  K.C.,  8  May  '50. 
Bredius,  Dr.  Abraham,  13  March  '46. 
Brennan,  Hon.  Frank,  5  Nov.  '50. 
Bromfield,  William,  3  June  '50. 
Broster,  Dorothy  Kathleen,  7  Feb.  '50. 
Brown,  Ernest,  24  June  '49. 
Brown,  Leonard  Graham,  23  May  '50. 
Brown,  Walter  Hugh,  11  April  '50. 
Browne,  Sir  Philip  Henry,  C.B.E.,  27  May 

Browning,  Mrs.  Adeline  Elizabeth,  C.B.E., 

4  Dec.  '50. 
Bruce,  Lieut. -Colonel  Charles  Edward,  C.S.I.. 

C.I.E.,  C.B.E.,  24  Jan.  '50. 
Bryan,  Colonel  Sir  Herbert,  K.B.E.,  C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  28  Sept.  '50. 
Buchan,  Brig.  David  Adye,  D.S.O.,  12  Oct. 

Buchanan-Dunlop,  Colonel  Henry  Donald, 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  25  Nov.  '50. 
Budd,  Herbert  Ashwin,  3  June  '50. 
Bull,  A.  J.,  15  April  '50. 
Bull,  Bartle,  17  Oct.  '50. 
Bullock,  Willoughby,  20  April  '50. 
Burke,  Col.  Herbert  Francis  Lardner,  D.S.O., 

12  Aug.  '50. 
Burlton,   Lieut. -Col.   Philip  Sykes  Murphy, 

C.I.E.,  17  Oct.  '50. 

Burn,  Sir  Joseph,  K.B.E.,  12  Oct.  '50. 
Burnett,   Brie;. -Gen.   Charles   Kenyon,   C.B., 

C.M.G.,  8  July  '50. 

Burnett,  Dame  Maud,  D.B.E.,  17  Nov.  '50. 
Burns,  John  George,  6  Feb.  '50. 
Burns,  \7ery  Rev.  Michael  John,  26  Dec.  '49. 
Burroughs,  Edgar  Rice,  19  March  '50. 
Butler,  Kathleen  Teresa  Blake,  2  May  '50. 
Buzzard,  Brig.-Gen.  Frank  Anstie,  D.S.O., 

28  Feb.  '50. 

Calderwood,  W.  L.,  I.S.O.,  2  May  '50 
Cameron,  Colonel  John  Philip,  C.S.I.,  C.I.E., 

26  May  '50. 
Campbell,  Very  Eev.  Andrew  James,  1  May 


Campbell,  Lloyd,  20  Feb.  '50. 
Campbell,   Major  Roy  Neil  Boyd,   D.S.O., 

O.B.E.,  9  May  '50. 
Cannon,  Hon.  Lucien,  P.C.,  K.C.(Can.),  14 

Feb.  '50. 

Care w -Hunt,  Lieut. -Colonel  Thomas  Edward, 

D.S.O.,  O.B.E.,  15  Dec.  '50. 
Carlile,  Sir  Walter,  1st  Bt.,  O.B.E.,  3  Jan. 

'50  (ext.). 

Carpmael,  Raymond,  O.B.E.,  8  March  '50. 
Casey,  Thomas  Worrall,  29  Nov.  '49. 
Cassells,   Hugh  Hutchison,   C.B.E.,   M.\r.O., 

10  Jan.  '50. 

Cavan,  llth  Earl  of,  9  Dec.  '50. 
Cave,  Charles  John  Philip,  8  Dae.  '50. 
Caw,  Sir  James  Lewis,  5  Dec.  '50. 
Central  Tanganyika,  Bishop  in  (Rt.  Rev. 

William  Wynn  Jones),  29  May  '50. 
Chadburn,  George  Haworthe,  29  Jan.  '50. 
Chambers,  Graham,  27  March  '36. 
Champion,  Arthur  Mortimer,  C.M.G.,  9  May 

Channer,  Frederick  Francis  Ralph,  C.I.E., 

O.B.E.,  1  April  '50. 
Chapman,  Brig.-Gen.  Archibald  John,  C.B., 

C.M.G.,  C.B.E;,  9  June  '50. 
Charles,  Sir  Ernest  Bruce,  C.B.E. ,  K.C.,  3 

May  '50. 
Charles  worth,  Rev.  Martin  Percival,  26  Oct. 


Charlton,  Capfc.  William  Henry,  6  Sept.  '50. 
Chatterton,  Rt.  Rev.  Eyre,  8  Dec.  '50. 
Chauvel,  Ven.  John  Henry  Allan,  28  Feb.  '46. 
Cherry,  Sir  John  Arnold,  C.I.E.,  4  April  '50. 
Chetwode,     1st     Baron,     (Field     Marshal), 

G.C.B..    O.M.,    G.C.S.I.,    K.C.M.G.,    D.S.O., 

6  July  '50. 

Chignell,  Rev.  Hugh  Scott,  19  Sept.  '50. 
Chisholm,  Hon.  Sir  Joseph  (Andrew),  Z.C., 

22  Jan.  '50. 

:hittenden,  Frederick  James,  31  July  '50. 
Christie,  John  Denham,  10  Oct.  '50. 
Cilea,  Francesco,  20  Nov.  '50. 
Clapham,  Sir  Alfred  William,  C.B.E.,  26  Oct. 


Clark,  Alfred,  16  June  '50. 
Clark,  Sir  George  Ernest,  2nd  Bt.,  10  Nov.  '50. 
Clarke,  Sir  Geoffrey,  C.S.I.,  O.B.E.,  11  Oct. 


Clarkson,  Mabel,  C.B.E.,  21  March  '50. 
Clous  ton,  David,  C.T.E.,  18  April  '48. 
Cobb,  Frederick  Arthur,  M.P.,  27  March  '50. 
Cobb,  John  William,  C.B.E.,  25  Nov.  '50. 
Cobden,  Lt.-Col.  George  Gougli,  C.B.E.,  14 

Aug.  '49. 
Cochrane,  Colonel  Thomas  Henry,  M.V.O., 

O.B.E.,  29  Nov.  '50. 
Cockram,  George,  27  Sept.  '50. 
Coles,    Principal-Emeritus    Charlas,    O.B.E., 

3  Feb.  '47. 
lollins,   Maior-General    Robert   John,    C.B., 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  6  Mirch  '50. 
Collister,    Sir    Harold    (James);     Hon.    Mr. 

Justice  Collister,  22  Feb.  '50. 
Colquhoun,  Col.  Malcolm  Alexander,  C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  3  Aug.  '50. 

Colvin,  Sir  C.  Prest9n,  O.B.E.,  12  Dec.  '50. 
Colvin,  Lt.-Col.  Elliot  James  Dowell,  C.I.E., 

1  Sept.  '50. 
Colvin,  Very  Rev.  William  Evans,  30  Sept. 

Combe,  Brig.-General  Lionel,  C.B.E.,  22  April 


Combridge,  Annie,  C.B.E.,  26  Oct.  '49. 
Comrie,  Leslie  John,  F.R.S.,  11  Dec.  '50. 
Coneybeer,  Hon.  Frederick  William,  30  May 

Conolly,  Brig.  John  James  Pollock,  C.I.E., 

7  Dec.  '50. 

Zonway,  Robert  Russ,  16  Nov.  '50. 
Cook,  Brig.-Gen.  Henry  Rex,  C.I.E.,  21  Jan. 


Copley,  John,  16  July  '50. 
Corbet,  Hon.  Mrs.;    (Katharine),  M.B.E.,  6 

March  '50. 
Corbett-Winder,   Major   William   John,    9 

April  '50. 

Corner,  Edred  Moss,  2  May  '50. 
Cdwtan,  Air  Vice-Marshal  Frank  Cuninghame, 

C.B.,  C.B.E.,  5  March  '50. 
Crackanthorpe,  Dayrell  (Montague),  C.M.G., 

9  Feb.  '50. 
Craig,   James  Douglas,   C.M.G.,   C.B.E.,   13 

May  '50. 
Cranstoun,  Charles  Joseph  Edmondstoune- 

C.B.,  D.S.O.,  7  July  '50. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Craufurd,  Mrs.  Eleanor  Louisa  Houison,  15 
Crawford,  Sir  William  S.,  K.B.E.,  19  Nov. 

Creasy,  Harold  Thomas,  G.B.B.,  31  Oct.  '50. 
Creelman,   Colonel   John  Jennings,   D.b.O... 

K.C.,  29  June  '49. 

Crichton,  Sir  Robert,  C.B.B.,  8  May  '50. 
Cripps,  Hon.  Lionel,  C.M.G.,  3  Feb.  '50. 
Crisp,  Sir  John  Wilson,  3rd  Bt.,  11 J Oct.  '50. 
Crosbie,    Robert    Edward    Harold,    C.M.G., 

O.B.E.,  4  Aug.  '50. 

Cross,  Francis  John  Kynaston,  31  Dec.  50. 
Crowther,  James  Arnold,  25  March  50. 
Cunningham,  Brysson,  31  July  '50 
Cunningham,   George   Charles,   C.B.B.,   26 

Feb.  '50. 

Currie,  George  Welsh,  3  June '50. 
Curtis-Bennett,  Sir  (Francis)  Noel,  K.C.V.O., 

2  Dec.  '50. 

Daggar,  George,  M.P.,  14  Oct.  '50. 
Dakin,  Professor  William  John,  2  April  '50. 
Dalhousie,  15th  Earl  of,  3  May '50. 
Dalton,  Mrs.  John  E. ;  (Emilie  Hilda),  C.B.E., 

Dampier,  Admiral  Cecil  Frederick,  C.M.G-., 

11  April  '50. 

Damrosch,  Walter,  22  Dec.  '50. 
Daniel,  Sir  Augustus  Moore,  K.B.E.,  7  Nov. 

Daniell-Bainbridge,  Rev.  Howard  Gurney, 

26  Nov.  '50. 
D'Arcy,  Dame  Constance  Elizabeth,  D.B.E., 

25  April  '50. 

Darwen,  1st  Baron,  26  Dec.  '50. 
Dauglisn,  Captain  Edward  Heath,  C.I.E.,  19 

Oct.  '50. 

David,  Rt.  Rev.  Albert  Augustus,  24  Dec.  '50. 
Da  vies,  Albert  Emil,  18  July  '50. 
Davies,  Major  Sir  George  Frederick,  C.V.O., 

21  June  '50. 
Davies,  Major-General  Henry  Rodolph,  C.B., 

4  Jan.  '50. 
Davis,  Sir  (Arthur)  Charles,  1st  Bt.,  27  Oct. 


Davis,  Hon.  Frank  Hoy,  17  Sept.  '48. 
Davis,  Sir  (Steuart)  Spencer,  C.M.G.,  3  April 


Davy,  Maurice  John  Bernard,  1  June  '50. 
Dawe,  Sir  Arthur  James,  K.C.M.G.,  O.B.E., 

14  July  '50. 
Dawson,  Rear- Admiral  Sir  Oswald  Henry, 

K.B.E.,  11  May  '50. 
Dawson,  William  Richard,  O.B.E.,  17  June 


Deeping,  (George)  Warwick,  20  April  '50. 
de  la  Fosse,  Sir  Claude  Fraser,  C.I.E.,  17  Dec. 

de  la  Rue,  Sir  Evelyn  Andros,  2nd  Bt.,  30 

Nov.  '50. 
Delevingne,  Sir  Malcolm,  K.C.B.,  K.C.V.O., 

30  Nov.  '50. 

De  Mole,  Lancelot  Eldin,  C.B.E.,  6  May  '50. 
de  Monte,  Frank  Thomas,  C.I.E.,  17  April 


Dennis,  Trevor,  17  Sept.  '50. 
De  Selincourt,  Martin,  8  Aug.  '50. 
Devonshire,  10th  Duke  of,  K.G-.,  M.B.E., 

26  Nov.  '50. 
Dewar,  Michael  Bruce  Urquhart,  O.B.E.,  21 

Dec.  '50. 

Dewsnup)  Ernest  Ritson,  1  May  '50. 
Dilling,  Walter  James,  19  Aug.  '50. 
Dixon,  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  Thomas  James,  2nd  Bt., 

P.C.  (N.  Ire.),  10  May  '50. 
Dobbie,  William,  C.B.E.,  M.P.,  19  Jan.  '50. 
Dodd,  Frederick  Henry,  17  Aug.  '50. 
Dodd,    Sir   Robert   John   Sherwood,    C.S.I., 

3  Oct.  '50. 
Done,    Brigadier-General    Herbert    Richard, 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  17  Jan.  '50. 
Dore,  Ernest,  27  June  '50. 
Dowries,  Very  Rev.  Edmund  Audley,  19  Jan. 

Dowson,  Sir  Ernest  MacLeod,  K.B.E.,  26  June 


Draper,  Bernard  Montagu,  C.B.,  21  July  '50. 
Drayton,  Sir  Henry  Lumley,  29  Aug.  '50. 

Duchemin,  Henry  Pope,  K.C.,  21  May '60. 
Duff,  Col.  Charles  de  Vertus,  C.B.E.,  6  Feb. 

Duigan,  Maj.-Gen.  Sir  John  Evelyn,  TC.B.E., 

C.B.,  D.S.O.,  9  Jan.  '50. 
Dunbabin,  Robert  Leslie,  15  Oct.  '49. 
Dunlop,     Engineer     Rear-Admiral     Samuel 

Harrison,  C.B.,  25  May  '50. 
Dunn,  William,  C.B.E.,  6  March  '49. 
Dunstan,  Hon.  Sir  Albert  Arthur,  K.C.M.G., 

14  April  '50. 
Dunwoodie,  Lallan  Bessie,  C.B.E.,  »  April 

Dutton,  Lieut.-Colonel  Hugh  Reginald,  C.I.E., 

5  July  '50. 
Dyall,  Franklin,  8  May  '50. 

Eaglesome,  Sir  John,  K.C.M.G.,  3  April  '50. 
Earle,  Charles  Westwood,  C.M.G.,  28  March 


Eden,  Denis,  30  Oct.  '49.  . 

Edlmann,  Colonel  Francis  Joseph  Frederick, 

D.S.O.,  O.B.E.,  8  Dec.  '50. 
Edwardes-Davies,  Rt.  Rev.  David,  15  May 


Eliash,  Dr.  Mordecai,  12  March  '50. 
Elliot,  Frederick  Barnard,  C.B.E.,  2  Jan.  *50. 
Elliott,   Robert  Charles  Dunlop,  C.M.G.,   6 

March  '50. 
Elphin,     Bishop    of,     (R.C.)    (Most     Rev. 

Edward  Doorly),  5  April  '50. 
Elsden,  John  Pascoe,  14  April  '50. 
Emdin,  Engineer  Rear-Adm.  Archie  Russell, 

C.M.G.,  15  Feb.  '50. 
Enthoven,  Mrs.  Gabrielle,  O.B.E.,  18  Aug. 


Esdaile,  Katharine  Ada,  31  Aug.  '50. 
Evans,  Arthur  Henry,  O.B.E.,  20  March  '50. 
Evans,  Rev.  J.  T.s  28  Feb.  '50. 
Evans,  Nevil  Norton,  9  Sept.  '48. 
Exham,  Lieut.-Col.  Harold,  D.S.O.,  O.B.E., 

27  Aug.  '50. 
Ezechiel,  Sir  Percy  (Hubert),  K.C.M.G.,  22 

Oct.  '50. 

Fairbairn,  James,  7  June  '50. 
Fairbrother,  Yen.  Rupert,  21  Oct.  '47. 
Fairfax,  Colonel  Bryan  Charles,  C.M.G.,  29 

Jan.  '50. 

Fane,  Lady  Augusta,  10  Feb.  '50. 
Faviell,  Lt.-Col.   William  Frederick  Oliver, 

D.S.O.,  14  Feb.  '50. 

Feldman,  Rev.  Dayan  Dr.  Asher,  13  Dec.  '50. 
Fenton,  Hon.  James  Edward,  C.M.G.,  Dec. 

Ferguson,  Rev.  Canon  William  Harold,  18 

Oct.  '50. 
Fewtrell,  Maj.-Gen.  Albert  Cecil,  C.B.,  D.S.O., 

16  Oct.  '50. 
Field,  Admiral  Sir  (Arthur)  Mostyn,  K.C.B., 

F.R.S.,  3  July  '50. 

Field,  Sid  (Sidney  Arthur  Field),  3  Feb.  '50. 
Finlaison,  Maj.-Gen.   John  Bruce,   C.M.G., 

22  April  '50. 

Firth,  Sir  Harriss,  1  May  '50. 
Fitzgerald,  Prof.  Walter,  29  Nov.  '49. 
Fleming,  Edward  Lascelles,  E.G.,  17  Feb.  '50. 
Fletcher,  Herbert  Morley,  9  Sept.  '50. 
Flower,  Sir  Archibald  Dennis,  22  Nov.  '50. 
Fogg  Elliot,  Captain  Mark,  D.S.O.,  14  May 


Foley,  Blanchard,  C.S.I.,  2  May  '50. 
Forbes,  Arthur  0.,  O.B.E.,  7  Nov.  '50. 
Ford,  Lt.-Col.  Charles  Hopewell,  C.M.G.,  18 

Dec.  '50. 

Ford,  Rev.  George  Paget,  15  Oct.  '50. 
Forster,  Edward  Seymour,  M.B.E.,  18  July 

Fosbrooke,  Ven.  Henry  Leonard,  10  March 


Foxcroft,  Miss  H.  C.5  6  July  '50. 
Franklin,  Ernest  Louis,  8  April  '50. 
Fraser,  John  Henry  Pearson,  D.S.O.,  March 


Fraser,  Malcolm,  C.V.O.,  O.B.E.,  29  Nov.  '49. 
Fraser,  Rt.  Hon.  Peter,  P.C.,  C.H.,  12  Dec. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 



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Freake,  Sir  Frederick  Charles  Maitland,  3rd 

Bt.,  22  Dec.  '50. 

Freeman,  Eev.  Herbert  Bentley,  2  March  '50. 
Freeman,  Sir  Ealph,  11  March  '50. 
French,  Col.  George  Arthur,  C.M.G.,  15  Dec. 

Fry.  Eev.  Canon  Charles  Edward  Middleton, 

M.B.E.,  27  July  '50. 

Fuller,  Et.  Eev.  John  Latimer,  25  May  '50. 
Furkert,  Frederick  William,  C.M  G,,  26  Sept. 


Gabain,  Ethel  Leontiiie  (Mrs.  John  Copley), 

30  Jan.  '50. 
Gabriel,  Colonel  Sir  (Edmund)  Vivian,  C.S.I.. 

C.M.G.,  C.V.O  ,  C.B  E.,  14  Feb.  '50. 
Gairdner,    Arthur    Charles    Dalrymple,    21 

March  '50. 
Gait,  Sir  Edward  Albert,  K.C.S.L,  O.J.E.,  14 

March  '50. 
Galbraith,     Lieut.-Col.    Janies    Ponsonby, 

O.B.E.,  1  Oct.  '50. 
Gardiner,  Eobert  Strachan,  C.B.E.,  17  Oct. 

Garrett,  Captain  Peter  JBruff,  C.B.E.,  11  Feb. 


Gaskell,  Ven.  Albert  Fisher,  20  Dec.  '50. 
Gaudet,  Col.  Frederick  Mondelet,  C.M.G.,  3 

Kov.  J47. 

Gibson,  Charles  Stanley,  O.B.E.,  F.R.S.,  24 

March  '50. 

Gibson,  Harvey  Dow,  11  Sept.  '50. 
Gibson,  Sir  Henry  Janies,  K.C  B.,  22  Nov.  '50. 
Gibson,  Eear-Adm.  Isham  Worsley,  O.B.E., 

M.V.O.,  30  Nov.  '50. 

Gilbert.  Arthur  Middleton,  I.S.O.,  25  March  '37. 
Gill,  Sir  Frank,  K.C.M.G.,  O.B.E.,  25  Oct.  '50. 
Gilpin,  Brig.-Gen.  Frederic  Charles  Almon, 

C.B.,  C.B.E.,  17  Dec.  '50. 
Gilpin,  Sir  Harry,  (Edmund  Henry),  24  July 


Girdlestone,  Gathorne  Eobert,  30  Dec.  '50. 
Glasgow,    Brig.-Gen.    Alfred    Edgar,    C.B., 

C.M.G  ,  D.S.O.,  1  Feb.  '50. 
Glentoran,  1st  Baron,  P.C.  (N.  Ire.),  O.BJL, 

20  July  '50. 

Godfrey,  Percy,  30  Jan.  '45. 
Good,  Percy,  C.B.E.,  2  Dec.  '50. 
Goolden,  Eear-Adm.  Francis  Hugh  Walter 

C.B.,  13  June  '50. 

Gordon,  Cora  Josephine,  1  July  '50. 
Gordon,  Konald  Grey,  26  April  '50. 
Gordon,  William  Thomas,  12  Dec.  '50. 
Gordon-Clark:,  Lt.-Col.  Craufurd  Alexander, 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  8  March  '50. 
Gorst,  Harold  E.,  13  Aug.  '50. 
Gossling,  Archibald  George,  19  May  '50. 
Goudie,  William  John,  4  Oct.  '45. 
Gough,    Lt.-Col.    Hugh    Augustus    "Keppel, 

C.I.E.,  8  Oct.  '50. 

Gould,  Barbara  Ayrton,  15  Oct.  '50. 
Graham,  Winifred  (Mrs.  Theodore  Cory),  5 

Feb.  S50. 
Graham-Smith,  George  Stuart,  F.E.S.,  30 

Aug.  '50. 
Grant,  General  Sir  Charles  John  Cecil,  K.C.B., 

K.C.V.O.,  D.S  0  ,  9  Nov.  '50. 
Grant,  Lt.-Gen.  Harold  George,  31  Oct.  '50. 
Granville-Barker,  Helen,  16  Feb.  '50. 
Gray,  Lieut -Colonel   John  Anselm  Samuel, 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O  ,  26  Sept.  '50. 
Gray,  William  Forbes,  12  May  '50. 
Green,  Eng.-Eear-Admiral  Sir  (Donald)  Percy, 

K.C.M.G.,  C.B.,  7  March  '50. 
Green  -  Wilkinson,    Brig.  -  General    Lewis 

Frederic,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  11  April  '50. 
Greene,  Sir  (William)   Graham,  K.C.B.,  10 

Sept.  '50. 

Greenly,  Lieut.-CoI.  Sir  John  Henry  Mait- 
land, K.C.M.G.,  C.B.E.,  31  Dec.  '50. 
Greg,  John  Eonald,  C.B.E.,  29  Apr.  '50. 
Gregory,  Eev.  Benjamin,  20  July  '50. 
Greig,  Sir  Alexander,  5  May  '50. 
Greig,    Lieut.-Col.    Edward    David    Wilson, 

C.I.E.,  13  April  '50. 
Grew,  Edwin  Sharpe,  31  Dec.  '50. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Grey,  Egerton  Spenser,  C.B.,  11  May  '50. 
Griggs,  Clare  H.,  2  Jan.  '50. 
Gronow,  Albert  George,  C.B.E.,  21  April  '50. 
Groves,  Charles  Nixon,  C.B.E.,  8  Nov.  '50. 
Gunn,  Battiscombe  George,  27  Feb.  '50. 
Gunning,  Brig.-Gen.  Sir  Charles  Vere,  7th 

Bt.,  C.B.,  C.M.G.,  29  Jan.  '50. 
Gurner,  Vice-Admiral  Victor   Gallafent,  18 

Oct.  '50. 

Guy,  William,  28  May  '50. 
Gwynn,  Stephen.  (Lucius),  11  June  '50. 
G wynne,  H.  A.,  C.H.,  26  June  '50. 

Haag,  Norman  C.,  8  Dec.  '50. 

Hacking,  1st  Baron,  P.C.,  O.B.E.,  29  July 

Haddy,  Eng. -Rear-Admiral  Frederick  George. 

M.V.O.,  30  Dec.  '50. 
Hailsham,  1st  Viscount,  P.O.,  K.C.,  16  Aug. 

Haldane,  General  Sir  J.  Aylmer  L.,  G.C.M.G., 

K.C.B.,  D.S.O.,  19  April  '50. 
Halford,  Jeannette,  O.B.E.,  27  Feb.  '50. 
Hall,  Edward  Laret,  C.M.G.,  29  Nov.  '47. 
Hall,  Robert,  17  Sept.  '49. 
Hall-Thompson,   Admiral  Percival  Henry, 

C.B.,  O.M.G.,  6  July  '50. 
Hallifax,  Edwin  Richard,  C.M.G.,  O.B.E.,  4 

May  '50. 
Halsey,  Lt.-Col.  Sir  Walter  Johnston,  2nd  Bt., 

O.B.E.,  2  Sept.  '50. 
Hamilton,  Colonel  Ernest  Graham,  C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  10  AprU  '50. 

Hancock,  His  Honour  Ernest,  26  Dec.  '50. 
Hankins,  George  Alexander,  2  Nov.  '50. 
Hannay,  Rev.  James  Owen,  2  Feb.  '50. 
Hardie,  Most  Rev.  William  George,  C.B.E., 

21  Feb.  '50. 

Hare,  Brevet  Lieut.-Colonel  Charles  Tristram 

Melville,  C.B.E.,  30  June  '50. 
Hare,  Brig.-Gen.  Robert  Hugh,  C.B.,  O.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  M.V.O.,  2  Oct.  '50. 
Harley,  Lieut.-Col.  Thomas  William,  C.I.E., 

13  Nov.  '50. 
Hartner,  Sir  Sidney  Frederic,  K.B.E.,  F.R.S., 

22  Oct.  '50. 

Harmood-Banner,  Major  Sir  Harmood,  2nd 

Bt.,  5  July  '50. 
Harper,  Sir  Charles  Henry,  K.B.E.,  C.M.G., 

13  May  '50. 

Harris,  Henry,  20  May  '50. 
Harrison,  Ven.  Edward  Stanley, 
Harrison,  Lt.-Col.  Norman,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O., 

21  April  '49. 

Harrison,  Robert  Tullis,  C.S.I.,  27  March  '50. 
Hartrick,  Archibald  Standish,  O.B.E.,  1  Feb. 


Harvey,  Hon.  Horace,  9  Sept.  '49. 
Harvey,  Rev.  James,  15  Feb.  '50. 
Harwood,  Admiral  Sir  Henry  Harwood, 

K.C.B.,  O.B.E.,  9  June  '50. 
Hathaway,  Major-Gen.  Harold  George,  C.B., 

3  Sept.  '42. 
Haworth,  Sir  (Walter)  Norman,  F.R.S.,  19 

March  '50. 
Hay,    (Word    Henderson,    C.M.G.,    C.B.E., 

M.V.O.,  16  Dec.  '49. 
Hayden,  Mary  Teresa,  12  July  '42. 
Headland,  Isaac  Taylor,  2  Aug.  '42. 
Heard,  Maj.-Gen.  Richard,  C.I.E.,  16  Aug. 


Hedworth,  Rev.  Thomas,  16  Jan.  '50. 
Hemming,  Colonel  Norman  Mackenzie,  C.B., 

1  Jan.  '50. 
Henderson  of  Ardwick,  1st  Baron,  26  Feb. 

'50  (eat.). 

Henderson,  Rev.  Alexander  Roy,  21  Feb.  '50. 
Henderson,  Sir  James  Blacklock,  7  April  '50. 
Henrlques,  Sir  Philip  Gutterez,  K.B.E.,  26 

April  '50. 

Henry,  Prof.  Robert  Mitchell,  21  Dec.  '50. 
Heron,     Hon.     Colonel    Alexander    Robert, 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  18  Oct.  '49. 
Hersctiel,   Rev.  Sir  John  Charles  William. 

3rd  Bt.,  15  June  '50  (eat.). 
Hertz,  William  Axel,  C.S.I.,  15  March  '50. 
Hichens,  Robert  Smythe,  20  July  '50. 
Hickie,    Maj.-Gen.    Sir    William    Bernard, 

.K.C.B,  3  Nov.  '50. 

Higginson,     Captain     Archibald     Bertram 

Watson,  C.B.,  D.S.O.,  25  July  '50. 
Hinde,  Brig.-Gen.  Alan,  C.M.G.,  24  AUK.  '50. 
Hingston,  Surgeon  Captain  William  Perceval, 

C.B.,  16  Jan.  '50. 
Hodge,   Sir  Rowland  Frederic  William,   1st 

Bt.,  21  Sept.  '50. 
Hadgson,    Lt.-Col.    Greenwood,    C.B.E.,    12 

March  '50. 

Hodgson,  (John)  Stuart,  10  May  '50. 
Hofmeyr,  Hon.  Gysbert  Reitz,  C.M.G.,  Mar. 

Hogg,  Col.  Conrad  Charles  Henry,  C.M.G.,  20 

May  '50. 
Hogg,  Sir  Gilbert  Pitcairn,  K.C.I.E.,  C.S.L,  15 

April  '50. 
Hogg,  Robert  Henry,  C.M.G.,  O.B.E.,  24  AUR. 

Holland,  Vice-Admiral  Cedric  Swinton,, 

11  May  '50. 
Hollond,    Major-General    Spencer    Edmund, 

C.B.,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  15  Feb.  '50. 
Holms,  William  Frederick,  C.I.E.,  30  Sept.  '50. 
Holt-Wilson,  Brig.  Sir  Eric  Edward  Boke- 

ton,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  26  March  '50. 
Hope,  Edward  William,  O.B.E.,  27  April  '50. 
Horan,  Gerald,  K.C.,  9  May  '49. 
Hordern,  Sir  Archibald  Frederick,  C.B.E.,  17 

April  '50. 
Hore,    Sir   (Charles   Fraser)   Adair,    K.B.E., 

C.B.,  23  Jan.  '50. 
Hornell,  Sir  William  (Woodward),  C.I.E.,  22 

Sept.  '50. 
Howard,    Col.    Henry    Cecil    Lloyd,    C.B., 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  24  Jan.  '50. 
Howland,  Hewitt  Hanson,  10  May  '44. 
Huddles  ton,  Maj.-Gen.  Sir  Hubert  Jervoise, 

G.C.M.G.,  G.B.E.,  C.B.,  D.S.O.,  2  Oct.  '50. 
Hughes,  Rev.  Harold,  15  Feb.  '50. 
Hunt,  Henry  Ambrose,  7  Feb.  '46. 
Hunter,  Samuel  Robert,  9  July  '48. 
Hurd,  Sir  Percy  Angler,  5  June  '50. 
Hussey,  Sir  George  Alfred  Ernest,  20  Aug.  '50. 
Hutchinson,  Walter  Victor,  30  April  '50. 
Hutchison  of  Montrose,  1st  Baron,  P.O. 

K.O.M.G.,  C.B.,  D.S.O.,  13  June  '50  (exL). 
Hutin,  Marcel,  20  Oct.  '50. 
Hutson,  Sir  John,  O.B.E.,  29  March  '50. 

Ingham,  Major  Samuel,  V.C.,  8  Dec.  '50. 
Ingilby,  Sir  William  Henry,  4th  Bt.,  20  Sept. 

Innes,  Sir  James  .Bourchier,  14th  Bt.,  20  Dec. 


lonides,  Basil,  23  Sept.  '50. 
Irvine,  Lt.-Col.  Gerard  Beatty,  C.B.,  13  Feb. 

Isbister,    William   James,    M.B.E.,    K.C.(S. 

Aust.),  16  Dec.  '50. 
Ives,  George  (Cecil),  4  June  '50. 

Jackson,  Harold  Gordon,  5  Aug.  '50. 
Jackson,  Captain  Harold  Gordon,  C.B.E.,  13 

Feb.  '50. 
James,  Sir  (John)  Francis  (William),  11  Dec. 


Jamieson,  R.  Kirkland,  3  Sept.  '50. 
Jaqucs-Dalcroxe,  Emile,  1  July  '50. 
Jarvis,  Edward  JBlackwell,  C.M.G.,  17  Nov. 


Jarvis,  Sir  John,  1st  Bt.,  3  Oct.  '50. 
Jenkins,  Alderman  Joseph  Barclay,  1  Apr. 


Jensen,  Ernest  T.,  30  July  '50. 
Jervoise,  Rear-Adm.  Edmund  Purefoy  Ellis 

C.B.E.,  4  Jan.  '50. 

Jessel,  1st  Baron,  C.B.,  C.M.G.,  1  Nov.  '50 
Jodrell,   Lt.-Col.   Henry   Ramsden,   C.M.G 

3  Sept.  '50. 

Johnson,  (Arthur)  Basil  (Noel),  10  Dec.  '50 
Johnston,  Major  Robert,  V.C.,  24  March  '50. 
.lolly,  John  Catterall,  K.C.,  22  Jan.  '50 
Jones,  Clifford  T.,  K.O.(Can.),  24  Feb.  '48. 
Jones,  Ven.  David  Morgan,  19  Sept.  '50. 
Jones,  Maj.-Gen.  Guy  Carleton,  C.M.G.,  23 

Oct.  '50. 

Jones,  Sir  Henry  Haydn,  2  July  '50. 
Jones,  Dr.  (John)  Share,  M.B.E.,  2  Dec.  '50. 
Jones,  William  Llewellyn,  19  July  '50. 



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WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Kavanagh,     Lt.-Gen.     Sir     Charles     Toler 

McMurrough,    K.C.B.,    K.C.M.G.,    C.V.O., 

D.S.O.,  11  Oct.  '50. 

Keen,  Col.  John  Fred,  C.M.G.,  18  May  '49. 
Kellett,  Ernest  Edward,  23  Oct.  '50. 
Kelly,  Rev.  Herbert  Hamilton,  31  Oct.  '50. 
Kelly,  Robert  Alsop,  C.M.G.,  11  July  '50. 
Kelly,  Thomas  Dwyer,  C.M.G.,  1  Nov.  '49. 
Kemp,  Sir  Joseph  Horsford,  C.B.E.,  13  Sept. 


Kennedy,  Charles  Rann,  10  Feb.  '50. 
Kerr,  Win.  Warren,  C.M.G.,  C.B.E.,  2  July  '40. 
Kettlewell,  Rev.  Percy  W.  H.,  25  April  '50. 
Kevenhoerster,  Most  Rev.  John  Bernard, 

9  Dec.  '49. 
Keverne,  Richard,  (Clifford  Hosken),  9  June 


Kiddy,  Arthur  William,  18  Feb.  '50. 
Kilbracken,  2nd  Baron,  C.B.,  K.C.,  13  Oct. 

Killala,  Bishop  of,  (B.C.)  (Most  Rev.  James 

Naughton),  16  Feb.  '50. 
Kimber,  Sir  Henry  Dixon,  2nd  Bt.,  4  Sept. 

Kim  ens,  Richard  Edward.  C.M.G.,   5  April 

Kinahan,  Sir  Robert  Henry  Hudson-,  3rd 

Bt.,  26  Dec.  '49  (eat.). 
King,  Humphrey  Hastings,  3  Aug.  '50. 
King,      Major  -  General      William     Birchall 

Macaulay,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  23  June  '50. 
King,  Rt.  Hon.  W(illiam)  L(yon)  Mackenzie, 

P.O.,  O.M.,  C.M.G.,  22  July  '50. 
Kingcome,  Engineer  Vice- Admiral  Sir  John, 

K.C.B.,  15  July  '50. 
Kirkhope,  Lt.-Col.  Kenneth  Macleay,  C.T.E., 

20  Aug.  '50. 
Kirkness,    Lewis    Hawker,    C.I.E.,    D.S.O., 

O.B.E.,  24  Jan.  '50. 
Kirkpatrick,  Lieut.-Col.  Alexander  Ronald 

Yvone,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  3  Feb.  '50. 
Kirkpatrick,  General  Sir  George  (Macaulay), 

K.G.B.,  K.C.S.I.,  6  Feb.  '50. 
Kitson,   Major-General   Sir   Gerald   Charles, 

K.C.V.O.,  C.B.,  C.M.G.,  3  March  '50. 
Knight,  Charles  Joseph,  C.B.E.,  6  Feb.  '50. 
Knight,  Clara  Millicent,  31  July  '50. 
Knight,  Professor  Nicholas,  29  July  '42. 
Knight,  William  Stanley  Macbean,  21  March 


Knox,  Rev.  Wilfred  Lawrence,  9  Feb.  '50. 
Kotewall,   Sir  Robert  Hormus,  C.M.G.,  23 

May  '49. 
Kyle,  Lieut.-Col.  Robert,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  17 

Feb. '42. 

Lacon,  Sir  George  Haworth  Ussher,  6th  Bt., 

D.S.O.,  21  March  '50. 
Laing,  Alfred  Martin,  14  Oct.  '49. 
Lake,    Sir   Richard   (Stuart),    K.C.M.G.,   23 

April  '50. 
Lambert,     Rear  -  Adin.     Robert     Cathcart 

Kemble,  D.S.O.,  31  Oct.  '50. 
Lamborn,  Edmund  Arnold  Greening,  24  Aug. 

Lament,  Very  Rev.  Prof.  Daniel,  4  May  '50. 

Lancaster,  Percy,  26  Nov.  '50. 

Lane,    Brig.-Gen.    Herbert    Edward    Bruce, 

C.M.G.,  9  Dec.  '50. 

Lanesborough,  8th  Earl  of,  22  Aug.  '50. 
Langdale,     Lieut.-Colonel     Philip     Joseph, 

O.B.E.,  15  April  '50. 
Langham,  Sir  Cyril  (Leigh  Macrae),  11  Oct. 

Langhorne,    Brig.   James   Archibald   Dun- 

boyne,  C.B.E.,  D.S.O.,  11  May  '50. 
Larcom,  Sir  Thomas  Perceval,  3rdBt.,  D.S.O., 

30  Oct.  '50. 

Laski,  Harold  J.,  24  March  '50. 
Lauder,  Sir  Harry  (MacLennan),  26  Feb.  '50. 
Lawrence,   Lieut.-Col.   Sir   (Percy)   Roland 

(Bradford),  2nd  Bt.,  16  May  '50. 
Lawson,     Hon.     James     Earl,    P.C.(Can.), 

K.C.(Can.),  13  May  '50. 
Layton,  William  Grazebrook,  C.B.E.,  20  Aug. 

Lazarus-Barlow,  Walter  Sydney,  15  Jan. 
Letvrun,  Albert,  Hon.  G.C.B.,  6  March  '50. 

Leckie,     Colonel    John    Edwards,     C.M.G., 

C.B.E.,  D.S.O.,  7  Aug.  '50. 
le  Couteur,  Frank,  11  Dec.  '50. 
Lee,  Edward  Owen,  C.I.E.,  23  Oct.  '50. 
Leech,  Ernest  Bosdin,  19  Sept.  '50. 
Leeds,  Bishop  of,  (R.C.);    (Rt.  Rev.  Henry 

John  Poskitt),  19  Feb.  '50. 
Leggett,  Henry  Aufrere,  C.B.,  C.B.E.,  4  Sept. 

Lemonius,  Lt.-Col.  Gerard  Maclean,  C.B.E., 

3  June  '50. 
Le    Quesne,    Ferdinand    Simeon,    V.C.,    14 

April  '50. 
Lethbridge,  Sir  Wroth  (Periam  Cliristopher), 

5th  Bt.,  20  Feb.  '50. 

Letourneau,  Se"verin,  K.C.  (Can.),  17  Dec.  '49. 
Lewin,  Maj.-Gen.  Ernest  Ord,  C.B.,  C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  10  May  '50. 

Lewis,  Vernon  Arthur,  C.M.G.,  22  May  '50. 
Lewis,  Sir  Wilfrid  Hubert  Poyer,  O.B.E.,  15 

March  '50. 
Lewis,  Sir  Willmott  Harsant,  K.B.E.,  4  Jan. 


Leys,  Sir  (William)  Cecil,  22  June  '50. 
Liakat  Ali,  Sir  Syed,  30  March  '47. 
LiaqatHyat  Khan,  Nawab  Sir,  K.B.E.,  9 

July  '48. 
Liddell,  Sir  Frederick  Francis,  K.C.B.,  K.C., 

19  March  '50. 
Lindley,  lit.  Hon.  Sir  Francis  (Oswald),  P.C., 

G.C.M.G.,  C.B.,  C.B.B.,  17  Aug.  '50. 
Lipatti,  Dinu,  3  Dec.  '50. 
Liston,  Lt.-Col.  William  Glen,  C.I.E.,  18  Oct. 


Little,  Sir  Ernest  Gordon  Graham-,  6  Oct.  '50. 
Littlehailes,  Richard,  C.I.E.,  16  Dec.  '50. 
Littleton,  Hon.  Charles  Christopher  Josceline, 

D.S.O.,  12  March  '50. 
Livingston,  Brig.-Gen.  Guy,  C.M.G.,  10  May 

Livingstone,  Sir  Alexander  Mackenzie,  24 

Sept.  '50. 
Loch,  Major-General  Granville  George,  C.B., 

C.M.G.,  C.B.E.,  D.S.O.,  25  Nov.  '50. 
Long,  Arthur  Tilney,  C.B.E.,  14  Nov.  '46. 
Longstaff,  Cedric  Llewellyn,  C.B.E.,  1  March 

Lord,    Colonel   John   Ernest   Cecil,    C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  29  Oct.  '49. 
Louth,  15th  Baron,  3  Feb.  '50. 
Low,  Alexander,  15  Nov.  '50. 
Low,  Robert  Cranston,  3  Feb.  '49. 
Lucas,    Capt.    Armytage    Anthony,    C.B.E., 

R.N.,  21  Feb.  '50. 

Lucas,  Hon.  Sir  Edward,  4  July  '50. 
Lucie-Smith,  Sir  Alfred  van  W.,  3  June  '47. 
Luckock,  Maj.-Gen.  Russell  Mortimer,  C.H., 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  1  Jan.  '50. 
Lyall,  Frank  Frederick,  C.I.E.,  7  July  '50. 
Lyle,  Robert  Patton  Ranken,  1  Feb.  '50. 
Lynam,  Edward  William  0 'Flaherty,  29  Jan. 


Macalister,  Robert  Alexander  Stewart,   26 

April  '50. 
Macaulay,  Rev.  Alexander  Beith,  25  March 


McCarthy,  Most  Rev.  John,  18  Aug.  '50. 
McClenaghan,  Ven.  Archdeacon  Henry  St. 

George,  10  March  '50. 

MacCormac,  Henry,  C.B.E.,  12  Dec.  '50. 
McCready,  Hugh  Latimer,  C.B.E.,  10  April 

MacCulloch,   Rev.   Canon  John  Arnott,   8 

Sept.  '50. 
M'Dowall,  Rev.  Charles  Robert  Loraine,  14 

Oct.  '50. 
McGillycuddy,  Lt.-Col.  Ross  Kinloch  (The 

McGillycuddy   of  the   Reeks),    D.S.O.,    28 

April  '50. 

McGirr,  John  Joseph  Gregory,  23  March  '49. 
Macgregor,  Eric  Dickson,  C.B.,  11  Jan.  '50 
MccGwire,  Lt.-Col.  John  Edward,  C.B  E 

7  Oct.  '50. 
Mclntyre,  Air  Vice-Marshal  Sir  John,  K.B.E., 

C.B.,  7  Oct.  '50. 

Mackenzie,  George,  20  Jan.  '50. 
McKinlay,  Adam  Storey,  M.P.,  17  March  '50 
McKinnell,  James  Jesse,  C.B.E.,  15  April 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 




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Mackinney,  Frederick  Walker,  C.B.E.,  12 

a  illy '50. 

Maclean,  Lt.-Col.  John  Bayne,  25  Sept.  '50. 
McLeod,  Sir  Murdoch  Campbell,  2nd  Bt.,  21 

April  '50. 
McMurray,  James  Hamish,  C.B.E.,  19  Sept. 

M'Neill,  Brig.-Gen.  Angus  John,  O.B.,  C.B.E., 

D.S.O.,  22  June  '50. 
Magill,  Walter  Alexander,  C.B.E.,  I.S.O.,  31 

March  '50. 

Magrath,  Charles  Alexander,  30  Oct.  '49. 
Mahbub  Alam,  Maulvi,  July  '33. 
Mahood,  James,  C.B.E.,  I.S.O.,  14  March  '50. 
Maitland,  Victor  Kennard,  C.S.I.,  25  April  J50. 
Malmesbury,  5th  Earl  of,  12  June  '50. 
Mangin,  Sir  Thorleif  Rattray  Orde,  C.M.G., 

29  Sept.  '50. 

Mann,  Heinrich,  12  March  '50. 
Margesson,  Capt.  Wentworth  Henry  Davies, 

C.B.,  8  Nov.  '50. 
Marten,     Vice-Adm.     Sir    Francis    Arthur, 

K.B.E.,  C.B.,  C.M.G.,  C.V.O.,  14  March  '50. 
Martin,  Col.  Claude  Buist,  C.M.G.,  27  Dec. 

Martin,    Brig.-Gen.    Edward    Powell,    C.B., 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  22  Sept.  '50. 
Martin,  Frederick,  C.B.E.,  18  Jan.  '50. 
Martin,  Hon.  William  Lee,  21  Dec.  '50. 
Martineau,  Sir  William,  29  May  '50. 
Masters,  Edgar  Lee,  5  March  '50. 
Matheson,  M.  Cecile,  28  April  '50. 
Matthew,  Edwin,  7  July  '50. 
Matthews,  Major  Durham,  O.B.E.,  16  Dec. 


Matthews,  Robert  Lee,  C.B.E.,  10  Aug.  '50, 
Maula  Bakhsh,  Nawab  Maula  Bakhsh  Khan 

Bahadur  of  Batala,  C.I.E.,  27  April  '49. 
Maurice,  Colonel  George  Thelwall  Kindersley, 

C.M.G.,  C.B.E.,  8  March  '50. 
Maurice,  Henry  Gascoyen,  C.B.,  12  May  '50. 
Mawson,  Cecil  Allerton  Greville,  4  May  '50. 
May,  2nd  Baron,  9  March  '50. 
May,  Aylmer  William,  C.M.G.,  2  April  '50. 
Meehan,  Francis  Edward,  M.B,E.t  22  Dec.  '46. 

Melvin,  George  Spencer,  14  Sept.  '49. 

Menitisky,  Bernard,  12  Feb.  '50. 

Mercer,  John  Swan,  O.B.E.,   K.C.(Scot.),  7 

Oct.  '47. 
Metcalfe,  Sir  Theophilus  John  Massie,  7th 

Bt.,  11  Sept.  '50. 

Meyrictc,  Walter  Henry,  C.B.E.,  25  Aug.  '50. 
MiclUethwait,  Frances  Mary  Gore,  M.B.B., 

25  March  '50. 

Middletosi,  A.  Safroni,  7  Nov.  '50. 
Mildmay  of  Flete,  2nd  Baron,  12  May  '50 


Mill,  Hugh  Robert,  5  April  '50. 
Millay,  Edna  St.  Vincent,  19  Oct.  '50. 
Miller,  James  Gordon,  11  Sept.  '50. 
Millett,  George  Prideaux,  C.I.E.,  29  Dec.  '50. 
Mills,  Stephen,  C.M.G.,  1  Nov.  *48. 
Milne,  (Edward)  Arthur,  M.B.E.,  F.R.S.,  21 

Sept.  '50. 

Milroy,  Thomas  Hugh,  20  March  '50. 
Minford.  Hugh,  18  Dec.  '50. 
Minot,  George  Richards,  25  Feb.  '50. 
Mitchell-limes,  Alfred,  13  Feb.  '50. 
Mitter,  Sir  Brojendra  Lai,  K.C.S.I.,  Feb.  '50. 
Mockford,  Julian,  4  April  '50. 
Moeran,  Ernest  John,  1  Dec.  '50. 
Moffat,  Alfred,  9  June  '50. 
Mole,  Rt.  Rev.  Shau  Tsang,  May  '43. 
Monteith,  Nelson,  18  Oct.  '49. 
Mooney,  Herbert  C.,  21  May  '48. 
Moore,  Colonel  Maxtone,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  16 

June  '50. 
Morris,  Major  Cyril  Clarke  Boville,  C.B.E.,  31 

Oct.  '50. 

Morrow,  Very  Rev.  William  Edward  Regi- 
nald, 11  Feb.  '50. 

Moxon,  Canon  Reginald  Stewart,  29  Jan.  '50. 
Mozley,    Lieut.- Colonel    Edward    Newman, 

D.S.O.,  19  June  '50. 

Murphy,  Sir  Stephen  James,  21  Oct.  "50. 
Murray,  James  Alexander,  F.R.S.,  20  Nov. 


Murray,  Robert,  9  Aug.  '50. 
Myers,  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  Michael,  P.C.,  G.C.M.G., 

K.C.,  8  April  '50. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Nash,  George  Howard,  C.B.E.,  7  April  '50. 
Neathercoat,  Ernest  Tom,  C.B.B.,  28  July 

Nelson,  Sir  Arthur  Edward,  K.C.I. B.,  O.B.E., 

19  April '50. 
Neville,  Sir  Reginald  James  Neville,  1st  Bt., 

28  April  '50. 
Newson,  Sir  Percy  Wilson,  1st  Bt.,  17  May 

'50  (east.). 

Newton,  Rev.  Joseph  Fort,  25  Jan.  '50. 
Ngata,  Hon.  Sir  Apirana  Turupa,  14  July  '50. 
Nicholson,  Reginald  Popham,  C.M.G.,  C.B.E., 

15  March  '50. 

Noad,  Lewis,  K.C.,  17  Dec.  '50. 
Noal,  Com.  Richard  John,  C.B.E.,  12  July  '50. 
Norman,  1st  Baron,  P.O.,  D.S.O.,  4  Feb.  '50 


Norris,  Herbert,  7  Nov.  '50. 
Northcote,  Lady  Rosalind  Lucy  Stafford,  31 

Dec.  '50. 

Nott,  Frederic  Trevor,  30  April  '50. 
Nova    Scotia,    Archbishop    of   (Most    Rev. 

George  Frederick  Kingston),  20  Nov.  '50. 

Oakeley,  Hilda  Diana,  7  Oct.  '50. 
Oatley,  Sir  George  Herbert,  12  May  '50. 
O'Brien,  His  Honour  Judge  Daniel  Joseph, 

K.C.,  30  Nov.  '49. 
O'Donnell,  Maj.-Gen.  Eric  Hugh,  C.B.E.,  4 

July  '50. 

O'Dwyer,  Robert,  6  Jan.  '49. 
Oesterley,  Rev.  William  0.  E.,  10  Jan.  '50. 
Ogilvie,   Col.   Edward  Collingwood,  C.M.G., 

C.B.E.,  4  April  '50. 
O'Gorman,  Lt.-Col.  Patrick  Wilkins,  C.M.G., 

22  Sept.  '50. 

Oliver,  Edwin,  29  Sept.  '50. 
Oliver,  Lady;    Mary  Louise,  C.B.E.,  3  July 

O'Neill,  Sir  Arthur  Eugene,  K.B.E.,  2  July 

Ormsby-Gore,  Hon.   Seymour   Fitzroy,   19 

Nov.  '50. 

Orwell,  George ;   (Eric  Blair),  21  Jan.  '50. 
O 'Sullivan,  Timothy,  15  Aug.  '50. 
Ovens,  Col.  (Brig.-Gen.)  Robert  Montgomery, 

C.M.G.,  20  Dec.  '50. 

Page,  William  Morton,  C.B.E.,  12  Dec.  '50. 
Paley,  Colonel  Alan  Thomas,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O., 

4  Sept.  '50. 
Palin,  Lt.-Col.  Randle  Harry,  C.I.E.,  O.B.E., 

20  April  '50. 

Palmer,  2nd  Baron,  6  June  '50. 
Panet,  Brig.-General  Alphonse  Eugene.  C.B., 

C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  30  March  '50. 
Panton,  Sir  Philip  Noel,  27  Dec.  '50. 
Parkinson,  Hargreaves,  23  May  '50. 
Parry,  Very  Rev.  Albert  William,  18  Sept.  '50. 
Parsons,   Sir  Leonard  Gregory,   F.R.S.,   17 

Dec.  '50. 
Paterson,  Brig.-Gen.  Ewing,  D.S.O.,  8  Dec. 

Paterson,  Colonel  Stanley,  C.B.E.,  21  Aug. 


Patterson,  Norman,  16  Jan.  '50. 
Paynter,   Brig.-Gen.   Sir    George   Camborne 

Beauclerk,  K.C.V.O.,  C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  15  Aug. 


Peake,  George  Herbert,  11  Oct.  '50. 
Pearson,  Sidney  Vere,  18  March  '50. 
Peddie,  Coventry  Dick,  C.B.E.,  3  May  '50. 
Peel,  Major  Hugh  Edmund  Ethelston,  25  June 


Pelly,  Sir  Harold,  4th  Bt.,  3  Nov.  '50. 
Pemberton,  Sir  Max,  22  Feb.  '50. 
Perree,  Walter  Francis,  C.I.E.,  6  Dec.  '50. 
Peyton,  Guy  Wynne  Alfred,  C.B.E.,  28  July 

Philipp,  Professor  John,  15  Oct.  '38. 
Phillips,    Henry    Bettesworth,    C.B.E.,    19 

March  '50. 

Phillips,  (Walter)  Alison,  28  Oct.  '50. 
Phillpotts,  Sir  Ralegh  Buller,  I  Oct.  '50. 
Pinckard,  George  Henry,  7  Sept.  '50. 
Pitt-Taylor,    General    Sir   Walter   William, 

K.C.B.,  C.M.G.  D.S.O.,  22  Nov.  '50. 

Plant,    Maj.-Gen.    Eric    Clive    Pegus,    C.B., 

D.S.O.,  O.B.E.,  18  May  '50. 
Platts,  W.  Carter,  7  Apr.  '44. 
Plumptre,  Adelaide  M.  (Mrs.  H.  P.),  C.B.E., 

4  Sept.  '48. 

Po,  Sir  San  Crombie,  C.B.E.,  7  June  '46. 
Power,  Sir  John  (Cecil),  1st  Bt.,  5  June  '50. 
Pradhan,     Sir     Govindrao    Balwantrao,     7 

March  '43. 

Price,  Langford  Lovell  F.  R.,  26  Feb.  '50. 
Proctor,  Col.  Alfred  Henry,  D.S.O.,  23  March 

Pugh,  Yen.  Edward  William  Wynn,  19  May 


Purbrick,  Reginald,  6  Nov.  '50. 
Purdon,  Maj.-Gen.  William  Brooke,  D.S.O., 

O.B.E.,  1  Dec.  '50. 

Purse,  Benjamin  Ormond,  31  March  '50. 
Purves,  Colonel  Sir  Thomas  Fortune,  O.B.E., 

29  Jan.  '50. 

Rainsford-Hannay,   Brig.-Gen.   Frederick, 

C.B.,  C.M.G.,  23  Dec.  '50. 
Rangnekar,  Hon.  Sir  Saiba  Shankar,  21  Feb. 


Rappoport,  Angelo  Solomon,  2  June  '50. 
Rastall,  Robert  Heron,  3  Feb.  '50. 
Ravensworth,  7th  Baron,  4  Aug.  '50. 
Rawlings,  Justly  John  Gabriel,  C.B.E.,  20 

April  '50. 
Ray,  Maharaja  Rao  Sir  Jogendra  Narayan, 

C.3.E..  IS  Aug.  '46. 
Ray,  Matthew  Burrow,  D.S.O.,  O.B.E.,  5  July 

Reid,  Lt.-Col.  Herbert  Cartwright,  C.B.,  16 

July  '50. 

Rendall,  Montague  John,  C.M.G.,  5  Oct.  '50. 
Rennie,    Maj.-Gen.    Robert,    C.B.,    C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  M.V.O.,  17  Dec.  '49. 
Repplier,  Agnes,  '50. 
Rewa,  Bandhvesh  Ex-Maharaja  of;  Sir  Gulab 

Singh  Bahadur,  G.C.I.E.,  K.C.S.I.,  13  April 


Rice,  George  S(amuel),  4  Jan  '50. 
Richards,  Reginald  James,  16  July  '50. 
Richardson,    Sir    Albion    Henry    Herbert 

C.B.E.,  K.C.,  7  July  '50. 
Richardson,    Maurice    Robert,    C.I.E.,    26 

March  '50. 
Ridgeway,  Brigadier  David  Graeme,  C.B., 

D.S.O.,  2  Feb.  '50. 
Ridpath,  Sir  Henry,  3  May  '50. 
Ritchie,  Charles  John,  C.B.B.,  6  July  '50. 
Rivard,  Adjutor,  F.R.S.  (Can.). 
Riverina,    N.S.W.,    Bishop    of    (Rt.    Rev. 

Charles  Herbert  Murray),  26  June  '50. 
Rives,  Amdlie  (Princess  Pierre  Troubetskoy) 

15  June '45. 

Rivington,  Albert  Gibson,  8  April  '50. 
Roberts,  Sir  George,  1st  Bt.,  27  Sept.  '50 


Roberts,  Harold,  M.P.,  28  Sept.  '50. 
Robinson,  George  Drummond,  19  Aug.  '50. 
Robinson,  Professor  Gilbert  Wooding,  C.B.E. 

F.R.S.,  6  May  '50. 
Robinson,  Sir  John  Beverley  Beverley,  5th 

Bt.,  6  Nov. '48. 

Robinson,  Sir  Sydney  Walter,  17  Nov.  '50. 
Robinson,    Sir    (William)    Arthur,    G.C  B 

G.B.E.,  23  April  '50. 

Rodger,  Sir  Alexander,  O.B.E.,  30  Sept.  '50. 
Rogers,  Herbert  Lionel,  16  Feb.  '50. 
Rohde,  Eleanour  Sinclair,  23  June  '50. 
Rosbotham,  Sir  Samuel  Thomas,  12  March  '50. 
Ross,  Charles  Griffith,  5  Dec.  '50. 
Ross,  Right  Rev.  Monsignor  Canon  Francis 

12  Dee.  '45. 

Rotherham,  2nd  Baron,  24  Jan.  '50  (ext.) 
Rountree,  Hairy,  26  Sept.  '50. 
Rouse,  William  Henry  Denham,  10  Feb.  '50 
Rowatt,  Thomas,  O.B.E.,  7  April  '50. 
Rowlatt,    Sir   Frederick    Terry,    K.B.E.,    3 

March  '50. 
Royden,  1st  Baron,  C.H.,  6  Nov.  '50  (barony 

Russell,    Col.    Reginald    Edmund    Maghlin 

C.V.O.,  C.B.E.,  D.S.O.,  24  Nov.  '50.  ' 

Russell,  Captain  Wilmot  Peregrine  Maitland 

29  Nov.  '50. 
Ryle,  John  Alfred,  27  Feb.  '50. 

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WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Sabatini,  Rafael,  13  Feb.  '50. 

St.  Andrews  and  Edinburgh,  Archbishop 

of,    (E.G.)     (Most     Eev.    Andrew    Joseph 

McDonald),  22  May  '50. 
St.  David's,  Bishop  of  (Eight  Eev.  David 

Lewis  Prosser),  28  Feb.  '50. 
St.  Johnston,  Sir  Reginald,  K.C.M.G.,  29 

Aug.  '50. 

Salmon,  Harry,  13  Oct.  '50. 
Samporne  -  Palmer,      Lieutenant  -  Colonel 

Frederick  Carey  Stuckley,  C.B.E.,  13  June  '50. 
Sampson,  George,  1  Feb.  '50. 
Samuelson,  Cecil  Llewellyn,  C  B.E.,  16  Nov. 

Sandford,    Sir    George    (Ritchie),    K.B.E., 

C.M  G  ,  17  Sept.  '50. 
Sarel,   Eev.   Prebendary   Sydney  Lancaster, 

23  Dec.  '50. 
Saunders,    Eev.    Canon    Thomas    Bekenn 

Avening,  21  Jan.  '50. 

Scholefield,  Sir  Joshua,  K.C.,  11  March  '50. 
Schurman,  Jacob  Gould,  12  Aug.  '42. 
Scott,  Charles  Paley,  K.C.,  30  Jan.  '50. 
Scott,  Et.  Hon.  Sir  Leslie  (Frederic),  P.C.,  19 

May  '50. 

Scott-Smith,  Sir  Henry,  28  June  '50. 
Scrimgeour,  John  Stuart,  O.B.B.,  K.C.,  30 

Aug.  '50. 

Scrope,  Henry  Aloysius,  27  April  '50. 
Seabrooke,  Elliott,  6  March  '50. 
Seddon,  Charles  Norman,  27  March  '50. 
Sen,  Susil  C.,  C.B  B.,  23  Feb.  '46. 
Shackle,  Eobert  Jones,  C.M.G  ,  24  March  '50. 
Shapcott,   Louis   Edward,    C.M.G ,   M  V  0., 

I.S.O.,  23  May  '50. 

Sharp,  Eev.  Canon  John  Herbert,  27  Jan.  '50. 
Sharp,  W.  H.  Cartwnght,  K.C.,  20  Dec.  '50. 
Shastri,  Prabhu  Dutt. 
Shaw,  (George)  Bernard,  2  Nov.  '50. 
Shaw,  Herman,  4  May  '50. 
Shell,  Eita,  8  Nov.  '50. 
Shields,  Hon.  Tasman,  C.M.G.,  E.G.,  28  Aug. 


Shinn,  Frederick  George,  8  Oct.  '50. 
Short,  Vivian  Augustus,  C.I  E.,  21  July  '50. 
Shute,    Lieut.-Col.    Cyril    Aveling,    C.M.G., 

C  B.E  ,  2  Oct.  '50. 
Sibbald,  Rev,  Samuel  James  Eamsay,  M.V.O., 

31  Aug.  '50. 
Simmonds,  Herbert  John,  C.B.,  C.B.E.,  29 

Sept.  '50. 

Sims,  Francis  John,  C.B.,  M.V.O  ,  3  June  '50. 
Singh,    Raja    Sir   Padam,    K.C.I.E.,    C.S.I., 

16  April  '47. 
Skipwith,  Sir  Grey  (Humberston  d'Estote- 

ville),  llth  Bt.,  3  Feb.  '50. 
Slade,  Sir  James  Benjamin,  15  April  '50. 
Sleator,  James  Sinton,  19  Jan.  '50. 
Sloggett,  Colonel  Arthur  John  Henry,  C.B.E., 

D.S.O.,  13  Dec.  '50. 
Smallman,  Lieut.-Col.  Arthur  Briton,  C.B.E., 

D.S  O.,  4  March  '50. 
Smart,  Sir  Harold  Nevil,  C.M  G.,  O.B.E.,  15 

Dec.  '50. 

Smith,  David  Bonner-,  10  Dec.  '50. 
Smith,  Captain  Evan  Cadogan  Eric,  17  Oct.  '50. 
Smith,  Sir  Francis  (Edward  James),  27  Feb  '50. 
Smith,  Frank  Braybrook,  C  M.G.,  11  Nov.  '50. 
Smith,  Sir  Joseph  (Benjamin  George),  O.I.E., 

May  '50. 
Smith,  Et.  Rev.  Martin  Linton,  D.S.O.,  7  Oct. 


Smith,  Sir  Willie  Eeardon-,  2nd  Bt.,  24  Nov.  '50. 
Smuts,  Field  Marshal  Et.  Hon.  Jan  Christiaan, 

P.O.,  O.M.,  C.H.,  F.R.S.,  K.C.,  11  Sept.  '50. 
Smyth,  Et.  Eev.  William  Edmund,  5  April  '50. 
Snowden,  Arthur  de  Wmton,  C.B.E.,  20  May 


Snowden,  Councillor  Tom,  C.B.E.,  27  Nov  '49. 
Somerville,    Vice-Admiral    Hugh    Gaultier 

Coghill,  C.B.,  D.S.O  ,  16  Nov.  '50. 
Somerville,  Lt.-Col.  James  Aubrey  Henry 

Bellingham,  D.S.O. ,  13  April  '50. 
Sparkes,  Henry,  C.B.E.,  8  April  '50. 
Spencer,  Prof.  James  Frederick,  31  Dec.  50. 
Spreckley,  Herbert  William,  C.B.E.,  1  Sept. 


Springfield,  Lincoln,  18  Jan.  '50. 
Sproule,  Hon.  Eobert,  16  July  '48. 
Stanley,  Et.  Hon.  Oliver  Frederick  George, 

P.O.,  M,P.,  10  Dec.  '50, 

Stapledon,  William  Olaf,  6  Sept.  '50. 
Starling,  Hubert  John,  10  April  '50. 
Steacy,  Hon.  Colonel  Eev.  Richard  Henry, 

C.M.G.,  11  Apr.  '50. 

Stead,  Kingsley  Willans,  C.B.E.,  1  March  '50. 
Steinhardt,  Laurence  A.,  28  March  '50. 
Stephens,  Berkeley  John  Byng,  C.T.E.,  5  May 


Stephens,  James,  20  Dec.  '50 
Stephens,  Paymaster-Rear-Adm.  Montague, 

CB  ,  19  Dec/'50 
Stephenson,  Lt.-Col.  Arthur,  C.M  G.,  C.B.E., 

D.S.O  ,  21  March  '50. 

Stewart,  David  Macfarlane,  C.T.E.,  1  Nov.  '50. 
Stewart,    Col.    Sir   Frederick    (Charles),    10 

March  '50. 
Stewart-Wilson,  Sir  Charles,  K.C.T.E.,  20 

July '50. 

Stimson,  Henry  Lewis,  21  Oct.  '50. 
Stitt,  Eear-Adm.  Edward  Rhodes,  13  Nov.  '48. 
Stockport,  Suffragan  Bishop  of    (lit.  Eev. 

Frank  Jackson  Okell),  7  Oct.  '50. 
Stoddart,  William  Henry  Butter,  5  April  '50. 
Strachan,  Douglas,  20  Nov.  '50. 
Strathearn,  Sir  John  Caldcrwood,  C.B.E  ,  14 

Aug.  '50. 

Straus,  Ralph,  5  June  '50. 
Streatfeild,    Mrs.    Granville;    (Lucy    Anne 

Evelyn),  C.B.E.,  3  July  '50. 
Streatfeild,  Henry  Cuthbert,  C.I.E.,  8  Aug. 


Suart,  Evelyn ;  (Lady  Harcourt),  24  Oct.  '50. 
Sugden,  Samuel,  F.E  S.,  20  Oct.  '50. 
Suggia,  Guilhermina,  31  July  '50. 
Suhrawardy,  Sir  Zahhadur  Rahim  Zahid,  2 

Jan.  '49. 

Sunderland,  Septimus  Philip,  7  Oct.  '50. 
Sutherland,  Lieut.-Col.  Hon.  Donald  Mathe- 

son,  P.C.  (Can.),  D.S.O. 
Swanzy,  Canon  Thomas  Erskine,  29  Apr.  '50. 
Swiny,   Bng.-Gen.  Win.   Frederick,   C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  16  Aug.  '50. 

Sykes,  Sir  Alan  John,  1st  Bt ,  21  May  '50  (ext). 
Sykes,  Sir  Charles,  1st  Bt.,  K.B  E.,  10  Nov.  '50. 

Tandy,   Brigadier  Sir  Edward  Aldborough, 

30  Nov.  '50. 
Taylor,   Very   Eev.   Charles  William   Gray, 

C.B.E. ,  21  Sept  '50. 

Taylor,  Dame  Gladys,  D.B  E.,  11  Jan.  '50. 
Tewsley,  Dr.  Cyril  Hocker,  C.M.G.,  Dec.  '50. 
Theodore,  Hon.  Edward  Granville,  9  Feb.  '50. 
Thomas,   Bertram  Sidney,   C.M.G.,   O.B  E., 

27  Dec.  '50. 

Thomas,  George  Arthur,  C.T.E.,  5  Feb  '50. 
Thomson,  Sir  William  Willis  Dalziel,  20  Nov. 


Thornton,  Maxwell  Euthven,  30  Aug.  '50. 
Thorp,  Linton  Theodore,  K.C.,  6  July  '50. 
Thurston,  Sir  (T.)  George  (0.),  K.B.E.,  22 

Jan.  '50. 
Tilney,  Lieut.-Colonel  Norman  Ecclcs,  C.B.E., 

D  S.O.,  27  June  '50. 
Tito,  Pittore  Ettore,  26  June  '41. 
Todd,  George  William,  24  Feb.  '50. 
Tollemache,  Hon.  Mortimer  Granville,   27 

March  '50. 
Toller,  Brigadier  Hamlet  Bush,  C.B.,  C.M.G., 

25  July  '50. 

Tolmie,  Hon.  James,  5  April  '39. 
Toop,  "Bng.-Eear-Adm.William,  C.B.,  9  May  '50. 
Tottenham,  Admiral  Henry  Loftus,  C.B.,  24 

Feb. '50. 

Tout,  Sir  Frederick  Henry,  4  July  '50. 
Townend,  Herbert  Patrick  Victor,   C.T.E., 

23  Dec.  '50. 
Travers,  Lieut.-Col.  George  Alfred,  C.M.G., 

19  Feb.  '50. 

Trevor,  3rd  Baron,  22  Dec.  '50. 
Trueman,  George  Johnstone. 
Truro,  Bishop  of  (Et.  Eev.  Joseph  Wellington 

Hunkin),  O.B.E.,  28  Oct.  '50. 
Truscott,  Professor  Samuel  John,  26  Sept.  '50. 
Tuffill,  Commander  (S)  Harold  Birch,  C.B.E., 

30  Oct.  '50. 

Turing,  Harvey  Doria,  7  Sept.  '50. 
Turner,  Frederick  Charles,  C.I.E.,  19  Jan.  '50 
Turner,  Maj.-Gen.  James  Gibbon,  C.B.,  20 

Oct.  '50. 
Tute,  Sir  Eichard  Clifford,  27  Feb,  '50T 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


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Also  at  New  York,  and  Sydney,  N.S.W. 

Twitchett,  Ven.  Cyril  Frederick,  3  Sept.  '50. 
Twort,  Frederick  William,  F.R.S.,  20  March 

Tyler,  Brig.-Gen.  Arthur  Malcolm,   C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  31  July'50. 

Unwin,  Captain  Edward,  V.C.,  C.B.,  C.M.G., 

19  April  '50. 
Ure,  Percy  Neville,  3  April  '50. 

Verney,  Sir  Harry  Lloyd,  G.C.V.O.,  28  Feb.'50. 
Vincent,  Frank  Arthur  Money,  C.I.E.,  C.B.E., 

M.V.O.,  21  Oct.  '50. 
Vissanji,  Sir  Mathuxadas,  22  Dec.  '49. 

Wadia,  Sir  Cusrow,  C.I.E.,  3  Oct.  '50. 
Wadley,  Lieut.-Col.  Edward  John,  C.B.E., 

D.S.O.,  1  April  '50. 
Waikato,   1st    Bishop   of    (Rt.  Rev.   Cecil 

Arthur  Cherrington),  10  Aug.  '50. 
Walker,  Sir  Alexander,  K.B.E.,  13  May  '50. 
Wall,  Colonel  Frank,  C.M.G-.,  19  May  '50. 
Wall,  Engineer  Rear-Admiral  Henry,  C.M.G., 

30  July  '50. 

Wallis,  Frederick  Samuel,  13  Nov.  '39. 
Walmsley,  Sir  Hugh,  11  May  '50. 
Walton,  Sir  George  O'Donnell,  19  Oct.  '50. 
'Walton,  Norman  Burdett,  C.B.E.,  21  Jan.  '50. 
Ward,  Lt.-Col.  Arthur  Blackwood,   C.B.E., 

D.S.O.,  11  March  '50. 
Wardington,  1st  Baron,  7  Aug.  '50. 
Wardley,  Donald  Joule,  C.M.G.,  10  Sept.  '50. 
Warner,  Brig.-General  (retd.)  William  Ward, 

C.M.G.,  21  March  '50. 
War  ton,  Rear-Adm.  John  Fenwick,  C.M.G., 

C.B.E.,  1  May  '50. 
Watkins,  Rear-Adm.  Geoffrey  Robert  Sladen, 

D.S.O.,  30  July  '50. 
Watkins,  Sir  Metford,  27  Nov.  '50. 
Watt,  Captain  Samuel  Alexander,  1  Feb.  '50. 
Waugh,  Sir  (Alexander)  Telford,  K,C,M,G.,  7 

Jan.  '50. 

Wavell,   1st    Earl,    P.C.,    G.C.B.,    G.C.S.I., 

G.C.I.E.,  C.M.G.,  24  May  '50. 
Wayland,  Lieut.-Col.  Sir  William  Abraham, 

15  July  '50. 

Weatherall,  John  Henry,  15  Jan.  '50. 
Webb,  Admiral  Sir  Richard,  K.C.M.G.,  C.B., 

20  Jan.  '50. 
Webber,  Brig.-Gen.  Norman  William,  C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  19  April  '50. 

Webster,  John  Clarence,  C.M.G.,  16  March'  50. 
Weir,  George  Moir,  5  Dec.  '49. 
Weir,  Lt.-Col.  James  Leslie  Rose,  C.I.E.,  7 

Dec.  '50. 

Welch,  John  Joseph,  28  Feb.  '50. 
Welsh,  John,  C.B.E.,  27  Oct.  '50. 
West,  Sir  Leonard  Henry,  O.B.E.,  1  Jan.  '50. 
Weston,  Lt.-Gen.  Eric  Culpeper,  C.B.,  19  Feb. 


Whale,  Philip  Barrett,  16  March  '50. 
Whalley,    Philip    Guy   Rothay,    C.B.E.,    1 

March  '50. 

Wheatley,  Sir  Zachariah,  6  June  '50. 
Wheeler,  Sir  Henry,  K.O.S.I.,   K.C.I.E.,  2 

June  '50. 
Whigham,  Gen.  Sir  Robert  Dundas,  G.C.B., 

K.C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  23  June  '50. 
Whitaker,  Sir  Cuthbert  Wilfrid,  4  April  '50. 
White,  Adam  Seaton,  30  Jan.  '50. 
White,  Lt.-Col.  Arthur  Denham-,  C.I.E.,  19 

Aug.  '50. 

Whitnall,  S.  E.,  19  Feb.  '50. 
Whyte,  Sir  William  Edward,  O.B.E.,  1  April 


Wiggins,  William  Martin,  4  Oct.  '50. 
Wild,  F.  Percy,  14  April  '50. 
Wilkins,  Roland  Field,  C.B.,  1  May  '50. 
Wilkinson,   Col.  Arthur  Clement,   C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  21  Oct.  '50. 
Wilkinson,  Edward  Sheldon,  C.B.E.,  17  Jan. 

Wilkinson,  Frederick  Edgar,  C.M.G.,  11  Feb. 

Williams,  (Arthur  Frederic)  Basil,  O.B.E., 

5  Jan.  '50. 
Williams,  James  Leslie,  C.M.G,,  14  Nov.  '49. 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Williams,  Maj.-Gen.  Thomas  Bees,  C.M.G., 

D.8.O.,  23  Oct.  '50. 
Williamson,  Samuel,  13  March  '50. 
Willis,  Hon.  Henry,  23  Feb.  '50. 
Willoughby,  Lt.-Col.  Hon.  Claud  Heathcote- 

Drummond,  24  Feb.  '50. 
Wilmott,  Alfred  James,  27  Jan.  '50. 
Wilmshurst,  Thomas  Percival,  M.B.E.,  27 

Oct.  '50. 

Wilson,  D.  Forrester,  9  Jan.  '50. 
Wilson,  Hubert  Wilberforce,  C.M.G.,  C.B.E., 

6  April  '49. 

'Wilson,  Sir  James  Arthur,  C.B.E.,  17  Dec.  '50. 
Wilson,    Col.    Lancelot    Machell,     C.M.G. 

D.S.O.,  28  Feb.  '50. 
Wilson,    Maj.-Gen.    Nigel    Maitland,    C.B., 

D.S.O.,  O.B.E.,  24  Feb.  '50. 
Wilson,  Beginald  Page,  C.B.E.,  20  March  '50 
Wilson,  Brig.- General  Sir  Samuel  Herbert, 

G.C.M.G.,  K.C.B.,  K.B.E.,  5  Aug.  '50. 
Winchilsea,  15th  Earl  of,  and  Nottingham, 

10th  Earl  of,  7  March  '50. 
Winlock,  Herbert  Eustis,  27  Jan.  '50. 
'Winter-Shaw,  Arthur,  30  Jan.  '48. 
Wise,  Hon.  George  Henry,  31  July  '50. 
Withers,  Hartley,  21  March  '50. 
Wolseley,  Rev.  Sir  William  Augustus,  llth 

Bt.,  19  Feb.  '50. 

Wood,  Alexander,  1  April  '50. 

Wood,  Herbert,  27  March  '50. 

Wood,  Thomas,  19  Nov.  '50. 

Wood,  Lieut.-Col.  Wyndham  Madden  Pier- 
point,  C.I.E.,  10  March  '50. 

Woodcock,  Col.  Herbert  Charles,  18  Jan.  '50. 

Woodward,  Edward  Gilbert,  11  March  '50. 

Wordsworth,  Win.  Christopher,  C.I.E.,  12 
Dec.  '50. 

Worgan,  Col.  Sydney  Drummond,  C.B.E., 
14  Dec.  '50. 

Wright,  Col.  Sir  (William)  Charles,  2nd  Bt., 
G.B.E.,  C.B.,  14  Aug.  '50  (ext.). 

Wrightson,  Sir  Thomas  Garmondsway; 
(Sir  Guy),  2nd  Bt.,  7  Jan.  '50. 

Wyllarde,  Dolf,  10  May  '50. 

Wynne,  William  Palmer,  F.R.S.,  16  Feb.  '50 

Yeatts,    Maurice    William    Walter    Murray, 

C.S.I.,  C.F.E.,  4  Aug.  '50. 
Young,  Andrew,  9  Feb.  '43. 
Young,  Sir  Arthur  Stewart  Leslie,  1st  Bt., 

M.P.,  14  Aug.  '50. 
Young,  Major  Sir  Hubert  Winthrop,  K.C.M.G., 

D.S.O.,  20  April  '50. 

Young,  Morris  Yudlevitz,  C.I.E.,  18  May  '50. 
Yule,  Lady ;  (Annie  Henrietta),  14  July  '50. 

To  be  published  late  in  1()$1 

WHO  WAS  WHO  1941-1950 

This  volume,  the  fourth  in  the  series,  contains  the 
biographies  removed  from  Who's  Who  each  year  on 
account  of  death  between  1941  and  1950.  The  date  of 
death  is  added  to  each  entry,  which  is  brought 
finally  up-to-date  in  other  respects  where  necessary. 
Probable  price  455.  net. 

Previously  published 

WHO  WAS  WHO  1897-1915 
WHO  WAS  WHO  1916-1928 
WHO  WAS  WHO  1929-1940  408.  net 

ADAM      AND       CHARLES      BLACK 




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WHO'S  WHO,  1951 



His  Majesty  King  George  VI 14  Dec.  1895 

Succeeded  his  brother,  King  Edward  VIIL,  11  December  1936. 

Married  26  April  1923,  Lady  Elizabeth  Bowes-Lyon,  b.  4  Aug.  1900,  d.  of 
14th  Earl  of  Strathmore. 

Residences :  Buckingham  Palace ;  Windsor  Castle  ;   Royal  Lodge,  Windsor 
Great  Park  ;  Balmoral,  Aberdeenshire  ;  Sandringham,  Norfolk. 


H.R.H.  The  Princess  Elizabeth  (Alexandra  Mary),  Duchess  of 

Edinburgh 21  Apr.  1926 

Married  20  Nov.  1947,  H.R.H.  The  Duke  of  Edinburgh  (Prince  Philip),  ' 

b.  10  June  1921,  and  has  issue — 

H.R.H.  Prince  CHARLES  PHILIP  ARTHUR  GEORGE    .         .         .         .14  Nov.  1948 
H.R.H.  Princess  ANNE  ELIZABETH  ALICE  LOTTISE    .         .         .         .15  Aug.  1950 
Residence  :  Clarence  House,  St.  James's  Palace,  S.W.I. 

H.R.H.  The  Princess  Margaret  (Rose) 21  Aug.  1930 


Her  Majesty  Queen  Mary 26  May  1867 

Married  6  July  1893  (as  Princess  VICTORIA  MARY  of  Teck),  H.R.H.  The  Duke 
of  York  (Prince  GEORGE),  who  succeeded  as  KING  GEORGE  V.,  6  May 

Residence  :  Marlborough  House,  S.W.I. 


H.R.H.  The  Duke  of  Windsor  (Prince  Edward  Albert  Christian 

George  Andrew  Patrick  David) 23  June  1894 

Governor  and  Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Bahama  Islands,  1940-45. 
Succeeded  his  father,  King  George  V.,  20  January  1936 ;    abdicated 

11  December  1936. 

Married  3  June  1937,  Mrs.  Wallis  Warfield, 
Address:  c/o  The  British  Embassy,  Paris. 

H.R.H.  The  Duke  of  Gloucester  (Prince  Henry  William  Frederick 

Albert) 31  Mar.  1900 

Governor- General  of  the  Commonwealth  of  Australia,  1945-47. 

Married  6  Nov.  1935,  Lady  Alice  Montagu-Douglas-Soott,  b.  25  Dec.  1901, 

3rd  d,  of  7th  Duke  of  Buccleuch,  and  has  issue— 

H.R.H.  Prince  WILLIAM  HENRY  ANDREW  FREDERICK       .         .         .18  Dec.  1941 
H.R.H.  Prince  RICHARD  ALEXANDER  WALTER  GEORGE      .         .         .26  Aug.  1944 

Residences  :  York  House,  St.  James's  Palace,  S.W.I;  Barnwell  Manor,  near 


H.R.H.  The  Duchess  of  Kent  (Princess  Marina),  y.  d,  of  late  Prince 

Nicolas  of  Greece 13  Dec.  1906 

Married  29  Nov.  1934,  H.R.H.  The  Duke  of  Kent  (Prince  George  Edward 
Alexander  Edmund),  b.  20  Dec.  1902  ;  he  died  25  Aug.  1942  and  left 
issue — 

H.R.H.  The  Duke  of  Kent  (Prince  EDWARD  GEORGE  NICHOLAS  PATRICK)      9  Oct., 
H.R.H.  Prince  MICHAEL  GEORGE  OHARLBS  FRANKLIN       f    ,  ,   . 

Residence :  Coppins,  Iver,  Bucks. 



WHO'S  WHO,  104-9 


H.R.H.  The  Princess  Royal   (Victoria  Alexandra  Alice  Mary), 

Dowager  Countess  of  Harewood      .....     25  Apr.  181)7 

Married  28  Feb.  1022,  Viscount  Lascelles  (succeeded  as  Cth  Earl  of  Hare- 
wood,  1929  ;  he  died  24  May  1947),  and  has  issue— 

GEOIIGE  HENRY  HUBERT  LASCELLES  (Eail  orilare\\ood,  q  r.)      .          .      7  Feb.  102:* 
Hon.  GERALD  DAVID  LASCELLEH        .          .          .          .          .          .21  Aug.  1024 

Residences:  Harcwood  House,  near  Leeds  ;   St   James's  Palace,  S.W.I. 

WorMs  Greatest -toc 

*  * 

New,  secondhand  &rare 
I  Books  on  every  subject 

We  BUY  Books 
a       k  volume  to 


Xtt  loogwr  tatflml  betwepi  doslm  tor  press  and  pufeileate,  in^vitole  m  pwedt  drc«im 
&mtw»§  aAQttriffttei  tbb  teiW  Swteteenk  16  coat*in»  *  s^oftloH  of  toe  aitewtfons  add 
addittdw  WO  UtA  toe  i&fttuafOtt  to  ttet  body  of  ttie  book*  i*otrt  w  to  to  mWdle  (rf  F©l?wa«cy  i9ii 

At  th®  ead  oC  to  S&pitonwftit  1  0t  1$  ^ven  of  to  b  wo  a^d  ki^btt»  ^assetted  on  lot  liyitwy 
under  wfaoit  iaam»  to  ®ata!te  already  fc$|«  IB  tibe  aiireeat  edlttou.   Deaths  «e  not 

ACTON  EISeaMarlaa    Now  ACTON  0ame  (EUen)  Marian     BBI  or  1051 
ADAIR,  Major-General  Sir  Allan  (Henry  SUftfto)    Address    Orchards  Kaveningham 

NorioUi     f     lUvcningham  2iJ^ 

ADAMS,  ttWWMitor  Henry  WilUam  Alien     Address    la  Carriere  St   Jew  Cap 
JNm  Ik  ML  IfJBIMWk   7    tt*  0$ 

at  troteKMr  of  Atuotot  EtBtoy 

frwUmt  0f  A^  Eoyal  {kwtety  Ao^  lov 

How  A1Mt 


Geoi-ge  Werner    ^ad    See  also  Rt  R&v  Wiljnd  Parker  (v±o  lm 

AMBEBLEY,  Viscount    -dddr^it    $1  Queen  a  Itoad  lUchmond 

^naScJForsytJra.   Kow  Uhairaiun  of  tlie  dhiDping  E^ederaUoa. 

Gerrar^    ^Jow 
»  »  Cttttw 


0    WP  ana  to 



AYERS  Her  bert  V^ilf  rei^    OB  1051 



HELLEW   Hen.  George  Ro'die     ^ow  SELLEW  Hoii   Sla^  George  Rothe     Kt.  /Y 
10i>U     fc*m*  j»ttiteS  Ivin^  of  Anri3  and  Ooiieato-irit,  Order  of  tlw  ikith  binco 

S«wy»s©t  ifiShtf 

BENN.Hon  Antony  V/eagvvoosS    towStf    ^V,  ^f^v  1st  Viscount  Stansgate 

Mat  Aft  si 
BENNETT,  Sir  John  Cecil  Stcrndale     Deputy  CommiBsioncr-Gcnom]  for  ffe*  LrK  fe 

South  East  14*  smco  1050     uUM«    Ph^nbc  Park,  Singaporo     The  Old  Ilectory 


BENTHALJL,  Sir  (Arthur)  Pawl     Liae  G    Por  1033  rca/U032. 

BERRY,  Sir  (Henry)  Vaughan.    British  Bclegatc  tc>  tho  Intenmtiorul  Authority  for  tho 

AK  mH&   miBm^  TO?rt.^Jtoafe«|  1W 

BEVAN  at  Hon  Aneui-im    Miuist  cr  of  Health,  1U45-  51    Minister  of  Labour  and  National 

BEVERIDGE,  1st  Baroia    JLd^&M    Ayclifii1,  Br  Darlington 

BEVERLEY   Rear-Admiral  William  Yoi  k  La  Roche     ,\ow  BEVERLE  Y,  Vice- 
A^llteSW  IT  toft,    ttt»X&0ttU  H«0  -P*-****     -**- 

BINNEY  H.A.Roy     Biiector  and  Sccretaiy  Brithh  Standards  Institution,  since  1051 
BINNEY  Admiral  Sir  (Thomas)  Hug5^   K.CMG  cr  1051 
BIRKETT,  R£  Hon  SBr  Normaw.   A  Lord  Justice  of  Appeal  siiace  1950. 

William  Henry  AlexancSer     Land  Commissioner  Korth 

Vice-Marshal  Francis  Masson.    Air  Member  for  Personnel, 
BLAK^^Sir^raiieis)  Edward  (Colqulioun),  2nd  Bt  (wttfaffft 
BLANDY,  Richard  Denis     C,M.G  1951. 

BOLDERO,  Sir  Harold  (Esmond  Araison) 

BOMBAY  Archbishop  of,  R.C.;  Most  Hev.  Thomas  4'E  "  " 

for  Education 

BOUCHI1ER,  Airvice  Mar  sSial  Cecil  Arifear     Re  instated  on  active  list,  1050 
BOWEN  Colonel  Hon  |  ohn  Camp&eil.    Lieutenant-Governor  of  Alberto,  1937-^0 
BO  WLES,  Chaster    ^^^^(^{(^Ji^^ctt^^^WO 
BOWRA,  Cecil  Maurice    KowJTOtTOA,  «fc'C^cill^»dc«    t»  ^  «MK 

r  Ed  ward  Carles  Gurney.  3rd  Bt.  gjr 

'  """ 

„.,     ,„..  .......       , 

Admiral  Sir  (Eric  James)  Patrick    «BJ|  <»* 

.......  "  ""' 

i?  .  ...      .  ,  p 

BROOK,  Air  Vice-MarshalWilliaen  Arthur  Bar  vails    C.13  1951. 

~    ~    "        ^         '  ......      '    i  Basil  Char  lesBarHng^n    No  w  BROOKE  Vicc-AdmU-al 


TO  WSO*§  WEO  Iflgt  ul 

CABOGAN,  m  Hon  Sir  Alexander     OM.1951     Betired  from  Forei-n  Semce  1950 


CAKN,  Sir  Ai^ci'Jt  Jonas  ZndBt    Heir  now  is  son,  &  15  Jan.  1951 

CAMPBELL,  BrlsaUier  Lorne  Ma v3aiae    Wife  Amy  Muriel,  died  1950 

CARGILL,  Miss  Helen  Wajscwffl    Now  CARGSLL  Air  Commaadant  Dame  Helen 

CASSWELL,  Josfcua  David    OiTicial  Ilefcreo  of  Supreme  Court  of  Judicature  since  1951 
CAVAN  11  th  Earl  of  («®  Obituary)     Son,  Viscount  Kilcoursie  succeeded  as  12th  Earl, 


CAVE,  Rev  Sydney    Wife  Elinbcth  Jauo  Baxter  died  1950 
CAVE-SHOWNE-CAVE  Sir  Robert.    4*Wf  Elue  Gables  4225  Cartier  Vancouver. 
CAZENOVE,  BrSpadlcr  Arnold  «3e  Lsrissosa    Retired  pay  1950    A  DC  to  the  King 


CHAIVSPIOH,  Sir  Refiinaad  Stuart 

c/o  Theological  CollGgc  Lincoln 
CHEKE  Marcws  John.   OVO  1951. 

CKETWOD^,  Admiral  Sir  Ho«Wii  KnlgSi tlcy 


Head  of  the  Nigerian  Broadcasting  Service  since 

CLARK, Sir Goorsa Ernest, 2ttt30£  (^Obituary) 

CLAY,  General  Lucius  DuBisnon.  M4«MM^|Hlml^orX^^ 

CLEUGH,  Eric  Arthur.    CM  G  1951. 

COCHRANJE,  Major  Hon.  Thomas 
COdCBURN,Sir3ohn»i2ttiEt    A 

Sir  ILauretice     British  Ambassador  to  the  Norwegian  Government 

-ice^to    Stof  John 

.       . 
COOPER,  Robert  William    Wife,  ^iolet,  died  1950 

CK,  Sir  Richard    Kt  cr  1951 

Principal  Undor-Scc    Admiralty  1043-51,  retired. 



i  «^    * 

tt*  toto  of  u»  Obtaftrt    to  «*  **  « 

mw^m  *  Uth  Dttft 

DICK,  Rcar-AiSaiilral  Royer  fc^lfisis    C.B  1051 
DICKINSON  Capt  Norman  Vincent    Opt  of  ENO  »"*•««» 

DIXON  Htm  StrOweo    $WBm0N  BJC  Hon  SlrOwwi    ^0  l«l 

mrmOT  Har^d  Frederic*    JSowBOWMlB  Sir  Hsw>KI  Fra^^«*    KBB  or 

f  0  19S1 

t  4^ 


Jmi^al  Jol^n  Arthur  Syt^n3    CB  1951 

W  19&  .  ^Ajt^  _ 

EVERETT  RearAdm  Douglas  Henry    Flag  Officer  Ground  Training  1049-51 



fWOMCE$  Captain  Sir  Wttrf  CK 


FITZROY  Hon.  Carles     m  1041 

M         1^        WU         * 

efc  ftiwdiri,  Ban*  of 

lUjntKWL  SirLlor.el 

8  Alto  J^i^fc  T 


FOSTER  Mator  Reginald  Firasicis.   4^Wf    Mount  RoyaJ  Hotel  G3  PJchmond  Hill 
BichTO  end,  Surrey 

of  Owte  0|le&  of  Staff  Otto*     Wtf  of 

FOX   Csptain  Chafes     Orient  $ldMki  Navigation  Co    191^51   retired     Commodore 

^  19^41 
FREAKS,  Sir  Roderick  Charles  Ms5tSa3id,  SirsS  BJ,  (^  Obituary)    bon  succeeded  as 


IPUUMft  HW^r    NowFHY  SirWimainKcasey    Kt,  cr  1951 


GARNER,  Harry  Mason    Xo^  GARNER  Sar  Harry  Masoa    K.B  B  cr  1951 

-----  -------     -         ^    •    -----  "    -     -- 

GATER,  Sir  Gecrge  Henry    Warden  ot  Winchester  Col3epe  since  1951 



»  Sir  an**?  Buiwt    Oeytcm  $feb  Ow^Mouer  1m  Ix»teu  1949-^1 
GORDON    Laeaatenaaii-Coiorael  Alexse^er  Robert  Gisbome     Member  Northern 

Ivttftwt  8in*t»  ffnet  1050    Ifintote*  in  K  Jj»  &wfc**  sitxw  19§1 
O0EB0W  Hurimrt  Pw«    utdUtas    318  Daly  4v®ai»  Ottawa 
0om»*BllOW*ll5i  Lt^^l*  Sir  Stwwavt     Jtor^w  K  Jthod4sto»  Legislative 

ORACEY  General  Sir  B®ngla8  Da  vM     K  C  B  cr  1051 
G&AFFTEY-SMSTH  fiia-  LauresiCQ  Barton     K  C  M  G  cr  1951 
GRANGER  StexTart    m  1050  Jean  Simmons. 

Sir  |®Hfl     Ho  longer  dlrectorahlpf  e*o&pt  Bast  Midlands  Gas  Board    Address 


summer  term 

l««tft  U®@    MIatet?esr  aad  Conaul  General  Icetettd  sine©  19-&0 
Sir  Ricliard  IsftBt     Son  died  1950    Now  1ms  no  heir 
I0fc«»Bm»0il    "Utod^&te   Mlafefey  (^  Swply  1049-50    retd   1950 
Sir  WHltow  Ttsswias-    Oh*ir3awBt  and  MMiiifitng  Dlieafcct  of  Kond 

Stipendiary  Maulsftcate 

MMfWIlHi  Ar*»H*r 

'lW   !NH*"l4*r  MMMfeUMi  WOilB»lw*itl 

Normasi  ^WK«^Wt**«    EOfjO  cr 

192W1    retfring  a*  ©all  oC 

Sii?  Mo«maa  Artnw 

©WATUW   Brigadier  Sip 

"ttulrlsftoti  HOB  Stfp"h«Q  ttadas  Q^e?l  b 
Bt    »  1W3L  Blow 

AdlmaraJ  John  Talbol  Ssvig^ac    Uetired  1050 

HAIV33LTON,  Captain  SSrr  Robert  William  Sft3rli£ig-    I2£h  Bt     In  comd.  HM.H 

^c^te^l^a^^  (Wt^r  2a4«l»!€<sdiusjEc0lJg!l 

^a^l^to^y^mt^w  l«*Wl    CT<>  wfc 

Ste  f*w«^%  fltfi  Bf    Kelt  no 

I-SEAHNE  il»  Hl^i^of    CW^f  ^tidtloft  of  Kmya  ^icc  19BI 

0  B  ^ 

Vtcar  of  Doncaster  since  1950    Address    Ike 

«^i0  ^^^^      ^^ 

HICKSON.  LieuS:  -Gcjieral  Sfis-  Gerald  Roteer*  Stedall.   KOTO  ^  1951 

^  DcP  Director  of  XaY£d  Intelligence  since  1051. 

C.B  1951 

^^^^^*        ^  f 

Gate,  i 


HUNTER,  ColoaeS  SSr  H 

Patrick     CB  1951 


J  ACOB5-LARKCQM,  Eric  Herbert  LarSccom     Consul  In  charge  of  Tamaui,  roimosa 

since  1951 

JAMESON  Uear-Admiral  (E>  William  Scarlett  03  1951 
JARRETT  Clifford  George  B^olySefiwt^y  AteWfry  to 
JEBB  Geraldine  Emma  May  Principal  of  Bedford  CoU.  Univ  of  London  ISSO-aummor 


JOCELYN  Vtemmt    Captain  It  1C   1951 
JOHNSON  Sir  Sidney  Midlane    Wife  Teca  Irtrais^  died  10SO 
JOLLY  fce*r  Canon  Reginald  Bradley 

KARMINSK!  Seymour  Ed  ward 


KELLY  Admiral  Sir  <  Willi  am  Ar  cfel  teald)  Howard     Wife,  Nora,  died  1951 
KSMBERLEY  4  tb  Earl  of    Heir  now  is  son  L  ord  Wodehouse  q.v 
KING  Sic-  Ar 

KIEKMAH  Gcracraa  -9ir  Sidney  Cksvalier    GC.B  cr  1951 
K3RKPATRICK,  Sir  Ivone  Augustine 

LANSELL  Colonel  Hon  George  Victor    Ko  w  L  ANSELL  Colonel  Hen  Sir  George 

l&S   Ke**'Admlr*l  Deisais  Marescaux     CB.  1951     Chief  of  Staff  Portflmonth, 


LEITCH  Sir  William    Wife  Norah  Gwendoline,  died  1951 
LESLIE  Sir  (John  Randolph)  Shane  3rd  Bt    Wife,  Marjorie,  died  1951 

LEWIS  Major-G 

al  Ks 

tsi  Frank  Mack 


OCHHOWSBCY  PrinceaaMechtiide    Address    50  \Yeymoutli  Street  W  1 
LIESCH1NG  Sir  Psrclvaie.    aC.M.G  or  1951 

LONGLEY.GOOK,Rear-Admiral  Eric  William    Director  of  Kayal  InteUlgencc,  1043- 

LYTHGQE,  James    Now  LYTHGOE,  Sir 
LYTTON  Earl  of,    ^  W3)m  KNEBWORTSi, 

MACASSEY,  Sir  Lynden.   Resigned  as  Independent  Chairman  of  Renter's  Trust,  1950 
MacCARTJJY,  Desmond.   Now  MacCARTHY,  Sir  Desmond    Et  cr  1951 
MCCARTHY  Vice-Admfiral  Sir  Dssm^d    Eetired,  1950 

'    ' 

1st  Baron     P  C  1951. 

03  1051 

Rhoderick  Robert.   GC.B  cr  1951 

shaw     Ambassador  to  Argentina  since  1051 
sy  Buenos  Aires 
Kow  MACKENZIE  Sir  Jai»es  Moir    K.B.E  cr  1951 


LAUGHLSN,Rear-Ata£ral  Patrick  Virian    CB.1951 

'---  —    ~  e     Kow  McLEAN,  Liewt.-Geaicral  Sir 

CB  1951 


|WSSS~S^*5fi52S£fflfi HH^HUiteM  •*  m*.  * 

MACP^rT e.'Jw^'  M*«^MPPMl»iMWAWr " 

MAGO^^Slr^hflH^l.  J^BsdwtoStem since  1^1.  |WMr  Ettasbltot.ay, 


^A*«r.  Stotttef  af  8Mb  Btee  1961, 



MARSHALL,  $olm     Address    612  Lansdowne  Avenue  Saskatoon  Saskatchewan,  Canada 

MASON  Michael  Henry    m  1061  Dorothy  Margaret  Sturdee  Thames  Ditton, 

MAUGHAN  David     No w  MAUGHAN  Sir  Ua vid     Kt  cr  1951 

MAXSE,  Marjorie.   Vicc-Chalrman  Conservative  Party  1944-51 

MAX  WELL,  Sir  Alexander  Hyslop     KC.MG  cr  1951 

MEIER,  Frederic  Alfred     Address    28  East  Street,  Littlehampton,  Sussex    37     Little 


MSNZIES,  Rt  Hon  Robert  Gordon    CH1951 

MICKLETHWAIT  St  John  Gore    Hecorder  of  Beading,  1923-51  re  toed 
MIDDLETON  George  Proctor    CYO  1951 

MI&VILLE  Arthur  Leonard    KwmgJag  Director  or  A^odated  (..^r^—  ^-,, 
Asia  of  Joint  Blackwood  Hodge  Ltd     Address    (abroad)  £  0  Box  8054  6/2  ; 
Street,  Calcutta  1$  India 
MIGHELL,  Norman  Rupert.   Kow  MIGHELL,  Sir  Norman  Sluport     Kt  cr  1951 
MIL WARB  Major-General  Sit  aepteat  ArtHwr     Son  Wed  in  action,  Eorea  1951 
MOBERLY.Brie  AarcMbald  He Jiry    Wife  Ethel  Elizabeth  died  1951 

MOORE*  Admiral  Sir  Henry  Huthven    Eetired  1951 

MORCOM,  Lieut.-Col  Reginald  Kebld.   Retired  as  Director  of  Lloyds  Eanli  Ltd 

MORRIS,  John  David.   Principal  Under  Secretary  Admiralty  since  1951 

MOYLE,  Arthur    w.  1951  Lena  Bassctt 

MUDIE,  Sir  (Robert)  Francis. 




NELSON  Earl.   ^  wn^r  TRAFALGAR  Viscount 
NEWCASTLE,  9th  Doke  of 


If   m 

Madzugatu,  Salisbury  Southern 
Cameron   Gordon  Grahana      General  Officer 

tod  df 

.  £Ht 

OPPfi  AdolphPauS    1T»  T^teUtt^  JMtttt 

OWENS  Tom  Pa terson.    Chief  Inspector,  Children  »  Bepartment  Home  Office 

,3*0  »lNA|rfAJM)M  *•**.  *  «fWft.»*!  *» 

Rear-Adm.  ^ohn  Peter  Lome    Cliief  of  Staff  to  C  in  C   Portsmouth  ainc^  1951. 

WeK^S  _ 

.  B«ig>  1««B  Ocey    TO  1K1,  SWJa  JlfltSaJi  I-res,  33MI  Ok  fcmse,  Irwd 

nMtu^  *«tt((tt*wv  ta««  af  MW*^1*****^ 
,  G.'r^.  0'C.u^Il  ^  C<^,%«^^**11'!«&»^ 



CRAWFORD  Archibald    for  political  and  ^ttble  services  ia  Imc^taMre 


ABAYOMI,  m*  Kofawwola  AdtldMiI*    Ki  cr  1051    M.B    CttB    Hemte  of  to 

Execute  Council  Nigeria. 
BARKER  Sir  Thomas  William  ASpoi-e    Efr  er  l&^L    QBt  194$ 


Et  es*^  Wl 

AMU  ttte  J«»a*  ftanflw    K^er  Ml 
^^  of  ^Wttria^  state  Iftd 
DUNCAN  gfrtln«i«»Aii*tw«r    fcf  #  1911    ^or  ^tfbto  sarvto^  ^edWlT  ta  conaec- 

Ifcpi  wltfeitoin^  to.  M&tf  ^eaiaffl^L 
GARDINEH  Sir  Cbittampalam  Abrafaam     Et  a  1951     Senator  Ceylon 

Sir  ^icfcard  WaHfi«*     Kt  <r  !Et61     OBI  1944     Ohatewa  BtoWcf  pf 
ottr  Atf*te<«y  ConmiltteQ 

Kft  ar  1951    O^E  1910 

HINTON  Sir  Christopher     Kt  cr  1951    MI  01    MOCeoliB    Deputy  Controller  of 

Atomic  Energy  (ProductSan)  Ministry  of  Supply 
HOLMES  Sir  Leonard  Stanistreet     Ei  <r  1951     I^LM.  J^    President  of  tee  law 

XSAACffliaf  Sir  Oscar  Lionel    Kt  or  1&51    ChMrmWi  of  BiR^oc$  $mk  of  Adelaide 

Stote  of  boutk  Austealia  ,*.„,,,    A,      ^ 

JAYETILEKE  Hon  Sir  EUwartJ  George  Pcrera     Kt.  cr  1951    K.C    Cliief  Justice  of 

JONES  &vuutom&ur*  »<r  KM4  f»i^*^*^^ 



McTIERNAN»Hon   Sir  Edward     KBEcrl951     A  Judge  of  the  High  Court  of  the 

'    doH^ott^^ft^Atistola- 

(JoafepOte?  oCDea*  X^ites 


to  tk» 

Sir  Edwiffl  Jolin     Kt  <r  1951     A  C  A     Member  State  Management  Districts 

WIGHT  Sif  Gerald  Robert    Zt  cr  1951    For  puMc  services  in  Trinidad 
3j|  Sir  Reginald  Holmes     S)|  ^  jtfl 



A.A.;  ae«Willis,A,A. 

AARON,  Richard  Ithamar,  M.A.,  D.Phil. : 
Professor  of  Plrilo&ophy,  University  College  of 
Wales,  Aberystwyth,  since  1932 ;  1. 6  Nov.  1901 ; 
s.  of  William  and  Margaret  Aaron,  Ynystawe, 
Swansea ;  m.  Rhiannon,  d.  of  Dr.  M.  J.  Morgan, 
Aberystwyth ;  one  s,  two  d.  Educ, :  Ystalyfera 
Grammar  School;  Cardiff  University  Col- 
lege ;  Oriel  College,  Oxford.  Fellow  of  the 
Univ.  of  Wales,  1923 ;  Lecturer  at  Swansea,  1926; 
Ohm.  Central  Advisory  Council  for  Education 
(Wales)  since  1946.  Publications:  The  Nature 
of  Knowing,  1930;  Hanes  Athroniaeth,  1932; 
An  Early  Draft  of  Locke's  Essay  (with  Jocelyn 
Gibb),  1936 ;  John  Locke,  1937 ;  The  Limitations 
of  Locke's  Rationalism,  in  Seventeenth  Century 
Studies,  1938;  Our  Knowledge  ot  Universal, 
Annual  Philosophical  Lecture  to  British  Acad- 
emy, 1945;  Editor  ]03frydiau  Athronyddol ;  con- 
tributor to  Mind,  Proc.  Arist.Soc.,  Philosophy, 
Mod.  Lang,  Rev,,  Llenor,  etc.  Recreation : 
being  first  in  Who's  Who.  Address:  Garth 
Celyn,  Aberystwyth,  Cards.  T.:  535. 

ABADY,  Jacques,  K.C.  1935 ;  b.  Manchester; 
m. ;  one  s.  Educ. :  Manchester  Grammar  School ; 
Birkbeck  Inst.  Apprenticed  as  engineer ;  for- 
merly M.  Inst.  Mech.  E. ;  invented  several 
scientific  instruments ;  gold  and  silver  medallist, 
Institution  of  Gas  Engineers ;  called  to  Bar, 
1905  ;  Bencher,  Middle  Temple,  1941 ;  Alder- 
man  Westminster  City  Council;  Mayor,  1927-28 ; 
J.P.  for  County  of  London.  Publications: 
Clauses  and  Precedents  in  Private  Bill  Legisla- 
tion ;  Gas  Analyst's  Manual  and  many  papers 
and  articles  on  scientific  subjects.  Address: 
Farrars  Bldg.,  Temple,  E.C.4.  T.:  Central 
4113;  9  Stanford  Court,  Cornwall  Gardens, 
S.W.7.  T. :  Western  2494.  (M> :  Constitutional. 

ABBISS,  Sir  George,  Et.,  cr.  1941 ;  O.B.E. 
1933;  Knight  of  Order  of  Si  John,  1941; 
b,  1884.  Joined  Metropolitan  Police,  1905; 
appointed  Chief  Constable,  1930;  Deputy 
Assistant  Commissioner,  1933;  Assistant 
Commissioner,  1936-46 ;  retired,  1946.  Asst. 
Police  Adviser  to  the  Secretary  of  State  for 
the  Colonies,  1948.  Addrm:  Bearwood,  The 
Causeway.  Potters  Bar,  Middlesex.  T.: 
Potters  Bar  2696.  Clubs:  Eoyal  Auto- 
mobile, Old  Fold  Golf. 

ABBOT,  Charles  Greeley,  D.Sc.,  LL.D.; 
Research  Associate  Smithsonian  Institution 
since  1944 ;  b.  31  May  1872 ;  *.  of  Harris 
Abbot  and  Ann  Caroline  Greeley ;  w.  1897, 
Lillian  Elvira  Moore  (d,  1944) ;  no  c.  Educ. : 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology. 
Continuously  employed  by  Smithsonian 
Institution  of  Washington  since  1895 ;  Asst., 
1895-1906,  Director,  1907-44,  of  Smithsonian 
Astrophysical  Observatory ;  Asst.  Sec.,  1918- 
1927,  Sec.,  1928-44,  Smithsonian  Institution. 
Research  on  solar  radiation,  atmospheric 
transparency,  the  weather,  applications  of 
solar  radiation,  Stellar  radiation.  Member 
Nat.  Acad.  of  Sciences,  Am.  Assoc.  for 
Advancement  of  Sciences,  and  many  socs. 
and  acads,  in  America  and  abroad.  Pub* 
Ucationt:  Vols.  1-6  Annals  Astrophysical 

Observatory ;  The  Sun,  1911,  2nd  ed.  1929  ; 
Everyday  Mysteries,  1925 ;  The  Earth  and 
the  Stars,  1926,  2nd  ed.  1946 ;  The  Sun  and 
the  Welfare  of  Man,  1928 ;  Great  Inventions, 
1932 ;  papers  on  scientific  subjects.  Recrea- 
tions; reading;  music;  games,  especially 
golf,  tennis,  bridge.  Address :  Smithsonian 
Institution,  Washington,  B.C.  T. ;  National 
1810,  Clubs :  Cosmos,  Abracadabra  (Wash- 
ington, D.C.);  Town  Hall  (New  York, 

ABBOTT,  Arthur,  C.B.E.  1933 ;  b.  19  June 
1«79 ;  s.  ot  late  Hubert  Lamb  Abbott,  M.  A. ;  m. 
1906,  Cecile,  d.  of  late  Abraham  Auret.  Educ. : 
St.  Edward's,  Oxford;  privately.  Vice-  and 
Acting  Consul  at  Munich,  1911 ;  Consul  at  Sao 
Paulo,  Brazil,  1919;  Consul-General,  Sao  Paulo, 
1928-39 ;  Press  Attache" ,  Rio  de  Janeiro,  1939- 

•  1941 ;  retd.  ,1941.  Recreations:  golf,  motoring,  and 
mountaineering.  Address:  186  Rua  Dom  Jos6 
de  Barros,  8.  Paulo,  Brazil.  Cables :  Afrab, 
Saopaulo.  Clubs:  Jockey,  Central  (S.  Paulo). 

ABBOTT,  Charles;  Puisne  Judge,  Malaya, 
since  1950;  o.s,  of  late  John  Theodore 
Abbott,  F.R.C.S.,  and  late  Mrs.  W.  E.  Rey- 
nolds;  step-8.  of  Dr.  William  Edward 
Reynolds,  M.D. ;  m.  1921,  Constance  Mary, 
o.d.  of  late  W.  W.  Smithett,  F.G.S.;  one  s. 
Educ.:  Portora  Royal  School,  Enniskillen. 
Able  Seaman,  Royal  Navy,  1914-15 ;  Lieut, 
The  Middlesex  Regiment,  1915-19;  India, 
Mesopotamia,  Salonika;  called  to  Bar, 
Gray's  Inn,  1921 ;  Crown  Counsel  and  Resi- 
dent Magistrate,  Kenya  Colony  and  Protec- 
torate, 1930;  President,  District  Court, 
Cyprus,  1932;  Solicitor -General,  Sierra 
Leone,  1938 ,"  acted  as  Chief  Justice  of  Aden 
in  1940-41 ;  Puisne  Judge,  Nigeria,  1944-50 ; 
member  of  the  Central  Criminal  Court,  and 
South  Eastern  Circuit ;  a  foundation  member 
of  Haldane  Club.  Address:  c/o  Supreme 
Court,  Kuala  Lumpur,  Malaya. 

ABBOTT,  Hon.  Charles  Lydiard 
Audrey;  Administrator  of  Northern  Terri- 
tory oi  Australia,  1937-46 ;  ft.  Sydney,  4  May 
1886 ;  s.  of  Thomas  Kingsmill  Abbott,  Chief 
StipendiaryMagistrate  at  Sydney;  m.  Hilda,  d,  of 
John  Harnett,  Monaro,  N.  S.  W, ;  two  d.  Educ. : 
The  King's  School,  Parramatta.  Pastoral- 
ist;  served  with  A.I.P.,  Aug.  1914-Oct.  1919 
(wounded);  promoted  to  commissioned  rank, 
and  returned  to  Australia  with  rank  of  captain; 
Member  House  of  Representatives  for  Gwydir, 
N.S.W.,  1925-29  and  1931-37;  Minister  for 
Home  Affairs,  Commonwealth  of  Australia, 
1928-29.  Publication:  Australia's  Frontier 
Province  (The  Northern  Territory),  1949. 
Recreations:  gardening,  writing,  historical 
research.  Address:  The  Thimble,  Bowral 
Street,  Bowral,  N.S.W.  Club:  Imperial  Service 

ABBOTT,  Claude  Colleer,  M.A.  (Loud.), 
B.A.,  Ph.D.  (Uantab,),  Protessor  of  English 
Language  and  Literature  in  the  University  of 
Durham  since  1932 ;  Editor  of  Durham  Uni- 
versity Journal  since  1939;  b.  17  April  1889; 
er,  s.  of  George  Henry  Abbott  and  Mary 
Matilda  Colleer;  unmarried.  Educ.;  King 
Edward  VI  School,  Chelmsford;  Gonville 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

and  Gams  College,  Cambridge.  Assistant  | 
Master  at  the  Grammar  School,  Sudbury, 
Suffolk  and  the  High  School,  Middlesbrough ; 
B.A.  (Lond.)  1913;  M.A.  (Lond.)  1915 ;  Artists' 
Bines  O.T.C.,  1918 ;  Household  Brigade  0.  C.B. ; 
2nd  Lieut.  Irish  Guards  (Special  Reserve); 
B.A.  (Cautab.)  1921;  Ph.D.  (Cantab.),  1926; 
Lecturer  in  English  Language  and  Literature  in 
the  University  of  Aberdeen,  1921-32 ;  Censoi 
of  University  College,  Durham,  1932-41 ;  Dean 
of  the  Faculty  of  Arts,  1943-45 ;  Chm,  Univ. 
Publications  8d,,  1948-50.  Visited  and  lectured 
at  many  univs.  in  U.S.A.,  1949  (Gold win  Smith 
Lecture  at  Cornell,  Lamont  Lecture  at  Yale) ; 
Mem.  of  Bos  well  Papers  Advisory  Cttee.  Pub- 
lications: Youth  and  Age,  1918;  Nine  Songs 
from  the  Old  French,  1920  ;  Poems,  1921 ;  Miss 
Bedell  and  Other  Poems,  1924;  Life  and  Letters 
of  George  Darley,  1928 ;  Ploughed  Earth,  Poems. 
1930;  Early  Mediaeval  French  Lyrics,  1932; 
Letters  of  Gerard  Manley  Hopkins  to  Robert 
Bridges,  1935  ;  Correspondence  of  Gerard  Man- 
ley  Hopkins  and  Richard  Watson  Dixon,  1935 : 
A  Catalogue  of  Papers  relating  to  Boswell, 
Johnson  and  Sir  William  Forbes,  1936 :  Further 
Letters  of  Gerard  Manley  Hopkins,  including 
his  correspondence  with  Patmore,  1938 ;  Early 
Verses,  1938;  Further  Letters  of  George 
Darley  (Durham  University  Journal,  Dec.  1940); 
The  Parents  of  Thomas  Lovell  Beddoes 
(D.U.J.,  June  1942);  Versions  of  Old  English 
Elegies  (D.U.J.,  June  1943,  June  1944);  Th« 
Sand  Castle  and  other  Poems,  1946  ;  Bos-well 
(Spence  Watson  Memorial  Lecture),  1946. 
Recreations:  walking, book-hunting,  gardening. 
Address:  1  Church  Street,  Durham.  T. : 
Durham  853.  d-ub :  Athenaeum. 
ABBOTT,  Hon.  Douglas  Charles,  P.C. 
(Can.)  194-5  ;  K.C.  1939  ;  B.C.L. ;  Minister 
of  Finance,  Canada,  since  1946  ;  b.  Lennox- 
ville,  P.Q.,  29  May  1899  :  *.  of  Lewis  Duff 
Abbott  and  Mary  Jane  Pearce ;  m.  1925, 
Mary  Winifred  Chisholm  ;  two  $.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Bishop's  College ;  McGill  Univer- 
sity ;  Dijon  University,  France.  Elected  to 
House  of  Commons,  1940 ;  re-elected,  1945. 
Minister  of  National  Defence  for  Naval 
Services,  Apr.  1945 ;  Minister  of  National 
Defence  (Army),  Aug.  1945.  Practised  law 
in  Montreal  with  firm  of  Robertson,  Abbott, 
Casey  and  Brierley.  Recreations :  curling 
and  golf.  Address:  383  Stewart  Street, 
Ottawa,  Canada.  T.A. :  Ottawa,  Canada. 
T.:  5-7371.  Clubs :  University,  Royal 
Montreal  Golf,  Royal  Montreal  Curling 
(Montreal) ;  Rideau  (Ottawa), 
ABBOTT,  Rev.  Eric  Symes,  M.A.; 
Dean  of  King's  College,  London,  since  1945  ; 
Canon  and  Prebendary  of  Lincoln  Cathedral 
since  1940  ;  Chaplain  to  the  King  since  1948  ; 
Examining  Chaplain  to  Bishops  of  Lincoln, 
Southward,  and  Bath  and  Wells :  b.  26  May 
1906  ;  s.  of  William  Henry  and  Mary  Abbott, 
Nottingham.  Edw. :  Nottingham  High 
School ;  Jesus  Coll.,  Cambridge.  Curate, 
St.  John's,  Smith  Square,  Westminster,  1930- 
1932 ;  Chaplain,  King's  College,  London, 
1932-36  ;  Chaplain  to  Lincoln's  Inn,  1935-36  ; 
Warden  of  the  Scholae  Cancellarii,  Lincoln, 
1936-45.  Recreations :  walking,  tennis, 
travel.  Address  :  72  Vincent  Square,  S.W.I. 
T. :  Victoria  3650.  Club  :  Athenaeum. 
ABBOTT,  Colonel  Rev.  Prep. 
Herbert  Alldridge,  M.B.E. ;  Preb.  of 
Marney  (or  Mornays)  in  Prebendal  Church 
of  St.  Endellion,  Cornwall,  since  June  1946, 
and  Vicar  of  Lanhydrock,  Bodmin,  Cornwall, 
since  Sept.  1946  ;  b.  16  Mar.  1881 ;  s.  of  B. 
C.  Abbott;  m.  1910,  Gabrielle  van  der 
Weegen ;  one  s.  one  of.  Educ. :  King's 
College,  London ;  Queens'  College,  Cam- 
bridge (Exhibitioner).  B.A.  1904,  M.A.  1907, 
Hist.  Tripos  Parts  I  and  II;  Tutor  and 
Lecturer.  Training  College,  Chester,  1906*8 ; 
Assistant  Master,  Queen  Elizabeth  Grammar 
School.  Blackburn,  1908-11 ;  Headmaster, 
Bgjzars  Grammar  School,  Alton,  Hants., 
1911-18 ;  Headmaster,  Palmer's  School, 
Gfays,  Essex,  1918-46.  Deacon,  1999; 
Priest,  1910.  Royal  Fusiliers,  1899-1903; 

Captain  1st  V.B.  Hampshire  Regt. ;  Execu- 
tive Officer  National  Reserves,  1914  ;  Essex 
Cadet  Committee,  1918-46  ;  Colonel  T.A.R.O. 
and  O.C.  Palmer's  School  Cadet  A. A.  Regt. 
R.A.  (formerly  10th  Cadet  Bn.  Essex  Regt.), 
1919-46  ;  Hon.  Colonel  of  Essex  Army  Cadet 
Force,  1946  ;  O.C.  No.  2  Company,  National 
Defence  Companies,  6th  Bu.  Essex  Regt., 
1936-39  ;  Attached  to  2nd  Bn.  Coldstream 
Guards,  1921.  District  Commissioner  Boy 
Scouts  Assoc..  1919-34  ;  Chairman  Thurrock 
Youth  Committee,  1940-46  ;  President  Thur- 
rock Sea  Cadet  Corps  since  1940  and  Chair- 
man, 1940-46 ;  Chaplain  106  (Orsett Hundred) 
Squadron  A.T.C. ;  Organised  and  con- 
ducted first  Schoolboy  Party  to  Canada,  1926. 
(Life)  F.R.Hist.S.  11)07  ;  Founder  Vice-Pres. 
(1930-31)  and  Pres.  (1931-32)  Thurrock 
Rotary  Club ;  Vice-Pres.  (Grays  Branch) 
British  Legion  ;  Member  Headmasters'  Con- 
ference since  1926  ;  Member  Inc.  Assoc.  of 
Headmasters  since  1911  ;  Jubilee  Medal, 
Cade  i  Long  Service  Award,  Defence  Medal. 
Address :  The  Vicarage,  Lanhydrock,  Bod- 
min,  Cornwall.  T. :  Bodmin  58. 

ABBOTT,  Myles  John;  Puisne  Judge, 
Nigeria,  since  1950 ;  b.  27  Feb.  1906 :  *.  9f 
Edmund  Rushworth  Abbott,  13  Victoria 
St.,  London,  Solicitor ;  m.  1932,  Grace  Ada 
Jeffery;  one  d.  Educ.;  King's  School, 
Canterbury.  Admitted  solicitor,  1929 ; 
Partner,  Chas.  Rogers  Sons  &  Abbott,  1930. 
2nd  Lieut.  9th  Middx.  Regt.  (T.A.),  1933. 
Selected  for  appt.  to  Colonial  Legal  Service, 
1935;  Lieut.  9th  Middx.  Regt.  and  trans- 
ferred to  T.A.R.O.,  1936;  Asst.  Crown 
Solicitor,  Hong  Kong,  1936;  called  to  the 
Bar,  1940;  Official  Receiver  and  Registrar 
of  Trade  Marks,  Hong  Kong,  1941.  Served 
War  of  1939-45  (prisoner)-  released,  1945. 
President,  High  Court  of  Ethiopia,  Oct.  1946- 
Oct.  1949.  Address:  c/o  Hong  Kong  and 
Shanghai  Bank,  9  Gracechurch  St.,  E.C.3 ; 
c/o  Supreme  Court,  Lagos,  Nigeria, 

ABBOTT,  Percival  Wra.  Hy.,  B.A. 
(Lundj,  b.  7  June  istJD;  s,  01  J.  ».  Abbott; 
m.  Isobel  M.  Lucy ;  one  d.  Educ. :  privately; 
London  University.  Mathematical  master,  The 
Polytechnic,  and  Head  of  the  Mathematical 
Dept.,  1895-1919;  Headmaster,  Polytechnic 
School,  Regent  Street  W.I,  1919-34 ;  Member 
I.A.H  M. ;  formerly  Hon.  Secretary  and  Presi- 
dent, Association  of  Teachers  in  Technical 
Institutions ;  Member  Gonsultativn  Committee, 
Board  of  Education,  1920-26;  Member  Secondary- 
Schools  Examination  Council,  1916-28;  Member 
Teachers'  Registration  Council  and  Chairman 
of  Technical  Section,  1912-26;  Leader  of  the 
Technical  Panel,  Burnham  Committee,  1919-22 ; 
formerly  Hon.  Secretary  of  the  Teaching  Com- 
mittee, Mathematical  Association.  Publica- 
tions: Mathematical  Tables  and  Formulae, 
1918 ;  Numerical  Trigonometry,  1918;  Exercises 
in  Arithmetic  and  Mensuration,  1913:  National 
Certificate  Mathematics  (8  volsA  1938 ;  Teach 
yourself  Trigonometry,  1940 ;  Teach  yourself 
Mechanics,  1941;  Teach  yourself  Algebra,  1942; 
Teach  yourself  Calculus,  1946;  Teach  Yourself 
Geometry,  1947.  Editor  Technical  College 
Series.  Formerly  Editor,  The  Technical  Jour- 
nal. Recreations :  music, travel.  Address:  West 
Winds,  Church  Lane,  Sarratt,  Herts,  T. : 
Rings  Cjanerlev  7844. 

ABBOTT,  Brig.  Reginald  Stuart,  C.l.E. 
193. ,  M.O.;  B.A.;  J.P. ;  Indian  Army,  retd.;  b.  12 
Nov.  1882;  2nd  su/ni.  s.  of  late  Sam  Abbott, 
Buenos  Aires ;  m.  1938,  Marjorie  MacLeod,  #.  d. 
of  late  John  Macdonald,  Portree,  Isle  of  Skye  ; 
two  d.  Edw.:  Tonbridge;  Balliol  College, 
Oxford.  2nd  Lieut.  R.A.  1904;  Lieut.  Indian 
Army,  1909 ;  Capt.  1913 ;  Bt.  Major,  1917 ;  Major, 
1919 ;  Bt.  Lt.-Col.  1923 ;  Lt.-Col.  1930 ;  Col. 
1931 ;  p.s.c, ;  Commander  Kohat  Brigade,  1935- 
1988;  A.D.C,  to  the  King,  1936-38;  retired, 
1938;  recalled  to  Army  Service,  Oct.  1939- 
Feb.  1942;  commanded  East  Midland  Area. 
Address :  Castle  Rock,  Charnwood  Forest,  near 
Coalville,  Leicestershire.  T. :  Coalville  52. 

ABDOOLC  ADER,  Sir  Husein 
Hasaaally,  Kt.  cr.  1948;  O.B.E.  1938; 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Barrister-at-Law,  Advocate  and  Solicitor, 
S.S.  <fe  F.M.S. ;  formerly  Member  Advisory 
Council  of  Governor  of  The  Malayan  Union  ; 
&.  Surat,  Bombay  Presidency,  21  Sept.  1890  ; 
e.  s.  of  H.  A.  Cader,  J.P.,  merchant ;  m.  1914, 
Manubai  Mohamedally,  yr.  d.  of  late  Moha- 
medally  JMulla  Abdulhusein  Hakim  ji,  Surat ; 
five  *.  two  d.  Educ.:  Baffles  Institution, 
Singapore,  S.S. ;  Penang  Free  School,  Pe- 
nang  ;  County  High  School,  Ilford,  Essex  ; 
Christ's  College,  Cambridge;  Lincoln's  Inn, 
Indian  Member  Straits  Settlements  Legisla- 
tive Council  from  1928  until  outbreak  of  war 
with  Japan  ;  Member  of  Indian  Immigration 
Committee  since  1935  ;  Member  Assoc.  of 
British  Malaya;  Pres.  Third  All  Malaya 
Indian  Conference,  1929-30  ;  Indian  Member 
of  Municipal  Commission,  Georgetown,  Pe- 
nang ;  Past  Pres.  of  Penang  Society  for 
Prevention  of  Cruelty  to  Animals  and  of 
Mohammedan  Football  Assn. ;  Silver  Jubilee 
Medal,  1935 ;  Coronation  Medal,  1937. 
Recreations :  tennis,  rowing,  walking.  Ad- 
dress :  Surat  Lodge,  15  Pangkor  Road, 
Penang ;  Georgetown  Chambers,  39  Beach 
Street,  Penang.  T.A. :  Abdoolcader  Pe- 
nang. T.  ;*690,  (office)  275. 

ABDUL  AZIZ,  Mian,  Khan  Bahadar, 
U.B.E.  193U;  b.  Lahore,  1881.  ttdw, ;  Govern- 
ment College,  Lahore.  Entered  Punjab  Civil 
Service  by  competition;  specially  promoted  to 
hold  listed  post,  1919 ;  official  representative 
of  the  Punjab  Government  in  the  Legislative 
Assembly  of  India,  1927-81  and  1933-35 ;  was 
secretary  to  the  Indian  Round  Table  Con- 
ference in  London  :  Revenue  Minister,  Jaipur, 
Eajputana.  Publwatiantt :  Settlement  and 
Assessment  Reports  of  Jhang,  Eivaj-i-Am 
of  Jhang;  Mazamin-i-ifaiakpaima.  Recreation: 

ABDUL  HAMID,  Khan  Bahadur 
Sir,  Kt.,  cr.  1933;  C.I.E.  1923;  O.B.E. 
1918 ;  6.  16  Oct.  1881 ;  *.  of  late  Diwan 
Aziz  Bakhsh  and  Mutwala  Begum  ;  m.  1908, 
Iqbal  Begum,  d.  of  Khan  Sahib  Sheikh 
Amirud-Bin ;  three  *.  Educ, :  Lahore 
Government  College.  Called  to  Bar,  Lin- 
coln's Inn,  1908 ;  Judge,  1910 ;  Revenue 
and  Some  Minister  of  Kapurthala  State, 
1911-14  ;  Chief  Minister,  Kapurthala  State, 
1915-35 ;  Member  Indian  Legislative  As- 
sembly, 1956-43;  Regional  Food  Com- 
missioner. Eajputana,  Central  India, 
Kathiawar,  etc.,  1943-44 ;  Deputy  President, 
Civil  Selection  Board,  Dehra  Dun,  1946. 
Delhi  Coronation  Durbar  Medal,  1911 ;  title 
of  Khan  Bahadur,  1916 ;  tfellow  of  the 
Punjab  University,  and  Member  of  Punjab 
Legislative  Council,  1931*23;  Chairman 
Central  Areas  Banfetag  Bnqulry  Committee, 
1929-31 ;  one  of  the  Indian  delegates  to  the 
League  of  Nations  Assembly  at  Geneva,  1931. 
Addrets  :  7  Kai&y  Bead,  New  Delhi,  India, 
Club:  Imperial  Delhi  Gymkhana  (New 

ABDUL  LATIF,  KJhan  Bahadur  Sir 
Haji  Haji  Haf rat  Khan,  Kt.,  cr.  1941. 
Adare*8  :  Hholapur  City,  Bombay. 

ABDUL  RASHID,  Sir,  Kt.,  cr.  1946; 
Hon.  Mr.  Justice  Abdul  Rashid, 
M.A. ;  Chief  Justice  of  Lahore  sittce  1946. 
Assistant  Legal  Remembrancer,  1925; 
Officiating  Judge,  High  Court,  Lahore,  May 
1983;  Additional  Judge,  Oct.  1933;  Puisne 
Judge,  High  Court,  Lahore,  1937-46.  Ad- 
dre** :  High  Court,  Lahore,  Punjab,  India. 

ABDUR  RAHMAN,  Khan  Bahadur 
Sir  Muhammad,  Kt,,  cr.  1934 :  LL.D. ; 
5.  5  Oct.  1888.  Advocate :  Vice-Chancellor 
XJniv.  of  Itelhi ;  Puisne  Judge,  High  Court  of 
Judicature,  Madras,  1 937-48  ;  Dean,  TJniver- 
slty  Instruction,  Punjab  Univ.,  1944-45 ; 
Hon.  Vice  -  Chancellor  University  of  the 
Punjab,  Lahore,  1944-47,  retired  1947; 
Judge  of  the  High  Court,  Lahore,  1948-48  ; 
officiated  as  ChM  Justice  of  Hfgh  Court, 
1948;  retired  1048.  Delegate  for  Mia  to 
U.N.  Cftee.  on  Palestine,  1947,  fctabmittftig 
mtoorit/  report  wi$i  Iran  and  Ymgostevia 
Federation  as  $ws  owly  practical 

solution  of  the  thorny  problem.    Address  : 
49  Amil  Colony  No.  1,  Karachi,  Pakistan. 
ABDY,  Sir  Robert  Henry  Edward,  5th 

Bt.,  cr.  I860 ,  late  i5th  Hussars .  C.  U  tiept.  1896 ; 
s.  of  4th  Bt.  and  Anna  Adele  Coronna ;  6'.  father, 
1921 ;  m.  1st,  1923,  lya  Jongeyans  (who  obtained 
a  divorce,  1928) ;  2nd,  1930,  Lady  Diana  Bridge- 
man,  e.  d.  of  5th  Earl  of  Bradford,  q.v. ; 
one  s.  Educ.  :  Sandhurst.  Heir:  s.  Valentine 
Robert  Duff,  E>.  11  Sept.  1937.  Address :  Newton 
Ferrers,  Callington,  Cornwall. 
See  also  Maj.  P.  C  Anderson.  Earl  of  Lanes- 

ABEL  SMITH,  Desmond,  M.G.  1916; 
Major,  late  Grenadier  Guards ;  Chairman : 
Dalgety  &  Co.  Ltd.,  Borax  Consolidated 
Ltd.  ;  Director :  National  Provincial  Bank 
Ltd.,  Equitable  Life  Assurance  Society,  and 
other  companies  ;  b.  2  Sept.  1892  ;  e.  s.  of 
Eustace  Abel  Smith,  Longhills,  Lincoln,  and 
Ailleen,  d.  of  Col.  J.  A.  Conolly,  V.C.,  Cold- 
stream  Guards  ;  m.  Elizabeth  Barbara  Peace, 
d.  of  General  Hon.  Sir  H.  A.  Lawrence,  G.C.B. ; 
one  s.  four  d.  Educ. :  Eton  ;  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge.  Served  European  War,  1914-18, 
Grenadier  Guards,  1918  - 19  ;  Adjutant 
Guards  Machine  Gun  Hegt.  (twice  wounded, 
despatches,  M.C.);  War  of  1939-45,  G.S.0.2 
London  District,  1939-43;  Senior  Military 
Liaison  Officer,  London  Region.  Recreations : 
hunting,  shooting,  ornithology.  Addres* : 
Hampden  Old  Rectory,  Gt.  Missenden, 
Bucks ;  Longhills,  Branston,  Lincoln ;  59 
Cadogan  Square,  S.W.I.  T. :  Sloane  6629. 
Clubs  :  Travellers',  City  University. 

ABEL  SMITH,  Rear-Adm.  E.  M.  C.;  see 

ABEL  SMITH,  Lt.-Col.  Sir  Henry, 
K.U.V.U.,  or.  i95u;  D  ti.O.  1945;  KoyaJ  Horse 
Guards  j  Acting  Colonel,  Corps  of  Household 
Cavalry,  since  1946;  &.  8  March  1900;  er.  s. 
of  late  Francis  Abel  Smith  and  Madeline  St. 
Maur,  d.  of  late  Rev.  Henry  Seymour;  m,  1931, 
Lady  May  Cambridge,  o.  suro.  c.  of  1st.  Earl  of 
Athkine,  q.v. ;  one  s.  two  d.  JSduc. :  R.M.C. 
Sandhurst.  Entered  Royal  Horse  Guards,  1919; 
Capfc.  1930;  Major,  1934;  Temp.  Lt.-Col.  1941; 
Lt.-Col.  1944.  A.U.C.  to  Earl  of  Athlone, 
Governor-General  of  S.  Africa,  1928-81.  Re- 
Creations:  hunting,  shooting,  fishing,  polo. 
Address:  Barton  Lodge,  Winkfibld,  Windsor. 
T  :  WinkfieH  Row  32.  CJvfis:  Turf,  Princes. 

ABEL  SMITH,  Reginald  Henry 
Macaulay,  M.C.  1917;  JJP,  Herts; 
Director  of  Arbuthnot,  Latham  &  Company 
Ltd.  (Merchant  Bankers),  10  Old  Jewry, 
B.C.2,  since  1920  j  b.  28  April  1890 :  e.  surv. 
s.  of  late  Reginald  Abel  Smith,  Geldings, 
Hertford,  and  of  Margaret  Alice,  d.  of  lat 
Viscount  Knutsford:  m.  1st,  1918,  Myrtle 
Vere  (d.  1920),  d.  of  Sir  Robert  Abercuomby, 
7th  Bart. ;  2nd,  1922,  Beatrice,  d.  of  late 
Fraucte  Pelhain  whitbread  and  of  Hon.  Mrs. 
mstbread;  three  d.  Educ.:  Eton;  Trinity 
College,  Cambridge.  Served  'European  War, 
1914-18,  Herts  Yeomanry,  Captain;  Egypt, 
Gallipoli,  PaJestine  (despatches).  High 
Sheriff  of  Hertfordshire,  1940 :  Hon.  Treas- 
urer British  Bed  Cross  and  St.  John  Joint 
War  Organisation  (Hertfordshire),  1940-46. 
Member  of  Council  of  Haileybury  and 
Imperial  Service  College,  Chairman:  Anglo- 
American  Debenture  Corporation  Ltd., 
Debenture  <fe  Capital  Investment  Trust  Ltd., 
Share  &  General  Investment  Trust  &td. ; 
Director :  Australian  Pastoral  Co.  Ltd.,  etc. 
Rscwitions:  fishing,  shooting,  etc.  Address: 
WoodbilL  Eatfteld,  Herts.  T.:  Potters  Bar 
3381.  Cwbs:  Brooks's,  Ctty  of  London. 

ABELL,  Anthony  Foster,  C.M.G.  1950; 
Governor  and  OommandeHB-Chief.  Sarawak, 
and  High  Commissioner,  Brunei,  since  1950 ; 
b.  U  Dec.  190d;  2nd  «.  of  late  G,  F.  Abell, 
J,P,,  Foxcote  Manor,  Andoversford,  Glos. ; 
unmarried..  Educ+:  Eepton;  Magdalen 
College,  OxfoKk  Joined  Colonial  Adminis- 
trative S«frvi0ey  Nigeria,  1929 ;  Resident,  Oyo 
ProviT&ce, !C$gw*tl949.  Recreations?  shoot- 
ing, fleb9Qe4<'  Am/res*:  Astana,  Kuching, 
:  M.C.C5,,  Junior  Carlton. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

a  Rhodes  trustee :  a  member  of  the  com- 
mittee of  the  M.C.C. ;  Assistant  to  the 
Governors,  Bank  of  England;  6.  22  June 
1904 ;  «.  of  late  G.  F.  Abell,  J.P.,  Fox- 
cote  Manor,  Andoversford,  Glos.  ;  m. 
1928,  Susan  Norman-Butler ;  two  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Marlborough ;  Corpus  Christ!  Coll., 
Oxford.  Senior  Classical  Scholar,  and  1st 
class  in  Classical  Honour  Mods.  C.C.C., 
Oxford.  Joined  Indian  Civil  Service,  1928. 
Private  Secretary  to  the  Viceroy,  1945-47, 
Recreations;  cricket,  shooting,  golf ;  blues  at 
Oxford  for  Rugby  Football  (Capt.  1926), 
Cricket  and  Hockey.  Address:  Holwell 
Manor,  Hatfleld,  Herts.  T.:  Essendon  232. 

ABELL,  Lt.-Col.  Robert  Lloyd,  D.8.O. 
1919  ;  M.C. :  b.  1889  ;  *.  of  late  <*.  F.  Abell, 
J.P.  of  Graf  ton  Manor,  Bromsgrove,  Wor- 
cestershire. Educ. :  Repton.  Formerly 
Major  "Royal  Field  Artillery ;  served  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-19  (thrice  wounded,  de- 
spatches, M.C.,  D.S.O.,  Italian  Croix  de 
Guerre) ;  Royal  Artillery  and  General  Staff, 
1940-46.  Recreations :  hunting,  shooting. 
Address :  Foxcote  Manor,  Andoveraford, 
Glos.  T. :  Andoversford  123. 

ABELL,  Thomas  Bertrand,  O.B.E.  1920; 
M.Eng.  (Liv.);  R.O..N.O.,  retired;  6.  March 
1880 ;  2nd  s.  of  Thomas  Abell,  M.B.E.,  J.P. ;  m. 
Gertrude  (d.  1950),  d.  of  late  Edwin  F.  Brook. 
Educ. :  West  Buckland  School  ;  Boyal  Naval 
Engineering  College,  Devonport ;  Royal  Naval 
College,  Greenwich.  Appointed  to  Royal 
Corps  of  Naval  Constructors,  1903 ;  Admiralty 
Experiment  Tank,  1904-8 ;  Instructor  in  Naval 
Architecture,  Royal  Naval  College,  1910-14 ; 
Lecturer  at  Royal  Naval  War  College,  Ports- 
mouth. Temporary  Constructor,  Admiralty, 
1916 ;  Assistant  Director  of  Designs,  Admiralty, 
and  Ministry  of  Shipping,  1917-19 ;  Professor 
of  Naval  Architecture,  University  of  Liver- 
pool, 1914-40  ;  Pro- Vice-Chancellor,  1935-40  ; 
Professor  "Emeritus,  1940;  Portreeve  of  Ash- 
burton,  1943-44.  Publications:  Stability  and 
Seaworthiness  of  Ships ;  papers  on  subjects 
relating  to  Naval  Architecture.  Address : 
Priestaford  House,  Ashburton.  T.:  Ashburton 

ABELL,    Sir  Westcott    (Stile),    K.B.E., 

cr.  1920 ;  K.C.N.O.,  rat. ;  M.Eng. ;  Hon.  Vice- 
Pres.  Inst.  N.A. ;  Fellow  N.B.  Coast  Institu- 
tion of  Shipbuilders  and  Engineers;  Hon. 
M.LStruct.E.;  b.  16  Jan.  1877 ;  *.  of  Thomas 
Abell;  w.  1902,  Beatrice,  d.  of  late  Joseph  Wyld 
Davenport ;  one  s.  three  d.  Educ. ;  West  Buck- 
land  School ;  Royal  Naval  Engineering  College, 
Devonport ;  Roj^al  Naval  College,  Greenwich. 
Appointed  to  Royal  Corps  of  Naval  Con- 
structors, 1900;  Professional  Secretary  to 
Director  of  Naval  Construction,  1904-7;  In- 
structor in  Naval  Architecture,  Royal  Naval 
College,  1907-10;  Professor  of  Naval  Archi- 
tecture, University  of  Liverpool,  1910-14;  Chief 
Ship  Surveyor,  Lloyd's  Register  of  Shipping, 
1914-28;  Prof,  of  Naval  Architecture,  Arm- 
strong College,  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  1928-41 ; 
Member  of  Board  of  Trade  Committee  on 
the  Internationalisation  of  the  Load  Line  of 
Ships,  1918 ;  Member  of  Board  of  Trade  Com- 
mittee on  Shipping  and  Shipbuilding,  1916  ; 
Member  of  Merchant  Shipbuilding  Advisory 
Committee  appointed  by  Ministry  of  Shipping, 
1916  ;  Technical  Adviser  to  the  Controller  of 
Shipping,  1917  (by  arrangement  with  Lloyd's 
Register) ;  Member  of  Admiralty  Shipbuilding 
Council,  1917 ;  President  of.  Institute  of  Marine 
Engineers,  1924-25  ;  Member  of  Board  of  Trade 
Load  Line  Committee,  1927;  British  Delegate 
International  Conference  on  the  Safety  of  Life  at 

•j»8ea,  London,  1920 ;  Master  of  the  Worshipful 
Qomftoiy  of  Shipwrights,  1931 ;  President  of 
Devonshire  Association,  1938.  Publications : 

:  The  Safe  Sea,  1932 ;  The  Shipwright's  Trade, 
1948 ;  The  Ship  and  her  Work ;  contributions 
to  Transactions  of  Institution  of  Naval 
Architects  and  other  societies.  Address:  12 

Westneld  Drive,  Gosforth,  Newcastle-on-Tyne 
3.     T.  :  54184. 

ABEND,  Hallett;  book  and  magazine 
writer  and  lecturer  on  International  atfairs ; 
b.  15  Sept.  1886  ;  *.  of  Alexander  Abend  and 
Kittie  Hallett ;  unmarried.  Educ. :  Uni- 
versity of  Illinois ;  Stanford  University, 
California.  Began  newspaper  work  at 
Spokane,  1906  ;  bought  farm  in  B.C.,  1912  ; 
City  Editor  Star-Bulletin,  Honolulu,  1915 ; 
Managing  Editor  Idaho  Daily  Statesman, 
1916 ;  City  Editor  Los  Angeles  Times,  and 
Editor  Preview,  motion  picture  weekly, 
1920.  Two  years  with  Norma  and  Constance 
Taimage,  working  on  screen  stories.  Went 
to  China,  for  North  American  Newspaper 
Alliance,  1926  ;  chief  of  Far  East  Bureau,  in 
China,  for  New  York  Times,  1927-41 ;  since 
then,  free  lancer  ;  now  makes  home  on  farm 
in  New  York  State,  in  house  built  1776. 
Publications :  Tortured  China,  1930 ;  Can 
China  Survive?,  1936  ;  Chaos  in  Asia,  1939  ; 
Japan  Unmasked,  1941 ;  Ramparts  of  the 
Pacific,  1942 ;  My  Life  in  China,  1943  ; 
Pacific  Charter,  1943 ;  Treaty  Ports,  1944 ; 
Recon quest,  its  Results  and  Responsibilities, 
1946  ;  The  God  from  the  West  (Biog.  of 
Frederick  Townsend  Ward),  1947;  Half 
Slave  Half  Free,  1949  :  Contributor,  Satur- 
day Evening  Post,  Reader's  Digest,  American 
Mercury,  Cosmopolitan,  Coronet,  etc.  JSe- 
creations :  trout  fishing,  golf,  gardening. 
Address :  R.F.D.,  Buskirk,  New  York, 
U.S.A.  T.A. :  Abend,  Buskirk,  New  York. 
T. :  Cambridge  3745.  Clubs :  Spokane 
(Washington) :  Shanghai  (Shanghai) ; 
Peking  (Peking):  Nanking  (Nanking); 
Seekingjao  Golf ;  Hungjao  Golf. 

ABERCONWAY,  2nd  Baron,  or.  1911,  of 
Bucinant  in  the  county  of  Denbigh,  Henry 
Duncan  McLaren*  Bt.,  cr.  JAM*; 
U.B.JBJ.  iyi8;  LL.D.  1949;  J.P.  Denbighshire, 
Chairman  Quarter  Sessions ;  Hon.  A.R.I.B.A. ; 
Ohm.  of  John  Brown  Ltd.,  of  Thos.  Firth  and 
John  Brown  Ltd.,  of  the  Tredegar  Iron  and 
Coal  Co.,  Ltd.,  of  Yorkshire  Amalgamated 
Collieries,  Sheepbridge  Coal  and  Iron  Co.  Ltd.; 
and  of  English  Clays  Lovering  Pochin  &  Co. ;  a 
director  of  National  Provincial  Bank,  and 
London  Assurance ;  b.  16  April  1879 ;  e.  s.  of 
1st  Baron  and  Laura.  Lady  of  Grace  of  Order 
of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem.  C.B.E.  (d.  1983),  o.  d. 
of  late  Henry  Pochin,  M.P.,  Bodnant,  Denbigh- 
shire ;  S.  father  1934 ;  m.  1910,  Christabel,  y.  d. 
of  late  Sir  Melville  Macnaghten,  C.B. ;  three  s. 
two  d.  Educ.:  Eton  (Captain  of  the  Oppidans, 
1897-98);  Balliol  College,  Oxford.  Barrister  of 
Lincoln's  Inn;  M.P.  (L.)  West  Staffordshire 
1906-10;  (C.L.)  Bosworth  Division,  Leicester, 
1910-22 ;  Parliamentary  Private  Secretary  to 
the  Chancellor  of  the  Exchequer,  1908-10 ; 
President  of  the  Royal  Horticultural  Society 
since  1931.  Recreations  :  shooting,  gardening, 
motoring.  Heir:  s.  Hon.  Charles  Melville 
McLaren,  q.v.  Address :  Bodnant,  Tal-y-cam, 
Denbighshire.  T.:  Tynygroes  200  ;  12  North 
Audley  St.,  W.I.  T.  :  G-rosvenor  8820.  Club  : 
Brooks  »s. 
See  also  Sir  E.  A.  J.  JoTmsen- Ferguson. 

ABERCORN,  8rfl  Duke  of  (cr.  1868), 
James  Albert  Edward  Hamilton; 
K.W.  1928;  P.O.  1945;  K.P.  1923;  P.O.  (N.L), 
1922 ;  Royal  Victorian  Chain,  1945 ;  Baron  of 
Paisley,  1587  ;  Karon  Abercorn,  1603  ;  Baron 
Hamilton  and  Eacl  of  Abercorn,  1606;  Baron 
of  Strabane,  1617  ;  Viscount  of  Strabane,  1701 ; 
Viscount  Hamilton,  1786;  Marquess  of  Aber- 
corn, 1790;  Marquess  of  Hamilton,,  1868;  6.  30 
Nov.  1869  ;  s.  of  2nd  Duke  and  Lady  Mary  Anna 
Ourzon,  d.  of  1st  Earl  Howe  ;  S.  father,  1913  ;  m. 
1894,  Tjady  Rosalind  Cecilia  Caroline  Bingham 
D.B.E.,  cr.  1936,  o.  d.  of  4th  Earl  of  Lucan  ;  two 
s.  three  d.  Educ. :  Eton.  Treasurer  to  H.M. 
Household,  1903-5 ;  M.P.  (C.)  City  London- 
derry, 1900-13 ;  entered  army,  1st  Life  Guards, 
1892 ;  resigned,  1908 ;  late  Major  North  Irish 
Horse;  Lord-Lieut,  of  Tyrone  since  1917;  a 
Senator  of  Northern  Ireland,  1921 ;  Governor  of 
Northern  Ireland,  1922-45.  Heir:  s.  Marquess 
of  Hamilton,  q.v.  Address;  68  Mount  Street, 

W^O'S  WHO,  1951 


W.I.  T. :  Grosvenorl014;  Baroixs  Court.  Co. 
Tyrone,  Ireland.  Club :  Carlton. 
See  also  Sir  /.  L.  Gilnour,  Capt.  R.  0.  R. 
Kenyon-Slaney,  Lady  Katharine  Seymour,  Earl 
Spennr,  'Earl  of  Wteklow,  Karl  Winterton. 
ABERCROMBIE,  Sir  Jotoi  Robertson, 
K.B.E.,  cr.  1946;  Kt.,  cr.  1935;  M.O.  ; 
retired;  6.  11  June  1888;  s.  of  Alexander 
and  Emily  Constance  de  Laurensart  Aber- 
crombie ;  m.  1915,  Elsie  Maude,  d.  of  B,  ,W. 
Oollin,  I.C.S. ;  one  s.  Educ. :  Cheltenham 
College.  Served  with  18th.  K.G.O.  Lancers  in 
France  and  Palestine  (despatches,  M.C.);  Pres. 
Bombay  Chamber  of  Commerce,  1930  and  1935 ; 
Chairman  Bombay  Branch  European  Associa- 
tion, 1931-82,  1934;  Member  Bombay  Legis- 
lative Council,  1925-26,  1930-31.  Recreations: 
golf  and  fishing.  Address:  113  Rodney  House, 
Dolphin  Sq.,  S.W.l.  Clubs:  Oriental,  Fly- 

ABERCROMBIE,  Sir   (Leslie)   Patrick, 

Kt.,  cr.  1945;  M.A.,  LL.D.,  F.R.I.B.A.; 
Professor  Emeritus  of  Town  Planning  in 
the  University  of  London ;  Hon.  Fellow  of  St. 
Catharine's  College,  Cambridge;  Member  of 
Royal  Commission  on  the  Location  of  Industry ; 
Chairman  of  Council  for  the  Preservation  of 
Rural  England ;  Chairman  of  Housing  Centre  ; 
President,  International  Union  of  Architects ; 
Consultant  for  rebuilding  and  planning 
London,  Edinburgh,  Plymouth,  Hull,  Bath, 
Bournemouth,  the  Clyde  and  N.W.  Midlands 
Regions;  architect(with  A.  C.  Holliday)  for  the 
new  University  of  Ceylon ;  b.  1879 ;  s,  of  late 
William  Abercrombie ;  m.  Emilia  Maud  (d.  1942), 
d.  of  Robert  Gordon ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Uppingham.  Professor  of  Civic  Design,  Uni- 
versity of  Liverpool.  1915-35 ;  Professor  of  Town 
Planning,  University  College,  London,  1935-46  ; 
Past  President  of  Town  Planning  Institute; 
ex-Mem.  Eoyal  Fine  Art  Commission;  Won  first 
premium  (in  partnership  with  Sydney  A.  Kelly, 
F.S.I.)  in  international  competition  for  replan- 
ning  Dublin,  1913 ;  present  consultant  to 
Dublin  Corporation.  Royal  Gold  Medal  for 
Architecture,  1946.  Publications  :  Reports  and 
Plans  on  the  following  Regions :  Doncaster 
(with  T.  H.  Johnson);  East  Kent  Coalfield 
(with  J.  Archibald) ;  East  Suffolk,  Sheffield 
District  and  Cumberland  (with  8.  A,  Kelly); 
Caernarvonshire ;  N.  Riding :  Bath  and  Bristol 
fwith  B.  F.  Brueton);  Stratford  -  on  -  Avon 
(with  Lascelles  Abercrombie).  Town  and 
Country  Planning  (Home  University  Library), 
1933 ;  Sheffield  Civic  Survey  ;  Dublin  of  the 
Future  (with  S.  A.  Kelly) ;  County  of  London 
Plan,  1943  (with  J.  H.  Forshaw);  Greater 
London  ;  A  Plan  for  Plymouth,  1943  (with  J. 
Paton  Watson);  Hull  (with  Sir  Edwin  Lutyens); 
the  Preservation  of  Rural  England.  Address : 
Red  House,  Aston  Tin-old,  Berks. ;  Earth 
Arian,  Rhoscolyn,  Anglesey.  T. :  Blewbury, 
Berks  207.  Club  :  Union. 
ABERCROMBIE,  Peter  Henderson, 
M.B.,  O.M.,  1890;  M.D.,  1895,  Glasgow 
Univ.;  F.R.S.M. ;  retired;  consulting  Sur- 
geon Royal  National  Throat,  Nose,  and  Ear 
Hospital ;  late  Hon.  Aural  Surgeon,  Royal  Cale- 
donian Schools;  Hon.  Consulting  Physician 
(throat,  nose,  and  ear)  Royal  Infant  Asylum, 
Wanstead ;  b.  Paisley,  2  Aug.  1867 ;  s.  of  late 
William  Abercrombie,  banker,  Paisley ;  m.  1895, 
Jessie  Deans  (d.  1933),  d.  of  late  Cunison  Deans 
Rankin,  Glasgow.  Educ.  .-John  Neilson  Institu- 
tion, Paisley ;  Glasgow  University ;  London  and 
Vienna.  Late  Resident  Medical  Assistant  to 
late  Professor  Sir  Wm.  Gairdner,  and  Resident 
Surgical  Assistant  to  late  Professor  Sir  George 
Macleod,  Western  Infirmary,  Glasgow;  Hon. 
Secretary  British  Laryngological  Association ; 
Assistant  Surgeon,  Registrar,  Clinical  Assistant, 
and  Anaesthetist,  Central  London  Throat,  Nose, 
and  Ear  Hospital.  Publications:  M.D.  Thesis  : 
Turbinotomy  in  Nasal  Stenosis ;  various  con- 
tributions on  Throat,  Nose,  and  Ear  Affections 
in  Journal  of  Laryngology,  Transactions  of 
British  ?LaryJrigological  Association,  Reports, 
Central  London  Throat,  Nose,  pand  Ear  Hospital, 

24Balliol  House,  Manor  Fields,  Putney  Hill, 
S.W.15.  T. :  Putney  4230.  Club :  Roval  An  to- 
mobile.  [Died  30  Sept.  1950 
ABERCROMBY,  Bt.-Col.  Sir 
George  William,  Sth  Bt.,  cr.  1(586 ;  D.S.O. 
1917  ;  uordou  tiighianders  ;  Lord  Lieutenant  of 
Banffshire  since  1946 ;  b.  18  Mar.  1886 ;  s.  of  7th 
Bt.  and  Florence  Anita  Eyre,  C.B.E.  (cZ.  1946), 
o.  d.  of  Byre  Coote  (she  m.  2nd,  1899,  2nd  Earl  of 
Northbrook  (d.  1929));  S.  father,  1895;  m. 
1935,  Eleanor,  o.d.  of  late  Sir  Arthur  Anderson, 
C.I.E.,  Roffey  Place,  Horsham.  Served  in 
Scots  Guards,  1905-14;  A.D.C.  to  G.O.C. 
Forces  in  Ireland,  1910-12 ;  served  European  War 
in  Sth  Black  Watch,  1916-18  (D.S.O.);  Com- 
manded 6th  (T.)  Gordon  Highlanders,  1920-27, 
Hon.  Col.,  1931-44.  Owns  about  12,000  acres. 
Heir:  b.  Robert  Alexander,  M.C.  [6.  15  Aug. 
1895;  m.  1st,  1923,  Hon.  Diamond  Harding 
(d.  1927)  o.  d.  of  1st  Baron  Hardinge  of  Penhurst, 
K.G. ;  2nd,  1929,  Pamela,  o.  d.  of  late  John 
Lomax.  Educ. :  Sandhurst].  Address :  Forglen 
House,  Turriff,  Aberdeenshire ;  Birkenbog, 
Ban  fish  ire. 

See  also  R.  H.  M.  Abel  Smith. 

ABERDARE,  3rd  Baron  (cr.  1873),  of 
Duffryn,  Clarence  Napier  Bruce  ;  C.B.E. 
1949  ;  &.  2  Aug.  1885  ;  e.  surv.  8.  of  2nd  Baron 
and  Constance  Mary  (d.  1932),  d.  of  Hamilton 
Beckett  and  Hon.  Mrs.  Beckett,  2nd  d.  of 
Lord  Lyndhurst;  S.  father,  1929 ;  m.  1912, 
Margaret  Bethune  (Betty)  (A.  1950),  o.  d. 
of  late  Adam  Black-  two  *.  two  d.  Educ.: 
Winchester;  New  College,  Oxford.  Called 
to  Bar,  Inner  Temple,  1911;  Captain 
2/1  Glamorgan  Yeomanry;  Lieut,  (temp.) 
2nd  Life  Guards;  later  2nd  Batt.  Guards 
Machine  Gun  Regiment;  demobilised  with 
rank  of  Captain,  1919 ;  Major  llth  Batt. 
Surrey  Home  Guard,  1940-45.  Chairman  of 
late  National  Advisory  Council  for  physical 
training  and  recreation,  1 937-39  ;  Member  of 
National  Youth  Cttee.,  Board  of  Education, 
1939-42;  Member  Miners  Welfare  Commis- 
sion, 1931-46  ;  Hon.  Col.  77th  rWelsh)  A.A. 
Brigade  R.A.  (T.);  now  282  (Welsh)  Heavy 
A.A.  Regt.  R.A.,  T.A.  President:  Welsh 
National  School  of  Medicine,  Univ.  of  Wales, 
Lansdowne  Club,  Five  Million  Club,  British 
Prisoners  of  War  (Books  and  Games)  Funds. 
Hon.  Adviser  J.  A.  Bank  Org.  on  Children's 
Cinema  Clubs,  1948.  Prior  of  Order  of  St. 
John  of  Jerusalem  (Priory  for  Wales),  Chair- 
man :  Nat.  Assoc.  of  Boys'  Clubs ;  British 
Sportsman's  Club;  Fortnightly  Review, 
Ltd.;  International  Congress  on  Physical 
Education  (1948);  Queen's  Club  Ltd.; 
Queen's  Institute  of  District  Nursing ; 
Member:  Joint  Cttee.  Order  of  St.  John  of 
Jerusalem  and  B.R.C.S. ;  Council  of  National 
Playing  Fields  Assoc.,  of  National  Trust  and 
Standing  Conference  of  National  Voluntary 
Youth  Organisations :  Executive  of  Army 
Cadet  Force  Assoc.,  of  British  Olympic  Assoc., 
of  Central  Council  of  Physical  Recreation,  of 
International  Olympic  Cttee.  and  of  Organis- 
ing Cttee.  for  Olympic  Games,  London,  1948, 
of  National  Playing  Fields  Assoc.,  of  Research 
Board  for  Correlation  of  Medical  Science  and 
Physical  Recreation,  of  Standing  Cttee.  on 
National  Parks,  of  Academic  Advisory 
Council  F.O.  (German  Section),  1949.  Pub- 
lications: First  Steps  to  Rackets  (with 
E.  B.  Noel),  1926;  (Editor)  Rackets, 
Squash  Rackets,  Tennis,  Fives  and  Bad- 
minton, 1933  and  contributor  to  Chambers's 
Encyclopaedia  and  to  Hutchinson's  En- 
cyclopaedia of  Sport,  on  Olympic  Games, 
Tennis,  Rackets  and  Squash  Rackets. 
Recreations :  cricket,  rackets  (Amateur 
Champion,  1922  and  1931 ;  10  times  Doubles 
Champion,  and  Champion  of  U.S.A.  Doubles, 
1928,  1930 ;  Singles  Champion  of  Canada, 
1928, 1930,  and  Doubles  Champion  of  Canada, 
1930 ;  Open  Champion,  British  Isles*  1981) ; 
tennis  (Amateur  Champion,  U.SJU  1930, 
British  Isles,  1932  and  1938) ;  3  times  winner 
of  Inter-Club  Tennis  Doubles  (Bailey  Cup)  for 
QueenTs  Oluh ;  5  times,  winner  of  M.C.Cw  Gold 
Prize,  and  9  timea  winner  of  M.G.C.  Silver 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Prize ;  18  times  representative  of  Great 
Britain  in  the  Bathurst  Cup,  6  times  winner  of 
Coupe  de  Paris),  golf,  shooting,  and  lawn 
tennis.  Heir :  s.  Capt.  (temp.  Major)  Hon. 
Morys  George  Lyndhurst  Bruce  [Welsh 
Guards,  1940 ;  H.Q.  12th  Corps,  1944  ;  b. 
16  June  1919 ;  m.  1946,  Sarah,  o.  d.  of  Sir 
John  Dashwood,  q.v. :  two  s.  Educ. ; 
Winchester;  New  College,  Oxford].  Ad- 
dress: Danescross,  Hook  Heath,  Woking. 
T.:  Woking  508.  Clubs:  Hampton  Court 
Koyal  Tennis,  Lansdowne  (Ohm.  of  Direc- 
tors), M.C.C.,  Queen's  (Chm.  of  Directors). 

See  also  Lord  Belper,  Earl  of  Bradford,  Lord 

Digby,  Earl  of  Roseoery. 

ABERDEEN,    Bishop     of,     (R.C.),     since 
1947;    Rt.   Rev.   John  A.  Matheson, 

D.D. ;  b.  Tomintoul.  Banffshire,  28  April 
1901 ;  s.  of  John  Matheson.  Educ. :  Blairs 
College,  Aberdeen ;  Scots  College,  Home. 
Curate  at  St.  Mary's  Cathedral,  Aberdeen, 
1925-27 ;  Parish  priest  at  Sacred  Heart 
Church,  Torry,  Aberdeen,  1927-30;  Parish 
priest  at  St.  Nathalan's  Church,  Ballater, 
1930-43  ;  Parish  priest  of  St.  Mary's  Church, 
Dufftown,  1943-47.  Recreation:  golf.  Ad- 
dress :  19  Golden  Square,  Aberdeen.  T.  : 
Aberdeen  20766.  [Died  5  July  1950. 

ABERDEEN   and   ORKNEY,   Bishop 
of,     since     1943;    Rt.     Rev.    Herbert 

William  Hall ;  b.  22  Dec.  1889  ;  s.  of 
Charles  Hail  and  Barbara  Black;  m.  1919, 
Helen  Maven  Aitken  ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
St.  John's  School,  New  Pitsligo  ;  Aberdeen 
"Univ.  (M.A.  1911,  D.D.  1944);  Edinburgh 
Theological  Coll.  Teacher,  1904-11,  New 
Pitslipo  and  Peterhead  Academy ;  Curate  St. 
John's,  Greenock,  1913-19;  Rector  of  St. 
Mary's,  Port  Glasgow,  1919-28 ;  St.  Peter's, 
Galashiels,  1928-36 ;  Church  Army  Chaplain 
(Flanders),  1917;  Home  Mission  Organiser  in 
Scotland,  1934-36;  Rector  of  St.  Mark's 
Scottish  Episcopal  Church,  Portobello,  1936- 
1943:  Canon  of  St.  Mary's  Cathedral,  Edin- 
burgh, 1939-43  ;  Editor  Scottish  Chronicle, 
1927-31 ;  Editor  Scottish  Churchman,  1928-32. 
Address :  Biatiop'H  Houae,  Aberdeen.  T. : 
Aberdeen  33563. 

ABERDEEN  and  TEMAIR,  2nd 
Marquess  ot  (cr.  lyiti),  George  Gordon; 
O.B.E.,  J.P- i  Viscount  t  oriuartme,  JLura 
Hactdo,  Methlic,  Tarves  and  Kellie,  Earl 
of  Aberdeen,  1682,  Peerage  of  Scotland;  Viscount 
Gordon  of  Aberdeen,  1814 ;  and  Earl  of 
Haddo.  1915,  Peerage  of  the  United  Kingdom, 
Baronet  of  Nova  Scotia,  1642 ;  K.  St.  ,1.  1949 ; 
Lord-Lieutenant  and  President  of  Territorial 
Army  and  Auxiliary  Forces  Association  ol 
Aberdeen  shire  since  1934;  Member  for  Tarves, 
Aberdeenshire  C.C.,  since  1945;  Deputy 
Lieutenant  for  County  of  City  of  Aberdeen; 
L.C.C,  (P.)  Peckham,  1910-25;  (M.R.)  West 
Fulham,  1931-34;  Alderman  (M.R.),  1926-31; 
Deputy  Chairman  of  the  Council,  1923  -  24  ; 
Chairman  of  the  Parks  and  Open  Spaces 
Com.  1927-20;  Chairman  of  Town  Planning 
Committee,  1929-34 ;  co-opted  Member  of  Hous- 
ing Committee.  1934-87 ;  one  of  the  L.C.C.  Re- 
presentatives on,  and  Vice-Ghairman  of,  the 
Greater  London  Regional  Planning  Committee, 
1929-33,  and  Chairman  of  the  reconstituted 
Committee,  1983-34,  co-opted,  1934-36;  one  of 
the  L,C.C.  Representatives  on  the  Metropolitan 
Water  Board,  1918-46  (Vice-Chairman  of  the 
Board's  Finance  Committee,  1919-22,  and  Chair- 
man of  Finance  Committee,  1922-25;  Vice- 
Chairman  of  General  Purposes  Committee, 
1926*28);  a  Governor  (L.O.C.)  of  the  Poly- 
technic, Regent  Street,  1920-46  (City  Parochial 
Foundation),  since  1947;  Trustee  (L.C.C.)  for 
the  Crystal  Palace,  1914-24,  and  since  1926; 
a  Vice-President  of  the  National  Council  of 
Y.M.C.A.8,  and  late  Chairman  of  its  Metroppli- 
tan  Committee ;  Vice-Prm  Metropolitan  Union 
Y.M.C.A. ;  Chairman  of  Council  of  Charity 
Organisation  Society,  1934-37  and  1938-39.  A 
"B"  member  of  Royal  Observer  Corps,  1939- 
1946  (Head  Observer,  1989-43);  President 
•National  Service  Committee,  Aber4eensbire, 

1939 ;  b.  20  Jan.  1879 ;  e.  s.  of  1st  Marquess ; 
S.  father,  1934 ;  m.  1st,  1906,  Mary  Florence  (cZ. 
1937),  widow  of  E.  S.  Cockayne,  Sheffield; 
2nd,  1940,  Sheila  (d.  11)49),  widoio  of  Capt. 
J.  W.  Guy  Innes,  K.N.,  of  Maryculter  House, 
Kincardineshire,  and  d.  of  late  Lt.-Col,  Forbes 
of  Rofchiemay.  Educ. :  Harrow ;  St.  Andrews 
University ;  Balliol  College,  Oxford.  Contested 
(L,)  East  Berkshire,  1906.  Heir :  b.  Lt.-Col. 
Lord  Dudley  Gordon,  q.v.  Address :  16 
Westbourne  Street,  W.2;  T :  Paddington 
5067  ;  Braehead,  Bridge  of  Don,  Aberdeen. 
T. :  Aberdeen  43230.  Clubs:  Constitutional ; 
New  (Edinburgh) ;  Royal  Northern  (Aberdeen). 

See  also  Baron  Balfour  of  Burleigh,  E.  A. 

Cockayne,    Col.    E.    D.    MacKenzie,    Baron 

A  BERG  A  VENN  Y,  4th  Marquess  of  (cr. 
1K7H)  Major  Guy  Temple  Montacute 
Larnach  -  Nevill ;  Baron  Abergavenny, 
1460,  Karl  of  Abergavenny  and  Viscount 
Nevill,  1784  ;  Earl  of  Lewes,  1876 :  D.L.,  J.P. ; 
Director  of  Sun  Insurance  Office  Ltd.  and  Sun 
Life  Assurance  Society  ;  b.  15  July  1883  ;  s.  of 
late  Lord  George  Montaoute  Nevill  and 
Florence  Mary,  C.B.E.  (a.  1929),  d.  of  late 
Temple  Soames ;  S.  uncle,  1938;  m.  1909,  Isa- 
bel Nellie,  d.  of  late  James  Walker  Larnach, 
and  late  Lady  Isabel  Larnach,  d.  of  9th  Earl 
of  Cork  and  Orrery ;  two  5.  one  d.  Heir :  s, 
Karl  of  Lewes,  q.v.  Address:  Bridge  Castle, 
Tun  bridge  Wells;  10  Lowndes  Square,  S.W.I. 
T. :  Sloane  7480.  Clubs :  Turf,  Buck's. 
See  also  Marquess  Camden,  Earl  of  Cottenham, 
Viscount  Hardinge,  Baron  Hastings. 

AB  ING  DON,  8th  Earl  of  (or.  1682),  and 
LINDSEY,  13th  Earl  of  (cr.  1626):  Mon- 
tagu Henry  Edmund  Cecil  Bertie; 
Baron,  Io72  ;  F.2.S. :  late  Captain,  Grenadier 
Guards ;  b,  2  Nov.  1887 ;  g.s.  of  7th  Earl  and  o.  s. 
of  late  Lord  Norreys  and  Hon.  Rose  Riversdale 
Glyn,  sister  of  4th  Lord  Wolverton ;  S.  grand- 
father, as  Earl  of  Abingdon  1928  and  kinsman 
as  Earl  of  Lindsey.  1938 ;  m.  1928,  Elizabeth 
Valetta,  d,  of  late  Major- General  Hon.  Edward 
Stuart- Wortley,  C.B.,  C.M.G.,  and  of  Hon. 
Mrs.  Stuart- Wortley,  q.v.  Captain  Grenadier 
Guards  (S.R  ) ;  formerly  Capt.  Royal  Anglesey 
R.E.;  has  been  employed  tinder  the  Egyptian 
Government;  served  European  War,  1914-18, 
temp.  Flight  Sub.-Lt.  R.N.A.8.  (wounded): 
Trustee,  British  Museum;  High  Steward' of 
Abingdon.  Heir:  «.  Major  Hon.  Arthur  M. 
Bertie,  q.v.  Address:  2  Ooraon  Place,  W.I. 
Clubs:  Carl  ton,  St.  James'. 
flea  ftltn  Viwr>v.nt  FitxAJnn. 

ABINGER,  8th  Baron  (or.  1835);  James 
Richard  Scarlett ;  Lt.-CoI.,  late  B.A. ;  b. 
28  Sept.  1914 ;  e.  s.  of  7th  Baron  and  Marjorie, 
2nd  d.  of  John  MePhillamy,  Blair  Athol, 
Bathurst,  N.8.W.;  S.  father  1943 ;  un- 
married. Educ.:  Eton;  Magdalene  College. 
Cambridge  (B.A.  1986).  India,  France,  Air- 
borne taps.  Hew:  b.  Capt.  Hon.  John 
ieopold' Campbell  Scarlett,  b.  18  Dec.  1916  ; 
m.  1947,  Bridget,  yr.  d.  of  H.  B.  Crook,  102 
Stafford  Court,  w  .8.  Address  :  40  Draycott 
Place,  S.W.3.  T. :  Kensington  9311 ;  Clees 
Hall,  Bures,  Suffolk.  T. :  Bures  227.  Clubs : 
Carlton,  Royal  Automobile. 

ABLEWHITE,  Rt.  Rev.  Hayward  S., 
D.D.,  Bishop  of  Marquette  since  1929 ;  b.  Cleve- 
land, Ohio,  11  Sept.  1887 ;  s.  of  James  B.  and 
Annie  Seller  Ablewhite ;  m.  1915,  Inez  Fillmore, 
Gambier,  Ohio;  one  d.  Educ.:  University 
School  and  Western  Reserve  University,  Cleve- 
land; Bexley  Hall,  the  Divinity  School  of 
Kenyon  College.  Curate,  Church  of  the  Ad- 
vent, Cincinnati,  1915  ;  Rector,  Church  of  the 
Good  Shepherd,  Columbus,  Ohio.  1917-19 ; 
Saint  James  Church,  Piqua,  Ohio,  1919-26; 
Church  of  Saint  Philip  the  Apostle,  St.  Louis, 
Missouri,  1926-28 ;  Dean  of  Saint  Paul's  Cathe- 
dral, Marquette,  Michigan,  1928-30 ;  D.D.  Ken- 
yon  College,  1930.  Address:  501  East  Arch  St., 
Marquette,  Michigan, U.S. A.  T.:  1778.  Clubs: 
Delta  Upsilon  Fraternity,  Thirty-Second  Mason. 

ABNEY-HASTINGS,  family  name  of 
Countess  of  Loudoun, 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


ABOYNE,  Earl  of;  Granville  Charles 
Corner  Gordon ;  6. 4  Feb.  1944 ;  s.  of  12th 
Marquess  of  Huntb,  -2  v. 

ABRAHALL,  B.H.  and  Sir  T*  C.H. ;    see 


ABRAHAM,  Ashley  Perry,  photographic 
arusi,  jouinahsi  and  lecturei  ;  b.  Keswiek, 
20  Feb.  1876 ;  m.  1902  ;  three  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Blackman's  School.  Pioneer  of  mountaineering 
photography,  discoverer  of  many  new  rock 
and  snow  climbs  in  English  Lakeland,  Wales, 
Scotland  and  8wit2erland ;  authority  on  rock- 
climbing  and  mountaineering ;  First  President 
Fell  and  Rock-climbing  Club.  Publications  : 
Rock-climbing  in  Skye;  Rock-climbing  in 
North  Wales ;  Beautiful  Lakeland  ;  Beautiful 
North  Wales;  The  Lake  Poets;  various 
magazine  and  Press  articles.  Recreations : 
mountaineering,  golf,  swimming,  billiards  and 
chess  (Cumberland  County  Chess  Champion, 
1982  and  1939).  Address  :  The  Screes,  Keswick, 
Cumberland.  Clubs :  Fell  and  Rock  ;  English 
Climber^ ;  several  golf. 
See  also  G.  D.  Abraham. 

ABRAHAM,  Edgar,  UJB.  ;  Indian  Civil 
Service,  retired ;  late  Uapt.  Home  Guard ;  6. 
1880 ;  m.  1911,  Ruth,  d  of  Rev.  Gerald  Davies, 
late  the  Master  of  the  Charterhouse,  London  ; 
one  s.  Educ. :  St.  Paul's  School;  Corpus 
Christi  College,  Oxford.  Entered  I.C.S. 
(Punjab  Commission),  1904 ;  served  European 
War  in  France,  R.G.A. ;  Assistant  Secy.  War 
Cabinet,  Jan.  1918 ;  Supreme  War  Council, 
Versailles,  May  1918 ;  and  Supreme  Council 
Peace  Conference,  Jan.  1919-1920.  Address: 
Mangerton  House,  nr.  Bridport,  Dorset.  T. : 
Powerstock  217.  Club:  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridcfp  TTniv^rsitv 

ABRAHAM,  George  Dixon,  Chairman 
and  Mauaging  Director  of  G.  P.  Abraham, 
Ltd.,  specialists  in  Alpine  and  mountain 
photography ;  6.  Keswick,  7  Oct.  1872 ;  m. 
1st,  1901,  Winifred  E,  Davies  (d.  1939), 
B.Sc.Lond. ;  two  d.  ;  2nd,  1940,  Clara  Young. 
Educ. :  Manchester  Grammar  School ;  Man- 
chester School  of  Art.  With  younger 
brother,  A.  P.  Abraham,  was  first  to 
obtain  and  publish  detail  photographs  of 
routes  up  various  climbs  in  England,  Scot- 
land, Wales,  and  the  Alps  of  Austria,  Italy, 
France,  and  Switzerland ;  leader  of  first 
ascents  up  numerous  new  climbs,  especially 
in  England,  Scotland,  and  Wales.  Pw&Z-ica- 
tions:  The  Complete  Mountaineer;  Mountain 
Adventures  at  Home  and  Abroad  :  On  Alpine 
Heights  and  British  Crags ;  British  Mountain 
Climbs  (7th  e,d.  1947);  Swiss  Mountain  Climbs ; 
First  Steps  to  Climbing;  Motoring  in  the  Eng- 
lish Lake  District  (5th  ed.  1947);  Motorways 
at  Home  and  Abroad ;  Modern  Mountaineering, 
1933  (3rd  ed.  1947);  and  regular  contributor 
to  Strand,  Sphere,  and  leading  magazines. 
Recreations :  mountaineering,  cricket,  golf,  and 
motoring,  at  home  and  abroad ;  made  101st 
ascent  of  Pillar  Rock  a  unique  record,  April 
1926.  Address:  Idwal,  Chestnut  Hill.  Kes- 
wick, Cumberland.  Clubs:  Royal  Automobile ; 
Climbers  ;  Swiss  Alpine;  Fell  and  Rock 
See  also  A.  P.  Abraham 

ABRAHAM,  Gerald  Ernest  Heal;  James 
and  Constance  Alsop  Professor  of  Music, 
Liverpool  Univ.,  since  1947 ;  b.  9  March  1904 ; 
s.  of  Ernest  and  Dorothy  Mary  Abraham ; 
m.  1936,  Isobel  Patsie  Robinson;  one  d. 
Asst.  Editor,  Radio  Times,  1935-39 ;  Dep. 
Editor,  The  Listener,  1939-42;  Director  of 
Gramophone  Dept.,  B.B.C.,  1942-47.  Chair- 
man, Music  Section  of  the  Critics'  Circle, 
1944-46.  Editor,  Monthly  Musical  Record ; 
Editor,  Music  of  the  Masters  (series  of  books). 
Publications :  This  Modern  Stuff,  1933 ; 
Nietzsche,  1933  ;  Studies  in  Russian  Music, 
1935  ;  Tolstoy,  1935 ;  Masters  of  Russian 
Music  (with  M.  D.  Calvocoressi),  1936; 
Dostoevsky,  1936;  A  Hundred  Years  of 
Music,  1938 ;  On  Russian  Music.  1939 ; 
Chopin's  Musical  Style,  1939 ;  Beethoven's 
Second-Period  Quartets,  1942 ;  Eight  Soviet 
Composers,  1943;  Tchaikovsky,  1944; 

Rimsky-Korsakov,  1945  ;  Design  in  Music, 
1949.  Recreations :  walking,  languages. 
Address  :  8  Aigburth  Drive,  Liverpool.  T. : 
Lark  Lane  4111 ;  Limerstone  Cottage, 
Brighstone,  I.O.W.  T.:  Brighstone  206. 

ABRAHAM,  James  Johnston,  C.B.E. 
1919 ;  1918  ;  JH.A.,  LiU.D.,  M.D.  (Dub.), 
F.R.C.S.(Bng.);  Consulting  Surgeon,  Princess 
Beatrice  Hospital  and  London  Lock  Hospi- 
tals ;  Chairman  and  Managing  Director,  Wm. 
Heinemann  Medical  Books  Ltd.;  Lt.- 
Col.  late  R.A.M.C. ;  Commander  Order  of  St. 
John  of  Jerusalem ;  Order  of  St.  Sava,  4th 
Class;  Sen.  Capt.  (Reserve)  Royal  Serbian 
Army  ;  Fellow  Royal  Society  of  Medicine  ; 
Vice-Pres.  Medical  Society  of  London,  1940-42; 
F.Z.S.;  b.  Coleraine,  Co.  Derry.  1876:  e.  s.  of 
Wm.  Abraham,  J.P.,  Coleraine,  and  Elizabeth 
Ann  Morrison ;  m.  1920,  Lilian  Angela,  e.  d. 
of  Dr.  Alexander  Francis,  London,  W. ;  one 
d.  Educ.:  Coleraine  Academy;  Trinity  Col- 
lege, Dublin  (Senior  Moderator,  B.A.,  Gold 
Medallist  in  Natural  Science);  London  Hosp. 
European  War,  1914-18,  Surgeon  4th  Reserve 
Hospital,  Uskub,  Serbia,  1914-15;  Surgical 
Specialist  Queen  Alexandra's  Military  Hosp., 
London,  1915-16,  and  24th  Stationary  Hosp. 
Egypt,  1916-17 ;  A.D.M.S.  Lines  of  Communica- 
tion Egyptian  Expeditionary  Force,  1917-19; 
served  Macedonia,  Egypt,  Palestine,  Syria  (de- 
spatches thrice).  Pres.  Irish  Medical  •  raduates 
Association,  1939-50  ;  Thomas  Vicary  Lecturer, 
Royal  Coll. of  Surgeons,  England ,  1944;  Orator, 
Med.  Soc.  of  London,  1946 :  Lloyd-Roberts 
Lecturer,  1948.  Arnott  Medal,  1949.  Publi- 
cations :  The  Surgeon's  Log,  1911 ;  The  Night 
Nurse  (a  novel),  1913  (Film  versions  :  Norah 
O'Neale,  in  America ;  Irish  Hearts,  in  Europe, 
1935);  The  Golden  Age  of  Henry  the  Navi- 
gator (translated,  with  W.  E.  Reynolds, 
from  the  Portuguese  of  Oliveira  Martins), 
1914;  My  Balkan  Log,  1921 ;  Lettsom,  his  Life 
and  Timfts,  1933;  Ninety-Nine  Wimpole  St., 
1937;  several  technical  works;  scientific  papers 
in  British  and  American  Medical  Journals. 
Recreations:  medical  history  and  collecting  old 
books.  A ddress :  T5  Wimpole  Street,  W.I.  T. : 
Welbeek  4357  :  30  Campden  Hill  Court,  W.8. 
T. :  Western  6149  ;  Glenhurst,  Frinton  -on-Sea. 
T. :  Frinton  P49.  Pliibs:  Garrirk,  Athenspum. 

ABRAHAM,  Rt.  Rev.  Philip   Selwyn ; 
ee  .Newfoundland,  Hu-hop  oi. 

ABRAHAM,    William    Ernest    Victor, 

C.B.E.  1942  ;  B.Sc.,  F.G.S. ;  Joint  Managing 
Director  of  Burmah  Oil  Company,  Ltd.  and 
its  subsidiaries  ;  b.  21  Aug.  1897  ;  s.  of  John 
and  Frances  Abraham,  EnnisMUen  ;  m.  1928, 
Susan  Jeanette  Bidwell,  Kinsley,  Kansas, 
U.S.A. ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Methodist 
College,  Belfast ;  Royal  College  of  Science, 
Dublin.  In  Burma  and  India  as  Geologist, 
1920-37.  Commanded  Upper  Burma  Bn., 
Burma  Auxiliary  Force,  1932-37 ;  rejoined 
army,  1940,  as  2nd  Lt.  and  rose  to  rank  of 
Maj.-Gen.,  after  service  in  Greece,  Middle 
East  (O.B.E.,  despatches  twice),  Burma, 
Tunisia  (C.B.E.),  Sicily,  India.  Recreation  : 
hunting.  Address:  Kencot  Manor,  Lechlade, 
Glos.  T. :  Filfcms  212.  Clubs  :  East  India 
and  Sports,  City  of  London. 
ABRAHAMS,  Sir  Adolphe,  Kt.,  cr.  1939; 
O.B.E.  1919;  M.A.,  M.D..  B.Ch.(Camb.), 
F.R,C.P.(Lond.).  Consulting  Physician ;  Cen- 
sor, Royal  College  of  Physicians;  Cons. 
Physician:  to  Westminster  Hospital;  to 
Hampstead  General  Hosp. ;  and  to 
L.C.C.  Hosps. ;  Member  Association  of 
Physicians;  F.R.S.M.  (Pres.  Section  of 
Medicine);  F.R.P.S.;  Hon.  Medical  Adviser, 
International  Athletic  Board,  and  Hon. 
Medical  Officer,  British  Olympic  Athletic 
Team ;  &.  Cape  Town,  6  Feb.  1884 ;  s.  of  Jate 
Isaac  Abrahams ;  m.  1922,  Adrienne  Walsh : 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Bedford  Modern  School 
(Exhibitioner);  Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge 
(Foundation  Scholar  and  Prizeman,  First 
Class  Honours  Natural  Sciences  Tripos,  1906) ; 
St.  Bartholomew's  Hospital ;  Vienna.  House 
Surgeon  and  House  Surgeon  Ear,  Nose  and 


Thioat  Department,  St.  Bartholomew's 
Hospital :  late  Physician  Royal  Chest  Hos- 
pital; Arris  and  Gale  Lecturer,  Royal 
College  of  Surgeons,  1928;  War  service, 
1915-20 ;  Major  R.A.M.C. ;  in  charge  Medi- 
cal Division,  Connaught  Hospital,  Aldershot, 
and  District  Consulting  Physician  Aldershot 
Command  (despatches);  Medical  Officer  in 
charge  British  Olympic  Athletic  Team, 
Stockholm,  1912 ;  Paris,  1924= ;  Amsterdam, 
1928;  Berlin,  1936;  London,  1948;  Euro- 
pean Championships,  Paris,  1938.  Ex-Joint 
Lecturer,  Tutor  and  Demonstrator  of  Medi- 
cine and  Dean  in  the  Medical  School ;  ex-Con- 
sulting Physician  to  Chislehurst,  Orpington 
and  Cray  Valley  Hospital ;  ex-Examiner  in 
Medicine,  "Univs,  of  Liverpool  and  Cambridge, 
and  in  Medicine  and  in  Applied  Pharmacology 
and  Therapeutics,  "University  of  London ;  ex- 
Pres.  British  Assoc.  of  Gastro-Enterologists. 
Publications:  The  Photography  of  Moving 
Objects  and  Advanced  Hand -camera  Work, 
1910;  Chronic  Colitis  (with  late  Dr.  G. 
Herschell),  1913;  Indigestion,  1920;  A 
Manual  of  Urinary  Diseases  (with  A.  C. 
Morson),  1921 ;  Training  for  Athletes  (with 
H.  M.  Abrahams),  1928;  Exercise,  1930; 
Diseases  and  Disorders  of  Digestion,  1931 ; 
Training  for  Health  and  Athletics  (with 
H.  M.  Abrahams),  1936 ;  articles  on  medical, 
scientific,  athletic,  and  photographic  sub- 
jects. Recreations:  photography,  athletics, 
motoring,  journalism.  Address:  86  Brook 
Street,  W.I.  T.-'MayfairSOOl.  CZw6:  Garrick. 

ABRAHAMS,  Harold  Maurice, 
M.A.,  LL.B. ;  Secretary  of  National  Parks 
Commission  since  1950 ;  b.  15  Dec.  1899 ;  s. 
of  late  Isaac  Abrahams:  m.  1936,  Sybil 
Marjorie,  er.  d.  of  C.  P.  Evers.  Educ.: 
Repton;  Gonville  and  Caius  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Hons.  Law  Tripos,  Cambridge,  1923 ; 
called  to  Bar,  1924 ;  Ministry  of  Economic 
Warfare,  1939,  Head  of  Statistics  Section, 
1941-42 ;  Temp,  Asst.  Sec.,  1942-44 ;  Assis- 
tant Secretary,  Ministry  of  Town  and 
Country  Planning,  1946;  President  Cam- 
bridge University  Athletic  Club,  1922-23; 
represented  Cambridge  against  Oxford,  1920- 
1923,  in  all  in  nine  events ;  represented  Great 
Britain  in  the  Olympic  Games,  1920  and  1924, 
winner  100  metres  1924;  Captain  British 
Athletic  Team  Olympic  Games,  1928 ;  Mem- 
ber of  General  Cttee.  of  Amateur  Athletic 
Assoc.  since  1925  (Vice-Pres.  1948);  Asst. 
Hon.  Sec.  British  Amateur  Athletic  Board, 
1939-48 :  Hon.  Treasurer,  1948 :  Advisory 
Editor,  World  Sports,  1948 ;  Member  London 
and  Middlesex  Area  Committee  under 
Government  National  Physical  Witness 
Scheme,  1938-39 :  has  broadcast  on  athletics 
extensively.  Publications:  Sprinting.  1925; 
Athletics,  1926 ;  Training  for  Athletes  (with 
Sir  A,  Abrahams  and  others),  1928 ;  Oxford 
o.  Cambridge  (with  late  J.  Bruce  Kerr),  1931 ; 
Training  for  Health  and  Athletics  (with  Sir 
A.  Abrahams),  1936;  Official  Records  of 
1928  and  1936  Olympic  Games;  Track  and 
Field  Olympic  Records,  1948.  Recreations: 
photography,  statistics.  Address:  Great 
Jenkins,  Great  Hallingbury,  nr.  Bishop's 
Stortford.  T.:  Bishop's  Stortford  615. 
Clubs:  Achilles  (Chm.,  1947),  M.M. ;  Cam- 
bridge University  Pitt. 

ABRAHAMS,  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  Sidney 
Solomon,  P.O.  1941 ;  Kt.,  cr.  1986;  Member 
of  Judicial  Committee  of  Privy  Council  since 
1941 ;  Legal  Assistant,  Commonwealth  Rela- 
tions Office  and  Colonial  Office ;  b.  Birming- 
ham, 11  Feb.  1885;  s.  of  Isaac  Abrahams; 
m.  1914,  Ruth,  d.  of  L.  G.  Bowman,  g.u.; 
one  s,  one  d.  Educ.:  Bedford  Modern  School, 
Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge,  B.A.,  LL.B., 
1905.  Barrister-at-law,  Middle  Temple,  1909; 
Hon.  Bencher,  1948 ;  Town  Magistrate, 
Zanzibar,  1915;  seconded  to  Mesopotamia 

\   Civil  Administration,  1920;  Advocate-General. 

.  Bagdad,  1920  ;  President,  Civil  Courts,  Bas- 
jqah,  1921;  Attorney-General,  Zanzibar,  1922; 
Uganda,  1925 ;  Gold  Coast,  1928;  Chief  Justice 
of'Ugandta  Protectorate,  1938-34;  Vice-Prefti- 
-  dent,  H.M,  Court  of  Appeal  for  Eastern  Africa ; 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Chief  Justice,  Tanganyika,  1984-36;  Chief 
Justice  of  Ceylon,  1936-39;  Order  of  Brilliant 
Star  of  Zanzibar,  Second  Class,  1924;  K.C. 
for  the  Gold  Coast,  1930.  Publications  :  edited 
(with  A.  Abrahams)  Dagens  Nyheter  Stadion 
Edition,  1912 ;  various  contributions  to  journal- 
ism on  track  Athletics.  Recreations:  Repre- 
sented Cambridge  against  Oxford  in  long  jump, 
1904, 5,  and  6,  and  in  100  yds.,  1906;  represented 
Great  Britain  in  Olympic  Games,  Athens,  1906, 
in  100  metres  and  long  jump,  and  at  Stock- 
holm 1912  in  long  jump;  Amateur  Long  Jump 
Champion,  1918;  Pres.  London  Athletic  Club, 
1947-48.  Address:  25  Strawberry  Hill  Road, 
Twickenham.  T.:  Popesgrove  6969.  Clubs: 
Royal  Empire  Society.  London  Athletic, 

ABRAHAMSON,  Sir  Martin  Arnold, 
K.B.JB.,  cr.  19-20;  Director,  Copenhagen; 
b.  J2  Sept.  1870;  s.  of  late  Arnold  Abraham- 
son,  of  London  and  Copenhagen;  m.  1903, 
Emma,  d.  of  late  Bernhard  Hirschspmng  of 
Copenhagen;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  London; 
Copenhagen.  Address:  I  Engtoftevej,  Copen- 
hagen V,  Clubs:  Overseas,  Constitutional; 
British  (Copenhagen). 

ACCRA,  Bishop  of,  1024-51;  Rt.  Rev. 
John  Orf eur  Aglionby,  D.D.,  M.C.;  b.  16 
Mar.  1884;  s.  of  late  Canon  F.  K.  Aglionby. 
Educ. :  Westminster  School:  Queen's  College, 
Oxford,  M.A. ;  Bishop's  Hostel,  Auckland. 
Curate  of  Holy  Trinity,  South  Shields,  1911-15 ; 
Private,  R.A.M.O.,  1915;  C.F.,  1915-18:  Vicar 
Vpn.  Bede,  Monkwearmouth,  1917-24  ;  Chaplain 
7th  D.L.I.,  1921-4.  Recreations:  walking, 
cycling.  Club:  Reform. 

ACCRA,  Bishop  of,  since  1951 ;  see  under 
Gambia,  Bishop  of. 

ACHARYA,  Sir  Vijaya  Ragahava, 
K.B.E.,  cr.  1926,  Diwan  Bahadur;  Prime 
Minister,  TJdaipur,  1940-47;  Member  Indian 
Legislative  Assembly,  Delhi,  1925;  6.  Karur, 
Southern  India,  1875;  m.  Janaki  Ammal 
of  Kodavasal ;  one  s.  three  d.  Muc* :  Presi- 
dency College,  Madras.  Entered  the  Madras 
Civil  Service,  1398 ;  served  as  District  Officer 
till  1912;  on  the  Madras  City  Corporation, 
1912-17 ;  Secretary  to  Board  of  Revenue  and 
Deputy  Director  of  Industries,  1917-19 ;  organ- 
ised the  Madras  Exhibitions  of  1915  anct  1917; 
Diwan  (Prime  Minister)  of  Cochin  State,  1919- 
1922  ;  Comr.  for  India  at  Wembley,  1922-25 ; 
Director  of  Industries,  Madras,  1926;  Mem- 
ber, Public  Service  Commission,  India, 
1926 ;  Vice-President  of  Agricultural  Research 
Council  of  India,  1929-35 ;  opened  Canadian 
National  Exhibition,  Toronto,  1926 ;  Chairman 
F.A.O.  Forestry  Conference  for  Asia  and  the 
Pacific,  Mysore,  1949,  Recreations  .*  conversa- 
tion and  travel.  Address:  Riverside.  Adyar, 
Madras,  India.  Clubs:  National  Liberal, 
British  Empire,  Overseas ;  London  and  Cos- 
mopolitan (Madras). 

A  CHE  SON,  family  name  of  Earl  of 

ACHESON,  Viscount;  Archibald  Alex- 
ander John  Stanley  Acheson ;  O.B.E. 
1946;  M.A.;  Acting  Group-Capt.  R.A.F. ;  6. 
14  Jan.  1911 ;  er,  s.  of  5th  Earl  of  Gosford, 
q.v. ;  m.  1935,  Francesa  Augusta,  er.  d.  of 
Francesco  Cagiati,  New  York ;  one  s,  two  d. 
Educ.:  Harrow;  Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge 
(M.A.).  Asst.  Air  Attache",  British  Embassy, 
Paris,  1938-40 ;  Chief  Instr.  Cambridge  Univ. 
Air  Squadron,  1946-48.  Hon.  Treas.  Cam- 
bridge TJniv.  Athletic  Club.  Officer  of  Legion 
of  Honour;  XT.S.  Bronze  Star  Medal. 
Recreations :  athletics,  cricket,  golf,  etc.  ; 
Inter-Public  Schools  Athletics  Champion : 
880  yards,  1929.  Address :  c/o  Westminster 
Bank,  Ltd.,  Connaught  Street,  Kdgware  Road, 
W.2.  Clubs:  St.  James',  M.C.C.,  RJLF. 
Achilles  ;  Pitt,  Hawks  (Cambridge). 

ACHESON,  Andrew  Basil,  O.M.G.  1942; 
Assistant  Secretary,  Offices  of  the  Cabinet, 
1948;  b.  8  Jan.  1895;  *.  of  late  John  Fleet- 
woocJ  Acheson ;  m.  1920,  Barbara,  o.  d.  of 
Ramos  and  Kate  Appleyard,  Harrogate, 
Yorks.  Educ. :  Dulwich  College ;  Keble 

WHO'S  WHO,  3951 

College,  Oxford  (Scholar).  Entered  Colonial 
Office,  1920  ;  Private  Secretary  to  Permanent 
Under-Secretary,  1928 ;  Principal,  1926 ; 
Assistant  Secretary,  1938.  Recreations :  fish- 
ing, photography.  Address :  2  Norman 
Avenue,  Epsom,  Surrey.  T. :  Epsom  9062. 

ACHESON,  Annie  Crawford,  U.B.E., 
lyiy;  Jb\R.B.8.,  A.K.C.A. ;  sculptor;  b.  Ire- 
land; unmarried.  Educ, :  Royal  College  of 
Art,  South  Kensington.  Diploma  (Sculpture) ; 
Exhibitor  at  Royal  Academy,  Salon,  etc.; 
Degree  in  Modern  Literature  in  Royal  Uni- 
versity of  Ireland ;  war  work  at  the  Surgical 
Requisites  Association,  Mulberry  Walk,  Chelsea 
(C.B.E.).  Address:  9  Sydney  Close,  Fulham 
Road,  S.W.3.  riub:  Forum. 

ACHESON,  Dean;  Secretary  of  State, 
U.S.,  since  1949  ;  b.  11  April  1893  :  *.  of 
Edward  Campion  Acheson  and  Eleanor 
Gooderham ;  m.  1917.  Alice  Stanley ;  one 
*.  two  d.  Educ. :  Groton ;  Yale  (A.B. 
1915) ;  Harvard  Law  School  (LL.B.  1918). 
Hon.  M.A.,  Yale.  1936;  Hon.  LL.D.:  Wes- 
leyan  Univ.,  1947 ;  Harvard,  1950.  Private 
Secretary  to  Associate  Justice  Brandeis  of 
U.S.  Supreme  Court,  1919-21 ;  with  law  firm 
Covington,  Burling  and  Rublee,  1921-33, 
Under-Sec,  of  Treasury,  May-Nov.  1933; 
Member  law  firm  Covington,  Burling,  Rublee, 
Acheson  and  Short,  1934-41 ;  Assistant  Sec. 
of  State,  1941-45  ;  Under-Secretary  of  State, 
1945-47  ;  with  law  firm  Covingtqn,  Burling, 
Rublee,  Acheson  &  Short,  1947-49.  Address : 
2805  P  Street,  Washington,  D.C.  Clubs : 
Metropolitan  (Washington) ;  Chevy  Chase 
(Chevy  Chase,  Md.) ;  Century  (N.Y.  City). 

ACHESON,  Sir  James  Glasgow,  Kt.,  or. 
1945  :  C.I.E.  1929  ;  I.C.S.  (retd.) ;  b.  1889  ; 
s.  of  John  Acheson,  J.P.,  Portadown,  County 
Armagh ;  m.  1917,  Violet  Catharine  French, 
d.  of  Lieutenant-Colonel  C.  W.  Field,  I.A. ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Trinity  College,  Dublin. 
Entered  Indian  Civil  Service,  1913,  Political 
Service,  1917;  United  Provinces,  1913; 
Baluchistan,  1917:  Anglo -Afghan  Con- 
ference, 1920;  British  Mission  to  Kabul, 
1921;  Deputy  Secretary  to  Government  of 
India  in  the  Foreign  Department,  1927-29 
(officiated  as  Foreign  Secretary,  1928,  1931, 
and  1935) ;  Imperial  Defence  College,  1929- 
1930;  Deputy  Commissioner,  Peshawar, 
1932-34 ;  Resident  in  Waziristan,  1935-37 ; 
Political  Resident  on  the  North  West 
Frontier,  3937-39;  Revenue  and  Judicial 
Commissioner  in  Baluchistan,  1939-42; 
Adviser  to  the  Governor,  3ST.W.F.P.,  1942; 
Resident  in  Kashmir,  1943-45 ;  retired  from 
I.C.S.  1945;  Control  Commission  for  Ger- 
many, Schleswig-Holstein,  1946-48.  Recrea- 
tions: shooting,  fishing,  tennis.  Address: 
West  Bank,  Ross-on-Wye,  Herefordshire. 
Club:  University  (Dublin). 

ACHESON,  Hon.  Patrick  (George 
Edward  Cavendish-)*  D.3.0. 1915;  M.V.O. 
1904 ;  Captain  R.N.,  retired  ;  b.  80  June  1883  ; 
2nd  s.  of  4th  Earl  of  Gosford  ;  w.  1915.  Norah, 
d.  of  Alfred  Jones,  Halifax,  Canada;  (two  s. 
killed  in  action,  1941  and  1944  respectively) 
one  d.  Served  European  War,  1914-18  (D.S.O. 
for  distinguished  conduct  on  H.M.S.  Inflexible 
when  struck  by  a  mine  at  the  Dardanelles) ; 
retired  list,  1922.  Croix  de  Guerre  avec  Palme, 
1915.  Address:  Villa  Massa,  Vence,  A.M., 
France.  CZub :  United  Service. 

ACHONRY,  Bishop  of,  (R.C.),  since 
1947;  Most  Rev.  James  Fergus, 
D.D. :  6.  Louisburgh,  Co.  Mayo,  23  Dec. 
1895.  Educ. :  St.  Jarlath's  College,  Tuam  ; 
and  at  Maynooth.  Ordained  priest,  1920  ; 
studied  Dunboyne;  Curate,  Glenamaddy, 
1921,  Tuam,  1924 ;  Archbishop's  secretary, 
1926 ;  Administrator,  Westport,  1943 ; 
Parish  Priest,  Ballinrobe,  1944.  Address  : 
St.  Nathy's,  Ballaghaderreen,  Co.  Ros- 
common,  Eire. 

ACIKALIN,  Cevat ;  Turkish  Ambassador 
to  the.  Court  of  St.  James  since  1945 ;  b. 
1808  ;  «.  of  All  Cevat  and  Mevhibe  Acikalin  ; 
m.  BuMye,  &  of  Mrammer  Ussakli ;  one  s. 
one  d.  gduc. :  ^Galata  Saray  College,  Istan- 

bul; University  of  Geneva.  Secretary, 
Financial  Commission,  Conf.  of  Lausanne, 
1922;  Asst.  Juridical  Adviser,  Turkish 
Foreign  Office,  1923 ;  Secretary.  Turkish 
Legation,  Warsaw,  1924 ;  Principal  Asst. 
Juridical  Adviser,  Foreign  Office,  1925 ; 
Legal  Adviser  to  Afghan  Govt.,  1926 ; 
Charge"  d'Affaires,  Prague,  1928  ;  Counsellor, 
Turkish  Embassy,  Teheran,  1930  ;  Coun^el- 
lor,  Turkish  Embassy,  Moscow,  19'31 ; 
Director-General  of  2nd  Dept.,  Turkish  F.O., 
1934  ;  Director-General  1st  Political  Dept., 
Foreign  Office,  1935  ;  Minister,  1937  ;  Envoy 
Extraordinary  to  the  Hatay,  1938  ;  Dep. 
Secretary-Gen.,  Foreign  Office,  1939  ;  Turkish 
Ambassador  to  Moscow,  1942  ;  Secretary- 
General,  Foreign  Office,  1943.  Member  of 
the  Acad6mie  Diptomatique  Internationale. 
Recreations:  motoring,  tennis,  riding.  Ad- 
dress: Turkish  Embassy,  69  Portland  Place, 
W.I.  T. :  Langham  5326. 
ACKERLEY,  Rev.  Frederick  George; 
Z>.  Mitton,  Yorks,  12  Nov.  1871 ;  *.  of  Rev. 
George  Biglands  Ackerley,  vicar  of  Mitton, 
and  Patty  Elizabeth,  d.  of  Frederick  Oxley, 
Liverpool ;  m.  1902,  Vera  Mary  (d.  1947),  d. 
of  Charles  James  Hill,  H.B.M.  Vice-Consul, 
Libau,  Russia;  no  c.;  1949,  Phyllis  (ne'e 
Ray),  widow  of  Fred  Ransley.  Educ,: 
Rossall  School ;  Jesus  College,  Oxford,  M.A. 
Deacon,  1897;  Priest,  1898;  Curate  of 
Keighley,  1897 ;  of  Eccles,  nr.  Manchester, 
1898;  of  Washington,  Durham,  1899; 
Chaplain  to  British  residents  at  Libau,  1901 ; 
Vicar  of  Grindleton,  near  CUtheroe,  1905-25 ; 
Vicar  of  Mitton,  1925-29 ;  Rector  of  Carleton- 
in-Craven,  1929-36 ;  Vicar  of  Mitton,  1936- 
1945 ;  a  Surrogate  in  the  Diocese  of  Brad- 
ford, Rural  Dean  of  Bolland,  1920-29 ;  and 
holds  an  Honorary  Canonry  in  Bradford 
Cathedral,  1921 ;  Archdeacon  of  Bradford, 
1932-34;  Archdeacon  of  Craven,  1934-49. 
Editor,  Journal  of  Gypsy  Lore  Society,  1935  ; 
Prolocutor  of  Lower  House,  York  Convoca- 
tion, 1936-43;  F.R.S.A.  1936;  D.D.  (Lam- 
beth) 1943.  Publications:  A  Rumanian 
Manual,  1916;  History  of  Mitton,  1948; 
contributions  to  Journal  of  Gypsy  Lore 
Society.  Recreation:  learning  languages. 
Address:  Long  Preston  Vicarage,  SMpton. 
T.:  Long  Preston  242.  Club:  Church 

ACKERMANN,  Gerald,  R.I.,  water- 
colour  painter ;  d.  Blackhnatn,  1876 ;  5.  of 
Arthur  A  ckerraan.  Educ.:  New  College,  East- 
bourne. Studied  at  Heath erley's  and  Boyal 
Academy  Schools;  while  there  won  the 
Creswick  prize  and  Landseer  scholarship ; 
exhibited  at  the  Royal  Academy  and  held  ex- 
hibitions at  the  Leicester  Galleries  and  the 
Fine  Art  Society;  enlisted  in  the  Artists  Rifles 
O.T.C.  and  held  commission  in  the  Royal  Air 
Force.  Recreation:  walking.  Club:  Chelsea  Arts. 

ACKLAND,  Rodney;  Playwright. 
First  play,  Improper  People,  Arts  Theatre, 
1929  ;  Marionella,  Players  Theatre,  1930; 
Dance  With  No  Music,  Arts  Theatre  and 
Embassy  Theatre,  1931;  Strange  Orchestra, 
Embassy  Theatre  and  St.  Martin's  Theatre.1932  ; 
Ballerina,  adapted  from  Lady  Eleanor  Smith's 
novel,  Gaiety  Theatre,  1933;  Birthday,  Cam- 
bridge Theatre,  1934  ;  The  Old  Ladies,  adapted 
from  Sir  Hugh  Walpole's  novel,  New  Theatre 
and  St.  Martin's  Theatre,  1935 ;  After  October, 
Criterion  Theatre  and  Aldwych  Theatre,  1936  ; 
Plot  Twenty-One,Embassy  Theatre,  1986 ;  The 
White  Guard,  adapted  from  the  Russian  play 
by  Michael  Bulgakov,  Phoenix  Theatre,  1938 ; 
Remembrance  of  Things  Past,  Globe,  1938; 
Sixth  Floor,  adapted  from  the  French  play  by 
Alfred  Gehri,  St.  James's,  1939  *  The  Dark 
River,  Whitehall,  1943;  Crime  and  Punisnment, 
adapted  from  Dostoevsky,  New,  1946;  (with 
Robert  G.  Newton)  Cupid  and  Mars,  Arts, 
1947;  Diary  of  a  Scoundrel,  based  on  a  oomedy 
by  Ostrovsky,  Arts,  1949 ;  Before  the  Parjby, 
adapted  from-  Somerset  Maugham's  short 
story,  St.  Martin's,  1949.  Publications:  Improper 

•    People;   Dance  With  No  Music;  -Strange  Or- 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

chestra;  The  Old  Ladies;  Birthday;  After 
October ;  The  Dark  River ;  Crime  and  Punish- 
ment ;  Cup'id  and  Mars  ;  Oituy  of  a  Scoundrel ; 
Before  the  Par  tv.  Address  :  A12  Albany,  W.  1. 
T.  ftegent  3"  29. 

ACKNER,  Conrad  A. ;  Knight  Commander 
01  orderot  Su  Oiav  (Norway);  Commander  of  the 
Crown  of  Rumania;  Mag.  Pharm.,  Vienna,  1902; 
Ph.D.  (Pharmocol),  Bern,  1904;  L.D.8.,  R.C.S., 
England  (Guy's),  1912;  Dental  Surgeon  to  late 
Queen  Maud  of  Norway  and  to  the  late  Princess 
Louise,  Duchess  of  Argyll ;  naturalised  British 
subject ;m.; fours.  Educ.:  Vienna.  Late  Dental 
Radiographer,  Guy's  Hospital ;  Post-Graduate 
Bacteriology,  Zurich;  Post-Graduate  of  Berlin 
University  Hospital  in  Radiology  and  Surgery 
of  the  Jaws;  Member  of  British  Dental  As- 
sociation ;  Fellow  of  Royal  Society  of  Medicine  ; 
Member  of  the  Federation  Dentaire  Inter- 
nationale. Publications:  X-Ray  Observa 
tions  on  Abscesses,  Cysts,  and  Root  Resections, 
6th  International  Dental  Congress,  1914;  A 
Maxillary  Splint,  Lancet  and  Dental  Record, 
1915.  Recreations;  golf,  motoring,  photography, 
and  collection  of  old  ivories.  Address:  47B 
Welbeck  Street,  W.I.  T.:  Welbeck  5163;  12 
Oa"k  Hill  Avenue,  N.W.3.  Clubs:  Royal  Auto- 
mobile ;  Wentworth. 

ACKROYD,  Alderman  Cuthbert 
Lowell ;  Alderman  (Cordwainer  Ward)  and 
J.P.  City  of  London  since  1945  ;  Senior 
Sheriff,  City  of  London,  1949-50  ;  b.  1892  ; 
y,  s.  of  Benjamin  Batley  Ackroyd  and  Emily 
ArmitagejJDewsbury,  Yorks  ;  m.  1927,  Joyce 
Wallace  Whyte,  M.A.  (Cantab.):  two  s. 
Educ. :  Dewsbury  ;  University  of  London. 
Served  European  War,  1914-19,  Hon.  Capt. 
R.A.;  H.G.,  1940-44  and  on  Advisory 
Council  Eastern  Command  Welfare  of  Troops, 
1939-44  ;  Member  Corp.  of  London,  1940  ; 
Chra.  Guildhall  Library  Cttee.,  1945  ;  one 
of  H.M.  Lieuts.  for  City  of  London  •  Visiting 
Magistrate  Holloway  Prison  ;  Governor  : 
Boy.  Hosps.,  1945-48  ;  Christ's  Hosp.  (Blue 
Coat  School) ;  Roy.  Bridewell  Hosp. ;  Roy. 
Soc.  for  Deaf  and  Dumb  ;  Member  Exec. 
Metropolitan  Institute  for  the  Blind  ;  Church 
Commissioner  for  England  ;  Church  Warden 
Bow  Church  (Bow  Bells) ;  Pres.  Nat.  Brother- 
hood Movement  (Inc.),  1947-48  ;  Member  of 
Council  British  and  Foreign  Bible  Soc. ; 
Chm.  Christian  Film  Council ;  Pres.  Ward  of 
Cordwainer  Club  ;  Junior  Warden  Worship- 
ful Co.  of  Carpenters.  Recreations  :  cricket, 
literature,  pictures.  Address :  Finches, 
Mavelstone  Road,  Bromley,  Kent.  T. : 
Ravensbourne  1443.  Clubs :  City  Livery, 
City  Lieutenants',  Reform,  United  Wards. 

ACLAND,  Lt.-Gen.  Arthur  N.  F. ;  see 
Fl  ynr  AolanH 

ACLAND,  Eng.-Rear-Adm.  Edward 
Leopold  1937.  M.V.O.  iyi8 ;  b. 
7  UBC.  1878;  e.  *.  of  late  Rev.  Henry  Dyke 
Aclandand  Adelaide,  d.  of  late  Richard  Vaughan 
Davis ;  m.  1910,  Phyllis  Mary,  d.  of  late  Connell 
Whipple  ;  one  d.  Served  European  War ;  com- 
manded R.N.  Engineering  College  at  Keyham, 
1930-33;  on  staff  Oommander-in-Chief,  The 
Nore,  1934  37 ;  retired  list,  1937.  Address  : 
Thome's  House,  Milverton,  Somerset.  T. : 
Milvfirton  89. 

ACLAND,  F.  A.;  6.  Bridgwater,  England, 
1861 ;  m.  1888,  Elizabeth  Adair,  Toronto ;  one  s. 
oned.  Educ.:  Bridgwater.  Engaged  in  journal- 
ism, various  cities  England,  United'  States. 
Canada,  1880  -  90 ;  Assistant  Editor  Globe, 
Toronto,  Ont.,  1890-1902 ;  various  literary  work, 
London,  Philadelphia,  and  Western  Canada, 
1902-7 ;  Secretary  Dept.  of  Labour,  1907 ;  Deputy 
Minister  of  Labour  for  Canada,  1908-23 ;  King's 
Printer,  1921 ;  retired  1933 ;  was  also  charged 
as  registrar  with  administration  of  Industrial 
Disputes  Investigation  Act  1907,  commonly 
known  as  Lemieux  Act;  represented  Govern- 
ment of  Canada  at  meetings  in  Paris  and 
•  London,  1920,  Copenhagen  and  Stockholm, 
1921,  and  Geneva,  1924,  of  Governing  Body  of 
International  Labour  Office.  Address;  c/o 
Bank  of  Montreal,  Ottawa,  Canada. 

ACLAND,  Captain  Hubert  Guy  DyKe, 

U  8.U.  1920,  ".  1890,  y.  &  of  air  \VnJiam 
Alison  Dyke  Acland,  2nd  Bart. ,  and  heir-pres. 
to  3rd  Bt.;  m.  1915,  Lalage  Mar>  Kathleen, 
e.  d.  of  Captain  John  Edward  Acland  ;  two  s. 
Lieutenant  1910 ;  Lieutenant  Commander, 
1918;  Commander,  1925 ;  Captain  1932;  served 
European  War,  1914-19  (despatches,  D.S.O.); 
Commanded  1st  Minesweeping  Flotilla,  1934-35 
and  Fishery  Protection  and  Minesweeping 
Flotilla,  1935-36;  lent  to  Royal  Australian 
Navy,  1937-38,  and  commanded  H.M.A.S. 
Australia,  1937-38  and  B.M.A.S.  Albatross, 
1938;  Senior  Officer  of  Reserve  Fleet,  Devon- 
port,  1939  ;  Gunnery  School,  Chatham,  Nov. 
1939  ;  commanded  H.M.S.  Vindictive  1941-42  ; 
retired  list,  1942;  on  staff  of  C.-in-C.  Roayth, 
1943  and  of  Flag  Officer  in  Charge  N.  Ireland, 
1943-45.  Address  :  Culver  Lodge,  Plympton, 
P'vmonth.  Devon.  Club:  TTnitPd  Servfop. 

ACLAND,  Col.  Sir  Hugh  Thomas 
Dyke,  tit).,  cr.  1933;  C.M  u.  1917;  \  .rt.E. 
iwht;  F.R.C.S.  ;  F.R.A.C.S.  ;  Assistant 
Director  of  Medical  Servicas,  Southern  Mili- 
tary District,  New  Zealand,  1940*48,  retd.  ; 
Hon.  Consulting  Surgeon  to  Christohurch 
Hospital;  b.  10  Sep.  1874;  s.  of  late  Hon. 
John  Barton  Arundel  Acland  and  Emily 
Weddell,  d.  of  Most  Rev.  H.  J.  C.  Harper, 
D.D.,  Primate  of  New  Zealand  and  Bishop 
of  Christchurch,  N.2.  ;  m.  1903,  Evelytj  Mary, 
d.  of  late  J.  L.  Ovatis,  East  Sheen :  three  s. 
one  d.  Educ. :  Christ's  College,  Christehurch, 
N.Z. ;  Otago  University;  St.  Thomas's  Hos- 
pital, London.  Served  South  African  War, 
1900-1;  European  War,  1914-18;  Consulting 
Surgeon  N.Z.E.F.,  1916-19  (despatches, 
C.M.G.);  Hon.  Surgeon  to  Governor-General, 
1930-35;  a  member  of  Christehurch  City 
Council,  1936-41.  Address:  51  Brown's 
Road  nhri^ttrtviT-oh  NM  NAW  ftoalanrt 

ACLAND,  Rt.  Rev.  Richard  Dyke, 
M.A.  ;  b.  1881  ;  y.  s.  of  late  Rev.  H.  D. 
Acland,  M.A.  Educ. :  Bedford  School ; 
Keble  College,  Oxford ;  Cuddesdon  College. 
Deacon,  1905 ;  Priest,  1906 ;  Curate  St. 
Mary's,  Slough,  1905-10  ;  Missionary  S.P.G. 
Ahmednagar,  Kolhapur,  Dapoli,  Bombay, 
1911-29 ;  Bishop  of  Bombay,  1929-47. 
Kaisar-i-Hind  Gold  Medal,  1947.  Publica- 
tions :  Bombay  Verses  ;  Bible  Readings  and 
Prayers  for  Every  Day  in  Lent;  Suggested 
Lectionary  for  Sundays ;  Ninety  -  Four 
Collects  for  the  Christian  Year ;  Private 
Prayers  (A  Communicant's  Manual) ;  So 
Great  a  Cloud  (Notes  on  the  Minor  SS.  and 
Holy  Bays).  Recreations  :  walking,  sketch- 
ing, botany,  and  birds.  Address  :  15  Ashley 
Road,  Taunton.  Cluh  :  Athenaeum. 

ACLAND,  Sir  Richard  Thomas  Dyke, 
15th  Bt.,  cr.  1644  :  M.P.  (Lab.)  Gravesend 
Division  of  Kent  since  Nov.  1947 ;  Second 
Church  Estates  Commissioner  since  1950 ;  6. 
26  Nov.  1909 :  e.  s.  of  Rt.  Hon,  Sir  Francis 
Acland,  14th  Bt.,  M.P. ;  S.  father,  1939  :  m. 
1936,  Anne  Stella  Alford;  three  s.  Educ.: 
Rugby  •  Balliol  Coll.,  Oxford.  M.P.  Barn- 
staple  Div.  Devon,  1935-45 ;  Contested  Tor- 
quay Div.,  1929;  Barnstaple,  1931:  Putney, 
1945.  Publications:  Unser  Kampf,  1940 ;  The 
Forward  March,  1941 ;  What  It  will  be  like, 
1943  ;  How  it  can  be  done,  1943 ;  Public 
Speaking,  1946  ;  Nothing  Left  to  Believe  ?, 
1949.  Recreation  :  sailing.  Seir  :  s.  John 
Dyke,  6.  13  May  1939.  Address  :  10  Gerald 
Road,  S.W.I. ;  Killerton,  Exeter.  T.A. : 
Budlake.  T, :  Hele  280. 

ACLAND,  Theodore  William  Gull, 
M.A.,  A.R.I.C. ;  Member  Central  Advisory 
Council  of  Training  for  the  Ministry  ;  Mem- 
ber Central  Council  for  Women's  Church 
Work  ;  Member  Standing  Cttee.,  S.P.C.K. ; 
Member  Board,  Church  Army,  and  Vice-Chm. 
Men's  Social  Department  j  Member  of  Board 
of  Governors,  Universities  Federation  for 
Animal  Welfare;  St.  Thomas's  Hospital's 
representative  on  Governing  Body  of 
St.  Olave's  Grammar  School;  Member  of 
the  Council  of  Bishops'  College,  Cheshunt; 
Diocesan  Reader,  London;  &„  London, 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

7  Nov.  1890 ;   o.  s.  of  late  Theodore  Dyke 
Acland,  M.D.,  Oxon.,  F.R.C.P.,  and  Caro- 
line Cameron:    g.s.  of  Sir  Henry  Acland* 
Bt.,  M.D.,  P.E.S.,  and  of  Sir  William  Gull, 
Bt.,  M.D.,  F.R.S. ;  m.  1944,  Mary  Maxwell, 
y.  d.  of  late  Bobert  Maxwell  Moffat,  MJX 
Educ. :  Gresham's  School,  Holt ;  King's  Coll., 
Cambridge   (Exhibitioner) ;     University   of 
Berlin.   1st  01.  Nat.  Sci.  Tripos,  Part  1, 1912  ; 
1st  01.  Nat.  Sci.  Tripos  (Chemistry),  Part  H, 
1913  ;    Commission,  London  Electrical  En- 
gineers, 1914  ;  seconded  for  technical  duties 
with  Department  of  Explosives  Supplies  and 
subsequently    with    Munitions    Inventions 
Dept.,  1915  ;   on  technical  staff  of  Brunner, 
Mond  &  Co.,  1920-22,  and  of  Garton  &  Co., 
1922-23  ;  Asst.  Master,  Stowe  School  Buck- 
ingham, 1923-30  ;    House  Master,  1924-30  ; 
Headmaster  of  King  Edward  VI  School, 
Norwich,  1930-43  ;  Member  Court  of  Govern- 
ors, St.  Thomas's  Hosp.,   1931-48,  and  of 
Grand  Cttee.,  1945- ;  Hon.  Secretary,  Clergy 
Widows'  Fund  (London  Diocese),  and  Dio- 
cesan Officer,  1944-46  ;  Member  of  Council, 
S.  Katharine's  Training  College,  Tottenham, 
1945-48;    Member  London  Diocesan  Con- 
ference,   1946-49.      Eecreations :     walking, 
travelling.    Address:  228  Almoner's  House, 
St.  James'  Court,  Buckingham,  Gate,  S.W.I. 
T.:  Victoria 2360.  Clubs:  Athenaeum,  Boyal 
Empire  Society  ;  Norfolk  (Norwich). 
ACLAND,  Sir  William  Henry  Dyke, 
3rd  Bt.,  or.  LsyO ;  6.  10  M,ay  Issa ;  e.  s.  01  2nd 
Bt.  and  late  Emily  Anna  (author  of  several 
novels),  d.  of  late  Viscountess  Hambleden  and 
late  Rt.  Hon.  W.  H.  Smith ;  S.  father,  1924 ; 
m.  1916,  Margaret,  d.  of  late  Theodore  Barclay, 
of  Fanshaws,  Hertford ;  four  d.    Educ:  Eton; 
Christ  Church,  Oxford.    Royal  Scots  Greys ; 
late  Col.  Royal  Devon  Yeomanry  Artillery  and 
Major  R.A.F. ;  Imperial  Defence  College,  1939  ; 
served  European    War   (Military   Cross,   Air 
Force  Cross,  4th  Class  Order  of  St.  George, 
despatches);  D.L.  and  J.P.  Herts.    E&ir :  b. 
Oapt.   Hubert  Guy  Dyke  Acland,    q.v.     Ad- 
dress: Barnes  Wood,  Welwyn ;  Sea  View  House, 
Isle  of  Wight.      Clubs:    Atheneeum;    Royal 
Yacht  Squadron,  Seaview  Yacht. 
ACLAND-HOOD ;  family  name  of  Baron 

St.  Audries. 

ACLAND -TROYTE,     Lieut. -Col.    Sir 
Gilbert  John,  lit.,  cr,  19*5 ;  C.M.G.  1917 
D.S.O.   1916 ;   late  King's  Royal  Rifle  Corps 
J  P    Devon ;     b.  1876  ;  .  3rd  s,  of  late   Col 
C   A.  W.  Troyte  ;  m.  1909,  Gwladys  Eleanor 
Quicke.     Educ.:  Eton;  Trinity  Hall,   Cam 
bridge.    Served  in  S.  African  War  (wounded) 
Somaliland  Campaign,  1903-4 ;    European  Wai 
(despatches,  C.M.G,,  D.S.O.,  Bt.  Lieut.-Col. 
Croix  de   Guerre);    Home   Guard,    1940-44 
County  Alderman  for  Bevon ;  M.P.  (C.)  Tiver 
ton,  1924-45 ;  contested  (C.)  Tiverton  Division 
at  by  election,    June  1923,  and  at  Genera 
Election,  Dec.  1923 ;  President  Central  Land 
owners'   Association,  1937-39.     Joint  Maste 
of  Tiverton  Foxhounds,  1946-50.    Recreations 
hunting,  shooting.    A.  idress ;  Huntsham  Court 
Tiverton,  Devonshire     Club :  Army  and  Navy 
ACOMB,  Henry  Waldo,  M.A. ;   Librarian 
R.A.F.     College,     CranweH,     since     1949 
6  28  July  1891 ;  s.  of  Rev.  W.  J.  Acomb  a,n< 
Emma  Rebecca,  e.  d.  of  Allan  Charles  Brown 
Redditch.     Educ. :    privately;    Pitzrwilliam 
Hall  Cambridge.    Assistant,  Trinity  Colleg 
Library,  Cambridge,  1924-26  ;  County  Libra 
rian,    Cornwall    and    Shropshire,    1926-28 
Bookseller,  1928-29;    Librarian,   Gladston 
Library,   National  Liberal  Club    1929-34 
Lecturer  on  Cataloguing,  School  of  Librarian 
ship,  "University  College,  London,  1929-34 
Warden,  University  College  Hall,  W.5,  1932 
1933  ;  University  Librarian,  Durham,  1934 
1945  •  T.A.  (Gen.  List)  Commission,  1931-37 
Lieut  B.A.  1940 :    6apt    A  EC,  1941-42 
full-time  Lecturer  for  Central  Advisory  Coun 
cil  for  Education  in   H.M.   Forces,   1942 
Seconded   to   British   Council,   Jan.   1943 
Librar&n  and  Administrative  Officer,  Britis 
tfeb,-June  1943 ;   Books 

Officer  in  Portugal  for  British  Council,  June 
1943-June  1944;  Head  of  Administrative 
and  Inspectorate  Section  of  Education  Branch 
Allied  C.  C.  for  Germany  and  Austria  (British 
Elements),  1945-46.  Editorial  Manager, 
Burns  Gates  &  Washbourne,  1946-47.  Publi- 
cations :  (with  J.  H.  Quinn)  A  Manual  of 
Cataloguing,  1933 ;  miscellaneous  reviews 
and  articles,  chiefly  bibliographical.  Recrea- 
tions :  music,  walking,  and  conversation. 
Club:  National  Liberal. 
VCOURT ;  see  Holmes  A*  Court. 
\CTON,  3rd  Baron  (cr.  1869),  John 
Emerich  Henry  Lyon  -  Dalberg  - 
Acton,  Bt.,  cr.  1643 ;  M.B.E.  1945 ;  Major 
R.A.,  T.A. :  b.  15  Dec.  1907  ;  s.  of  2nd 
Baron  and  Dorothy  (d.  1923),  d.  of  late  T.  H. 
Lyon  of  Appleton  Hall,  Cheshire  ;  S.  father, 
1924 ;  m.  1931,  Hon.  Daphne  Strutt,  o.  d.  of 
4th  Baron  Rayleigh,  F.R.S.;  three  s.  three  d. 
Educ. :  Downside  ;  Trinity  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Served  "War  of  1989-45  (M.B.B.). 
Heir :  s.  Hon.  Richard  Gerald  Acton,  6.  30 
July  1941.  Address:  M'Bebi,  Mazoe, 
Southern  Bhodesia. 

See  also  J.  D.  Woodruff. 
ACTON  ;  see  Lyon-Dalberg- Acton. 
ACTON,    Ellen    Marion,    C.BJE.   1920 
(O.B.E.  191S);    Comptroller,  Forces  Help 
Society    and    Lord     Roberts     Workshops. 
Club:  Forum. 

ACTON,  Harry  Burrows;   Professor  of 
Philosophy  in  the  University  of  London  at 
Bedford   College   for   Women  since    1945 ; 
&.  2  June  1908 ;   s.  of  Henry  James  Acton 
and  Elizabeth  Jane  (nee  Burrows) ;  m.  1938, 
Barbara  James  ;   no  c.    Educ. :  St.  Olave  s 
Grammar  School,  London ;  Magdalen  College, 
Oxford.   Demy  of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford, 
1927.      1st    Class     Honours,    Philosophy, 
Politics  and  Economics,  1930  ;  Senior  Demy 
of  Magdalen  College,  Oxford,  1931 ;    Asst. 
lecturer  in  Philosophy,  Univ.  Coll.  of  Swan- 
sea, 1931 ;  D.Phil.  (Oxon.),  1935  ;  Lecturer 
in  Philosophy,   Bedford  Coll.  for  Women, 
1935;    Temp.  Asst.  Principal,  Ministry  of 
Supply,   1940;    Temp.   Principal,   Mm    of 
Supply,  1941 ;  appointed  to  Chair  of  Pmlo- 
sophy  in  the  University  of  London,  tenable 
at  Bedford  College,  1944,  but  did  not  com- 
mence duties  until  1945.    Visiting  Professor 
of  Philosophy  at  the  University  of  Chicago, 
1949.    Publications:  Moral  Ends  and  Me&ns 
(inaugural  lecture)  in  Philosophical  Essays  in 
honour  of  Susan  Stebbing,  1949  ;  articles  and 
reviews  in  Mind,  Philosophy,  the  Proceedings 
of  the  Aristotelian  Society,  etc.    Address  : 
36  Belsize  Scmare,  N.W.3.     T. :    Primrose 
0490.    Club:  Reform. 
ACTON,  Murray  A. ;  see  Adams-Acton. 
ACWORTH,  Capt.  Bernard,  D.S.O.  1917  ; 
R.N.,  retired;  Founder  and  Chairman  of  the 
Evolution  Protest  Movement;   b.   1885;  2nd 
s.  of  late  Rev.  Herbert  Sumner  Acworth  and 
Rose  Charlotte,  d.  of  late  Col.  Eoney-Dougal  of 
Ratho ;  m.  Phyllis  Doreen  Bqnsfield,  2nd  d.  of 
George  Samuel  Long,  The  Chipping,  Wootton- 
under-Edge ;  two  s.  two  d.    Educ. :  H.M.S. 
Britannia;  Royal  Naval  College,  Greenwich. 
Served  for  18  years  in  submarines  and  com- 
manded the  Anti-Submarine  Flotilla;  four  years 
in  the  Torpedo  Division  of  the  Naval  Staff 
and  closely  associated  with  Asdic  develop- 
ment ;     late    Naval    Correspondent    of    the 
Morning  Post,  Observer  and  Yorkshire  Post; 
F.R.A.I.;  contested  (L.)  Pontypridd,  1931,  and 
(Ind.)  Putney,  1942.  Publicat  ions :  This  Bond- 
age, 192$  I  Navies  of  To-day  and  To-morrow, 
1931 ;  Back  to  the  Goal  Standard,  1932.    T.h$ 
Navy  and  the  Next  War— A  Vindication 'of  Sea- 
Power,  1934 ;  This  Progress— The  Tragedy  of 
Evolution,  1934  ;  The  Bestoration  of  England's 
Sea  Power,  1936 ;  Britain  in  Danger,  1937;  How 
the  War  will  be  won ;   What  we  are  fighting 
for;  etc.,  1940;  The  Cuckoo  and  Other  Bird 
Mysteries,     1944;    Butterfly    Miracles    and 
Mysteries,  1947 ;  Life  of  Swift,  1948.    Recrea- 
tion: fishing.     Address:  Littlewood»  Haying 
Island,  Hants.    !F.:  Hay  ling  Island  77995. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ADAIR,  MaJ.-Gen.  Sir  Allan  (Henry 
Shafto),  6th  Bt.  or.  1838;  C.B.  1945; 
D.S.O.  1940 ;  M.C. ;  J.P. ;  Ensign  of  The 
King's  Bodyguard  of  the  Yeomen  of  the 
Guard  since  1950 ;  Governor  of  Harrow 
School;  b.  3  Nov.  1897;  o.  «.  of  Sir  ~R. 
Shafto  Adair,  5th  Bt.  and  Mary  (d.  1950),  d. 
of  Henry  Anstey  Bosanquet ;  S.  father,  1949 ; 
m.  Enid.  d.  of  late  Hon.  Mrs.  Dudley  Ward ; 
three  d.  (one  s.  killed  m  action,  1943). 
Educ  *  Harrow.  Grenadier  Guards,  1916- 
1941;"  commanded  3rd  Battalion  1940; 
Comdr.  30  Guards  Brigade,  1941 ;  Comdr.  6 
Guards  Brigade,  1942 ;  Comdr.  Guards 
Armoured  Division  1942-45;  retired  pay, 
1947.  D.L.  for  Co.  Antrim,  J.P.  for  Suffolk. 
Recreations:  shooting,  golf.  >jr^^e8^  &5 
Green  Street,  W.I.  T.:  Mayfair  3860; 
Flixton  Hall,  Bungay,  Suffolk.  T.:  Bungay 
212.  Clubs:  Guards1 ,  Turf. 
ADAIR,  Edward  Robert,  M.A.; 
F.R  JBLi8U.S. ;  Professor  of  History,  McGill  Uni- 
versity, Montreal;  b.  26  April  1888 ;  o.  s.  of  Col. 
Edward  Adair;  w.  Margaret  Wilson;  no  c. 
Educ. :  University  of  London;  Peterhouse, 
Cambridge  (Scholar).  Gladstone  Prizeman, 
Hugo  de  Balshaiu  Htudent.  Army  VI.  Master, 
Felsted  School,  Essex;  Senior  Assistant  in 
History,  University  College,  London,  1919- 
1925  •  Member  of  the  Boards  of  Studies  and  of 
Examiners  in  History,  University  of  London, 
1920-25;  Special  Lecturer  for  the  English 
Association  in  Holland,  1922  and  1925;  Member 
of  the  Council  of  the  Historical  Association, 
1920-25 ;  President  of  the  History  Association  of 
Montreal,  1930-32, 1943-45,  Hon.  Pres.  since  1936; 
Member  of  the  Council  of  the  Canadian  Histori- 
cal Association,  1931-42 ;  Pres.  1935-3(1 ;  Member 
of  the  Editorial  Board  of  the  Canadian  Histori- 
cal Review,  1932-33,  1935-36,  1939-40;  Member, 
University  Senate  and  Fellow  of  McGill,  1944. 
Publications :  Sources  for  the  History  of  the 
King's  Council  in  the  16th  and  17th  Centuries, 
William  Thomas:  A  Biography  (in  Tudor 
Studies) :  The  Exterritoriality  of  Ambassadors 
in  the  16th  and  17th  Centuries;  articles 
in  English  Historical  Review  on  History  of 
16th  and  17th  Centuries  and  in  Canadian 
Historical  Review  on  French -Canadian  History 
and  Art.  Recreations :  travelling,  tramping, 
Church  architecture.  Address:  McGill  Uni- 
versity, Montreal,  Canada. 

ADAIR,  Gilbert  Smithson,  F.R.S.  1939; 
M.A. :  Reader  in  Biophysics,  Physiological 
Laboratory,  Cambridge;  b.  21  Sept.  1896 ; 
s.  of  Harold  Adair,  J.P. ;  m.  1931.  Muriel 
Elaine  Robinson;  no  o.  Educ.:  Bootham 
School,  York;  King's  College,  Cambridge. 
Scholar  and  Fellow  of  King's  College,  Cam- 
bridge ;  engaged  in  research  on  thermodyn- 
amical  properties  of  proteins.  Publications: 
papers  in  scientific  periodicals.  Recreation: 
climbing.  Address :  92  Grantch ester  Meadows, 
Cambridge.  Club :  Fell  and  Rock  Climbing. 

ADAM,  Colin  Gurdon  Forbes,  0.8.  r. 
1924;  b.  18  Dec.  1889  ;  y.  s.  of  Sir  Frank  Forbes 
Adam,  1st  Bt, ;  m.  1920,  Hon.  Irene  Constance 
Lawley,  o.  c.  of  3rd  Baron  Wenlock;  three  s. 
one  d.  Educ.:  Eton;  King's  College,  Cambridge, 
B  A.  Entered  Indian  Civil  Service,  1912;  Assist. 
Collector  and  Magistrate,  Poona,  1913-18; 
Under-Sec,  to  Government,  Bombay,  1919  ; 
Private  Secretary  to  Governor  of  Bombay, 
1920 ;  Deputy  Secretary  to  Government,  1925  ; 
retired  1927 ;  District  Commissioner  for  Special 
Area  of  Durham  and  Tyneside,  1934-39  ;  served 
European  War,  1914-18.  Address:  Skipwith 
Hall,  Selbv,  Torks.  CHito:  Travellers'. 
See  alto  General  Sir  Ronald  Forbes  Adam. 

ADAM,  Frederick  Edward  Fox,  C.M.G. 
1939;  b.  18»7;  a.  of  Charles  Fox  Frederick 
Adam,  Counsellor  in  H.M.  Diplomatic  Service, 
and  Juliet,  d.  of  James  Croxall  Palmer,  Surgeon 
General  of  the  U.S.  Navy ;  unmarried.  Educ.  : 
Rugby:  Balliol  College,  Oxford.  Entered  the 
Foreign.  Office,  1910;  acting  3rd  Secretary, 
H  M  Legation  at  Athens,  1917-18 ;  returned  to 
Foreign.  Office,  1918;  1st  Secretary,  1920; 
Counsellor  of  Embassy,  Lisbon,  1929-34 ;  H.M. 
*  12 

Minister  "to  Panama  and  Costa  Rica  and 
Consul-General  for  the  Panama  Canal  Zone, 
1934-1939.  Address:  51  Blm  Park  Gardens, 
Chelsea,  S.W.10.  T.:  Flaxman  4094.  Clubs: 
Travellers',  Brooks's, 

ADAM,  Mrs.  George  <H.  Pearl);  b.  25 
Apr.  1S82;  d.  01  late  J.  A.  tLutuphry  and 
late  Mrs.  Humphry,  Madge  of  Truth; 
m.  1909,  George  Jefferys  Adam  (d.  1930) 
Educ.  :  privately.  Started  journalism  at  age 
of  seven  teen;  contributor  to  Truth,  Fortnightly 
Be  view,  Observer,  Farmers'  Weekly,  Textile 
trade  papers,  Home  and  Country,  Sunday  Times 
Radio  Times,  Girls'  Own  Paper,  etc.  Publi- 
cations :  International  Cartoons  of  the  War, 
1916;  Paris  Sees  it  Through  1919;  (with  G.  J. 
Adam)  A  Book  about  Paris,  1927;  Kitchen  Rang- 
ing,1929;  British  Leather:  A  Record  of  Achieve- 
ment, 1946.  Address:  2E  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge Mansions,  Marylebone  Road,  N."W.l. 
T. :  Paddington  4305. 

ADAM,  John  Hunter,  C.I.B.  1933 ;  C.B.E. 
1946  (O.B.E.  1918);  b.  1  June  1882;  *.  of 
William  Adam  and  Jane  Blane ;  m.  1910, 
Mary  Dorothy  Burman ;  one  t.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Glasgow.  Joined  Indian  Police, 
1902  ;  Supt.  Police,  1912  ;  Deputy  Inspector 
General,  1925  :  Inspector  General  of  Police, 
Worth  West  Frontier  Province,  1930-35 ; 
Lt.-Col.  G.S.  (T.A.E.O.  Sp.  List),  1939  ;  Col. 
1943:  retired  Dec.  1945.  Address :  c/o 
Grindlay's  Bank,  54  Parliament  Street,  S.W.I. 
Club:  East  India  and  Sports. 

ADAM,  Karl;  Dr.theoU;  0.8.  Prof.  Unt- 
versitat  Tiibmgen  fur  katholische  Dogmatik 
u.  Dogmengeschichte,  1919,  emeritus,  1949 ; 
b.  22  Okt.  1876;  8.  of  Clemens  Adam  and 
Babette  Sturm.  Educ. :  Gymnasium  Amberg ; 
Phil.  Theol.  Hochschule  in  Regensberg ;  Univ. 
Munch  en.  Habitation  z.  Privatdozenten  an 
d.  kath.-theoL  Fakulta't  in  Miinchen,  1908; 
Titel  u.Rang  eines  a.o.  Professors  daselbst, 
1915 :  ordentl.  Professor  d.  Moraltheologie  in 
Strassburg,  1917,  Publications :  Der  Klrchen- 
begriff  Tertullians,  1907 ;  Die  Eucharistielehre 
des  hi.  Augustin,  1908 ;  Die  kirchliche  Siinden- 
vergebung  nach  dem  hi.  Augustin,  1917;  Das 
sog.  Bussedikt  des  Papstes  Kallistus,  1917; 
Die  geheime  Klrchenbusse  nach  dem  hi 
Augustin,  1921;  Glaube  u.  Glaubenswissen- 
achaft  im  Katholizismus,  2.  Aufl.  1923 ;  Pftngst- 
gedanken,  2.  Aufl.  1933;  Glaube  und  Liebe, 
4.  Aufl.  1947 ;  Das  "Wesen  des  Katholizismus, 
11  Aufl.  1946  (engl.  Ausg.  1982,  etc.) ;  Chrisbus 
unser  Bruder,  4.  Aufl.  1947  (engl.  Ausg.  1931, 
etc.) ;  Ohristus  u.  der  Geist  d.  Abendlandes, 
2.  Aufl.  1982 ;  Die  sakramentale  Weihe  der  Ehe, 
8.  Aufl.  1937 ;  Die  geistige  Entwicklung  d.  111. 
Augustinus,  1931  (engl.  Ausg.  1932);  Jesus 
Christus,  7.  Aufl.  1946 ;  Jesus  Christus  und 
der  Geist  unserer  Zeit,  2.  Aufl.  1935; 
Kirchenmiidigkeit  ?,  2.  Aufl.  1940;  Karl  Adam, 
Gesammelte  Aufsatze  zur  Dogmengeschichte 
und  Theologie  der  Gegenwart,  herausgegeben 
von  Fritz  Hofmann,  1936;  Una  Sancta,  Zur 
Wiedervereinigung  im  Glauben,  1947 ;  Auaser- 
dem,  Aufsatze  in  Tiibingen  Quartalschrift,  und 
in  Wissenschaft  und  Weisheit.  Address:  Tub- 
ingen, Im  SchOnblick  6,  Tubingen,  Germany. 
T  :  2906. 

ADAM,  Madge  Gertrude,  M.A. ;  D.Phil. ; 
P.R.A.S. ;  Chief  Assistant  (Astronomy), 
University  Observatory,  Oxford;  Fellow 
and  Tutor,  St.  Hugh's  College,  Oxford; 
b.  6  March  1912  •  2nd  d.  of  late  John  Gill 
Simpson  and  late  Gertrude  Adam ;  unmarried. 
Educ. :  Municipal  High  School,  Doncaster; 
St.  Hugh's  College,  Oxford  (Scholar). 
Research  Scholar,  Lady  Margaret  HalU  1935- 
1937  ;  Junior  British  Scholarship,  1936-37  ; 
Asst.  Tutor  of  St.  Hugh's  College  and  Research 
Asat.  at  Oxford  University  Observatory.  1987. 
Publications :  Papers  in  Monthly  Notices  of 
Royal  Astronomical  Society  from  1937. 
Address :  St.  Hugh's  College,  Oxford. 

ADAM,  Neil  Kensington,  F.R.S.  1935; 
P.R.I.C.;  M.A.,Sc.D.  (Cantab.);  Professor  of 
Chemistry,  University  College,  Southampton, 
since  1937 ;  formerly  Lecturer  and  Hon.  Be- 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

search-  Associate,  University  College,  London  : 
s.  of  James  Adam,  M.A.,  Litt.D.  and  Adela 
Marion  Adam,  M.A, ;  m,  1916,  Winifred  Wright : 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Winchester ;  Trinity  College. 
Cambridge  (Fellow,  1915-23).  Koyal  Society 
Sorby  Research  Fellow  at  Sheffield  University, 
1921-29.  Publications :  The  Physics  and  Ch  emis- 
try  of  Surfaces;  numerous  papers  in  several 
scientific  periodicals,  fiecreations :  walking, 
digging,  camping,  sailing,  lawn  tennis. 
Address:  95  Highfleld  Laae,  Southampton. 
Club:  Athenajum. 

ADAM,  Handle  R. ;  see  Reid-Adam. 

ADAM,  General  Sir  Ronald  Forbes, 
2nd  Bt..  cr.  1917  ;  G.C.B.,  cr.  1946  (K.C.B  , 
cr.  1941;  C.B.  1939);  D.S.0. 1918  ;  O.B.E. 
1919;  R.A. ;  Hon.  LL.D.  (Aberdeen) ;  Hon. 
Fellow  Worcester  College,  Oxford  ;  Chairman 
of  the  British  Council  since  1946 ;  Colonel 
Comdt.  R.A.  1940-50 ;  Col.  Comdt.  Army 
Educational  Corps,  1940-50;  Col.  Comdt. 
Army  Dental  Corps  since  1945  (Repre- 
sentative, 1950);  Chairman  Delegacy  of 
Institute  of  Education,  London  University ; 
Pres.  National  Institute  of  Adult  Education  ; 
Member,  Miners  Welfare  Commission ;  6.  30 
Oct.  1885 :  e.  s.  of  Sir  Frank  Forbes  Adam.  1st 
Bt.,  and  Rose  Frances  (d.  1944),  d.  of  C.  G. 
Kemball,  late  Judge,  High  Court,  Bombay  ; 
S.  father,  1926 ;  m.  1915,  Anna  Dorothy, 
d.  of  late  F.  I.  Pitman ;  three  d.  Educ.  : 
Eton  ;  R.M.A.,  Woolwich.  Served  European 
War  (France  and  Flanders.  Italy),  1914-18 
(despatches,  D.S.O.,  O.B.E.) ;  G.S.0.1,  Staff 
College,  Camberley,  1932-35 ;  G.S.0.1.  War 
Office,  1935-36  ;  Deputy  Director  of  Military 
Operations,  War  Office,  1936 ;  Commander 
Royal  Artillery,  1st  Division,  1936-37; 
Commandant  of  Staff  College,  Camberley, 
1937  ;  Deputy  Chief  of  Imperial  General 
Staff,  1938-39 ;  Commanding  3rd  Army 
Corps,  1939-40 ;  General  Officer  Com- 
manding-in-Chief,  Northern  Command,  1940- 
1941;  Adjutant-General  to  the  Forces, 
1941-46  ;  General,  1942  :  retired  pay,  1946  : 
President  of  M.C.C.,  1946-47;  President 
Library  Assoc.,  1949.  Heir  ;  n.  Christopher 
Eric  Forbes  Adam,  6.  1920.  Address  : 
Carylls  Lea,  Faygate,  Sussex.  Olubs : 
Athenseum,  "United  Service. 
See  also  C.  Q.  F.  Adam. 

ADAMI,  Sir  Leonard  Christian,  Kt,,,  cr. 
1929 ;  Indian  Civil  Service,  retired ;  t>.  15  Mar. 
1874 ;  s.  of  late  John  George  Adami  and  Mrs. 
S.  A.  E.  Adami,  of  Ashton  -  on  -  Mersey, 
Cheshire ;  m.  1899,  Elisabeth  Shaw,  d.  of  late 
Graham  Hardie  Thomson,  of  Glasgow ;  one  s. 
fiduc. :  St.  Edmund's  School,  Hunstanton ; 
Cheltenham  College  (Scholar);  Jesus  College, 
Cambridge  (Scholar);  Second  Class  Classical 
Tripos,  1895,  B.A. ;  passed  into  the  Indian 
Civil  Service  1896;  Assistant  Magistrate  at 
Dacca  and  Bhagalpur  in  the  Province  of  Ben- 
gal; Secretary  to  the  Bengal  Council  and 
Assistant  Secretary  in  the  Legislative  Depart- 
ment, Government  of  Bengal,  1904-8 ;  District 
Judge,  Guttack,  1909 ;  Superintendent  and  Re- 
membrancer of  Legal  Affairs  to  the  Government 
of  Bihar  and  Orissa,  1913-17;  a  Puisne  Judge 
of  the  High  Court  at  Patna,  Bihar  and 
Orissa,  India,  1919-31;  retired,  1931.  Ad- 
dress :  Devonshire  House,  Shortlands,  Kent. 
T. :  Ravens  bourne  0300.  Clubs:  Royal  Empire; 
United  Service  (Calcutta). 

ADAMIC,  Louis;  Writer;  b.  23  March  1899 ; 
s.  of  Anton  and  Ana  Adamic,  Slovenian 
peasants ;  m.  1931,  Stella  Sanders,  New 
York ;  no  c.  Educ. :  formal  education 
ended  in  second  year  of  Gymnasium  in 
Ljubljana,  Slovenia  (then  in  Austria).  Came 
to  U.S.  as  14f -year-old  immigrant,  1913 ; 
worked  at  odd  jobs  in  N.Y.  until  1917  when 
joined  U.S.  Army  and  served  beyond  end  of 

•  European  War  until  1919.  Worked  in  coal 
mines,  steel  factories,  etc.,  on  farms,  docks 
and  ships  till  late  1920's,  roving  about  U.S. 
and  other  parts  of  the  world,  reading  in 
libraries  between  jobs.  Began  to  write  in 
English  late  1920'B,  publishing  stories  and 
narratives  in  E.  L.  Mencken's  American 

Mercury  from  1928.  Member  of  several 
American  associations.  Order  of  National 
Unity,  Yugoslavia,  1944.  Publications  : 
Dynamite,  1931;  Laughing  in  the  Jungle, 
1932  (awarded  Guggenheim  Fellowship  to 
spend  a  year  in  Yugoslavia) ;  The  Native's 
Return,  1934-  Grandsons,  1935;  Cradle  of 
Life,  1936 ;  The  House  in  Antigua,  1937  ; 
My  America.1938 ;  From  Many  Lands, 
1940;  Two- Way  Passage,  1941;  What's 
Your  Name?,  1942  ;  My  Native  Land,  1944  ; 
A  Nation  of  Nations,  1945 ;  Dinner  at  the 
White  House,  1946 ;  The  Eagle  and  the  Root, 
1950.  Recreations :  working  on  his  farm, 
walking.  Address:  Mountain  View  Farm, 
Milford,  New  Jersey,  U.S.A. 

ADAMS,  family  name  of  Baron  Adams. 

ADAMS,  1st  Baron  cr.  1949,  of  Ennerdale; 
John  Jackson  Adams,  O.B.B.  1944 ;  J.P. 
1934 ;  M.A.  (h.c.)  Durham  1948 ;  Director 
and  General  Manager,  West  Cumberland 
Industrial  Development  Co.  Ltd.,  White- 
haven,  since  1937  ;  b.  12  Oct.  1S90  ;  m.  1914, 
Agnes,  o.  d.  of  T.  Birney ;  (one  s.  deed.). 
Educ. :  Arlecdon  Council  School.  Chairman, 
Arlecdon  and  Frizington  U.D.C.,  1919-23  ; 
Chairman,  Workington  Borough  Health  and 
Education  Committees,  1923-31 ;  Alderman, 
Cumberland  County  Council,  1931- ;  Secre- 
tary, Cumberland  Development  Council  Ltd., 
1935- ;  Chairman,  Health  Committee,  Cum- 
berland County  Council,  1942-48  ;  Chairman 
of  Governors,  Whitehaven  Grammar  School, 
1942- ;  Member  of  the  B.B.C.  Advisory 
Panel,  N.W.  Area,  1944- ;  Deputy  Regional 
Controller,  Board  of  Trade  (Cumberland  and 
Westmorland  Sub  Region),  1944-48  ;  Mem- 
ber, Northern  Regional  Gas  Board,  1949-. 
Recreations  :  football,  reading.  Heir :  none. 
Address :  Greystoke,  Whitehaven,  Cumber- 
land. T. :  Whitehaven  442. 

ADAMS,  Alexander  Annan,  C.B.E. 
1935 ;  b.  29  Jan.  1884  ;  s.  of  Alexander 
Annan  Adams  and  Margaret  Lamb ;  m. 
1910,  Berenice  (d.  1946),  d.  of  William  de 
Schrader,  Sheboygan,  Wisconsin,  U.S.A.: 
no  c.  Educ. :  Vienna ;  London.  Entered 
Consular  Service  in  1908  ;  served  in  U.S.A., 
South  America,  Roumania  and  France ; 
Assistant  Director  (in  charge  of  Latin  Section) 
Department  of  Overseas  Trade,  1919  ;  Com- 
mercial Secretary,  with  rank  of  First  Secre- 
tary in  the  Diplomatic  Service,  and  posted 
to  the  British  Legation  in  Bucharest,  1919  ; 
Prague,  1924  :  Madrid,  1927  ;  local  rank  of 
Commercial  Counsellor,  1933;  Commercial 
Counsellor,  British  Legation,  Bucharest, 
Roumania,  1935-41,  and  Ankara,  1941 ; 
employed  on  special  duties  in  Egypt  and  S. 
Africa,  1941-42;  employed  in  Dept.  of 
Overseas  Trade,  1942-44  ;  Secretary  of  Com- 
mittee of  Council  for  Europe  of  U.N.R.R.A., 
1944-45.  Publications:  Plateau  Peoples  of 
South  America,  1915 ;  article  on  Economic 
Conditions  in  Spain  for  Encyclopaedia  Britan- 
nica.  Recreations  :  motoring  in  Europe,  golf. 
Address:  The  Nuttery,  Seal  Chart,  Kent. 
T.:  Seal  45.  Club:  Athenseum. 

ADAMS,  Bernard;  R.^. ;  R.O.I. ;  F.R.S.A. 
N.S. ;  portrait  and  landscape  painter^  Hon. 
Secretary,  National  Society  Painters,  Sculp- 
tors, Engravers  and  Potters;  b.  London; 
y.  *.  of  Robert  Henry  Adams,  artist,  and 
Louisa  Fanny,  e»  d.  of  John  William  Chandler, 
Bungay,  Suffolk;  g.s.  of  Thomas  Adams, 
artist  and  designer;  m.  1912,  Meri  Qiga 
Johanna,  o.  d.  of  Lieut.-Col.  Berndt  Standert- 
skjSld,  Helsingfors,  Finland;  two  *.  one  d. 
(and  one  d.  died  as  result  of  active  service, 
1945).  Educ.:  Chapel  Royal,  Savoy.  Studied 
Westminster  School  of  Art,  Antwerp  Academy, 
Silver  Medallist  Kennington  and  Allan 
Fraaer  Scholarship :  Student  of  George  Ear- 
court,  R.A.,  and  Philip  de  Laszlo ;  Exhibits 
London  and  Provinces.  Recreations: 
billiards,  conjuring,  and  ventriloq 
Address:  5  Garden  Studios,  Manresa  , 
Chelsea,  S.W.3;  276  King's  Road/.C*1 
S.W.3  :  Buckland  Common,  nr.  Tr1"  - 
T.:  Flarman  1272;  Cholesbury  I— . 
Chelsea  Aits.  <**'"«'* 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ADAMS,     Capt.     Bryan     Fullerton, 

D.S.O.  1919;  Kuyal  Navy,  retired  ;  Naval 
Secretary,  Permanent  Advisory  Commission 
of  League  of  Nations,  1928-39;  5.  22 
July  1887;  s.  of  late  G.  H.  Adams  ot 
Portglenone,  Co.  Down,  and  Melbourne, 
Australia ,  m,.  1st,  1921,  Audrey  (d.  1929),  d.  of 
C.  B.  Marshall  of  Thurlestone,  Devon ;  one  d.  ; 
2nd,  1937,  Pamela  Jocelyne,  o.  d.  of  late  Vice- 
Adm.  Sidney  Drury-Lowe,  C.  M.  G.  ;  one  d. 
Educ.:  Sherborne ;  H.M.S.  Britannia.  Naval 
Cadet,  1902;  Lieut.,  1909;  Commander,  1918; 
served  at  sea,  1914-18  (despatches,  D.S.O.); 
retired  list,  1933.  Recreations :  golf,  tennis. 
Address  :  Cherry  Tree,  Hacheston,  Suffolk. 
Club  :  United  Service. 

S*G  also  Baron  Kennc.t  oftfie  Dene. 

ADAMS,  Air  Commodore  Cyril  Douglas, 
C.B.  1948;  O.B.E.  1942;  retd. ;  b.  18 
Sept.  1897;  British;  m.  1927,  D.  M.  Le 
Brocq,  Highfield,  Jersey;  one  8.  one  d. 
Educ.:  Parks  tone  Grammar  School.  Served 
European  War  in  Army,  1915-18,  Egypt 
and  Palestine :  Commissioned,  1918;  Flying 
Instructor,  1918-25;  Staff  Duties,  Iraq 
Command,  1925-27;  Staff  and  Flying 
Duties,  Halton  Command,  1928-35;  C.O. 
15  Squadron,  1936-38;  H.Q.  Bomber  Com- 
mand, 1938  ;  C.O.  38  Sqd.,  1938-39  ;  Sen. 
Officer  i/c  Administration,  No.  3  Group, 
1939-40 ;  Station  Comdr.,  Kemble,  Oaking- 
ton,  Abingdon,  1940-44 ;  Base  Comdr., 
Marston  Moor  and  North  Luffenham,  1944- 
1945 ;  India  Command,  A.O.A.,  A.H.Q., 
1945-46  ;  Base  Comdr.,  Bombay,  1946 ; 
A.O.C.  No.  2  Indian  Group,  1946-47 
(despatches  6  times,  O.B.E.);  Air  Officer 
Commanding  No.  85  Group,  B.A.F.O.,  1948- 
1949;  retired,  1949.  Recreations:  Repre- 
sented: E.A.F.  (Eugby,  cricket,  athletics); 
Hampshire  (Eugby) ;  Dorset  and  minor 
counties  (cricket) ;  keen  golfer  and  phila- 
telist. Address:  Connaught  Lodge,  Westen- 
hanger,  nr.  Hythe,  Kent.  T.:  Hythe  6196. 
Clubs:  Delhi  Gymkhana  (Delhi);  Club  of 
Western  India  (Poona). 

ADAMS,  Dartrey ;  see  Adams,  H.  D.  C. 

ADAMS,  Sir  Ernest  (Charles),  Kt,  cr. 
1949  ;  C.B.E.  1945  (M.B.E.  1935) ;  b.  5  May 
1886  ;  a.  of  late  William  D.  Adams  ;  m.  1911, 
Agnes  S.  Fortune ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Eoan 
School,  Greenwich.  Inland  Eevenue  Dept., 
1905  ;  Customs  and  Excise,  1909  ;  Ministry 
of  Pensions,  1919  ;  Export  Credits  Guarantee 
Dept.,  1928 ;  Comptroller  General,  Export 
Credits  Guarantee  Dept.,  1946-49.  Recrea- 
tions •:  gardening  and  fishing.  Address  : 
Eavenswood,  Keswick  Ed.,  Orpington,  Kent. 
T. :  Orpington  604. 

ADAMS,  Frederick  James,  C.I.E.  1946; 
retired;  b  18  Feb.  1885;  m.  1912,  Cecilia 
Mary,  d.  of  Eoman  Basche,  London ;  one  s. 
two  d.  (and  one  d.  deed.).  Educ. :  Ardingly. 
Entered  India  Office,  1905;  transferred  to 
Office  of  High  Commissioner  for  India,  1922 : 
Secretary,  General  Dept.,  1938;  retired 
1945.  Recreation:  music.  Address:  Fair- 
mile,  Chipstead,  Surrey.  2".:  Downland 
1553.  / 

ADAMS  (Harold)  Richard;  M.P.  (Lab.) 
Balham  and  Tooting  Division  of  Wandsworth, 
1945-50,  Central  Division  since  1950;  b.  8 
Oct.  1912 ;  s.  of  A.  Adams ;  m.  1938,  Joyce 
Love ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Elementary,  Emanuel 
School;  London  .University.  Member 
Wandsworth  Borough  Council  before  war  of 
193,9-45.  Served  war  of  1939-45.  Joined 
East  Surrey  Eegt.,  1940 ;  with  25  Army  Tank  in  K  Africa  and  Italy;  later,  Staff 
Officer  Land  Forces  Adriatic.  Experience 
as  business  consultant;  one  time  Asst. 
Commissioner  for  National  Savings ;  Lecturer 
in  Economics.  Asst.  Whip  (unpaid),  1947-49 ; 
a  Lord  Commissioner  of  the  Treasury,  1949- 
1950.  Fellow  and  Council  Member  of  Assoc. 
of  Incorporated  Statisticians.  Member 
Fabian  Society.  Address:  86  Highlands 
Heath,  Putney,  S.W.15. 

.ADAMS,  Henry  Charles,  Consulting  En- 
gineer,  M.T.Mech.B.,  F.RkSan.I.,  i 

M.InstW.E.,  F.I.S.B.;  b.  31  Oct.  1873;  «.  A 
of  late  Prof.  Henry  Adams ;  TO.  1899,  Madeline 
Alice,  d.  of  Edmund  Green,  Moseley,  Bir- 
mingham ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Cranleigh ;  City 
Lond.  Coll. ;  Crystal  Palace  School  of  Engineer- 
ing; served  articles  with  father;  pasnad  technical 
examinations  of  Surv.  Inst.,  Roy.  San.  Inst., 
Inst.  M.  and  Cy.  Eng.  etc.,  Miller  Prizeman 
Inst.  C.E.,  5  years  Hon.  Sec.  B'ham.  Assocn.  of 
InstC.E.,  Hon.  Sec.  B'ham.  and  Mid.  Inst. 
Scientific  Soc. ;  Acting  Prof,  of  Engineering 
Hollesley  Bay  Colonial  Coll.  1893;  Public 
Works  Dept.  Birmingham,  1S98;  Chief  Engineer 
and  Manager  of  Birmingham  OfHee  of  Pritchard, 
Green  and  Co.,  Consulting  Engineers,  L900;  in 
partnership  with  Prof.  Henry  Adams,  1909-28  ; 
Engineer  and  Manager  Holy  head  Waterworks 
Co.,  1937-44;  Member  of  Panel  r  of  Civil 
Engineers  appointed  by  Home  Secretary  under 
Reservoirs  (Safety  Provisions)  Act,  1030;  Presi- 
dent Institution  Sanitary  Engineers,  1P32  and 
1933;  Chairman  Exam.  Bd.,  1934;  Pres.  Society 
Engineers,  1917;  President  Inst  Mun.  E.,  1915; 
Member  Council  Royal  Sanitary  Institute,  1936 ; 
Hon.  Member  Junior  Inst.  Eng. ;  Hon.  Member 
Inst.  Eng.  in  Charge ;  Active  Craft  and  R.A. 
Freemason ;  Orpington  Rotary  Club.  Publica- 
tions :  Sewerage  of  Sea  Coast  Towns ;  Water- 
works for  Urban  and  Rural  Districts  j  Domestic 
Sanitation,  etc.  Address:  Mona,  52  Princes 
Ave.,  Petts  Wood,  Orpington,  Kent.  T.: 
Ornincrton  «ff05. 

ADAMS,  Capt.  Henry  George  Homer, 
C.B.E.  1919  ;  late  K.N.  ;  b.  10  Apr.  1879 ;  yr.  s. 
of  Rev.  C.  E.  Adams  ;  m.  1907,  Emma  Florence 
Craig;  three  s.  Educ.:  Oxford  Preparatory 
School.  Served  in  war  as  Commander  (N.)  in 
H.M.S.  Russell,  flagship  of  the  6th  Battle 
Squadron,  until  July  1915,  and  as  Commander 
(N.)  and  Captain  (N.)  in  H.M.S.  Barbara,  nag- 
ship  of  the  5th  Battle  Squadron,  under  Vice- 
Admiral  Sir  Hugh  Evan  Thomas  (Order  of  at. 
Stanislas,  O.B.E.);  promoted  Captain,  June 
1918;  retired  list,  1922.  Address:  Pen-y-Maes, 
Hay,  Hereford. 

ADAMS,  Commander  Henry  William 
Allen,  R.N.  (leul.) ;  b.  1884  .  o.  ^  of  Col.  A.  N. 
Adams,  King's  Own  Scottish  Borderers;  m. 
1920*  Hon.  Charlotte  M.  L.,  er.  d.  of  1st  Baron 
Glentanar  and  widow  of  Hon.  Lionel  Walrond, 
M.P.,  o.  s.  of  1st  Baron  Waleran.  Educ.: 
Ayagarth  ;  H.M.S.  Britannia.  Younger  Brother 
Trinity  House.  Recreation :  yachting.  Ad- 
dress: Bradfield  Cottage,  Willand,  Devon.  T. : 
Craddock  222,  Clubs:  United  Service:  Poynl 
Ya.plit.  Squadron  (Gowes). 

ADAMS,  Herbert ;  b.  1874 ;  s.  of  William 
Adams,  L.C.C.,  and  Clara  Simkin ;  m.  1900, 
Jessie  Louise  Cooper ;  three  s.  Educ. :  City 
of  London  School.  Member  of  Surveyors 
Institute  and  practised  for  some  years; 
then  turned  to  literature.  Publications: 
fifty  novels,  including  Signal  for  Invasion, 
The  Writing  on  the  Wall,  Welcome  Home, 
Diamonds  are  Trumps,  Crime  Wave  at  Little 

Painting 'the  Lily.  Recreations:  golf,  travel'. 
Address:  Wimborne  Cottage,  Parkstone. 
Dorset.  T.:  Parkstone  1027. 

See  also  Paul  Adams. 

ADAMS,  Hervey  Cadwallader,  R.B.A, 
1932;  landscape  painter,  Art  Master,  Ton- 
bridge  School;  Member  of  National t Society 
of  Painters.  Sculptors,  Engraver's  and 
Potters;  b.  Kensington,  1903;  o.  s.  of  Cad- 
wallader Edmund  Adams  and  Dorothy  Jane, 
y.  d.  of  Rev.  J.  W.  Knight;  m.  1928,  Iris 
Gabrielle,  y.  d.  of  late  F.  V.  Bruce,  St.  Fagans, 
Glamorgan;  two  s.  Educ.:  Charterhouse. 
Studied  languages  and  singing  in  France  and 
Spain,  1922-26 ;  studied  painting  under  Bernard 
Adams,  1929.  Publications:  The  Student's 
Approach  to  Landscape  Painting,  1988 ;  Art 
and  Everyman,  1945;  Eighteenth  Century 
Painting,  1949;  Nineteenth  Century  Painting, 
1949 ;  The  Adventure  of  Looking  1949.  Ad- 
dress :  Clock  House,  Hayes  Wood,  Pembury, 


ADAMS,  (Howard)  Dartrey  (Charles), 

C.M.G.  1047  ;   LL.B.,  (N.Z.) ;    Kew  Zealand 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Parliamentary  Law  Draftsman  since  1938 : 
6. 12  Oct.  1897  ;  s.  of  late  Dr.  Charles  Edward 
Adams  and  Eleanor  Robina  Jacobson ;  m. 
1921,  Eliza  Veitch  Duncan ;  two  «.  one  d. 
Edue. :  Wellington  CoUege  and  Victoria 
University  College,  Wellington.  N.Z.  Em- 
ployed as  barrister  and  solicitor  by  Chapman, 
Skerrett,  Tripp  and  Blair  of  Wellington, 
1918-22 ;  Partner  in  Tudhope  and  Adams, 
of  Hamilton,  1922-29  ;  Public  Trust  Office, 
Wellington,  1929-30  ;  Asst.  Parl.  Law  Drafts- 
man, 1930-34 ;  Crown  Solicitor.  Crown  Law 
Office,  Wellington,  1934-35  ;  First  Asst.  Law 
Draftsman,  1935-38.  Member  Wellington 
Repertory  Theatre  Society.  Publications: 
assisted  in  Reprint  of  Public  Acts  of  New 
Zealand,  1932  ;  edited  new  edns.  of  Jolliffe's 
Local  Government  in  Counties  and  Local 
Government  in  Boroughs,  1934.  Recreations  : 
swimming,  walking  and  the  amateur  theatre. 
Address  :  9  Telford  Terrace,  Wellington,  C.4, 
New  Zealand.  T. :  50.527. 

ADAMS,  James  Elwin  Cokayne ;  6.  3 
Dec.  i«7o ;  a.  01  Bottase  Hill  Adams,  Barrister- 
at-law,  and  Mary  Anne  Staveley ;  m.  1919, 
Susan  Mercer,  d.  of  late  James  Archer  Porter, 
Belfast ;  three  s.  one  d.  EduG. :  Winchester  ; 
New  College,  Oxford.  Barrister-at-law,  1900; 
Assistant  Commissioner,  Charity  Commission, 
1919-32 ;  Secretary,  Charity  Commission,  1932- 
1939 ;  Charity  Commissioner,  1939-45.  Address : 
26  Montague  Eoad,  Richmond,  Surrey.  T. : 
Richmond  0917. 

ADAMS,  Comdr.  Sir  Jameson  Boyd, 
K.C.V.O.  cr.  1948  (C.V.O.  1938):  C.BJB. 
1928  ;  D.S.O.  1918  ;  R.N.R.  (retd.) ;  Secre- 
tary of  Bang  George's  Jubilee  Trust,  1935- 
1948  ;  b.  1880  ;  s.  of  George  Norris  Adams, 
M.D. ;  m.  Phebe  Carnac  Thompson,  d.  of 
late  Rt.  Rev.  Bishop  George  Carnac  Fisher, 
D.D.,  Burgh  House,  Fleggburgh,  Norfolk ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Joined  R.N.R.  1895  ;  2nd  in 
command  Antarctic  Expedition,  1907-9 ; 
entered  Civil  Service,  1909  ;  served  European 
War,  1914-18  (despatches,  D.S.O.,  Croix  de 
Guerre) ;  re-employed,  1939.  Clubs :  White's, 

ADAMS,  J(ohn)  Roland,  E.G.  1949;  b. 
24  July  1900  ;  s.  of  late  Alfred  Courthope 
Adams  and  Sabina  Newberry ;  m.  1946, 
Violet,  d.  of  late  Sir  Francis  Hanson,  London  ; 
no  c.  Educ. :  Charterhouse  ;  New  College, 
Oxford.  Hon.  Exhibitioner  of  New  CoUege, 
1919  ;  B.A.  1922 ;  M.A.  1926 ;  Barrister, 
Inner  Temple,  1925.  Essex  County  Council, 
1930-39 ;  Vice-Chin.,  Essex  Rivers  Catch- 
ment Board,  1935-39;  Major,  The  Essex 
Regt.,  1939-45;  G.S.O.III,  War  Office,  1939- 
1940  ;  D.A.A.G.,  War  Office,  1940  -  42  ; 
specially  employed,  1942-45.  Recreations  : 
yachting  (in  the  days  when  it  was  possible) ; 
living  in  the  country  ;  anything  to  do  with 
ships.  Address :  Gubbions  Hall,  Great 
Leighs,  Chelmsford,  Essex.  T.  :  Great 
Leighs  24ft.  Clubs  :  Carlton,  Garrick. 

ADAMS,  Katharine ;  see  Webb,  K. 

ADAMS,  Mary  Grace;  Director  Tele- 
vision Talks  Features.  JLLB.C. ;  6.  Hermitage, 
Berkshire;  o.  d.  of  late  Catherine  Elizabeth 
Mary  and  Edward  Bloxham  Campin  i  m.  1925, 
S.  Vyvyan  T.  Adams,  q.v. ;  one  d.  Eduo. :  Go- 
dolphin  School;  University,  College,  Cardiff; 
Newnham  College,  Cambridge.  1st  class  Hons. 
B.Sc. ;  M.Sc.(Cantab.);  1851  Research  Scholar 
and  Bathurst  Student,  1921-25 ;  Lecturer  and 
tutor  under  Cambridge  Extra-mural  Board  and 
Board  of  Civil  Service  Studies,  1925-30 ;  joined 
staff  of  B. B.C.,  1930;  Producer,  B.B.C.  Tele- 
vision, 1936-39 ;  Director  Home  Intelligence. 
Ministry  of  Information,  1940-41;  N.  American 
•broadcasting,  1942-45.  Pvfolw&tions :  Papers 
on  genetical  cytology ;  Six  Talks  on  Heredity  ; 
Editor  various  symposia.  Recreation ;  Children : 
Mass  -  Observation.  Address:  3  Gloucester 
Gate,  Regent's  Park.,  N.W.I.  T. ;  Welbeck 

ADAMS,  Colonel  Noel  Percy,  C.M.G. 
1917  ;  J.P.;  b.  1«82  ;  s.  ot  Percy  Boliand  Adams 
of  Inner  Temple  and  Nelson,  New  Zealand; 
?rt.  1910,  Eileen,  3rd  A.  of  George  Henry  Raw  of 

Sunningdale,  Berks.  Educ. :  Nelson  College, 
N.25. ;  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge,  M.A.  Com- 
mantled  Cambridge  Mounted  Infantry,  1902-4 ; 
Barrister  Inner  Temple,  1904  ;  member  North- 
eastern Circuit  and  N.Z.  Bar ;  King  Edward's 
Horse,  1904-10;  N.Z.  Field  Artillery,  1910; 
Headquarters  Staff  N.Z.  Military  Forces,  1914- 
1918  (despatches);  Commandant  N.Z.  Training 
Camp,  1916-18.  ^Address:  Matingaraliv,  Private 
Bag,  Clevedon,  New  Zealand  Club  :  Northern 

ADAMS,  Paul,  T.D. ;  Lieut. -Col.  TjL 
Reserve ;  Taxing  Master  of  Supreme  Court 
since  1950 ;  b.  16  March  1903:  s.  of  Herbert 
Adams,  q.v. ;  m.  1929,  Joan  Madeline 
Corfleld;  two  s.  Educ.:  Haileybury 
College.  Admitted  Solicitor,  1925;  partner 
in  firm  of  A.  J.  Adams  &  Adams,  1935. 
Lieut. -Col.  T.A.;  commanded,  War  of 
1939-45 :  1/7  Bn.,  then  15th  Bn.  The  Queen's 
Royal  Regt. ;  2nd  Bn.  Lincolnshire  Regt. ; 
13th  Infantry  Bn.  Sudan  Defence  Force. 
Resumed  Practice,  Oct.  1945;  partner  in 
combined  firms  of  Bridges  Sawtell  &  Co. 
and  A.  J".  Adams  &  Adams,  1946.  Recreations: 
golf,  squash.  Address:  10  Montagu  Mews 
North,  Montagu  Place,  W.I.  T.:  Welbeck 
1526.  Club:  Royal  Automobile. 

ADAMS,  Richard;  see  Adams,  (Harold) 

ADAMS,    Samuel  Vyvyan    Trerice ; 

Political  Researcher  since  1946 ;  b.  22  April 
1900 ;  $.  of  late  Rev.  Canon  Sanuel  Trerice 
Adams,  Hon.  Canon  of  Ely  and  Rural  Dean  of 
Cambridge ;  m.  1925,  Mary  Grace  (see  M.  G. 
Adams;,  d.  of  late  Edward  Bloxham  Campin  ; 
one  d.  Educ. :  King's  School,  Cambridge  ; 
Haileybury  (Senior  Scholar) ;  King's  Coll., 
Cambridge  (Senior  Exhibitioner).  M.A., 
Winchester  Prizeman,  President  of  the 
Union ;  Classical  Tripos,  Parts  I  and  II ; 
called  to  Bar  (Inner  Temple).  1927 ;  M.£. 
(Conservative)  West  Leeds,  1931-45;  Parl. 
Candidate  (C.)  East  Fulham,  1947-50 ;  Presi- 
dent Hardwicke  Society,  1932;  Member 
of  Executive,  League  of  Nations  Union,  1933- 
1946  and  of  United  Nations  Association  since 
1948 ;  Vice-President  New  Commonwealth 
Society;  Army,  War  of  1939-45,  Major 
D.C.L.L,  D.A.A.G.,  1940-46.  Publications  : 
Right  Honourable  Gentlemen,  1939  ;  What 
of  the  Night  ?  1940  ;  Churchill:  Architect  of 
Victory,  1940  (all  under  pen-name  of  Watch- 
man):  A  Letter  to  a  Young  Politician,  1946  ; 
The  British  Co-operative  Movement,  1948 ; 
articles  and  reviews.  Address  :  3  Gloucester 
Gate,  Regent's  Park,  N.W.I.  T. :  Welbeck 
5337.  Club:  Athenaeum. 

ADAMS,  Stanley  John ;  Chairman  Thos. 
Cook  &  Sun  Lui.  ;  Uuector  Midland  Bank, 
and  Guardian  Insurance ;  5.  1  March  1893 ; 
2nd  *.  of  late  Jonathan  Adams;  m.  Lady 
Goulding,  widow  of  Sir  Lingard  Goulding,  Bt. 
Educ. :  Privately  and  in  Paris.  Enlisted  1914, 
Royal  Fusiliers :  served  throughout  European 
War;  Managing  Director  Prisoners  of  War  De- 
partment of  British  Red  Cross,  1941-42. 
Address:  41  Albert  Court,  Prince  Consort 
Road,  S.W.7.  CJJ-ub  :  Carlton. 

ADAMS,  Sydney,  M.A.  (Oxon) ;  Head- 
master, Bancroft's  School,  since  1944  ;  b.  13 
Sept.  1905 ;  *.  of  A.  S.  and  H.  R.  Adams ; 
m.  1933,  Evelyn  Mary  Evanson  ;  one  d. 
Educ.:  City  of  Oxford  School  (Head  of 
School) ;  St.  John's  College,  Oxford  (Scholar). 
1st  Class  Maths.  Mods.,  1926;  2nd  Class 
Maths.  Finals,  1928 ;  Diploma  in  Education, 
Oxford,  1929 ;  Sixth  Form  Maths.  Master, 
Aldenham  1929-31,  Sedbergh  1931-44. 
Recreations :  singingjand  walking.  Address  : 
Bancroft's  School,  Woodford  Green,  Essex. 
T. :  Buckhurst  1240. 

ADAMS,  Sir  Theodore  Samuel,  Kt., 
cr.  1942 ;  O.M.G.  1937  ;  6.  1885  ;  s.  of  Rev. 
George  Adams ;  m.  1923,  Isabel  Grace  Port- 
man  ;  no  c.  Educ.  :  King's  School,  Canter- 
bury ;  All  Souls  College,  Oxford,  Malayan 
Civil  Service,  1908 ;  Acting  Undersecretary, 


1930-31 ;  British  Resident,  Selangor,  1932  ; 
Chief  Commissioner  Northern  Provinces, 
Nigeria,  1937-43  ;  War  Cabinet  Office,  1944- 
1945.  Recreations  :  cricket,  squash,  tennis. 
Address:  Castle  Hill,  Fordingbridge,  Hants. 
Clubs:  United  University,  East  India  and 

ADAMS,  Most  Rev.  Walter  R. ;  «e? 
Yukon,  Archuirthop  01. 

ADAMS,  Walter  Sydney,  A..VL.,  D.Sc., 
LL.l). ;  Research  Associate,  Carnegie  Institu- 
tion of  Washington,  since  1946  ;  Eesearch  As- 
sociate, California  Institute  of  Technology, 
since  194T ;  6.  Antioeh,  N.  Syria,  20  Dec.  1876 ; 
s.  of  Lucien  H.  Adams ;  m.  1st,  1910,  Lillian  M. 
Wickham(d.  1920);  2nd,  1922,  Adeline  L.  Miller; 
two  s.  Educ.:  Dartmouth  College;  Univ.  of 
Chicago  ;  Univ.  of  Munich.  Assistant,  Yerkes 
Observatory,  1901-3;  Instructor,  1903-4;  Assist- 
ant Astronomer  Mount  Wilson  Observatory, 
1904-9 ;  Acting  Director,  1910-11 ;  Assistant 
Director,  1913-28 ;  Director,  1923-46  ;  Member 
Astronomical  Society  of  America  (President 
1931-84) ;  Member  Astronomical  Society  of  the 
Pacific  (President,  1923) ;  Member  A.A.A.8.  ; 
Fellow  and  Associate  R.A.S.,  gold  medal, 
1917;  Member  Societe  Astronomique  de 
France;  Member  Royal  Society  of  Sciences, 
Upsala ;  Member  American  Philosophical 
Society  ;  Member  National  Academy  of 
Sciences,  Foreign  Associate  Paris  and  Royal 
Swedish  Academies  of  Sciences ;  Vice-President 
International  Astronomical  Union ;  Draper 
Medal  of  National  Academy  of  Sciences,  1918  ; 
Prix  Janssen  of  the  Societe  Astronomique 
de  France,  1926  ;  Bruce  Medal  of  the  Astronom- 
ical Society  of  the  Pacific,  1928;  Janssen  Medal  of 
the  Academie  des  Sciences,  1935.  Publications: 
numerous  papers  on  stellar  spectroseopy,  radial 
velocities  and  stellar  parallaxes,  Address: 
Pasadena,  California.  T.:  Sycamore  4-1097. 
Clubs:  Twiliffht,  Athenaeum  (Pasadena). 

ADAMS,  Wm.  Dacres,  Artist;  Associate 
Societe  Rationale  des  .Beaux  Arts;  b.  1864;  s. 
of  Rev.  William  Fulford  and  Catherine  M. 
Adams ;  m.  1st,  Regina  E.  Houghton  (d.  1940), 
New  York ;  one  s.  one  d.  ;  2nd,  1940,  Millicent 
Etheldreda,  d.  of  Col.  H.  W.  Gray,  V.D.,  J.P., 
of  Kensington.  Educ. :  Radley  College ;  Bxeber 
College,  Oxford.  Studied  at  Bushey  under  Prof. 
Sir  Hubert  von  Herkomer,  and  at  Munich.  Ad- 
dress: 90  High  St.,  Lewes,  Sussex.  T.:  747. 
See  rtlso  Katharine  Webb* 

ADAMS,  Prof.  William  George 
Stewart,  C.H.  1936;  Hon.  D.CJ.L.  (Oxford); 
Hou.  L  LI.  D.  (Glasgow and  Manchester);  Warden 
1933-45,  Fellow  1910-33,  and  Hon.  Fellow  since 
1945,  of  All  Souls  College ;  b.  8  Nov.  1874 ;  s.  of 
John  Adams,  Gilbertfteld,  Hamilton,  Lanark- 
shire ;  m.  Muriel,  d.  of  late  Wm.  Lane,  Stone- 
hurst,  Killiney,  County  Dublin ;  one  s.  Educ. : 
St.  John's  Grammar  School,  Hamilton; 
The  University  of  Glasgow ;  Balliol  College, 
Oxford  (Snell  Exhibitioner).  Lecturer  and 
Tutor,  Borough  Road  Training  College,  1901-2  ; 
Lecturer  in  Economics  in  the  Graduate  School, 
The  University  of  Chicago,  1902 ;  Lecturer  in 
Economics  and  Secretary  of  University  Exten- 
sion, The  University  of  Manchester,  1908-4; 
Superintendent  of  Statistics  and  Intelligence. 
Department  of  Agriculture  and  Technical  In- 
struction for  Ireland,  1905-10;  Reader  in 
Political  Theory  and  Institutions,  Oxford 
University,  1910-12  ;  Gladstone  Professor  of 
Political  Theory  and  Institutions,  Oxford, 
1912-33;  and  Member  of  the  Hebdomadal 
Council,  Oxford  University,  1912-24 ;  Member 
of  the  Committee  to  advise  the  Cabinet 
on  Irish  Finance,  1911 ;  Founder  and  Editor 
of  The  Political  Quarterly,  1914-16  ;  Ministry 
of  Munitions,  1915;  Secretary  to  the 
Prime  Minister,  1916-19;  Editor  of  the  War 
Cabinet  Reports,  1917  and  1918;  Member  of 
the  Committee  on  the  Examination  for  the 
Civil  Service,  1918 ;  Member  of  the  Royal  Com- 
mission on  Oxford  and  Cambridge  Universities, 
1919-22  ;  Member  of  the  Agricultural  Tribunal 
of  Investigation,  1923-24;  Chairman  of  the 
National  'Council  of  Social  Service,  1920-49  ; 
Chairman  National  Federation  of  Young 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Farmers'  Clubi,  1928-46;  Member  of  the 
Development  Commission,  1923-49;  Member 
of  the  Council  of  Agriculture  for  England 
and  Wales  ;  Stevenson  Lecturer  in  Citizenship, 
The  University  of  Glasgow,  1923-24;  Lowell 
Lecturer,  Boston,  U.S.A.,  1924;  Graduates 
Society  Lecturer,  McGill  University,  Canada, 
1931 ;  Member  of  Delegation  to  China  from  the 
Universities  China  Committee,  1931-32  ;  Chair- 
man Universities  China  Committee  in  London, 
1942 ;  visiting  professor,  University  of  Toronto, 
1949.  Address:  Fahan  House,  Fahan,  Co. 
Donegal ;  All  Souls  College,  Oxford. 

ADAMS,  Rev.  'William  J.  T.  P.  P.;  see 
Phythian- Adams. 

ADAMS  -  ACTON,  Murray,  F.I.R.A., 
F.F.A.S.,  F.R.S.A. ;  to.  188t> ;  gudsonof  Mr.  ami 
Mrs.  W.  E.  Gladstone ;  s.  of  John  Adams-Acton, 
sculptor,  and  Marion  Hamilton,  authoress ;  m. 
Ailsa  Stevenson ;  one  d.  Bduc.:  London,  abroad. 
Authority  on  art  and  architecture ;  exhibited  at 
R.A. ;  medal  at  Salon,  1926 ;  elected  to  the 
Heraldic  and  Historical  Institute  of  France ;  late 
Member  of  Architectural  Committee,  Royal 
Society  of  Arts ;  late  Chainnan  of  Institute  of 
British  Decorators;  Member  of  Committee, 
The  Society  for  the  Preservation  of  Ancient 
Cottages ;  donor  of  works  of  art  to  English 
and  Canadian  Museums,  etc.;  held  com- 
mission in  Scots  Guards  during  war.  Pub- 
lications: Domestic  Architecture  and  Old 
Furniture ;  Portals  and  Doorways  of  France ; 
contributor  to  all  leading  art  journals,  England 
and  America,  daily  Press,  etc.  Recreations : 
horticulture,  fishing,  shooting.  Address:  37 
Palace  Gate,  W.8;  Beach  House,  Cooden  Beach, 
Sussex.  Clubs:  Royal  London  Yacht,  Pilgrim's, 
St.  John's  Wood  Arts. 

ADAMSON,  Horatio  George,  M.D.Lond., 
P.R.O.P.  Lond. ;  Consulting  Physician  for 
Diseases  of  the  Skin  at  St.  Bartholomew's  Hos- 
pital, E.G.;  b.  1866:  m.  Mabel,  y.  d.  of  Henry 
Valentine  Draper.  Hon.  Fellow  Royal  Society 
of  Medicine;  Past  President  Dermatological 
Section ;  President  British  Association  of  Der- 
matology and  Syphilology  (1924):  Membre 
Oorrespondant  Etranger  de  la  Sooiete  Franchise 
de  Dermatologie ;  Corresponding  Member 
Danish  Dermatological  Association;  Hon. 
Member,  New  York  Dermatological  Society; 
American  Dermatological  Association  ;  corre- 
sponding member  of  Dermatological  Associa- 
tion of  Hungary ;  Goulstonian  Lecturer,  Royal 
College  of  Physicians,1912.  Address:  The  Abbey, 
Bourn  ft  End,  Bucks.  T. :  Bourne  End  58. 

ADAMSON,  Mrs.  Jennie  Laurel; 
Deputy  Chainnan  Assistance  Board  since 
1946  ;  m.  1902.  William  Murdoch  Adamson. 
formerly  M.P.  for  Cannock  Staffs  and  a  Lord 
Commissioner  of  the  Treasury  (d.  1945). 
M.P.  (Lab.)  Dartford  Division  of  Kent,  1938- 
1945 ;  Bexley,  1945-46 ;  additional  Parlia- 
mentary Private  Secretary  to  Sir  Walter 
Womersley,  Minister  of  Pensions,  1940-45  ; 
Parliamentary  Sec.,  Ministry  of  Pensions, 
1945-46.  Address ;  20  Woodcombe  Crescent, 
Forest  Hill,  S.E.23. 

ADAMSON,  Hon.  Mr.  Justice  (J.  E.) ; 
Judge ot'Uourtot  Appeal,  Manitoba,  since  i94»; 
Chairman,  Mobilization  Board,  Div.  J.  ;  "b. 
9  Sept.  1884 ;  s.  of  Alan  Joseph  Adamson  and 
Julia  Turriff;  m.  1912,  Mary  Turriff;  four  d. 
Educ. :  St.  John's  College  and  Manitoba  Univer- 
sity. Called  Manitoba  Bar,  1910 ;  Saskatchewan 
Bar,  1915  ;  late  Judge  of  Court  of  King's  Bench, 
Manitoba.  Recreations:  golf,  shooting.  Address: 
Court  House,  Winnipeg,  Canada.  T. :  840  307. 
Clubs :  St.  Charles  Country,  Manitoba, 

ADAMSON,  John;  C.A.;  Partner  In 
McClelland  Ker  &  Co.,  Chartered  Account- 
ants, 120  St.  Vincent  Street,  Glasgow,  0.2,  and 
31-32  King  Street,  Cheapside,  E.C.2-  Director 
of  several  Companies  and  a  Governing 
Director  of  B.B.C.;  fe.  23  Jan.  1886:  s. 
of  late  William  Adamson  and  late  Elizabeth 
Watson,  Kinross ;  m.  1915,  Elsie.  2nd  d.  of 
late  James  Glendinntng,  Trinidad,  B.W.I. ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  George  Watson's 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

College;  Edinburgh  University.  President 
of  Scottish  Chartered  Accountants  in  London, 
1938-46;  Fish  Controller,  Apr.  1941-31 
Dec.  1943.  Governor  and  Member  of  Council 
and  Finance  Committee  of  Charing  Cross 
Hospital  and  Charing  Cross  Medical  School. 
Address:  Turf  Hills,  Priory  Close,  Stanmore, 
Middlesex.  T.A.:  Cellanker,  Cent,  London. 
T.:  Grimsdyke  657.  Clubs:  Conservative, 

ADAMSON,  Robert  Stephen,  M.A.,  D.Sc. 
Edinburgh ;  M.A.  Cambridge ;  FJELS.S.  Af. ; 
F.R.S.A. ;  &.  Manchester,  Mar.  1885 ;  e.  s.  of 
late  Professor  Robert  Adamson;  m.  1923, 
Margaret  Heron,  yr.  d.  of  late  Patrick  Spence 
Mudie,  Dundee.  Educ. :  ELelvmside  Academy, 
Glasgow;  University  of  Edinburgh,  M.A., 
1906,  B.Sc.  (distinction  in  Bot.  and  290!.), 
1907 ;  Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge. 
Lecturer,  Botany,  University  of  Manchester, 
1912-23 ;  Harry  Bolus  Professor  of  Botany, 
University  of  Cape  Town,  1923-50.  Pres. 
Boy.  Soc.  S.  Africa,  1946-48.  Publications: 
Vegetation  of  South  Africa,  1938 ;  articles  in 
Botanical  and  Bacteriological  journals.  Ad- 
dress: Lochiel  Bd.,  Bondebosch,  S.  Africa. 

A  DARE,  Viscount;  Richard  South- 
well Windham  Robert  Wyndham- 
Quin,  (J.B.  itttit;  U.B.ii.  jy^i;  M.u.  j 
(Japtain,  late  12th.  Royal  Lancers ;  6.  18  May 
1887 ;  er.  s.  of  5th  Earl  of  Dunraven,  q.v. ;  m.  1st. 
1915,  Helen  (who  obtained  a  divorce,  1932),  d 
of  John  Swire,  Hillingdon  House,  Harlow;  2nd, 
1934,  Nancy,  d.  of  Thomas  B.  Yuille,  14  East 
69th  Street,  New  York  City ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. : 
Winchester ;  R.  M.C. ,  Sandhurst,  Served  Euro- 
pean War,  1914  (wounded,  M.C.);  Master  of  the 
Horse  and  Military  Secretary  to  Lord -Lieut.  01 
Ireland,  1918-21;  contested  (C.)  Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne  Central  Division,  1929.  Address. 
Kilgobbin,  Adare,  Co.  Limerick.  T. :  Ad  are  18. 
Clubs :  Turf,  White's,  Cavalry,  Buck's  ;  Kildare 
Street  (Dublin);  Royal  Yacht  Squadron 
(Cowes) ;  Travellers'  (Paris). 

ADCOCK,  Frank  Ezra,  O.B.E. ;  F.JS.A. 
1936;  M.A.,  Litt.D.,  Hon.  D.Litt.  (Durham); 
Professor  of  Ancient  History  and  Fellow  of 
King's  College,  in  University  of  Cambridge; 
&.  15  Apr.  1886;  s.  of  late  T.  D.  Adcoek, 
Leicester.  Educ. :  Wyggeston  School,  Leicester ; 
King's  College,  Cambridge  ;  Berlin  and  Munich. 
Craven  Scholar,  1908 ;  Chancellor's  Medallist, 
1909 ;  Craven  Student,  1910  ;  Fellow  (since  1911), 
Dean  (1913-19),  Classical  Lecturer  (1911-25), 
King's  College,  Cambridge.  Employed  in 
Admiralty  Intelligence  Division,  1915-19; 
Lieutenant-Camdr.  R.N.V.R,,  1917-19;  em- 
ployed by  Foreign  Office,  1939-48 ;  President 
of  Society  for  Promotion  of  Roman  Studies, 
1929-81 ;  Pres.  Classical  Assoc.,  1947-48 ; 
Member  of  German  Archaeological  Institute; 
Joint-editor  of  the  Cambridge  Ancient  History. 
Publications:  Papers  on  Ancient  History; 
Chapters  in  Cambridge  Ancient  History ;  The 
Boman  Art  of  War.  Recreations:  golf,  chess. 
Address :  King's  College,  Cambridge.  T.  : 
C!aTn>»rMe;e  4411.  fHaih:  Savilo 

ADCOCK,  Sir  Robert  (Henry),  Kt.,  <£.. 
1950*  C.B.E.1941;  D.L.;  Clerk  of  the  County 
Council  and  Clerk  of  the  Peace  for  Lanes, 
since  1944 ;  Clerk  of  the  Lanes.  Lieutenancy ; 
6  27  Sept.  1899:  m.  Mary,  d.  of  E.  K. 
Wadsworth,  Handforth  Hall  Cheshire;  9ne 
s  twocZ.  Educ.:  Atherstone,  Warwickshire. 
Assistant  Solicitor,  Manchester,  1923 ;  Asst. 
Solicitor  and  Assistant  Clerk  of  the  Peace, 
Nottinghamshire  County  Council,  1926; 
Senior  Assistant  Solicitor,  Manchester,  1929  ; 
Deputy  Town  Clerk,  Manchester,  1931 ; 
Town  Clerk,  Manchester,  1938.  Recreation : 
golf  Address:  Park  House,  Broughton,  near 
Preston.  T. :  Broughton  158.  Club : 
National  Liberal 

ADDERLEY,  family  name  of  Baron 

ADDINGTON,  family  name  of  Viscount 

ADDINGTON,  ftrrt  Baron  (cr.  1887),  John 
Gellibrand  Hubbard  ;  Member  o*  JJUCKS 
County  Council  since  1929 ;  formerly  Gap 

tain,  Bucks  Batt.  Oxon  Light  Infantry,; 
late  Major  T.P.  Reserve,  T.D. ;  formerly 
partner  in  Egerton  Hubbard  &  Co.,  Petro- 
grad;  &.  7  June  1883;  s.  of  2nd  Baron  and 
Mary  Adelaide  (d.  1983),  d.  of  Sir  Wynd- 
ham  S.  Portal,  1st  Bt. ;  S.  father,  1915.  Educ. : 
Eton;  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  B.A.  Served 
European  War,  1914-18  (O.B.E.,  despatches); 
British  Custodian  of  Enemy  Property  in  China, 
1923-28;  Mayor  of  Buckingham,  1932-33, 1933-34, 
and  1943 -46.  Recreation :  gardening.  Heir:  I. 
Hon.  Raymond  Egerton  Hubbard,  q.v.  Ad- 
dress .-  Addington,  Bletchley,  Bucks.  Club  : 

ADDINGTON,  Major  Hon.  Raymond 
Anthony,  iate  atli^K-.G.O.)  Light  cavalry  ;  6. 
and  nwr-jpns.  of  5th  Viscount  Sidmouth,  q.v.;  b. 
24  Jan.  1887 ;  m.  1913,  Gladys  Mary  Dever,  d.  of 
late  Thomas  Hughes,  Commissioner  of  Chinese 
Customs ;  six  s.  three  d.  Educ. :  Cheltenham ; 
R.M.O.,  Sandhurst.  Served  France,  1914-16  (3 
medals);  S.  Persia,  1918-19  (medal  and  bar); 
Waziristan,  N.W.  Frontier,  India,  1920-21 
(medal  and  bar);  retired,  1928.  Address: 
Highway  Manor,  Calne,  Wilts. 

ADDIS,  William,  C.M.G.  1948;  M.A.: 
Dep.  Commissioner-General  for  Colonial 
Affairs,  S.-E.  Asia,  since  1950:  Colonial 
Secretary,  Bermuda,  1945-50:  o.  5  Sept. 
1901;  3rd  s.  of  late  Sir  Charles  Addis, 
K.C.M.G.,  LL.D.,  Woodside,  Frant,  Sus- 
sex; m.  1929,  Bosemary,  d.  of  late  Rev. 
U.  T.  Gardner ;  four  s.  Educ. :  Rugby  : 
Magdalene  College,  Cambridge.  Mechanical 
Science  Tripos,  1923 ;  entered  Colonial 
Administrative  Service,  1924 ;  served  in 
Zanzibar  and  Northern  Rhodesia  ;  seconded 
to  Dominions  Office  during  1933:  Private 
Sec.  to  Sultan  of  Zanzibar,  1939-45.  Served 
in  Zanzibar  Naval  Volunteer  Force,  1939-45. 
Acting  Governor,  Bermuda,  during  1945  and 
1946 ;  3rd  Class  Order  of  Brilliant  Star  of 
Zanzibar,  1945.  Recreations  :  tennis,  sailing, 
golf,  squash.  Address:  Commissioner- 
General's  Office,  Singapore.  Clubs:  Travel- 
lers' ;  Royal  Bermuda  Yacht. 

ADDISON;  family  name  of  Viscount 

ADDISON,  1st  Viscount,  cr.  3945,  of 
StHlhngborough;  1st  Baron,  cr.  1937 ;  Chris- 
topher Addison,  K.G.  1946;  P.C.  mo; 
M.D.,  13.8.  Luud.,  F.R.C.S.  J£ub'Uml;  Lord 
Privy  Seal  since  1947;  Chairman  Medical 
Research  Council,  1948;  Leader  of  House 
of  Lords;  b.  Hogsthorpe,  Lincolnshire,  19 
June  j.869 ;  s.  of  Robert  and  Susan  Addison ; 
m.  1st,  1902,  Isobel  (d.  1934),  d.  of  late 
Archibald  Gray ;  two  s.  two  d. ;  2nd,  1937, 
Dorothy,  d.  of  J.  P.  Low.  Educ. :  Trinity  Coll., 
Harrogate;  St.  Bartholomew's  Hosp.  Hunt- 
erian  Prof,  (1901)  and  Examiner  in  Anatomy, 
Univs.  of  Cambridge  and  London ;  Member  of 
Faculty  of  Medicine  ;  Ohm.  of  Board  of  Inter- 
mediate Medical  Studies  ;  and  Member  of  Board 
of  Human  Anatomy  and  Morphology,  Univer- 
sity of  London ;  late  Sec.  Anatomical  Society  of 
Great'  Britain  and  Ireland,  etc. ;  late  Professor 
of  Anatomy,  University  College,  Sheffield;  for- 
merly Lecturer  on  Anatomy,  St.  Bartholomew's 
Hospital ;  late  editor  of  the  Quarterly  Medical 
Journal,  etc. ;  M.P.  (L.)Hoxton  Division,  Shore- 
ditch,  1910-22;  M.P.  (Lab.)  Swindon  Division 
of  Wilts,  1929-31  and  1934-35 ;  Parliamentary 
Secretary  to  the  Board  of  Education,  1914-15  ; 
to  the  Office  of  Munitions,  1915-16  ;  Minister 
of  Munitions,  1916-17 ;  Minister  in  Charge  of 
Reconstruction,  1917  ;  President  of  the  Local 
Government  Board,  1919;  First  Minister  of 
Health,  1919-21;  Minister  without  Portfolio, 
1921 ;  Parliamentary  Secretary  Ministry  of 
Agriculture,  1929-30 :  Minister  of  Agriculture 
and  Fisheries,  1930-31;  Secretary  of  State 
for  Commonwealth  Relations,  1945-47;  Pay- 
master-General, 1948-49.  Publications:  The 
Betrayal  of  the  Slums,  1922;  Politics  from 
Within,  2  vols.,  1924;  Practical  Socialism, 
2  vols.,  1926;  Four  and  a  Half  Years*  Vols,  I 
and  II,  1934 ;  A  Policy  for  British  Agriculture, 
1939;  Editor  of  Elite's  Demonstrations,  of 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Anatomy,  12th  ed.  ;  Joint  Author  (with  Major 
J.  W*  Jennings),  With  the  Abyssinians  in  Somali- 
land  ;  On  the  Topographical  Anatomy  of  the 
Pancreas  and  Adjoining  Viscera— memoir  pub- 
lished by  University  College,  Sheffield  ;  On 
the  Topographical  Anatomy  of  the  Abdominal 
Viscera  in  Man,  etc.,  Proceedings  of  the  Royal 
Society,  1898,  vol.  Ixiv.  (abstract) ;  detailed 
work  on  the  same  subject;  The  Journal  of 
Anatomy  and  Physiology,  in  four  parts,  vols. 
xxxiii.  xxxiv.  xxxv. ;  and  various  papers  in 
Med.  Journals.  Heir :  s.  Major  Hon.  Chris- 
topher Addison  [b.  8  Dec.  1904  ;  m.  1928,  Brigit 
Helen  Christine,  d.  of  Ernest  Edwin  George 
Williams,  Wimbledon ;  two  d.  ErtuG.:  Univer- 
sity Coll.  Set).;  Newton  Coll.,  Newton  Abbot]. 
4 rf '••««-  •  Radnase,  W«st,  Wyconibe,  Bnr-ks, 

ADDISON,  Admiral  Sir  (Albert) 
Percy,  £.ii.B.,  cr.  J.yoi;C.B.  1924;  <J  M.U. 
19L7,  tt.  8  Nov.  1875;  s.  of  Albert  Addi- 
son,  Solicitor,  Portsmouth;  m.  1908,  Mary 
Harriet  (d.  1947),  d.  of  W.  Kellett,  South- 
port  ;  one  s,  one  d. ;  m.  1948,  Vera  Louise 
Wilson  Hughes.  Served  European  War,  1914- 
1919;  (C.M.G.,  Legion  ot  Honour,  Croix  de 
Guerre,  Order  of  Savoy,  Italy ;  Order  of  Rising 
Sun,  Japan :  'Bronze  and  Silver  Hurnan« 
Society  Medals) ;  Rear- Admiral,  1923 ;  Com- 
modore and  Rear-Admiral  commanding  Aus- 
tralian Fleet,  1922-24;  Rear -Admiral  Com- 
manding Destroyer  Flotillas,  Mediterranean 
Fleet,  1924-26 ;  Director  of  Dockyards  Ad- 
miralty, 1928-37;  Vice- Adm.,  1929  ;  retired  list, 
1920 ;  Adm.,  retired,  1933  Address:  Sutherland, 
Lyminsri-on,  Hants  M1"*'  United  Service. 

ADDISON,  D'Arcy  Wentworth,  C.M.G. 
1920;  M.V.O.  -Hii  class,  U>^7,  ulii  class,  19*20; 
1,8.0,  1920  ;,  J.P. ;  6.  Hobart,  10  Dec.  1872  ;  s,  of 
late  Captain  J.  E.  Addison,  5th  Royal  IrisL 
Lancers;  m.  1919,  Una  Stella,  widow  of  Sir 
John  Downer,  K.C.M.G.,  K.O.,  South  Australia. 
Educ. :  Scotch  College,  Hobart.  Secretary 
to  Premier,  Tasmania,  1902-26 ;  Clerk,  Execu- 
tive Council,  1903-30 ;  Secretary  to  the 
Agent  -  General,  1908-9  ;  Under  -  Sec.  for 
Tasmania,  1914-30;  Chief  Electoral  Officer, 
1914-30;  Agent-General  for  Tasmania,  1930- 
1981 ;  Administrator  of  Charitable  Grants, 
1914  - 19  ;  Secretary,  Neglected  Children, 
1914-19;  State  Organiser  Royal  Visit,  1920; 
Hon,  Private  Secretary  to  the  Administrate! 
of  the  Government,  1922-23  Chairman  Tax- 
manian  State  Executive,  British  Empire 
Exhibition;  Organising  Secretary,  State  De- 
velopment Board,  1924-25;  Hon.  Corresponding 
Secretary  Royal  Empire  Society »  1900-80; 
State  Director,  Royal  visit,  1927.  Reweatinns  : 
golf,  yachting,  motoring.  Address :  St.  George's 
Terrace,  Hobart,  Tasmania,  f  7.«fts :  Tasmanian 
(Hobart);  Naval  and  Military  Adelaide 

ADDISON,  Air  Vice-Marshal  Edward 
Barker,  C.B.  1945:  C.B.K.  1942  m.u.HJ. 
1938) ;  M.A. ;  M.I.E.E.  1941 :  Director- 
General  of  Signals,  Air  Ministry,  since 
1949 ;  b.  4  Oct.  1898 ;  m.  1926,  Marie- 
Blanche  Marguerite  Jlosain ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Sidney  Sussex  College,  Cambridge. 
Served  European  War,  1915-18,  R.F.C.  and 
B.A.F.;  Cambridge  University,  1918-21 ;  B.A. 
(Cant.),  1921 ;  M.A.  (Cant.),  1926 ;  Tngenieur 
Diploma"  de  1'Ecole  Supe"rleure  d'Electricite", 
Paris,  1027 ;  in  Royal  Air  Force  since  1921 ; 
A.M.IJS.E.  193B ;  Commander  of  U.S.  Legion 
of  Merit,  1947.  Address:  o/o  Lloyd's  Bank, 
6  Pall  Mall,  S.W.I.  Clubs:  Royal  Societies, 
Royal  Automobile. 

ADDISON,  MaJ.-Gen.  George  Henry, 
C.B,  1933;  O.M..-I,  i»18;  L»..WJ.  IV*  5  Ute 
B.E.  ;  b.  18  May  1876;  s.  of  Lt.-Col.  G.  W. 
Addison,  R.B. ;  m.  1905.  Margaret  (d.  1946),  d 
of  R.  Henderson ;  m.  1947  Winifred,  wi<d<nv 
of  Col.  A.  D.  Legard  and  d.  of  Col.  Sir 
William  Morris,  K.C.M.  ^.,  C.B.  Ktlw..:  Well- 
ington; R.M.  Academy,  Woolwich;  Fallow- 
Commoner,  King's  College,  Pambrid.^,  Ift-'O-^H 
B.A.  (Honours  Mech.Sc.),  1922,  M.A.  K^'7. 
Entered  army,  1895;  Lieutenaat,  1898;  Oapt.., 
1904;  Adjutant,  1914;  Major,  1914;  Lt.-ColoHel, 
1922  ;  Colonel,  1926  ;  Major-General,  1931  ; 

A.A.G.  at  War  Office,  1927-30;  Chief  Engineer, 
Aldershot,  1930-31;  Engineer-in-Chief,  India, 
1932-86;  retired  pay,  1936;  Financial  Adviser 
Army  Headquarters,  India,  1936-37;  recalled 
to  Active  List,  Sept.  1939 ;  reverted  to  retired 
pay,  1941 ;  Col.  Comdt.  K.E.,  1940-46.  Served 
South  Africa,  1899-1902  (Queen's  medal  3  clasps, 
King's  medal  2  clasps)  ;  European  War,  1914-18 
(D.S.O.,  Bt.  Lt-Col.,  C.M.G.) ;  awarded  3rd 
class  Order  of  St.  Anne  of  .Russia  (with  swords), 
Sept.  1916  ;  Legion  d'Honneur  (Chevalier),  1919 ; 
Ordre  de  Leopold  (Officier),  and  Belgian  Croix 
de  Guerre.  1919;  M.I.Mech.E.  1924;  Hon. 
M.I. Struct. E.  1940.  Address:  Lyon  House, 
Aldersey  Road,  Guildford.  T. :  Guildford  3041. 
Clubs:  Army  and  Navy,  M.C.C. ;  Countv 

^eenlsri  LL-^ol.  R.  T.  Lawrence. 

ADDISON,  Sir  Joseph,  K.C.M.G.,  cr.  1933 
(U.M.u.  laiw),  b.  ib<y.  Entered  Foreign  Office, 
1903 ;  Second  Secretary  at  Peking,  1908  ; 
Private  Secretary  to  Mr.  McKinnon  Wood, 
Under-Sec,  of  State  for  Foreign  Affairs,  1911; 
and  later  to  Mr.  F.  D.  Acland  ;  resigned  Foreign 
Office,  1913 ;  temporary  Secretary  to  Am- 
bassador in  Paris,  1916 ;  Commercial  Counsellor, 
1918 ;  Counsellor  of  Embassy  in  Berlin,  1920  ; 
Charge  d' Affaires  on  several  occasions ;  Envoy 
Extraordinary  and  Minister  Plenipotentiary  at 
Riga,  Beval  and  Kovno,  1927  -  30 ;  at  Prague 
1930-36;  retired  1936. 

ADDISON,  Sir  Percy;  see  Addison,  Sir  A.  P. 

ADDISON,  Rev.  William  Robert, 
Fountaine,  V.*,.  iyib ;  Keutur  ot  (JuiUhhail 
wiih  Urtat  Hautbois,  since  1938;  Rural  Dean 
of  Ingworth  feince  1948;  *.  of  late  W.  G. 
Addison  and  Mrs.  Addison,  Cran brook,  Kent ; 
m.  1917,  Marjorie,  d.  of  late  W.  B.  Wallis, 
A.R.I.B.A.,  Caterham;  twos.  Educ.:  Sarum 
College.  Ordained,  1918 ;  curate  of  St.  Edmund, 
Salisbury,  1913  ;  served  European  War,  1915-18 
(V.C.,  Order  of  St.  George);  Permanent  Chap- 
laincy, 1919;  S.C.F.,  Bulford  Camp,  1920-23; 
Aldershot,  1923-  25  J  Malta,  1925  and  192«-27  ; 
Khartoum,  1926  ;  Shanghai,  1927  :  8.C.F.,  0.  of 
E.,  Shornclitfe  Camp.  19429-80 ;  0,F.,  Shoebury- 
ness  Garrison,  1930-31;  Tidworth,  1981-82; 
promoted  to  2nd  class,  1932;  O.F.  Bulford, 
1932-34;  Senior  Ohaplain  to  Forces,  Bdrdon, 
1984-38;  retired,  1938 ;  S.O.F.,  Bordon,  1939-42; 
D.A.C.G.,  1942;  retired  to  Coltishall,  1942. 
Address:  Coltishall  Rectory,  Norwich.  T  : 
OoUi-hnil  2ftfi. 

ADDISON -SMITH,  Chilton  Lind, 
Uli.h.  i»u-  ('j.b.K  lv»ju);  (juii.jj)itM.iej  uj  tije 
OrdHr  of  Wen-Hu  (^Striped  Tiger),  China  ;  Com- 
mander ol  Saxe  Coburg;  JD.L.  Edinburgh; 
Registrar  of  Friendly  Sucieties  for  Scotland ; 
6.  27  April  1875 ;  3rd  $.  of  late  Robert  Addison- 
Sinith,  O.V.O.,  E(Unburgh,  and  late  Isabella 
Mary,  y.  d.  of  David  Lind  ;  m.  1927,  Katharine 
Lushington,  o.  d.  of  John  Ewart,  W.S.,  and 
Catherine  Helen,  d.  of  Colonel  Charles  May 
Allan  Morant.  Educ.:  Craigmount  House 
School;  Edinburgh  University.  Writer  to 
His  Maaesty  s  Signet,  1899 ;  senior  partner 
of  the  Brni  ot  R.  Addisun-Smith  &  Co., 
W.H.,  Edinburgh;  H.M.  Commisaioner  Queen 
Victoria  School,  Dnnhlane  (tor  sons  of  soldiers, 
sailors  and  airmen) ;  joined  3rd  Battalion 
The  Seaforth  Highlanders  (Ross-shire  Buffs, 
The  Duke  of  Albany's)  1896;  served  South 
African  War,  1899-1901  (Queen's  medal)  ;  one 
of  founder^  (now  Chairmat )  Scottish  Naval, 
Military  and  Airmen's  Veterans'  Residences, 
Edinburgh  and  Broughty  Ferry ;  raised  the 
Veteran  Reserve,  1911 ;  Member  of  the  Advisory 
Committee  of  the  Army  Council  of  the  National 
Reserve,  1911 ;  Member  of  the  War  Office  Con- 
sultative,  Committee  on  Employment  of  Soldiers, 
etc.,  1913  •  Member  of  Scottish  Savings  Com- 
mittee; Chairman  of  Scottish  Branch  of 
Regular  Forces  Employment  Association; 
nerve.  I  European  War;  promoted  temp.  Lieu- 
tenant-Colonel.  1  Dec  1914;  raif»e,<1  and  coin- 
nrwndwl  Kith  Butt  Tbe  fWfortl.  Highlanders 
(desp  itches,  me-'als,  O.J1.E  ) ;  promoted  Lt.- 
Ool.  in  the  Army  a^d  appointed  to  command  8rd 
Batt,  The  Seaforth  Highlanders  ;  Deputy  Chair- 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

man  and  Hon.  Treasurer  The  Seaforth  High- 
landers Association,  1905.  King's  Jubilee 
Medal,  1935  ;  Coronation  Medal,  1937.  Address  - 
19  and  29  Heriot  Row,  Edinburgh.  Clubs: 
United  Service;  Scottish  Conservative  Cale- 
donian "United  Service  (Edinburgh). 

A??AANKf    Ma|or   M*chael    Edward, 

C.B.  1947;  M.V.O.  1946;  M.A. ;  Equerry^ 
and  Assistant  Private  Secretary  to  the  King 
since  1937  ;  b.  30  Sept.  1910  ;  s.  of  late  Capt. 
H.  R.  A.  Adeane,  Coldstream  Guards  (killed 
in  action,  1914),  and  df  Hon.  Victoria  Eugenie 
Bigge  ;  m.  1939,  Helen  Chetwynd-Stapylton  ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Eton ;  Magdalene 
College,  Cambridge.  2nd  Lt.  Coldstream 
Guards,  1931 ;  A.D.C.  to  Governor-General 
of  Canada,  1934-36  ;  Major,  1941 ;  Lt.-Col. 
1942.  Served  War  of  1939-45  ;  with  2nd  Bn. 
Coldstream  Guards,  1940-42  ;  on  Joint  Staff 
Mission,  Washington,  1942-43,  5th  Bn. 
Coldstream  Guards,  1943-45;  in  N.W. 
Europe  from  1944  (wounded,  despatches). 
Page  of  honour  to  King  George  V.  Recrea- 
tions :  shooting  and  fishing.  Address :  St. 
James's  Palace,  S.W.I.  T. :  Whitehall  1418. 
Clubs  :  Brooks's,  Guards',  Beefsteak. 

ADELAIDE,  Archbishop  of,  (R.C.), 
since  1940;  Most  Rev.  Matthew 
Beovich,  D.D.,  Ph.D.;  b.  1896.  Educ.: 
Melbourne ;  Propaganda  College,  Rome. 
Address :  Archbishop's  House,  West  Terrace, 
Adelaide,  South  Australia. 

ADELAIDE,  Bishop  of,  since  1941;  Rt. 
Rev.  Bryan  Percival  Robin,  M.A., 
Th.  Soc. ;  b. 12  Jan.  1887  ;  s.  of  late  Rev.  P.C. 
Robin,  Rector  of  Woodchurch,  Cheshire  ;  m. 
1921,  Frances  Nathalie  Mary,  d.  of  late  Canon 
H.  J.  Glennie ;  three  s.  two  d.  Bduc. :  Rossall 
School;  University  of  Liverpool,  B.A.  1909, 
M.A.  1941 ;  Leeds  Clergy  School.  Th.  Soc. 
Aust.  Coll.  Theol.  1941 ;  Deacon,  1910 ;  Priest, 
1911 ;  Assistant  Curate  S.  Margaret,  Hkley, 
1910-14;  Member  Bush  Brotherhood  of 
S.  Barnabas,  N.  Queensland,  1914-20; 
Canon  and  Sub  -  Dean  of  St.  James's 
Cathedral,  Townsville,  1922-25  ;  Warden  of 
St.  John's  College,  Brisbane,  and  Canon  of 
Brisbane,  1926-30 ;  Rector  of  Woodchurch. 
Cheshire,  1931-41 ;  Rural  Dean  of  Wirral 
North,  1936-1941;  Hon  Canon  of  Chester. 
1940-41.  Publication:  The  Sundowner,  1921. 
Recreations :  golf,  tennis,  etc.  Address  : 
Bishop's  Court,  N.  Adelaide.  T  :  M  9364, 

ADELAIDE,  Dean  of ;  see  Jose,  Very 
KMV.  <;.  ti. 

ADENEY,  Bernard,  Artist,  painter ;  b.  Lon- 
don :  s.  of  W.  F.  Adeney,  M.A.,  D.D. ;  m. 
Noel  Gilford,  artist;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.: 
Privately;  Royal  Academy ;  Slade  ;  Julians, 
Paris.  Pictures  in  Contemporary  Arts 
Society ;  Tate  Gallery ;  Bradford  Municipal 
Gallery;  Whitworth  Gallery,  Manchester  ; 
and  many  private  collections ;  Member  Lon- 
don Group  (late  president) ;  served  in  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-18;  official  painter  War 
Museum ;  head  of  School  of  Textiles  L.C.C. 
Central  School  of  Arts  and  Crafts,  1930-47. 
Publications:  Fabric  Printing,  1934.  Re- 
creations: walking,  conversation,  reading. 
Address:  34  CroomsHUl,  Greenwich,  S.E.10. 
T.:  Greenwich  0160. 

ADEY,  "William  James,  C.M.G.  1935; 
b.  2?  May  1«74;  s.  of  (Jiiailes  George  Adey  and 
Ann  Donaldson  Ritchie ;  m.  1st,  1910,  late 
Mabel  Edith  Dyer;  2nd,  1921,  Constance 
Margaret  Weston ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Teachers  Training  College  and  University  of 
Adelaide.  Principal  Adelaide  High  School, 
1908-20 ;  Superintendent  Secondary  Education, 
1920  -  29 :  Director  of  Education,  South  Aus-  ! 
tralia,  1929-39.  During  War  of  1939-45  engaged 
in  Y.M.O.A.  Military  Service,  and  War  Loan 
Organisation  in  South  Australia,  Publications : 
various  educational  articles.  Recreations: 
cricket,  tennis,  golf.  Address:  Cockenzie,  High 
St.,  Buraside,  S.  Australia.  Clubs:  Common- 
wealth, Royal  Adelaide  Golf  ( Adelaide). 

ADKIN,  Very  Rev.  Walter  K.  K. ;  see 
K-night-Adkin.  .  ; 

AD  LAM,  Lt.-Col.  Tom  Edwin,  V.C. 
1916  ;  Headmaster,  Blackmoor  C.E.  School ; 
late  R.E.  (M.C.) ;  b.  21  Oct.  1893;  s.  of  late 
Johd  Adlam,  Salisbury;  m.  1916,  Ivy  Annette, 
y.  d.  of  late  W.  H.  Mace,  South  Farnborough, 
Hants  ;  two  B.  two  d.  Served  European  War, 
1914-18  (V.C.) ;  awarded  the  Italian  SUver 
Medal  for  Military  Valour,  June  1917  (de- 
mobilised 15  Nov.  1919?  with  hon.  rank  of 
Capt.) ;  Army  Education  Corps ;  retired 
March  1923  with  hon.  rank  of  Captain. 
Recalled  to  Army  from  R.A.R.O.,  1939  ;  War* 
of  1939-45 ;  R.E.  (M.C.S.),  1939-46,  Embarka- 
tion Comdt.  Tilbury,  and  later  Glasgow,  with 
rank  of  Lt.-Col. ;  demobilised  1946  with  hon. 
rank  of  Lt.-Col.  Address :  School  House, 
Blackmoor,  Liss,  Hants. 

ADLERCRON,  Brig.-Gen.  Rodolph 
Ladeveze,  U.M.G.  I9ia;  JJ.a.O.  iyit>;  late 
y ueeu  a  uwn  Cameron  Highlanders;  &.  1873;  s. 
of  George  Rothe  Ladeveze  Adlercron,  of  Moy- 
glare ;  m.  1910,  Hester  Bancroft  (d.  1939),  Boston, 
Mass.,  "U.S.A.;  three  d.  Bduc.:  Eton.  Entered 
Army,  1894 ;  Captain,  1899;  Major,  1913;  Lieut.- 
Col.  Comd.  attached  6th  West  Riding  Regiment, 
1915 ;  commanded  148th  and  124th  Infantry 
Brigades ;  Brigade  Major,  Lincoln  and  Leicester 
Brigade,  1911-15  ;  served  Nile  Expedition,  1898 
(despatches,  2  medals  2  clasps)  ;  S.  African  War, 
1899-1901,  with  Mounted  Infantry  (despatches, 
Queen's  medal  with  4  clasps) ;  European  War, 
1914-18  (despatches  7  times,  D.S.O.  and  bar, 
C.M.G.,  Bt.  Lt.-Col.,  French  Croix  de  Guerre, 
Belgian  Croix  de  Guerre) ;  retired  pay,  1920;  Col. 
Reserve  of  Officers,  1920 ;  Hon.  Col.  6th  Bn. 
Duke  of  Wellington's  Regt.  (T.F.):  J.P.,  D.L. 
Lines.  Recreations:  hunting,  fishing,  ski-ing, 
golf.  Address:  Culverthorpe  Hall,  Grantham, 
Lines.  T.A. :  Oasby.  Olub?  United  Servic*. 

ADNAN,  Mrs. ;  see  Edib,  H. 

ADRIAN,  Edgar  Douglas,  O.M.  1942; 
F.R.S.  1923 ;  M.A.,  M.D.  Cantab. ;  Hon. 
D.Sc.  (Pa.,  Oxon,  Harvard,  Lyon.  London, 
Manchester,  Durham);  Hon.  LL.D.  (McGill, 
St.  Andrews) ;  Hon.  M.D.  (Brussels,  Louvain) ; 
F.R.C.P. ;  Chevalier  de  la  L4gion  d'Honneux  ; 
Professor  of  Physiology,  Cambridge  Univ., 
since  1937;  Fellow  of  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge ;  Foreign  Sec.  Royal  Soc. ;  b.  30  Nov. 
1889 ;  s.  of  late  Alfred  Douglas  Adrian,  C.B., 
K.C.,  of  the  Local  Government  Board ;  m. 
1923,  Hester,  d.  of  late  Hume  Pinsent,  Birming- 
ham; one  *.  two  d.  Educ.:  Westminster; 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge ;  St.  Bartholomew's 
Hospital,  Fellow  of  Trinity,  1913 ;  Foulerton 
Research  Professor  of  the  Royal  Society, 
1929-37;  Baly  Medal,  1929 ;  Nobel  Laureate 
(Medicine),  1932;  Royal  Medal  of  Royal 
Society,  1934 ;  Copley  Medal,  1946.  Corre- 
sponding Member  Acad.  Sci.,  Paris,  Socie'te'  de 
Biologie  and  Socie'te  Philomathique ;  Hon. 
Fellow  Roy.  Soc.  Med.,  Roy.  Soc.  Edinburgh, 
Soc.  Ital.  di  BioL  ;  Acad.  nacional  med. 
Mexico;  Member,  Amer.  Phil.  Soc.,  ELungl, 
Vetenshaps.  Soc.  TJpsala;  Roy.  Acad.  Sci., 
Amsterdam ;  Polish  Acad.  Sci. ;  For.  memb. 
R.  Accad.  Lincei ;  Hon.  Member,  Amer. 
Physiol.  Soc.,  New  York  Neurol.  Soc.,  Acad. 
R.  Me"d.  Belg.,  Amex.  Acad.  Arts.  Sci.,  Soc. 
Argentina  di  Biol. ;  For.  Assoc.  Nat.  Acad. 
Sci.  U.S.A.,  Acad.  nacional  med.  Buenos  Aires 
Acad.  M6d.  Paris,  For.  Hon.  Member  Roy. 
Flemish  Acad.  Med.  Publications :  The 
Basis  of  Sensation,  1928  ;  The  Mechanism  of 
Nervous  Action,  1932  ;  The  Physical  Basis  of 
Perception,  1947  ;  Papers  on  the  Physiology 
of  the  Nervous  System  in  the  Journal  of 
Physiology,  Brain,  etc.  Address :  Trinity 
College,  and  St.  Chad's,  48  Grange  Road, 
Cambridge.  Club  :  Athenaeum. 

A  D  S  H  E  A  D,  Mary  *  (Mrs.  Stephen 
Bone) ;  b.  15  Feb.  lyu*  ;  d.  ol  late  Protestor 
a.  D.  Adshead ;  m.  1929,  Stephen  Bone,  q.v. ;  two 
s.  one  d.  Educ.:  Lycee  Victor  Duruy,  Paris  ; 
Slade  School  of  Art  (under  Professor  Henry 
Tonks).  Began  career  as  decorative  painter  in 
1923  with  mural  paintings  at  The  High'ways 
Club,  Shadwell,  and  in  the  Basilica  at  Wesley 
Exhibition;  Subsequently  executed  various 
mural  paintings  in.  private  houses,  re&fcauwmts 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

and  exhibitions ;  East  wall  of  St.  Christopher's, 
Withington  completed,  1936;  completed  decora- 
tion of  Cordon  Bleu  Restaurant,,  Sloane  St., 
1945.  Member  of  The  Society  of  Mural  Decora- 
tors, New  English  Art  Club  and  Artist's  Inter- 
national Assoc. ;  Exhibitor  Royal  Academy. 
Publications:  The  Little  Boy  and  His  House 
(with  Stephen  Bone)  193(5;  illustrations  to  Souls 
of  the  Soulless,  by  Jules  Supervielle  ;  illustra- 
tions to  Bonfires  and  Broomsticks,  by  Mary 
Norton.  Recreation:  sailing.  Address:  140 
'  Haverstock  Hill,  N.W.3. 
ADYE -CURRAN,  Lieutenant  -  Colonel 
'William  John  Patrick,  (J.B.K.  lysis ; 
retired;  o.  24  Mar.  1877;  «.  of  late  Lieut. - 
Colonel  F.  G.  Adye-Curran,  F.R. C.S.I.,  of 
Bsker  House,  Upper  Rathmines,  Dublin ;  m,.  • 
one  s.  Educ.:  Carmelite  College,  Terenure, 
Co.  Dublin  St.  Mary's  College,"  Rathmines, 
Dublin.  L.R.C.S.  and  F.  (Ireland)  1898;  Lieu- 
tenant, R.A.M.C.,  1900;  served  S.  African  War, 
1900-2  (King's  medal  2  clasps,  Queen's  medals 
2  clasps);  afterwards  in  India,  and  Southern 
Command  in  England  as  Surgical  Specialist; 
France,  during  European  War,  Aug.  1914-19  ; 
commanded  No.  6  (Franco-British)  Ambulance 
Train  and  several  hospitals  (including  No.  6  and 
26  General  and  No.  12  Stationary),  also  Surgical 
Specialist  (despatches  twice.  O.B.E.);  Egypt 
as  Acting  Consultant  in  burgery  to  E.E.F.  ; 
Acting  Assistant  Examiner  in  Surgery,  Cairo 
University;  retired,  1922.  Address:  16  White- 
beam  Rd.,  Clonskea,  Co.  Dublin. 
AERON- THOMAS,  Gwilym  Ewart, 
C.B.B.  1950  (O.B.E.  1944);  D.L.,J.P.;  Ohm., 
S.W.  Divisional  Coal  Board,  since  1948; 
Member  Council  for  Wales  and  Monmouth- 
shire since  1949  ;  &.  5  Nov.  1885  ;  s.  of  late 
John  Aeron-Thomas,  J.P.,  Dolgoy,  West 
Cross,  Swansea ;  m.  1919,  Cicily  Mary,  d.  of 
T. '  Baker-Jones,  Newport,  Mon. ;  two  s. 
Educ. :  Clifton  •  Caius  College,  Cambridge. 
Barrister  Inner  Temple.  1910.  Served  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-18,  Staff  Capt.  R.A.  (des- 
patches four  times) ;  Hon.  Col.  R.A.  1941 ; 
Lt.-Col.  Commanding  28  Home  Guard  A.A. 
Eegt.;  Hon.  Col.  R.A.S.C.  1949.  D.L. 
Glamorgan,  1936  ;  J.P.  Swansea,  1939.  Past 
President  Swansea  Chamber  of  Commerce, 
now  Hon.  Treasurer.  Past  Director  of  a 
number  of  Industrial  concerns,  including : 
Wales  &  Mon.  Industrial  Estates  Ltd.  Mem- 
ber of  the  Special  Areas  Reconstruction 
Panel,  1935-46:  Chairman,  South  Wales 
Executive  Board  under  the  Coal  Mines  A"t, 
1930  ;  Chairman  Exports  Committee  of  the 
Central  Council,  1936.  Member  Export 
Cttee.  of  Federation  of  British  Industry  and 
International  Chamber  of  Commerce.  C.St. J. 
Recreations:  tennis, golf.  Address:  Dolgoy, 
West  Cross.  Swansea.  T. :  Mumbles  6050. 
Clubs :  Oxford  and  Cambridge ;  Cardiff  and 
County  (Cardiff) ;  Newport  County  (New- 
AFRICA,  NORTH,  Bishop  in; 

Norch  Africa. 
AOA  KHAN,  Right  Hon.  Aga 
Sultan  Sir  Mahomed  Shah,  P.O.  ly»4  ; 
(4.O.S.I.,  cr.  mi  ;  G.U1.JHS.,  cr.  1902 
(K.O.I.B.,  er.  1898)  G.O.V.O.,  cr.  1923;  LL.D, 
hon. Camb. ;  6. 1877 ;  m.  1st,  1908;  ones.  (Aly  S. 
Khan,  q.v.)f,  2nd,  1929,  Andree  Carron  (decree 
of  divorce  granted,  Geneva,  1948) ;  one  s.  (Sad- 
ruddin);  3rd,  1944,  Yvette  Labrousse.  Brilliant 
Star  of  Zanzibar,  1900,  1st  class;  1st  class 
Prussian  Order  of  Royal  Crown,  1901;  Head  of 
Ismaili  Mahomedans ;  Founded  the  Moslem 
University,  Aligarh,  1910;  Member  of  the  Vice- 
roy's Council,  190,2-  04  ;  led  Moslem  deputation 
to  Lord  Minto  1906 ;  attended  Coronation,  1937, 
as  British  India's  first  representative ;  salute 
of  11  guns  in  recognition  of  loyal  services  dur- 
ing European  War ;  Chairman  of  British  Indian 
Delegation  to  the  Bound  Table  Conference.  Lon- 
don, 1980  and  1981 ;  Represented  India  at  World 
Disarmament  Conference,  Geneva,  1982;  Led 
Indian  Delegation  to  League  of  Nations  As- 
sembly, 1982, 1934. 1985, 1986  and  1987 ;  also  to 
special  meetings  for  Paraguay-Bolivia  and  Man- 

churian  disputes,  and  meeting,  1937,  when 
Egypt  became  member  of  League  of  Nations ; 
President  of  League  of  Nations  Assembly, 
Geneva,  1937 ;  Won  the  Derby  with  Blenheim, 
1930 ;  Won  the  Two  Thousand  Guineas,  Derby 
and  St.  Leger  (Triple  Crown)  with  Bahram, 
1935,  and  the  Derby  with  Mahmoud,  1986, 
with  My  Love,  1948;  Hon.  Member  of  Jockey 
Club.  Publication:  India  in  Transition,  1918. 
Recreations :  golf,  racing,  motoring,  travel. 
Address :  Villa  Yakymour,  Le  Cannet,  France ; 
Aga  Hall,  Bombay.  Club  :  Marlborough-Wind- 

AGAR,  family  name  of  Earl  of  Normanton. 

AGAR,  Commodore  Augustus  Will- 
ington  Shelton,  V.C.  1919 ;  D.S.O.  1919 ; 
R..N.;  b.  4  Jan.  1890;  s.  of  John  Shelton 
Agar,  of  Woodmount,  Co.  Kerry ;  m.  Ina 
Margaret,  d.  of  late  Robert  Lindner,  and  g.d. 
of  late  Francis  Logie-Pirie  of  Tottingworth 
Park,  Heathfield,  Sussex.  Educ. :  East- 
mans Naval  Academy ;  H.M.S.  Britannia. 
Served  European  "War,  1914-19  (despatches. 
V.C.,  D.S.O.) ;  War  of  1939-45  (despatches) ; 
Capt..  1933 ;  Commodore,  1943 ;  Pres., 
Royal  Naval  College,  Greenwich,  1943-46; 
Younger  Brother  of  Trinity  House  since  1936. 
Contested  (C.)  Greenwich,  1945.  Address: 
Hartley  Mauditt  House,  nr.  Alton,  Hants. 
Clubs:  Athenaeum;  Royal  Yacht  Squadron 

AGAR,  Herbert  Sebastian;  Author; 
Special  Assistant  to  American  Ambassador 
in  London,  1942-46;  Counselor  for  Public 
Affairs,  U.S.  Embassy,  1945-46;  b.  New 
Rochelle,  N.Y.,  29  Sept.  1897 :  s.  of  John 
Giraud  Agar  and  Agnes  Louise  Mac- 
donough ;  m.  1st,  1918.  Adeline  Scott ;  one  *. 
one  d. ;  2nd,  1933,  Eleanor  Carroll  Chilton 
(d.  1949) ;  3rd,  1945,  Mrs.  Euan  Wallace, 
widow  of  Capt.  Euan  Wallace  and  e.  d. 
of  late  Sir  Edwin  Lutyens.  Educ. : 
Columbia  University  (B.A.  1919) :  Princeton 
Univ.  (M.A.  1920.  Ph.D,  1922);  South- 
western, Memphis  (LItt.D.  1086);  Boston 
University  (LL.D.  1941),  London  Corre- 
spondent, Louisville  Courier-Journal  and 
Louisville  Times,  1929-34  ;  Literary  Editor, 
English  Eeview,  1930-34  ;  Editor,  LouisvDle 
Courier- Journal,  1939-42  ;  President  of  Free- 
dom House,  New  York,  1941-43.  Served  as 
seaman,  later  Chief  Quartermaster,  U.S.N.E.., 
1917-18;  Lieut.-Comdr.  U.S.N.R.,  1942. 
Publications  :  Milton  and  Plato,  1028  ;  Bread 
and  Circuses,  1930 ;  The  Defeat  of  Baude- 
laire (translation),  1932 ;  American  Presi- 
dents, 1933  ;  What  is  America,  1936  ;  Pursuit 
of  Happiness,  1938  ;  A  Time  for  Greatness, 
1943  ;  The  Price  of  Union,  1950  (Eng.  title 
The  United  States,  1950).  Address:  Beech- 
wood,  Lavington  Park,  Petworth,  Sussex. 
T. :  Graffham  213.  Clubs :  Garrick,  Savile  ; 
National  Arts,  Princeton,  Century  (New 

AGAR,  Lt.-Col.  John  Arnold  Shelton, 

JD.S.O.,  1918  ;  m.  ma,  Kathleen  Douglas,  o.  d. 
of  H.  Douglas  Robertson,  Indian  Police,  retired  ; 
two  s.  Served  European  War,  1914-18  (de- 
spatches, D.S.O.,  Bt.  Lt.-Col.).  Address: 
c/o  Lloyds  Bank,  Ltd,,  Bexhill-on-Sea,  Sussex. 

AGAR,  Wilfred  Bade,  C.B.E.  1948  (O.B.E. 
1939) ;  F.R.S.  1921 ;  Emeritus  Professor  of 
Zoology,  University  of  Melbourne  ;  b.  27  Apr. 
1882  ;  s.  of  Edward  Larpent  Agar,  of  Milford 
House,  near  Lymington,  Hants ;  m.  1908, 
Elizabeth,  y.  d.  of  David  MacDonald,  Glas- 
gow ;  two  *.  three  d.  Educ. :  Sedbergh ; 
King's  College,  Cambridge  (Fellow.  1907-13). 
Lecturer  in  Zoology,  University  of  Glasgow  ; 
Captain,  5th  Batt.  Highland  Light  Infantry, 
Oct.  191'4-Apr.  1918.  Publications:  Cyto- 
logy, 1920:  The  Theory  of  the  Living 
Organism,  1943 ;  contributions  to  various 
scientific  journals  on  biological  subjects.  Ad- 
dress :  c/o  The  University,  Melbourne, 

AGAR-ROBARTES,  family  name  of 
Viscount  Clifden. 

AGAR-ROBARTES,  Major  Hon. 
(Arthur)  Victor,  M.C. ;  Director  of  Cater, 
JtJngntwen  <fc  Co.  since  1941 ;  b.  9  June 
1887  :  s.  of  6th  Viscount  Clifden  and  heir 
to  7th  Viscount  Clifden,  q.v. :  m.  1st,  1920, 
Patience  Mary,  d.  of  late  A.  J.  Basset; 
one  d, ;  2nd,  1948,  Margaret,  d.  of  L.  Ray 
Carter.  Educ. :  Eton;  Brasenose  College, 
Oxford.  Served  European  War.  1914-18, 
Grenadier  Guards,  retiring  with  rank  of 
Major  (thrice  wounded,  M.C.).  Partner, 
Roger  Cunliffe  Sons  &  Co.,  1920,  till  amal- 
gamation with  Cater,  Brightwen  &  Co.  in 
1941.  Director  of  London  and  Scottish 
Assurance  Corporation  since  1913  (Chairman). 
Recreations :  shooting  and  fishing.  Address  : 
1  Carlos  Place,  W.I.  T. :  Mayfair  0391. 
Club:  White's. 

AGARWALA,  Sir  Clifford  Manmohan, 
Kt.,  cr.  1943;  Hon.  Mr.  Justice 
Agarwala;  Chief  Justice,  High  Court, 
Patna,  since  1946  ;  b.  5  Feb.  1890 ;  e.  s.  of  Dr. 
M.  L.  Agarwala,  barrister-at-law,  Allahabad, 
U.P.;  m.  1918,  Dorrie  Muriel  Lall;  two  d. 
Educ.:  Aldenham  School,  Elstree.  Called  to 
Bar.  Gray's  Inn,  1911 ;  barrister  at  Patna, 
1912 ;  official  law  reporter  in  the  High  Court, 
1916 ;  Standing  Counsel  to  the  Income  Tax 
Dept.,  1925;  Aflat.  Govt.  Advocate,  1927; 
Puisne  Judge.  1932-46.  Publications  :  Trial 
by  Jury  (India) ;  Law  of  Evidence  (India) ; 
of  Limitation  (India).  Recreations  : 


Law         ._ 

golf,   walking,    Rotary.     Address: 
EJ.Ry.,  India.    Club  :  Overseas. 

AGHNIDES,  Thanassis;  Chairman  Ad- 
visory Committee  on  Administrative  and 
Budgetary  Questions  of  U.N.O. ;  b.  Nidge", 
Asia  Minor,  1889 ;  *.  of  Prodromes  and  Anas- 
tasia  Aghnides.  Educ. :  Superior  National 
Greek  College,  Phanar,  Istanbul ;  Anatolia 
College  (Asia  Minor) ;  University  of  Istanbul ; 
University  of  Paris.  Directed  Greek  Press 
Bureau  at  Greek  Legation,  London,  1918-19  ; 
worked  for  League  of  Nations,  1919-42 ; 
Director  of  Disarmament  Section,  1930, 
and  Under  Secretary-General  of  the  League, 
1939  ;  Secretary  of  Disarmament  Conference, 
1932-34 ;  Secretary-General  Montreux  Con- 
ference concerning  the  Straits,  May  1936  ; 
Secretary-General  Conference  for  the  sup- 
pression of  Egyptian  Capitulations,  1937  ; 
Secretary-General  Nyon  Conference  for  the 
suppression  of  piracy  in  the  Mediterranean, 
1937 ;  Permanent  Under-Secretary  for 
Foreign  Affairs  in  Greek  Cabinet,  1942-43  ; 
Greek  Ambassador  to  the  Court  of  St. 
James's,  1942-47 ;  Greek  Delegate  to  San 
Francisco  Conference  on  International  Or- 
ganisation, 1945  ;  Chief  Delegate  for  Greece 
on  Preparatory  Commission  of  U.N.O. ;  Chm. 
6th  Committee,  on  organisation  of  U.N.O. 
Secretariat,  Dec.  1945 :  Delegate  to  the  1st 
Assembly  of  U.N.O. ;  Rapporteur  of  its  5th 
Cttee.  (on  organisation),  Jan.  1946 ;  rep.  Greece 
on  Security  Council  when  it  dealt  with  ques- 
tion of  presence  of  British  troops  in  Greece, 
1-6  Feb.  1946 ;  Chairman  Greek  Deleg.  to 
Gen.  Assembly  of  U.N.O.,  Oct.-Dec.  1946  ; 
Chm.  Cttee.  on  Admin,  of  U.N.E.S.C.O., 
Feb.-April  1948.  Member  Curatorium  Acad. 
of  Internat.  Law  of  the  Hague,  Recreation  : 
music.  Address:  United  Nations,  New  York, 
U.S.A.  Club:  St.  James'  (London). 

AGLIONBY,  Rt.  Rev.  J.  O.  ;  see  under 
Aco.ra.  Bishop  of. 

AGNEW,  Sir  Andrew,  Kt.,  cr.  1938  ;  C.B.E. 
1918 ;  Managing  Director,  The  Shell  Trans- 
port and  Trading  Co.,  Ltd.,  London;  b.  28 
Feb.  1882  •  s.  of  Andrew  Agnew,  Greenock ; 
m.  Belle,  a.  of  James  McClyraont,  Girvan  ; 
two  s.  Ex-M.L.C.  Straits  Settlements.  Ad- 
dress: St.  Helen's  Court,  Crosby  Square, 
E.C.3.  Club:  Caledonian. 

AGNEW.  Sir  Fulque  Melville  Gerald 
Noel,  10th  Bt.,  or.  1629;  b.  1900;  s.  of  late 
Major  Gharles  Hamlyn  Agnew,  3rd  s,  of  8th 
Baronet,  and  Lilian  Ann,  d.  of  late  Lt -Gen.  Sir 
J.  Wolfe  Murray,  K.C.B..;  8.  uncle,  1928;  m. 
1937,  Swanzie,  d.  of  Major  Bsm6  Nourse 
Erskine,  q.v. ;  one  s,  Heir:  s.  Crispin  Hamlyn, 

WHO'S   WHO,   1951  AHEAENB 

1.  1944.    Address :  Lochnaw  Castle,  Stranraer, 
See  also  Sir  J.  E.  Williams-Drumwiond,  Lord 

A  G  N  El  W,"  Sir  John  Stuart,  3rd  Bt., 
cr.  1895  ;  T.D. ;  D.L. ;  6.  16  Sept.  1879  ; 
e.  s.  of  Sir  George  Agnew,  2nd  Bt.,  and  Fanny 
(d.  1937),  y.  d.  of  late  John  Stuart  Bolton  of 
Oulton  Hall,  Aylsham,  Norfolk ;  S.  father, 
1941 ;  m.  1910,  Kathleen,  3rd  d.  of  late  T.  W. 
White  of  Meanwood,  Leeds  ;  three*.  Educ.: 
Rugby ;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  Major 
late  Suffolk  Yeomanry  (T.A.) ;  served  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-18.  High  Sheriff  of  Suffolk 
for  1946-47.  Heir  :  s.  John  Anthony  Stuart, 
b.  25  July  1914.  Address:  Rougham,  Bury 
St.  Edmunds,  Suffolk.  Clubs:  Cavalry, 

AGNEW,  Comdr.  Peter  Garnett ;  b.  1900 ; 
s.  of  late  C.  L.  Agnew ;  m.  1928,  Enid  Frances, 
d.  of  late  Henry  Boan,  Perth,  W.  Australia ; 
one  s.  Educ.:  Repton.  Entered  Royal 
Navy,  1918  ;  A.D.C.  to  Governor  of  Jamaica, 
1927-28 ;  retired,  1931 ;  returned  to  service 
at  sea,  Aug.  1939  (despatches);  M.P.  (C.) 
Camborne  Division  of  Cornwall,  1931-50; 
contested  Falmouth  and  Caraborne  Division, 
Feb.  1950.  Parliamentary  Private  Secretary 
to  Rt,  Hon.  Walter  Runciman,  President 
of  Board  of  Trade,  1935-37,  and  to  late 
Rt.  Hon.  Sir  Philip  Sassoon;  First  Com- 
missioner of  Works,  1937-39 ;  an  Assistant 
Government  Whip,  May-July,  1945 ;  a  Con- 
servative Whip,  Aug.  1945 -Feb.  1950  ; 
Member  of  House  of  laity,  Church  Assembly, 
since  1935  ;  a  Church  Commissioner  for 
England,  1948.  Recreation:  travelling.  Ad- 
dress: Somerville,  Balrath,  Co.  IVteath;  7 
Green  Street,  W.I.  Clubs:  Carlton;  (Hon.) 
Royal  Yacht  Squadron  (Cowes);  Kildare 
Street  (Dublin). 

AGNEW,  Vice-Admiral  Sir  William 
Gladstone,  K.C.V.O.  cr.  1947  (C.V.O. 
1943) ;  C.B.  1941  ;  D.S.O.  1943  (and  Bar 
1944);  R.JN".  (retd.);  General  Secretary  of 
the  National  Playing  Fields  Association  since 
1950 ;  6.  1898 ;  8.  of  late  Charles  Morland 
Agnew,  O.B.E.,  and  Evelyn  Mary,  d.  of 
William  ETaylor  ;  m.  1930,  Patricia  Caroline, 
d.  of  late  Col.  Alfred  William  Bewley,  C.M.Q. 
Served  War  of  1939-45.  Commanded  H.M.8. 
Vanguard  during  royal  tour  of  South  Africa. 
Director  of  Personal  Services  and  Deputy 
Chief  of  Naval  Personnel,  Admiralty,  1947- 
1949 ;  retired  Jan.  1950 ;  Yice-Adm.  (retd.), 
1950.  Address:  Glentimon,  Palmerston Way, 
Alverstoke,  Hants. 

AGRA,  Archbishop  of,  (R.C.),  since 
1937;  Most  Rev.  Evangelist  Vanni; 
b.  28  Dec.  1878.  Consecrated  Vicar  Apostolic 
of  Arabia,  1916.  Address :  Roman  Catholic 
Cathedral,  Agra,  India. 

AGRON,  Gershon;  Founder  and  Editor, 
Palestine  Post  (renamed  Jerusalem  Post) ; 
temp.  Dir.,  Information  Services,  State  of 
Israel,  since  1949;  6.  Ukraine,  1893;  m. 
1921,  Ethel  Lipschutz ;  one  s.  two  d.  Immi- 
grated U.S. A.,  1906.  Educ.:  Mishkan 
Israel  Talmudic  School,  Brown  Preparatory 
School,  Temple  University,  Philadelphia; 
began  journalism  on  Jewish  World,  1915; 
editor  Das  Juedische  Volk,  1917-  joined 
Jewish  Regiment,  Egyptian  Expeditionary 
Force,  for  Palestine  front,  1918 ;  headed 
Press  Bureau  of  Zionist  Commission  to" 
Palestine,  1921 ;  editor  Jewish  Telegraphic 
Agency,  New  York,  1921-24 :  Director  Press 
Bureau,  Zionist  Executive,  Jerusalem,  1924- 
1927  ;  acted  for  number  of  years  as  Jerusalem 
Correspondent  for  Christian  Science  Monitor, 
United  Press,  Daily  Telegraph,  Exchange 
Telegraph,  etc. ;  represented  Zionist  Organ- 
isation at  International  Reclamation  Con- 
ference, Honolulu,  1927  ;  special  commissions 
for  investigating  conditions  in  relation  to 
Palestine,  hi  Salonica,  Aden,  India,  Iraq,  and 
Rumania ;  edited  Palestine  Bulletin,  1931- 
1932 ;  Delegate  International  Zionist  Con- 
gresses. Address  :  P.  O.  B.  81,  Jerusalem, 
Israel.  T.A.:  Asronewa. 

AHEARJNE,     Christopher     Dominic, 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

O.M.G.  1939 ;  Z>.  1886.  Educ. :  Christian  Schools, 
Cork;  Trinity  College,  Dublin  (Scholar,  B.A. 
1909).    Cadet,  Straits  Settlements,  1910  ;  Fed- 
eral Secretary,  Federated  Malay  States,  193G- 
1939  ;  retired,  1939.    Address:  Flaxfort  House, 
Little  Island,  Co.  Cork  Ireland. 
AHLMANN,    Professor  Hans    W:son; 
Piol'eahor  since  iy29  and  Director  of  the  Geo- 
graphical Institute,  Stockholm  University ;  b. 
14  Nov.  1889  ;  s.  of  Col.  W.  Ahlmann  and  Mais 
BergOjVist ;  m.  1920,  Erica  (Lillemor)  Harlofi'. 
Educ. :  Stockholm  and  Uppsala  Universities. 
Dr.p.h.  and   Docent   Stockholm   University, 
1915 ;  Docent  Uppsala  University,  1920  ;  leader 
of  Swedish-Norwegian  Arctic  Expedition,  1931 ; 
leader  (with  H.  U.  Sverdrup)  of  Norwegian- 
Swedish  Spitsbergen  Expedition,  1934  ;  leader 
(with  Jon  Eythorsson  and  Sigurd nr  Thorar- 
insson)    of     Swedish -Icelandic     Vatnajoknll 
Investigations,  1936-37-88  ;  leader  of  Swedish 
glaciological    investigations    in    North-East 
Greenland,  193Q-40.    Gold  Medallist,  Swedish 
Geographical  Soc.,  Roy. .  Geographical   Soc., 
American  Geog.  Soo.     Publications :  Sommar 
vid     Polhavet,    1934;      Land    of    Ice    and 
Fire,     London,     1937;     Norge,     natur    och 
narmgsliv,    1943;    Scientific    Results  of  the 
Expeditions  in  1931, 1934,  and  1936-37-38,  89-40, 
Geografiska  Atmaler,  1933.  1935-43 ;   E.  Geog. 
Soc.,  Research  Series  I,  London,  1948.    Ad- 
flrns  :  Drottm'neoratfln  T2<\  Stockholm,  <*w»rt»Ti 
Raja     Sir     Syed,     of     Salempur, 
Kt..     cr.    1943;      C.B.E.     1928      (M.B.E. 
1920) ;  Member  of  Central  Assembly,  1946  ; 
President,    Shia   Central   Board   of  Waqfs, 
U.P. ;  b.  11  March  1891 ;  s.  of  Khan  Bahadur 
Raja   Hajee   Sir   Syed    Shaban   Ali    Khan 
Bahadur,  K.C.I.E. ;  two  d.    Educ. :  Govern- 
ment Jubilee  College,  Lucknow.   Belongs  to  a 
Musalman  Sayeed  family.    S.  his  father  as 
Taluqdar  of  Salempur,  1914 ;     Raja,  1921  ; 
Member  U.P.  Legislative  Council,  1924-35  ; 
elected  to  Provincial  Assembly  and  accepted 
to  join  the  Interim  Ministry  as  Education 
Minister  when  the  Congress  refused  to  accept 
the    office.      Member,    National    Defence 
Council     of    India,     1941.       Publication : 
Agrarian  Reforms,  1938.  Recreations:  build- 
ing and  horse-riding  and  literary  pursuits ; 
has  a  large  collection  of  ancient  Urdu^Arabic, 
and  Persian  literature  and  also  a  good  number 
of  English   books   in   his   private  library. 
Address ;   Salempur  House,  25,  Kaiserbagh, 
Lucknow,  U.P.,  India.    T.A. ;  B-aja  Salem- 
trnr,  Lucknow.    T. :  No.  161.   Club:  United 
Service  (Lucknow). 

AHMAD,  Maulvi  Sir  Nizam-ud-Din- 
Nawab  Nizamat  Jung  Bahadur, 
cr.  1929;  OJ,£3.  1924;  O.B.B.  1919;  late  of 
Political  Depi,  H.E.H.  the  Nizam's  Govern- 
ment; retired,  1980;  6.  1871.  JScfaw,:  Hydera- 
bad ;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  B.  A.,  LL.  R 
1891 ;  M .  A.  1896.  Called  to  Bar,  Inner  Tempi  e , 
1895.  Address :  Hyderabad.  Dpccan,  India. 
AHMAD,  Maulvi  Sir  Rafiuddin, 
cr.  1932  ;  Barrister-at-la'w  ;  b.  1865.  Minister 
for  Education,  Bombay,  1928-32.  One  of 
Founders  of  All  India  Muslim  League,  1906. 
Address  :  Ganeshkind  Eoad.  Poona  5,  India. 
AHMED,  Hon.  Khan  Bahadur  Sir 
KaziMir,  Kt.,  cr.  1945;  Judge  of  Judicial 
Commissioner's  Court,  North- west  Frontier 
Provinces.  Address :  Ahmad  Manzil,  4 
Saddar  Boad,  Peshawar,  N.W.  Frontier 
Province,  India. 

AHMED,    Sir    Sultan,    K.C.S.I.,    cr. 
1945;  Kt.,  cr.  1927;  Doctor  of  Law,  1930; 
Member    in    Charge    of    Information    and 
Broadcasting.    Governor  -  General's    Execu- 
tive   Council,  India,  1943-46;    late  Advo- 
cate -  General,    Bihar ;    b.    24    Dec.    1880 
8.  of  Khan  Bahadur  S.  Khairat  Ahmed  O 
Gaya  (India) ;   m.  1900.    Called  to  the  Bar 
in  1905 ;    Deputy  Legal  Remembrancer  to 
the  Government  of  Bihar  and  Orissa,  1913 
Government  Advocate,  1916-37 ;    acted  as 
Judge,  Patna  High  Court,  1910-20;    Vice 
Chancellor  Patna  University,  1923-30  ;  Mem- 
,  bei  Hartog  Education  Committee.  1928-29 

Delegate  Indian  Round  Table  Conferences, 
1930-31 ;  Acting  Member  of  Executive 
Council  of  Governor  of  Bihar  and  Orissa, 
3932  ;  Acting  Member  of  Executive  Council 
of  Governor-General  in  charge  of  Railways 
and  Commerce,  1937  ;  Law  Member,  1941-43; 
Degree  of  Doctor  of  Laws  conferred  by  the 
Patna  University,  1931.  Address:  Delhi, 
Simla.  Clubs  :  Athenseum  :  Calcutta  ;  Now 

AICKIN,  Thomas  Reginald,  C.B.E. 
1939:  Second  Secretary  JSew  Zealand  Lega- 
tion, Washington,  since  1942;  6.  2  June 
1886 ;  s.  of  late  George  Gordon  and  Margaret 
Alckin  ;  m.  1923,  Rhoda  Elizabeth  Young ; 
no  c.  Educ.:  New  Plymouth;  Wellington, 
"N\Z.  Civil  Service.  Recreation:  tennis.  Ad- 
dress: 3130  Wisconsin  Ave.,  Washington, 
D.C,.  "U.S.A. 

A I  KEN,  Conrad  Potter;  b.  Savannah, 
Georgia,  5  Aug.  tas9  ,  s.  ot  William  Ford  Aiken 
and  Anna  Potter  Aiken ;  m>.  1st,  1912,  Jessie 
McDonald ;  divorced,  1929  ;  one  s.  two  d. ;  2nd, 
1930,  Clarice  Mary  Lorenz ;  divorced,  1937 ; 
3rd,  Mary  Augusta  Hoover.  Educ:  Middlesex 
School,  Concord.  Mass.:  Harvard  College 
(A.B.).  Contributing  Editor  of  the  Dial,  1917- 
1919.  Chair  of  Poetry,  Library  of  Congress,  1950- 
1951.  Publications :  Poems  :  Earth  Triumphant, 
1914  ;  Turns  and  Movies,  1916 ;  The  Jig  of  Fors- 
lin,1916;  Nocturne  of  Remembered  Spring, 
1917  ;  The  Charnel  Rose,  1918  ;  The  House  of 
Dust,  1920  ;  Punch,  the  Immortal  Liar,  1921 ; 
Priapus  and  the  Pool,  1922 ;  Modern  American 
Poets  (ed.),  1922;  The  Pilgrimage  of  Festus, 
1923  ;  Selected  Poems  of  Emily  Dickinson  (ed.) 
1924;  Senlin:  A  Biography,  1925.  Prose: 
Scepticisms ;  Notes  on  Contemporary  Poetry, 
1919 ;  Bring  !  Bring !  and  other  Stories,  1925  ; 
Blue  Voyage,  a  novel,  1927 ;  Costumes  by  Eron 
(short  stories),  1028 ;  American  Poetry,  IflTl- 
1928  :  A  Comprehensive  Anthology  (ed.),  1929 ; 
Selected  Poems,  192P;  John  Deth  and  Other 
Poems,  1930;  The  Coming  Forth  by  Day  of 
Osiris  Jones,  1981 ;  Preludes  for  Meranon,  1&81 ; 
Great  Circle,  a  novel,  1983 ;  Among  tha  JUost 
People  (short  stories),  1934  ;  Landscape  West 
of  Eden  (poem),  1934;  King  Coffin  (novel), 
1935  ;  Time  in  the  Rock  (poems),  1986  ;  A  Heart 
for  the  Gods  of  Mexico  (novel),  1989  ;  The  Con- 
versation, or  Pilgrims'  Progress  (novel),  1989; 
And  in  the  Human  Heart  (poems),  1940 ; 
Brovrnstowe  Eclogues  (poems),  1942 ;  The 
Soldier  (poem),  1944;  The  Kid  (poem),  1947; 
The  Divine  Pilgrim  (Poem),  1949;  (play)  (with 
Diana  Hamilton)  Mr.  Arcularia,  1949  ;  Skylight 
One  (Poem),  1949.  Recreations:  gardening, 
tennis,  travel,  chess.  Address:  Brewster, 
Mass.,  U.S.A.  T.:  Dennis,  (Mass.)  182-J. 
CZ'^s  ;  Authors*  ;  Harvard  (Boston). 

AIKEN,  Frank;  b,  13  Feb.  1893;  *.  of 
James  and  Mary  Aiken ;  m.  1934,  Maud 
Davin ;  two  5,  one  d,  Educ. :  Christian 
Brothers'  Schools,  Newry.  Active  in  the 
Volunteers  and  Gaelic  League  since  1914 ; 
commanded  operations  against  the  British  in 
Co.  Armagh,  South  Down  and  Korth  Louth 
during  Black  and  Tan  War;  O.C.  4th 
Northern  Division  I.E.A.,  1921  ;  took  part 
in  negotiations  which  resulted  In  Collins-de 
Valera  Pact ;  Chief  of  Staff,  I.E.A.,  1923  ; 
Member  Dail  for  County  Louth  since  1923  ; 
Minister  for  Defence,  Ireland,  1932-$9 ; 
Minister  for  Co-ordination  of  Defensive 
Measures,  1939-45  ;  Minister  for  Finance, 
Eire,  1945-48.  Address :  Sandyford,  Co. 

AIKEN,  John  Macdonald,  R.S.A.  1935 ; 
R.I.  iy44;  A.R,B,  1924;  painter,  etcher,  and 
stained-glass  worker ;  s.  of  John  Lamont  and 
Elizabeth  Glen  Macdonald  Aiken ;  m,  Isobel 
W.  Calder.  Educ. :  Rohert  Gordon's  College, 
Aberdeen ;  Gray's  School  of  Art,  Aberdeen ; 
Boyal  College  of  Art,  London,  und&r  Pro- 
fessor Gerald  Moira.  Head  of  Gray's  School  of 
Art,  Aberdeen,  1911-14 ;  served  European  War, 
1915-19  ;  Me'daille  d'Argent,  Paris  Salon,  1928. 
Address:  86  Upperkirkgate,  Aberdeen,'  The 
Anchorage,  Viewfor^h  Place,  Pittenweem,  Fife, 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

AIKENHEAD,  Brigadier  David 
Francis,  D.S.O.  1940;  M.C.  ;  Royal  Horse 
Artillery  (retd.);  b.  29  June  1895;  yr.  s.  of 
Lt.-Col.  Prank  Aikenhead,  R.A.,  and  Mabel 
Louisa  Aikenhead;  m.  1917,  Margaret  Clotilda 
Bayne  ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Cheltenham 
College  ;  R.M.A.,  Woolwich.  Commissioned 
on  outbreak  of  war,  1914 ;  served  continu- 
ously in  France  until  1919,  (twice  wounded, 
M.C.,  despatches);  proceeded  to  India, 
Afghan  war  of  1919,  and  then  to  Mesopotamia 
and  Iraq  rebellion  of  1920  ;  much  service  in 
Egypt,  commanding  J  Battery  R.H.A.  at 
outbreak  of  war,  1939  ;  proceeded  to  France 
early  1940,  commanding  2nd  Regt,  R.H.A., 
evacuated  from  Dunkirk  (D.S.O.) ;  with 
same  Regt.  to  Egypt  in  Oct.  1940  ;  evacuated 
from  Greece,  April  1941 ;  Brig.  Oct.  1941 ; 
C.C.RJL  of  30th  Corps  in  Libya  ;  served  at 
home,  1942-44 ;  Palestine  and  Italy,  June- 
Oct.  1944;  C.C.R.A.  3rd  Corps  in  Greece, 
Oct.  1944  (despatches  thrice);  retired,  1947. 
Recreations:  all— but  with  no  great  pro- 
ficiency ;  regimental  soldiering.  Address  : 
Great  Elm,  Frome,  Somerset.  T.A.:  Mells. 
T. :  Mells  32.  Club  :  Naval  and  Military. 

AIRMAN,  Sir  Alexander,  Kt.,  cr.  1941 ; 
C.I.E.  1936;  Director,  Yule,  Catto  &  Co. 
Ltd. ;  Chairman  of  Electric  <fe  Musical 
Industries  Ltd.,  The  Gramophone  Co.  Ltd., 
Columbia  Graphophone  Co.  Ltd. ;  Powers- 
Samas  Accounting  Machines  Ltd.;  Pownrs- 
Samas  Accounting  Machines  (Sales),  Ltd. ; 
Director:  Dunlop  Rubber  Co.  Ltd. ;  Dunlop 
Cotton  Mills  Ltd. ;  Dunlop  Plantations  Ltd. ; 
Guardian  Assurance  Co.  Ltd. ;  and  other 
companies  ;  formerly  Dep.  Chm.  and  Manag- 
ing Dir.  of  Andrew  Yule  &  Co.  Ltd.,  East 
India  Merchants,  Calcutta ;  b,  7  May  1886  ; 
*.  of  late  Matthew  Aikman,  Colinton,  Mid- 
lothian ;  m.  1921,  Beatrice  Baggs  ;  no  e. 
Educ. :  Daniel  Stewart's  College  ;  Edinburgh 
University-  Chartered  Accountant,  Edin- 
burgh ;  served  European  War,  France,  1914- 

1918  ;   First  President,  Society  of  Chartered 
Accountants  in  India  and  Burma  ;  Member, 
Bengal  Board  of  Economic  Enquiry,  1933- 
1938  ;   Member,  Legislative  Assembly  Indian 
Central  Legislature,  1936-40,  Leader  Euro- 
pean Group,  1938-40.     Recreation :    fishing. 
Address :    45   Lowndes    Sq.T    S.W.I.      T. : 
Sloane  4264  ;   Spring  Woods  Cottage,  Went- 
worth,    Surrey.      T. :     Wentworth    3295. 
Clubs :     Marlborough-Windham,    Oriental ; 
Travellers'  (Paris). 

AIKMAN,  Robert  Gordon ;  Chief  Secre- 
tary, Sarawak,  since  1950 ;  b.  28  Arrg.  1905 ; 
s.  of  late  Matthew  Aikman,  Physician  and 
Surgeon,  Plymouth,  Devon,  and  late  Mary 
Aikman;  m,  1940,  Eaditha  Sheila,  d.  of 
A.  McB.  McClelland,  Cottesloe,  W.  Australia ; 
one  *.  one  d.  EduG.:  Cheltenham  College; 
University  of  Bristol.  Cadet,  Sarawak  Civil 
Service,  1926;  District  Officer,  1936; 
Resident,  1940;  Deputy  Chief  Secretary, 
1947.  Member  of  the  Supreme  Council, 
1941.  Recreations:  golf,  swimming,  model 
railway  management.  Address:  Kuching, 
Sarawak,  via  Singapore.  T.:  Kuching  56. 

AILESBURY,  Ht.v,  Marines*'  >f  "^  '«2U 
George  William  James  Chandos 
Brudenell-Bruce ;  D.8.O.,  T.D.;  Bt,  i«n; 
Baron  Brudenell,  1628 ;  Earl  of  Cardigan,  1661 ; 
Baron  Bruce,  1746 ;  Earl  of  Ailesbury,  1776 ; 
Viscount  Savernake,  1821 ;  6.  21  May  1873  ;  e.  s. 
of  5th  Marquess  of  Ailesbury  and  Georgiana 
Sophia  Maria,  d.  of  G.  H.  Pinckn«y ;  S.  father, 
1911 ;  TO.  1st,  1908,  Sydney  (d.  1941),  o.  d.  of 
late  John  Madden  of  Hilton  Park,  Co.  Monagh  ; 
one  *.  two  d ;  2nd,  1945,  Irene,  d.  of  late  J.  S. 
Lindsay,  Wrexham.  Educ. :  Westminster.  Late 
3rd  Ba,tt.  Argyll  and  Sutherland  Highlanders, 
Royal  Wilts  Yeomanry,  Middlesex  Yeomanry, 
Wilts  Regt.  (S.B.),  R.A.S.C.  and  R.F.A.  (T.); 
served  South  Africa,  1899-1900  (despatches'); 
served  Franee,  Belgium  and  Germany,  1915- 

1919  (despatches);  Knight  of  Grace  Order  of  St. 
John  of  Jerusalem,   ffeir :  s.  Earl  of  Cardigan, 
q.v.     Address:   Ker  Anna,  St.  Saviour,  Jersey, 

AILSA,  5th  Marquess  of  (cr.  1831),  Charles 
Kennedy;  Baron  K>nnf»dy,  1452;  Karl  ol 
Cassilli^.  i  ;><)»;  Baron  ALlsa  (U.K.),  1806; 
b.  10  April  1875  ;  2nd  s.  of  3rd  Marquess  and 
Hon.  Evelyn  Stuart  (d.  1888),  d.  of  12th  Lord 
Blantyre ;  S.  brother  1943;  m.  1st,  1925, 
Constance  Barbara  (d.  1931),  widow  of  Ad- 
miral Sir  John  Baird,  K.C.B. ;  2nd,  1933, 
Helen  Ethel,  widow  of  Bichard  John  Cuning- 
hame,  M.C.,  F.Z.S.,  and  o.  d.  of  late  James 
McDouall,  J.P.,  D.L.,  of  Logan,  "Wigtown- 
shire. Educ. :  Eton :  Royal  Agricultural 
College,  Cirencester  (Diploma  and  Goldstand 
Silver  Medallist).  Served  South  African 
War,  1900-1  (Queen's  medal  with  two  clasps). 
Recreations :  farming,  astronomy,  shooting, 
and  fishing.  Heir:  b.  Lord  Angus  Kennedy,  q.v. 
Address  :  Hensol,  Mossdale.  Castle  Douglas. 
T.A. ;  Moss-dale,  New  Galloway  Station. 
T.  Partonl?  fllvb  '  New  (Edinburgh). 
See  also  Lord  Kilmaine,  Sir  L.  P.  B. 
Merriam,  ,, 

AILWYN,  3rd  Baron,  cr.  1921,  of  Honingham, 
Norfolk  ;  Eric  William  Edward  Fel- 
lowes;  Captain  R.N.  retd. ;  b.  24  Nov.  18$7; 
2nd  s.  of  1st  Baron,  P.C.,  K.C.V.O.,  K.B.E., 
and  Hon.  Agatha  Eleanor  Augusta  Jolliffe, 
d.  of  2nd  Lord  Hylton  ;  S.  brother,  1936  ;  m. 
1935,  Cecil  Lorna,  d.  of  late  Hugh  G.  Barclay, 
Colney  Hall,  Norwich,  and  widow  of  Colonel 
Malise  Graham,  D.S.O.  Educ. :  Stubbing- 
ton ;  H.M.S.  Britannia.  Entered  R.N., 
1902  ;  Served  throughout  European  War, 
1914-18,  in  North  Sea;  retired  1934  with 
rank  of  Captain  ;  War  of  1939-45  ;  Member 
of  British  Parliamentary  Mission  to  China, 
1942 ;  President  of  China  Assoc.,  1943- 
1948.  D.L.  and  J.P.  Suffolk.  Hon.  Colonel 
419  Coast  Regt.  R.A.  (Suffolk  T.A.).  Order 
of  Brilliant  Star  of  China.  Heir :  b.  Hon. 
Carol  Arthur  Fellowes,  b.  23  Nov.  1896. 
Address:  Stone  Lodge,  Ipswich,  Suffolk. 
T.A.  and  T.:  Ipswich  3252;  8  Riissell  Court, 
St.  James's,  S.W.I.  21.:  Whitehall  1152. 
Club:  United  Service. 

William,  M.A.,  h.sJc.,  U.M.,  B.CU.  Oxon ; 
late  Dean  ot  the  School  of  Medicine,  "University 
of  Oxford;  Fellow  Emeritus  of  University 
College,  Oxford :  late  Univ.  Reader  in  Patho- 
logy. Oxford;  late  Member  of  the  Court  of 
Assistants  of  the  Worshipful  Soc.  of  Apothe- 
caries of  London ;  Junior  Warden,  1940-41; 
b.  27  Jan.  1871 ;  5.  of  "Rev.  William  Henry 
Walker  and  Louisa  Shepherd,  d.  of  late  James 
Taylor  of  Barnsley  and  later  of  Brent  wood ; 
m.  1st,  1909.  Emily  Hilda  (d.  l<n 7X  e.  d.  of  late 
Sir  Edward  Bagnall  Poulton,  F.R.S.;  2nd,  1919, 
Inez  Elizabeth,  o.  surv.  c.  of  late  Rev.  Canon 
J.  H.  Skrine,  D.D. ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. : 
Kingswood  School,  Bath;  Rydal  School;  Carist 
Church,  Oxford  (Scholar).  Goldsmiths'  Ex- 
hibitioner, 1891-94 ;  honours  ;  1st  Class  Final 
Honour,  School  of  Physiology,  1894;  B.A, 
1894 ;  Assistant  Demonstrator  of  Physiology, 
Oxford,  1895-96 ;  Price  Entrance  Scholar  of 
the  London  Hospital,  1896 ;  Sutton  Scholar  of 
the  London  Hospital,  1898  ;  M.A.,  M.B.,  B.Oh., 
1899,  Oxford  ;  Radcliffe  Travelling  Fellow,  Ox- 
ford, 1899-1902;  DM.  Oxford,  1900;  House 
Physician  and  House  Surgeon,  London  Hosp. ; 
Gordon  Lecturer  in  Experimental  Pathology 
and  Director  of  the  Pathological  Department, 
Guy's  Hospital,  1902  «  Member,  and  Gillson  Re- 
search Scholar  in  Pathology  of  the  Society  of 
Apothecaries  of  London,  1905;  Member  of 
Pathological  Society  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland;  late  Examiner  in  Patbology  in  the 
Universities  of  Oxford  Cambridge,  Sheffield, 
and  Leeds.  Publications:  contributions  to 
Journal  of  Pathology  and  Bacteriology,  and 
many  other  scientific  writings  and  communica- 
tions. Recreations :  gardening,  fishing,  travel. 
Addrf&s;  St.  Cuthberts,  Upavon,  Wiltshire. 
T  :  Upavon  34. 

A  IN  SCO  UGH,  Sir  Thomas  Mart- 
land,  Kt.,  cr.  1932 ;  C.B.E.  1925  (O.B.E. 
1918) ;  M.Com. ;  F.B.G.S. ;  b.  12  Aug. 
1886  ;  e.  B.  of  late  James  M.  Ainscongh,  J.?., 
of  I4ndley  Mount,  Parbold,  Lancashire 

WHO'S  WHO    1951 

m.  1918,  Mabel,  3rd  d.  of  late  Win.  Lincoln 
of  Ely,  Cambs. ;  one  a.  (and  one  killed  in 
action,  1941)  one  d.  Educ. :  Manchester 
Grammar  School ;  Switzerland  ;  Manchester 
University.  In  business  in  Manchester  and 
China,  1906-12  ;  travelled  widely  in  Western 
China,  1913 ;  Special  Commissioner  to  the 
Board  of  Trade  in  China,  1914-16  ;  Secretary 
to  the  Board  of  Trade  Textile  Committee 
1916-17 ;  Secretary  to  the  Empire  Cotton 
Growing  Committee,  1917 ;  H.M.  Senior 
Trade  Commissioner  in  India,  Burma,  anc 
Ceylon,  1918-44  ;  retired,  1944  ;  Ministry  of 
War  Transport  Rep,  in  India,  1942 ;  attached 
to  the  Persian  Tariff  Revision  Commission 
1920;  attached  to  the  United  Kingdom 
Delegation  at  the  Imperial  Economic  Con- 
ference, Ottawa,  1932.  Address:  12Hornton 
Street,  W.8.  Clubs :  Oriental ;  Bengal 

AINSLIE,  Charlotte,  O.B.E.  1929;  B.A 
(Lond.)J  Hon.  LL.JD.  Edin.;  *fc.  Edinburgh,  15 
Feb.  1863  ;  2nd  d.  of  Me  William  Ainslie,  Edin- 
burgh. Educ. :  George  Watson's  Ladies'  Coll., 
Edinburgh  ;  Germany ;  Switzerland  ;  read  for 
Arts  degree  of  the  University  of  London,  at 
Bedford  Coll.  (Eeid  Scholar,  Gilchrist  Scholar). 
Assistant  Mistress  at  Skinners' School  for  Girls, 
Stamford  Hill,  London,  1896-1900  ;  lecturer  in 
Psychology  and  Education  at  Cambridge  Train- 
ing College,  1901-2  ;  Headmistress  of  George 
Watson's  Ladies'  College,  Edinburgh,  1902-26  ; 
lectured  on  Methods  of  Teaching  Modern 
Languages,  at  Cambridge  University  Ex- 
tension Summer  Meeting,  1902 ;  President  of 
the  Secondary  Education  Association  of  Scot- 
land, 1912-13.  Publications :  essays  and  reports 
on  educational  subjects.  Recreation :  travelling. 
Ad&resa :  12  Mayfleld  Terrace,  Edinburgh 
CZttfc:  Ladies'  Caledonian  (TCdlnbnrato). 

AINSWORTH,  Alfred  Richard,  C.B. 
1934 ;  b.  1879  ;  s.  of  John  Duxbury  Ains- 
worth.  JEdw. :  Ipswich  Grammar  School ; 
Dulwich  ;  King's  College,  Cambridge.  Lec- 
turer Manchester  University,  1902-3,  Edin- 
burgh University,  1903-7.  Joined  Board  of 
Education,  1908  ;  Principal  Assistant  Secre- 
tary, 1931 ;  Deputy  Secretary,  1939  ;  retired, 
1940.  Address:  Llangattock  Manor,  Mon- 

AINSWORTH,  Bt.  Col.  Charles,  Chair- 
man and  Managing  Director,  Charles  Ainsworth 
and  Co.  Ltd. ;  6.  Ingol,  nr.  Preston,  25  Feb.  1874 ; 
s.  of  late  Eargreaves  Ainsworth,  Windermere ; 
m.  1902,  Clara  H.,  d.  of  late  H.  R.  Middlemost, 
Hudderstield  ;  two  s,  one  d.  Educ. :  privately. 
Served  with  Lanes,  Fusiliers,  1914-18 ;  Egypt, 
1914;  Turkey,  1915;  Lt.-Col.  Commanding 
5th  Bn.  Lanes.  Fusiliers,  1928-33;  Bfc.-Ool., 
1932 ;  Member  of  the  National  Assembly, 
Church  of  England,  1919-29 ;  interested  in 
farming  and  horse-breeding;  Master  Holcombe 
Hunt,  1926-31 ;  M.P.  (C.)  Bury,  Lanes.  Dec. 
1918-35.  Address:  Redisher,  Holcombe  Brook, 
Lancashire.  T. :  Rams  bottom  2233.  CM)  : 
Carl  ton. 

AINSWORTH,  Harry;  Editor  of  The 
People;  6.  Darwen,  Lancashire;  m.  Isabella 

'  Davidina  Graham ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Darwen 
Grammar  School.  Began  as  a  reporter  on  local 
press  and  migrated  to  London  via  Dundee  and 
Manchester.  Eeqreatipn:  divoteeing.  Address: 
93  Long  ACT*,  W.0.2;  Lftatherhead,  Surrey. 

AINSWORTH,  Major-General 
Sir  Ralph  Bignell,  Kt.,  cr.  1946;  C.B., 
1935;  D.S.0. 191 6;  O.B.E.  1928;  Knight  of  Grace 
Order  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem ;  late  B.A.M.C. 
and  Dir.  pf  Medical  Services  Joint  Cttee.  of 
B.E.C.S.  and  Order  of  Sfc.  John;  late  Inspector 
of  Hospitals  in  the  Emergency  Medical  Service, 
Ministry  of  Health ;  late  Comdt.  Royal  Army 
Medical  College,  Hon.  Physician  to  the  King; 
D.D.M.S.  Scottish  Command,  Prof,  of  Hygiene, 
Royal  Army  Medical  College,  and  Assistant 
Director-General  Medical  Services,  War  Office ; 
"b.  26  Sep.  1875  ;  2nd  s.  of  late  Capt.  W.  Ainsworth, 
,  Spotlands,  Lancashire  ;  m.  1903,  Florence,  o.  d. 
of,  late  Imre'Kiralfy,  Washington  Square,  New 
,  York;  two  d.  Educ. :  St.  Paul's  School.  En- 

tered  St.  George's  Hospital,  1893  ;  M.R.C.S. 
Eng.,  L.R.C.P.  London,  1899;  joined  Royal 
Navy  as  Surgeon,  1900;  retired,  1902;  Lieut. 
R.A.M.C.,  1902;  Captain,  1906;  Major,  1914;  Lt.- 
Col.  1924  ;  Colonel,  1980  ;  Major-General,  19S2  ; 
retired  pay,  1935  ;  Special  Sanitary  Officer,  6th 
Division  (Poona),  1908;  Salisbury  Plain,  1910- 
1914  ;  with  Exped.  Force  to  France,  Aug.  1914, 
and  N.  Russia  E.  F.,  1919  (despatches  thrice, 
D.S.O.);  Bt  Lt.-0ol.,  medaille  des  Epidemics 
(in  vermeil)  from  French  Government.  Officer 
Legion  of  Honour,  Czechoslovak  Order  of  the 
White  Lion  and  Military  Medal  of  Merit; 
Governor  Queen  Mary's  (Roehampton)  Hosp. 
and  British  Hosp.,  Port  Said.  Publications  : 
The  House  Fly  as  a  Disease  Carrier,  1908  ; 
Sanitation  in  War,  1915.  Address:  The  Ivy 
House,  Hampton  Court.  Clubs:  Junior  United 

FWHfo.  T?fv  nl  AntnTnf'hi'k 

AINSWORTH,    Mrs.    Robert;     see 

BruiiHkill,  Muriel 

AINSWORTH,  Sir  Thomas,  2nd  Bt,  cr. 

lyitf  ;  lata  LL.  llth  Hussars  ;  b.  8  Feb.  1886  ;  «. 
of  1st  Bt.  and  Margaret  Catherine  (d.  1918),  d. 
of  Robert  Reid  Macredie  ;  m.  1st,  1911,  Lady 
Bdina  Dorothy  Hope  (who  obtained  a  divorce, 
1925),  4th  d.  of  4th  Marquess  Conyngham  ;  one 
s.  one  d.  ;  2nd,  1925,  May  Hop*  Johnstoue,  14 
Grove  Court,  Dray  ton  Gardens,  8.  W.  ;  one  8.  S. 
father,  1923.  Heir:  s.  John  Francis  [b.  1912; 
TO.  1938,  Josephine,  er.  d.  of  Commander  W.  R. 
Bernard].  Address:  Ardanaiseig,  Kilchrenan, 
Argyll.  T.:  Kilchrenan  212;  Ballinakill  Kil- 
finny,  Adare,  Co.  Limerick.  T.;  Groom  18. 
Clubs:  Marl  borough-Windham,  Cavalry;  New 
(Edinburgh);  Kildare  Street  (Dublin). 
SH  nlsn  Viscnwnt 

AINSWORTH  -  DAVIS,  John  Creygh- 
ton,  M.A.,  M.D.,  B.0h.  (Cantab.);  Jb'.K.U.S. 
(J£din.);  F.R.O.S.  (Eng.);  L.R.C.P.  (Lond.); 
Consulting  Urological  Surgeon  ;  Urological 
Surgeon,  The  Bolingbroke  Hospital,  London, 
Kettering  and  district  General  Hospital  and 
Lord  Mayor  Treloar  Cripples  Hospital  and 
College,  Alton;  Hon.  Consulting  Urological 
Surgeon,  Royal  Waterloo  Hospital;  Member 
of  International  Society  of  Urology  and  British 
Assoc.  of  Urological  Surgeons;  Fellow  and 
Hon.  Sec.  of  Council  Roy.  Soc.  Med.  (Ex-Vice- 
Pres.  Section  of  Urology)  Fellow  Med.  Soc. 
of  London,  Hunterian  Soc.  (Vice  -President 
of  Council)  and  Roy.  Institute  of  Public  Health 
and  Hygiene  (Member,  Executive  Council); 
b.  28  April  1895;  s  of  late  Prof.  J.  R. 
Ainsworth  -Davis;  tn.  1920;  one  s.  two  d,;m.l  947, 
Irene,  d.  of  Alfred  Hope  Eduo.  :  Westminster 
School  ;  Christ's  College,  Cam  bridge  (Closed  and 
Open  Exhibition),  Served  European  War  1914- 
1919  as  Captain  in  the  Rifle  Brigade  and  Royal 
Flying  Corps,  France,  Salonica,  Palestine, 
Egypt;  World  War,  193S-45,  as  Wing  Com- 
mander in  charge  of  a  Surgical  Division, 
R.A.F.V.R.  Medical  Services.  Qualified  at 
St.  Bartholomew's  Hospital  in  1923,  and 
subsequently  held  the  following  appointments  : 
Junior  and  Senior  House-Surgeon,  Surgical 
Registrar  and  Hon.  Asst.  Surg.  to  All  Saints' 
Hospital  fo*  Genitourinary  Diseases  :  Clinical 
Asst.,  Hon.  Surgical  Registrar  and  Urological 
Surg.  to  the  Royal  Waterloo  Hosp.  for  Women 
and  Children  ;  Clinical  Asst.,  Surgical  Regis- 
trar and  Deputy  Surgeon  to  8t  Paul's  Hos- 
pital for  Gemto-  Urinary  Diseases.  Publica- 
tions :  Essentials  of  Urolocry  ;  Article,  Diseases 
of  Urinary  System  and  Male  Genital  Organs, 
Postgraduate  Surgery,  Vol.  II  ;  many  papers 
contributed  to  medical  journals.  Recreations  ; 
athletics  (Olympic  Games,  1920),  fishing 
shooting.  Address:  48  Wimpole  Street,  W.I. 
T.  :  Wfllheck  R825.  Clvbs  :  Tl.  A.  F  , 

AIRD,  Ian,  Ch.M.,  F.U.C.S.;  Professor  of 
Surgery,  University  of  London,  since  1946  ; 
Director  of  Surgical  Unit,  Postgraduate 
Medical  School  of  London  ;  b.  4  July  1905  ; 
*.  of  William  Aird  and  Jean  Elizabeth  Binnie  ; 
in.  1936,  Margaret,  d.  of  late  William  Good- 
man Cowes,  Buenos  Aires  ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ.  :  George  Watson's  College  ;  Unlveisi- 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ties  of  Edinburgh,  Paris,  Vienna  and  Wash- 
ington (St.  Louis,  Mo.)  M.B.,  Gh.B.  (Edin.) 
1928;  Thomson  Scholarship,  Wightman 
Prize  and  Annandale  Gold  Medal ;  F.R.C.S. 
(Ed.)  1930 ;  Ch.M.  1935  :  F.R.C.S.  (Eng.)  ad 
eundem  1947  ;  Member  Court  of  Examiners, 
Boy.  Coll.  of  Surgeons  of  England;  Ex- 
aminer, R.C.S.,  Edinburgh  and  Univs.  of 
London  and  Birmingham.  R.A.M.C.  1939-43, 
Lt.-Col.  (despatches  twice).  Publications: 
books  and  papers  on  surgical  subjects. 
Address:  British  Postgraduate  Medical 
School,  Ducane  Ed.,  W.12.  T.A.:  Posgrad- 
med  Chisk  London.  T. :  Shepherds  Bush  1260. 

AIRD,  Colonel  Sir  John  Renton, 
3rd  Bt.,  cr.  1901  ;  M.V.O.  1936;  M.O.;  Extra 
Equerry  to  the  King  since  1937 ;  6.  7  Aug. 
1898  ;  e.  s.  of  Sir  John  Aird,  2nd  Bt.  ;  5. 
father  1934;  w,.  1939,  Lady  Priscilla  Willoughby, 
yr.  d.  of  2nd  Earl  of  Ancaster,  q,v. ;  one  s.  three 
d.  Educ. :  Eton ;  Sandhurst.  Served  European 
War,  1917-18 ;  Staff  of  tlie  Governor  of  Bombay, 
1921-23  ;  Staff  of  High  Comr.  for  Egypt,  1926- 
1927 ;  Equerry  to  the  Prince  of  Wales,  1929-36; 
commanded  3rd  Bn.  Grenadier  Guards,  1937-40 ; 
retired  pay,  1945.  Order  of  St.  Olav.  Heir : 
s.  George  John,  b.  30  January  1940.  Address : 
Forest  Lodge,  The  Great  Park, Windsor. 

AIREDALE,  3rd  Baron,  of  Gledhow,  cr. 
1907;  Capt.  Roland  Dudley  Kitson, 
Bt.,  cr.  1886 ;  D.S.O.  1918 ;  M.C. ;  J.P., 
West  Riding;  late  1/8  West  Yorks  Regiment ; 
Director:  Ford  Motor  Co.  Ltd.;  London 
Assurance  Corporation ;  Lieutenant  of  City 
of  London;  6.  Leeds,  J9  July  1882;  y.  8.  of 
1st  Baron  and  Mary  Laura  (d.  1939),  o.  d.  of 
Edward  Fisher  Smith,  The  Priory,  Dudley ; 
S.  half-brother  1944;  m.  1st,  1913,  Sheila 
Grace  (d.  1935),  y.  d.  of  late  F.  E.  Vandeleur : 
one  s.  one  d. ;  2nd,  1937,  Dorothy  Chrlstobel 
Rowland,  d.  of  late  Canon  Raymond  Pelly. 
Educ.:  Westminster;  Trinity  Coll.,  Cam- 
bridge, B.A.  Served  European  War  (D.S.O., 
M.C.,  despatches).  Director,  Bank  of 
England,  1923-47.  Recreations: ,  shooting, 
fishing,  golf.  Heir:  s.  Major  Hon.  Oliver 
James  Vandeleur  Kitson.  The  Green  Howards, 
5.  22  April  1915.  Address:  Ufford  Hall, 
Stamford.  Clubs:  Brooks' s,  Reform. 
flee  aho  Brig.  Harold  Kingsley. 

A I  KEY,  Sir  Edwin,  ixt.,  cr.  1922; 
Governing  Director  of  W.  Airey  &  Son  (Leeds), 
Ltd. ;  b.  7  Feb.  1878  ;  s,  of  late  William  Airey ; 
m.  1904,  Edith,  d.  of  late  Win.  Greaves ;  one  s. 
four  d.  Educ, :  Central  High  School  and  York- 
shire College,  Leeds.  Lord  Mayor  of  Leeds, 
1923-24;  Pros.  United  Kingdom  Commercial 
Travellers'  Association,  1923-24 ;  Chairman  of 
Board,  Leeds  Public  Dispensary,  1922-29;  Chair- 
man of  Directors,  Leeds  Cricket,  Football,  and 
Athletic  Co.,  Ltd. ;  President  of  the  National 
Federation  of  Building  Trade  Employers,  1930- 
1931 ;  High  Sheriff  of  Yorkshire,  1944;  Fellow 
of  the  Institute  of  Builders;  M.LStruct.E. 
Commander  of  the  Order  of  Orange-Nassau. 
Recreations:  music,  chess,  travel,  motoring. 
Address:  Oakwood  Grange,  Leeds.  T.A.:  Dub, 
Leeds.  T. :  Leeds  21573,  Ronndhay  58206. 

AIREY,  Major  -  General  Terence 
Sydney,  C.B.  1944;  C.B.E.  1943  (O.B.E. 
1941);  p-s.c. ;  Allied  Commander  and 
Military  Governor,  British-United  States 
Zone  of  Free  Territory,  Trieste ;  b.  9  July 
1900.  2nd  Lt.  Durham  Light  Infantry, 
1919  ;  Capt.  1933  ;  Major,  1938  ;  Temp. 
Lt.-Col.,  1940  ;  War  Subst.  Lt.-Col.;  Col. 
1945 ;  Temp.  Maj.-Gen.  1945  ;  Brig.,  Sept. 
1945;  Maj.-Gen,  1947.  Served  War  of  1939- 
1945  (O.B.E.,  C.B.E.,-  C.B.).  Address: 
Orchard  Cottage,  Holbrook,  Suffolk. 

AIR  LIE,  llth  Ban  of  for.  1«8H).  David 
Lyulph  Gore  Wolseley  Ogilvy, 
K.T.  1«42,  19s8(  1929); 
M.0. 1916  ;  J.P. ;  BaroD  Ogilvy  of  Airlie,  1491 ; 
Lord  Chamberlain  to  the  Queen  since  1937; 
Representative  Peer  for  Scotland;  H.M.  Lieut. 
for  County  of  Angus  since  1986;  Lt.-Col. 
R.  of  0.  Scots  Guards;  Bt.  CoL  Reserve 
T.A.;  late  Captain  10th.  Royal  Hussars;  6. 
18  July  1893 ;  s.  of  10th  Earl  and  Lady  Mabell 

Frances  Elizabeth  Gore  (see  Mabell,  Countess  of 
Airlie)  ;  S.  father,  1900  ;  m.  1917,  Lady  Alex- 
andra Marie  Bridget  Coke,  d.  of  3rd  Earl  of 
Leicester,  q.v.;  three  s.  three  d.  Educ.  : 
Eton.  A  Lord-in-Waiting,  1926-29;  Deputy 
Governor,  British  Linen  Bank,  1930-47, 
Governor  since  1947  ;  Director  Barclay's  Bank 
since  1947;  Chairman,  British  Legion  (Scot- 
land), 1934-45  ;  Chairman,  Agricultural  Wages 
Board  for  Scotland,  1937-40;  Commandant 
Army  Cadet  Force  in  Scotland,  1942-43  ;  Chm. 
North  of  Scotland  Hydro-Electric  Board,  1943- 
1945  ;  served  European  War,  1914-19,  (wounded, 
despatches,  M.C.)|;  Capt.  10th  Hussars,  1919- 
1920;  War  of  1939-45,  re-employed,  1940; 
Major,  Scots  Guards;  Lt.-CoL,  1942,  Owns 
about  69,000  acres.  Heir:  s.  Lord  Ogilvy, 
q.v.  Address:  Cortachy  Castle,  Kirriemuir, 

See  also  Rt.  Hon.  Winston  Churchill,  Saron 
Lloyd,  Lord  Redesdale,  Lady  Kitty  Ritson, 
TLria  -Gen.  Sir  H.  Vincent. 

AIRLIE,  Mabell,  Countess  of,  G.B.E., 
cr.  1920;  Hon.  LL.D.,  St.  Andrews;  J.P.  ; 
Lady  of  the  Bedchamber  to  H.M.  Queen  Mary  ; 
6.  10  Mar.  1866;  e.  d.  of  5th  Earl  of  Arran; 
m.  1886,  David  William  Stanley,  10th  Earl 
of  Airlie,  who  was  killed  in  action  at  Diamond 
Hill,  Pretoria,  11  June  1900;  three  s.  three 
d.  Publications:  In  Whig  Society,  1775- 
1818,  ]921;  Lady  Palmerston  and  her  Times, 
1922;  With  the  Guards  We  Shall  Go,  1933. 
Address:  6  Cumberland  Mansions,  W.I.  T.  : 
Paddington  3720;  Airlie  Castle,  Kirriemuir, 
Anerus,  Scotland.  T.  :  Craigton  206. 

AIRY,  Anna,  R.I.,  1918;  R.O.I.,  1909; 
R.E.,  1914(A..R.E.,  1908);  R.P.  1913;  painter, 
portraits  and  figure,  etcher,  pastellist  ;  £.  6  June 
1882  ;  o.  d.  of  Wilfrid  Airy,  M.TnstC.E.  ;  g.d.  of 
Sir  George  Biddell  Airy,  K.C.B.,  Astronomer. 
Royal.  Educ.  :  Slade  School  of  Art,  London. 
Slade  Scholarship,  1902;  Melville  Nettle- 
ship  Prize  at  the  Slade  School  of  Art,  1900, 
1901,  1902  ;  all  Slade  first  prizes  for  por- 
trait, figure,  and  other  subjects;  exhibited 
Royal  Academy  and  elsewhere  in  1905,  and 
each  subsequent  year;  also  International  Ex- 
hibitions Continental,  Colonial,  and  American. 
Represented  in  British  Museum;  S.  Kensington 
(Victoria  and  Albert)  ;  Imperial  War  Museum, 
five  large  works;  National  Gallery  of  New 
South  Wales  (twice)  ;  Auckland,  N.Z.  ;  Van- 
couver ;  Ottawa  ;  and  in  the  Corporation  Art 
Galleries  of  Liverpool  (twice),  Leeds,  Hud- 
dersfield,  Birkenhead,  Blackpool,  Rochdale, 
Ipswich  (th*ee  times),  Doncaster,  Lincoln 
(twice)  Harrogate,  Paisley,  Newport,  Mon.  ; 
Member  P.8.  1907.  Commissioned  by  Canadian 
War  Memorials  Fund,  1917  ;  commissioned  by 
Ministry  of  Munitions  for  Imperial  'War 
Museum,  1918.  President  Ipswich  Art  Club, 
1945.  Publication  :  The  Art  of  Pastel.  Ad- 
dress: The  Cottage,  Playford,  near  Ipswich, 

AITCHISON,  George  ;  Former  Editor 
Brighton  and  Hove  Herald  ;  b.  6  June  1877  ;  s.  of 
John  Aitchison  and  Clara  Maynard;  m,  1st, 
1907,  Edith  Mary  (d.  1943);  no  c.;  2nd,  1946, 
Gladys  Marie,  widow  of  Herbert  Bailey,  journal- 
ist. Educ.:  Brighton  Grammar  School.  Appren- 
ticed to  Brighton  Herald,  1893  ;  actively  en- 
gaged on  that  paper  all  his  life  ;  now  Director  ; 
lecturer  on  literary,  travel  and  local  sub- 
jects, F.J.I,  and  Hon.  Member  Critics  Circle. 
Publications  :  Unknown  Brighton,  1926;  Sus- 
sex, 193rt;  minor  historical  or  topographical 
papers,  etc.  Recreation:  gardening.  Address: 
Brakwood,  Graffham,  nr.  Pefrworth,  West 
T.  :  Graffham  257. 

AITCHISON,    Sir   Walter   de    Lancey, 

2nd  Bt.,  cr.  1938  ;  M.A.  ;  F.S.A.  :  Chairman 
and  Governing  Director  of  de  Lancey  Lands 
Ltd.,  Walter  Wfflson  Ltd.,  Kirtdlnton  Park 
Estates  Ltd.,  etc.  ;  6.  14  May  1802;  *.  of  Sir 
Stephen  Aitchison,  1st  Bt.,  J.P.,  and  AHce 
Mary  (d.  1932),  d.  of  Walter  de  Idtocey 
Wfllson,  J.P.,  Zirklinton  Park,  Cumberland  ; 
S.  father  1942  ;  m.  1922,  Shena  Lennoxi  «•,  d. 
of  C.  L.  Fraaer,  F.B.C.S.,  F.ILCiP^  M)., 

WHO'S  WHO,  195] 

J.P.,  Berwick-on-Tweed  ;  three  s.  one  d. 
Educ,  :  Repton  ;  University  College,  Oxford. 
Served  European  War,  Overseas,  1914-18, 
Capt.,  N.  Staffs,  Begt.  Heir:  8.  Stephen 
Charles  de  Lancey  [6.  10  March  1923;  m. 
1950,  Elizabeth  Anne  Milburn,  er.  d.  of  Lt.- 
Col,  Edward  Reed,  Ghyllheugh,  Longhorsley, 
NorthTimb.].  Address:  Coupland  Castle, 
Wooler,  Northumberland. 
AITHRIE,  Viscount;  Adrian  John 
Charles  Mope  ;  &.  1  July  1940  ;  s.  of  Earl  of 

*,     . 
AITKEN,  family  name  of  Baron  Beaver- 

A  IT  KEN,  Alexanaer  Craig,  F.R.S. 
1986;  F.R.S.E.  ;  Hon.  F.R.S.JS.Z.  ;  M.A. 
(New  Zealand)  ;  D.Sc.  (Edin.)  ;  Hon.  D.Sc. 
(N.Z.)  :  Hon.  F.I1  .A.  ;  Professor  of  Mathe- 
matics, University  of  Edinburgh,  since  1946  ; 
b.  1  April  1895  ;  s.  of  William  Aitken,  Dun- 
edin,  New  Zealand  ;  m.  1920,  Mary  Winifred, 
d.  of  Alfred  Betts,  Nelson,  N.Z.  ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ.  :  Otagp  Boys'  High  School  ;  Otago 
University,  Edinburgh  University.  M.A., 
(K.Z.),  1920,  D.Sc.(Ediiu)  1925  ;  Reader  in 
Statistics  and  Actuarial  Mathematics,  Uni- 
versity of  Edinburgh,  1925-46.  Publications  : 
Books  and  memoirs  on  statistical  and  practi- 
cal mathematics,  algebra  and  other  topics. 
Recreation  ;  music.  Address  :  74  Trinity 
Road,  Edinburgh.  5. 

AITKEN,  Cecil  Edward,  C.I.E.  1941; 
B  Sc  :  b.  3  (h't.  lKy8,  ».  of  B.  H.  Aitken; 
m.  1923,  Jessie  Olive  Yuille  (d.  1949),  one  s. 
one  d.  Joined  Indian  Service  of  Engineers, 
1911  ;  Chief  Engineer  and  Secretary  to 
Govt.,  P.  W.D.,  Bombay,  1938  ;  retd.,  1948. 
Address:  Ballachrhik,  West  Baldwin,  I.  of  M. 
AITKEN,  James  Hume;  journalist;  b. 
17  Nov.  1890;  s.  of  James  Hume  Aitken  and 
Mary  Hogg  ;  w.  1913,  Mary  Wilson  ;  one  s,  one 
d.  Educ.:  Harris  Academy,  Dundee.  Presi- 
dent National  Union  of  Journalists,  1933-34  ; 
President  of  Glasgow  Press  Club  1928-35. 
Recreation  :  golf.  Address:  14  Firwpod  Drive, 
Cathcart,  Glasgow,  S.4.  T.  :  Merry  Ifte  1558. 
Club  -  Press  (Glasgow). 

AITKEN,  Janet  Kerr,  C.B.E.  1950;  M.I>. 
Lond.;  FJ&.C.P.;  Consulting  Physician 
Elizabeth  Garrett  Anderson  Hospital; 
Physician  Princess  Louise  Kensington  Hos- 
pital for  Children  and  of  Mothers'  (Salvation 
Army)  Hospital;  Member  Central  Health 
Services  Council  ;  Representative  of  women 
doctors  on  Council  of  British  Medical  Assoc.  ; 
6.  Buenos  Aires,  1886,  Scottish  parents. 
Educ.  :  St,  Leonard's  School,  St.  Andrews  ; 
London  School  of  Medicine  for  Women 
(Roval  Free  Hospital).  L.R.C.P.,  M.R.C.S. 
and  M.B.,  B.S.,  Lond.  1922  ;  M.D.  Lond. 
1924;  M.ft.C.P.  1926;  F.k,C.P.  1943; 
PhvHician  in  Charge  Kensington  Supervisory 
Rheumatic  Clinic  for  Children,  1929  ;  Vice- 
Dean  London  Royal  Free  Hospital  School  of 
Medicine  for  Women.  1930-34;  President, 
Medical  Women's  Federation,  1942-44; 
late  Councillor  Royal  College  of  Physicians. 
Publications  :  Papers  in  medical  journals. 
Recreation:  music,  L.R.A.M.  (piano),  Gold 
Medallist  (singing).  Address:  Acacia  House, 
30A  Acacia  Road,  Regents  Park,  N.W.8.  T.  : 
Primrose  3838. 

AITKEN,  John  E.f  B.S.W.;  R.C.A.  ; 
A.R.W.A.  ;  A.R.B.C.  ;  Artist:  s.  of  James 
Aitken,  marine  painter  and  Mary  Aitken. 
Studied  art  at  the  studio  of  his  father,  also  at 
the  Schools  of  Art  of  Liverpool,  Manchester 
and  Wallasey;  pictures  exhibited  in.  Royal 
Academy,  Royal  Scottish  Academy,  Royal 
Institute,  Glasgow  Institute,  Walker  Art 
Gallery,  Liverpool,  Manchester  and  many  other 
galleries  ;  pictures  in  permanent  Collections  oi 
Birkenhead  ,  Wakefield  and  Douglas;  has  painted 
in  Holland,  France,  Belgium,  Switzerland  and 
Italy,  Publications  :  Several  colour  prints. 
AW™**  :  Gnllane,  Port  St.  "Marv,  Isle  of  Man. 
AITKEN,  Hon.  (John  William)  Max; 
B.S.O.  1942;  D.F.C.  1940;  Group  Capt. 
A.A.F.  :  Director,  London  Express  News- 
paper Ltd,  :  b.  Montreal,  15  Feb.,  1910  ;  s. 

and  heir  of  1st  Barou  Beaverbrook,  y.v. ;  m. 
1st,  1939,  Cynthia  Monteith  (who  obtained  a 
divorce  1944);  2nd,  1946,  Mrs.  Jane 
Lindsay,  yr.  d.  of  R.  0.  R.  Kenyon-Slaney, 
q.v. ;  two  d.  Educ.:  Westminster  ;  Pem- 
broke College,  Cambridge.  M.P.  (0.)  Hoi- 
born,  1945-50.  Recreations:  Cambridge 
Association  Football  Blue,  1930,  1931 ;  golf, 
sailing.  Address :  Wellbottom  Cottage,  Givons 
Grove,  Leatherhead,  Surrey.  T.:  Leather- 
head  3162.  Clubs:  White's,  Royal  Yacht 

AITKEN,  Maj.  Nigel  Woodford,  D.ti.O. 
iyi?  ,  M.C.  ;  «.  of  late  JiJdwaru  Aitkeu  of  Mayen, 
Banffshire,  and  Florence,  d.  of  James  Wheler 
Woodford  Birch;  TO.  1911,  Enid,  y.  d.  of  Sir- 
Henry  Pipon-Scholes  ;  two  d  Ediic. :  Harrow ; 
R.M.  Academy,  Woolwich.  Commissioned, 
1902;  served  European  War,  1914-18  (despatches 
four  times,  M.O.,  D.S.O.);  sick  list,  1919  and 
1920;  retired,  1921.  Recreations :  fishing, 
shooting.  Address:  House  of  Glennie,  Bridge 
of  Marnoch,  Banffshire.  T.  :  Bridge  of 
Marnncli  211.  Club;  Army  and  Navy. 

AITKEN,  Robert  Grant;  6.  Jackson, 
Amadoi  Co.,  California,  U.S.A.,  31  Dec.  1864; 
s.  of  Robert  Aitken  and  Wilhelmina  Depinau  ; 
m.  1888,  Jessie,  d.  of  Capt.  W.  R.  Thomas  and 
Nellie  Wells ;  three  *.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Elementary  schools,  Jackson,  the  Oakland 
High  School,  and  Williams  College,  Mass. 
Studied  astronomy  under  Truman  H.  Safford, 
A.B.  degree,  1887;  M. A.,  1892;  Hon.  ScJD., 
1917;  Hon.  Sc.D.,  College  of  the  Pacific,  1903  ; 
University  of  Arizona,  1923  ;  Hon.  LL.D.  Uni- 
versity of  California,  1935.  Professor  Mathe- 
matics and  Astronomy,  College  of  the  Pacific, 
1891-95  ;  Assistant  Astronomer,  Lick  Observa- 
tory, 1895-1907;  Astronomer  1907-35 ;  Associate 
Director,  1923-30  ;  Director  1930-35  ;  Emeritus 
Director  and  Astronomer  1935 ;  Member 
National  Academy  of  Sciences  (Chairman, 
Section  of  Astronomy,  1929-32),  American 
Astronomical  Society  (Vice- President,  1928-30, 
President,  1937-40),  American  Philosophical 
Society,  Astronomical  Society  of  the  Pacific, 
Fellow  of  the  American  Association  for  the 
Advancement  of  Science  (Vice  -  President 
Section  D.,  1926-27;  President,  JPa6ific 
Division,  1925-26);  Associate  Royal  Astrono- 
mical Society  ;  Mem.  Internat.  Astron.  Union ; 
hon.  mem.  Calif.  Acad.  Sci.;  awarded  Laland 
Gold  Medal,  Paris  Academy  of  Sciences,  1906, 
for  double  star  discoveries ;  Bruce  Gold  Medal, 
Astronomical  Society  of  the  Pacific,  for  dis- 
tinguished services  to  Astronomy,  192(J ;  Gold 
Medal,  Royal  Astronomical  Society,  1982, 
for  work  on  double  stars;  appointed  George 
Darwin  Lecturer  before  the  Society  for  1932. 
Publications:  Observations  of  Double  Stars. 
Lick  Observatory  Publications,  vol.  xii.,  1914  ; 
The  Binary  Stars,  1918 ;  2nd  edition,  1935 ;  New 
General  Catalogue  of  Double  Stars  within  120° 
of  the  North  Pole,  1932 :  numerous  papers  in 
various  astronomical  and  other  .scientific  jour- 
nals. Has  discovered  3108  double  stars,  com- 
puted many  orbits  of  double  stars  and  of 
comets.  Is  continuing  researches  on  double 
stars.  Address:  ]109  Spruce  Street,  Berkeley 
7  California,  U.S.A. 

AITKEN,  Air  Vice-Marshal  Robert 
Stanley,  C.B.  1945 ;  C.B.E.  1942  (O.B.E. 
1938);  M.C.  1917:  A-F.C.  1918 ;  M.(Brit.) 
I.U.E. :  Vice-President  British  Institute  of 
Radio  Engineers :  President  Radar  Associa- 
tion ;  Director  Ainnec  Laboratories,  Ltd. ; 
&.  4  April  1896 ;  s.  of  late  Robert  Aitken, 
Newcastle,  and  late  Emma  Louise  Townsend, 
Manchester ;  m;  1986,  Jeannie  Allison,  o.  d. 
of  late  ReV.  David  Tweedie,  Stichill,  Rox- 
burghshire ;  one  s.  (and  one  9.  deed.).  Educ. : 
Highgate  School ;  Wiesbaden.  Served  Civil 
Service  Rifles.  1914  ;  Commissioned  to  1/1 
(Essex)  R.G.A.  <T.F.),  1915;  seconded  to 
R.F.C.  1916 ;  France  with  41,  42,  7  Squad- 
rons, 1916-17 ;  specialised  on  Signals,  1921- 
1922  ;  commanded  No,  41  and  25  <F)  Squad- 
rons, 1929-30 ;  various  Signals  appointments 
in  Air  Ministry  and  as  Chief  Signals  Officer, 
Air  Defence  Great  Britain  and  Headquarters 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Fighter  Command  (1940-42) ;  British  Air 
AttachS,  China,  1938-40 ;  A.O.C.  60  Group 
E.A.F.,  1942  ;  A.S.O.  in  0.,  H.Q.,  M.A.A.F. 
C.M.F.,  1943-45 ;  retired  list,  1946.  Order 
of  Merit  (U.S.A.).  Address:  111  Old 
Brompton  Rd.,  S.W.7.  T.:  Kensington 
3569.  Club:  United  Service. 

AITKEN,  Robert  Stevenson,  M.D.  (N.Z.), 
D.Phil.  (Oxon.),  Hon.  LL.D.  (Dalh.),  F.R.C.P. 
(Lond.),  F.R.C.P.  (Edin.),  F.R.A.C.P. ;  Vice- 
Chancellor,  Univ.  of  Otago,  since  1948; 
b.  3ST.Z. ;  s.  of  Rev.  James  Aitken,  formerly 
of  Glasgow ;  m.  1929,  Margaret  G.  Kane ; 
one  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Gisborne  High  School, 
Gisborne,  N.Z. ;  University  of  Otago,  Dun- 
edin,  JST.Z. ;  Oxford.  Medical  Qualification  in 
New  Zealand,  1922  ;  Rhodes  Scholar,  Balliol 
College,  Oxford,  1924-26  ;  attached  to  Medi- 
cal Unit.  The  London  Hospital,  1926-34  ; 
Reader  in  Medicine,  British  Postgraduate 
Medical  School,  University  of  London,  1935- 
1938 ;  Regius  Prof,  of  Medicine,  Aberdeen 
Univ.,  1938-48.  Publications :  Papers  in 
Medical  and  Scientific  Journals.  Address  : 
University  of  Otago,  Dunedin,  New  Zealand. 

AITKEN,  William  Traven;  M.P.  (C.) 
Bury  St.  Edmunds  Division  of  Suffolk  since 
1950 ;  Manager  London  Express,  News  and 
Feature  Services ;  b.  Canada,  1905  ;  s.  of  M. 
Aitken,  Toronto,  Canada;  m.  1938,  Hon. 
Penelope  Loader  Maffey,  o,  d.  of  1st  Baron 
Rugby,  q.v. ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Upper 
Canada  College;  University  of  Toronto. 
Served  War  of  1939-45,  R.A.F.,  Fighter 
Reconnaissance  Pilot  (wounded).  Contested 
"West  Derbyshire,  1945,  Director:  Shop 
Investments  Ltd.,  Western  Ground  Rents 
Ltd.,  etc.  Address:  Magnolia  House,  Hales- 
worth,  Suffolk;  House  of  Commons,  S.W.I. 
Clubs:  Travellers',  Pratt's. 

AIYAR,  Hon.  Sir  C.  P.  R. ;  see 
Ramaswami  Aiyar, 

AIYAR,  Hon.  Mr.  Justice  N. 
Chandrasekhara,  B.A.,  B.L, ;  Rao 
Bahadur  ;  6.  25  Jan.  1888 ;  s.  of  N.  Kuppu- 
Swami  Aiyar  and  Srimathi  Lakshmiammal ; 
m.  1904,  Srimathi  Sitalakshmi,  d.  of  Dewan 
Bahadur  C.  V.  Muniswami  Iyer,  Chief 
Reporter,  Madras  Mail :  no  c.  Educ.  : 
Madras  Christian  College;  Law  College, 
Madras.  Law  apprentice  under  late  Hon. 
Mr.  V.  Krishmaswami  Aiyar,  and  Sir  C.  P. 
Ramaswami  Aiyar;  Vakil,  Madras  High 
Court,  1910 ;  City  Civil  Judge,  July  1927  ; 
District  Judge,  Dec.  1927;  Additional 
Judge  High  Court,  1941 ;  Judge,  High  Court, 
Madras,  1943-48 ;  retired  1948.  India's 
representative  on  the  Indo-Pakistan  Bound- 
aries Commission.  Recreations :  cricket, 
tennis,  volley  ball.  Address:  Sri  Sadma, 
96  M.ount  Road,  Madras.  T. :  88011. 
Clubs  :  Cosmopolitan  (Madras) ;  Mylapore 
(Mylapore) ;  Union  (Madura). 

AKBAR,  Hon.  M.  T.,  K.C.  1925;  b.  15 
June  1880 ;  s.  of  late  M.  S.  J.  Akbar,  M.M.C., 
merchant  and  planter ;  m.  1917  ;  no  c.  Educ. : 
Royal  College,  Colombo;  Emmanuel  College, 
Cambridge  (Scholar).  Barrister-at-Law,  1904  ; 
Crown  Counsel,  1909;  Solicitor-General  and 
member  Legislative  Council,  1924-29;  acting 
Puisne  Judge  Supreme  Court,  1925 ;  Acting  At- 
torney-General, 1927 ;  Puisne  Judge  of  Supreme 
Court  of  Ceylon,  1929-37 :  Member  Executive 
Council,  Ceylon,  1927-1929;  Chairman  and 
Founder  of  the  Prevention  of  Crime  Association 
of  Ceylon.  Publications:  Assistant  Editor  in 
Roman-Dutch  Law,  Surges'  Colonial  Laws, 
Vol.  TV.  Address :  Colombo,  Ceylon. 

AKEHURST,  Rev.  H.  S. ;  &.  30  Nov. 
1865  ;  s.  of  Charles  and  Mary  M.  F.  Akehurst ; 
m.  1891,  Mary  H.  Scarlett ;  two  s.  Educ. : 
Leeds ;  St.  John's  College,  Qu'Appelle.  Deacon, 
1890;  Priest,  1891;  Vicar,  St.  Peter's  Pro- 
Cathedral,  Qu'Appelle,  1891-93;  Rector,  St. 
Saviour's,  Nelson.B.C.  1893,  St.  Paul's,  Earn- 
loops  B.C.  1901 ;  Sec.  of  the  Diocese  of  Cariboo, 
1914 ;  Vicar  of  St.  George's  North  Kamloops. 
B.C.,  1931-35;  Organizing  Missionary  of  Thomp- 
son River  Mission,  1915-36 ;  Archdeacon  of  Kam- 
loops, 1935 ;  Canon  of  Cariboo,  1927  ;  retired, 

Government  Road  E.,  Kirkland  Lake,  Ont., 

A  HERMAN,  John  Camille,  Director 
United  Newspapers  Ltd.,  and  Provincial 
Newspapers  Ltd. ;  Vice-Chairman  Illustrated 
Newspapers  Ltd.  and  Deputy  Chairman  Argus 
Press  Ltd.  Educ. :  privately.  Address  : 
Througham  Place,  Beaulieu,  Hants,  T.  : 
Eastend  239.  Club :  Reform. 

AKERMAN,  Major-General  William 
Philip  Jopp,  C.B.  1941;  U.S.O.  1918;  M.C.; 
late  H.A. ;  6.  16  Jan.  1888 ;  s.  of  late  W.  S. 
Akerman  of  the  Mount,  Burnham,  Som.;  m.  1st, 
1920,  Olga  Phyllis  (d.  1922),  o.  eZ.  of  late  Major- 
Gen.  Sir  John  Steevens,  K.C.B. ;  one  d.  ;  2nd, 
1925,  Annie,  er.  d.  of  late  Maj.-Gen.  E.  W.  Alex- 
ander, V.C.,  C.B.,  C.M.G.;  two  d.  Educ.: 
Oundle  School;  R.M.A.,  Woolwich.  Served 
India,  1908-14  ;  Mesopotamia,  1914-16  (M.C.) ; 
France  and  Belgium,  1917-18  (D.S.O.  and 
bar);  Staff  College,  Camberley,  1922-23;  Im- 
perial Defence  College,  1933 ;  Assistant  Director 
of  Artillery,  War  Office,  1934-36;  Assistant 
Master-General  of  Ordnance,  War  Office, 
1936-38;  Major-General,  Royal  Artillery, 
A.H.Q.,  India,  1939-42;  retired  pay,  1942. 
A  ridi-e^s :  Rofherwood.  Hhnrfc,  Surray. 

AKERS,  Sir  Wallace  Alan,  Kt., 
cr.  1946  :  C.B.E.  1944  :  F.R.LC. ;  F.R.S.A.  ; 
F.C.S,  (Treasurer);  Hon.  D.Sc. ;  Director, 
Imperial  Chemical  Industries  Ltd. ;  Trustee 
of  the  National  Gallery ;  b.  9  Sept.  1888 ; 
s.  of  Charles  Akers,  London ;  unmarried. 
Educ. :  Lake  House  School,  Bexhill ;  Alden- 
ham  School ;  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 
Brunner  Mond  &  Co.,  1911-24 ;  Borneo  Co. 
Ltd.,  1924-27  ;  Imperial  Chemical  Industries 
Ltd.  since  1927.  Director  of  Atomic  Energy 
Research,  under  Dept.  of  Industrial  and 
Scientific  Research,  Dec.  1941-Feb.  1946. 
Fellow  Soc.  of  Chemical  Industry ;  Member : 
Faraday  Soc.  and  Biochemical  Soc.  Hon. 
D.Sc.  (Durham),  1949.  Address:  60  Knights- 
bridge,  S.W.I.  T.A.:  c/o  Amphitrite, 
Knights,  London.  T.:  Sloane  2121.  Clubs: 
Leander,  Royal  Thames  Yacht. 

AKERS-DOUGLAS,  family  name  of 
Viscount  Chilston. 

A  K  H  U  R  S  T,  Instructor  Captain 
Algernon  Frederic,  C.B.E.  1944 ;  M.A. ; 
R.N.  retd. ;  b.  13  Nov.  1893 ;  s.  of  late 
Herbert  Akhurst,  Civil  Servant,  and  late 
Florence  Akhurst ;  unmarried.  Educ. : 
Merchant  Taylors'  School,  London ;  Jesus 
College,  Cambridge,  Math.  Tripos,  Wrangler. 
Joined  R.N.  1915 ;  H.M.S.  Warspite,  1926- 
1928;  R.N.  College,  Greenwich,  1928-31; 
H.M.S.  Nelson.  1931-83;  Fleet  Education 
Officer,  Home  Fleet,  1933-36;  R.N.  Engin- 
eering College,  Keyham,  1936-39 ;  Education 
Dept.,  Admiralty,  1939-40  ;  H.M.S.  Ganges, 
1940 ;  E.M,S.  St.  George,  1940-42.  Dean  of 
Royal  Naval  College,  Greenwich,  1942-47  ; 
H.M.S.  Ganges,  1947-48;  retired  list,  1948. 
Cravat  of  the  Order  of  the  Cloud  and  Banner, 
China.  Recreations:  golf,  gardening,  walk- 
ing, music.  Address:  Downscroft,  Headland 
Avenue,  Seaford,  Sussex.  T.:  Seaford  2751. 
Club:  Junior  United  Service. 

AKINYELE,  Rt.  Rev.  Alexander 
Babatunde,  C.B.E.  (Hon.)  1949;  D.D.; 
Assistant  Bishop  of  Lagos  since  1933  ;  6. 1875 ; 
*.  of  Joseph  and  Abigail  Lapemo  AMnyele ; 
m.  1911,  Maryanne  Fehintola,  d.  of  James 
Sobe  Davies ;  two  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Aremo 
School,  Ibadan ;  St.  John's  School,  Aroloya, 
Lagos;  C.M.S.  Grammar  School,  Lagos; 
Fourah  Bay  College,  Sierra  Leone.  L.Th. 
1906 ;  B.A.  1907 ;  M.A.  (in  absentia),  1925 : 
Hon.  D.D.  Univ.  of  Durham,  1936.  Taught 
in  three  elementary  schools,  Abeokuta,  1897- 
1903  ;  deacon,  1909;  priest,  1910;  Gate- 
chist,  deacon  and  priest,  Kudeti,  W.  Africa, 
1907-17 ;  Principal,  Ibadan  Grammar  School, 
1913-33  ;  Canon  of  Christ  Church  Cathedral, 
Lagos,  1931.  Attended  Internat.  Missionary 
Conf.,  Tambaram,  Madras,  1938;  attended 
First  Assembly  of  World  Council  of  Ottircfies, 
Amsterdam,  1948.  Member  Provincial  and 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

District  Educational  Cttees.,  Ondo  Province, 
Nigeria,  Address:  Bishop's  Residence,  Ode 
Ondo.  via  Lagos,  Nigeria,  W.  Africa.  Club: 
Eoyal  Empire  Society. 

ALABASTER,  Sir  Chaloner  Grenville, 
Kt.,  cr.  1942  ;  O.B.E.  1918  ;  E.G.  1922 ; 
o.  surv,  s.  of  late  Sir  Chaloner  Alabaster, 
K.O.M.G. ;  m,  1909,  Mabel  Winifred  Mary, 
M.B.E.,  d.  of  late  Col.  E.  P.  Mainwaring, 
Indian  Army  ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Tonbridge. 
Called  to  Bar,  Inner  Temple,  1904 ;  Western 
Circuit ;  Acting  Attorney- General,  Hong- 
Kong,  1911,  1912,  1928 ;  unofficial  member 
Legislative  Council,  1919,  1924,  1925 ; 
Attorney- General  of  Hong-Kong,  1930-46  ; 
Acting  Chief  Justice,  1937.  Interned  by 
Japanese  in  Stanley  Camp,  Hong-Kong, 
1942-45.  Publication :  Editor  of  Laws  of 
Hong-Kong  1844-1912.  Address:  34  Pine- 
cliffe  Avenue,  Southbourne,  Bournemouth. 
Clubs  :  Royal  Empire  Society  ;  Hong-Kong. 

Kt.,  cr.  1946;  M.A.,  D.Litt.,  LL.D.;  Bar- 
rister-at-Law ;  b.  April  1909  ;  s.  of  late  K.  V. 
Al.  Eamanathan  Chettiar ;  m. ;  one  d. 
Educ. :  Presidency  College,  Madras  ;  Middle 
Temple,  London.  Managing  Director,  Ala- 
gappa Textiles  (Cochin)  Ltd.:  TJmayal 
Weaving  Establishment  Ltd.  Director  of 
several  Joint  Stock  Companies  and  Indian 
Bank  Ltd.  Life  Member,  Madras  and  Anna- 
malai  Universities.  Donated  over  five  million 
rupees  to  charitable  and  educational  institu- 
tions, including  Rs.  15  lakhs  to  the  Electro- 
Chemical  Research  Institute,  Karaikudi, 
foundation-stone  laid  by  Pandit  Jawaharlal 
Nehru,  Prime  Minister;  also  to  Thakkar 
Bapa  Vidyalaya  (Harijan  Industrial  School), 
foundation-school  laid  by  Mahatma  Gandhi  ; 
and  to  Dr.  Alagappa  Chettiar  College  of 
Technology  at  Annamalainagar  and  Madras. 
Founder,  Dr.  Alagappa  Chettiar  College, 
Karaikudi.  Member,  Governing  Body  of 
Council  of  Scientific  and  Industrial  Research : 
Indian  Peoples'  Famine  Trust,  Government 
of  India.  Address:  Krishna  Vilas,  Vepery, 

A  LAM,  Hon.  Anthony  Alexander, 
M.L.O. ;  Managing  Director  Australian  Export- 
ing Fur  Co. ;  Director,  Alam's,  Ltd.,  Dunedoo, 
N.S.W.,  and  Delegate,  N.S.W. ;  member  Upper 
House,  N.S.W.,  Australia,  since  1925  ;  &.  Walls- 
end,  N.S.W.,  1896 J  parents  born  Republic 
Lebanon ;  m. ;  no  c.  Educ. :  De  La  Salle  College. 
Armidale,  N.S.W.  King  George  V.  Silver 
Jubilee  Medal ;  Merit  of  Lebanon;  Commander 
Nichan  Iftikar ;  King  George  VI  Coronation 
Medal;  Commander  Etoile  Noir.  Recreations: 
breeding  trotters,  tennis,  motoring,  horse- 
racing.  Address:  Parliament  House,  Sydney, 
Australia.  T.A.:  Alam  Parliament,  Sydney. 
07,w.7)  •  ^ommftrrMal  Travel lars'  (Sydney). 

ALANBROOKE,  1st  Viscount,  cr.  1946,  of 
Biookeborough ;  1st  Baron,  cr,  1945  j  Field- 
Marshal  Alan  Francis  Brooke,  K.G. 
1946 ;  G.C.B.,  cr.  1942  JK.C.B.,  cr.  1940 ; 
C.B.  1'937);  O.M.1946;  D.S.0. 1917;  H.M. 
Lieutenant,  County  of  London,  and  Constable 
of  the  Tower  of  London  since  1950;  Col. 
Comdt.,  E.A.,  since  1939,  R.H.A.  since  1940, 
Glider  Pilot  Uegt.  since  1942,  and  H.A.C. 
since  1946 ;  Master  Gunner,  St  James's  Park, 
since  1946  ;  Chancellor  of  Queen's  University, 
Belfast,  since  1949  ;  a  Government  Director 
of  Anglo-Iranian  Oil  Co.  since  1946  ;  Director 
of  Midland  Bank  Ltd.  since  1947  ;  Chm.  Bel- 
fast Banking  Co.  Ltd.  since  1947 :  Director 
National  Discount  Co.,  1948  ;  Director  Hud- 
son's Bay  Company,  1948 ;  6.  Bagneres  de 
Bigorre,  France,  23  July  3883  ;  «.  of  late  Sir 
Victor  Brooke,  Bart.,  and  Lady  Brooke-Cole- 
forooke,  Brookeborough,  Co.  Fermanagh  ;  m. 
1st,  1914,  Jane  Mary  (d.  1925),  d.  of  Col. 
Richardson,  Rossfad,  BallinamaUard,  Co. 
Fermanagh  ?  one  s.  one  d. ;  2nd,  1920,  Benita, 
widow  of  Sir  Thomas  Lees,  2nd  Bt.,  and  e. 
d.  of  Sir  Harold  Pelly,  q.v. ;  one  s.  one  d 
Educ. :  abroad ;  R.M.A.,  Woolwich.  Joined 

,    R.F.A.,   1902:    served  first  four  years  in 
South  of  Ireland:    transferred  to   India 
*  1906 ;   posted  tQ  Royal  Horse  Artillery  <N  i 

Battery),  1909  :  proceeded  to  war  in  France 
with  Secunderabad  Cavalry  Brigade  ;  landed 
Marseilles,  Sept.  1914,  in  command  of 
ammunition  column :  posted  Adjutant,  2nd 
Indian  R.H.A.  Brigade,  Feb.  1915  ;  Brigade- 
Major,  18th  Divisional  Artillery,  Nov.  1915  ; 
G.S.0,2,  Royal  Artillery,  Canadian  Corps, 
Feb.  1917;  G.S.0.1,  R.A.,  First  Army, 
1  July  1918-31  March  1919  (despatches  six 
times,  bar  to  D.S.O.,  Brevet  Lt.-Colonel) ; 
Delhi  Durbar  Medal,  1914  Star,  1935  Jubilee 
Medal,  and  Belgian  Croix  de  Guerre  •  Staff 
College,  Camberley,  1919;  G.S.0.2,  North- 
umbrian Division  T.A.,  1920-23:  Staff 
College,  Camberley,  1923-27 ;  Imperial 
Defence  College,  1927 ;  Regimental  duty, 
1928 ;  Commandant,  School  of  Artillery, 
1929-32  ;  Army  Instructor  Imperial  Defence 
College,  1932-34  ;  Commander  8th  Infantry 
Brigade,  1934-35 ;  Inspector  of  Royal 
Artillery,  1935-36;  Director  of  Military 
Training,  War  Office,  1936-37  :  Comdr.  of 
Mobile  Division,  1937-38  ;  Commander,  Anti- 
Aircraft  Corps,  1938-39 ;  G.O.C.-in-C.  Anti- 
Aircraft  Command,  1939 ;  G.O.C.-in-C. 
Southern  Command,  1939  and  1940  ;  Comdr. 
of  Second  Army  Corps,  B,E.F.,  1939-40 ; 
C.-in-C.  Home  Forces,  1940-41 ;  Chief  of 
Imperial  General  Staff,  1941-46:  A.D.C. 
General  to  the  King,  1942-46  ;  Field  Marshal, 
1944.  1st  Class  Order  of  PoJonia  Restituta  ; 
1st  Class  Order  of  Zovorof :  Grand  Cordon 
of  Order  of  Leopold ;  Grand  Commander  of 
Legion  of  Honour  ;  Order  of  White  Lion  of 
Chechoslovakia,  1st  Class ;  Victory  Star  of 
White  Lion  ;  1st  Class  Order  of  the  Redeemer 
of  Greece  ;  Knight  Grand  Cross  of  the  Order 
of  the  Netherlands  ;  Belgian  Croix  de  Guerre ; 
French  Croix  de  Guerre ;  Czechoslovakia 
Croix  de  Guerre.  Recreations  ;  riding,  shoot- 
ing, and  fishing.  Heir:  s.  Hon.  Thomas 
Brooke,  6.  9  Jan.  1920.  Clubs  :  Athenaeum, 
Army  and  Navy,  Cavalry,  Naval  and  Military, 
Bath,  White's. 

Set  oho  Lady  Wrench* 
ALBA,  17tn  Duque  de,  andioth  Duke 
of  Berwick;  (JW*M.Q  M^ria  del  Piiar-  Carlos 
Manuel)  Fitz- James  Stuart ;  Member  of 
the  Royal  Spanish  Academy  ;  Uirector  of  the 
Royal  Academy  'of  History ;  Member  of  the 
Royal  Academy  of  Fine  Arts  of  San  Fernando ; 
Member  of  the  Patroaato  del  Prado; 
Hon.  D.G.L.  of  Oxford  and  Trinity  College, 
Dublin;  Corresponding  Member  of  the  British 
Academy;  6.  Madrid,  17  Oct.  1878;  e.  s. 
of  Carlos,  16th  Duke  of  Alba,  9th  Duke  of 
Berwick,  and  Maria  del  Rosario  Falco"  y 
Osorio,  22nd  Condesa  de  Siruela;  m.  1020, 
Maria  del  Rosario  de  Silva  y  Gnrtnbay,  Mar- 
quesa  de  San  Vicente  del  Barco  (d.  1934).  d.  of 
Duke  of  Aliaga.  Educ.:  Beaumont.  Minister 
of  Education,  Spain,  1980;  Foreign  Minister 
Spain,  1930-81 ;  Spanish  Ambassador  to  Great 
Britain,  1939-45,  Bete :  d.  Maria  del  Rosario 
Cayetana  Fits-James  Stuart  y  de  Silva,  Duquesa 
de  Montoro,  Marquesa  de  San  Vicente  del 
Barco  [5.  Madrid,  28  March  1926:  m.  1947, 
Don  Luis  Martinez  de  Irujo,  *.  of  Duke 
of  Sotomayor:  one  s.  Catholic.]  Publica- 
tions: El  Kmbajador  Gdmez  de  Fuensallda; 
Catalogo  de  la  Coleccion  de  Pinturas  de  la 
Casa  de  Alba;  Noticias  histdricaa  y  genea- 
Idgicas  de  las  Casas  de  Montijo  y  Teba ;  Dis- 
course on  Entrance  to  Academy  of  History  • 
Biblia  de  la  Casa  de  Alba ;  Discourse  on  En- 
trance to  Academy  of  San  Fernando;  Discourse 
on  Entrance  to  the  Royal  Spanish  Academy, 
El  Marisoal  de  Berwick  ;  Miniaturas  de  la  Casa 
de  Alba;  -La  Muaica  en  la  Casa  de  Alba;  Lettres 
familieres  de  1'Imperatrice  Eugenie ;  Lettres 
intimes  de  Prosper  Merimee  a  la  Oomtessede 
Montijo  J  Discurso  de  Don  Sancho  de  Londofio 
Recreations:  shooting,  ski-ing,  motoring  polo' 
golf.  Address :  Mai-tires  da  Alcala  4r  Madrid 
fikufa :  Marlborough-Windham,  St.  James'. 
ALB  AN,  Sir  Frederick  John,  Kt., 
cr.  1945;  C.B.E.  1932;  J.P.  Glamorgan- 
Chairman  Wales  Regional  Hospital  Board 
(National  Health  Service  Act.  1946); 
6.  11  Jan.  1882 ;  *.  of  David  and  Hannah 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Alban;  m.  1906,  Alice  Emily  Watkins  ;  foui 
s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Abergavenny  (Mou.) 
National  School ;  privately.  Numerous  ap- 
pointments in  Local  Government,  and  ir 
government  service;  Deputy  Accountant 
Welsh  National  Insurance  Commissioners  j 

Adviser  to  Local  Authorities  ;  Senior  Partner 
of  Alban  &  Lamb,  Incorporated  Accountants 
of  London,  Newport,  and  Cardiff.  First 
Prizeman,  Final  Examination,  1907,  Institute 
of  Municipal  Treasurers  <fe  Accountants  (Inc.); 
Gold  Medallist,  1909,  Pres.  1947-49,  Society 
of  Incorporated  Accountants  <fc  Auditors  ; 
Member  Ministry  of  Health  Departmental 
Cttee.  on  Greater  London  Water  Supplies, 
1947 ;  Member  of  Electricity  Arbitration 
Tribunal  (Electricity  Act,  1947);  Member 
Gas  Arbitration  Tribunal.  Publications: 
Income  Tax  as  Affecting  Local  Authori- 
ties, 1936 ;  The  Organisation  of  the  Water- 
works Undertaking,  1926 ;  Financial  Editor, 
Knight's  Local  Government  Chronicle,  etc. 
Recreation:  golf.  Address:  The  Hollies, 
Beach  Road,  Penarth,  Glam.  T. :  Penarth 
661.  Clubs  :  National  Liberal ;  Cardiff  and 
County,  Radyr  Golf  ( Cardiff1);  Glamorganshire 
Golf,  Penarth  Yacht  (Penarth). 

ALBEMARLE,  9th  Earl  of  (cr.  1696), 
Walter  Egerton  George  Lucian 
Keppel ;  M.u. ;  ±saron  Aaiuora,  lt»yo;  vis- 
uuuuc  tJury,  1696 ;  b.  28  Feb.  1882  ;  e.  s.  of  8th 
Earl  and  Lady  Gertrude  Lucia  Egerton  (d.  1943), 
o.  c.  of  1st  Earl  Egerton  of  Tatton ;  S.  father, 
1942;  m.  1st,  1909,  Lady  Judith  Sydney 
Myee  Carrington  (d.  1928),  4th  d.  of  1st 
Marquis  of  Lincolnshire  ;  three  s.  two  d. ;  2nd, 
1931,  Diana  Cicely  (see  Countess  of  Albemarle), 
o.c.  of  late  John  Archibald  Grove;  one  d. 
Educ. :  Eton.  Late  Lieut.  Prince  of  Wales's 
Own  Norfolk  Artillery;  A.D.C.  to  Governor- 
General  of  Canada,  1904-5 ;  to  Viceroy  of  India, 
1906-7 ;  to  Governor  of  Orange  River  Colony, 
1907-8 ;  Major  bpecial  Reserve,  Scots  Guards., 
1918 ;  late  commanding  P.W.O.  Civil  Service 
Rifles ;  commanded  Norfolk  Yeomanry,  108th, 
Brigade  R.F.A.  until  1926;  contested  (U.) 
Altrineham  Division,  Cheshire,  1910 ;  Vice- 
Lieut,  for  County  of  Norfolk,  1940-44;  Member 
of  L.C.C.  for  Central  Wandsworth,  1919;  elected 
Norfolk  C.O.,  and  to  Church  Assembly,  1943. 
ffeir:  s.  Viscount  Bury,,  q.v.  Address:  Estate 
Office,  Quidenharo,  Norwich;  Beacon  Hill. 
Wood  bridge,  Suffolk.  CW :  Turf. 
See  also  Hon.  R,  Keppel,  Gen.  Sir  T.G.  Matheson, 
M.  Postan. 

ALBEMARLE,  Countess  of;  (Diana 
Cicely  ;  Chairman  Development  Commis- 
sion since  1948  ;  b.  6  Aug.  1909  ;  o.  c.  of 
John  Archibald  Grove  ;  m.  1931,  9th  Earl  of 
Albemarle,  q.v. ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Sherborne 
School  for  Girls.  Rural  District  Councillor, 
1935-46  ;  Norfolk  County  Organiser  W.V.S., 
1939-44;  Vice-Chairman,  Executive  Cttee. 
National  Federation  of  Women's  Institutes, 
1943,  Chairman  1946;  Member  U.K.  Con- 
sultative Cttee.  of  F.A.O.  1948.  Life  Mem- 
ber, Carnegie  U.K.  Trust.  Recreations: 
gardening  and  sailing.  Address :  204  Cran- 
mer  Court,  S.W.3  ;  Beacon  Hill,  Martlesham, 
Woodbridge,  Suffolk.  T. :  Kensington 
8073,  Woodbridge  264. 

ALBERS,  Mrs.  Alfred  G. ;  see  Stack,  (Ann) 

ALBERY,  Sir  Bronson  (James),  Kt.,  cr. 
1949  ;  theatre  director  ;  b.  6  March  1881 ; 
s.  of  James  Albery  and  Mary  Moore,  after- 
wards Lady  Wyndham;  m.  1912,  Una 
G.  Rolleston ;  two  a.  two  d.  Educ. : 
Uppingham  ;  Balliol  College,  Oxford.  Bar- 
rister-at-law  ;  Lt.  R.N.V.R.  1917-19.  Man- 
aging Director  The  Wyndham  Theatres, 
Ltd.,  controlling  Criterion,  New  and  Wynd- 
ham's  Theatres ;  Member  Jt.  Council  Nat. 
Theatre  and  Old  Vic.  and  Ohm.  Nat.  Theatre 
Bldg.  Sub-Cttee. ;  Member  of  Exec.  Cttee 
of  Old  Vic  and  Dir.  of  Old  Vic  Trust  Ltd. ; 
Director  of  Sadler's  Wells  Trust  Ltd. ; 

Member  of  Exec.  Cttee.  9f  Arts  Council  of 
Great  Britain  and  Chairman  of  Drama 
Panel ;  Member  Brit.  Council  Drama 
Advisory  Cttee. ;  President  Soc.  West 
End  Theatre  Managers,  1941-45  :  Chairman 
Theatres'  War  Service  Council,  1942-46 ; 
Vice-Pres.  Actors'  Benevolent  Fund ;  Chev- 
alier de  la  Le'gion  d'Honneur.  Recreations  : 
bridge,  maps.  Address:  The  Grove,  Harpen- 
den.  T.:  571;  49  HaUam  St.,  W.I.  T.: 
Langham  2238.  Clubs:  Garrick,  Beefsteak. 

ALBERY,  Sir  Irving  James,  Kt.,  cr.  i*3b; 
M.U  ;  Major  retired  Yeomanry;  Member  of  the 
Stock  Exchange  since  1902 ;  partner  in  I.  Albery 
&  Co. ;  b.  London,  12  May  1879;  s.  of  James 
Albery,  dramatic  author,  and  late  Mary  Moore, 
afterwards  Lady  Wyndham;  m.  Jill  Mary. 
d.  of  late  Henry  Arthur  Jones;  two  s.  one 
d.  Educ.  :  Uppingham  School ;  Freiburg 
University.  M.P.  (U.)  Gravesend,  1924-45; 
Contested  Bow  and  Bromley,  1923  Election; 
served  South  Africa,  1900 ;  European  War,  1914 
to  Armistice  (M.C.,  despatches).  Recreation : 
sailing.  Address:  The  Manor  House,  Farning- 
ham,  Kent;  3  Parkside,  Knightsbrmge,  S.W.I. 
Clubs :  Carlton,  Royal  Thames  Yacht ;  Boyal 
Corinthian  Yacht. 
See  also  Col.  Hon.  Angus  McDwnell. 

ALBU,  Austen  Harry,  B.Sc.  (Eng.) ; 
A.M.I.Mech.E.,  M.I.P.E. ;  M.P.  (Lab.), 
Edmonton,  since  1948  ;  b.  London, -21  Sept. 
1903  ;  s.  of  Ferdinand  and  Beatrice  Rachel 
Albu ;  m.  1929,  Rose,  d.  of  Simon  Marks, 
Newcastle ;  two  s.  Educ. :  Tonbridge 
School ;  City  and  Guilds  (Engineering) 
College.  Works  Manager,  Aladdin  Industries. 
Greenford,  1930-46.  Dep.  Pres.,  Govtl.  Sub- 
Commn.,  C.C.G.,  1946-47.  Dep..  Dir., 
British  Institute  of  Management,  Hill  Street, 
W.I,  Feb.-Nov.  1948.  Publication  :  Manage- 
ment in  Transition,  1941  (pamphlet).  Ad- 
dress :  45  Castleton  Mansions,  Barnes, 
S.W.13.  T.:  Riverside  4552.  Club:  Reform. 

ALBU,  Major  Sir  George  Werner,  2ud 
Bt.,  cr.  1912  i  Chairman  ana  Managing  Director, 
General  Mining  and  Finance  Corporation,  Ltd., 
Van  Ryn  Gold  Mines  Estate,  Ltd.,  arid  West 
Rand  Consolidated  Mines,  Ltd.. ;  &.  3  Sep.  1905  ; 
o.  surv.  s.  of  Sir  George  Albu,  1st  Bt.;  S.~  father, 
1935 ;  m.  1928,  Betty,  d.  of  B.  C.  Dicey ;  one  s. 
four  d.  Educ. :  Rugby;  Trinity  Hall,  Cambridge. 
Heir:  s.  George,  6.  5  June  1944.  Address: 
P.O.  Box  1242,  Johannesburg.  Clubs;  Rand 
(Johannesburg) ;  Kimberlay. 
See  also  Bishop  of  Pretoria. 

ALCOCK,  Rev.  Canon  John  Mark, 
Canon  Residentiary  01  Wells  Cathedral  since 
1915 ;  5.  ot  late  Rev.  J.  P.  Alcock,  Rector  of 
Southfleet,  Kent ;  m.  1898,  Marion  (tf.1947),  d.  of 
Oswald  Rufus  Milne  of  Werneth,  Lanes.  Educ.: 
King's  -School,  Canterbury ;  Oriel  College,  Ox- 
ford, M.A.  1891.  Ordained,  1889 ;  Curate  of 
West  Wickham,  T889-91;  Bvershot,  1891-96; 
Tolpuddle,  1896-1900 ;  Yicar  of  Godney,  1900- 
1915 ;  Rural  Dean  of  Glastonbury,  1912-15  ;  Pre- 
bendary of  Warminster  in  Wells  Cathedral,  1913 ; 
Chaplain  to  Bishops  of  Bath  and  Wells,  1908- 
1942.  Address  •  Thf  North  Liberty.  Wells,  Som. 

ALCOCK,  Milgitha  L.,  C.B.E.  1936; 
M.V.O,  1940 ;  d.  of  late  Rev.  J.  P.  Alcock. 
Educ. :  Privately.  Employed  in  Private 
Secretary's  Office,  Buckingham  Palace,  1917- 
1946.  Retired,  1946.  Address:  10  Palace 
Garden  Mews,  W.8. 

ALDAM,  Col.  W.  St.  A.;  see  Warde-Aldam. 

ALDEN,  John  H.,  M.A.,  D.Mus.  (Oxon), 
F.R.C.O.,  A.R.C.M. :  Director  of  Music, 
Bradneld  College,  Berks,  since  1947 ;  6.  22 
Feb.  1900;  s.  of  late  Herbert  E.  Alden. 
Educ. :  New  and  Magdalen  College  Schools, 
Oxford  :  New  College,  Oxford.  Director  of 
Music,  Diocesan  College,  Capetown,  1923-26  ; 
Assistant  Director  of  Music,  Harrow  School, 
1927-30  :  Director  of  Music,  Bradfield  Col- 
lege, Berks,  1931-34 ;  Organist,St. Martin-ln- 
the-Fields,  1935-38  ;  Acting-Head  of  Cam- 
bridge  House,  Camberwell,  1939  ;  Direotor.of 
Music,  Eastbourne'  College,  1940-45 ;  Royal 
Naval  College,  Dartmouth,  1945-46 ; 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

man,  Slatter  &  Rose,  Ltd.,  Oxford,  1942-47. 
Address  :  Bradfleld  College,  Berks. 
ALDENHAM,   4th  Baron  (cr.   1896);    2nd 
Baron   Hunsdon   (M.   1923),   of  Hunsdon; 

"Walter  D  u  r  a  n  t  G i b b s ;  Chm. : 
Antony  Gibbs  &  Sons,  Merchant  Bankers, 
22  Bishopsgate,  E.C. ;  Westminster  Bank; 
Australian  Pastoral  Co.;  Director  Com- 
mercial Union  Assurance  Co.,  English 
Scottish  Australian  Bank,  etc. ;  b.  11  Aug. 
1888  *  e  «..  of  1st  Baron  Hunsdon  and  Anna 
Maria  (d.  1938),  4th  d.  of  Richard  Duxant, 
Sharpham,  Devon,  and  High  Canons,  Herts ; 
S  father  1935  and  cousin,  Baron  Aldenham, 
1939 ;  m.  1919,  Beatrix  Elinor,  d.  of  Herbert 
Paul,  and  widow  of  Algernon  Villiers ;  one  s. 
Educ.:  Eton;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge. 
Served  European  War,  Herts  Yeomanry, 
Gallipoli,  Palestine,  Persia,  1914-18  (de- 
snatches).  Heir:  s,  Hon.  Antony  Durant 
Gibbs,  R.N.V.R.  [b.  1922;  m.  1947,  Mary 
Elizabeth,  o.  d.  of  late  Walter  Parkyns  Tyser ; 
two  *.].  Address:  Briggens,  Ware,  Herts. 
Clubs:  Travellers',  City  of  London. 

ALDER,  Wilfred,  C.l.JB).  1923;  U.B.B.  1919. 
J£d/ua:  Tnmcy  College,  Cambridge,  M.A. 
Entered  Indian  Civil  Service,  1900 ;  Accountant- 
Gen  eral,  Bihar  and  Orissa,  1912;  Punjab,  1913  ; 
Bombay,  1917;  United  Provinces,  1917;  officia- 
ting Controller  of  Currency,  Calcutta,  1919  ; 
rfitirftd,  1926.  Club  :  Bast  India  and  Sports. 

ALDERSEY,  Captain  Ralph,  J.P. ;  Land- 
owner, Chester ;  land  agent  to  Col.  E.  Royds, 
Stubton,  Lines.,  since  1919 ;  2nd  s.  of  Hugh 
Aldersey  of  Aldersey  ;  m.  1st,  1927,  Kachel 
(d,  1948),  d.  of  Com.  Gaussen,  Brookman  s 
Park,  Herts;  two  8.  two  d.\  2nd,  1949, 
Beatrice  Maude,  e.  d.  of  late  Charles  Stonor, 
Trearddur  Bay,  Anglesey;  one  s.  Educ.: 
Radley  College.  Business,  1908-14;  Army, 
1914-19  (twice  wounded,  despatches).  Re- 
creations: hunting,  shooting,  etc.  Address: 
Aldersey,  Chester.  T.A.:  Clutton.  T.: 
Broxton  65,  (Aldersey  Estate  Office)  79. 

ALDERSON,  Rt.  Rev.  Cecil  William  ;  see 
Damaraland,  Bishop  of. 

ALDERSON,  Sir  Edward  Hall,  K.C.B., 
cr.  1931  (U.B.  UUy)  ;  K.b.K  ,  cr.  iyU5  ;  J.P.  J  6. 
1864  ;  s.  of  late  Francis  J.  Alderson,  and  g.s.  of 
late  Sir  Edward  Hall  Alderson,  a  Baron  of  the 
Exchequer  ;  in.  1900,  Mary  Emily  (d  1935),  d,  of 
Sir  H.  Cosmo  Bonsor,  1st  Bt. ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ.:  privately;  Brasenose  College,  Oxford 
(B.A.).  Called  to  Bar,  Inner  Temple,  1890 ;  8.E. 
Circuit  and  C.C.C. ;  Private  Secretary  to  Lord 
Chancellor  (B.  Halsbury),  and  Secretary  of  Com- 
missions, 1895-1900 ;  Beading  Clerk  and  Clerk 
of  Outdoor  Committees,  House  of  Lord's,  1900- 
1917  ;  Clerk  Assistant  of  the  Parliaments,  1917- 
1930;  Clerk  of  the  Parliaments,  1930-34.  Recrea- 
tions: riding,  tennis,  golf,  play-acting.  Address: 
The  Hall,  Tunstall,  Woodbridge,  Suffolk. 
Cluh» ;  Travellers',  Beefsteak. 

ALDINGTON,  Hubert  Edward;  C.B. 
1947;  Member  Board  of  Amalgamated 
Roadstone  Corp. ;  &.  9  Sept.  1883 ;  2nd  s. 
of  late  Rev.  J.  Arthur  Aldington ;  m.  1913, 
Emily,  2nd  d.  of  late  Jas.  Wm.  Graham, 
Hong  Kong  and  Northumberland;  no  c. 
Educ.:  Kingswood  School,  Bath.  Served 
several  years  on  staff  of  G.W.  Ely.,  also  on 
Australian  State  Ely.  in  Adelaide.  Served 
European  War,  1914-19,  with  Eoyal  Engin- 
eers. Chief  Highway  Engineer,  Ministry  of 
Transport,  1945-49.  Address:  Amalgamated 
Eoadstone  Corporation,  60  Buckingham 
Palace  Road,  S.W.I. 

ALDINGTON,  Richard;  b.  1892;  m.  1st, 
ms,  -H.  D.  w  (divorced  1937) ;  2nd,  Netta, 
d.  of  late  James  McCulloch,  Ashley  Bank, 
Pinner ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Dover  College ;  London 
University.  Served  European  "War,  1916-18. 
Publications:  Images,  Old  and  New,  1915;  War 
and  Love,  1918 ;  Images  of  Desire.  1919  ;  Exile, 
and  other  Poems,  1923:  Literary  studies,  1924 ; 
A  Fool  i'  the  Forest,  1925';  French  studies, 
1925:  Voltaire,  1926;  Collected  Poems,  1928; 
Deatn  of  a  Hero,  1929;  A  Dream  in  the 
Luxembourg,  1930;  Roads  to  Glory,  1930; 
The  Colonel's  Daughter,  1931;  Last  Straws, 

1931 ;  The  Eaten  Heart,  1931 ;  Soft  Answers, 
1932:  All  Men  are  Enemies,  1933;  Women 
Must  Work,  1934 ;  The  Spirit  of  Place,  com- 
piled  from  prose  of  D.  H.  Lawrence,  1985; 
Life  Quest,  1936;  Artifex,  1936;  Very  Heaven, 
1937;  Seven  Against  Beeves,  1988;  Rejected 
Guest,  1939.  U.S.A.:  Life  for  Life's  Sake, 
1940  ;  Poetry  of  English  -  Speaking  World, 
1941 ;  A  Wreath  for  San  Gemignano,  1945 ;  The 
Romance  of  Casanova,  1946;  Great  French 
Romances,  1946;  Wellington,  1946  (awarded 
James  Tait  Black  memorial  prize,  1947); 
Poetry  of  the  English-Speaking  World,  1947 ; 
The  Strange  Life  of  Charles  Waterton,  1949 ; 
Portrait  of  a  Genius,  But  .  .  .,  1950 ;  also 
translations.  Address:  c/o  William  Heine- 
mann,  09  Great  Russell  at,.,  W.C. 
ALDRICH,  Winthrop  Williams,  Chair- 
man oi  .boaru  ui  iiie  Unase  Wauonal  Bank  of 
the  City  of  New  York  ;  Direcu>r  of:  American 
Telephone  and  Telegraph  Co.,  International 
Paper  Oo. ;  Metropolitan  Life  Insurance  Co., 
Westinghouse  Electric  Corporation,  New  York 
Central  Railroad  Co.  ;  Trustee  of  Rockefeller 
Foundation  and  General  Education  Board;  6. 
Providence,  R.I.,  2  Nov.  1885  ;  s.  of  Nelson  W. 
Aldrich  and  Abby  Pierce  Chapman  Greene  ;  m. 
1916,  Harriet  Alexander,  New  York  City ;  one  s. 
four  d.  Educ.:  Harvard  Univ. ;  Harvard  Law 
School.  Admitted  to  New  York  bar,  1912  ;  Lt. 
U.S.  Naval  Reserve,  1917-18;  member  Law  firm 
Murray,  Aldrich  and  Webb ;  served  aspresident 
of  Equitable  Trust  Company  of  New  York.  Ad- 
dress: 18  Pine  Street.  New  York  City.  T.: 
Hanover  2-6000.  CLubs:  Harvard,  Knicker- 
bocker, River,  Piping  Rock,  Brook,  Century, 
NPW  York  Yacht  (New  York). 
ALDRIDGE,  Sir  Frederick,  Kfc.,  cr. 
1946;  Controller  Manufactured  Foods,  Minis- 
try of  Food,  since  1941 ;  Deputy  Chair- 
man Smithfleld  Argentine  Meat  Co.  Ltd. ; 
Director  Co-operative  Wholesale  Soc.  Ltd., 
and  Barking  Jetty  Co. ;  Management  Cttee. 
Bacon  Importers  National  Defence  Assoc. 
Ltd.,  Ministry  of  Food  ;  b.  24  May  1891 ;  *.  of 
William  Aldridge,  Portsmouth;  m.  1913, 
Laura  Violet,  d,  of  Edward  James,  Cardiff ; 
two  s.  one  d.  Edvc. :  St.  Mary's,  Portsmouth. 
Portsea  Island  Co-operative  Society  Ltd., 
1905-9:  Gillingham  Co-operative  Society 
Ltd.,  1909-11 ;  General  Manager  and  Secret- 
ary Grays  Co-operative  Society  Ltd.,  1911-34. 
A  member  of  advisory  committees  grocery, 
bacon,  butter  and '  cheese,  Food  Defence 
Plans  Dept.,  1938-39;  Ministry  of  Food, 
1939-41 ;  National  Coal  Advisory  Committee, 
1938-41.  Recreations:  golf,  tennis,  bowls. 
Address:  Brynhill,  College  Avenue,  Grays, 
Essex.  T. :  Tilbury  433,  (business)  Welbeck 
6500,  Royal  7221. 

ALDRIDGE,  Leonard,  C.B.E.  1946 ; 
T.G.S.,  F.R.0.S.,  F.R.E.S. ;  Founder  and 
Chairman  Anglo-French  Consolidated  In- 
vestment Corp.  Ltd. ;  Chm.  Mitchell  Cotts 
&  Co.  Ltd. ;  Chm.  or  Director  of  some  60 
Cos.,  constituting  Anglo-French-Mitchell 
Cotts  Group  covering  inter-Empire  trading, 
including  shipping,  coal,  steel,  engineering, 
industrial  and  base  metal  mining  interests ; 
Director  G-oodlass  Wall  &  Lead  Industries 
Ltd.,  Johnson  <fe  Phillips  Ltd.,  Natal  Naviga- 
tion Collieries  &  Estate  Co.  Ltd.,  etc. ;  a 
firm  believer  in  British  Empire,  in  which  he 
has  travelled  extensively ;  has  initiated  or 
taken  part  in  creation  of  various  industrial 
and  other  undertakings  contributing  to 
strengthening  of  economic  and  trade  links 
within  the  Empire  and  fostering  of  relations 
between  the  Empire  and  other  countries  ;  b. 
'  12  Nov.  1892  :  s.  of  Richard  Aldridge  ;  m. 
1st ;  one  d. ;  2nd,  1936,  Marguerite,  y.  d.  of 
Louis  Laroque,  Montmezeri,  Haut  Vienne, 
France.  Chm.  of  Council  Pilgrim  House 
Settlement,  Old  Ford,  and  Poplar,  E. ;  Hon. 
Colonel  1st  City  of  London  Cadet  bn., 
R.FIIB. ;  Freeman  City  of  London;  Liveryman 
Company  of  Coopers,  Company  of  Paviors. 
Held  number  of  hon.  civilian  and  para- 
military Government  appts.  during  War  of 
1939-45, including :  in  the  Levant:  Economic 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Adviser  to  H.B.M.'s  Minister,  Levant  States  ; 
Economic  Adviser,  Spears  Mission  to  Syria 
and  the  Lebanon ;  British  G-ovt.  Repre- 
sentative, Office  des  Cer6ales  Panifiables 
(O.C.P.) ;  Member  Levant  Ports  and  Transit 
Cttee. ;  Chief  Rep.,  Middle  East  Supply 
Centre,  Levant  States  ;  in  Egypt :  Member 
Lord  Moyne  Man-Power  Cttee.  for  Middle 
East :  in  Persia :  Economic  Adviser  and 
Special  Representative  in  Persia  to  Middle 
East  Supply  Centre ;  Adviser  to  Food 
Dept.  of  Milspaugh  (American)  Economic 
Mission,  Teheran,  on  the  collection  and  dis- 
tribution of  Cereals  ;  in  India :  Additional 
Commissioner  and  Director-General,  Trans- 
portation and  Storage,  Dept.  of  Civil  Supplies, 
G-ovt.  of  Bengal.  Recreations :  practical 
geology.  During  earlier  years  took  part  in 
field  surveys  in  Africa,  Australia,  some 
Pacific  Islands  and  Portugal.  Address  : 
2  Queen  Anne's  Gate,  Westminster,  S.W.I ; 
also  Khartoum,  Johannesburg  and  Paris. 
Clubs:  Royal  Societies,  Junior  Carlton, 
Royal  Aero,  Public  Schools,  Hurlingham: 
Turf  (Cairo) j  City  (Cape  Town);  Bengal 

ALEXANDER,  family  name  of  Viscount 
Alexander  of  Hillsborough,  of  Vis- 
count Alexander  of  Tunis,  of  Earl  of 
Caledon,  and  Baron  Cobham. 
Viscount,  cr.  1950,  of  Hillsborough,  Sheffield ; 
Albert  Victor  Alexander,  P.C.  1929; 
C.H.  1941 ;  LL.D. ;  Chancellor  of  the  Duchy 
of  Lancaster  since  1950 ;  an  Elder  Brother 
of  Trinity  House  since  1941;  b.  Weston- 
super-Mare,  1  May  1885 ;  s.  of  Albert  Alex- 
ander, artisan  engineer;  m.  1908,  Esther 
Ellen  (see  Viscountess  Alexander  of  Hills- 
borough),  y.  d.  of  late  George  Chappie,  of 
Tiverton;  one  d.  Educ.:  Barton  Hill 
Elementary  School,  Bristol;  St.  George 
Technical  Classes.  M.P.  (Co-op.)  Hills- 
borough  Division  of  Sheffield,  1922-31  and 
1935-50;  Parliamentary  Secretary  to  the 
Board  of  Trade,  1924;  First  Lord  of  the 
Admiralty,  1929-31,  1940-45,  and  1945-46; 
Minister  of  Defence,  1947-50.  Member  of 
Cabinet  Delegation  to  India  and  Paris  Peace 
Conference,  1946 ;  formerly  Sec.  of  the  Parl. 
Cttee.  of  the  Co-operative  Congress ;  formerly 
on  the  staff  of  the  Education  Committee  of 
the  Somerset  County  Council ;  for  many  years 
Baptist  lay  preacher ;  served  in  the  army ; 
gazetted  out  with  hon.  rank  of  Captain. 
Publications:  articles  on  co-operative  and 
political  subjects.  Heir:  none.  Address: 
Admiralty  House,  Whitehall,  S.W.I ;  Privy 
Council  Offices,  Whitehall,  S.W.I;  Well- 
house  Farm,  West  Mersea,  Essex. 
count, cr.  1946,  of  Errigal ;  Field-Marshal 
Harold  Rupert  Leofric  George 
Alexander,  E.G.  1946 ;  G.C.B.,  cr.  1942 
(K.C.B.,  cr.  1942  ;  C.B.  1938) ;  G.C.M.G.,  cr. 
1946;  C.S.I.  1936;  D.S.O.  1916;  M.C. ; 
Governor-General  of  Canada  since  1946  ;  b, 
10  Dec.  1891 ;  3rd  s.  of  4th  Earl  of  Caledon 
and  Lady  Elizabeth  Graham  Tolet,  d.  of  3rd 
Earl  of  Norbury  ;  m.  1931,  Lady  Margaret 
Diana  Bingham,  yr.  d.  of  5th  Earl  of  Lucan 
P.O.,  G.C.V.O.,  K.B.E.,  C.B. ;  two  a.  one  d 
Educ. :  Harrow  ;  Sandhurst.  Served  Euro- 
pean War  (France),  1914-18  (wounded 
thrice,  despatches  five  times,  D.S.O.,  M.C. 
Legion  of  Honour,  Order  of  St.  Anne,  2nd 
Class,  with  swords,  Russia) ;  Loe-Agra,  Opera- 
tions, N.W,  Frontier,  1935  (despatches 
C.S.I.);  Mohmand  Operations*  1935  (de- 
spatches); Staff  College,  1926-27;  Com- 
manding Regiment  and  Regimental  District 
of  Irish  Guards,  1928-30  ;  Imperial  Defence 
College,  1930 ;  General  Staff  Officer  1st 
Grade,  Northern  Command,  1932-34  ;  Com- 
mander Nowshera  Brigade,  Northern  Com- 
mand, India,  1934-38  ;  A.D.C.  to  the  King 
1936-37  ;  Col,  3rd  Bn.  2  Punjab  Regt.,  1937 
Maior-GenetaJL  1937 ;  Commander  of  the 
1st  Division,  1938-40 ;  Lt.-Gen.  1940 
Cmdr.  1st  Corps,  1940  (despatches) ;  O.O.C. 

in-C.  Southern  Command.  1940-42  ;  General, 
1942  ;  G.O.C.  Burma,  1942  ;  C.-in-C.,  Middle 
East,  1942-43 ;  C.-in-C.  18th  Army  Group, 
North  Africa,  1943  ;  C.-in-C.  Allied  Armies  in 
Italy  (15th  Army  Group),  1943-44 ;  Field- 
Marshal,  1944  ;  Supreme  Allied  Commander, 
Mediterranean  Theatre,  1944-45;  A.D.C. 
General  to  the  King,  1944-46 ;  Col.  Irish 
Guards,  1947.  K.J.St.J. ;  numerous  medals, 
foreign  orders  and  hon.  degrees  ;  Freeman  of 
cities  of:  London,  Belfast,  Londonderry, 
Manchester,  Edinburgh  and  Bologna  ;  Hon. 
Freedom  and  Livery  of  Haberdashers  Com- 
pany ;  Hon.  Bencher  of  Lincoln's  Inn  ;  Hon. 
Freedom  of  Grocers  Company  and  of  Painters, 
Stainers  Company  ;  Hon.  M.I.C.E. ;  Hon. 
Fellow  Roy.  Coll.  of  Physicians  and  Surgeons 
of  Canada ;  Hon.  Member  Cdn.  Bar  Assoc. 
Heir :  s.  Hon.  Shane  William  Desmond 
Alexander,  b.  30  June  1935.  Address: 
Government  Souse,  Ottawa,  Canada.  Clubs  : 
Guards',  White's,  Bath,  Athenseum. 

countess; C.B.E.  1947;  Esther  Ellen 
Alexander;  d.  of  late  George  Chappie, 
Tiverton,  Devon;  m.  1908,  1st  Viscount 
Alexander  of  Hillsborough,  q.v. ;  one  d. 
President  of  the  London  and  Home  Counties 
King  George's  Fund  for  Sailors.  Address: 
Admiralty  House,  Whitehall,  S.W.I ;  Well- 
house  Farm,  West  Mersea,  Essex. 

ALEXANDER,  Sir  Claud  Hagart-, 
3rd  Bt.,  cr.  1886  of  Ballochmyle ;  b.  Q  Jan. 
1927 ;  s.  of  late  Wilfred  Archibald  Alexander 
(2nd  s.  of  2nd  Bt.)  and  Mary  Prudence,  d.  of 
late  Guy  Acheson;  /S.  grandfather,  1945; 
assumed  additional  surname  of  Hagart, 
1949.  Educ.:  Sherborne;  Corpus  Christi 
College,  Cambridge  (B.A.  1948).  Heir:  u. 
Claud,  b.  1897.  Address:  2  Melton  Court, 
S.W.7 ;  Kingencleugh  House,  Mauchline, 
Ayrshire.  Club:  Royal  Automobile. 

ALEXANDER,  Sir  Douglas  Hamilton, 
2nd  Bt.,  cr.  1921 ;  Secretary,  The  Singer 
Manufacturing  Co.,  since  1946  ;  b.  6  June 
1900 ;  e.  s.  of  Sir  Douglas  Alexander,  1st 
Bt.  and  Helen  Hamilton  (d.  1923),  d.  of 
George  Hamilton  Gillespie,  Hamilton :  S. 
father,  1949.  Educ. :  Appleby  College ; 
Phillips  Exeter  Academy  ;  Princeton  Univer- 
sity. B.A.  1921.  The  Singer  Manufacturing 
Company,  1922-.  Eeir :  b.  Archibald 
Gillespie,  b.  29  March  1907.  Address  : 
Palmers  Hill.  Stamford,  Conn.,  U.S.A. 

ALEXANDER,  Edward  Bruce,  C.M.G. 
i92o ;  V.D.  ;  late  Gey  km  Civil  Service;  6.  3 
March  1872;  s.  of  B.  Dundas  Alexander, 
1. 0.8.  ;  m.  1899,  Mabel  Eleanor,  d.  of  "W.  D. 
Bosanquet,  Bipsley  House,  Liphook,  Hants  ; 
two  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Forest  School ;  Trinity 
College,  Oxford.  Retired  as  Controller  of 
Revenue,  Ceylon,  1927;  acted  as  Colonial 
Secretary,  1925-27,  and  as  Governor,  Oct. -Nov. 
1925 ;  represented  Ceylon  at  the  Colonial  Office 
Conference,  1927 ;  representative  of  Govt,  of 
Ceylon  on  the  International  Tea  Committee 
since  1933,  and  on  the  International  Rubber 
Regulation  Committee,  1934-44;  served  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-18;  Hon.  Lt.-Col.  late  Ceylon 
Mounted  Rifles ;  Grand  Officer,  Order  of  the 
Crown  of  Belgium.  Recreations:  Association 
football  blue  at  Oxford,  Corinthians,  Auth- 
entics ;  played  cricket  for  Ceylon,  etc.  Ad- 
dress :  c/o  CharteredVBank  of  India,  Australia, 
and  China,  38  Bishopsgate,  E.C.2.  Clubs: 
Oxford  and  Cambridge,  M.C.C.,  Queen's. 

ALEXANDER,  Maf.-Gen.  Edward 
Currie,  C.B.  1928 ;  C.I.E.  1919  ;  D.S.O.  1902  ; 
Indian  Army,  retired ;  5. 15  Sep.  1875 ;  s.  of  N.  S. 
Alexander,  late  I.C.S. ;  m.  1914,  Isabella  Sybil 
Katherine,  &  of  late  Mai  or  G.  O.  Stoney ;  one 
d.  Entered  army,  1895 ;  served  N.W.  Frontier, 
India,  1897  (medal  with  two  clasps) ;  Mahsud 
Waziri  operations,  1902  (D.S.O.,  despatches, 
clasp) ;  Mohmand  Expedition,  1908  (medal  and 
clasp);  European  "War,  1914-18  (despatches  4 
times,  Bt.  of  Lt.-Col.,  G.LB.);  Kurdistan,  1919 
(despatches.) ;  Irak,  1920  (despatches) ;  retired, 
1934.  .  , 



WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ALEXANDER,  Lieut.-Col.  Francis 
David,  C.JB.E.  iyi!j;  L>.  2  June  l&,y;  a.  u±' 
I).  T.  Alexander,  Dinas  Powis,  Cardiff;  •  m. 
Dorothy,  d.  of  A,  J.  Eobarts,  Tile  House,  Buck- 
ingham ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Haileybury  College ; 
Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  'Joined  19th 
Hussars,  1900;  served  S.  African  War  and 
European  War  with  19th  Hussars;  joined 
Bemount  Service,  1918.  Rejoined  the  army 
Sept,  1941  and  retired  Apr.  1945.  Address: 
Whissendine,  Oakham.  Club :  Cavalry. 

ALEXANDER,  Sir  Frank  (Samuel), 
1st  lit.,  cr.  1945:  Kt..  cr.  1942;  Alderman 
of  Aldgate  Ward  in  City  of  London  ;  6. 
London,  17  June  1881 ;  *.  of  Edward  Alex- 
ander, Highgate ;  m.  1922,  Elsa  Mary,  d.  of 
Sir  Charles  Collett,  1st  Bt. ;  two  s.  two  d. 
Educ.:  Highgate  School.  Shipbroker  and 
shipowner ;  Partner  in  Capper,  Alexander  & 
Co. ;  Director  of  Alexander  Shipping  Co., 
Ltd.,  Yorkshire  Insurance  Co..  Ltd.,  Houlder 
Line,  Ltd.,  Waxed-Papers.  Ltd. ;  Chairman 
of  Baltic  Mercantile  and  Shipping  Exchange, 
1939-46 ;  Sheriff  for  the  City  of  London,  1940- 
1941 ;  Lord  Mayor  of  London,  1944-45. 
Capt.  and  Adjutant  of  72nd  Heavy  Artillery 
Brigade  in  European  War,  1914-18.  Recrea- 
tions :  tennis,  golf,  swimming.  Heir :  s. 
Charles  Gundry,  &.  5  May  1923.  Address  : 
Nettlegtead,  19  Sundridge  Avenue,  Bromley, 
Kent.  T. :  Ravensbourne  3655.  Clubs : 
Royal  Automobile,  City  Livery,  United 

ALEXANDER,  Frederick  Matthias; 
JJU'doi/ut  oi1  olie  Jtf,  jij.tiuua.4a  Aioxaudoi  Trust 
Fund  School  at  Penhill,  near  Bexley;  ft.  20 
Jan.  1869;  s.  of  Join  and  Betsy  Alexander. 
Educ.:  privately;  more  or  less  self-educated. 
With  mining  company  in  Tasmania ;  secretary 
in  Melbourne;  professional  reciter;  trouble 
developed  in  voice  and  throat  and  as  orthodox 
treatment  failed  to  help  him  he  began  a  series 
of  experiments  upon  himself  as  set  down  in  The 
Use  of  the  Self,  which  led  to  his  discovery  of 
a  primary  control  of  the  use  of  the  self  and 
to  the  evolution  of  a  technique  for  its  employ- 
ment; relinquished  the  career  of  a  reciter  to 
teach  this  technique,  first  in  Melbourne  and 
then  in  Sydney  with  the  support  of  many 
medical  men;  came  to  London  in  1904;  in 
194=0  evacuated  the  F.  Matthias  Alexander 
Trust  Fund  School  to  Stow,  Mass.  After 
arranging  for  the  carrying  on  of  the  work  in 
U.8.A.  he  returned  to  London,  194?.  Pub- 
lications: Man's  Supreme  Inheritance,  1910 
(revised,  1918) ;  Conscious  Control,  1912 ;  Con- 
structive Conscious  Control  of  the  Individual 
1923 ;  The  Use  of  the  Self,  1932  ;  The  Universal 
Constant  in  Living,  1941 ;  Treatise :  Bespira- 
tory  Re  -Education,  1906.  Recreations:  riding, 
shooting,  theatre.  Address ;  16  Ashley  Place, 
S.W.I,  T.:  Victoria  1868;  Penhill,  near 
Bexley,  Kent. 

ALEXANDER,  Oilchrist  Gibb,  M.A.;  I. 
5  Oct.  1871;  a.  of  lau>  Wm.  Alexander,  Clark- 
field,  Parti ck,  Glasgow;  <m.  Jenny,  e.  d.  of  late 
John  White,  J.P.,  1  Prince's  Gardens,  Glasgow, 
W. ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Glasgow  Academy  and  Glas- 
gow Uni  versity.  M. A.  with  first-class  honours 
in  Mental  Philosophy,  1893 ;  awarded  Thomas 
Logan  Memorial  Gold  Medal  as  most  distin- 
guished graduate  in  Arts  of  that  year,  Gartmore 
Gold  Medal  for  University  Essay  and  Eglinton 
Fellowship.  Called  to  Bar,  Middle  Temple,  1896; 
practised  in  London  until  1907 ;  from  1907-20 
(with  interval  of  two  years  for  service  with 
Imperial  Army)  acted  in  Fiji  and  Western 
Pacific  as  Chief  Police  Magistrate,  Attorney- 
General,  Chief  Justice,  and  Chief  Judicial 
Commissioner,  in  the  New  Hebrides  as  British 
Judge  in  the  Joint  Court  of  the  Condominium, 
and  in  the  Solomon  Islands  as  Lands  Commis- 
sioner to  deal  with  land  disputes  ;  Chairman 
of  Commission  to  investigate  shipping  condi- 
tions, Fiji;  Senior  Puisne  Judge,  High  Court, 
Tanganyika,  Bast  Africa,  and  Member  Court  of 
Appeal  for  Eastern  Africa,  1920-25;  acting  Chief 
Justice,  1021-22, 1923-24 ;  retired,  1925.  Publi- 
cations :  From  the  Middle  Temple  to  the  South 
Seas,  1927 ;  Tanganyika  Memories ;  A  Judge  in 

the  Bed  Kanzu,  1936;  The  Temple  of  the 
Nineties,  1938 ;  After  Court  Hours,  1950 ;  many 
contributions  to  Law  Times.  Recreation  :  golf. 
Address:  25  Platt's  Lane,  Hampstead,  N.W.3. 
T.:  Hampstead  0220;  Fountain  Court, 
Temple,  B,C.  * 

ALEXANDER,  Harold  Vincent,,  1943  ;  Solicitor  of  Supreme  Court  ot' 
Jamaica  since  191 1  (member  firm  Livingston 
Alexander  <fe  Levy) ;  Notary  Public  for 
Jamaica ;  Privy  Councillor ;  Pres.  Jockey 
Club  of  Jamaica ;  Pres.  Jamaica  Lawn 
Tennis  Assoc.:  b.  19  Nov.  1886;  y.  s.  of 
M.  M.  Alexander,  J.P.,  merchant ;  m.  1912, 
MTarjorie  de  Saumarez  Bell ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  St.  Paul's  Prep.  School,  London ; 
secondary  schools  iu  Jamaica.  Clerk,  Legis- 
lative Council,  Jamaica,  1925-37;  acted 
Crown  Solicitor  for  six  months  in  1927. 
Recreations :  lawn  tennis,  golf,  horse  racing. 
Address :  20  Duke  Street,  Kingston,  Jamaica. 
Clubs :  Jamaica.  Liguanea,  St.  Andrew, 
Kingston  Cricket,  Kingston  Polo,  Jockey 
Club  of  Jamaica  (Kingston);  Manchester 
(Mandeville).  [Died  11  Oct.  1950. 

ALEXANDER,  Lieut. -Col.  Hon.  Her- 
brand  (Charles),  JD.S.O.  1914;  late  oth 
Lancers ;  b.  and  kear-pres.  of  5th  Earl  of  Caledon, 
q.v.;  b.  28  Nov.  1888 ;  m.  1st,  1019  Millicent  Valla 
(whom  he  divorced,  1927),  o.  tiL  of  Sir  Henry 
Meredyfch,  5th  Bart. ;  one  s. ;  2nd,  1937,  Hon, 
Mrs.  Domvile,  Loughlinstown,  Co.  Dublin. 
Educ. :  Harrow;  B.M.C.,  Sandhurst  2nd 
Lieut.  5th  Lancers,  1909;  Captain,  1914;  served 
European  War,  1914-19  (despatches,  D.8.0.)  ; 
Maj.,  1921;  Temp.  Lt-OoL  1941 ;  Lb.-Col.  1945. 
Address:  Loughlinstown  House,  Co.  Dublin. 
T.A. :  Bally  brack.  T. :  Dublin  81842.  Clitbs: 
Cavalry ;  Kildare  Street  (Dublin) ;  Eoyal  Irish 
Yacht  (Kingstown). 

ALEXANDER,  James  Browning,  M.D., 
Jt'.K.U.Jf.  (Lond.j;  Senior  Jt'iiy&iuuuj,  London 
Chest  Hospital  and  Prince  of  Wales's  General 
Hospital;  Physician  St.  Mark's  Hospital; 
Dean  and  Lecturer  in  Clinical  Medicine, 
North-East  London  Post-Graduate  College; 
Member  B.M.A. ;  F.E.S.M. ;  Fellow,  London 
Medical  Soc.  and  Hunterian  Soc. ;  Fellow 
Member  Executive  Council,  Chairman  Educa- 
tional Committee  and  Medical  Editor  of  Journal 
of  Royal  Institute  of  Public  Health  and 
Hygiene ;  6.  Langbank,  1888 ;  s.  of  late  Rev. 
Dr.  A.  B.  D.  Alexander  ;  m.  Mary  Beatrice,  d. 
of  late  Lewis, Bull,  Suffolk;  one  d.  Educ.: 
Universities  of  Glasgow,  Edinburgh,  Caen. 
Diploma  with  Honours  in  French  Language  and 
Literature,  1905;  M.B.,Ch.B.,1911 ;  M.D. (Glas- 
gow), 1915;  M.R.C.P.,1921;  F.R.C.P.  (LondA 
1941.  Served  European  War,  1914-18,  R.A.M.C. 
with  the  rank  of  Major;  Officer  in  Charge  of 
Medical  Div.  of  No.  10  General  Hosp.,  and  some- 
time Deputy  Consulting  Physician  to  Rouen 
Base.  Publications:  papers  in  medical  journals ; 
edited  Pneumonia,  by  the  late  R.  M.  Leslie. 
M.D,  Recreation:  golf.  Address:  HB Portland 
Place,  W.I.  T. :  Lanpham  8700. 

ALEXANDER,  Sir  James  UlicK  P.  C.  : 
ser  Al^XHiidwr,  Sir  Ulk'k. 

ALEXANDER,  John  Vionec,  C.M.G. 
1943 ;  Chairman  of  Aden  Settlement  and 
Chairman  of  Aden  Port  Trust  until  81  July 

ALEXANDER,  Sir  Lionel  Cecil 
William,  0th  Bt.,  or.  laoy ; 1916 ;  mtu 
Major  Uttrd  Batt.  London  Regiment ;  late  Lieut. 
Grenadier  Guards ;  6.  28  Sept.  1885 ;  8.  father, 
1896 ;  m.  1st,  1908,  Noorouz  Weston  (who 
obtained  a  divorce,  1923),  e.  d.  of  1st  Baron 
Cable;  one  s.;  2nd,  1924,  Hope,  yr.  d,  of 
late  Oapt.  Hurrell,  Aberdeen;  one  «.  Served 
European  War,  1914-18  (D.S.O.,  Croix  de 
Guerre  with  Palmes) ;  High  Sheriff  of  Cam- 
bridgeshire and  Huntingdonshire,  1929.  JB«ir  : 
*.  Desmond  William  Lionel  Cable -Alexander 
[b,  4  Oct.  1910;  m.  1st,  1985,  Mary  Jane 
O'Brien  (marriage  dissolved,  1941)  one  s.  j  2nd. 
Margaret  Wood,  d.  of  late  John  Burnett, 
Dublin;  two  d].  Address:  Mill  Lane  House 
Crondall,  Hants. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


ALEXANDER,    Professor    Peter,    M.A. ; 

Regius  Professor  of  English  Language  and 
Literature,  Glasgow  University,  since  1935. 
Publication:  Shakespeare's  Life  and  Art, 
1939.  Address  :  The  University,  Glasgow. 
ALEXANDER,  Richard  Charles, 
C.JB.Jfi.  ly44;  jeroi'essor  or  surgery,  iJiuver/siuy 
of  St.  Andrews,  since  1936;  Senior  Surgeon, 
Royal  Infirmary,  Dundee ;  Consulting  Surgeon, 
Perth  Eoyal  Infirmary ;  6.  18  Sept.  1884 ;  5.  of 
Richard  Alexander,  Edin,,  and  Martha  Wallace ; 
m.  1917,  Marjorie  Linda,  d.  of  late  W.  A.  Morgan, 
Cardiff;  two  5.  one  d.  EdiLc. :  George  Watson's 
College,  Edinburgh;  University  of  Edinburgh 
(Crichton  and  Thomson  Bursar,  Vans  Dunlop 
Scholar);  Paris.  M.A.  (Edin.)  1904;  M.B.,  Ch.B. 
(Hons.)  Edin.  1908;  House  Surgeon  Royal  In- 
firmary, Edinburgh,  1909-10 ;  R.8.O.  Chalmers 
Hospital,  Edinburgh,  1910-11;  F.R.C.S.  Edin- 
burgh, 1911 ;  Assistant,  Department  of  Surgery, 
University  of  Edinburgh,  1911-21;  Tutor  in 
Clinical  Surgery,  Royal  Infirmary,  Edinburgh, 
1912-19;  Crichton  Research  Scholar  (jointly) 
1913;  Major  R.A.M.C.,  Surgical  Specialist,  B.P.F. 
France  1916-18  (despatches  twice);  Assistant 
Surgeon,  Chalmers  Hospital,  Edinburgh  1919-21. 
Surgical  Director,  E.M.S.  Eastern  Region  of 
Scotland,  1939-45.  Publications:  Articles  on 
Surgical  Subjects,  in  Lancet,  British  Journal  of 
Surgery,  British  Journal  of  Urology,  Edinburgh 
Medical  Journal.  Recreation :  golf.  Address :  4 
Clarendon  Terrace,  Perth  Road,  Dundee.  T.  : 
67453.  Club:  R.  and  A.  Golf  (St.  Andrews). 

ALEXANDER,  Lieut. -Col.  Robert 
Donald  Thain,  D.S.O.  1917;  O.B.E.  lyiy; 
T.D.  1919;  F.K.C.,  M.Inst.C.E.,  M.I.E. 
(Ind.);  The  London  Scottish  (retired); 
Deputy  Chief  Engineer  Indian  State  Railways 
and  Chief  Engineer  and  Acting  Agent,  Bengal 
Nagpur  Railway  (retired  1933) ;  b.  29  Sept.  1878  ; 
e.  s.  of  late  Thomas  Alexander,  Acting  In- 
spector-General of  Constabulary,  Jamaica,  and 
of  Aberdeen  ;  m.  1914,  Lilian  Margaret  Beatrice, 
e.  d.  of  late  A.  J.  W.  Storie,  advocate,  Aberdeen  ; 
one  s.  (elder  s.  killed  in  action  France, 
1940).  MUG.  :  Dulwich  College ;  King's  Col- 
lege, London  Univ.  Trained  in  Engineering 
Works  in  America  and  England ;  entered  Indian 
Public  Works  Dept  (Railway  Branch),  1904; 
engaged  on  construction  of  the  Nagda-Muttra 
State  Railway,  Frontier  Surveys  and  the  Lower 
Ganges  Bridge,  Bengal;  served  throughout 
European  war  in  India,  Mesopotamia,  Egypt, 
and  the  War  Office,  disembodied  on  conclusion 
of  operations  in  Kurdistan,  1919  (despatches 
four  times,  D.S.O.,  O.B.E.,  T.D.) ;  Lieut.-Col. 
Apr.  1917,  and  appointed  Assistant  Director 
of  Inland  Water  Transport,  Mesopotamian 
Expeditionary  Force;  served  in  Mahsud  Cam- 
paign (Waziristan),  1920;  Assistant  Secre- 
tary Railway  Board  (India),  1920-21 ;  Services 
lent  by  Government  as  Chief  Engineer,  Bengal 
Nagpur  Railway,  1921 ;  acted  as  Agent  (Gen. 
Manager),  1931;  President  the  Institution 
of  Engineers  (India),  1928-29;  Member  of 
Council  (for  India),  the  Institution  of  Civil 
Engineers,  1927-30 ;  Weapon  Training  Officer 
L.D.V.  and  Home  Guard,  1940-44.  Publica- 
tions: (with  Lieut.-Col.  Martin-Leake,  V.C., 
V.D.)  Some  Signposts  to  Shikar,  1932.  Recrea- 
tions: golf,  shooting,  tennis.  Address:  c/o 
Grindlay's  Bank  Ltd.,  54  Parliament  Street, 
S.W.I.  Club  :  Royal  Calcutta  Turf  (Calcutta). 

ALEXANDER,  Sir  Ulick,  G.C.V.O.  cr. 
1948  (K.C.V.O.  cr.  1937;  C.V.O.  1932; 
M.V.O.  1925);  K.C.B.  cr.  1947:  C.M.G. 
1934 ;  O.B.E.  1919  ;  Keeper  of  the  Privy 
Purse  and  Treasurer  to  the  King  since  1941 ; 
Keeper  of  the  Privy  Purse  since  1936  ;  Extra 
Equerry  to  the  King  since  1937  ;  Receiver 
General  tfo  Duchy  of  Lancaster  since  1936 ; 
A  Trustee  of  the  Ascot  Authority,  1939; 
b.  10  Feb.  1889  ;  e.  s.  of  James  Dalison  and 
The  Lady  Emily  Alexander,  e.  d.  of  9th  Earl 
of  Cork  ;  m.  1947,  Lady  Mary  Beatrice  (nee 
Thynne),  d.  of  5th.  Marquess  of  Bath,  K.G., 
P.O.,  C.B.  (she  married  1st,  1927,  3rd  Baron 
Nunburnholme,  q.v.).  Edktc. :  Eton  ;  Sand- 
hurst. Joined  Coldstream  Guards,  1909 ; 

served  European  War  in  France  (1914  star), 
Egypt  and  Palestine  ;  and  on  expedition  to 
Darfur,  1916  (medal  and  clasp) ;  served  in 
Egyptian  Army,  1915-21  (Order  of  the  Nile, 
4th  class,  despatches) ;  Military  Secretary, 
Egyptian  Army,  1920-21 ;  Political  Secretary 
to  the  Governor-General  of  the  Union  of 
South  Africa  (Lord  Athlone),  1923-25 ;  Comp- 
troller of  the  Household  of  the  Duke  and 
Duchess  of  Kent,  1928-36  ;  Keeper  of  the 
Privy  Purse  and  Extra  Equerry  to  King 
Edward  VIII,  1936 ;  Financial  Secre- 
tary to  the  King,  1936-37;  Chief  of  Staff 
to  Prince  George  during  official  visit  to 
South  Africa,  1934  ;  Director,  Scottish  Union 
and  National  Insurance  Co.  Address :  St. 
James's  Palace,  S.W.I.  Clubs:  Turf,  White's. 

ALEXANDER,  Brigadier-General  Sir 
•William,  K.B.E.,  cr.  1920;  O.B.  1919; 
C.M.G.  1918;  D.S.O.  1916;  T.D.  1919;  6th 
Black  Watch  (T.F.R.)  ;  Managing  Director, 
Charles  Tennant  &  Co.  Ltd.,  Glasgow  and 
branches ;  b.  Glasgow,  4  May  1874 ;  s.  of  late 
Thomas  Alexander  of  Brentham  Park,  Stirling ; 
tn.  1st,  1911,  Beatrice  Evelyn  (d.  1928),  y.  d. 
of  late  John  Ritchie  of  Bingham,  Paramatta, 
N.S.W. ;  four  s. ;  2nd,  1930,  Ruby  Mary, 
widow  of  Com  dr.  Patrick  Spencer,  R.N.,  and 
e.  d.  of  late  Jolm  Ritchie  Bingham,  Paramatta, 
N.S.W.  Educ. :  Kelvinside  Academy ;  Glasgow 
University ;  GOttingen.  Lieut.  T.F.,  1899 ;  Capt. 
1906;  Major,  1915;  Brig.-Gen.  1917;  served 
European  War,  1914-18  (D.S.O.,  despatches, 
Bt.  Lt.-Col.,  Temp.  Brig.-Gen.,  Legion  of 
Honour,  Officer  of  St.  Maurice  and  St.  Lazarus) ; 
Director  of  Administration  National  Explosives 
Factories,  Ministry  of  Munitions,  1916-17  ;  Con- 
troller of  Aircraft  Supply  and  Production, 
1917-19;  Director-General  of  Purchases,  1919-20 ; 
M.P.  (U.)  Central  Glasgow,  1P23-45.  Address: 
Soames  House,  Coombe  Hill  Rd.,  Kingston- 
on -Thames.  T:  Kingston  OS88.  Clubs: 
Carlton,  Caledonian ;  Conservative  (Glasgow). 

ALEXANDER,  Lieutenant-Colonel 
William  Nathaniel  Stuart,  D.S.O. 
1915;  late  the  Connaught  Rangers;  6.  8  May 
1874 ;  m.  1914,  Kathleen  Marguerite,  d.  of  Lt-Col. 
H.  N.  Hilliard,  Indian  Army.  Educ.  :  Rugby. 
Entered  army,  1894;  Captain,  1901;  Major, 
1914;  Lt.-Col.  1921;  served  S.  Africa,  1902 
(Queen's  medal  3  clasps);  European  War,  15)14- 
1918  (D.S.O.  and  bar) ;  3rd  Afghan  War,  1919 
(medal  and  clasp) ;  retired  pay,  1923.  Address  : 
Winton  Lodge,  Gordon  Rd.,  Camberley,  Surrey. 
T. :  Camberley  548. 

ALEXANDER,  William  Picken,  Ph.D., 
Ed.B.,  M.A.,  B.Sc.,  F.B.Ps.S. ;  General 
Secretary,  Association  of  Education  Com- 
mittees (England,  Wales,  Northern  Ireland, 
Isle  of  Man  and  Channel  Islands)  since  1945  : 
b.  13  Dec.  1905 ;  v.  s.  of  Thomas  and 
Joan  Alexander ;  m.  1949,  Joan  Mary,  d.  of 
Robert  Williamson ;  one  s.  Educ. :  Paisley 
Grammar  School;  Glasgow  Univ.  School- 
master in  Scotland,  1929-31 ;  Asst.  Lectr.  in 
Education,  Glasgow  Univ.,  1931-32  ;  Rocke- 
feller Research  Fellow,  1932-33 :  Deputy 
Director  of  Education,  Walthamstow,  1934- 
1935  ;  Director  of  Education,  Margate,  1935- 
1939  ;  Director  of  Education,  Sheffield,  1939- 
1944.  Secretary  to  Local  Authorities*  Panel 
of  Burnham  Committees  and  Associated 
Committees  negotiating  salaries  of  teachers. 
Publications :  Intelligence,  Concrete  and 
Abstract,  1935  ;  The  Educational  Needs  of 
Democracy,  1940  ;  A  Performance  Scale  for 
the  Measurement  of  Technical  Ability,  1947  ; 
A  Parents'  Guide  to  the  Education  Act,  1944, 
1947,  etc.  Recreations :  golf  and  contract 
bridge.  Address  :  10  Queen  Anne  St.,  W.I. 
T. :  Langham  4064.  Club  :  National  Liberal. 

ALEXANDER,  Colonel  Hon.  'William 
Sigismund  Patrick,  l>.tt.u.  1917;  Irish 
Guards ;  6.  1890  ;  y*  s.  01  4th  Karl  of  Caledon  ; 
m.  1934,  Jane  Hermione,  o.  d.  of  late  Comdr. 
Bernard  Buxton,  R*N. ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Harrow;  R.M.C.  Sandhurst,  Served  European 
War,  1914-19  (wounded,  despatches,  D.S.O.); 
retired  pay,  1936.  Served  War  of  1^39-45, 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

1939-46.    Address:   Canfield  Moat,  Dunmow 

ALFIERI,  Major-Genera 
Frederick  John,  C.I.E.  1945  ;  b.  25  May 
1892:  s.  of  Frederick  Alfieri,  B.A.,  and 
Minnie  E.  Ben j afield ;  m.  1919,  Florence 
Marguerite,  d.  of  Major  F.  J.  W.  Porter 
D.S.O.,  R.A.M.C. ;  no  c.  Educ. :  Privately 
34th  Royal  Sikh  Pioneers,  I. A. ;  Regtl.  Duty 
and  Staff  Appts.  and  R.I.A.S.C. ;  A.Q.M.G. 
A.A.G. ;  Director  of  Organisation  (India) 
Major  -  General  i/c  Administration ;  Deputy 
Quartermaster  -  General,  India,  1943  -  45 
Director  of  Supplies  and  Transport,  India 
1945-46;  retired,  1947.  Publications 
Service  only.  Recreations :  shooting,  fishing 
riding.  Address:  c/o  Lloyds  Bank  Ltd. 
6  Pall  Mall,  S.W,1 ;  Iden  Green,  Cranbrook 
Kent.  Club:  Junior  United  Service. 
ALFORD,  Prebendary  Charles  Symes 
Leslie,  Rector  of  Shlpham  with  Rowberrow 
since  1945  ;  Prebendary  in  Wells  Cathedra," 
since  1947  ;  b.  7  Feb.  1885  ;  s.  of  late  J.  G 
Alford,  Canon  Residentiary  of  Bristol ;  m 
1911,  Annie  Lisette,  d.  of  late  Dr.  Charles 
Welford,  Barnard  Castle,  Co.  Durham  •  one  s 
Editc. :  Marlborough  ;  Corpus  Christi  College, 
Cambridge.  Curate  Barnard  Castle,  1908-10  i 
Royal  Army  Chaplains'  Dept.,  1910-27  • 
Hon.  Chaplain  to  Bishop  of  Ripon,  1925-27  j 
Vicar  of  Marshfleld,  Glos.,  1927-33;  Sec, 
Bristol  Diocesan  Board  of  Finance,  1929-38  ; 
Archdeacon  of  Bristol  and  Rector  of  Christ 
Church  with  St.  Bwen,  1938-41;  Hon. 
Chaplain  to  Bishop  of  Bristol,  1934-38; 
Rector  of  Staple  Fitzpaine,  1941-45.  Recrea- 
tion :  trout  fishing.  Address :  The  Rectory. 
Shipham,  Winscombe,  Somerset.  Club: 
Cambridge  Union  (Cambridge). 
ALFORD,  Edward  John  Gregory, 
Professor  of  Aesthetics,  Rhode  Islands  achool 
of  Design,  Providence.  R.I.,  U.S.A. ;  b.  3 
April  1890 ;  s.  of  late  Sir  Edward  Fleet 
Alford  and  Jane  Eliza  Helen  Nathalie  Shand ; 
m.  1st,  1917,  Margherita  Gabriella,  d.  of  Carlo 
Ascanio  Tealdi  of  Cesanello,  Pisa  -  two  *. 
one  d.  ;  2nd,  1945,  Roberta,  d.  of  Robert  I, 
Murray,  New  York  and  Cnappaqua.  N.Y. 
Edvc. :  Tonbridge  School ;  King's  College, 
Cambridge.  Assistant  Editor  to  Harold 
Monro  on  Poetry  and  Drama ;  war  service 
with  British  Red  Cross  Society  and  B.E.F.  in 
Italy,  1915-19  ;  much  abroad,  principally  in 
Italy  and  France  studying  art;  resident 
Toynbee  Hall,  1921-22 ;  manager  to  Christo- 
phers (publishers);  1922-24  and  some  experi- 
ence of  furnishing  trade ;  lecturer  at  the 
Institute  of  Education  and  the  Courtauld 
Institute  of  Art,  University  of  London  ;  first 
holder  of  Professorship  of  Fine  Art,  Univer- 
sity of  Toronto.  1934-45  ;  a  director  of  College 
Art  Association  of  America,  1940-46;  Bol- 
lingen  Foundation  Fellowship,  1951;  Edi- 
torial Council,  Journal  of  Aesthetics  :  Presi- 
dent, Rhode  Island  Philosophical  Society. 
Publications :  some  poetry,  represented  in 
various  anthologies;  numerous  articles  in 
educational,  learned  and  technical  journals  ; 
responsible  with  3 .  C.  Dale  for  English  version 
of  Meresjkowsky's  Paul  I  produced  at  Court 
Theatre,  London  1927.  Address:  Rhode 
Island  School  of  Design,  Providence,  R.I., 
U.S.A.  ' 

ALFORD,  Lieut.  -  Colonel  Henry ; 
late  Gordon  Highlanders  ;  traveller  •  &. 
London ;  *.  of  late  Lewte  Alford  and  Florence, 
e.  d.  of  late  Colpnel  Henry  Stamford,  Bombay 
Horse  Artillery.  Efatc. :  Harrow ;  R.JMLC., 
Sandhurst.  Travelled  extensively  in  Africa. 
1896-1901 :  served  under  Lord  Kitchener  as 
Lieut,  on  Transport  Staff,  Soudan,  1896 
(Queen's  and  Khedive's  medals  with  clasp) ; 
as  Llefut.  Royal  Scots  Fusiliers  and  on  Staff 
in  S.  African 'War,  1899-1901  (medal  with 
five  clasps)  ;  retired  with  rank  of  Captain,  1902, 
and  joined  Reserve  of  Officers ;  travelled  in 
India,  Far  Bast,  and  Canada,  1902-4 ;  visited 
every  country  in  Europe  and  every  'State  in 
;^S.Ay  1905-10;  was  in  Mexican  Revolution, 
1910;  Coronation  Medal,  1911 ;  raised  and  oom' 

raanded  llth  Batt.  Gordon  Highlanders  in 
European  War,  1914-17;  mentioned  for  valuable 
services  (medal);  on  demobilisation  in  1920 
was  granted  rank  of  Lt.-Col. ;  War  of  1939-45 
served  on  communications  staff  of  Civil  Defence 
(medal);  Jubilee  Medal,  1935;  Coronation 
Medal,  1937 ;  Member  of  the  King's  Bodyguard 
for  Scotland  (Royal  Company  of  Archers); 
has  journeyed  in  nearly  every  country  in  the 
world;  F.G.S.,  F.R.G.S.,  F.J2.S.  Publication: 
The  Egyptian  Sudan,  its  Loss  and  Recovery, 
1898.  Recreation:  foreign  travel.  Clubs: 
Travellers',  Shikar. 

A  LOOM  A,  Bishop  of,   since   1944;     Rt. 
Rev.  William  Lockridge  Wright ;   6. 

8  Sept.  1904  ;  *.  of  Rev.  Canon  J.  de  PcncJcr 
Wright  and  Lucy  Lockridge  ;  m.  1936,  Mar- 
garet Clare.  B.A. ;  two  *.  two  d.  Educ. : 
Queen's  University,  Ejngston,  Out. ;  Trinity 
College,  Toronto.  Curate  St.  George's, 
Toronto,  1926-28;  Incumbent  St.  James', 
Tweed,  1928-32;  Curate  Christ  Church 
Cathedral,  Hamilton,  1932-36;  Rector  St. 
George's  Church.  Toronto,  1936-40  ;  Rector 
St.  Luke's  Pro-Cathedral,  Sault  Ste.  Marie, 
1940-44;  Dean  St.  Luke's  Pro-Cathedral, 
1941-44.  Address :  Bishophurst,  Sault  Ste. 
Marie,  Ontario,  Canada. 

A  LI,    Abdullah    Yusuf,     C.B.E.     1917; 
M  A.,  JUL.M.  (UantaD.);  F.K.S.L.;  F.R.BSm- 
pireS.;  M.K.A.S.;  Barrister-at-law,  of  Lincoln's 
Inn ;  6.  4  Apr.  1872  ;  s.  of  late  Khan  Bahadur 
Yusuf  Ali.    Educ. :  Wilson  College.  Bombay  ; 
Bombay  University  ;  St.  John's  College,  Cam- 
bridge.   Joined  I.C.S.,  1895  ;  Assistant  Magis- 
trate, 1896  ;  Joint  Magistrate,  1899 ;  Assistant 
Sessions  Judge,  1902;   subsequently   Deputy 
Commissioner  and  District  Magistrate ;  Under- 
Secretary   to    Government    of  India,  Finance 
Department,  1907;    acted  as  Deputy  Secret- 
ary,   1911-12;     retired    from    Indian    Civil 
Service,  1914;  President,  U.P.  Industrial  Con- 
ference,   Agra,    1909;    President,    All -India 
Muhammadan  Educational  Conference,  Nagpur. 
Dec.  1910  ;  Lecturer  on  Hindustani,  Hindi,  and 
Indian  Religious.  Manners,  and  Customs,  Sdhool 
of  Oriental  Studies,  London  University,  1917- 
1919:    Chairman  of  special   eominjtttees  and 
Member  of  the  Committee  on  India,  Imperial 
Institute,  1916-19 ;  President  of  Indian  Students' 
Prisoners  of  War  Fund,  1916  ;  Lecture  Tour  in 
Denmark,  Sweden,  and  Norway, -Apr. -May  1918, 
and  in  Holland,  Oct. -Nov.  1920;   Sarf-i-Khas 
Counsel,  Hyderabad.  Decoan,  1919-20 ;  Revenue 
Minister,  Hyderabad,  Deccan,1921-22;  Lueknow 
Bar,  1922-24;  Principal,  Islamia  College,  Lahore. 
1925-27;  Fellow  and  Syndic,  Punjab  university, 
1926-28  ;  Member  of  Court,  Aligarh  University ; 
Educational  tour  through  the  Near  East ;  one 
of  India's  representatives  to  the  9th  Assembly 
of  the  League  of  Nations,  1928;  world  tour, 
through  America,  Hawaian    Islands,   Japan, 
China,  Philippines,  Straits  Settlements,  Ceylon 
and  India,    1929-30;    through    Canada   from 
Halifax  to  Victoria  an  guest  of  National  Council 
of  Education,  1992 ;  Executive  Committee  of 
World   Conference  for    International   Peaco 
through     Religion ;     President    Siud    Azad 
Conference,  1932 ;  President  All  India  Muslim 
Conference,  Calcutta,  1932;  Member  Punjab 
University  Enquiry  Committee,  1932-33  ;  Prin- 
cipal,, Islamia  College,  Lahore,  1935-87;    and 
Fellow  of  the  Panjab   University,  1985-89; 
Lecture  Tour  through  Canada,  -1988-89.    Publi- 
cations:  Silk  Fabrics  in  the  North-Western 
Provinces  and  Oudh,  1900 ;  Life  and  Labour 
in  India,  1907 ;    The    Indian  Munammadans, 
1907 ;  Mestrovic  and  Serbian  Sculpture,  1916 ; 
Indian  Section   in  Expansion  of  ithe  Anglo- 
Saxon    Nations,   1920;     6th    ,ed.    Wilson's 
Anglo-Muhammadan     Law,     1930;     Muslim 
Educational  Ideals,    1923 ;   Making  of  l!ndia, 
1925 ;   Islam  as   a  World  Force,  1926 ;  India 
and  Europe,  1926  ;   Three  Travellers  to  India. 
a927;   Social  and    Economic    Conditions    in 
Mediaeval   India  (in    Urdu),   1928;    Funda- 
mentals    of    Islam,    1929;    Personality     of 
Muhammad  the  Prophet,  1929  ;  Moral  Educa- 
tion: Aims  and  Methods,  1930;  Personality  of 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Man  in  Islam,  1981;  Imam  Husain  and  his 
Martyrdom,  1931 ;  Medieval  India,  1932 ; 
Religious  Polity  of  Islam,  1933  ;  English  Trans- 
lation and  Commentary  on  the  Quran,  1934-38  ; 
revised  ed.,  1939-40  ;  Life  and  Literature,  1936  ; 
Religion  and  Social  Equality,  1936;  Islamic 
History,  its  scope  and  content,  1936  ;  Idea  of 
Salvation  in  Islam,  1939;  The  Message  of 
Islam,  1940;  articles  in  Indian  and  English 
magazines  and  papers.  Recreations :  walking, 
riding,  travel,  tennis,  chess.  Club:  National 

ALI,  S.  Waris  A. ;  see  Ameer  Ali. 
ALIKHAN,  Kunwer  Hajee  Ismaiel, 
C.I.E.  1944;  U.U.K.  1933;  JSoioinated  non- 
official  M.L.A.  (Central),  1940;  Deputy 
Govt.  Whip  ;  Rais  of  Asrauli  Estate,  District 
Bulandshahr  ;  b.  18  Dec.  1897  ;  *.  of  Hajee 
Ibrahim  Alikhan ;  m.  1st,  1913,  Shafi-un- 
Msa  Begam,  d.  of  Kunwer  Abdul  Shakur 
Khan  of  Dharampur  Estate  ;  2nd,  Gauhar 
Zaman,  d.  of  Khan  Qutab  Ahmad  Khan  of 
Basti  Guzan  (Jullunder) ;  four  s.  Educ. 
Persian  and  Arabic  at  home ;  English,  St. 
Peter's  College,  Agra.  Extensively  toured 
Western  and  Eastern  countries.  M.L.C., 
U.P.  (under  Montford  Reforms),  1926; 
Pres.  and  Pounder  of  several  Public  Institu- 
tions at  Mussoorie,  1920-42 ;  M.L.A.  (Central) 
from  Meerut  Div.  Muhammad  Rural  Con- 
stituency, T930-34  ;  Chief  Whip  and  Founder 
of  United  India  Party  in  Central  Assembly, 
1931-34 ;  Member  several  Standing  and  Select 
Committees ;  nominated  non-official  Mem- 
ber, Council  of  State,  1936-40 ;  one  of 
founders  of  National  Agriculturist  Party  in 
TJ.P.  to  work  Reforms  of  1935 ;  Vice-Pres. 
All  India  Muslim  Rajput  Conference, 
Recreations:  travelling,  reading,  and  bridge. 
Address :  Asrauli  Estate,  Bulandshahr 
District,  U.P.,  India. 

ALI-RAJPUR,  Chief,  H.H.  Raja 
Sir  Pratap  Singhji,  Raja  of;  K.O.I.E. 
or.  1933  (O.l.E.  1915);  6.  1881;  S.  1891; 
State  covers  836  square  miles  and  has  a 
population  of  89,394.  Son  and  Heir- Apparent : 
Maharajkumar  Fatelisinhji.  The  Raja  receives 
a  hereditary  salute  of  eleven  guns.  Address : 
AU-rajpur  (via  Dohad,  B.B.  and  C.T.),  Southern 
States.  Central  India. 

ALINGTON,  Adrian  Richard,  Author; 
&.  19  April  1895  ;  s.  of  Rev.  E.  H.  Alington, 
Oxford  ;  m.  1928,  Lucy  Wilson.  Educ. :  Marl- 
borough  College;  Magdalen  College,  Oxford. 
Served  European  War.  1914-18,  "Wiltshire  Regt. ; 
France  1915-18  (wounded) ;  final  rank,  Captain, 
1918:  Cipher  Officer,  Supreme  War  Council, 
Versailles.  War  of  1939-45,  Private,  Home 
Guard.  Publication* :  Slowbags  and  Are- 
thusa ;  The  Career  of  Julian  Stanley- Williams ; 
Mr.  Jubanka:  Chaytor's;  Ann  and  Aurelia ; 
Donaldson;  Moss  is  the  Stuff;  Waiting  for 
Joanna ;  The  Vanishing  Celebrities  ;  The  Amaz- 
ing Test  Match  Crime ;  The  Boy  King ;  These, 
our  Strangers;  Sanity  Island;  Those  Kids 
From  To\m  Again  ;  Eosie  Todmarsh  ;  edited 
Tohn  Buchan's  Episodes  of  the  Great  War ; 
various  film  and  radio  scripts,  etc.  Address : 
c/o  Chatto  and  Windus,  40-42  William  IV 
Street,  W.0.2. 

ALINGTON,  Very  Rev.  Cyril  Argen- 
tine, D.D.,  Hon.  D.C.L.  Durham  ;  l»ean  ol 
Durham  since  1933 ;  Hon.  Fellow  of  Trinity 
College,  Oxford,  1926;  &.  1872;  *.  of  late  Rev. 
H.  Oc.  Alimgton  of  Oandlesby,  Lincolnshire  ;  m. 
1904,  Hon.  Hester  Margaret  (see  Hon.  Mrs. 
Cyril  AUngton),  y.  d,  of  4th  Baron  Lyttelton  ; 
one  s,  three  d.  (and  one  s.  one  d.  deed.) 
Kdw. :  Marlborough ;'  Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford.  1st 
Class  Classical  Moderations,  1893;  1st  Class 
Literse  Humaniores,  1895.  FeBow  of  All  Souls ; 
Assistant  Master1  kt>  Marlborough  and  Eton  ; 
Headmaster,  Shrewsbury  School,  1908-16; 
Headmaster  of  Eton  College,  1916-33 ;  Chaplain 
to  the  King,'  1921-33  ;  Select  Preacher  to  Univ. 
of  Oxford,  1909-10,  1928-29,  and  1945-46  ;  some- 
time Examining  Chaplain  to  Bishop  of  LiclfteleL ; 
Chairman  Headmasters'  Conference,  1924-25. 
HoaL  Freeman  Of'-Gity  of  ^Durham,  1849. 
a!  A  -Sfck>olmas*eb<8  Apology,  1914 ; 

Shrewsbury  Fables,  1917  ;  Twenty  Years,  1921 ; 
Eton  Fables,  1921 ;  Strained  Relations,  1922  ; 
Mr.  Evans  :  a  Cricketo-Detective  Story,  1922  ; 
Why  we  Read  the  Old  Testament,  1923 :  King 
Harrison  and  Others,  1923 ;  An  Eton  Poetry 
Book,  1925 ;  The  Count  in  Kensington,  1926 ; 
Tommy's  Uncle,1927 ;  Elementary  Christianity, 
1927;  More  Eton  Fables,  1927;  Doubts  and 
Difficulties,  1929  ;  The  Abbot's  Cup,  1930 ;  The 
Task  of  Happiness,  1931 ;  Christian  Outlines, 
1931 ;  The  Fool  Hath  Said,  1933 ;  Final  Eton 
Fables,  1933  ;  Eton  Faces— Old  and  New,  1933 ; 
Lionel  Ford,  1934 ;  Things  Ancient  and  Modern, 
1936 ;  A  New  Approach  to  the  Old  Testament, 

1937  ;  The  New  Testament :  A  Reader's  Guide, 

1938  ;  Crime  on  the  Kennet,  1939 ;  The  Kingdom 
of  God,  1940  ;  Poets  at  Play,  1941 ;  In  Shabby 
Streets,  1942;  Fables  and  Fancies,  1943;  Ed- 
ward Lyttelton,  1943 ;  Ten  Crowded  Hours, 
1943;  Good  News,  1945  ;  Archdeacons  Afloat, 
1946 ;  Europe :  A  Personal  and  Political  Survey, 
1946  ;  The  Life  Everlasting,  1947 ;  Archdeacons 
Ashore,    1947;       Midnight    Wireless,    1947; 
Durham  Cathedral,  1948;  Sense  and  Non-sense, 
1949;    Blackmail  in  Blankshire,  1949.      Ad- 
dress: The  Deanery,  Durham.    T,:  Durham  37. 

See  also  Lord  Dunglass,  R.  A.  S.  Mynors, 
J.  C.  V.  Wtikes. 

ALINGTON,  Hon.  Mrs.  Cyril,  (Hester 
Margaret),  C.B.E.  1949 ;  6.  26  Dec.  1874 ; 
y.  d.  of  4th  Baron  Lyttelton  ;  m.  Very  Rev. 
Cyril  Alington,  q.v. ;  one  s.  three  d.  (and 
one  s.  one  d.  deed.).  Address  :  The  Deanery, 
Durham.  T. :  Durham  37. 

ALISON,  Cotndr.  Sir  Archibald,  4th 
Jtfc.,  cr.  ista;  u.±s.±Sf.  JLy<$0;  .K..IN.  recct.;  6.  &  Nor. 
1888  ;  s.  of  3rd  Bt.  and  Georgina  (d.  1939),  y.  d. 
of  late  J.  Bond  Cabbell  of  Cromer  Hall,  Norfolk; 
S.  father,  1921 ;  m.  1919,  Isa  Margery,  d.  of  late 
Sir  Charles  Tyrrell  Giles,  K.C.,  D.L.,  J.P.  Eduz.: 
H.M.S.  Britannia.  Served  Persian  Gulf,  1913  ; 
European.War,  1914-18 ;  Baltic,  1919 ;  charge  of 
tow  of  Admiralty  Crane  Lighter,  Devonport  to 
Singapore,  1928  (received  thanks  of  Lords  of 
the  Admiralty) ;  a  Naval  Assistant  to  Hydro- 
graph  er,  Admiralty,  1929-31 ;  retired  list,  1932. 
Recalled  for  War  service,  1939-44;  Senior 
Naval  Liaison  Officer,  Fighter  Command 
Headquarters,  R.A.F,,  1939-41;  Assistant 
King's  Harbour  Master,  1941,  and  King's 
Harbour  Master,  Milford  Haven  and  Pem- 
broke Dock,  1942  -  44.  Heir :  b.  Frederick 
Black  [b,  5  Aug.  1893 ;  m.  1919,  Lilian  Phoebe, 
'd.  of  L.  C.  Phillips,  South  Africa].  Address: 
Possil  House,  Budleigh  Salterton,  Devon. 
Club :  United  Service. 

ALISON,  David,  R.S.A.  1922  <A.R.S.A. 
1916);  R.P.;  b.  Pysart,  Pife ;  m,  1913, Mary, 
2nd  d.  of  Charles  Bearsley,  M.A.,  Old  Mel- 
drum  ;  one  s.  one  d,  Educ. ;  Kirkcaldy 
High  School.  Studied  Glasgow  School  of 
Art,  Paris,  Italy,  gained  Haldane  Travelling 
Scholarship,  Glasgow,  also  Carnegie  Travel- 
ling Scholarship  of  Royal  Scottish  Academy. 
Exhibits  Royal  Academy,  Royal  Portrait 
Society,  Royal  Scottish  Academy,  Glasgow 
Institute;  Paris  Salon,  Soeiete"  des  Artistes 
Francais  (Silver  Medal,  1931).  Represented 
in  public  collections,  Liverpool,  Leamington, 
Paisley  Edinburgh.  Served  5th  Royal 
Scots,*  1914-18.  Address  :  78  Queen  Street, 
Edinburgh.  T.:  Edinburgh  23458.  Club: 
Chelsea  Arts. 

ALISON,  Jolin,  M.A.,  LLJX,  F.R.SJJ.  ; 
o.  Kir-kyaiuy,  Fire,  28  Feb.  1861;  ,s.  of  late 
Peter  Alison,  schoolmaster,  Galkitown;  m. 
1888,  Margaret,  e.  d.  of  S.  K.  Orr,  Edinburgh ; 
three  <Z.  S^itc. ;  Edinburgh  University,-  Plipil 
Teacher ;  Queen's  Sch61ar  and  Teacher  in  Moray 
House  Training  College ;  Mathematical  Master 
in  Edinburgh  Academy,  '1884-86;  in-  George 
Watson's  College  till  1902  ;  Principal  of  <?ftasgow 
TJ  P  Ol  Training  College  till  1904 ;  Heafl-riaat&feer, 
George  Watsons  College,  Edinburgh:,  "inll  1926, 
wfcen  he  retire^.  Publicat ion$  (jvmfy  Arith- 
metic for  Schp&s  and  Colleges,  '^ftdr&s:  126 
Qraiglea  Drive,  Edinburgh. 



WHO'8  WJbLO,  1951 

mittee  since  1947 ;  b  25  Aug.  1904;  m.  1930, 
Marion  Eckersley  Dove;  four  d.  Educ.: 
Wisan  Grammar  School ;  Manchester  Univer- 
sity. Asst.  Solicitor,  Wigan,  1928-30;  Sen. 
Aast.  Solicitor  and  Dep.  Town  Clerk,  Krag- 
ston-upon-Hull,  1930-37;  Town  Clerk  and 
Clerk  of  the  Peace,  Oldham,  1937-47. 
Recreations:  golf,  music.  Address >.;  278 
Allerton  Eoad,  Liverpool,  18.  T.:  Allerton 
2768.  Clubs:  National  Liberal ;  University 

Bahadur  Nawab  Sir  Malik  Tiwana, 
Kt.,  cr.  1942 ;  M..B.E.  1919 ;  Landlord  ; 
Member  of  Punjab  Legislative  Assembly, 
1937 :  6.  Aug.  1887 ;  8.  of  Izat  Nishan 
Major  Nawab  Malik  Sir  Khuda  Baklish  Khan 
Tiwana,  K.O.I.E.,  O.B.E. ;  m.  1907  ;  no  c. 
Educ. :  Aitchisoii  Chiefs'  College  (Diploma 
Exam ).  Worked  as  Hon.  Magistrate  and 
Civil  Judge  in  his  native  district  Shahpur 
(Punjab) ;  joined  Provincial  Civil  Service, 
1914  ;  went  to  Mesopotamia  on  deputation 
under  Political  Dept.  in  1916;  Provincial 
Civil  Service,  1917-33  ;  officiated  as  Deputy 
Commissioner,  1 924,  Nominated  an  Official 
Member  in  Central  Legislative  Assembly  in 
1931  and  Non-Olncial  Member  later ;  Asst. 
Govt.  Whip  in  the  Central  Assembly,  1931-36. 
Hon  Magistrate  I  Class  in  his  local  district 
and  a  member  of  the  District  Board  also. 
Recreations:  hawking,  coursing,  and  riding. 
Address :  Khawaja  Abad,  Shahpur  District, 
.Punjab.  T.A.  :  Khawaja  Abad,  Jhawarian. 
T. :  71  Sargodha. 

ALLAN,  Archibald  Russell  "Watson, 
R.S.A.  1937  (A.Rti.A.  1931);  Artist  in  em, 
Watereolour,  and  Pastel ;  6.  Glasgow,  6  March 
1878;  s.  of  A.  B.  Allan,  J.P.  and  Margaret 
Hunter;  TO.  1913,  Alice,  3rd  d.  of  William  Young 
and  Margaret  Kobertson.  Educ. :  Collegiate 
School.  Glasgow;  Greenock  Academy.  First 
.studies  in  art  under  John  Spiers,  portrait 
painter,  Glasgow ;  thereafter  at  Glasgow  Athen- 
aeum School  of  Art,  Julian's  Colarossis,  Glas- 
gow School  of  Art  (Diploma)  j  principal  works  : 
The  Aeroplane,  The  Top  of  the  Hill  (Glasgow 
Corporation) ;  Noon  (Paisley  Corporation) ; 
The  Rebel  (Smith  Institute,  Stirling).  Re- 
creations: gardening,  reading  and  the  study  of 
Scottish  Gaelic.  Address:  Kilmichael,  Ran- 
dolph Road,  Stirling.  Club:  Glasgow  Art 

ALLAN,  Douglas  Alexander,  DSc.; 
Ph  D  •  Director  of  the  Koyal  Scottish 
Museum,  Edinburgh,  since  1945  ;  6. 28  January 
1896 ;  2nd  s.  of  James  Allan,  Falkland,  Fife, 
and  Agnes  Annie  Logan ;  mt  1932,  Gwendoline 
Hesketh,  B.A.,  er.  d.  of  Rev.  R,  H.  Hesketh, 
B. A.,  vicar  of  Beckermet,  Cumberland.  Educ. : 
George  Watson's  Coll.  and  Boroughmuir  Student 
Centre,  Edinburgh;  Edinburgh  University. 
Served  Department  of  Explosives  Supply,  Min- 
istry of  Munitions,  and  R.F.  Artillery ;  served 
as  geologist  on  three  Scottish  Expeditions 
to  Spitzbergen,  1919-21;  Falconer  Memorial 
Fellow  of  the  Univ.  of  Edinburgh,  1923-25; 
Hon.  Gen.  Sec.  Univ.  of  Durham  Phil.  Soc., 
1927-29 ;  Swiney  Lecturer  in  Geology,  British 
Museum,  1929-80  and  1948-49;  President  of  the 
Lancashire  and  Cheshire  Federation  of  Museums 
and  Art  Galleries,  1931 ;  President,  Liverpool 
Geological  Society,  1989;  Hon.  Treasurer 
Museums  Association,  1936-42 ;  President,  1942- 
1946 ;  Vice-Pros.  Boy.  Scottish  Geographical 
Society ;  Council  for  Desigu  in  Industry;  Neill 
Medal,  Royal  Society  of  Edinburgh,  1944; 
Medal,  Liverpool  Geological  Soc.,  1944;  Medal, 

•  Roy.  Soc.  of  Arts,  1949 ;  F.R.S.G.S. ;  F.R.S.E.  ; 
F.S.A.  Scot. ;  F.R.2LS.  Scot. ;  Assistant  to  the 
Regius  Professor  of  Geology,  University  of 
Edinburgh,  1921-24;  Lecturer  in  Geology, 
Armstrong  College,  University  of  Durham, 
Newcastle  upon  Tyne,  1925-29 ;  Director  City 
of  Liverpool  Public  Museums,  1929-44.  Publi- 
cations: Geographical  articles  on  Denmark, 
Norway,  and  Spitzbergen;  General  and  detailed 
articles  on  Museums  and  Admit  Education ; 
Geological  papers  in  scientific  journals.  Ad- 

dress:  15  Mayfleld  Gardens,  Edinburgh  9.    T.: 
44152.    Ulitb:  University  (Edinburgh). 

ALLAN,  F.  L.,  M.B.E.;  M.C. ;  M.A. ;  Head- 
master  of  Wallasey  Grammar  School  since  1984; 
5.  2  Sept.  1883 ;  s.  of  Rev.  T.  P.  Allan  and  Agnes 
Willis  ;  TO.  1923,  Kathleen  Elsie,  d.  of  J.  H. 
Bodger;  two  s.  Educ.:  Newcastle  Royal 
Grammar  School;  Emmanuel  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Active  service  with  Northumberland 
Fusiliers,  France,  Belgium,  Italy,  North  Russia 
(wounded,  despatches,  M.C.),  1914-19;  Tutor 
at  Ordination  Test  School,  Knutsford,  1920-22  ; 
Assistant  Master,  Worcester  Royal  Grammar 
School,  1922-28;  Headmaster,  Heanor  Gram- 
mar School,  Derbyshire,  1929-34 ;  Member  Head- 
masters' Conference.  Staff  Officer,  War  Office, 
1941-45;  played  Rugby  football  for  North- 
umberland and  North  Midlands  and  captain 
Worcestershire  and  Herefordshire.  Recreations  : 
walking,  fives.  Address:  The  School  House, 
Penkett  Road,  Wallasey,  Cheshire.  T.  : 
Wallasey  1685. 

ALLAN,  Sir  Harold  Egbert,  KL  cr. 
1948;  O.B.E.  1942;  P.O.  Jamaica  1942; 
Minister  of  Finance,  Jamaica,  B.W.I.,  since 
1945,  and  Leader  of  House  of  Representa- 
tives ;  b.  Port  Antonio,  Jamaica,  15  Mar. 
1894 ;  s.  of  Patrick  Kerr  and  Elizabeth 
Allan ;  m.  1941,  Edris  Elaine  Trottman ; 
no  c.  Educ.:  Mico  College,  Jamaica,  and 
by  private  tuition.  Has  been  businessman, 
planter,  legislator;  Head  Master  Titch- 
Seld  Upper  School,  J.P.  1930;  M.L.C. 
1935  ;  Founder  Assoc.  of  Elected  Members 
of  Jamaica  Legislature,  1935  ;  Chm.  B.W.I. 
Deleg.  to  World  Trade  Confs.,  London 
and  Geneva.  1947 ;  rep.  B.W.I,  at  World 
Trade  Com,,  Havana,  1948.  Founder 
Benevolent  Societies  and  Literary  Clubs. 
Mico  College  Gold  Medal  for  meritorious 
public  service,  1942.  Recreations  :  cricket, 
swimming.  Address :  Half  Way  Tree, 
Jamaica,  B.W.I.  T.A. :  Kingston,  Jamaica, 
British  West  Indies.  T. :  6209.  Clubs : 
Manchester  Country  (Mandeville);  Kingston 
Polo,  Kingston  Cricket  (Kingston). 

ALLAN,  Sir  Henry  S.  M.  H. ;  m  Havclock- 

ALLAN,  Colonel  Sir  Hugh  Montagu, 
Kt.,  cr.  iy04  ;  C.  V.O.  1907  ;  order  oi  JLtwmg  ouu 
of  Japan  (3rd  class),  1907  ;  E.D.  1982  ;  retired  ; 
Hon.  Colonel  Black  Watch  (Royal  Highlanders) 
of  Canada;  Lt.-Coi.  Canadian  Expeditionary 
Forces;  b.  Montreal,  13  Oct.  1860;  2nd  8.  of 
late  Sir  Hugh  Allan  of  Eavenscrag,  Montreal, 
Canada,  and  Matilda  Caroline,  d.  of  late  John 
Smith,  Montreal ;  m.  1893,  Marguerite  Btfoel, 
d.  of  late  Hector  Mackenzie  of  Montreal. 
Educ. :  Bishop's  College  School,  Lennoxville, 
Province  of  Quebec;  Paris.  Address:  The 
Chateau,  1321  Sherbrooke  Street,  W.,  Mon- 
treal. Clubs:  Canada;  St.  James's,  Mount 
Royal  (Montreal). 

ALLAN,  Lieut.  Commissioner  Janet 
Laurie,  Leader  The  Salvation  Army 
Women's  Social  Work,  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland,  since  1947  ;  b.  20  March  1892  ;  d.  of 
Thomas  Alexander  Allan,  chemist,  Strath- 
aven,  Scotland.  Educ. :  in  Scotland. 
Entered  Salvation  Army  Training  College, 
1911 ;  commissioned  as  sergeant  to  the 
College,  1912  ;  opened  Salvation  Army  work 
in  Castle  Douglas,  Scotland,  1913  :  returned 
to  Training  College  as  a  Brigade  Officer, 
1915 ;  Home  Officer  at  Training  College, 
1918  ;  with  "  Calypso  "  Party  sailed  to  India 
(South  Travanoore,  South  India),  1921  ,* 
returned  to  England,  1929,  and  appointed  to 
slum  and  goodwill  work  in  British  Isles  ; 
returned  to  India ;  served  in  Travancore, 
Calcutta,  and  Eastern '  India ;  also  Madras 
anid  Telegu  country  as  Territorial  Commander. 
Address:  280  Mare  Street,  Hackney,  B.8. 
T.A. :  Reclaim  London.  T. :  Amherst 

ALLAN,  John,  C.B.  1943;   M.A.,  F.B.A., 
V.P.S.A.    (London);     F.S.A.    (Scotland) 
LL.D.  (Edin.) ;    Lecturer  in  Sanskrit,  Uni- 
versity of  Edinburgh ;  Keeper  of  the  Dept.  of 

Coins  and  Medals,  British  Museum,  1931-49  ; 
e.  s.  of  late  J.  G.  Allan,  Longniddry  ;  m.  Ida, 
y.  d.  of  late  J.  C.  Law,  Dundee ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Royal  High  School,  Edinburgh : 
Univs.  of  Edinburgh  and  Leipzig.  Entered 
British  Museum,  1907 ;  Deputy  Keeper, 
1924-31 ;  Lecturer  In  Sanskrit,  University 
Coll.,  1909-17,  and  at  the  School  of  Oriental 
Studies,  1920-22  ;  Examiner  in  Indian  sub- 
jects in  British  and  Indian  Universities, 
in  Military  Intelligence  Department  of  War 
Office,  1915-18  ;  Secretary  of  the  Royal 
Numismatic  Society,  1909-48  ;  an  Editor  of 
the  Numismatic  Chronicle,  1921-50  ;  Secre- 
tary of  the  Royal  High  School  Club  in 
London,  1920  -  49  and  President,  1932 ; 
Medallist  of  the  Numismatic  Society  of  India, 
1928  and  1937,  of  the  Royal  Numismatic 
Society,  1936,  and  of  the  American  Numis- 
matic Society,  1936;  Hon.  Vice-President 
Royal  Archaeological  Institute.  Corresp. 
Member  :  Kungl.VitterhetsAkad.  of  Sweden; 
Archaeological  Soc.  of  Finland.  Hon. 
Member :  Yorkshire  Philosophical  Soc. ; 
Socie'te'  Frangaise  de  Numismatique  and  of 
the  Vienna,  American,  Czecho-Sloyak  and 
Zagreb  Numismatic  Societies.  Publications  : 
two  volumes  of  British  Museum  Catalogue 
of  Indian  Coins  ;  edited  Catalogue  of  Coins 
in  the  Indian  Museum,  vol.  iv. ;  joint  author 
of  the  Cambridge  Shorter  History  of  India  ; 
contributions  to  encyclopaedias  and  Oriental 
and  archaeological  periodicals.  Recreations  : 
walking  and  fishing.  Address  :  The  Univer- 
sity, Edinburgh.  Clubs:  Athenaeum;  Scot- 
tish Arts  (Edinburgh). 

ALLAN,  Commissioner  John  James; 
Chief  of  the  Staff  (Second  in  Command)  of 
the  Salvation  Army  since  1946;  b.  24  March 
1887;  s,  of  James  Allan  and  P.  Strong; 
m.  1909,  Maud  Parsons;  one  s.  four  d. 
Educ. :  High  School  and  Salvation  Army 
Training  College,  New  York.  Salvation 
Army  Officer,  1906 ;  Vice-Chm.  Salvation 
Army  Trustee  Co. ;  Vice-Pres.  Salvation 
Army  Assurance  Soc.  Ltd.,  Reliance  Bank 
Ltd.,  Salvation  Army  Fire  Insurance 
Corp.  Ltd.,  Salvationist  Publishing  and 
Supplies  Ltd.  Served  as  Senior  Chaplain 
with  U.S.A.  77th  Div.,  France,  1918  (Croix 
de  Guerre).  Chaplain  -  General's  Dept., 
Washington,  D.C.,  1940-42 ;  Officer  of  the 
Orange  Nassau,  1947  ;  has  held  important  ad- 
ministrative appointments  in  United  States, 
terminating  with  Territorial  Commander  of 
Central  Territory.  Recreations :  golf,  bowl- 
ing. Address :  William  Booth  Memorial 
College,  Denmark  Hill,  S.E.5.  T.A. :  Salva- 
tion London.  T.  :  Brixton  6261  and  Gipsy 
Hill  4053.  Club  •  Rotary. 

ALLAN,  Maud,  dancer,  actress,  pianist, 
writer ;  &.  Toronto ;  d.  of  Dr.  William  Allan  and 
Dr.  Isabell  M.Allan,  n&Hutchinson;  unmarried. 
Educ.:  San  Francisco  ;  Vienna  ;  Royal  Academy 
of  Music,  Berlin.  Originally  intended  to  be  a 
pianist,studied  under  Busoni  inhismaster-class; 
graduated  with  honours  at  the  Royal  Academy 
of  Music,  Berlin;  decided,  after  studying  classical 
sculpture  and  painting  in  Italy,  to  revive  the 
lost  art  of  the  classic  dance ;  made  debut  as 
a  dancer  in  Vienna,  1903,  and  subsequently  ap- 
peared in  the  leading  Continental  cities ;  per- 
formed at  the  Palace  Theatre,  London,  in  1908, 
with  classical  dances  and  the  Vision  of  Salome  ; 
appeared  at  that  theatre  without  a  break  until 
Nov.  1908  ;  reappeared  there  Feb.  to  May  1909, 
after  touring  provinces ;  returned  to  perform 
there  throughout  the  summer,  1909 ;  in  Dec. , 
same  year,  appeared  in  Petrograd  and  Moscow : 
Jan.  1910,  proceeded  to  America  and  made  first 
appearance  in  the  Carnegie  Hall,  New  York  ; 
returned  to  Palace  Theatre,  London,  1911; 
•  toured  South  Africa,  India,  Malay  Straits, 
Burma,  China,  Manilla,  Australia,  New  Zealand, 
Tasmania,  and  United  States  of  America ;  after 
several  reappearances  and  (provincial  tours  in 
England,  proceeded  again  to  America,  and 
subsequently  toured  Argentine,  Chili,  and 
Brazil;  returned,  and  performed  at  London 
Palladium,  Coliseum,  and  Alhambra;  .in  1928 
toured  Egypt,  Malta,  and  Gibraltar;  was  in 


London,  Paris,  and  United   States,   1924-25; 
returned  to  England  1928  since  when  has  de- 

<  voted  much  time  to  teaching  very  poor  children 
and  in  preparing  material  for  new  work  on  her 
life;  played  the  Abbess  in  the  Miracle  at 
Lyceum,  1932.  Publications  :  My  Life  and 
Dancing,  1908;  miscellaneous  articles  in  the 
Press.  Recreations  :  sculpture  and  architec- 
tural design,  and  wood-carving. 

ALLAN,  Peter  Harvey,  M.V  O.  1928; 
O.B.E.  1936  ;  J.P.  ;  Magistrate  of  the  City 
of  Edinburgh  ;  &.  1880  ;  s.  of  Rev.  William 
Allan,  M.A.,  Minister  of  the  U.F.  Church, 
Edinburgh  ;  m.  1906  ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ.  : 
George  Heriot's  College,  Edinburgh  ;  Member 
of  the  Edinburgh  Town  Council  since  1919  ; 
Member  of  the  Edinburgh  Education 
Authority.  1918,  and  later  Chairman;  in 
business  in  the  city.  Recreations  :  golf, 
bowling.  Address  :  21  Leopold  Place,  Edin- 
burgh. Club  :  Liberal  (Edinburgh). 

ALLAN,  Sir  Robert  George,  Kt., 
cr.  1945  ;  C.I.E.  1936  ;  M.A.  Cantab.  ; 
F.R.S.E.  ;  late  Indian  Agricultural  Service  ; 
b.  7  Nov.  1879  ;  *.  of  Alexander  Allan  and 
Jemina  Dalmahoy,  Glenmore  Estate,  Coo- 
noor  S.  India,  and  4  Hillside  Crescent, 
Edinburgh  ;  m.  1911,  Mabel  Isabel  Anderson  ; 
three  d.  Educ.:  Haileybury;  Loretto 
School,  Musselburgh:  Pembroke  College, 
Cambridge.  Principal  Agricultural  College, 
Nagpur,  C.P.,  1907  :  officiating  Director  of 
Agriculture,  Central  Provinces,  1926  and 
1930  ;  Director  of  Agriculture,  United  Pro- 
vinces, 1931  ;  retired  1935.  Commissioner 
of  Agriculture,  Baroda  State,  India,  1935- 
1944  ;  Minister  for  Agriculture  and  Post-war 
Development,  1944-46,  retired  1946.  Services 
to  cultivators  of  State  commemorated  by 
endowment  of  a  gold  medal  to  be  awarded 
annually  under  his  name  at  Univ.  of  Bombay. 
Publications:  An  Outline  of  Indian  Agri- 
culture ;  chapters  on  Indian  agricultpe  m 
Social  Service  in  India  (H.M.  Stationary 
Office)  ;  numerous  agricultural  bulletins  and 
papers.  Address  :  41  Castle  St.,  Edinburgh. 
Club  :  Caledonian  United  Service  (Edin- 

ALLAN,  Lt.-Col.  William  Divid,  O.B.B. 
1918-  b  4  Nov.  1879;  s.  of  late  James  Allan,  High- 
field,  Elgin  ;  m.  Eve,  d.  of  late  Maj.  B.  R.  Crozier, 

S  Royal  Scots  Fusiliers  ;  three  s.  Educ.  :  Elgin 
Academy  ;  Blundells,  Tiverton.  Served  South 
African  War,  1900-2  with  Seaforth  High- 

landers; 2nd  Lieut.  Black  "Watch,  1902; 
"served  European  War,  1914-19  with  the  Black 
Watch;  Major,  1917;  Lt.-CoL,  1928;  Chief 
Constable  of  Bootle,  Liverpool,  1919-20  ;  Argyll, 
1920-2T  ;  H.M.  Inspector  of  Constabulary  for 
Scotland,  1927-30;  H.M.  Inspector  of  Con- 
stabulary  for  England  and  Wales,  1930;  As- 
sistant Commissioner  of  Police  of  the  Metro- 
polis 1931  ;  H.M.  Inspector  of  Constabulary 
for  England  and  Wales,  1931-88.  Address: 
Braelossie,  Elgin,  Morayshire. 

ALLAN,  -William  Nimmo,  C.M.G.  1948: 
M.C.  1917  ;  Irrigation  Consultant  to  Sudan 
Government  since  1947  ;  6.  10  Nov.  1896  ; 
s.  of  late  Rev.  Wm.  Geo.  Allan,  M.A.,  B.D., 
Cam  Dearg,  Callander,  Perthshire,  Scotland  ; 
97i.  1932,  Mary  Helen  Burnett,  o.  d.  of  late 
Rev  T.  Burnett  Peter,  M.A.,  B.D.,  St. 
Eessog's  Church,  Callander  ;  two  .  Educ.: 
George  Watson's  Boys'  College,  E&nburgh. 
Served  European  War,  1914-19,  9th  (Ser) 
Bn.  The  Gordon  HigUanders,  Captain  (M.C.)  . 
B.Sc.(Eng.)  Glasgow  Univ.,  1921  A.MJ.C.E. 
1923.  Joined  Kassala  Cotton  Co.  Ltd.  in 
Sudan  as  Civil  Engineer,  1924  ;  Irrigation 
Dept.  of  Sudan  Govt.,  1927  ;Asst.  Director, 
1941  •  Director,  1944.  Deputy  Sudan  Agent 
in  London,  1946.  M.I.C.E.  1944.  Address: 
22  Richmond  Rd.,  Horsham,  Sussex.  T.  : 
Horsham  556. 

s  of  late  0*.  B.  Allanson  ;  m.  1913* 
(d.  1950),  d.  of  Col.  J.  R.  Wllmer:  one  *. 
tidui.:  Bedford  School;  Exeter  Cortege, 
Oxford,  B.A.  1st  d.  Hon.  Mod^lst  Cl. 


Litt.  Hum. ;  passed  into  I.C.S.  1899  ;  Asat. 
Mag.  and  Coll.,  Bengal,  1900  ;  Settlement 
Officer,  Santal  Parganas,,  1905-10  ;  Deputy 
Commissioner,  Santal  Parganas,  1910-12 ; 
transferred  to  Bihar  and  Orisaa,  1912  ;  Dis- 
trict and  Sessions  Judge,  1916  ;  Judicial  Sec. 
to  Govt.  and  Legal  Remembrancer,  1921-24  ; 
Acting  Judge,  High  Court,  Patna,  1927; 
retired  1932.  Publication  :  Final  Report  of 
Survey  and  Settlement  Operations  (1906-10), 
Santal  Parganas.  Address :  Dinas,  Bath- 
ampton,  Bath.  T. :  Batheaston  8298. 

ALLANSON-WINN;  family  name  of 
Baron  Headley. 

ALLARD,  Sir  George  Mason,  Kt.,  cr. 
1920;  a  Vice-Pres.  Royal  Empire  Society, 
N.S.  Wales  Branch;  b.  London,  28  Dec. 
1866  ;  s.  of  George  Allard  ;  m.  1895,  Emma 
Victoria  Oliver ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
United  Westminster  Schools.  Representative 
of  Government  of  Commonwealth  of  Australia 
on  and  Chairman  of  the  Amalgamated  Wire- 
less Co.  Ltd.,  1922-31;  President,  The 
Institute  of  Chartered  Accountants  in 
Australia,  1932-41.  Address:  Yarwood 
Vane  <fc  Co.  with  G.  Mason  Allard.  Chartered 
Accountants  (Aust.),  Box  243  D.,  G.P.O., 
Sydney.  T.:  BW8203;  28  and  30  O'Connell 
Street,  Sydney,  N.S.W.;  Bundarra,  Woonona 
Avenue,  Wahroonga,  Sydney,  N.S.W.  Club  : 
TJulon  (Sydney). 

ALLARDYCE,  Lady,  C.B.E.  1945,  (Elsie 
Elizabeth);  d,  of  James  Farquharson 
Stewart,  Windsor  Place,  Dundee ;  in.  1st, 
Adam  GoodfeUow  (d.  1913);  one  *.;  2nd, 
Sir  William  Lamond  Allardyce,  G.C.M.G.  (d. 
1930).  Lady  of  Grace  of  St.  John  of  Jeru- 
salem. Address:  Wick  Vale,  Pinchampstead, 
Berks.  T.:  Eversley  3259,  Glub:  Forum. 

ALLARDYCE,  Robert  Moir,  C.B.E. 
194BCO.B.E.  1936);  M.O.,  J.P.;  LL,D.  Glasgow, 
1943;  M.  A.,  LL.B. ;  6.  Eothieraay,  Banffshire,  22 
May  1882 ;  er.  s.  of  Rev.  William  Allardyce,  M.  A. ; 
m.  1912,  Clementina,  y.  d.  of  Peter  Hendry, 
Hilloclrti  ead,  Huntly ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Gordon's  College,  Aberdeen;  Aberdeen  Univer- 
sity. Classical  Master  in  Elgin  Academy,  1902-5; 
in  the  High  School  of  Glasgow,  190542;  Organis- 
ing Secretary  and  later  Clerk  and  Treasurer,  to 
the  Renfrew  County  Committee  on  Secondary 
Education,  1912-19;  Director  of  Education 
Clackmannan  County  Education  Authority, 
1919-25,  wibh  Kinross  additional;  Depute 
Director  of  Education  Authority  of  Glasgow, 
1925-29  ;  Director  of  Education.  Glasgow,  1929- 
1944 ;  temp.  Assistant  Secretary  in  Scottish 
Education  Dept.  (Further  Education  and  Train- 
ing Scheme),  1944-49 ;  retired,  1049.  Publica- 
tions: New  Latin  Course,  1910;  Something  about 
Education  (Army  Lectures),  1919  ;  Latin  for 
Beginners,  1929.  Address:  6-  Campbell  Road, 
•RrltnVmrea  1$.  T. :  •'Edinb'nrsrh  ft!  355. 

ALLASON,  Brig.-Gen.  Walter,  D.S.O. 
1015  ;  Retired  Pay ;  late  the  Bedfordshire  and 
Hertfordshire  Regiment;  &j  18  March  1875; 
m.  1908,  Katharine  Hamilton,  d.  of  late  Vice- 
Admiral  James  A.  Poland ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Entered  army,  1896;  Capt.,1902;  Major,  1913; 
Lieut. -Colonel,  1921 ;  Colonel,  1923;  served  S. 
Africa,  1899-1900  (Queen's  medal  2  clasps); 
European  ,War,  1914-19  ;  commanded  52nd  In- 
fantry Brigade,  April  1918-April  1919,  then  51st 
Bedf.  Eegt.  on  the  Rhine  (wounded  four  times, 
despatches  five  times,  D.S.O.  and  bar,  Bt.  Lt.- 
Ool.) ;  commanded  1st  Bedfordshire  and  Hert- 
fordshire Regt,  1922-25;  156th  (West' Scottish) 
Inf.  Bde.  T.A.,  1927-31;  retired  pay,  1981. 
Publication:  Military  Mapping  and  Reports, 
1940,  now  in  6th  edition.  Recreations :  swim- 
ming, (Plunging,  Championship  of  England. 
1896  and  7,  1902,  1908  and  9,  1922,  also  rep. 
Army  v.  Navy,  1924-27,  1929  and  1930 ;  gold 
shamrock  medals  Irish  swimming  Champion- 
ship, 1899),  shooting,  hunting,  ski-ing,  polo, 

,  gating.  Address*  Chacombe  Priory,  Banbnry. 
•  We**  Tilted  ServW 

ALl^CHIN,  Geoffrey  Cuthbert,  O.M.G. 
1945;  M4C.1917;  Minister  to  Gr.and  Duchy 
ttfii&tixembourg  since  1949 ;  b.  10  May  1895 : 

.19.  ofHaJ;e  T.  C.  AHchin,  Longfleld,  Kent ;  m. 

1940,  Hon.  Muriel  Letitla  Swinfen  Eady,  d.  of 
1st  Baron  Swinfen  of  Chertsey  ;  no  c.  Educ.  : 
Haileybury  ;  Trinity,  Cambridge.  European 
War,  1914-19,  R.  West  Kent  Regt.  and  K.E. 
in  France  and  Belgium,  Capt.  (M.C.) ;  B.A. 
(Hons.)  Cambridge,  1920 ;  entered  H.M. 
Consular  Service,  1919 ;  served  in  Morocco, 
1920-30 ;  Foreign  Office,  1931 ;  Head  of 
Consular  Dept.,  1943-46;  Inspector,  1947-. 
Address:  British  Legation,  Luxembourg; 
Longfleld,  Kent.  T. :  Longfleld  2116.  Clubs  ; 
Oxford  and  Cambridge,  Royal  Automobile. 

A  L  L  C  O  T  T,  "Walter  Herbert,  R.W.A. 
1920;  R.B.S.A.  1921 ;  landscape  painter,  water- 
colours  ;  5.  Birmingham,  21  Jan.  1880 ;  s.  of 
Henry  Allcott  and  Emily  Jane  Herbert;  m. 
1913,  Maud,  d.  of  Major  Herbert  H.  Bird  of 
Erdington ;  no  c.  Educ. :  privately ;  Birming- 
ham Municipal  School  of  Art.  Formerly  a 
painter  of  portraits  and  subject  pictures  in 
oils ;  exhibited  first  in  1898 ;  obliged  by  ill- 
health  to  give  up  living  in  towns ;  settled  in 
Chipping  Campden,  Glos.,  1919,  where  he 
painted  landscapes  in  water-colours;  visited 
and  painted  all  the  principal  Italian  cities, 
1922-23;  Venice  and  Verona,  etc.,  1924-25; 
Spain  and  Mallorca,  1926;  regular  exhibitor 
R.A.,  JR.  L,  and  most  provincial  gallerien. 
Addrwm  El*ctra  House,  Haslftniere,  Surrey 

ALLDERIDGE,  ^Charles  Donald 
D.S.O.  1917;  T.D.;  F.R.I.B.A.,  A.M.I.8truct.E. 
Bt.  Col.,  R.A.  (T.) ;  late  O.O.  Bast  Riding 
Heavy  Brigade  R.A. ;  Hon.  Col.  676  H.A.A. 
RegU  R.A.  since  1949 ;  architect  surveyor 
and  valuer;  Inspectorate  Division  (London), 
established  civil  servant,  Ministry  of  Town 
and  Country  Planning;  President  Hull  Guild 
of  Building,  1984 ;  Vice-President  of  York  and 
E.  Yorkshire  Architectural  Society ;  b.  Ripley, 
Derbyshire,  25  Nov.  1889 ;  *.  of  Rector  of  Routh, 
E,  Yorks ;  wi.  Dorothy  Gravill,  L.R.A.M.  (d. 
1937);  one  s.  one  d. ;  m.  1942,  Mabel  Beatrice 
Smith  (d.  1945).  Educ. :  Hymers  College, 
Hull.  Architect-pupil  Brodrick,  Lowther  & 
Walker,  F.RJ.B.A.,  1908-11:  Assistant  Valuer 
Land  Valuation  Dept.  Inland  Revenue,  191 8-14  ; 
served  European  War  in  R.G.A.,  1914-19;  in 
Prance,  1916-19,  and  rose  to  command  of  a 

«  Brigade  of  Artillery  ;  joined  Territorial  Force 
1909;  Adjutant,  East  Riding  Heavy  Brigade 
R.A.  (T.A.),  1928-26;  Officer  cmdg.  troops  In 
Falkland  Islands  and  South  Georgia  and 
reorganised  coastal  Defences,  1941-42 ;  Member 
of  Hull  City  Council  (Botanic  Ward),  1927-33 ; 
Architect  to  E.  Riding  Terr.  Army  mnd  Air 
Force  Assoc.,1942;  Chief  Special  Constable  of 
Hull,  1938-41.  Works:  large  hosp.,  schools, 
housing  schemes,  etc,,  1920-23;  houses,  Hull, 
Grimsby,  Howden,  and  B.  Yorks  generally ; 
Roman  Catholic  Church  Hall,  several  Parish 
Halls ;  dilapidation  surveys  and  large  alteration 
sahemftB:  .T.P.  Falkland  Is.  Refrreatifm, .-  flfolf. 

ALLEN  of  Hurtwood,  Lady,  F.T.L.A., 
(Marjory);  U.KT.  Division  Social  Activities 
(Child  Welfare  in  Europe  and  Middle  Bast), 
since  1950 ;  6.  10  May  1897 ;  d.  of  George 
and  Sarah  Sborey  Gill ;  m.  1921,  Lord  Allen 
of  Hurtwood  (d.  1930);  one  d.  Educ.: 
Bedales  School ;  Reading  University.  Land- 
scape Architect;  past  Vice-Pres.  Inst.  Land- 
scape Architects ;  Governor  Bedales  School ; 
Chairman  Nursery  School  Association  of 
Great  Britain,  1942-48,  Pres.  1948;  Vice- 
Pres.  British  Assoc.,  1948;  Chm.  World 
Council  Early  Childhood  Education,  1949; 
Member  Central  Advisory  Council, for  Educa- 
tion (England),  1945-49;  Chm.  Advisory 
Council  on  Children's  Entertainment  Films ; 
Mem.  Advising  Council  Child  Care  (Home 
Office);  Governor,  British  ^"ilm  Institute, 
1949-50 ;  Chra.  Coronation  Planting  Ottee., 
1937-39 ;  gardens  designed  and  made  for 
Broadcasting  House*;  Selfridge  (roof-garden) ; 
St;.  Pancras  Housmg  Estate  (nursery  school 
rpof-garden),  etc.  J.P.  1946.  Publication: 
Whose  Children?  , Recreation:  gardening. 
Address:  Hurtwood  House,  Albury,  Guild- 
ford.  T. :  Ewhurst  74. 

ALLEN,  Albert  George,  D.S.O.  1919; 
M.C. ;  solicitor ;  tflrst  Class  Honours  ;  L^w 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Society  prizeman  ;  member  of  firm  of  Allen  & 
Overy,  London  ;  b.  1888  ;  2nd  s.  of  Alfred 
Alien  ;  m.  1917,  Florence,  'd,  of  Thomas 
Walton  Tarn  ;  ones.  Educ. :  North Malvern 
School.  Served  European  War,  19L4-19,  in 
France  as  Captain,  8th  South  Staffordshire 
Regiment,  and  Brigade  Major,  51st  Infantry 
Brigade  (D  S.O.,  M.O.,  despatches  twice). 
Private  Solicitor  to  King  Edward  VIII,  1936. 
Director,  Law  Debenture  Corporation  Ltd., 
English  &  Scottish  Investors  Ltd.,  and  Trust 
&  Loan  Company  of  Canada.  Address  :  The 
Saltings,  Old  Bosham,  near  Chichester; 
3  Pinch  Lane,  E.C.3.  T.:  Avenue  3521. 
Clubs:  Marlborough-Windham,  City  of 
London ;  Travellers'  (Paris). 

ALLEN,  Arthur  Cecil;  M.P.  (Lab.) 
Market  Bosworth  Division  of  Leicestershire 
since  1945;  Parliamentary  Private  Sec.  to 
Chancellor  of  Exchequer  and  to  Minister 
of  State  for  Economic  Affairs  since  1950 ; 
b.  10  Jan.  1S87  ;  s.  of  Charles  Allen ;  m.  1914, 
Polly  Mary  Bradshaw ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Elementary  School ;  Buskin  College.  Official 
of  Boot  and  Shoe  Operatives  Union.  Recrea- 
tion: reading.  Address:  Nenehurst,  Thrift 
Street,  Higham  Ferrers,  ISTorthants. 

ALLEN,  Major-Gen.  Arthur  Samuel, 
C.B,  194.1  ;  C.B.E.  1941 ;  D.S.O.  1917  ; 
V.D. ;  F.C.A.  (Aust.) ;  Partner  in  firm  of 
Arthur  S.  Allen  &  Co.,  Business  Representa- 
tives and  Consultants,  Cairo ;  b.  Sydney, 
N.S.W.,  10  March  1894 ;  a.  of  late  John 
Allen,  HurstvUle,  N.S.W. ;  m.  1921,  Agnes 
Mona  Blair,  <?.  of  late .  Robert  Mackay, 
Kempsey,  N.S.W. ;  two  s.  Educ. :  private 
study.  Served  European  War,  1914-18 ; 
enlisted  A.I.F. ;  2nd  Lt..  Middle  East  and 
France,  Lt.-Col.  1917  (despatches  twice. 
D.S.O.,  French  Croix  de  Guerre).  Served 
A.M.F.,  1919-39 ;  Col.  1931,  Brig.  1937 ; 
Chartered  Accountant,  partner  Truman, 
Allen  <fe  Co..  Sydney,  1922-45  ;  War  of  1939- 
1945  ;  left  Australia,  1940,  comdg.  16th  Aust. 
Inf.  Bde.  for  First  Lybian  Campaign,  Battles 
of  Bardia  and  Tobruk  (despatches,  C.B.E., 
C.B.),  and.for  Greek  Campaign  (despatches, 
Greek  Mil.  Cross,  1st  01.) ;  Maj.-Gen.  1941 ; 
comdg.  7th  Aust.  Div.  for  Syrian  Campaign 
(despatches),  Java,  and  New  Guinea  (Aug. 
1942-Mar.  1943),  defence  of  Moresby,  Owen 
Stanley  Range  Campaign  and  battles  Imita 
Ridge  to  Kokoda ;  G.Q.C.  Northern  Terri- 
tory Force  (March  1943-Oct.  1944) ;  now  B,. 
of  0.  Recreations  :  golf,  bowls.  Address  : 
(private)  Apt.  6,  12  Sharia  Saray  el  Gezira, 
Zamalek,  Cairo,  Egypt;  (business)  115 
Immobilia  Bldgs.,  Cairo.  T.A. :  Gebes  Cairo. 
T. :  53765,  47102.  Clubs  :  Imperial  Service 
(Sydney) :  Gezira  Sporting,  Turf  (Cairo) ; 
"Union  (Alexandria), 

ALLEN,  Colonel  Atwell  Hayes,  C.B.E. 
1920  (O.B.B.  1919) ;  late  E.A.O.C. ;  b.  29  Oct. 
1882 ;  s.  of  Dt.-Col.  William  Henry  Allen,  late 
B.A.M.O.,  Paignton.  Served  European  War, 
1914-18  (Bt.  Lt.-0ol.f  O.B.E.);  Instructor 
B.A.O.C.  School  of  Instruction,  1934-35; 
Assistant  Director  of  Ordnance  Services,  War 
Office.  10S6-SQ:  retired  pay,  1P39. 

ALLEN,  Rear-Admiral  (S)  Sir 
Bertram  Cowles,  K.C.B.,  cr.  1929  (C.B. 
193,9) ;  M.7.O.  1912;  b.  29  Nov.  1875 ;  s.  of 
late  Staff  Commander  G.  H.  Allen,  ^.N. ;  m. 
1908,  Edith  Mary,  3rd  d.  of  Sir  'B.  W.  Perks, 
],st  Bt. ;  two  d.'  Educ. :  Christ's  Hospital. 
Entered  Navy,  1893;  served  Naval  Brigade, 
S.A,  War,  1899-1900  (clasps  for  Belmont, 
Modder  River,,  Driefontein,  and  Paardeberg), 
specially  promoted  to  paymaster,  1900 ;  fleet 
paymaster  of  H.M.S.  Medina  during  voyage  of 
King  to  India :  Paymaster  Captain,  1921 ; 
Secretary  to  Fourth  Sea  Lord;  Paymaster 
Director-General,  ,1926-29;  retired  Hat,  1929. 
Address :  Channel  View,  Seaf ord.  Club  :  Army 
and  Na^v.  ,  ' 

ALLEN,  Carleton  Kemp,  M.C.;  K.C. 
1945  :  F.B.A.  1944 ;  M.A.,  D.C.L. ;  JT.P,  City,  of 
Oxford;  Oxford  Secretary  to,  Rhodes^ Trustees 
and  Warden  of  Rhodes  House,  Oxford,  since  A981; 
of  Lincoln's  Inn,  Barrister-at-Law ;  Fellow  of 

University  College,  Oxford ;  6.  7  Sept.  1887 ;  y.  s. 
of  late  Rev.  William  Allen,  Sydney,  Australia, 
and  Martha  Jane  Holdsworth;  m.  Dorothy 
Frances,  B.E.M.,  y.  d.  of  E.  Halford  and  Jane 
Spurway  Williams ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Newing- 
ton  College,  Sydney;  University  of  Sydney ;  New 
College,  Oxford.  First  Class,  Honour  School  of 
Jurisprudence,  1912  ;  Eldon  Law  Scholar,  1913 ; 
European  War,  Western  Front,  Infantry,  1914-19; 
Stowell  Civil  Law  Fellow,  University  College, 
Oxford,  1920;  Junior  Proctor,  1925;  Tagore 
Professor,  University  of  Calcutta,  1926 ;  Pro- 
fessor of  Jurisprudence,  University  of  Oxford, 
1929-31 ;  Member  of  Appellate  Tribunal  for 
Conscientious  Objectors  since  1941.  Publica- 
tions: Legal :  Law  in  the  Making,  1927  (4th  ed., 
1946)  (Swiney  Prize,  R.S.A.,  1944) ;  Bureaucracy 
Triumphant,  1931 ;  Legal  Duties,  1931 ;  Law 
and  Orders,  1945  ;  articles,  legal  and  other 
periodicals.  Non-legal:  The  Judgement  of 
Paris  (novel),  1924;  Democracy  and  the 
Individual,  1943;  pamphlets,  short  stories, 
and  articles  in  various  periodicals.  Recrea- 
tions :  travel,  motoring.  Address :  Rhodes 
House,  Oxford.  T.A. :  Augury,  Oxford.  T.  : 
Oxford  21 70.  0/7/7):  Reform* 

ALLEN,  Air  Commodore  (acting  Air 
Vice  -  Marshal)  Charles  Edward 

Hamilton,  C.B.  1945  ;  D.F.G.  1918  ;  Senior 
Technical  Staff  Officer  to  R.A.F.  Head- 
quarters Med./M.E.  since  1 949  ;  b.  1899  : 
s.  of  Edward  Allen,  Capetown,  S.  Africa,  and 
Louise  Henrietta  Arendse  ;  m.  1923,  Marion, 
d.  of  Walter  Burke,  Caythorpe,  Lines  ;  one  s. 
Educ. :  Sea  Point  Boys'  High  School,  Cape 
Town  ;  Cambridge  Univ.  R.F.C.  1917,  as  a 
cadet  from  S.  Africa ;  2nd  Lt.  Sept.  1917 
(D.F.C.).  Permanent  commission  R.A.F, 
1919.  Served  India,  25T.W.  Frontier,  1923-27  ; 
Singapore,  1936-40.  Wing-Comdr.  1938 ; 
,  Group  Capt.  1944 ;  Temporary  Air  Com- 
modore, 1942;  Air  Commodore,  1947. 
Became  Engineer  Specialist,  1929.  Was 
Chief  Engineer  Officer  Far  East  H.Q.  1940. 
Commanded  R.A.F.  Station,  Henlow,  1940- 
1943 ;  commanded  Cosford,  1943 ;  Senior 
Air  Staff  Officer,  43  Group  H.Q.,  Hucknall, 
Notts,  1946-49.  Recreations  :  golf,  tennis, 
shooting.  Address:  R.A.F.  Headquarters, 

ALLEN,  Charles  John,  F.R.B.S. ;  b. 
Greenford,  Middlesex,  2  Sept.  1862  ;  s.  of  Wm. 
E.  Allen  and  Anne  Sweatman ;  m.  1899,  Ethel 
Margaret  (d.  1927),  d.  of  late  Capt.  Alfred 
Eaton,  R.N. ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ,:  Private 
Boarding  School,  Enfield :  Lambeth'  School 
of  Art;  Royal  Academy  Schools.  Pupil  of 
Hamo  Thornycroft,  R.A. ;  exhibitor  at  R.A., 
Paris  Salon,  etc.,  also  International  Exhibition, 
Paris,  1900  (gold  medal),  St.  Louis,  Rome, 
Ghent,  Paris  Arts  and  Crafts,  1914,  etc.  Works 
purchased  by  Queen  Alexandra ;  Liverpool 
Corporation  Permanent  Collection  ;  City  of 
Glasgow  Permanent  Collection.  Principal 
worlcs :  Liverpool  Queen  Victoria  Memorial,  and 
Florence  Nightingale  Memorial;  Eastham 
(Cheshire)  War  Memorial ;  Univ.  of  Liverpool 
War  Memorial.  Recreations:  walking,  rowing. 
Address:  Yew  Tree  Cottage,  Farley  Green, 
Albury,  Surrey.  Club:  University  (Liverpool) 

ALLEN,  Charles  Turner,  C.I.E.  1920 ; 
fanning,  Sussex;  b.  1877;  *.  of  late  Sir 
George  Allen,  E. C.I.E.  ;  m.  1905,  Gladys 
Mabel,  d.  of  late  Col.  St.  George  Corbet  Gore, 
C.S.T. ;  two  *.  two  d.  Educ. :  Eton  :  Mac- 
dalen  College,  Oxford.  Recreations  ;  athletics 
of  every  kind  and  sport.  Address ;  Kid- 
borough  Farm,  Dane  Hill,  Sussex.  T.  : 
Dane  Hill  31 6  ;  Lake  House,  Cawnporet,  U.P., 
India.  Clubs :  {White's,  Royal  Empire  So- 
ciety, M.C.C.,  Free  Foresters,  I  ZJngari,  etc. 

ALLEN,  Clarence  Edgar;  Editor  and 
Director  of  Machinery ;  Chartered  Mechanical 
Engineer  ?  Chartered  Electrical  Engineer,;  b. 
21  1ST0Y.  1871;  e.  8.  of  late  David  ABen 
of  Long  Buekby,  Northants.  Publications: 
T%e  Modeth  Locomotive ;  Screw  Threads, 
etc.  RetikaM):  music  :  flute  playing 'atnd 
''Idling.'  AdW&s:^&^g&(m&t,  Ctaiciylfcoad, 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Watford,  Herts.  T.:  Watford  2538.  Clubs: 
Press,  St.  Stephen's;  Coventry  and  County 

ALLEN,  Edgar  Malpas,  C.M.G.  1946; 
retired ;  b.  9  April  1883 ;  s.  of  John  Gray 
Allen,  Formby,  Lanes  ;  m.  1940,  Eva  Helen 
Spears ;  one  s.  Educ. :  Merchant  Taylors  , 
Crosby.  Entered  Alfred  Holt  &  Co.,  Liver- 
pool, 1900;  Junior  Partner,  Wra.  Stapledon 
&  Sons,  Port  Said,  also  Suez  (Steamship 
Agents),  1919;  Senior  Partner  1925 .;  re- 
tired, 1945.  Deputy  Representative  British 
Ministry  of  War  Transport,  Port  Said,  1940- 
1945.  Recreations  :  horticulture,  fishing  and 
shooting  Address:  Orchard  Lodge,  Orchard 
Hill,  Bideford,  North  Devon.  T. :  Bideford 
547.  Club  :  East  India  and  Sports. 
ALLEN,  Colonel  Edward  Watts,  O.B.E. 
1919 ;  Chairman  and  Managing  Director,  Civil 
Service  Supply  Association ;  Hon.  Adviser 
on  Array  Depots  Organisations,  1939  ;  ft.  1888 ; 
m.  1909,  Edith  Jane,  d.  of  Charles  Denyer, 
Upham,  Sidcup;  five  d.  Educ.:  Eltham. 
Address:  Lostwithiel,  Fleet,  Hants.  Clubs: 
Constitutional,  Portland. 
ALLEN,  Edwin  Hopkins,  formerly 
Director  of  Evans  Brothers,  Ltd.,  and  Editor- 
in-Chief,  Evans  Brothers'  Publications; 
Editor  of  Teachers  World,  1919-45  ;  b.  New- 
bury,  Berks,  21  May  1878  \m.  Lucy -(d .1942), 
d  oflateD.Dillingham.  Educ.:  The  British 
School,  Newbury;  Westminster  Training 
College.  Taught  in  elementary  schools ,  1899- 
1913  Joined  staff  of  Teachers  World  as 
regular  contributor,  1911 ;  assistant  editor 
1913;  acting  editor,  1915 ;  first  editor  of 
Child  Education,  1924.  Recreatwns:  walk- 
ing, theatre,  cinema,  bridge.  Glubs:  National 
Liberal,  Arts  Theatre. 

ALLEN,  Ernest  Joshua,  C.B.E.  1918; 
M.I.Mech.E.  ;  6.  1871 ;  *.  of  J.  Allen ;  m. 
1899  MaiTd  Lilian  (d.  1936),  d.  of  late  J.  E. 
Randell,  Hereford;  one.*,  one  d.  Late 
Director  Railway  Materials,  Ministry  of 
Munitions.  Address:  Waldronhyrst  Hotel, 
South  Croydon,  Surrey. 

ALLEN,  Frank,  F.R.S.C. ;  first  Professor  of 
Physics,  Univ.  of  Manitoba,  Winnipeg,  1904-44, 
Prof  Emeritus,  1944  ;  b.  Meductic,  N.B.,  6  Feb. 
1874 ;  s.  of  late  Rev.  John  S.  Allen  and  Charlotte 
N.  Tuttle  ;  w.  1903,  Sarah  Bstelle  (d.  1915),  d.  of 
late  D.  S.  Harper,  of  New  Brunswick  ;  two  s,  one 
d.  Educ. :  public  schools  of  N.B.  ;  University 
of  New  Brunswick,  Fredericton  (B.  A.  1*95,  with 
highest  honours  in  Physics  and  Chemistry 
Alumni  gold  medallist  in  Latin  ;  M,A.  1897) 
Cornell  university,  Ithaca,  N.Y.  (University 
Scholar  in  Physics,  1899  ;  M.A,  1900  ;  President 
White  Fellow  in  Physics,  1900;  Ph.D 
1902);  Hon.  LL.D.  Manitoba,  1924;  Univ.  o 
New  Brunswick,  1945;  Principal,  High 
School,  N.B.,  1895-99;  Instructor  in  Physics 
Cornell,  1902-4;  'Member  of  Council,  and 
Chairman  of  University  Faculty,  1910-14 
University  of  Manitoba;  Member,  National 
Research  Council  of  Canada,  1932-37;  Henry 
Marshall  Tory  Medallist,  Royal  Soc.  of  Canada 
194=4.  Publications :  The  Universe :  from  Crysta' 
Spheres  to  Relativity ;  papers  on  Physiological 
Optics  and  Acoustics,  and  on  the  senses  of 
Touch,  Taste,  Temperature,  Pain,  Muscle. 
Glands,  etc.,  in  scientific  journals  and  Trans* 
actions.  Address:  University  of  Manitoba, 
Winnipeg,  Canada. 

See  also  Prof.  J.  F.  Allen. 
ALLEN,    Frederick    Lewis;     Vice- 
President  of  Harper  <fe  Bros.,  publishers,  and 
Editor  of  Harper's  Magazine  since  1941 ;   & 
5  July  1890 ;  *.  of  Rev.  F.  B.  Allen  ;  m.  1st 
1918,'  Dorothy  Penrose  Cobb  ;   one  «. ;   2nd 
1932,    Agnes    Rogers.      Educ. :     Harvard 
Asst.  in  English,  Harvard  Univ.,  1912^14 
Asst.    Editor    Atlantic    Monthly,    1914-16 
Managing  Editor  Century  Magazine,  191 6-17 
Secretary  to  the  Corporation,  Harvard  Univ. 
1919-23  :  Associated  wth  Harper's  Magazine 
since  1923.     Publications :   Only  Yesterday, 
1931 ;  The  Lords  of  Creation,  1935 ;   Since 
Yesteacday,    1940;     The    Great    Pierpont 

Morgan,  1949  ;  (with  Agnes  Rogers) :  The 
American  Procession,  1933 ;  Metropolis,  1934 ; 
I  Remember  Distinctly,  1947.  Address  :  121 
E.  35  St.,  New  York,  N.Y.,  U.S.A. 
ALLEN,  Frederick  Martin  Brice, 
M.D.,  F.R.C.P.  (Lond.) ;  Nuffield  Professor  of 
Child  Health,  Queen's  University,  Belfast; 
Physician  Royal  Belfast  Hospital  for  Sick 
Children  ;  Physician  in  charge  of  Infants  to 
Royal  Maternity  Hospital,  Belfast ;  Member 
N.  Ireland  Hospitals  Authority;  formerly 
Hospital  Officer,  Ministry  of  Home  Affairs, 
Northern  Ireland ;  Fellow  of  Ulster  Med. 
Soc. ;  Member  of  British  Paediatric  Associa- 
tion and  of  Association  of  Physicians  of  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland;  F.R.S.M.  ;  Hon. 
Member,  The  Canadian  Society  for  the  Study 
of  Diseases  of  Children  ;  Member  of  Numeld 
Regionalisation  Council,  and  of  Medical 
Planning  Commission ;  President.  Section 
Diseases  of  Children,  British  Medical  Associa- 
tion, 1938 ;  Surgeon  Lieut.-Commander 
R.N.V.R.,  retired;  6.  20  June  1898;  m. 
Anne  Evelyn  Maud,  d.  of  James  Calvert, 
Lurgan.  Publications  :  Diseases  of  Children  ; 
Aids  to  Disease  of  Children  ;  contributions  to 
Medical  Journals.  Recreation :  golf.  Ad- 
dress: 73  University  Road,  Belfast.  T. : 
Belfast  23460.  Clubs :  Constitutional ; 
Union  (Belfast) ;  Royal  County  Down  Golf 
(Newcastle,  Co.  Down). 
ALLEN,  F.  M. ;  see  Downey,  Edmund, 
ALLEN,  Rt.  Rev.  G.  F.  w  Egypt, 

ALLEN,  George  Cyril,  M.Com.,  Ph.D.; 
Professor  of  Political  Economy,  in  the  Um- 
1  fversity  of  London,  since  1947  ;  6.  Kenilworth, 
j  i  Warwickshire,  28  June  1900 ;  s.  of  late  George 
Henry  and  late  Elizabeth  Allen;    w.  1929, 
/  Eleanora,  d.  of  late  David  Shanks,  J.P.,  Moseley, 
'•  Birmingham.   Eduo. :  King  Henry  VIII.  School, 
•  7  Coventry ;  University  of  Birmingham.  Lecturer 
;  in    Economics   at    the   Higher    Commercial 
College,  Nagoya,  Japan,  1922-25;    Research 
Fellow    and    Lecturer   in    the    Faculty    of 
i    Commerce,  University  of  Birmingham,  1925- 
1929 ;   Professor  of  Economics  and  Commerce, 
^University  College,   Hull,   1929-33;    Brunner 
Professor   of  Economic   Science,    University 
fof    Liverpool,   1938-47;    Appointed    Member 
'   of  Trade  Boards,  1935-40.    Temp.  Asst.  Secret- 
£  ary,  Board  of  Trade,  1941-44.      Member  of 
Central  Price  Regulation  Ottee.  since  1944; 
Adviser  on  Industrial  Location  to  the  Board 
of  Trade,  1944-45  ;  Temp.  Counsellor,  Foreign 
Office,  Oct.  1945- April  1946.   Member  of  Build- 
ing Industry  Working  Party,  1948-50;  Pres. 
of  Economics  Section,  British  Assoc.,  1950; 
Publications :  Modern  Japan  and  its  Problems ; 
The  Industrial  Development  of  Birmingham 
and  the  Black  Country,  1860-1927 ;  .British  In- 
dustries  and  their  Organization,  1933 ;  revised 
edition,  1945 ;  Japan :  the  Hungry  Guest,  1938; 
Japanese  Industry :   Its  Recent  Development 
and  Present  Condition,  1939;  (part  -  author)  The 
Industrialization  of  Japan  and  Manchukuo, 
1930-1940, 1940 ;  A  Short  Economic  History  of 
Japan,  1946 ;    occasional  papers  in  Economic 
Journal,   etc.      Recreations:    walking  tours, 
gardening.  Address :  University  College,  Gower 
Street,  W.C.I ;  Quinces,  Beech  Close,  Cobham, 
Surrey.    T. :  Cobham  744.     OZufc  :  Reform. 
ALLEN,    Rev.    George    Kendall,    M.A. 
6.  15  Feb.  1883;  s.  of  RevP  Dr.  Allen,  Head- 
master. Cranleigh  School,   Surrey;    m,  1910, 
Mary  Ellen  Blake.    Educ. :  Wellington  College ; 
Trinitv  College,  Cambridge.    Assistant  Master, 
Christ's  Hospital,   1906-24;  Chaplain  to  the 
Forces,    1916-18;    Headmaster    The    London 
Orphan  School,  Watford,  1924-30;   Rector  of 
Hampton  Lovett  and  Elmley  Lovett  1980-86. 
Publication:   Selections  from  Tennyson.    Be- 
creations:     gardening,     walking.       Addre**: 
225    Franklands   Village,    Hay  wards    Heath, 
Sussex.    T. :  Haywards  Heath  899. 
ALLEN,  George  Vance,  C.B.E.,  1946; 
Vice-Chancellor,  University  of  Malaya,  since 
1949  ;   &.  16  Apr.  1894  ;   *.  of  late  Rev.  S. 
Allen  and  of  B.  A.  Allen  (nee  Vance) ;    m. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

1922,  Sybil  May  Seaton ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ.:  Methodist  CoUege,  and  Queen's 
University,  Belfast.  M.B.,  B.Ch.,  B.A.O. 
(Belfast)  1917,  M.D.  1927.  Capt.  R.A.M.C. 
(German  East  Africa).  D.T.M.  &  H. 
(London),  1920;  Bacteriologist,  Medical 
Research  Laboratory,  Nairobi,  1921 ;  Senior 
Bacteriologist,  Nairobi,  1925 ;  Bacteriologist, 
Institute  for  Medical  Research,  Kuala 
Lumpur,  F.M.S.,  1927.  Principal,  CoUege  of 
Medicine,  Singapore,  1929-47.  President, 
Raffles  College,  Singapore,  1932-34  and  again 
1947-.  Editor  Malayan  Medical  Journal. 
Member  of  many  committees  and  councils ; 
representative  of  College  of  Medicine,  Singa- 
pore, at  various  conferences  and  congresses. 
Interned  by  Japanese  in  Singapore,  1942-45. 
Address :  University  of  Malaya,  Singapore. 
Clubs :  Royal  Empire  Society  (Fellow) ;  vari- 
ous Malayan  clubs. 

ALLEN,  Rt.  Rev.  Gerald  B. ;  see 
Dorchester,  Bishop  of. 

ALLEN,  Rear  -  Admiral  Hamilton 
Colclough ;  reverted  to  retired  list, 
1948  ;  b.  10  Aug.  1883  ;  e.  s.  of  late  Dr.  W. 
Hamilton  Allen,  Stanmore,  MX.  ;  m.  Kath- 
leen Mary,  d.  of  late  A.  Crust,  J.P.,  Lincoln- 
shire ;  one  s.  Educ. :  H.M.S.  Britannia. 
Hon.  M.A.  (Cantab.)  1944.  Mid.,  1898; 
Lieut.,  1904  ;  Lieut.  Comdr.,  1912 ;  Comdr., 
1916  ;  Capt.  1924  ;  Rear-Adm.,  1935.  Served 
Boxer  Rebellion,  China,  1900  (despatches) ; 
European  War.  1914-18 ;  Capt.  of  R.N. 
School  of  Physical  and  Recreational  Train- 
ing, 1929-31 ;  Captain  of  R.N.  CoUege, 
Greenwich,  1931-33 ;  H.M.S.  Iron  Duke, 
1933-35  ;  .Comd.  Reserve  Fleet,  Nore,  1935  ; 
Naval  A.D.C.  to  the  King,  1935;  Com- 
modore of  Convoy,  1939-41 ;  Admiralty, 
1941-48.  Recreations:  golf,  tennis,  squash 
rackets.  Address  : '  Cairns,  Hythe,  Hants. 
T. :  Hythe  3108. 

ALLEN,  Harry  Epworth,  R.B.A.  1934  ;  I. 
27  Nov.  1894 ;  s.  of  Henry  Allen  and  Elizabeth^ 
d.  of  Samuel  Blacktin ;  m.  1925,  Lucy,  d.  of 
T.  0.  Hodder,  Southampton.  Educ.:  King 
Edward  VII  School,  Sheffield ;  Sheffield  Col- 
lege of  Art.  Exhibitor:  Royal  Academy  and 
principal  provincial  galleries.  Official  pur- 
chases :  National  Gallery  of  South  Australia  ; 
Newcastle-on-Tyne ;  Leeds ;  Hull ;  Wakefield ; 
Stoke  -  on  -  Trent ;  Swansea ;  Derby ;  Preston, 
Address:  67  Banner  Cross  Road,  Sheffield. 

ALLEN,  Brigadier  Henry  Isherwood, 
C.B.B.  1943;  D.S.0.,1917;  Commander,  Legion 
of  Merit  (U.S.A.),  1946;  p.s.c. ;  6.  18  Nov. 
1887 ;  s.  of  late  Rev.  Dr.  George  Cantrell  Allen ; 
m.  1921,  Rachel  Alice  Houssemayne,  d.  of  late 
Col.  Woodford  George  Du  Boulay  of  Chelten- 
ham and  widow  of  Captain  William  Haire 
Forster,  Royal  Irish  Fusiliers;  one  s.  (er.  s. 
killed  in  action,  Normandy,  1944).  Educ.: 
Wellington  College.  Gazetted  North  Stafford- 
shire Begt.,  1908;  served  European  War, 
France,  1915;  Mesopotamia,  1916-19  (D.S.O., 
Bt.  Majority,  despatches  five  times);  General 
Staff,  War  Office,  1921 ;  transferred  to  Royal 
Corps  of  Signals;  Student  Staff  Coll.,  Camber- 
ley,  1922-23;  D.A.A.  and  Q.M.G.  48th  Div., 
1924-25;  G.S.0.2  A.H.Q.,  India,  1926-27; 
Brigade  Major  3rd  (Jhelum)  Infantry  Brigade, 
1927-29;  Bt.  Lt.-Col.  1927 :  Commandant  School 
of  Signals,  Catterick,  1930-32 ;  British  Mili- 
tary Mission,  Iraq  Army,  1934-35 ;  General 
Staff  Officer,  1st  Grade,  War  Office,  1936-38 ; 
retired  pay,  1938  ;  War  Service,  General  Staff, 
1939-45.  Address:  Beverley,  Dunsf old,  Surrey. 
T. :  Dunsfold  259.  Club  :  Army  and  Navy. 

ALLEN,  Herbert  Stanley;  F.R.S.  1930 
Professor  of  Natural  Philosophy,  1923-44,  and 
Director  of  Physics  Research  Laboratory 
University  of  St.  Andrews;  b.  Bodmin 
Cornwall,  29  Dec.  1873;  s.  of  late  Rev 
R.  Allen;  m.  1907  Jessie,  a.  of  late  Rev 
A.  Macturk;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  Kings 
wood  School,  Bath;  Trinity  College,  Cam 
bridge  (Foundation  Sizar).  Tenth  Wrangle 
4m  Mathematical  Tripos,  1896;  1st  Ol.  Part 
II./Natl&ei.  Tripos,  1897;  M.A.  Camb. ;  D.Sc 

Loud.  ;  Hon.  LL.D.  St.  Andrews;  Supt. 
of  Blythswood  Laboratory,  Renfrew,  1900; 
Lecturer  in  Physics,  King's  College,  London, 
1905 ;  Reader  in  Physics,  University  of  London 
and  afterwards  in  University  of  Edinburgh ; 
F.R.S.B. ;  F.Inst.P.  Publications :  Photo- 
electricity: the  Liberation  of  Electrons  by 
Light;  Text-book  of  Practical  Physics  (with 
H.  Moore),  3rd  ed.  revised  and  reset,  1948  ;  The 
Quantum  and  its  Interpretation;  Electrons 
and  Waves ;  Text-book  of  Heat  (with  R.  S. 
Maxwell) ;  Scientific  Papers  in  Proceedings  of 
Royal  Societies  of  London  and  Edinburgh. 
Address:  Lamorna,  54  Hepburn  Gardens,  St. 
Andrews,  Fife. 

ALLEN,  Herbert  Warner,  O.B.E.  1920; 
Journalist  and  Author ;  b.  8  March  1881 ;  e.  $•  of 
Captain  George  Woronzow  Allen,  R.N. ; 
m.  Ethel,  d.  of  Warwick  Pemberton;  one 
s.  Educ.:  Charterhouse;  University  College. 
Oxford  (Scholar),  1st  Class  Hon.  Mods.,  1902  ; 
Taylorian  Scholar  in  Spanish.  Paris  Corre- 
spondent of  the  Morning  Post,  1908-14;  Official 
Representative  of  the  British  Press  on  tie 
French  Front,  1915-16 :  accredited  to  French 
G  H,Q  for  Morning  Post  and  .other  London 
papers,  1916-17;  with  British  Expeditionary 
Force  in  Italy  and  Italian  Annies,  1917-18  ; 
with  American  Expeditionary  Force  in  France 
and  Germany,  Aug.  1918-March  1919,-  Foreign 
Editor  of  the  Morning  Post,  1925-28;  London 
Editor  of  the  Yorkshire  Post,  1928-30;  Sept. 
1939,  Acting  Wing  Commander,  B.A.F.V.R. ; 
Assistant  Deputy  Director,  Foreign  Division, 
M.O.I.,  1940-41 ;  Chevalier  of  the  Legion  of 
Honour.  Publications :  Celestina,  Edition  of 
Mabbe's  translation  ;  The  Unbroken  Line;  Our 
Italian  Front  (with  Captain  Martin  Hardie), 
1920 ;  The  Wines  of  France,  1924 ;  The  Devil 
that  Slumbers,  1925  ;  Italy  from  End  to  End, 
1927;  The  Nymph  and  the  Satyr,  1927; 
Gentlemen,  I  give  you  Wine,  1930;  The 
Romance  of  Wine,  1931;  Sherry;  Mr.  Cleri- 
hew, Wine  Merchant.  1933;  Trent's  Own  Case 
(with  E.  C.  Bentley).  1936;  The  Uncounted 
Hour,  1936 ;  Death  Fungus,  1937 ;  The  Time- 
less Moment,  1946 ;  Lucy  Houston,  D.B.E., 
1947;  The  Happy  Issue,  1948;  The  Un- 
curtained Throne,  1950;  Number  Three  St. 
James's  Street,  1950;  Natural  Red  Wines, 
1950.  Recreations :  squash  racquets,  fencing. 
Address :  Iden  House,  Sotwell,  Wallingford, 
Berks.  T. :  Wallingford  3127.  Clubs;  Royal 
Automobile,  Saintsbury. 

ALLEN,  Jack,  D.Sr.,  M.LC.E, ;  Profeseor 
of  Engineering,  Aberdeen  University,  since 
1946  ;  b.  19  Sept.  1905  ;  *.  of  late  John  Allen, 
Heywood  ;  m.  1933,  Elizabeth,  d.  of  late 
Samuel  Hall,  Hcaton  Park,  Lanes.  Educ.  : 
Elton  Council  School ;  Bury  Grammar 
School ;  Manchester  University.  B.Sc.  (First 
Class  Hons.  in  Engineering)  1926  ;  Vulcan 
Research  Fellow,  1928-29 ;  Asst.  Lecturer, 
1929-35,  Lecturer,  1935-43 :  D.Sc.  1939 : 
Senior  Lecturer,  1943-46  (Manchester  Univ.). 
Engaged  on  investigations  of  Severn  Barrage 
Scheme,  Liverpool  Bay  training  walls,  pro- 
posed Humber  Bridge,  improvement  of  rivers 
Mersey,  Dee  and  Pan-eft,  Scapa  Flow  cause- 
ways (all  as  Asst.  to  Prof.  A.  H.  Gibson) ; 
flood  relief  in  river  Great  Ouse,  harbour 
developments  at  Dundee  and  Aberdeen,  spill- 
ways oTXhydio-electric  schemes,  etc.  Member 
of  Hydraulics  Research  Board  (D.S.I.R.) 
since  1946.  M.I.C.E.  1946.  James  Forrest 
Lecturer,  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers.  1947. 
Publications:  Scale  Models  in  Hydraulic 
Engineering,  1947 ;  many  papers  in  Journ. 
lust.  C.E.,  Phil.  Mag.,  etc.  J.rfdms.'Marischal 
College,  Aberdeen.  T.:  Aberdeen  24367. 

ALLEN,  Vice-Admiral  John  Derwent, 
C.B.  1914 ;  b.  28  Mar.  1875 ;  m.  1906,  Ruth, 
e.  d.  of  late  Admiral  Sir  George  Atldnspn 
Willes,  K.O.B. ;  one  s.  two  d.  Served  Somali- 
land,  1902-4  (clasp) ;  commanded  H.M.S.  Kent, 
battle  of  Falklands,  1914  (C.B.);  retired  list, 
1924.  Address:  The  Old  Rectory,  Southease, 
Sussex.  T. :  Newhaven  39. 
See  also  Col,  Sir  J.  L.  Cheyne.  ,  ,  5  , 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ALLEN,  John  Ernest;  b.  1872  o.  c.  of  late 
John  Allen  of  Highfield,  Shepton  Mallet ;  m. 
1913,  Helen  Garnett,  2nd  d.  of  late  Alfred 
Hirst.  Educ. :  Clifton  Coll. ;  Wadham,  Oxford, 
Lit.  Hum.  (2nd  Class).  Also  M.A.  of  Peter  - 
house,  Cambridge;  Barrister-at-law,  Inner 
Temple;  contested  (L.)  S.W.  Sussex  in  1905 
and  1906 ;  Member  of  Balkan  Committee ;  Hon. 
Secretary  of  British  Association  Committee  on 
the  Effect  of  the  War  on  Credit,  Currency,  and 
Finance,  1915-22.  Publications."  County  Elec- 
tions, 1906 ;  The  War  Debt,  1919  ;  British  War 
Budgets  (with  F.  W.  Hirst),  1926.  Recreation  : 
lawn  tennis.  Address:  2  St.  Peter's  Ter.,  Cam- 
bridge. T. :  Cambridge  2019.  Clubs:  National 
Liberal,  All  England  Lawn  Tennis. 

See  also  Francis  W.  Hirst.  W.  A.  Hirst. 
ALLEN,  Professor  John  F.,  F.R.S- 
1949 ;  Professor  of  Natural  Philosophy, 
United  College  of  St.  Salvator  and  St. 
Leonard,  University  of  St.  Andrews,  since 
1947  ;  b.  6  May,  1908  ;  s.  of  Prof.  Frank 
Allen,  q.v. ;  m.  1933,  Elfriede  Hiebert ; 
one  s.  Educ. :  Public  schools  of  Winnipeg, 
Canada.  B.A.  (Univ.  of  Manitoba,  1928), 
M.A.  (Univ.  of  Toronto,  1930),  Ph.D.  (Univ. 
of  Toronto,  1933) ;  Bursar,  Student  and 
Fellow  of  National  Research  Council  of 
Canada,  1980  -  33 ;  Fellow  of  National 
Research  Council  of  U.S.A.,  1933-35; 
Research  Assistant,  Royal  Society  Mond 
Laboratory,  Cambridge,  1935-44;  M.A. 
Cantab.,  1936  ;  Lecturer  in  Physics,  Univ. 
of  Cambridge  and  Fellow  and  Lecturer  of 
St,  John's  College,  Cambridge,  1944-47. 
Publications :  numerous  scientific  papers 
and  articles,  mainly  on  experimental  low 
temperature  physics.  Recreation:  golf. 
Address  :  7  South  Street,  St.  Andrews,  Fife. 
T. :  St.  Andrews  717.  Club  :  Society  for 
Visiting  Scientists. 

ALLEN,  Professor  Joseph  Stanley; 
(first)  Professor  and  Head  of  Department 
of  Town  and  Country  Planning,  King's 
College,  Durham  University,  since  1946;  b. 
15  March  1898;  s.  of  late  Harry  Charles 
Allen  and  of  Elizabeth  S.  Allen ;  m.  1931, 
Guinevere  Mary  Aubrey  Pugh;  one  s. 
one  d.  Educ. :  Liverpool  Collegiate  School ; 
Liverpool  University.  R.I.B.A.  Athens 
Bursar,  Post-graduate  Study  in  U.S.A. ; 
Lecturer  in  Architecture,  Univ.  of  Liverpool, 
1929;  Head,  Leeds  School  of  Architecture, 
1933-45.  Vice-Chm.  R.I.B.A.  Bd.  of  Archi- 
tectural Education  and  Chm.  Recognised 
Schools  Cttee.,  1943-45 ;  Member  of  Council 
R.I.B.A.,  1943-50.  Architect  and  Town 
Planning  Consultant  for  hospitals,  churches, 
neighbourhood  units,  university  and  in- 
dustrial undertakings.  Member  Diocesan 
Cttees.  for  Care  of  Churches :  Ripon,  New- 
castle and  York  Dioceses.  Publications: 
(with  R.  H.  Mattocks) :  Report  and  Plan  for 
West  Cumberland,  1946 ;  Report  and  Plan 
for  Aecrington,  1950.  Editor,  Planning  Out- 
look (founded  1948) ;  contrib.  to  professional 
journals  on  architecture  and  town  and 
country  planning.  Recreations:  motoring  and 
walking  in  the  countryside ;  music.  Address: 
King's  College,  Newcastle  upon  Tyne.  T.: 
61027  Newcastle  upon  Tyne. 
ALLEN,  Leslie  Holdsworth,  M.A.  (Syd.); 
Ph.D.  (Lpzg.);  Lecturer  in  English  and  Classics, 
Canberra  University  College,  1931-51;  6. 1879; 
s.  of  Rev,  William  Allen  and  Martha  Jane  Holds- 
worth  ;  m.  1915,  Dora,  d.  of  Rev,  Rainsford  Bavin 
and  Emma  Buddie ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Newington 
College,  Stanmore,  Sydney*  Brst  •  Class 
Honours,  Classics  and  English,  University  of 
Sydney,  1904 ;  James  King  of  Irrawang  Travel- 
ling Scholarship,  1904  ;  graduated  Ph.D., 
*  Leipzig,  1907 ;  Lecturer  in  English  and  Glassi6s, 
Teachers'  College,  Sydney,  1911 ;  Professor  of 
'  English,  Royal  Military  College,  Duntroon, 
Federal  Territory,  Australia,  1918-30.  Publica- 
tio4s:  Gods  and  Wood  Things,  1913;  Verse 
Translation  of  Hebbel's  Herod  and  Mariamne, 
and  Gyges  andhis  Ring,  1914;  Phaedra,  and  other 
Poems,  1921 ;  Araby,  and  other  Poems,  1924 ; 
Billy  Bubbles,  Child  Songs,  192*;  William 

Blake,  1927  ;  Patria  :  Poems,  1941.  Address  : 
Balmain  Crescent,  Acton,  Canberra,  Federal 
Territory,  Australia.  T.:  Canberra  B.  459. 
Club:  University  (Sydney). 
ALLEN,  Sir  Oswald  Coleman,  Kt.,  cr. 
1950;  C.B.  1944;  C.B.E.  1920;  U.K.  Rep. 
on  Social  Commission  of  U.N.  since  1947 ; 
Trustee  of  Imperial  War  Museum  since  1946  ; 
Barrister-at-law,  Middle  Temple  ;  b.  13  April 
1887.  Appointed  Board  of  Trade,  1912  ; 
Ministry  of  Munitions,  1915  ;  Mission  Anglaise 
de  1'Armement  (Paris),  1918 ;  Ministry  of 
Labour,  1919  ;  Home  Office  (A.RJP.  Dept.), 
1939  ;  Under-Secretary,  acting  Deputy  Sec., 
Ministry  of  Home  Security,  1944-45  ;  Princi- 
pal Assistant  Under-Secretary  of  State,  Civil 
Defence  Dept.,  Home  Office,  1945-48.  Officer 
Crown  of  Italy  ;  Chevalier  Legion  of  Honour  ; 
Gold  Medal  of  Riksluftskyddsforbundet 
(Sweden) ;  Jubilee  and  Coronation  Medals. 
Clubs :  Reform,  Beefsteak. 
ALLEN,  Raymond  Seaforth  Stirling ; 
Legal  Adviser  and  Solicitor  to  National  Coal 
Board  since  1948;  b.  30  May  1905;  s.  of 
Ernest  Allen,  Solicitor,  and  Elsie  Mackenzie 
Allen  (ne'e  Skues);  unmarried.  Educ.: 
Wellington  College  (Scholar);  Queens' 
College,  Cambridge  (Scholar).  M.A.,  LL.B. 
Admitted  Solicitor  (Hons.),  1931;  Partner 
in  E.  F.  Turner  <fc  Sons,  Solicitors,  1936. 
Served  Westminster  Dragoons  (T.A.)  at 
home,  War  Office  General  Staff;  Combined 
Chiefs  of  Staff,  Washington,  D.C..  rising  to 
Lt.-Col.  (1939-45);  Legion  of  Merit  (U.S. 
Army),  1945.  Joined  Legal  Department  of 
National  Coal  Board  on  its  formation,  1946. 
Recreations:  reading,  theatre,  cinema,  music, 
arts,  travel,  walking,  swimming.  Address: 
35  Eaton  Terrace,  S.W.I.  T.:  Sloane  1637. 
Club:  Royal  Automobile. 
ALLEN,  Sir  Richard  William,  Kt., 
cr.  1942 :  C.B.B.  1918  ;  D.  L.  and  JJP.  County  of 
Bedford ;  Chairman  of  W,*H.  Allen,  Sons  &  Co., 
Ltd.,  Bedford ;  w.  Geraldine  Agnew  (d.  1948), 
d.  of  William  Joseph  Fedden,  Clifton,  Bristol ; 
two  d.  Member  of  the  Institution  of  Civil 
Engineers ;  Past  President  of  the  Institution  of 
Mechanical  Engineers ;  M.I.N.A. ;  ftt.LMar.E.; 
F.  R.  Hort.  S,  ;  Fellow  R.  Empire  Soc. ; 
etc.;  Governor  of  the  Royal  Agricultural 
Society  ;  Trustee  Engineering  and  Allied  Em- 
ployers National  Federation  ;  Member  the  Pil- 
grims, AngloJEgyptian  Society ;  High  Sheriff 
for  the  County  of  Bedford,  1921 ;  Member  of  the 
Court  of  Sessions  and  Standing  Joint  Committee 
for  the  County  of  Bedford.  Publication :  The 
Air  Supply  to  Boiler  Rooms  for  Modern  Ships 
of  War  (8rd  edition).  Address :  Hurst  Grove, 
Bedford ;  75  Victoria  Street,  Westminster, 
S.W.  ;  Homelea,  8  Linnell  Drive,  N.W.ll. 
Olubs:  Carltnn.  Royal  Ant.omobile. 
ALLEN,  Major-Gen.  Robert  Hall,  C.R. 
1942;  b.  11  June  1886  ;  «.  of  R.  Allen,  LL.lX, 
Barrister-at-Law ,  m.  1916,  Margaret 
Lawrence,  d.  of  MaJ.-Gen.  Sir  David  Mercer, 
K.C.B. ;  one  d.  Educ.  .*  Charterhouse  ; 
R.M.A.,  Woolwieh.  Retired  pay,  1942. 
Recreations:  fattening  pigs  and  poultry. 
Club  :  Army  and  Navy. 

ALLEN,  Roger,  C.M.GL  1950 ;  Counsellor  in 
H.M.  Foreign  Service;  Head  of  African 
Department  of  Foreign  Office  since  I960; 
6.  17  Aug.  1909:  s.  of  Herbert  Charles 
Goodeve  and  Winifred  Frances  Allen.  E 
Repton ;  Corpus  Christi  College,  Cambri 
Called  to  the  Bar,  Inner  Temple, 
employed  temp,  in  the  Foreign 
1940- ;  transferred  to  MOScoW,  At*Wl  19 
granted  Civil  Service  ^C&rtiflcattv 
1947,  and  appointed  to  be  a  Foreign  Service 
Officer,  Grade  7,  January  1946;  transferred 
to  the  Foreign  Office,  May  1948 ;  promoted 
to  be  a  Foreign  Service  Officer,  Grade  6  (Head 
of  United  Nations  (Political)  Department), 
January  1949.  Address:  e/o  The  Foreign 
Office,  Downing  Street,  S.W.I.  <  <Mb: 
Travellers'.  '  : 

ALLEN,    Roy  George   Douglas,  jlBLk 
1946;    M,A.,  D.Sc.  (Booh.);    Itetfess©?1  of 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Statistics,  University  of  London,  since  1944  ; 
b.  3  June  1906 ;  er.  s.  of  G.  H.  Allen,  Wor- 
cester ;  m.  1936  ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Royal 
Grammar  School,  Worcester  ;  Sidney  Sussex 
College,  Cambridge  (Wrangler,  1927).  D.Sc. 
(Econ.)  London,  1943 ;  Assistant  and  later 
Lecturer  in  Statistics,  London  School  of 
Economics,  1928-39 ;  Reader  in  Economic 
Statistics,  Univ.  of  London,  1939-44  ;  Statis- 
tician, H.M.  Treasury,  1939-41 :  Director  of 
Records  and  Statistics,  British  Supply  Coun- 
cil, Washington,  1941-42  ;  British  Director  of 
Research  and  Statistics,  Combined  Produc- 
tion and  Resources  Board,  Washington,  1942- 
1945;  Statistical  Adviser,  H.M.  Treasury, 
1947-48;  Consultant,  U.N.  Statistical  Office, 
3949-50.  Member  of  Council,  Royal  Sta- 
tistical Society,  Royal  Economic  Society  and 
Econometric  Society;  Treasurer,  Interna- 
tional Statistical  Institute.  Publications: 
Family  Expenditure  (with  Professor  A.  L. 
Bowley),  1935  ;  Mathematical  Analysis  for 
Economists,  1938  ;  Statistics  for  Econo- 
mists, 1949  ;  Articles  in  economic  and 
Statistical  journals,  Address:  11  Kent 
Terrace,  N.W.I.  T.:  Ambassador  5851. 

ALLEN,  Colonel  Sir  Stephen  Shepherd, 
K.B.E.,  cr.  1933  ;  O.M.G.  1919  ;  D.S.O.  1918  ; 
J.P.  j  b.  1882 ;  o.  surv,  s.  of  late  Win.  S*  Allen, 
M.P.;  m.  1918,  Mary  Isobel  Hay  <d.  1946),  d.  of 
A.  L.  Foster,  Auckland,  N.Z. ;  (one  s.  died  on 
active  service)  one  d.  Educ.:  privately;  Pem- 
.  broke  College,  Cambridge  (M.A.,  LL.B.). 
Served  European  War,  1915-18  (D.S.O  and 
bar,  C.M.G.);  Commander  1st  (N.J5.)  In- 
fantry Brigade,  1920-24  and  1983-37;  Hon. 
A.D.O.  to  Governor-General,  1925-28;  Mayor 
of'  Morrinsville,  1927-28;  Administrator  of 
Western  Samoa,  1928-31 ;  member  of  Central 
Transport  Licensing  Authority,  New  Zealand, 
1982-34;  Chairman  Transport  Co-ordination 
Board,  1935-37;  War  of  1939-45,  served  as 
Staff  Capt.  Salisbury  Plain  Area,  1939-40  and 
as  Military  Secretary  2nd  N.Z.E.F.,  1940-41; 
employed  at  Ministry  of  Home  Security, 
Birmingham,  1942.  Address :  La  Signy  Farm , 
Morrinsyille,  New  Zealand.  Clubs:  United 
University ;  Northern  (Auckland). 

ALLEN,  Sydney  Scholefield,  E.G.,  1945 ; 
M.P.  (Lab.)  Crewe  Division  of  Cheshire  since 
1945 ;  Recorder  of  Blackburn  since  1947  ; 
b.  3  Jan.  1898  ;  e.  s.  of  Joseph  William  and 
Annie  Edith  Scholefleld  Allen,  Birkenhead ; 
m.  1928,  IF.  Mona  Irving,  Meols,  Wirral ; 
two  s.  Educ. :  Birkenhead  Institute  ;  Univ. 
of  Liverpool  (LL.B.  1st  cl.  Hons.-  1922). 
Served  European  War,  1915-19,  first  in  the 
ranks  and  later  as  an  officer  hi  3&JT.A.  in 
55th  (West  Lanes)  Division  :  called  to  Bar, 
Gray's  Inn,  1923 ;  joined  Northern  Circuit 
practising  on  that  Circuit  and  in  North  Wales. 
Pros.  Merseyside  Fabian  Soc. ;  Chm.  Birken- 
head Branch,  League  of  Nations  Union. 
Member  Manx  Bar.  Commercial  and  Insur- 
,  ariee  Practice.  Authority  on  Workmen's  Com- 
pensation. Recreations:  climbing,  walking, 
reading,  music,  drama,  •politics.  Address : 
4  Brick  Court,  Temple,  E.C.4.  T. :  Central 
4735 ;  2  Romney  Close,  Hampstead  Way, 
NYW.ll.  T. :  SpeedweU  4385.  Club : 
University  (Liverpool). 

ALLEN,  Maf.-Gen.  Terry  de  la  M., 
CJBi  (Hon.),  1944;  U.S.  Army;  b.  Fort 
Douglas,  Utah,  1  April  1889  ;  *.  of  Col.  S.  E. 
Allen,  U.S.  Army  (retd.),  and  Conchita  de  la 
M.  Allen ;  m.  1928,  Mary  Francis  Robinson  ; 
one  *.  Educ.  :  U.S.  Military  Academy,  West 
Point,  N.Y. ;  Catholic  Univ.,  Washington, 
D.0.  Entered  U.S.  Army  as  2nd  Lt.  of 
Cavalry,  1912 ;  served  various  stations  on 
Mexican  Border  ;  Bri.  Commander,  90th  Div. 
A.J0JT.,  in  three  cnajor  operations  of  Euro- 
pean War  in  France  in  1918 ;  served  at 
various  stations  in  U.S.  until  Wat  of  1939-45  ; 
commanded  1st  U.S.  Infantry  Div.  in  initial 
landing  operation  at  Of  an,  N.  Africa.  Nov. 
1942 j  and  thereafter  commanded  lt&  U.S. 
Infantry  Div.  In  .Tunisian  campaign  and  in 
Sicily  in  1943.  J  comaaiMptfcted  iO^th  tlnfanifsry 
.Ditf.  in  £rive  to.lihe  Maas  River  !n< Holland 

with  Canadian  and  British  forces  during  Oct. 
and  Nov.  1944,  in  the  drive  to  the  Roer  River 
in  Germany  with  the  1st  U.S.  Army  during 
Nov.  and  Dec.  1944,  and  in  the  drive  from  the 
Roer  to  the  Rhine  with  the  1st  U.S.  Army 
during  Feb.  and  March  1945.  Recreations  : 
was  active  in  mounted  sports  and  played  on 
1st  Amer.  Army  polo  team  in  England,  1920. 

ALLEN,  Walter  Godfrey,  F.R.I.'B.A., 
Architect  to  the  Dean  and  Chapter  of  St.  Paul's 
Cathedral ;  Consulting  Architect  to  Southwark 
Cathedral ;  &.  21  Oct.  1891 ;  s.  of  Walter  Allen 
and  Francis  Baker;  wi.  1931  Phyllis  Seyler 
Gill.  Educ. :  Berkhamstad  School ;  Slade 
School;  King's  College,  London.  Articled, 
and  later  Assistant  to  Sir  Mervyn  Macartney ; 
Secretary  to  the  commission  of  architects  and 
engineers,  appointed  in  1921  to  investigate  and 
report  on  the  condition  of  St.  Paul's  Cathedral ; 
Assistant  Architect  to  Dean  and  Chapter  of  St. 
Paul's,  1925-31.  Publications :  The  Preservation 
of  St,  Paul's  Cathedral,  R.I.B.A.  Journal ;  A 
Survey  of  Views  of  St.  Paul's  Cathedral.  R&- 
creation :  walking.  Address:  Surveyor's  Office, 
St.  Paul's  Cathedral,  B.C.  Chib  :  Garrick. 

ALLEN,  William  Denis,  C.M.G.  1950; 
Counsellor,  Foreign  Office,  since  1950;  b. 
24  Dee.  1910 ;  s,  of  John  Allen ;  m.  1939, 
Elizabeth  Helen  (nee  Watkin  Williams); 
one  s.  Educ.:  Wanganui,  New  Zealand; 
Cambridge.  Entered  H.M.  Diplomatic 
Service,  1934,  Address:  10  Orme  Square, 
W.2.  T.:  Bayswater  2241.  Club:  St. 

ALLEN,  William  Edward  David; 
O.B.E.  194$;  Chairman  of  David  Allen  <fe 
Sons  (Holding),  Ltd.,  and  a  Director  of  David 
Allen  <fe  Sons  Ltd.,  and  Tortoay  Trawlers 
Ltd. ;  Hon.  Vice-President  of  British  Poster 
Advertising  Association;  b.  6  Jan.  1901; 
e.  s.  of  William  Edward  Allen,  Commonwood 
House,  Chipperfield,  Herts,  and  g.s.  of  late 
David  Allen,  J.P.,  Belfast ;  m.  1922,  Lady 
Phyllis  Edith  King  (marriage  dissolved,  1982 ; 
she  d.  1947),  2nd  d.  of  3rd  Earl  of  Lovelace ; 
one  d. ;  m.  1943,  Nathalie,  «.  d.  of  late 
Maxime  Kossovsky,  formerly  of  the  Moscow 
Bar,  Educ.:  Eton.  Contested  (XT.)  Tyrone- 
Permanagh,  1922;  M.P.  (XT.)  West  Belfast, 
1929-31;  resigned  from  Unionist  Party, 
1931.  Lieut.  Household  Cavalry  Eegt., 
active  service  Middle  East  and  Africa,  1940- 
1942,  including  attachment  Frontier  Bn., 
Soudan  Defence  Force  and  Military  Mission 
to  Ethiopia.  Press  Attache"  British  Legation, 
Beirut,  1943-44;  Information  Officer,  N. 
Iraq,  1944 ;  Press  Attache",  British  Embassy, 
Angora,  1945,  Counsellor  (Information), 
1947-49*  P-R.G.S.,  F.Z.S.,  Member  ftoyal 
Asiatic  Society,  School  of  Slavonic  .Studied, 
Asiatic  Society  of  Paris,  ;  Founder  amd  co- 
Editor  of  Georgica :  Journal  of  Georgian  and 
Caucasian  Studies.  Publications:  History  of 
the  Georgian  People,  1982;  The  Ukraine: 
A  History,  1940 ;  Guerilla  War  in  Abyssinia, 
1943;  The  Russian  Campaigns  of  1941-45 
(with  Paul  Muratoff),  1944-46.  Recreations: 
shooting,  sailing.  Address:  Whiteohurch 
House,  Cappagh,  Co.  Waterford,  Ireland. 
Clubs:  Uoyal  Ulster  Yacht  (Belfast) ;  Cercle 
d'Orient  (Istanbul). 

ALLEN,  William  Philip  ;  C.B.E.  1946 ; 
Member  of  the  Railway  Executive  since 
1947  ;  b.  11  Nov.  1888.  Address  :  222  Mary- 
lebone  Road,  N.W.I. 

ALLEN,  ReV*  Willough&y  Charles, 
late  Chaplain-Fellow,  Lect;  in  Theology  sto&lii 
Hebrew  at  Exeter  College,  Oxford';  b.  fc  Oct. 
1867 ;  TO.  Catherine  Elian,  d.  of  W.  P.  Green,  of 
Wroxham ;  three  «.  Educ. :  Exeter  College, 
Oxford  (Hasker  Scholar).  1st  class  Hon.  Theol. 
1890;  IsV  class  Oriental  Studies,  1892;  Pasey 
and  Ellerton  Scholar,  1890;  Houghton  3yri*c 
Prize,  1892  ;  Junior ,  Kefcnicott  Scholar,  1892; 
Prin.  of  Bgerton  Hall,  Manchester,  1^08-K; 
Archdeacon  of  Maj*oltfesfcer4  1909-16  n  Ardii- 
deacon  of  Bkckbumv  1916-20  ?  .Rect^  ,'of 
Cfodijley,  1916-22;  Rector  of  Saiuuh s 
Norfolk,  1922-32;  Public  !  Examiners - 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Theol.  1898-1900,  1904-6;  in  Oriental  Studies, 
1902  ;  Examining  Chaplain  to  the  Bishqp  oi 
Lichfield,  1905-8 ;  Junior  Proctor,  Oxford, 
1907-8;  Exam.  Chaplain  to  Bishop  of  Man- 
chester, 1908.  Publications:  St.  Matthew  ID 
International  Critical  Commentary;  St.  Mark 
in  Oxford  Church  Biblical  Commentary ;  The 
Christian  Hope ;  (with  L.  W.  Grensted)  Intro- 
duction to  Books  of  New  Testament;  Con- 
tributor to  Dictionary  of  Bible,  Encyclqpaedia 
Biblica,  and  to  Contentio  Veritatis,  1902.  Ad- 
drf.xx :  65  St.  James  Road,  Sutton,  Surrey. 
ALLENBY,  2nd  Viscount  cr.  1919,  of  Meeiddo 
and  of  Pelixstowe,  Dudley  Jaffray  Hyn- 
man  Allenby  ;  late  nth  Hussars ;  b.  8  Jan. 
1903;  e.  s.  of  late  Capt.  Frederick  Claude 
Hynman  Allenby,  C.B.E.,  R.N.,  J.P.;  S. 
uncle  1936;  m.  1st,  1930,  Mary  (marriage 
dissolved,  1949),  d.  of  Edward  Champneys, 
Otterpool  Manor,  Kent ;  one  s. ;  2nd,  1949, 
Mrs.  D.  Neame,  White  Walls,  Aldington.  Kent. 
Educ. :  Eton ;  Royal  Military  Coll.,  Sandhurst. 
Joined  llth  Hussars,  1923;  served  in  India,  1923- 
1926  ;  Adjutant,  llth  Hussars,  1926  -  30  ; 
Instructor,  Royal  Military  College,  Sandhurst, 
1930-34 ;  Captain,  1986  ;  served  Egypt,  1934-37 ; 
Adjutant,  Army  Fighting  Vehicles  School, 
1937-40 ;  Major,  1938 ;  2nd  in  Command  Royal 
Gloucestershire  Hussars,  1940-42  ;  Lt.-Ool.  2nd 
Derbyshire  Yeomanry,  1942;  retired  (Lt.-Col.) 
1946.  Heir :  s.  Hon.  Michael  Jaffray  Hynman 
Allenby,  Z>.  1931.  Address:  White  Walla, 
Aldington,  Kent.  T. :  Aldington  210 ;  8  Burton 
Mews,  S.W.I.  T:  Sloane  3504.  Club :  Cavalry, 
A  L  LEND  ALE,  2nd  Viscount,  cr.  1911, 
Wentworth  Henry  Canning  Beau- 
mont, C.B.  1948;  C.B.E.  1943  M.C. ; 
Baron  (cr,  1906) ;  H.M.  Lieutenant  for 
County  of  Northumberland  since  1949 ; 
Captain,  late  2nd  Life  Guards.  1915-22: 
Bt.  Colonel,  late  Northumberland  (Hussars) 
Yeomanry ;  b,  6  Aug.  1890 ;  e.  s.  of  1st 
Viscount  and  Lady  Alexandrina  Louisa 
Maud  (Aline)  Vane-Tempest  (d.  1945), 
d.  of  5th  Marquess  of  Londonderry ;  s. 
father,  1923;  m.  1921,  Violet,  d.  of  Six 
Charles  Seely,  2nd  Bt. ;  five  *.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Eton  ;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  Entered 
Army,  1911 ;  a  Lord-in- Waiting,  1931-32  and 
since  1937.  Heir:  8.  Hon.  Wentworth 
Hubert  Charles  Beaumont  [6. 12  Sept.  1922 ; 
m.  1948,  Hon.  Sarah  Ismay,  d.  of  1st  Baron 
Ismay,  q.v, ;  two  s.].  Address:  30  Hyde 
Park  Street,  W.2.  T.:  Ambassador  6235; 
Bywell  Hall  Stocksfteld-on-Tyne.  T.:  Stocks- 
field  3169.  Club:  Turf. 
See  also  Hon.  R.  E.  B.  Beaumont,  Earl 
Fortescue,  Viscount  Morpeth,  Sir  J.  V.  T. 
W.  T.  Peroume,  Baron  PoUimore.  ** 

ALLERTON,  3rd  Huron,  of  Chapel  Allerton, 
cr.  1902,  George  'William  Lawies  Jack- 
son, Squadron-Leader  A.A.F.,  retd.  ;  late 
Lieutenant  Coldstream  Guards ;  b.  23  July 
1903 ;  s.  of  2nd  Baron  and  Katherine  Louisa, 
y.  d.  of  W.  W  Wickham,  J.P.,  of  Chestnut 
Grove,  Boston  Spa;  S.  father,  1925;  m.  1st,  1926, 
Joyce  (who  obtained  a  divorce,  1934),  o.  c. 
of  late  J.  R.  Hatfeild,  Thorp  Arch  Hall,  Torks; 
one  s. ;  2nd,  1934,  Mrs.  Hope  Aline  Whitelaw ; 
3rd,  1947,  Anne,  er.  d.  of  James  Montagu, 
Skippetts,  nr.  Basingstoke.  Eduo.:  Eton; 
B.M.C.,  Sandhurst.  Heir:  s,  Hon.  Edward 
Lawies  Jackson,  Lieut.  R.H.G.,  b.  23  March 
1928.  Address:  Loddington  Hall,  Leicester- 
shire. T. :  Belton  220.  Clubs :  Buck's,  White's. 

SM  also  Sir  T.  A.  L.  BrocMebank. 
ALLEYNE,  Captain  4  Sir  John  (Mey- 
nell),  4th  Bt.,  or.  1769  ;  D.S.O. 1918;  D.S.C.; 
R.N.  retired ;  7>.  11  Aug.  1889 ;  ».  of  Reynold 
Alleyne,  e.  s,  of  3rd  Bt.  and  Susanna,  d.  of  late 
John  Meynell  of  Meynell  Langley,  Derbyshire  ; 
S.  grandfather,  1912;  m.  1920,  Alice  Violet,  d. 
of  late  James  Campbell,  and  Mrs.  Campbell,  12 
Cornwall  Gardens,  S.W. ;  one  s.  two  d.  Served 
European  War ;  was  navigator  of  H.M.S.  Vin- 
dictive when  sunk  to  block  Ostend  Harbour  May 
1918  (severely  wounded);  retired  list,  1936; 
Served  War  of  1939-45.  Stir:  s.  John  Olpherts 
Campbell,  6.  18  Jan.  1928.  Address:  ^South 

Lynch,  Hursley ,  near  Winchester.  T. :  Hursley 
39.  Club :  United  Service. 
ALLFREY,  Lieutenant-General  Sir 
Charles  Walter,  K.B.E.,  cr.  1946 ;  C.B. 
1943 ;  D.S.O.  1933  ;  M.C.  1917,  and  Bar 
1918;  Col.  Comdt.  R.A.  since  1947;  Col. 
Comdt.  R.H.A.  since  1948  :  b.  24  Oct.  1895  ; 
s.  of  late  Captain  Henry  Allfrey,  60th  Rifles, 
Hemingford,  Warwickshire,  and  Kathleen 
Hankey  •  m.  1935,  Geraldine  Clare,  er.  d.  of 
late  Col.  Lucas-Scudamore  and  of  Mrs.  Lucas- 
Scudamore,  Kentchurch  Court,  Hereford ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Royal  Naval  College, 
Dartmouth.  Joined  Royal  Artillery  Aug. 
1914  ;  Capt.  1917  ;  Bt.  Major  1931  ;  Major 
1933  ;  Bt.  Lt.-Col.  1935  ;  Col.  1939  ;  acting 
Lt.-Gen.  1942  ;  Maj-Gen.  1943  ;  temp.  Lt.- 
Gen.  1943  ;  Lt.-Gen.  1946  ;  served  in  France 
1914-18  (wounded  twice,  M.C.  and  Bar) ; 
Operations  in  N.  Kurdistan,  1932  (D.S.O.) ; 
Commanded  5  Corps,  N.  Africa  and  Italy, 
1942-44  ;  G.O.C.  British  Troops  in  Egypt, 
1944-48;  retired  1948.  Address:  Lower 
Hazel,  Rudgeway,  Bristol.  Club:  Cavalry. 
ALLFREY,  Major  Edward  Mortimer, 
D.S.O.  1917;  6.  1886;  yr.  s.  of  late  Walter 
Mortimer  Allfrey,  Parley  Castle,  Swallowfield, 
Reading ;  m.  1925,  Ellen  Kathleen,  y.  d.  of  late 
A.  E.  Huggins,  Hare  Hatch  House,  Twyford, 
Berks;  one  d.  Formerly  Major  Royal  Berk- 
shire Regt.  Served  European  War,  1914-17  (de- 
spatches twice,  D.S.O.).  Club:  Junior  Carlton. 
ALLGOOD,  Brig.-Gen.  William  Henry 
Loraine,O.B.1925;  O.M.G.1918;  D.S.O.1917; 
late  K.R.R.O.;  6.  1868;  8.  of  Rev.  J.  Allgood, 
of  Nunwick,  Humshaugh,  Northumberland ; 
m.  1914,  Sophia  Beryl  Sheila,  d.  of  late  Ool. 
J.  H.  G.  Holroyd  Smyth,  O.M.G.,  and  Lady 
Harriette  Holroyd  Smyth  of  Ballynatray, 
Youghal,  co.  Waterford.  Educ. :  Eton.  Served 
Burma  Expedition,  1891-92;  South  African 
War,  1899-1900  (Queen's  medal  three  clasps); 
European  War,  1914-18  (despatches  four  times, 
C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  Legion  of  Honour);  retired 
pay,  1925.  Address:  Charlcot,  Ripon,  York- 
shire T :  Masham  35. 

ALLHUSEK,  Lieut.-Colonel  Frederick 
Henry,  C.M.G.  1918;  D.S.O.  1916;  retired 
pay,  9th  Lancers ;  Lovat  Scouts ;  b.  24  Jan. 
1872:  s.  of  late  Henry  Christian  Allhusen, 
of  Stoke  Court,  Bucks  ;  m.  1908,  Enid  (d.  1948), 
d.  of  Comdr.  Harold  W.  Swithinbank  ;  two  s. 
Educ.:  Cheltenham  College.  Served  South 
Africa,  1899-1900  (despatches,  Queen's  medal 
4  clasps) ;  European  War  (Gallipoli,  Egypt 
and  France),  1914-19  (despatches  twice,  C.M.G., 
D.S.O.);  County  Councillor,  Bucks.,  1934-49; 
rep.  on  Thames  Conservancy  Board;  High  Sheriff 
of  Buckinghamshire,  1932.  Address:  Fulmar 
House,  Fulmftr,  Bucks.  Club:  Carlton. 
ALLIBONE,  Thomas  Edward, 
F.R.S.  1948  :  D.Sc.,  Ph.D.  (Cantab.),  Ph.D. 
(Sheffield);  M.I.E.E.;  F.Inst.P.;  in  charge 
of  Research  Laboratory.  Associated  Elec- 
trical Industries,  Ltd.,  Aldennaston  Court, 
Berks ;  b.  11  Nov.  1903 ;  *.  of  Henry  J. 
Allibone ;  m.  1931,  Dorothy  Margery,  a.  of 
Frederick  Boulden,  M.Eng..  M.L Mech.E. ; 
two  d.  Educ. :  Centra  School,  Sheffield ; 
Sheffield  University;  Gonville  and  Caius 
College,  Cambridge.  Linley  Scholar,  Univ.  of 
Sheffield ;  Wollaston  Scholar,  Gonville  and 
Caius  College,  1851  Exhibition  Sen.  Student, 
Cavendish  Lab.,  Camb..  1926-30.  In  charge 
of  High- Voltage  Lab.,  Metropolitan-Vickers 
Electrical  Co.,  Manchester,  1930-46.  Member 
British  Mission  on  Atomic  Energy,  Berkeley, 
Calif.,  and  Oakridge,  TennT,  1944-45. 
Rontgen  Medallist  and  Member  of  Council, 
British  Institute  of  Radiology,  1935-38 ; 
Member  of  Council,  I.E.E.,  1937-40,  1946- 
1949, 1950- ;  Vice-Pres.  Institute  of  Physics, 
1948-.  Publications:  papers  on  high  voltage 
and  transient  electrical  phenomena.  Ad- 
dress: Wetherwood,  Garden  Close  Lane, 
Newbury,  Berks.  T.:  Hewbury  1661. 
ALLIGHAN,  Garry;  Journalist  and 
Author:  b.  16  Feb.  1900;  s.  of  George 
and  Catherine  Allighan,  Wickford.  Essex  ; 
m. ;  one  s.^one  d.  $dycf ;  St.  James 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


School,  Enfleld :  Enfleld  Grammar  School. 
Naval  service  m  European  War:  joined 
Lutpn  News,  1919 ;  Assistant  Editor  John 
Bull,  1921-25;  Feature  Editor  Toronto  Even- 
mg  Telegram,  1925-28 ;  Feature  Writer  Daily 
Express,  1928-31 ;  Radio  Editor  Evening 
Standard,  1931-39;  War  Correspondent 
Toronto  Star,  1939-41 ;  News  Editor  Daily 
Mirror,  1941-44;  Industrial  Editor  Daily 
MaiL  1944- ;  M.P.  (Lab.)  Gravesend  Division 
of  Kent,  1945-47.  Has  also  acted  as  Press 
Consultant  to  Advertising  Assoc.  and  Radio 
Manufacturers  Assoc.  Publications  :  Price- 
less Treasure  (Canada).  1920;  Romance  of 
the  Talkies,  1929 ;  Reith  of  the  B.B.C.,  1937 ; 
De  Valera  Revealed  (U.S.A.),  1937;  The 
First  Thirteen,  1941.  Recreations :  motoring 
and  photography.  Club  :  Press. 

ALL  IN,  Norman,  11  uu.  R.  A.  M., 
F.R.M.O.M. ;  Professor  of  Singing  at  Royal 
Academy  of  Music,  London  ;  6.  Lancashire, 
1884 ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Royal  Manchester  College 
of  Music.  Principal  Bass  Covent  Garden, 
English  and  International  Seasons  since  1918  ; 
Roles  include :— Boris,  Gumemanz,  Osmin,  j 
Mephistopheles,  Hagen,  Bunding,  Sarastro,  I 
Baron  Ochs,  Ramphis,  King  Mark,  etc. ;  Prin- 
ciple Bass  at  all  leading  British  Musical 
Festivals,  Choral  and  Orchestral  Societies ; 
Principal  Bass  at  Melbourne  (Australia)  Cen- 
tenary Season,  1934-35,  of  Grand  Opera.  Recrea- 
tions: country  pursuits.  Address:  28  Heron- 
dale  Avenue,  S.W.18.  Club:  Savage. 

ALLINGHAM,  Margery  Louise;  b. 
1904;  er.d.  of  Herbert  John  Allingham  and 
Emily  Jane  Hughes ;  m.  1927,  Philip  Youngman 
Carter.  Educ.:  Perse  High  School  for  Girls,  Cam- 
bridge. Publications  :  Blackkerchief  Dick ;  The 
White  Cottage  Mystery ;  The  Crime  at  Black 
Dudley  ;  Mystery  Mile ;  Look  to  the  Lady ; 
Police  at  the  Funeral ;  Sweet  Danger ;  Death  of 
a  Ghost ;  Flowers  for  the  Judge ;  The  Case  of 
the  Late  Pig;  Dancers  in  Mourning;  The 
Fashion  in  Shrouds  ;  Mr  Campion  and  Others ; 
Black  Plumes ;  Traitor's  Purse ;  The  Oaken 
Heart;  Dance  of  the  Years ;  Coroner's  Pidgin ; 
More  Work  for  the  Undertaker.  Address: 
d'Arcy  House,  Tolleshunt  d'Arcy,  Essex. 

ALLINSON,  Adrian  Paul,  R.O.I.,  R.B.A. ; 
artist  (painter  and  sculptor) ;  b.  9  Jan.  1890 ; 
s.  of  Thomas  Richard  Allinson,  L.R.C.P. ;,  m 
Clarke  Buckland ;  one  s.  Educ. :  WycKtfe ; 
Wrekin;  Slade.  Slade  Scholarship;  scenic 
designer  to  Beecham  Opera  Co. ;  ex-teacher 
of  drawing  and  painting,  Westminster  School 
of  Art ;  Member  of  National  Society ;  ex- 
hibitor R.A.,  N.E.,  Zurich,  Munich,  Toronto, 
etc.  Poster  Designer  to  British  Railways 
(Southern  Region).  Recreations:  siding, 
climbing,  swimming  and  music.  Address: 
Studio,  87A.,  Clifton  Hill,  N.W.8.  T.:  Maida 
Vale  1246. 

ALLINSON,  Air  Commodore  Norman 
Stuart,  O.B.  1946;  Royal  Air  Force;  b. 
19  April  1904 ;  $.  of  Rev.  H.  C.  W.  Allinson, 
Hinxhill,  Kent,;  m.  1928,  Florence  Muriel 
Hall ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Trent  College  ; 
Cranwell.  Address :  The  White  House, 
Mattingley, Hants.  T. :  Heckfield 20.  Clubs: 
R.A.F.,  Bath. 

ALLISON,  Charles  Ralph,  M.A.;  Head- 
master of  Brentwood  School  since  1945;  b.  26 
May  1903 :  *.  of  Harry  A.  Allison,  F.C.A., 
and  Gertrude  Wolfsberger ;  m.  1930,  Wini- 
fred Rita,  d.  of  A.  C.  Williams  ;  two  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Caterham  School ;  University 
College,  London ;  St.  Catharine's  College, 
Cambridge  (Exhibitioner).  Assistant  Master, 
Worksop  College,  1928;  Malvern  College, 
1929-36  ;  English  Tutor,  Stowe  School,  1936- 
1938 ;  Headmaster,  Reigate  Grammar  School, 
1938-40 ;  of  Alleyn's  School,  1940-45.  Re- 
creations :,  walking,  talMng.  and  amateur 
acting.  Address :  The  School  House,  Brent- 
wood,  Essex.  T. :  Brentwood  1102.  Club  : 
Public  Schools. 

ALLISON,  James,  C.BJ3.  1920;  M.A.  (St. 
Andrews),  LL.B.  (Edinburgh);  Solicitor  in 
Dundee;  Reader  in  Scots  Law,  Univ.  of  St. 
Andrews,  till  1945,  and  one  of  the  Board  of  Ex- 

aminers under  the  Law  Agents  (Scotland) 
Acts,  1912-33,  and  an  Examiner  under 
the  Solicitors  (Scotland)  Act,  1933-41;  b. 
27  April  1865 ;  s.  of  Matthew  Allison,  Dundee ; 
m.  1897,  Kate  Constable,  d.  of  Peter  Young, 
Dundee;  two  d.  Educ.:  St.  Andrews  and 
Edinburgh  Universities.  Graduated  in  Arts 
at  St.  Andrews  (M.A.),  1884,  and  in  Law  at 
Edinburgh  (LL.B.  with  distinction),  1888; 
qualified  as  Law  Agent,  1888;  commenced 
practice  of  profession  of  solicitor  at  Dundee, 
1888;  Searcher  of  the  Burgh  Register  of 
Sasines,  Dundee,  1893  to  close  of  register  in 
1929  ;  Burgh  Prosecutor  of  Newport  1896-1949 ; 
Chairman  of  the  Court  of  Referees  for  the  Dun- 
dee District  of  Scotland  under  the  Unemploy- 
ment Insurance  Acts,  1913-37;  Dean  of  the 
Faculty  of  Procurators  and  Solicitors  in  Dun- 
dee, 1925-27 ;  Hon.  Sheriff-Substitute  of  Forfar- 
shire  since  1926  and  now  of  the  Counties  of 
Perth  and  Angus ;  Chairman  Local  Munitions 
Tribunal  Dundee  District,  1914.18.  Recrea- 
tions :  walking  and  gardening.  Address: 
Craiglea,  East  Newport,  Fife.  T,:  Dundee 
3932;  Newport,  Fife,  3189. 

ALLISON,  Captain  John  Hamilton, 
D.S.O.  1940,  and  Bar  1942  ;  R.N. ;  Captain 
Superintendent,  Trincomalee,  since  1949  ; 
Director  of  Boom  Defence,  Admiralty,  1947- 
1949 ;  a  Younger  Brother  of  Trinity  House  : 
6.  13  Jan.  1902 ;  s.  of  W.  H.  D.  Allison  and 
Isabella  WetheriU ;  m.  1931,  Barbara,  d. 
of  Rev.  F.  E.  Skyrme  ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Osborne ;  Dartmouth.  Royal  Navy  from 
Sept.  1915  ;  served  war  of  1939-45,  16th, 
5th,  7th,  14th,  and  2nd  Destroyer  Flotillas 
(despatches  twice,  D.S.O.  and  Bar),  Com- 
mander of  Order  of  St.  Olaf,  1944.  Address  : 
Little  Acre,  Peaslake,  Surrey.  T. :  Abinger 
78.  Club :  Junior  United  Service. 

ALLISON,  Rt.  Rev.  Oliver  Claude; 
Assistant  Bishop  in  the  Sudan  since  1948 ; 
6.  Stafford,  1908  :  *.  of  Rev.  W.  S.  Allison. 
Educ.:  Dean  Close  School,  Cheltenham; 
Queens'  College  and  Ridley  Hall,  Cambridge. 
B.A.  1930;  M.A.  1934.  Deacon,  1932; 
Priest,  1933.  Curate  of  Fulwood,  1932-36  ; 
of  St.  John,  Boscombe,  and  Jt.  Sec.  Win. 
Dioc.  Council  of  Youth,  1936-38 ;  C.M.S. 
"«fiss.  at  Juba,  Dioc.  Sudan,  1938-47. 
Address  :  c/o  The  Clergy  House,  Khartoum, 

ALLISON,  Sir  Richard  (John),  Et , 
cr.  1927;  C.V.O.  193 4  ;  O.B.E.  1920  (O.B.E. 
1918) ;  F.R.I.B.A.  (retired),  1919  ;&.  8  Jan.  1869  ; 
2nd  s.  of  Joseph  Charles  Allison ;  unmarried. 
Educ. :  Private  Choir  School.  Entered  H.M. 
Office  of  Works,  1889 ;  employed  on  temporary 
Architectural  staff  for  12  years;  Assistant 
Architect,  1901;  Architect,  1911;  Principal 
Architect,  1914  (Art  and  Science  Buildings, 
Diplomatic  and  Consular  Buildings,  etc.); 
Chief  Architect  H.M.  Office  of  Works,  1920-34. 
Works:  New  Science  Museum,  South  Ken- 
sington ;  H.M.  New  Stationery  Office  ;  British 
Legations,  Stockholm,  etc.  Address:  63 
Hornsey  Lane,  Highgate,  N.6.  T. :  Mountview 
2614.  Clubs:  Arts,  Savage. 

ALLISON,  Rt.  Rev.  Sherard  Falkner ; 
Bishop  of  Chelmsford  since  1951;  Prin- 
cipal of  Ridley  Hall,  Cambridge,  1945- 
1950;  6.  19  Jan.  1907:  s.  of  Rev.  W.  S. 
Allison  ;  m.  1936,  Ruth  Hills  ;  one  *.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Dean  Close  School,  Cheltenham ; 
Jesus  College,  Cambridge  (Scholar) ;  Ridley 
Hall,  Cambridge.  1st  Class  Classical  Tripos, 
Parts  I  and  LT  ;  2nd  Class  Theological  Tripos, 
Part  I  and  Jeremie  Septuagint  Prize  ;  Qurate 
of  St.  James'.  Tnnbridpe  Wells.  1931-34; 
Chaplain  of  Ridley  Hall,  Cambridge,  and 
Examining  Chaplain  to  Bif hop  of  Bradford, 
1934-36  ;  Vicar  of  Rodbourae  Cheney,  Swin- 
don,  1936-40 ;  Vicar  of  Erith,  1940-45. 
Examining  Chaplain  to  Bishop  of  Rochester, 
1945,  and  to  Bishop  of  Ely,  1947;  °-1~* 
Preacher  University  of  Cambridge, 
Proctor  in  Convocation  for  Diocese  of ., 
1949.  Publication:  The  CnristianJ^f^Ji 
(Joint),  Recreations:  tennis,  golf,,h—  *• 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

water-colour  sketching.    Address:   Bishops- 
court,  Chelmsford.    T.;  Chelmsford  3053. 
ALLMAND,  Arthur  John,  M.C. ;    FJEt.S. 
1929  ;   F.K.I.C. ;   Fellow  of  King's  College ; 
b.  Wrexham,  1885 ;   s.  of  Frank  Allmand, 
Wrexham;     m.   Marguerite,   d.   of  Leonor 
Malicorne,  St.  L6  and  St.  Hande",  France; 
one  s.  (and  one  s.  killed  in  action,  1944, 
awarded  posthumous  V.C.)  one  d.    Educ.: 
Univ.  of  Liverpool ;  Technical  High  Schools 
of  Karlsruhe  and  Dresden,  D.Sc.  (Liv.)  1910 ; 
studied  in  Germany,  1910-12 ;  Asst.  Lecturer 
and  Demonstrator,  Univ.  of  Liverpool,  1913  ; 
Professor  of  Chemistry,  King's  College,  1919- 
1938 ;  Daniell  Professor  of  Chemistry,  King's 
College,  1938-50 ;   Asst.  Principal  of  King's 
College,   1937-43;    served  European   War, 
1915-19;      finally     Major     and     Chemical 
Adviser  successively  to  Fourth  and  Second 
Army  H.Q.  (M.C.).   Pres.  of  Faraday  Society, 
1947-48,    Publications :  Principles  of  Applied 
Electro-Chemistry,    1912,    revised    edition, 
1925 ;  Papers  in  scientific  journals.   Address: 
5  North  Square,  N.W.11* 
A  L  L  N  U  T  T,  Colonel  Edward  Bruce, 
C.3.E.  1944;    M.C.  1915;    late  R.A.M.C. ; 
0.  16  Sept.  1885 ;   *.  of  late  Rev.  W.  Bruce 
Allnutt,  R.N. ;   m.  1916,  Joan  Cicely,  d.  of 
Rev.  G.  B.  G-ainsford,  M.A..  V.D. ;    two  s. 
two  d.    Educ. :   Bedford  ;   St.  Bart's  Medi- 
cal, School.      M.R.C.S.    (Bug.),    L.R.C.P. 
(L0n4.),  1909  ;  D.P.H.  (London),  1923  ;  De 
Chaumoht  Prize,  Hygiene,  1912 ;   European 
War,    1914-18.    Lt.    R.A.M.C.    (despatches 
thrice,  M.C.,  CJ.St.J.).    Commandant,  Army 
School  of  Hygiene  and  Member  of  Army 
Hygiene  Advisory  Committee,  1939-46 :   re- 
tired pay,  1947.    King  Haakon  VI  Liberty 
Cross,  1946.    Publications  :  various  articles 
in  Journal  of  R.A.M.C.,  Lancet  etc.    Recrea- 
tions :   rowing,  hunting.    Address :    Wood- 
aide,  Trebor  Avenue,  Farnham,  Surrey.    T. : 
Farnham  5047.    Club  :  Leander. 
ALLSEBROOK,  His   Honour     George 
Clarence ;  Chairman  of  Cumberland  Quarter 
Sessions  since  1945 ;    J.P.  Cumberland  and 
Westmorland;    b.  12  Aug,  1877;    5th  8.  of 
late  William  Pole  Jones  Allsebrook,  JJP., 
Wollaton,  Nottinghamshire:  m.  1917,  Dorothy 
Allnutt    (d.   1938),    3rd   d.   of  late   Major 
Vicessimus  Knox,  Spring  Hill,  Moreton-in- 
Marsh,  GUos, ;  one  s.  (and  one  killed  in  action, 
1943)   two   d.     Educ.:    Nottingham   High 
Schopl;     Trinity    College,    Oxford,    M.A. 
Mining   Engineer,    1896-1909;     agent   and 
manager  'of   collieries    in    Derbyshire   and 
Notts,  1903-9 ;  Trinity  College,  Oxford,  1910- 
1014 ;  called  to  Bar,  Inner  Temple,  1913  and 
joined   Midland    Circuit;     embodied    with 
Derbyshire  Yeomanry  5  Aug.  1914 ;  served 
in  Egypt  and  Greece ;  Captain ;  seconded  to 
Ministry  of  Munitions  of  War;    became  a 
director  of  the  Labour  Regulation  Dept. ; 
disembodied,  1919 ;   was  junior  counsel  for 
the  Mining  Association  of  Great  Britain  before 
Mr.  Justice  Sankey's  Commission  on  Coal 
Mines,  J919  ;  British  Arbitrator  in  La  Com- 
mission Arbitrate   des   Litiges  Miniers  au 
Maroc,  1919-21 ;  Independent  Chairman  of 
Derbyshire  District  Wages  Board  (exclusive 
of  S.  Derbyshire),  1930-42:  Judge  of  County 
Courts  circuit  No.  3  (Cumberland,  Westmor- 
land, and  parts  of  Lancashire  and  North- 
umberland), 1934-50 ;  Special  Commissioner 
of  the    High   Court   in   Divorce,    1947-50. 
i  Member  of  Royal  Commission  on  Safety  in 
Coal  Mines,  1936-39.    Recreations:  farming 
and  gardening.    Address:  The  Green,  ,Cark- 
in-Cartmel,  Lancashire.    T.z  Flookborough 
258)  ,       .- 

A  L  L  S  O  P,    Hon.    Sir  James    Joseph 
•    Whittlesea,  Kt.,  cr.  1945 ;  b.  1887 ;  s.  of 
late  James  Geouge  Whittlesea  AUsop ;    m. 
1913;  Jessie  Annie  Delmerick^  /E$MC. :  Lon- 
dbn  University.    Entered  Indian  Civil  Ser- 
vice,4 1910;    Puisne    Judge,    High  s  Court, 
Allahabad,   1934  -47.    j  Address  ; , ;  Meadows, 
jpaar  Oak  Lane, iOxsho^.>C$w6te;  East  India 
'  and  Sports.       »       •<  <    ,*     i 
ALLSOP,    Lieut-Col.  William    Gillian, 
&./lW;  1>-S-O-  1917;  V.D. ;  bf  31  Ian. 

1874 ;  s.  of  William  AUsop,  Clifton,  England  ; 
unmarried,  Edue. :  People's  College,  Warring- 
ton.  Served  European  War,  1915-18  (despatches, 
D.S.O.,  C.M.G.).  Address:  Hillcroft,  Dprnoch 
Terrace,  Highgate  Hill,  South  Brisbane, 
Queensland.  Club:  United  Service  (Briabatip). 
ALLSOP,  family  name  of  Baron  Hindi ip. 
ALLT,  Dr.  Wilfrid  Greenhouse; 
Principal,  Trinity  College  of  Music,  London, 
since  1944  ;  b.  29  Sept.  1889  ;  m.  1015,  Elsie 
Bayes  Crowe ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Collegiate 
School  and  Tutors,  Wolverhampton  ;  Edin- 
burgh Univ.  (Mus.  Doc.  1930).  Conductor, 
Becitalist,  Lecturer,  Adjudicator  Musical 
Festivals.  Sub-Organist  Norwich  Cathedral, 
1910-14;  Master  of  the  Music,  St.  Giles' 
Cathedral.  1923-44  ;  Organist  to  Edinburgh 
Univ.,  1923-44.  Conductor  University  Musi- 
cal Society  and  Royal  Choral  Union  for  30 
years.  Director  of  Music  at  State  and  Civic 
Ceremonies  in  the  Scottish  Capital ;  Overseas 
and  Home  Examiner,  Trinity  College  of 
Music,  London ;  many  times  toured  the 
Americas  and  Africa.  European  War, 
1914-18.  served  in  E.N.R. ;  War  of  1989- 
1945,  Civil  Defence  Warden,  Music  Director 
for  City  of  Edinburgh  Corporation  Enter- 
tainments for  H.M.  Forces.  Publica- 
tions :  Thesis :  The  Organ  and  its  Music 
from  Mediaeval  Times  to  John  Sebastian 
Bach;  The  Treatment  of  Ground  (Royal 
Musical  Assoc.  Publication  1945-46).  Recrea- 
tions: books,  travel.  Address:  Trinity 
College  of  Music,  W.I.  T.A. :  Musioatus, 
Wesdo,  T. :  Welbeck  5773. 

See  also  Sir  F.  Newton-Smith. 
ALLUM,  Frederick  Warner,  C.B.E. 
1919 ;  retired;  b.  25  June  W69;  s.  of  Major  E, 
W.  Allum,  Royal  Bengal  Artillery ;  m.  1894, «.  d. 
of  Captain  J.  H.  Fairley ;  two  s,  three  d.  flduc.: 
Mussoorie  School.  Entered  Indian  Public 
Works  Department  through  Thomason  College, 
Boorkee,  1891;  served  as  an  engineer  of  Indian 
Railways  in  India  and  Burma ;  4n  charge  of  the 
railway  extension  from  Nushki  to  Duzdap,  1916- 
1920  (despatches);  in  charge  of  survey  for  rail  way 
connection  between  Assam  and  Upper  Burma, 
1920-22;  Chief  Engineer,  Railway  Board,  1922- 
1924.  Recreations:  shooting,  and  fish  ing.  C$u&: 
Nicosia.  '^ 

ALLUM,  Horace  Benjamin,  C.B.E. 
*  1039  (O.B.E.  1929} :  M.V.O.  1»S6 :  b.  23 
Oct.  1884 ;  m.  1923,  Mary  Josephine  Frances 
Dineen  ;  two  s.  (and  eldest  s.  killed  in  action, 
1945).  Lately  Principal  Asst.  Sec.,  Ministry 
of  Works  and  Buildings ;  Controller  of  Sup- 
plies, H.M.  Office  of  Works,  1925-42.  Recrea- 
tions :  golf,  fishing.  Address :  Conncmara, 
Joy  Lane,  Whitstable.  T. :  Whitatable  3002. 
ALLUM,  Sir  John  (Andrew  Charles), 
Kt.,  cr.  1950 ;  C.B.E.  1946 ;  Mayor  of  the 
City  of  Auckland,  New  Zealand,  since  1941 ; 
b.  27  Jan.  1889.  Address;  The  Mayor's 
Parlour,  The  City  Hall,  Auckland,  New 

ALL  WARD,  Walter  Seymour,  C.M.G. 
1944 ;  LL.JD,,  R.C.A.;  F.B.I.A.C.;  Sculptor ;  b. 
Toronto,  18  Nov.  1876 ;  s.  of  John  Allward  and 
Emma  Hart  Pitman,  Newfoundland ;  w.  3S08, 
Margret,  d.  of  Angus  Kennedy  andMargretMac- 
Gilliyrfty,  Oban,  Scotland;  one  5.  E&UQ*:  Toronto 
Public  Schools.  Studied  Architecture  from  the 
ages  of  15-20;  then  went  in  for  Sculpture; 
went  to  London  and  Paris;  on  return  to 
Canada,  executed  following  conamiasions : 
National  South  African  Memorial,  Tocgnto; 
monuments  to  John  Q-raves  Simcoe,  Sir  Qliver 
MowaV  Sandfield  McDonald,  North  West 
Volunteers,  all  in  Toronto ;  allegorical  memo- 
rial to  inventor  of  the  Bell  telephone,  in  Brant- 
ford  ;  War  memorials  in  Stratford  &nd  Peter- 
borough; Baldwin  Lafontaine  Memorial  in 
Ottawa.  In  1921  won  the  competition  in 
British  Empire  for  Canadian  National  Memo- 
rial for  Vimy  Badge  in  France ;  weat  to  'Europe 
in  1922  and  lived  in  studio  built  by  Alfred 
Gilbert  at  16  Maida  Vale,  London  j  in  tlite  studio 
all  sculptures  for  Vimy  Bidge  Memorial  were 
executed;  on  completion  of  this  memorial, 
1930,  returned  to  Toronto  to  complete  mi^no- 

,  rials  to  King  Edward  VII  and  to  William  Lyon  | 
Mackenzie,  and  various  other  idealistic  designs. 
Now  working  on  a  Memorial  to  Sir  Frederick 
Banting.  Recreation:  music.  Address;  The 
Studio,  Old  To-nge  Street,  York  Mills,  Ontario. 
Canada.  T. ;  Hudson  4879.  Club:  Arts  & 

,    Letters  (Toronto ). 

ALL  WORTHY,  Rev.  Thomas  Bateson, 
JM.A.,  ti.D.  (Camb.  and  T.C.U.);  o.  i»  bbpt. 
1879 ;  s.  of  Edward  and  Anna  Allworthy  of 
Belfast ;  m.  1912,  Agnes,  d.  of  James  Medland 

,  and  Priscilla  Taylor  of  Manchester ;  three  d. 
Educ. ;  Belfast  Eoyal  Academy ;  Christ's  Col- 
lege, Cambridge.  Ordained,  1902 ;  Curate  of  St. 
Helen,  Auckland,  1902-6  ;  Holy  Trinity,  Hurds- 
field,  1906-T  ;  Licensed  preacher,  Diocese  Man- 
chester, 1907-8;  Founder  and  First  Warden  o1 
St.  Anselm's  Hostel,  Manchester,  1908-14 ;  Vicar 
of  Martin,  Lincoln,  1914-15  ;  Director  Religious 
Education  in  Diocese  of  Ely,  1915-24 ;  Chaplain, 
Girtoh  College,  Cambridge,  1917-24  ;  Rector  of 
St.  Mary-at-Stoke,  Ipswich,  1924-34 ;  Vicar  o* 
St.  Andrew  the  Great,  Cambridge,  1934-45  ; 
Select  Preacher,  Cambridge  Univ. ,  1943.  Publi- 
cation: Women  in  the  Apostolic  Church,  1917. 
Address :  94  Thornton  Road,  Cambridge.  T. : 
Cambridge  76255. 

ALMOND,  Sir  James,  Kt,  cr.  1941; 
Judicial  Commissioner,  N.W.F.P.,  1937-46 ; 
retdL,  1946  ;  b.  28  Sept.  1891 ;  *.  of  George 
Almond,  Belmont,  Bolton ;  m.  1925.  May 
Victoria  Howard,  e.  d.  of  Rev.  S.  E.  Baker  ; 
three  «.  one  d.  Educ. :  Bolton  Grammar 
School :  Emmanuel  College,  Cambridge. 
Entered  J.C.S.  1915.  Recreation;  music 

'  (Mus.B.,  F.R.C.O.).  Address :  Arbour  Hill 
House.  Ross  on  Wye.  T. :  Ross  81. 

ALNESS,  1st  Baron,  cr,  1934;  Rt.  Hon. 
Robert  Munro,  P.C.  1913;  G.B.E.,  cr. 

'    1946;    a  lord-In- Waiting,  1940-45;    Chair- 

•  man :  the  Select  Committee  of  the  House  of 
Lords  on  the  prevention  of  road  accidents ; 
Chinese  Bond-holders'  Committee  appointed 
by  Governor  of  Bank  of  England;    Home 
Office    Night    Baking     Committee,    1936; 
Executive  Committee  of  the  Child  Guidance 
Council;     National    Council    for    Mental 
Hygiene;     Scottish    Office    Committee    on 
Grants  to  the  Scottish  Universities ;  Depart- 

•  mental  Committee  on  Nursing  (Scotland); 
President :  Magna  Carta  Society ;  Aberdeen 
Grammar  School  3T.P.  Club  (London) ;  Sons 
of  the  Manse  Society  (London) ;  Caledonian 
Society;    London  Association  of  Scottish 
Societies;    Trustee  of  the  Carnegie  Trust 
Vice-President :    Building  Societies  Assoc., 
Royal  Scottish  Corp, ;  Bournemouth  Trustee 
Savings  Bank;    President  of  Bournemouth 
Assoc.  for  Mental  Health ;  &.  28  May  1868 : 
s.  of  a  Rosa-shire  Free  Church  minister ;  m. 
1st,  1898,  Edith  Gwladys  (d.  1920),  A.  of 
Rev.    Llewellyn    Evans,    The    Parsonage, 
Peebles ;  2nd,  1921,  Olga  Marie,  o.  d.  of  J.  G. 
Grumler,  Woodgarth,  Kent  Avenue,  Harro- 
gate.  Educ*:  Edinburgh  Univ.  M.A.,LL.B., 
LLJX   1019;    F.E.I.S.   1919;    Counsel   to 
Inland  Revenue,  Advocate-Depute,  and  Lord 
Advocate  in  succession,  1913 ;   Secretary  for 
Scotland  1916-22 ;   M.P.  (L.)  Wick  Burghs, 
'Jan.  1910-Dec.  1918,  and  (Co.  L.)  Roxburgh 
and  Selkirk,  Dec.  1918-22-;    Lord  Justice- 
Clerk,  1922-33;    and  took  his  seat  on  the 
Bench  with  the  judicial  title  of  Lord  Alness ; 
Hon.  Bencher  of  Lincoln's  Inn ;  Freeman  of 
the  City  of  Edinburgh,  of  Dingwall  and  of 
Peebles;     Chairman    of   Joint    Exchequer 

.Board:  Hon.  Member  of  the  Edinburgh 
Merchant  Company;  D.L.  Edinburgh; 
LL.D.  of  Edinburgh,  St.  Andrews  and 
Aberdeen  Universities.  President  and  Chair- 
man of  Scottish  Savings  Committee.  1941-45 , 
Chairman  of  Agricultural  Education  Com- 
mittee (Scotland) ;  President  of  the  Grotius 
Society,  1936-38;  Chief  of  the  London  Ross- 
shire  and  Sutherland  Association,  1936-3.7; 
OMef  of  the  St.  Andrews  Society  (London) 
1987-38 ;  President  of  the  Burns  Club  of 
linden,  19S8-3&  <  Publication:  Looking 
Back:  Fugitive  Writings &nd  Sayings,  1930 
.Address;  Merton,  MUneff  'Road,  Bourne- 
nio-uth.  T.:  Boiirnemonth  tf£f 65 J 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951  ALSTON 

ALP  ASS,  Joseph  Herbert;  Auctioneer, 
Estate  and  Business  Transfer  Agent;  b, 
Bristol,  1873 ;  s.  of  Thomas  Aipass,  Berkeley ; 
m.  L.  A.  T.,  d.  of  John  Neale,  Berkeley ;  one 
s.  Edw.:  Merchant  Venturers'  College, 
Bristol.  Contested  Cirencester  and  Tewkes- 
bury  Division,  1918,  1924;  Thornbury 
Division,  1923 ;  M.P.  (Lab.)  Bristol  Central, 
1929-31 ;  member  Thornbury  R.  D.  C.  and 
Board  of  Guardians  seven  years ;  Gloucester- 
shire War  Agricultural  Executive  Committee ; 
Chairman  Gloucestershire  Farmers'  Union, 
1917-18 ;  M.P.  (Lab.)  Thornbury  Division  of 
Gloucestershire,  1945-50;  member  Labour 
Party's  Agricultural  Committee.  Address: 
Elberton,  37  Ormerod  Road,  Stoke  Bishop, 
Bristol  9.  T.:  82357. 

ALPORT,  Cuthbert  James  McCall,  T.D. 
1949 ;  M.P.(C.)  Colchester  division  of  Essex 
since  1950;  b.  22  March  1912;  o.  s.  of 
Professor  Arthur  Cecil  Alport,  M.D., 
M.R.C.P.,  and  Janet,  yd.  of  James  McCall, 
Dumfriesshire;  m.  1945,  Rachel  Cecilia, 
o.  d.  of  Lt.-Col.  R.  C.  Bingham,  q.v. ;  one  <L. 
Educ.:  Haileybury;  Pembroke  College, 
Cambridge.  M.A.  History  and  Lawj  'Pros. 
Cambridge  Union  Society,  1935;  Tutor 
Ashridge  College,  1935-37.  Barrister-at-Law, 
Middle  Temple.  Joined  Artists  Rifles,  1934 ; 
served  War  of  1939-45,  Coy.  Comdr.  R.W.F., 
1940;  War  Office  G.S.O.III,  1940-41; 
Staff  Course,  Camberley,  1941;  G.S.O.II 
H.Q.  E.  Africa  Comd.,  1942-43 ;  Coy.  Comdr. 
King's  African  Rifles,  1943-44;  G.S.O.I 
East  Africa  Comd.,  1944-45 ;  Hon.  Lt.-Col. 
T.A.R.O.  Director  Conservative  Political 
Centre,  1945-50;  Joint  Sec.  Conservative 
Parl.  Cttee.  on  Imperial  Affairs.  Member 
Royal  Institute  of  International  Affairs. 
Publications  :  Kingdoms  in  Partnership, 
1937 ;  A  National  Faith,  1938.  Recreations: 
family,  reading,  golf,  shooting.  Address: 
Cross  House,  Layer  de  la  Haye,  Colchester, 
Essex.  T.:  Layer  de  la  Haye  217.  Clubs: 
Allies ;  Conservative  (Colchester). 
ALSOP,  Ralph,  C.B.E,  1941;  Director, 
Coneett  Iron  Co.  Ltd.,  National  Benzole  Co. 
Ltd.,  Consett  Spanish  Ore  Co.  Ltd.  Ad- 
dress:  45  Milbank  Road,  Darlington,  Co. 
Durham.  [Died  6  Oct.  1950 . 

ALSTEAD,  Stanley;  Regius  Professor  of 
Materia  Medica  and  Therapeutics,  University 
of  Glasgow;  Visiting  Physician,  Stobhill 
Hospital,  Glasgow ;  b.  6  June  1905 ;  8.  of 
Robert  and  Anne  Alstead ;  m.  1932,  Nora, 
2nd  #.  of  M.  W.  Sowden  and  late  Nell  Sowden ; 
one  *.  Educ. :  Wigan  Grammar  School ; 
Liverpool  University.  Held  various  appts. 
in  north  of  England,  Glasgow  and  Inverness. 
Appointed  Pollok  Lecturer  in  Pharmacology, 
Univ.  of  Glasgow,  1932,  and  became  in- 
terested in  clinical  aspects  of  subject; 
external  examiner  in  Univs.  of  St.  Andrews, 
Glasgow,  London  and  Cairo.  Served  War  of 
1939-45,  in  R.A.M.C.  as  medical  specialist  to 
5  C.O.S.  in  Tunisia  and  Sicily,  and  in  Belgium 
and  Egypt  as  Officer  in  Charge  of  Med.  Div. 
67  Gen.  Hosp.  and  63  Gen.  Hosp.  with  rank 
of  Lt.-Col.  (despatches).  M.D.  Liverpool 
(N.E.  Roberts  Prize);  F.R.C.P.  (Lond.)  ; 
F.RJP.P.S.  (Glasgow).  Publications :  (ed.) 
Poulsson's  Textbook  of  Pharmacology  and 
Therapeutics,,  2nd  Eng.  edn.  1938,  3rd 
1940  ;  papers  in  medical  journals  on  results 
of  original  research  in  cUmeal  pharmacology. 
Recreations :  walking  (mainly  on  golf  courses), 
music  (violin)  and  reading  poetry.  Address : 
37  Victoria  Crescent  Road,  Glasgow,  W.2. 
T. :  Kelvin  1711*  Club  :  College  (Glasgow). 
ALSTON,  Rt.  Rev.  ArthMfr ,  Faw«sett, 
M.A.;  b.  Sandgate,  Kent,  M  DeQ.  1872; 
1  s.  of  late  Surgeon  -Mitfor  W.  E.  Alston, 
M.D.,  J.P.,  and  late  Mrs.  E.  R.  Alston, 
Sydney,  N.S.W. ;  m, ,  1900 ;  three  s. 
two  eZ.  Educ.:  Clare  College,  Cambridge; 
Ridley  Hall,  Cambridge.  Ordained, 
GurSte  of  St.  Katherine,  Northampton, 
Faringdon,  1898-190&;  $t  SBto»*,' 
1906-7;  Vicar  of  Sfe  Matthew,  Huli,  M05W5; 
i$t  GeoargeVLeects,  1915-18;  AHsSftin 

ALSTON  WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ford,  1918-20 ;  Rector  of  St.  Leonards-ou-Sea, 
1920-29;  Rural  Dean  of  Hastings,  1926-29; 
Archdeacon  of  Hastings,  1928-38;  Suffragan 
Bishop  of  Middleton  and  Residentiary  Canon 
of  Manchester,  1938-43.  Recreation:  golf.  Ad- 
dress: 18  West  Hill,  St.  Leonards-on-Sea. 
T.:  Hastings  2083. 

ALSTON,     Brigadier-General    Francis 
(George),    U.M.G.  1919;  D.ti.O.  1916;   6.19 
July   1S78;    «.   of    late    Sir    Francis    Alston, 
K.C.M.G.,  of  the  Foreign  Office ;  m.  Antoinette 
Tarn ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Eton ;  abroad.    2nd 
Lieut.  Scots  Guards,  1900 ;  Capt.  1906 ;  Major, 
1915  •  Lt.-0ol  1921  ;Col.  1922  ;  served  8.  Africa, 
1900-2  (Queen's  medal  3  clasps,  King's  medal  2 
clasps);  European  War,  1914-18  (despatches, 
C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  Bt.  Lt.-0ol.,  Croix  de  Guerre, 
Order  of  Leopold) ;  on  London  District  Staff, 
1911-14  and  Dec.  1918 -June  1920;  Instructor 
Senior    Officers    School,   1925  -  27 ;    Assistant 
Adjutant-General,  War  Office,  1927  and  1939- 
1941;  Colonel  commanding  Scots  Guards,  1927- 
1931;   A.Q.M.G.  Western  Command,  1932-35; 
retired  pay,  1935.    Address :   Sandacre,  Sand- 
ling,  near  Hythe,  Kent.    Club:  Guards'. 
ALSTON,   Leonard;    b.    Australia,   1875. 
Tnnce  Univ.  prizeman,  Camb. ;  Deputy  Prof,  of 
History  and  Political  Economy,  BHphinstone 
ColL,  Bombay,  1904-5  ;   University  Lecturer, 
in  Economics,  Cambridge,  1926-40;    Litt.D.,  ] 
Melbourne.  1908.    Publications:   Modern  Con- 
stitutions in  Outline,  1905  ;  The  Obligation  of 
Obedience  to  the  Law  of  the  State,  1905 ;  Stoic 
and  Christian  in  the  Second    Century,  1906 ; 
Sir  Thomas  Smith's  De  Republica  Anglorum, 
1906;   The    White  Man's  Work  in  Asia  and 
Africa,  1907;     Education  and  Citizenship  in 
India,  1910;    Elements  of   Indian  Taxation, 
1910 ;  The  Functions  of  Money,  1932.  Address  ,- 
23  Wark worth  Street,  Cambridge. 
ALSTON,   Brigadier   Llewllyn  Arthur 
Augustus,    C.B.E.    1945;     D.S.O.    1919; 
M  C    1918 ;   b.  1890 ;  o.  s.  of  Arthur  Alston, 
late  of  Witley  Lodge,  Up-Hatherley,  G-los. ; 
m.  1926,  Ivetta,  o.  d.  of  Dr.  E.  A.  Saunders, 
Pembroke  Dock.  Educ. :  Cheltenham  College. 
2nd  Lieut.  U.  Welch  Vusiliers.  1909.    Served 
European  War,  1914-18,  Western  Front  (de- 
spatches twice,  D.S.O.,  M.C.) ;  N.W.  Frontier, 
India,  1920-23 ;    War  of  1939-45,  N.  Africa 
and  Italy  (C.B.E.) ;  Lt.-Col.  1937 ;  Col.  1939 ; 
Brig.    1939;     Comdr.    Inf.    Bde.    1939-41; 
Comdr.  E.  Central  Area,  Sheffield  Sub-District, 
211  Sub- Area ;  retired,  1946.   Col.  the  Royal 
Welch  Fusiliers,  1947-48  (relinquished  owing 
to  ill  health).    Address :  Tegfynvdd,  Llan- 
fallteg,  Carmarthenshire.    T. :    Clynderwen 
264.    Club  :  Naval  and  Military. 
ALTHAM,  Captain  Edward,   O.B.  1919; 
B.N*  retd. ;  Secretary,  Jffiditor  ana  Chief  Execu- 
tive Officer,  Royal  United  Service  Institution ; 
ft.  7  Jan.   1882 ;  «.  s.  of  Lt.-Gen.  Sir  E.  A. 
Altham,   K.O.B.,  K.C.I.E. ;     m.  1922,  Joyce 
B.  M.,  o.  d.  of  Louis  E.  M.  and  Edith  A.  Dick. 
Served  European  War;  commanded  H.M.S. 
Wildfire  in  Belgian  coast  operations,  1918; 
commanded  H.M.S.  General  Craufurd  at  Zee- 
brugge-Ostend  operations ;  commanded  H.M.S. 
Attentive  at   bombardment  and   capture  of 
forts  on   Modyuski    Island,  North   Russia; 
Senior  Naval  Officer  Archangel  River  Expedi- 
tions, 1918-19 ;  naval  despatches  seven  times, 
military  despatches  three  times,  C.B.,  Officier 
of  Legion  d'Honneur.  Order  of  St.  Vladimir  of 
Russia.    Staff  of  Naval  War  College,  1920-21 ; 
retired  list,  1922 ;  recalled  to  active  service, 
1939-44,  as  Chief  of  Naval  Postal  and  Tele- 
graph Censorship  on  Naval  Staff,  Admiralty. 
Publications :  JeUicoe  (Order  of  Merit  Series), 
1938  j  Naval  Editor  of  Encyclopaedia  Britan- 
nica  ;  numerous  articles  on  Imperial  Defence, 
Naval  Strategy  and  Tactics.    Recreation :  sail- 
ing.   Address:  41  Bloomfield  Terrace,  S.W.I. 
T.:    Sloane  3170.      Clubs:    United  Service, 
Little    Ship    (hon.);    (hon.)    Royal    Yacht 
Squadron  (Cowes);  Emsworth  Sailing  (Ems- 
worfciO.  [DiedlQOct.lQW. 

ALTHAM,  Harry  Surtees,   D.S.O.  1918 ; 
M.C. ;  Ass t>.'  Master,  WiuciiH«tnr  Coll. ;  6. 80  Nov. 
1888;  s.  of  Lt.-Gen.  Sir  Edward  Altham,  K.O.B., 

K.O.I.E. ;  m.  Alision  Livingstone-Learmonth, 
Cadlington,  Horndean,  Hants ;  one  s.  two  d. 
Educ.  :  Rep  ton  School;  Trinity  Coll.,  Oxon. 
Began  teaching  career  at  Winchester  College 
May  1913-Aug.  1914 ;  60th  Rifles,  Aug.  1914 ; 
served  European  War  in  France,  1915-19  (M.C. , 
D.S.O.,  despatches  thrice).  Treasurer  M.C.C., 
1950.  Publication:  A  History  of  Cricket, 
1926.  Recreations:  cricket,  golf.  Address: 
Kingsmead,  Winchester.  T.:  Winchester 
2611.  Club :  Public  Schools. 
ALTHORP,  Viscount,  Edward  John 
Spencer;  Capt.  The  Royal  Scots  Greys; 
b.  24  Jan.  1924;  o.  s.  of  7th  Earl  Spencer, 
q.v.  Educ.:  Eton;  U.M.C.  Sandhurst. 
A.D.C.  to  Governor  of  South  Australia,  1947- 
1950.  Address:  Althorp,  Northampton. 
T.:  East Haddon 200.  Clubs:  Turf, Cavalry. 
ALTON,  Ernest  Henry,  M.U.,  H.A., 
Litt.D.,  M.K.I.A.,  Jtlon.  JJ.JL.itt.  (Oxon.),  Hon. 
Dott.  Univ.  (Padua) ;  Provost  of  Trinity  Coll., 
Dublin,  since  1942 ;  e.  s.  of  late  James  Poe 
Alton,  Limerick,  and  late  Marguerite  Keely ; 
m.  1915,  Ethel  Marjory,  d.  of  late  Col.  Sir  Charles 
Hughes-Hunter,  Bt,  D.L.,  J.P.,  of  Anglesey; 
two  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  The  High  School,  Dublin  ; 
Trinity  College,  Dublin  (1st  Classical  Schol., 
1894:  Wray  Prize,  Berkeley  Medal,  Vice- 
Chancellor's  Medal,  1895;  1st  Senior  Moderator- 
ship  in  Classics,  Sen.  Moderatorship  in 
Philosophy,  Classical  Studentship  and  Vice- 
Chancefior's  Prize,  1896).  Tried  journalism  for 
a  time,  but  returned  to  read  for  Fellowship ; 
Madden  Prize,  1903;  Fellowship,  1905 ;  became 
Tutor,  Lecturer  in  Classical  Composition, 
Special  Lecturer  in  Classics,  Lecturer  in 
Hebrew;  Professor  of  Latin,  1927-42;  Senior 
Proctor,  1937-38;  Capt.,  D.TJ.O.T.C.,  1915; 
retd.,  1920  ;  Vice-Pres.,  Eoyal  Irish  Academy, 
1942,  and  Member  of  Council;  Fellow  St. 
Oolumba's  College,  Rathfarnham ;  and  Chair- 
man of  Board  of  Erasmus  Smith  Schools; 
Member  of  Greater  Dublin,  and  other  Commis- 
sions; formerly  Member  of  Film  Censor's 
Appeal  Board,  I.F.S.;  ex.  -Pre s.  Classical  Aside, 
of  Ireland ;  Vice-Pres.  Classical  Assoc.  of  Eng- 
land; Member  of  Southern  Ireland  Parliament, 
1922 ;  Representative  of  Dublin  XJniv.  in  Dnil 
Bireann,  1923-37;  Member  of  Irish  Senate, 
1938-43.  Publications:  Editor  of  Hermathena, 
1921-37;  compiled  (with  Dr.  Goligher)  the 
Roman  volume  ,in  Herbert  Spencer's  Socio- 
logical Data  Series;  contributor  of  various 
articles  to  Hermathena,  Kottabos,  Cam- 
bridge Classical  Companion,  Classical  Re- 
view, Classical  Quarterly,  The  Year's  Work  in 
Classics  (Latin  Literature),  and  other  papers 
and  encyclopedias.  Recreations:  formerly  travel 
and  Rugby  football ;  now  reading  and  walking. 
Address:  Provost's  House,  Trinity  College, 
Dublin.  T. :  Dublin  73888.  Clubs:  Savage; 
University  (Dublin) ;  Royal  St.  George  Yacht 

ALTRINCHAM,  1st  Baron,  er.  1945,  of 
Tormarton ;  Edward  William  Macleay 
— —  1944;  K.C.M.G.,  cr.  1928 

UJTIKKf         J.   .VJ.         J.J7TTC  ,  4i..V^.J,U..\J.,         VI  .         J.OJJU 

(O.M.G.  1919);  K.C.V.O.,  cr.  1920  (O.V.O. 
1919) ;  D.S.O.  1918  :  M.C. ;  Chevalier  ol  the 
Order  of  Leopold  II ;  Officier  de  la  Legion 
d'Honneur  ;  Editor,  National  Review,  since 
1948,  amalgamated  with  English  Beview 
Magazine  as  National  and  English  Review, 

e.  d.  of  Sir  JBdward.  Jjeas-Thomson,  Colonial 
Secretary  of  New  South  Wales ;  m.  1923, 
Hon.  Joan  Poynder,  o,  c.  of  1st  Baron  Isling- 
ton, P.O.,  G.C.M.G.,  G.B.E. ;  two  *  one  d. 
Educ. :  Winchester  (Scholar) ;  New  College, 
Oxford  (Scholar) ;  2nd  Class  in  Mods.,  1900  ; 
3rd  in  Lit.  Hum.,  1902:  Gaisford  Greek 
Verse  Prize,  1902.  Joined  editorial  staff  of 
The  Times,  1903  ;  Assist.  Editor  of  the  Out- 
look, 1905-6 ;  travelled,  1907-8 ;  rejoined 
'editorial  staff  of  The  Times,  1908,  resigned 
1913  ;  joined  Grenadier  Guards,  1914  ;  be- 
came G.S.0.1  of  the  Guards  Division  ;  Mili- 
tary Secretary  to  Prince  of  Wales,  Canada, 
1919,  Australia,  and  New  Zealand;  relin- 
qulshed  Commission  with  rank  of  Lt.-CoJ. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 



Vxi^?ecf.etary  to  Ml-  L1°yd  George, 
M.P.    (N.L.)    Oldham,    1922-25  • 
Secretary  to  the  Rhodes  Trustees,  1923-25  • 
governor  and  Commander-in-Chief  and  Hi<*h 
mW,8810^1  .for  Transport,  Kenya  Colony, 


cham  1988-45  ;  ParHamentary  Secretary  to 
Ministry  of  Information,  1939-40  ;  Financial 
Secretary,  War  Office,  1940  ;  Joint  Parlia- 
^n^o7  Under-Secretary  of  State  for  War, 
1940-42;  Minister  Resident  in  the  Middle 
East,  1944-45.  Publications :  The  Greatest 
Experiment  in  History,  1924  ;  Three  Parties 
or  Two,  1931 ;  The  Faith  of  an  Englishman 
m?36  L  Btftoto  Looks  at  Germany,  1938 ; 
The  British  Commonwealth,  1943 ;  British 
Foreign  Policy,  1944.  S&ir :  s.  Hon.  John 
Edward  Poynder  Grigg,  Grenadier  Guards 
o.  1924.  Address:  47  Lowndes  Square,  S.W.I. 
T.:  Sloane  3724;  Tonnarton  Court,  Bad- 
minton. Clubs;  Guards',  Beefsteak. 
ALTY,  Thomas,  (JUiv.;;  j^h.D.  (Can- 
tab.); F.Iuat.P.  ;  F.R.S.C.,  F.E.S.B.;  Master 
of  Rhodes  University  College,  Grahamstown, 
S.Africa,  since  1948 ;  6. 30  Sept.  1899;  s.  of  James 
Alty,Rufford,  Lanes.;  m.  1925,  Stella  West,  d.  of 
W.  Harris,  solicitor,  Liverpool ;  no  c.  Bdruc. : 
Univ.  of  Liverpool  (Oliver  Lodge  Fellow,  1921); 
University  of  Cambridge.  Lecturer  in  Pliy. 
sics,  University  of  Durham,  1924-25 ;  Prof,  of 
Physics,  Univ.  of  Saskatchewan,  Canada,  1925- 
1929 ;  Research  Physicist,  Imperial  Chemical 
Industries,  Northwich.,  Cheshire,  1929-30 ;  Pro- 
fessor of  Physics,  University  of  Saskatchewan, 
1930-32 ;  Research  Professor  of  Physics,  Uni- 
versity of  Saskatchewan,  1932-35;  Cargill  Pro- 
fessor of  Applied  Physics,  Glasgow  University, 
.  1935-45 ;  Cargill  Professor  of  Natural  Philo- 
sophy, Univ,  of  Glasgow,  1945-48.  Publications : 
Scientific  Papers.  Address:  Master's  Lodge, 
Rhodes  University  College,,  Grahamstown, 
South  Africa. 

ALUWIHARE,  Sir  Richard,  K.C.M.G., 
cr.  1950;  Kt.,  cr.  194=8;  C.B.E.  1945; 
Inspector-General  of  Police,  Ceylon,  since 
1947;  b.  23  May  1895;  m.  1921,  Lucille 
Moonemalle ;  two  d.  Educ.:  Trinity 
College,  Kandy.  Served  European  War, 
1914-18,  Somme,  France  (wounded);  wel- 
fare work  with  Indian  Army  (despatches). 
Joined  Ceylon  Civil  Service,  1920 ;  (appointed 
by  Governor)  Actg.  Police  Magistrate, 
Dandagamuwa,  1923  ;  H.M.  Customs,  1926  ; 
District  Judge,  Kegalle,  1928,  Nuwara  Eliya, 
1931 ;  Class  II  of  Civil  Service  ;  Controller 
of  Finance  and  Supply,  General  Treasury, 
1934;  Asst.  Govt.  Agent,  Kegalle,  1937; 
Dep.  Collector  of  Customs,  1939;  Actg. 
Govt.  Agent,  North  Central  Prov.,  1941 : 
Class  I  Civil  Service  ;  Govt.  Agent,  Central 
Prov.,  1946.  Recreations :  cricket,  Rugby 
football,  swimming,  riding.  Address:  123 
McCarthy  Road,  Colombo,  Ceylon.  T.  : 
3331  (Ex.  277),  4153,  9044.  Clubs  :  Singha- 
lese Sports,  Orient,  Rotary  of  Colombo,  80 

ALVIN,  Madame  Juliette;  violoncellist; 
2nd  d.  of  Jeanne  and  Henri  Alvin,  Paris  ;  m. 
William  A.  Robson,  q.v. ;  two  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Lyce*e  de  Versailles  ;  Conservatoire 
National  de  Musique,  Paris  (First  prix 
d'Excellence) ;  later  studied  with  Pablo 
Casals ;  has  played  in  principal  musical 
centres  of  Europe,  including  London,  Paris, 
Berlin,  Vienna,  Brussels,  Prague,  Buda 
Pesth,  Belgrade,  Bucarest,  The  Hague, 
Warsaw,  Stockholm,  etc. ;  often  with  the 
Philharmonic  Orchestras ;  toured  U.S.A. 
1932,  1933  and  1938.  Has  broadcast  as  a 
soloist  in  B.B.C.  programmes  from  London 
and  provinces  ;  musical  activities  during  War 
of  1939-45  included  war  factory  tours  and 
other  concerts  organised  by  the  Arts  Council 
(C.E.M.A.) ;  also  recitals  in  military  and  Red 
Cross  hospitals  and  service  concerts  ;  more 
than  200  recitals  hi  aid  of  War  Charities. 
Recognised  as  a  leading  authority  on  musical 
education  in  England  through  special  recitals 
for  school  children,  a  teacher  of  internat. 
reputation  and  is  on  staff  of  Dalcroze  Training 

College.  Appointed  for  winter  session,  1950- 
1951,  in  music  dept,  of  North  Carolina  Univ., 
U.S.A.  Publications:  The  Logic  of  Casals* 
Technique ;  Introducing  music  to  children ; 
Class  Teaching  of  Instruments.  Recreations : 
tennis  and  swimming.  Address:  6  West- 
bourne  Park  Road,  W.2.  T.:  Bayswater 
1331.  Clubs:  Soroptimist  of  Central  London, 

ALVINGHAM,  1st  Baron,  or.  1929,  of  Wood- 
told;  Major  Robert  Daniel  Thwaites 
Yerburgh ;  b.  10  Dec.  18«9 ;  e.  s.  of  late 
Robert  Armstrong  Yerburgh,  D.L.,  27  years 
M.P.  for  Chester,  of  Caythorpe  Court,  Lines, 
and  of  Elma  Amy,  (d.  1946),  of  Woodfold  Park, 
Lanes,  o.  d.  of  D.  Thwaites,  D.L.,  for  some 
years  M.P.  for  Blackburn ;  m.  1st,  Dorothea 
Gertrude  (d.  1927),  d.  of  late  J.  Eardley 
Yerburgh ;  one  s.  two  d. ;  2nd,  1936,  Mrs. 
M.  L.  G.  Bright.  Educ. :  Harrow  ;  University 
College,  Oxford.  In  Army,  European  War, 
1915-19  (Bt.  Major);  M.P.  (U.)  South  Dorset, 
1922-29.  Heir:  s.  Hon.  .Robert  Guy  Eardley 
Yerburgh,  Capt.,  Coldstream  Guards,  b.  16 
Dec.  1926.  Address :  Bhottersley,  Haslemere, 
Surrey.  Club :  Carlton. 

ALWAR,  Colonel  H.  H.  Snri  Sewai 
Maharaj  Dev  Sir  Tej  Singhji  Baha- 
dur, Ruler  of,  K.C.S.I.,  cr.  1943;  ft. 
Srichandpura,  Alwar,  19  March  1911;  S. 
1937 ;  m.  d.  of  Maharaj  Akhey  Singhji,  a 
member  of  the  Ruling  family  of  Jodhpur ; 
two  *.  three  d.  Is  a  member  of  the  Standing 
Committee  of  the  Chamber  of  Princes. 
Presided  over  the  Rajasthan  Kshatriya 
Mahasabha,  1942.  Placed  all  the  resources  of 
the  State  and  the  State  Forces  entirelyat  the 
disposal  of  His  Majesty  during  the  war  of 
1939-45.  Presided  over  the  All-India  Ksha- 
triya  Mahasabha  in  1947 ;  takes  keen  interest 
in  the  administration  of  the  State  as  also  in 
all  activities  promoting  public  welfare. 
Heir :  s.  Maharaj  Kumar  Pratap  Singhji,  b. 
17  June  1938.  Address :  Alwar,  Bajputana, 

ALY  KHAN,  The  Prince  Aly 
Shah;  Lieut.  K.  Wiira.  Xeo.  (T.A.)  K.A.O. ; 
o,  J.3  June  1911 ;  e.  s.  and  Heir  Apparent  of 
H.H.  the  Aga  Khan,  q.v. ,  as  Imam  of  the  Shiah 
Ismailia  sect  of  Muhammadans ;  m.  (marriage 
dissolved,  1949);  two  c.;  m.  1949,  Margarita 
Cansino  (Rita  HaywortL) ;  one  d.  Officer  in 
British  Forces ;  was  a  secretary  to  the  British 
Indian  Delegation  at  the  Second  Bound  Table 
Conference.  Publication:  The  Life  of  Aga 
Khan.  Recreations :  racing,  flying,  riding,  shoot- 
ing, hunting,  motoring.  Address:  Yerowda 
Palace,  Poona,  India.  Clubs:  Athenaeum, 

AMAN,  family  name  of  Baron  Marley. 

AMBEDKAR,  Bhimrao  Ramji,  MA. 
Ph.D.,  D.Sc.;  Barrister- at -Law;  Minister 
for  Law,  India,  since  1947;  late  Member 
Governor  -  General's  Executive  Council;  b. 
14  April  1893 ;  Untouchable  by  caste ;  * 
of  Ramji  Maloji,  Subhedar  in  the  7th 
Pioneer,  and  Bhimabai ;  m.  1948,  Larmi 
Kabir,  Bombay.  Educ.:  Elphinstone  College., 
Bombay :  Columbia  University,  New  York  ; 
School  of  Economics,  London ;  Gray's  Inn. 
Professor  of  Political  Economy,  Sydenham 
College  of  Commerce,  Bombay ;  Practising 
Lawyer  High  Court,  Bombay ;  Fellow  of 
Univ.  of  Bombay;  Univ.  Examiner  in 
Economics  and  Law;  member  Bombay 
Legislative  Assembly ;  President  I.L.P. ; 
delegate  to  Indian  Round  Table  Conference  ; 
member  Bombay  (Simon  Commission)  Pro- 
vincial Committee  and  Lothian  Committee 
on  Indian  Franchise.  Publications :  Problem 
of  the  Rupee,  1923 ;  Provincial  Finance  in 

1  British  India,  1924 ;  Annihilation  of  Caste, 
1937  ;  Federation  versus  •  Freedom,  1939  ; 
Thoughts  on  Pakistan,  1941 ;  Ranade, 
Gandhi  and  Jinnah,  1943.  Address:  22 
Prithvi  Raj  Road,  New  Delhi.  T.  :  3400. 

AMBERLEY,  Viscount;  John  Conrad 
Russell;  R.N.V.R.;  &.  MNov;1021r«r.*, 
of  3rd  Earl  Russell,  #.«. ;  m.  1946,  Susan 
Donipnan,  d.  of  late  Vachel  Lindsay;  Educ. : 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Dartington  Hall  School  ;  Univ.  of  California, 
Los  Angeles  ;  Harvard  University. 

AMBLER,  Air  Vice-Marshal  Geoffrey 
Hill,  C.B.  1946;  C.B.E.  1944  (O.B.E.  JU41); 
A.F.O.  ;  Hon.  Air  Commodore  of  No.  609 
(West  Hiding)  Squadron,  A.A.F.  ;  b.  1904  ; 
*.  of  late  Fred  Ambler;  m.  1940,  Phoebe,  d.  of 
Edgar  Gaunt,  Hawksworth  Hall,  Guiseley  ; 
three  d.  Educ.:  Cambridge  University 
Joined  Auxiliary  Air  Force,  1931.  Address 
Colvend,  G-rassington,  Yorkshire. 

AMBROSE,  Brigadier  (retd.)  Rober 
Denis,  C.I.E.  1947;  O.B.E.  1938;  M.C 
1917  ;  b.  3  Feb.  1896  ;  s.  of  Dr.  T.  D 
Ambrose,  Dewsbury.  Yorks  ;  m.  1938 
Miriam  Tilden,  Philadelphia,  U.S.A.  ;  one  s 
two  d.  Educ.  :  Mount  St.  Mary's  College 
Derbyshire;  Wellington  Military  College 
India.  Commissioned  in  104th  Wellesley' 
Rifles,  LA..  1916*  served  European  War 
1914-18,  Palestine  Campaign,  1917-18  (M.C.) 
N.W.  Frontier,  India,  1923-26  and  1930-38 
commanded  Tochi  Scouts,  1933-36.  Servec 

•  War  of  1939-45,  in  Middle,  Bast  Hong  Kong 
and  Burma  ;  commanded  5th  Bn.  (Napier's 
.Rajputana  Rifles,  1940-43,  Bde.  Comdr. 
1943-45  ;  Inspector  Gen.,  Frontier  Corps 
1945-47.  Address:  c/o  Pennsylvania  Co. 
PJiiladelphia,  U.S.A.  ;  c/o  "Westminster 
Bank,  63  Piccadilly,  W.I.  CJw&  :  Naval  and 
Military  (London). 

A  M  C  O  T  T  S,  Lieut.  Comdr.  J.  C.  ;  w 
Uraoroii-  AmcoFGs. 

AMEER  ALI,  (Syed)  Waris,  C.I.E.  1942 
I.C.S.  (retd.)  ;  6.  12  Oct.  1886  ;  e.  s.  of  late 
Rt.  Hon.  Syed  Ameer  Ali,  P.C.,  C.I.E..  and 
late  Isabella  Ida  Ameer  Ali,  2  Cadogan  Place 
S.W.I  :  m.  1918,  Anne  Marguerite  (d.  1943) 
d.  of  late  Walter  Thomas  Hindmarsh  Radford 
25  Park  Crescent,  Portland  Place  ;  no  c 
Educ.  :  Wellington  College  ;  Balliol  College 
Oxford.  Served  in  the  United  Provinces  ot 
Agra  and  Oudh.  Closed  Indian  Service  as 
District  and  Sessions  Judge  of  Oonda-cum- 
Bahiaich  in  Oudh  ;  retired,  1929  ;  War 
Services  Adviser  to  High  Commissioner  for 
India,  19S9-45.  Publications  :  articles,  etc. 
Recreations  :  shooting,  golf,  target  shooting 
(India  Rifle  Team,  Bisley,  1930-88).  Address  : 
L  Alexandra  Court,  Queen's  Gate,  S  W  7 
T.  :  Kensington  X556.  Club  :  Reform. 

AMEER  ALI,  Sir  Torick,  JU.,  cr.  1941; 
b.  9  June  18&1  ;  y.  s.  of  late  Rt.  Hon. 
Syed  Ameer  Ali,  P.O.,  C.I.E.,  etc,,  and 
01  Isabelle  Ida  Ameer  Ali  ;  m,.  J  925  Marv 
Louise,  d.  of  late  Roderick  Edmond  Carter, 
Indian  Imperial  Service  of  Engineers  ;  one  s 
one  d.  Educ.  :  Marlborough  ;  Christ  Church' 

9xI°rdWiC^d  tciB^r'  Inner  Temple  ;  Puisne 
Judge,  High  Owirfc,  Calcutta,  1931-44  j  anting 
Chief  Justice,  1944  ;  an  Adviser  to  Secretory 
of  State  for  India,  1944.  Publications; 
Memoirs  of  the  Chevalier  de  Melville,  etc 
AMERY,  Captain  Julian  ;  M.P.(C.)  Preston 
North,  since  1950-  6.  27  March  1919  •  s  of 
Rt.  Hon.  Leopold  Amery,  q.v.  ;  m  1950 
Catherine,  d,  of  Rt.  Hon.  Harold  Macmillan! 
&0.  Educ.:  Summerftelds  ;  Eton;  Balliol 
College  Oxford  War  Correspondent  in 
Spanish  Civil  War,  1938-39;  Attache"  H.M 
Legation,  .Belgrade,  and  on  special  missions 
to  Bulgaria,  Turkey,  Roumania  and  Middle 
East,  1939-40;  Sergeanfein  R.A.F.,  1940-41  • 
commissioned,  and  transferred  to  Array' 

19J1:A^  ^Ta/f/o*06'  TEgypt'  ^lestine 
and  Adriatic,  1941-42;  liaison  officer  to 
Albanian  resistance  movement*  1944  ;  served 
on  staff  of  Gen.  Carton  de  Wiart  VC 
Mr.  Churchill's  personal  representative  with 
Generalissimo  Chiang  Kai-Shek,  1945 
Contested  Preston  in  Conservative  interest,' 
July  1945.  Publications  :  Sons  of  the  Eagle 
1948:  articles  in  National  Review  and 
Nineteenth  Century.  Recreations:  skiimr 
mountaineering,  travel.  Address:  112  Baton 

810™1^  G 


)  BparkbroQk  (formerly  South) 

Division  of  Birmingham,  1911-45 ;  Secretary  of 
State  for  India  and  for  Burma,  1940-46;  Z>.  22 
Nov.  1878,  Gorakhpur,  U.P.,  India;   e.  s.  of 
late  Charles  F.  Amery,  of  Middle  Coombe, 
Lustleigh,  S.  Devon,  and  of  the  Indian  Forest 
Department,  and  Elizabeth  Leifcner;  m.  1910, 
Florence  (C.L  1945),  d.  of  late  John  Hamar 
Greenwood,  of  Whit  by,  Out.,  and  sis.  of  1st 
Viscount  Greenwood,  P.C.,  K.C. ;  one  s.    Educ. : 
Harrow;  Balliol  College,  Oxtord  (exhibitioner). 
1st  class  in  Mods.  1894;  1st  in  Lit.  Hum.  1890  ; 
private  secretary  to  Rt.  Hon.  L.  H.  Courtney, 
M.P.,  1896-97;   elected   Fellow  of  All  Souls 
College,  Oxford,  1897 ;  Hon.  Fellow  of  Balliol 
College  Oxford,  1946 ;  on  The  Times  editorial 
staff,    1899-1909;    organised   The   Times    war 
correspondence  in   South   Africa,   1899-1900; 
Barrister,  Inner  Temple,  1902;  contested  Wolver- 
hampton(Bast),  as  Unionist  and  Tariff  Keformer, 
1906, 1908,  and  January  1910 ;  Bow  and  Bromley, 
December  1910 ;  served  in  Flanders  and  the  Near 
East,  1S14-16 ;  Assistant  Secretary  War  Cabinet 
and  Imperial  War  Cabinet,  1917 ;  on  the  staff  of 
the  War  Council,  Versailles,  and  on  personal  staff 
of  Secretary  of  State  for  War,  1917-18 ;  temp. 
Lt.-Col.  on  General  Staff;  Parliamentary  Under- 
Sec,  for  the  Colonies,  1919-21 ;  Parliamentary 
and   Financial   Secretary  to  the  Admiralty, 
1921-22 ;   First    Lord  of  the  Admiralty,  Oct. 
1922 -Feb.  1924;   Secretary  of  State  for  the 
Colonies,  Nov.  1924-June  1929;   Secretary  of 
State  for  Dominion  Affairs,  July  1925-June  1929 ; 
has  travelled  extensively  in  the  Near  East  and 
in  all  the  British  Dominions.     Publications: 
Times  History  of  the  S.  African  War,  7  vols. 
completed  1909;  The  Problem  of  the  Army, 
1903;   Fundamental  Fallacies  of  Free  Trade, 
1906 ;  The  Great  Question,  1909 ;  Union  and 
Strength,  1912 ;  The  Empire  in  the  New  Era> 
1928 ;  Empire  and  Prosperity,  1930 ;  A  Plan  of 
Action,  1932 ;  The  Stranger  of  the  Ulysses,  1934 ; 
The  Forward  View,  1936 ;  The  German  Colonial 
Claim,  1939;  pays  of  Fresh  Air,  1939;  India 
and  Freedom,  1942 ;  The  Framework  of  the 
Future,  1943 ;   The  Washington  Loan  Agree- 
ments, 1946;     In   the  Batn  and    the  Sun, 
1946 ;  Thoughts  on  the  Constitution,  1947 ; 
The  Awakening,  1948 ;  The  Elizabethan  Spirit. 
1948.  Revrtatioibs :  travelling,  mountainewing, 
ski-ing,  sailing.      Address:     112  Eaton  8q., 
S.W.I.     T.:   Sloane  1543.      Clubs:   Alpine, 
Athenseum,  Beefsteak,  Carlton. 

See  also  Captain  Julian  Amery. 
AMERY,  'William  Banjkes,  C.B.E.  1920  ; 
United  Kingdom  Member,  Board  of  British 
Phosphate  Commissioners,  since  1946 ;  &. 
26  Oct.  1883;  e.  s.  of  Thomas  Arthur 
Amery  of  Norwell,  Newark,  Notts.  ;  m. 
1940,  Edna  Mary,  d.  of  late  Mrs.  Maria  Truman , 
Fairlight,  Sussex.  Educ.:  Christ's  Hospital. 
Assist.-Seeretary,  War  Trade  Depi,  1010-19  ; 
Establishment  Officer,  Ministry  of  Transport, 
1919-22;  Finance  Officer,  Oversea  Settlement 
Dept,  of  the  Dominions  Office.  1922-26 ;  Repre- 
sentative of  the  United  Kingdom  Government 
in  Australia  under  the  Empire  Settlement  Act 
1925-28;  Assistant  Secretary,  Dominions 
Office,  1937;  Controller  Export  Licensing 
Dept.  Board  of  Trade,  1939;  AssVSec.  Ministry 
of  Food,  1940;  Head  of  U.K.  Food  Mission 
to  Australia,  representing  Ministry  of  Food, 
1942-45.  Address:  British  Phosphate  Commis- 
sion 2  Grosv^nor  Gardens,,  S. W,  1.  CZu& :  Savile. 
AMES,  Sir  Herbert  Brown,  Ku,,  cr.  1915; 
f>.,  Montreal,  a?  June  ls«3;  w.  1890,  iLonjse 
Jfarion,  d.  of  late  Sip  Jolm  Kennedy,  jfcfcw.  : 
Public  Schools,  Montreal ;  Amberst  Goll,,  Mass 
(LL.D.).  President  of  tha  Volunteer  EHectoral 
League ;  Alderman,  1898-1906 ;  Chairman  Muni- 
cipal Board  of  Health,  1900-4;  Member  House 
of  Commons,  Montreal,  1904-21 ;  Chairman 
Select  Standing  Committee  on  Banking  and 
Commerce,  1911;  Hon.  Secretary  OawLian 
Patriotic  Fund,  1914-19;  Cabman  Special 
Committee  of  the  House  of  Commons  in  re 
care  and  treatment  of  returned  solctiera.  1917  • 
Financial  Director  of  League  of  Nations  Secret- 
ariat, 1919-26,;  LL4).  Amherst  College ;  Lec- 
turer for  the  Carnegie  Endowment  foe  Inter- 
national Peace,  192MS,  A&faess;  Logwood 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Towers,  Apfc.  207  C,  Brookline,  Mass.,  U.S.A. 
Club :  University  (Montreal). 

AMHERST,  family  name  of  Earl  Amherst. 

AMHERST,  5tli  Earl  (cr.  1826),  Jeffery 
John  Archer  Amherst:,  filC.  1918 ;  Baron 
Amherst  of  Montreal,  1788;  Viscount 
Holmeadale,  1826;  Major,  late  Coldstream 
Guards ;  Manager  External  Affairs,  British 
European  Airways  Corporation,  since  1946  ; 
Eon,  Commission  as  Wing  Comdr.  R.A.F., 
1942  ;  b.  13  Dec.  1896  ;  e.  s.  of  4th  Earl  and 
Hon.  Eleanor  Clementina  St.  Aubyn,  d.  of  1st 
Baron  St.  Levan ;  S.  father,  1927.  Edue. : 
Eton  ;  R.M.C.  Sandhurst.  Served  European 
War,  1914-18,  with  Coldstream  Guards  (M.C.); 
placed  on  B.A.B.O.  1921 ;  recaUed  1940, 
served  Middle  East,  1940-44.  Reportorial 
Staff,  New  York  Morning  World,  1923-29  ; 
C9mmercial  Air  Pilot  and  General  Manager 
Air  Line  Company.  1929-39 ;  Assistant  Air 
Adviser  to  British  Railways,  1945-46.  Heir  : 
b.  Hon.  Humphrey  William  Amherst,  b.  25 
July  1903.  Club  :  Guards'. 

AMHERST  of  Hackney,  3rd  Baron  (cr. 
1329),  'William  Alexander  Evering 
Cecil ;  Major  late  Royal  Horse  Guards  ;  b. 
&1  May  1912;  s.  of  late  Captain  Hon. 
William  Amherst  Cecil,  M.C.,  Grenadier 
Guards,  and  Gladys  (d.  1947),  o.  c.  of  Col. 
fl.  C.  Baggalay,  of  Heatherhurst  Grange, 
Frimley ;  S.  grandmother,  1919  ;  m.  1939, 
Margaret  E.  Clifton,  y.  d.  of  late  Brig.-Gten. 
Howard  Clifton  Brown ;  two  «.  Educ. : 
Eton ;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge.  Eoyal 
Horse  Guards,  1933  ;  served  War  of  1939-45, 
M.B.F.,  1940-45.  Heir:  s.  Hon.  William 
Hugh  Amherst  Cecil  [b.  28  Dec.  1940].  Ad- 
dress :  73  Kensington  Court,  W.8.  T.  : 
Western  7877;  Foulden  Hall,  Thetford, 
Norfolk.  T.:  Mundford  243. 

AMIES,  Professor  Arthur  Barton 
Pilgrim,  C.M.G.  1949 ;  Dean  of  Faculty  of 
Deatal  Science,  University  of  Melbourne,  and 
Dean  of  Dental  Hospital  of  Melbourne  since 
1933  ;  b.  17  Oct.  1902  ;  s.  of  late  Arthur  P. 
Amies,  Melbourne;  m.  1931,  Geraldine  C., 
d.  of  Peter  Collee,  Linlithgow,  Scotland. 
Educ. :  Modern  School,  Perth,  Western 
Australia ;  Queen's  College,  University  of 
Melbourne,  S.  Australia;  Edinburgh  Univ. 
D.D.Sc.  (Melb.)  1920  ;  D.L.O.  (Melb.)  1933  ; 
F.R.C.S.  (Edin.)  1928;  F.R.A.C.S.  (L.O.) 
1934;  F.D.S.B.C.S.(Eng.)  1948;  F.B.S. 
(Edin.)  1939 ;  F.A.C.D.  1939.  Director  of 
Dental  Research  Dept.,  1933,  Univ.  of 
Melbourne.  Hon.  Cons.  Oral  Surgeon,  Alfred 
Hosp.,  Melb. ;  Hon.  Cons.  Maxillo-Facial 
Surgeon,  Prince  Henry's  Hpsp.,  Melb. ; 
Federal  Pres.  Aust.  Dental  Assoc.  1937-39  ; 
Pres.  Aust.  Dental  Assoc.  (Victorian  Br.), 
1936-37,  Served  War  of  1939-45,  with  4th 
Aust.  Gen.  Hosp.  in  Western  Desert  and 
Tobruk,  and  later  with  Maxillo-Facial  and 
Plastic  Surgery  Unit,  2nd  Aust.  Gen.  Hosp. 
Kantara.  Publications  :  numerous  scientific 
papers.'  Recreation :  tennis.  Address  : 
2  University  Grounds,  Melbourne,  Victoria, 
Australia.  T.:  FJ  5740.  Clubs:  Athenaeum 
(Melb.),  Navy,  Army  and  Air  Force  (Mel- 

AMIN  KHAN,  Khan  Bahadur  Sir 
Malik  Muhammad,  EX  cr,  1945 :  C.B.E. 
1941  (O.B.E.  1919);  landlord.  Address: 
Shamsabad,  Attock  District,  Punjab. 

AMMON,  family  name  01  Baron  Ammon. 

A  MM  ON,  1st  Baron,  cr.  1944,  of  Camber- 
well,  Charles  George  Ammon,  P.O.  1945; 
D.L.,  J.Jf.;  Deputy  Speaker,  House  of  Lords  ; 
Chairman  National  Dock  Labour  Corp.  Ltd. 
since  1944;  Mayor  of  Camberwell,  1950-51; 
Alderman  Oamberwell  Borough  Council  since 
1934;  VicerPresident :  Royal  National  Life- 
boat Assoc. ;  Association  of  Building  Societies 
and  Metropolitan  Association  of  Building 
Societies;  Governor  London  School  of  Eco- 
nomics, Dulwich  College  ;  Chairman  Trustees 
ol  ^Crystal  Palace;  President  U.K,  'Band  of 
Hope  Union  j  Member  Channel  Islands  Com- 
*.  of  Copies  ,&eor,ge  a#d  Mary 

Ajnmon ;  m.  Ada  Ellen,  d.  of  David  May, 
Walwortn,  London;  two  d.  Edua.:  Public 
Elementary  Schools  and  private  study.  In 
Post  Office  Service  for  twenty-four  years ; 
London  County  Councillor  for  North  Cam- 
berwell,  1919  •  25  and  1934  -  46  ;  Chairman 
L.C.C.,  1941-42;  contested  North  Camber* 
well  for  Parliament,  1918  and  1931;  M.P. 
(Lab.)  North  Camberwell,  1922-31  and  1935-44; 
Labour  Party  Whip,  1923;  Parliamentary  Sec. 
to  the  Admiralty,  1924  and  1929-31;  Na- 
tional President  Brotherhood  Movement,  1929 
and  1945 ;  Member  West  African  Mission,  1938- 
1939  ;  Member  Select  Committee  on  National 
Expenditure,  1939-44:;  Chairman  Mission  to 
Newfoundland,  1943 ;  Temp.  Chairman  of 
Committees,  1943;  Chairman  Parl.  Mission 
to  China,  194T ;  Captain  of  the  Gentlemen-at- 
Arms,  1945-49 ;  lately  Gov.  Chief  Whip.  Pub- 
lications :  Christ  and  Labour ;  Newfoundland : 
the  Forgotten  Island;  pamphlets,  articles  in 
reviews,  periodicals,  etc.  Recreations :  reading, 
walking,  golf.  Address:  70  Ferndene  Road, 
S.E.24.  T. :  Brixton  4828. 

AMORY,  Derick  Heathcoat-;  M.P. 
(C.)  Tiverton  Division  of  Devonshire  since 
1945  ;  Director  :  Lloyds  Bank,  John  Heath- 
coat  <fe  Co.  and  associated  companies  :  6.  26 
Dec.  1899 ;  *.  of  Sir  Ian  Murray  Heathcoat- 
Amory,  2nd  St.,  C.B.E.  Edyc.:  Eton; 
Christ  Church,  Oxford,  B.A.  Served  War  of 
1930-45.  Member  Central  Advisory  Cfctee,  to 
Minister  of  Pensions.  Address :  Chevithorne 
Barton,  Tiverton,  Devon.  Club:  Broolss's. 

AMORY,  Major  Sir  John  Heathcoat-, 
3rd  Bt.,  cr.  1874  ;  Major  Home  tfuara ;  b. 
2  May  1894 ;  e.  s.  of  Sir  Ian  Murray  Heath- 
coat  Amory,  2nd  Bt?,  C.B,Er,  and  Alexandra 
Georgina,  O.B.E.  (d.  1942),  e.  d.  of  late  Vice- 
Adm.  G.  H.  Seymour,  C.B, ;  S.  father  1931 ;  w. 
1937,  Joyce,  o.  d.  of  Newton  Wethered,  Brook, 
Surrey.  Educ.:  Eton;  Christ  Church,  Ox- 
ford, Served  European  War,  1914-19,  with  4th 
Devon  Begt.  in  India  and  Mesopotamia  and  in 
Persia  and  the  Caucasus  with  the  Dunster 
Force  .(despatches,  two  medals);  Chairman  of 
John  Heathcoat  &  Co. ;  High  Sheriff  of  Devon, 
1942-43;  J.P.  Devon,  1922.  Recreations:  shoot- 
ing, tennis,  ski-ing,  golf.  Heir:  fe.  Derick 
Heathcoat-,  q.v.  Address:  Knightshayes 
Court,  Tiverton,  Devon.  T,:  Tiverton  2438. 
Glenfernate  Lodge,  Enochdhu,  Blairgowrie, 
Perthshire.  Club:  Brooks's. 
See  also  Briq.-Gen.  Hon.  L.  J.  P.  Butler. 

AMPLEFORTH,  Abbot  of;  see  Byrne, 
ttt-  ttev,  H.  K. 

AMPTHILL,  3rd  Baron  (cr.  1881),  John 
Hugo  Russell,  C.B.E.  1945;  Com- 
mander, retired,  K.N. ;  Recalled  lor  Service, 
1939 ;  Director  of  Gallaher  Ltd. ;  b.  4  Oct. 
1896 ;  e.  s.  of  2nd  Baron  and  Lady  Margaret 
Lygon  (see  Dowager  Lady  Ampthill),  d.  of 
t>th  Earl  Beauehamp;  S.  father,  1935;  m.  1st, 
1918,  Christabel  Hulme  Hart  (who  obtained  a 
divorce  1937);  one  s. ;  2nd,  1937,  Sibell  Faithful! 
(d.  1947),  yr.  d.  of  Thomas  Wilkinson  Lumley ; 
3rd,  1948,  Adeline,  e.  d.  of  Canon  H.  B.  Hone, 
God  aiming  Vicarage,  Sy.;  ones.  Heir:  s.Hon. 
Geoffrey  Denis  Erskine  .Russell,  2nd  Lt.  Irish 
Guards  [b.  15  Oct.  1921 ;  m4 1946,  Susan  Mary, 
d  of  Hon.  Charles  John  Frederic  Winn ;  two 
,s-  ]  Address :  6  Springfield  Road,  St.  John's 
Wood,  N.W.8.  T.:  Maida  Vale  8475.  (Hubs: 
Marlborough-Windham?  United  Service. 
See  also  Vice-Adm.  Hon.  (?.  H.  M.  Russell. 

AMPTHILL,  The  Dowager  Lady; 
Margaret,  C.I.  1S90  ;  G.C.V.O.,  cr.  1946  ; 

OB  1.,  cr.  1918 ;  lady-in- Waiting  '    

Mary ;    &.  8  Oct.   1874 ;    d.  of  «t 
Beaucnamp ;  m.  1894,  2nd  Baron  Aj 
§;c.SX,  <S.6.LE.  (d.  1935);   four  * 
Address :    55  Chester  Square,  S.W.I. 
Sloane  4927,    Club  :  V.A.D.  Ladies. 

AMR,  Abdel  F^ttah  Pasha, 
Order  ol  Merit  1st  class  1935;  /s~~ 
the  Order  of  the  Nile,  19?8,;,o 

1    Hamayon.   of  Iran,   1989 ;   'Of  ^^-r, 
Egyptian  Minister   Plenipotentiary  m 
don,    1944,   Ambassador  since  1945;  > 


WHO'S  WHO.  1951 

Feb.  1909 ;  s.  of  late  Al  Sayed  Aliined  Amr  Bey 
and  Nazima  Haneim  El  Soucey.  Educ.: 
Khedive  College,  Cairo;  London.  Landowner 
in  Upper  Egypt;  studied  constitutional  law, 
banking  and  insurance ;  Vice  -  Pres.  Anglo- 
Egyptian  Chamber  of  Commerce,  1940-42 ; 
Hon.  Legal  Attach^  to  Eoyal  Egyptian 
Embassy,  1939-42.  Amateur  Squash  Backets 
Champion  of  South  of  England  1929  and  1930, 
of  the  British  Isles  1981-32-33,  1935,  1936  and 

1937  (did  not  compete  in  1934) ;  Open  Champion 
(Squash   Backets)    1932  -  33  -  34  -  35  and  1936 ; 
Captain    of    British    Squash   Backets    Team 
against     U.S.A.,     1935;      Egyptian    Squash 
Rackets      Championship,      1936;       Amateur 
Championship  1936 ;   Open  Championship,  1936 
and  1937;   Technical  Adviser  to  the  Squash 
Rackets  Association,  1937, 1938  and  1939 ;  Presi- 
dent Egyptian   Squash  Backets   Association, 

1938  and  1989  ;   Capt,  R.A.C.  Squash  Team, 
Bath  Club,  1931-39 ;  Egyptian  Gold  Medal  des 
Sports.      Publications :    The    Art   of  Squash 
Backets,  1934;     The   Psychology    of    Match 
Playing  (Squash  Annual),  1936.     Recreations: 
mountaineering,    golf.      Address :    Egyptian 
Embassy,  75  South  Audley  St.,  W.I.     Clubs: 
St.  James1,  Royal  Automobile,  International 
Sportsmen's ;  Mohammed  Ali  (Cairo). 

AMULREE,  2nd  Baron  (cr.  1929);  Basil 
William  Sholto  Mackenzie,  M.U.; 
F,  E.C.P. ;  6. 25  July  1900 ;  o.  s.  of  1st  JBaron  and 
Lilian  (d.  1916),  e.  d.  of  late  W.  H.  Bradbury ;  S. 
father,  1942.  Educ.:  Lancing  College;  Gonville 
and  Caius  College,  Cambridge;  Paris;  Uni- 
versity College  Hospital.  M.  A.  Cantab.,  1925 ; 
M.B.C.S.,  L.R.C.P.  1925 ;  M.R.C.P.  (Load.), 
1928;  M.D.  Cantab.,  1936;  F.B.C.P,  (Lond.) 
1946;  M.F.R.  (Hon.);  Assistant  Pathologist 
University  College  Hospital,  1929 ;  Asst.  Pathol- 
ogist Roy.  Northern  Eosp,,  1931;  Med.  Officer, 
Ministry  of  Health,  1936.  M.B.San.I. ;  Pro- 
fessional Member  Assoc.  of  Water  Engineers  ; 
Member  of  Nat.  Radium  Commission,  1942-45 ; 
Pres.  London  County  Div.  of  British  Bed  Cross; 
Member  National  Old  People's  Welfare  Com- 
mittee;  Assistant  Physician  afc  St.  Pancras 
branch  of  University  College  Hospital ;  Pres., 
Medical  Soc.  for  the  care  of  the  Elderly.  Pub- 
lications: Ministry  of  Health  Report  on 
Public  Health  and  Medical  Subjects,  No.  89  ; 
various  articles  in  periodicals.  Recreation: 
golf.  Heir:  none.  Address:  18  Egerton 
Terrace,  S.W.3.  Clubs:  Reform;  Northern 

AMWELL,  1st  Baron  cr.  1947.  of  Islington  ; 
Frederick  Montague,  C.B.E.  1946;  b. 
Clerkenwell,  London,  1876 ;  s.  of  John 
Montague  ;  m.  Constance  Craig,  Runcorn  ; 
one  s.  two  d.  Self-educated.  Newsboy; 
shop-assistant ;  free-lance  journalist ;  with 
leading  London  Agencies  as  advertisement 
copy-writer ;  Parliamentary  Agent,  Labour 
Party:  Political  Organiser;  joined  18th 
Bn.  (S.)  K.R.R.C.,  1915 ;  served  France 
and  Belgium ;  commissioned  1917  ;  served 
Egypt  and  Palestine;  Egyptian  Military 
Schools  (full  Lieut. ;  teacher  Commercial 
Subjects).  M.P.  (Lab.)  West  Islington,  Dec. 
1923-31,  and  1935-47  ;  Undersecretary  of 
State  for  Air,  1929-31 ;  Parliamentary 
Secretary,  Ministry  of  Transport,  1940-41 ; 
Parliamentary  Secretary,  Ministry  of  Air- 
craft Production,  1941-42 ;  Alderman  Isling- 
ton Borough  Council,  1919-25.  Member 
Boards  of:  People's  Dispensary  for  Sick 
Animals ;  Roy.  London  Homeopathic  Hosp. ; 
Grand  Opera  Productions  (Carl  Rosa); 
Founder-Trustee  Homeopathic  Educational 
Trust;  Member,  Society  for  Psychical 
Research;  Vice-Pres.,  Institute  of  Magicians, 
London.  Heir :  8.  Hon.  Frederick  Norman 
Montague,  b.  6  Nov.  1912.  Address ;  146 
Blendon  Road,  Bexley,  Kent.  T. :  Bexley 
Heath  3586;  Bond  St.  House,  Clifford  St., 
W.I.  T. :  Regent  6916. 


Bahadur    Sir    Chittoor    Vaitnilinga, 

BLt.,  cr.   1934;    B.A.,   B.L.;    b.  1874.     tiduc.: 
Madras  Christian   College   and   Madras  Law 
College.     Practising  as  a  Vakil  of  the  Madras 

High  Court  since  189b ;  Election  Commissioner, 
1921-23 ;  Member  Law  College  Council ;  Govern- 
ment Pleader  of  Madras,  1923-27;  acted  as 
a  Judge  of  the  High  Court  of  Judicature 
at  Madras,  July-December  1927;  Advocate- 
General,  Madras  1928;  a  Judge  of  the  High 
Court,  Madras,  1928-34 ;  Member  of  the  Legisla- 
tive Council  of  the  Governor  of  Madras,  1928  ; 
Fellow  of  the  Madras  University.  Address: 
Anantha  Sadan,  The  Luz,  Mylapore,  Madras, 
8.  India.  Club:  Cosmopolitan  (Madras). 

AN  CASTER,  2nd  Earl  ot  (cr.  1892), 
Gilbert  Heathcote-Drummond-Wil- 
loughby,  G.U.V.O.  cr.  1937;  T,D.;  Baron 
Willoughby  de  Eresby,  1313 ;  Baron  Aveland, 
1856 ;  Lord  Lieutenant,  County  Rutland,  since 
1921,;  5.  29  July  1867;  «.  5.  of  1st  Earl  of 
Ancaster  and  Evelyn,  d.  of  10th  Marquess 
of  Huntly;  S.  father,  1910;  m.  1905,  Bloise, 
e.  d.  of  late  W.  L.  Breese  of  New  York; 
two  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Eton ;  Trinity  College, 
Cambridge  (M.  A.).  Lt.  -Col.  O.  C.  Lincolnshire 
Yeomanry,  1911-15;  M.P.  (C.)  Horncastle 
Division  of  Lincolnshire,  1894-1910;  Par- 
liamentary Secretary  to  the  Ministry  of 
Agriculture,  1921-23;  Chairman  of  Quarter 
Sessions,  Kesteven,  Lines,  1911-36  ;  Chairman 
of  Rutland  County  Council,  1922-37;  Lord  Great 
Chamberlain  of  England,  1937-50.  Recrea- 
tions: hunting,  shooting.  Heir:  s.  Lord  Wil- 
loughby  de  Eresby,  q.v.  Address :  Grimsthorpe, 
Bourne,  Lines;  Drummond  Castle,  Crieff. 
T. :  Edenham  222,  Clubs :  Carlton,  Turf. 
See  also  Sir  John  Aird,  SarL  of  Dalhousie. 

ANCRAM,  Earl  of;  Michael  Andrew 
Foster  Jude  Kerr;  b.  7  July  1945;  s. 
and  heir  oi  liilh  Marquess  of  Lothian,  Q.V. 

ANDERSON,  Sir  Alan  Garrett, 
G.B.K.,  cr.  1984(k.B.ia.,  cr.  1917);  Commander 
Order  of  Crown  of  Italy ;  Officer  Legion 
of  Honour;  Commander  Order  of  White 
Rose  of  Finland;  Captain  (Hon.)  R.N.B. ; 
Controller  of  Railways,  Ministry  of  War 
Transport,  1941-45;  Chairman  of  Railway 
Executive,  1941-45;  Hon.  Fellow  Trinity 
College,  Oxon. ;  &.  9  Mar.  1877 ;  s.  of  J.  G.  S.  and 
Elizabeth  Garrett  Anderson,  M.D. ;  m.  1908, 
Muriel  Ivy  Duncan;  two  s.  two  a.  Edue.: 
Elstree;  Eton  (King's  Scholar);  Trinity 
College,  Oxon.  Director,  Orient  P.  &  0. 
&  B.I.;  Director,  Suez  Canal  Company;  Presi- 
dent of  Hospital  Saving  Association  ;  Hon. 
President  International  Chamber  of  Com- 
merce ;  Deputy -Lieutenant  of  City  of  London ; 
High  Sheriff  of  County  of  London,  1922 ;  M.P. 
(0.)  City  of  London,  1935-40;  President  of  the 
Chamber  of  Shipping  of  the  United  Kingdom, 
1924-25  ;  Pres.  Institute  of  Marine  Engineers, 
1928 ;  Pres.  Association  of  Chambers  of  Com- 
merce, 1933^34.  Address :  105  Park  Lane,  W.I ; 
Notgrove  Manor,  Glos.  Clvbs :  Brooks's,  City  of 
London,  Royal  Cruising,  Cruising  Association; 
Royal  Yacht  Squadron  (Cowes) ;  Royal  Irish 
Yacht  (Kingstown). 

See    also    Sir    Oolin    Anderton,    Donald 
Forsyth  Anderson. 

ANDERSON,  Alan  Orr,  M.A.,  LL.D. 
(Edin.) ;  Hon.  F.S.A.  Scot. ;  b.  1879  ;  a.  of 
Rev.  John  Anderson,  B.D.,  and  Ann,  d.  of 
Rev.  John  Masson ;  m.  1932,  Marjorie  Ogil- 
vie,  d.  of  James  Cunningham,  LL.D.  Educ. : 
Royal  High  School  and  University,  Edin- 
burgh. Publications  :  Scottish  Annals  from 
English  Chroniclers,  1909  ;  Early  Sources  of 
Scottish  History,  1922 ;  Prophecy  of  Ber- 
chan,  1929  :  Prospects  of  the  Advancement 
of  Knowledge  in  Early  Scottish  History, 
1940  ;  (with  his  wife)  Introduction  to  the 
Chronicle  of  Melrose,  facsimile  edition,  1936  ; 
contributions  to  Ms  wife's  edition  of  the 
Chronicle  of  Holyrood,  1988.  Address  :  24 
Bruce  Road,'  Downfleld,  Dundee.  T.  : 
Dundee  85000. 

ANDERSON,  Alexander;  M.P.  (Lab.) 
Motherwell  Division  of  Lanarkshire  since 
1945  ;  M.A. ;  J.P.  (Lanark)  ;  Member  Nature 
Conservancy  since  1949  :  b.  Wick,  Caith- 
ness, 12  April  1888:  *.  of  Thomas  Anderson 
and  Ina  Hanson,  wick  ;  m.  1922,  Margaret 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

.  .j-  Craig  Sinclair ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Pulteneytown  Academy.  Wick;  Edinburgh 
University  (M.A.  1910).  English  Master 
various  schools,  Wishaw  High  School,  1921- 
1945.  Member  MotherweU  Town  Council, 
1929-45  ;  Hon.  Treasurer,  1935-45.  Recrea- 
tions :  angling,  yachting,  gardening,  reading 
thrillers.  Address :  31  Kenilworth  Avenue, 
Wishaw.  T. :  Wishaw  554. 

ANDERSON  A(lexander)  Greig;  Hon. 
Physician  to  H.M.'s  Medical  Household  in 
Scotland;  Physician  to  Royal  Infirmary, 
Aberdeen,  since  1932;  Physician  to  Mora- 
ingfield  Hospital,  Aberdeen;  Consulting 
Physician  Aberdeen  Royal  Infirmary ;  Hon. 
Consulting  Physician  Scottish  Command ;  s. 
of  late  James  Anderson,  Mains  of  Annochie, 
Auchnagatt,  Aberdeenshtre ;  unmarried. 
Educ. :  Robert  Gordon's  College,  Aberdeen ; 
University  of  Aberdeen;  Berlin.  M.A. 
Aberd.  1905 ;  M.B.,  Ch.B.  (2nd  class  Hons.) 
1909  ;  M.D.  (1st  class  Hons.)  1914 ;  F.R.C.P. 
Lond.  1930;  LL.D.  Aberd.  1949;  various 
resident  hospital  appointments;  joined 
R.A.M.C.,  1915 ;  served  at  Cambridge  Hos- 
pital, Aldershot,  and  later  with  43rd  and 
52nd  General  Hospitals,  British  Salonika 
Force ;  oflicer  in  charge  of  Medical  Division 
of  these  hospitals  (despatches);  Assistant 
Physician  Aberdeen  Royal  Infirmary,  1919. 
Publications :  various,  in  medical  journals. 
Recreations:  travel,  books.  Address:  11 
Albyn  Terrace,  Aberdeen.  T.:  Aberdeen 
22455.  Clubs:  Royal  Societies,  Savile. 

ANDERSON,  Sir  Alexander  James, 
Kt.,  cr.  1924;  C.S.I.  1918;  V.D.  1921; 
Fellow  Royal  Society  of  Arts,  1921;  ft.  24 
March  1879 ;  s.  of  late  Alexander  Gavin 
Anderson ;  m.  1925,  Vera  Latimer,  d.  of  Rev. 
C.  P.  Eden.  Educ. :  Marlborouglu  Manager, 
Bombay  Burmah  Trading  Corporation,  Ltd., 
1909-25  ;  Member,  Legislative  Council,  Burma, 
1923-25  ;  Member,  Burma  Retrenchment  Com- 
mittee, 1923;  Chairman,  Burma  Chamber  of 
Commerce,  1923-25;  Vice-Chairman,  Commis- 
sioners for  the  Port  of  Rangoon,  1924-25 ; 
served  European  War  (Mesopotamia,  Major 
Volunteer  Artillery  Battery;  Kut;  prisoner 
Turkey),  1914-18  (despatches,  C.S.I.).  Ad- 
dress: Foxhill,  Elstead,  Godalming,  Surrey. 
T. :  El  stead  3130.  Club:  Oriental. 

ANDERSON,  Alexander  Knox,  M.A., 
F.R.  Hist.  Soc. ;  Principal,  The  Scots  College, 
Bellevue  Hill,  Sydney,  N.S.W.,  Australia,  since 
1935 ;  K  12  Jan.  1892  ;  s.  of  James  Robert  and 
Margaret  Anderson;  m.  1917,  May  Synnitt 
Irvine  ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Port  Chalmers  District 
High  School;  Dunedin  Teachers'  Training 
College;  Otago  University;  Canterbury  Uni- 
versity College,  N.Z.  B.A..  1914 ;  M.A.  1915 
(First  Class  Honours  in  History) ;  Assistant 
Master,  Waitaki  Boys'  High  School,  1912-16 ; 
Assistant  Master  Otago  Boys'  High  School, 
1916-20;  Lecturer  on  Advanced  and  Honours 
History,  Otago  University,  1918-20;  Rector, 
St.  Andrew's  College,  Christchurch,  1920- 
1934;  External  Examiner  in  B.A.  History  to 
University  of  New  Zealand,  1921-25 ;  President 
of  Association  of  Principals  of  Registered 
Secondary  Schools  of  New  Zealand,  1933-34; 
toured  Australia,  Palestine,  Syria,  Egypt, 
France,  British  Isles,  U.S.A.,  1934  ;  member  of 
Headmasters'  Conference  since  1935 ;  Chairman 
Great  Public  Schools'  Headmasters'  Assoe., 
1940  and  1945 ;  President  Teachers'  Guild  of 
N.S.W.,  1945-46.  Coronation  Medal,  1937. 
Recreations:  rifle  shooting  (tied  Southland 
Championship,  N.Z.,  1916,  second  Otago 
Ohampiousnip,  1916),  cricket,  hockey,  tennis, 
golf.  Address:  The  Scots  College,  Bellevue 
Hill.  Rvdrmv.  N.S.W.  T.  :  F.M.  218«  Sydney. 

ANDERSON,  Major-Gen.  Alexander 
Vass,  C.B!  1945;  C.M.G.  1949;  M.B.E. 
1923  ;  b.  17  Nov.  1895  ;  *.  of  late  Lt.-Col. 
A.  V.  Anderson,  Stonehaven,  Scotland ;  m. 
Aileen  Elizabeth,  d.  of  late  Stanley  Steven- 
son, Edinburgh;  one  d.  2nd  Lt.  R.E. 
1914;  Capt.  1917;  Major  1929;  Lk-Ool. 
1937;  Col.  1940;  Temp.  Maj.-Gen.  1943; 
Brig.  1947 ;  retired  pay,  hon.  rank_of  Maj.- 


Gen.,  1949.  Served  European  War,  1915-18 
(despatches) ;  Malabar,  1921-22.  Served  in 
Home  Forces,  British  Army  Staff,  Washing- 
ton, B.C.,  and  War  Office,  1939-46.  Address : 
Stonehaven,  Scotland. 

ANDERSON,  Archibald  Stirling 
Kennedy,  D.S.O.  1918;  M.C. ;  M.A.,  M.B., 
Ch.B.,  D.P.H. ;  medical  practice ;  6. 1887  ;  s.  of 
late  Alex.  Anderson,  Aberdeen  ;  m.  1925,  Joyce, 
e.  d.  of  W.  S.  Wharton,  Southtown,  Great 
Yarmouth.  Educ.:  Aberdeen  Grammar  8011091 ; 
Aberdeen  University.  Studied  at  Dublin, 
Manchester,  and  London.  Served  European 
War,  1914-19  (D.S.O.,  M.C.  with  bar,  de- 
spatches, Hon.  Lt.-Col.  R.A.M.C.).  Recreations: 
fishing,  sailing.  Address:  Seacroft,  Marine 
Parade,  Gorleston,  Suffolk.  T. :  Gorleston  96. 

ANDERSON,  Arthur  Emilias  David, 
D.S.O.  1918;  M.C.  ;  late  K.O.S.B. ;  Member 
H.M.  Bodyguard  for  Scotland  (Royal  Com- 
pany of  Archers) ;  Partner  in  Rowe  and  Pitman, 
Stockbrokers,  43  Bishopsgate,  B.C.2;  Director 
the  Anglo-Dutch  Plantations  of  Java  Ltd., 
Rubber  Estates  of  Malaya  Ltd.,  Romney 
Trust  Ltd.,  Raeburn  Trust  Ltd.,  Cotman 
Investment  Trust,  Ltd.,  Grange  Trust, 
Ltd. ;  6.  1886 ;  s.  of  late  Rev.  Prebendary 
David  Anderson,  Rector  of  St.  George's, 
Hanover  Square;  m.  1916,  Jean  Douglas, 
d.  of  James  Patrick  Mclntyre;  four  d. 
Educ.:  Eton;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge. 
Served  European  War,  1914-18  (despatches, 
M.C.,  D.S.O.) ;  War  of  1939-45,  until  1942. 
Address:  Fairseat  Manor,  Fairseat,  Wrotham, 
Kent.  T. :  Fairseat  56 ;  Glen  Etive,  Argyll. 
dub:  Brooks's. 

ANDERSON,  Sir  Atnol  Lancelot, 
K.C.B.,  cr.  1939  (C.B.  1936);  Civil  Engineer- 
in -Chief,  Admiralty,  1934-40;  b.  IT  Jan. 
1875;  s.  of  William  Curling  Anderson  and 
Sophia  Griffiths ;  m.  1901,  Alice  Mabel  Ann 
Emmott;  no  c.  Educ.:  Cheltenham  College, 
Articled  to  Sir  James  Lemon,  M.Inst.C.E., 
Southampton  and  Westminster;  served  under 
Civil  Engineer  in  Chief,  Admiralty  at  Ports- 
mouth,  Malta,  Rosyth,  Hong  Kong,  Simonstown, 
Jamaica,  Heligoland  and  at  Singapore;  also 
various  periods  of  service  at  the  Admiralty ;  a 
member  of  the  Commission  des  Travaux  of  the 
International  Commission  of  the  Canal  Maritime 
de  Suez.  Address:  3  Furze  Croft,  Hove, 
T. :  Hove  34800. 

ANDERSON,  Carl  David ;  Nobel  Prize 
Winner  in  Physics,  1936,  and  discoverer  of 
positron ;  b.  3  Sept.  1905  ;  s.  of  Carl  David 
Anderson  and  Emma  Adolfma  Ajaxson. 
Educ  :  California  Institute  of  Technology. 
Hon.  Sc.D.  Colgate  University,  1937;  has 
conducted  research  on  X-ray  photo-electrons, 
gamma  and  cosmic  rays.  Address:  Cali- 
fornia Institute  of  Technology,  Pasadena, 

ANDERSON,  Major  Charles,  D.S.O. 
1918;  M.C.;  J.P.;  Hon.  Sheriff  Substitute  for 
County  of  Roxburgh;  Writer  to  the  Signet; 
Partner  Charles  and  R.  B.  Anderson,  W.S., 
Jedburgh:  Clerk  to  Commissioners  of  Income 
Tax  for  Roxburghshire;  b.  30  July  1886; 
e  s  of  late  R.  B.  Anderson  of  Glenburn 
Hall,  Jedburgh,  Roxburghshire  ;  m.  1921, 
Maimie,  y.  d.  of  Dr.  G.  Gunn  Banner- 
man,  Hawick ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Bain- 
burgh  Academy ;  BdinburghUniversity.  Writer 
to  the  Signet,  1910 j  served  France,  1916-19 
(M.C.,  D.S.O.,  despatches  twice,  G.S.  and 
Victory  medals);  demobilised  1919.  Address: 
Glenburn  Hall,  Jedbnrgh,  Scotland.  T. :  Jed- 
bunch  2291.  (tiuh  •  Um*™rsit.y  (Edinburgh). 

ANDERSON,  Charles  Buxton,  OM.G. 
1944;  I.S.0.1937;  MJnst.C.B. :  M.IJE.A. ; 
a  Commissioner  (T)ep.  Chm.)  South  Australian 
Harbours  Board  since  1946;  6. 19  Aug.  1879  ; 
8.  of  late  John  Anderson,  Adelaide,  S. 
Australia;  m.  1902,  Eva,  d.  of  %  Jj*. 
Scott;  five  d.  Educ.:  Glenelg  Cplle|tete 
School;  S.  Australian  School  of  Mines. 
Joined  S.A.  Public  Works  Dept.,  1898,  as 
Draughtsman ;  successively,  Surveyoi,  Resi- 
dent Engineer,  Railways;  General  Supt., 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Railways  ;  J&ailways  Commissioner  for  State  | 
of  S.  Australia,  1930-46.  0.  St.  J. ;  late 
Hon.  Col,,  Engineering  and  Railway  Staff 
Corps.  Address  :  88  First  Avenue,  St.  Peters, 
S.Australia.-  T.:  FY2513.  Clubs:  Adelaide, 
Commonwealth  (Adelaide). 
ANDERSON,  Clinton  Presfca ;  U.S.  Sen- 
ator since  1948  ;  b.  Centerville,  S.D.,  23  Oct. 
1895  ;  i.  of  Andrew  Jay  Anderson  and  Hattie 
Belle  Presba ;  m.  1921,  Henrietta  McCartney ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Dakota  Wesleyan 
University  ;  University  of  Michigan.  Hon. 
L.H.D.  Dakota  Wesleyan  Univ.,  1933  ;  hon. 
D.Agr.  New  Mexico  Coll.  of  Agric.  and 
Mechanic  Arts,  1946  ;  hon.  LL.D. :  Univ.  of 
Michigan,  St.  Lawrence  Univ.,  Canton,  N.Y., 
1946  ;  Mo.  Valley  Coll.,  Marshall,  Mo.,  1949. 
Newspaper  reporter  and  Editor,  Albuquerque, 
New  Mexico,  1918-22  ;  Mgr.  ins.  dept.,  New 
Mexico  Loan  &  Mortgage  Co.,  1922-24 ; 
owner  ins.  agency,  Albuquerque,  New  Mexico, 
since  1925 ;  Treasurer,  State  of  New  Mexico, 
1933-34  ;  Administr.  New  Mexico  Relief  Ad- 
ministrn.,  1935  ;  Field  rep.  Federal  Emer- 
gency Relief  Administrn.,  1935-36  ;  Chm. 
and  Exec.  Dir.  Unemployment  Compensation 
Commn.  of  New  Mexico,  1936-38  ;  Mng.  Dir. 
U.S.  Coronado  Expn.  Commn.,  1939-40. 
Mem.  77th,  78th  and  79th  Congresses  (1941- 
1947),  New  Mexico  at  large.  Secretary  of 
Agriculture,  United  States,  1945-48,  when 
resigned  to  enter  Democratic  primary  for 
XJ.S.  Senator.  Member  Delta  Theta  Phi ; 
,  Democrat ;  Presbyterian ;  Mason,  Elk. 
Address :  (home)  Lazy  V  Cross  Farm,Albu- 
querque.  New  Mexico,  U.S.A. ;  6  Wesley 
Ctrple,  JSVW.  Washington,  D.C.,  U.S.A. ; 
(office)  113  S.  3rd  St.,  Albuquerque,  Hew 
Mexico,  Senate  Office  Building,  Washington, 
IXC.,  U.S.A.  Club :  Rotary  (Pres.  Rotary 
ftiternat.,  1932-33). 

ANDERSON,  Sir  Colin  (Skelton),  Kt.  cr. 
1950 ;  Director :  Anderson  Green  &  Co.  Ltd. 
(Managers  Orient  Line),  1930 ;  Midland  Bank 
Ltd.,  1950 ;  Chairman :  Nat.  Assoc.  of  Port 
Employers,  1950;  Tnternat.  Chamber  of 
Shipping,  1949;  Director  Union  Bank  of 
Australia  Ltd.,  1936;  &.  15  July  1904;  s.  of 
Sir  Alan  Anderson,  q.v.;  m.  1932,  Morna 
Campbell*  2nd  d.  of  Sir  Alexander  Mac- 
Cprmlck,  K.C.M.G, ;  two  d.  (and  one  d. 
deed.).  Educ.:  Eton;  Trinity  College, 
Oxford.  Member :  Shipping  Defence  Advis- 
ory Cttee.  of  the  Admiralty,  1942-48; 
Chairman  i  London  Shipowners'  Dock 
Labour  Cttee.,  1944-45;  London  Port 
Employers  (and  a  member  of  London  Bd. 
of  Nat.  Dock  Labour  Bd.)}  1945-47 ;  Nat. 
Assoc.  of  Port  Employers,  1947-48.  Member 
British  delegation  to  Internat.  Conf,  on 
Safety  of  Life  at  Sea,  1 948.  Pres.  Chamber 
of  Snipping  of  the  U.K.,  1949 :  Chm.  Gen. 
Council  of  British  Shipping,  1949-  First 
Chm.  of  Ministry  of  Labour's  London 
Seamen's  Port  Welfare  Cttee.;  Member: 
boards  of  Dreadnought  Seamen's  Hosp.  and 
Sailors'  Home  and  Red  Ensign  Club ; 
employers*  panel  of  Nat.  Maritime  Bd. ; 
Cotmcils  of  Royal  Coll.  of  Art  and  of  Instn. 
of  Naval  Architects.  Hon.  Treas.  of  Contem- 
porary Art  Soc.  Member  Art  Panel  of  Arts 
Council.  Officer  of  the  Order  of  Orange 
Nassau,  1948.  Recreations:  the  home,  the 
arts,  the  garden.  Address:  Admiral's  House, 
Hampstead,  N.W.3.  T.:  Hampstead  0597. 
Clubs:  Brooks's,  City  of  London:  Union 
(Sydney,  N.S.W.). 

ANDERSON,  David,*  LL.D.,  B.Sc., 
1LI.G.E. ;  Senior  Partner  in  firm  of  Mott,  Hay 
&  Anderson  ;  &,  6  July  1880';  w.lst,  1907;  2nd, 
1936;  iod  'EdMC.;  High  School,  Dundee  ;  St. 
Andrews  University.  Assistant  Engineer  to  late 
Sir  Benjamin  Baker,  K!.G:B<;  ResideritEngineer, 
-  Blackfriarg  Bridge  Widening  &nd  Reconstruc- 
>  Mpk  of  Rochester  Bridge-:  Chief  Assistant  and 
rtf*er  with  the'  laW  Sir  Basil  Mptt,  Bt., 
'd  Mr.  ;$R:vld  Hay ;  responsible  with  his 
fa^tlve^dAKign  and  construction  of 
Bridge,  "Tyrje  Bridfge,  Weaririouth 
ge,  Tees  Bridge,  'Londonderry,  and  many 

other  bridges;  construction  and  design  of 
Mersey  Tunnel ;  with  his  partner,  Consulting 
ICngineer  to  Central  London  Railway  and  City 
&  South  London  Railway;  Joint  Consulting 
Engineer  for  London  Passenger  Transport 
Board  (now  London  Transport  Executive), 
and  responsible  for  Central  London  Railway 
Realignment,  extension  to  Newbury  Park, 
Ilford;  Joint  Engineer  for  Dartford  Tunnel 
for  Ministry  of  Transport  Consulting 
Engineer,  Mersey  Tunnel  Joint  Committee; 
served  European  War  as  Captain,  Royal 
Engineers,  and  then  transferred  to  Royal 
Marine  Engineers  ;  President  (1943-44)  of  In- 
stitution of  Civil  Engineers;  M.Am.Soc.C.E. 
Publications :  Technical  papers  to  Institution 
Of  Civil  Engineers  :  Tyne  Bridge,  Newcastle, 
Widening  of  Blackfriars  Bridge,  Mersey  Tunnel. 
Recreation:  yachting.  Address:  9  Iddesleigh 
House,  Caxton  Street,  Westminster,  S.W.1, 
T.A. ;  Lydonist  Sowest  London.  T. :  Abbey 
1631.  Clubs:  St.  Stephen's;  Medway  Yacht 

ANDERSON,  David  Fyfe,  M.I).,  Ch.B., 
F.R.C.O.G.,  F.R.F.P.S.(G.);  Muirhead  Pro- 
fessor of  Obstetrics  and  Gynaecology,  Univer- 
sity of  Glasgow;  Obstetric  Surgeon,  Royal 
Maternity  and  Women's  Hospital,  Glasgow; 
Gynecological  Surgeon,  Royal  Infirmary ,  Glan- 
gow;  b.  8  June  1004;  o.  s.  of  David  Pyfe 
Anderson  and  Mary  Ann  Mackay,  Viewfleld, 
Strathaven,  Lanarkshire;  m.  1945,  Elizabeth 
Rose,  2nd  d.  of  W.  F.  McAusland,  Windy- 
knowe,  Scotstoun  Hill,  Glasgow;  two  *. 
Educ,:  Strathaven  Academy  (Dux);  High 
School  of  Glasgow  (Dux,  Modern  Side)  ; 
University  of  Glasgow  (Gardiner  Bursary) ; 
Johns  Hopkins  University.  M.B.,  On.B., 
(Commendation)  University  of  Glasgow,  1926 ; 
MoCunn  Research  Scholar  1929-31 ;  M.R.C.O.G. 
1932  ;  F.R,F.P.S.  (Glas.)  1935 ;  M.D.  (Honours) 
1935  ;  F.R.C.O.G.  1940 ;  Rockefeller  Travelling 
Fellowship  1935-1936;  F.R.S.M.;  Fellow  of 
Glasgow  Obstetrical  and  Gynaecological  Society 
and  of  Edinburgh  Obstetrical  Society  ;  Ex- 
aminer  to  Central  Midwives  Board  for  Scot- 
land; lately  Professor  of  Midwifery  and  Diseases 
of  Women  at  Anderson  College  of  Medicine, 
Glasgow.  Publications :  Medical  papers.  Ad- 
dress: 8  University  Gardens,  Glasgow,  W.2. 
T. :  Western  4RR3. 

ANDERSON,  David  Martin,  C.B.K. 
1920 ;  Knight  ot  the  Crown  of  Italy ;  Director 
R.  D.  Nicol  and  Co.,  Ltd.,  Sheffield;  6. 
1880;  2nd  s.  of  late  James  Anderson  and 
Mrs.  Anderson,  Glasgow ;  m.  192*7,  Isabella,  d. 
of  late  Alexander  Pearson  and  Mrs.  Pearson,  8 
Craigholm  Crescent,  Burntisland.  Controller, 
Forgings,  Castings,  and  Stamping  Department, 
Ministry  of  Munitions.  Address;  Overdale,  Dore, 
near  Sheffield.  Clubs:  Junior  Carlton;  Sheffield. 

ANDERSON,  Lieut.-Gen.  Sir  Desmond 
.Francis,  K.B.E.,  cr.  1943;  C.B.  1988; 
C.M.G.  1919;  D.S.O.  1915;  b.  5  July  1885; 
o.  s.  of  late  Frank  H.  Anderson;  m.  1915, 
Mary  Hope  Prisca,  2nd  d.  of  Rev.  S.  W. 
Wentworth  Wilkin,  C.F.,  York ;  one  *.  one  d. 
EduG.:  Rugby  School;  RM.O.  Sandhurst. 
Entered  army,  Devon  Regt.,  1905;  Captain 
E.  Yorks.  Regt.,  1910;  Adjutant,  191245; 
General  Staff,  1915-20;  Bt  Lt.-ColM  1921; 
LtXtoL,  1927;  Bt.-Col.  and  Col,  1081;  Maj.- 
General,  1937;  Lieut. -General,  1941;  Staff 
College,  1921;  served  European  War,  19X4-18 
(OJM.G.,  D.S.O.,  Bt.-Major,  Chevalier  Legion 
of  Honour,  Russian  Order  of  St.  Stanislas  (2nd 
Class);  Commanded  1st  Batt.  The  B.  Tories. 
Regb.,  1927-81 ;  A.Q.M.G.  Aldershot Command, 
'1932-53 ;  General  Stafi  Officer,  1st  Grade,  5th 
Division,  1933-34;  Deputy  Director  of  Military 
Operabion»  and  Intelligence^  War  Officer,  198£* 
1930 ;  Deputy  Director  of  Military  Intelligence 
,  19S6L38 ;  Major-General  in  ehargfe  of  Adrainls- 
,» traction  Eastern  Command,  1988^39;  Maj6r- 
:  General  General  Staff,  Home  Forces,  1939-40 ; 
Commander,  45th.  Division  1940 ;  Assistant 
'Chief  of  Imperial  General  Staff,  1940:  Com- 
mander 46th  Division,  1940 ;  Commander  3rd 
Corps,  1940-43 ;  Commander  2nd  Corps,  1943- 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

1944;  retired  pay,  1944.  Colonel  of  East 
Yorkshire  Regt.,  1940  -48.  Trustee  of  Imperial 
War  Museum.  Address:  Newstead  Lodge, 
Ifield,  Crawley,  Sussex.  1.  ;  Crawley  505. 
Cfuh;  United  Servi>« 

NDERSON,  Donald  Forsyth;  Deputy 
Chairman  and  Managing  Director  of 
P.  &  O.S.N  Co.  and  British  India  S.ff.  Co.  ; 
Director  of  ISTational  Provincial  Bank,  Bank  of 
Australasia,  and  James  Nourse  Ltd.;  6.  3 
Sept.  1906  ;  2nd  s.  of  Sir  Alan  Garrett  Ander- 
son, q.<o.  •  m.  1935,  Margaret  Elaine,  e.  d.  of 
fr  David  R.  Llewellyn,  1st  Bart.;  four  d. 
»<>..•  Eton;  Trinity  Coll.,  Oxford  (M,A.). 
Entered  Anderson  Green  &  Co.  Ltd.  on  going 
dowii  from  Oxford  ;  P.  &  O.S.N.  Co.  in  1934. 
In  Ministry  of  Shipping  (subsequently  Min. 
of  War  Transport)  Sept.  1939-June.  1943  ; 
ton,  D.C., 


.  . 

with   British    Merchant 


<  Shipping  Mission,  1941-43.  Hon.  Treasurer  : 
Royal  Seamen's  Pension  Fund  ;  Seafarers' 
Education  Service;  Eoyal  Free  Hospital 
School  of  Medicine  ;  Chairman  Merchant 
Navy  Training  Board  ;  Vice-Chairman  The 
Shipping  Federation,  1949-.  Address:  1 
Hyde  Park  St.,  W.2  ;  The  Glebe  House,  Not- 
grove,  Glos.  T.:  Paddington  1303.  Clubs: 
City  of  London,  Brooks's,  Oriental. 

ANDERSON,  Lady,  D.B.E.  cr.  1937,  Edith 
•Muriel  ;  d.  of  late  William  H.  Teschemaker  ; 
m.  1908,  Admiral  Sir  (David)  Murray  Anderson. 

•  K.  C.  B.  ,  K.  C.  M.  G.  ,  M.  V.  0.  ,  late  Governor  of  New  - 
foundland  and  of  New  South  Wales  (d.  1936).  Ad- 
dr*ft*:  Wvr»V<T*nTrihA  Hill,  "Fif-.tlflworth.  Sn««ex. 

ANDERSON,  Colonel  Eric  Litchfield 
Brooke,  C.B.E.  1941  (O.B.E.  1936)  ;  D.S.O. 
1914  ;  late  R.F.A.  ;  b.  10  Sept.  1889  ;  s.  of 
Col.  E.  B.  Anderson,  late  Indian  Army  ;  m. 
1926,  Betty,  d.  of  Mrs.  A.  H.  Etherington, 
Seal,  Chart:  three  d.  Edw.  :  Clifton  Coll.  ; 
R.M.A.  WoolwTch.  Entered  army,  1909; 
Capt.  1915  ;  served  European  War,  1914-17 
(desp.,  D.S.O.,  order  of  Danilo)  ;  retired 
1920,  with  hon.  rank  of  Lieutenant-Colonel. 
War  of  1939-45,  Director  of  Pioneers  and 
Labour,  East  Africa  Command  (despatches, 
C.B.E.)  ;  Kenya  Administration,  1919-50 
(retired).  Address:  P.O.  Kiambu,  Kenya. 
Clubs:  East  India  and  Sports,  Royal 

ANDERSON,  Francis  Sheed,  C.B.  1949; 
TTnder  Secretary,  Ministry  of  Food,  since 
194,6;  Chairman,  International  Wheat 
Council,  since  1949;  6.1897;  s.  of  James 
Anderson.  Aberdeen  :  m.  1921,  Helen  Forbes, 
e.  d.  of  William  Wattle,  Strathdon,  Aberdeen- 
shire;  no  c.  Educ.:  Aberdeen  Grammar 
School.  Served  European  War,  at  home  and 
overseas,  1914-17  ;  in  Indian  Army  in  India 
and  Afghanistan,  1917-19  ;  retd.,  1919  (Capt.) 
In  1920  Joined  firm  of  Anderson  Brothers, 
Granite  Merchants,  Aberdeen  and,  during 
next  twenty  years,  became  a  leading  figure 
in  granite  industry  and  a  Director  of  several 
companies;  President  Aberdeen  Granite 
Manufacturers  Assoc,,  1933-36.  Contested 
West  Renfrewshire,  1929;  J.P.  County  of 
City  of  Aberdeen,  1935-  ;  Member  Aberdeen 
Town  Council,  1935-40;  Member  Aberdeen 
Harbour  Board,  1935-40;  Chairman  Aber- 
deen Plans  and  Town  Planning  Cttee.,1936- 
1940  ;  '  Governor  Robert  Gordon's  Colleges, 
Aberdeen,  1937-40  ;  Divisional  Food  Officer, 
North  East  Scotland,  1940-43;  Director  of 
Fish  Supplies,  Ministry  of  Food,  1943-45. 
Address:  19  Raymond  Road,  Wimbledon, 
S.W.19.  T.:  Wimbledon  2478.  Club: 

ANDERSON,  Frank,  M.P.  (Lab.)  WMte- 
havpin  Division  of  Cumberland  since  1935;  Z>. 
21  Nov.  188ft;  s.  of  Thomas  and  Nancy  Ander- 
son ;  m.  1919,  Mary  Elizabeth  Thompson  ;  no  c. 
JBfthifc.:  Greenmount  Elementary  School.  Rail- 
way Clerk  until  elected  to  House  of  Commons. 
English  Whip,'  19S7-40.  Revreaifons  :  golf, 
motoring.  Adttresa:  Red  Gables,  Olough. 
Grove,  Whitefield,  Manchester;  T.  :  Whitefield 


Works  and  Revenue 

gineer,  Bahawalpur  State,  India  ;  I.  19  June 
1-884  ;  m.  1908  ;  two  s.  one  d.  Ediic.  :  Edinburgh 
University,  B,Sc.  Joined  Indian  Service  of 
Engineers,  1905 ;  Chief  Engineer,  United  Pro- 
vinces, 1931-37;  retired,  1937 ;  Chief  Engineer, 
Bahawalpur  State,  India ;  retired  194=4.  Ad- 
dress; 25  Murrayfield  Gardens,  Edinburgh. 

ANDERSON,    Rev.    Frederick    Ingall, 

C.M.G.  1916 ;  M.A. ;  Chaplain  to  the  King  since 
1937 ;  late  Chaplain  to  the  Forces,  1st  class,  and 
Assistant  Chaplain- General ;  m.  1903,  Annie 
Ethel  Dora,  e.  d.  of  Gen.  G.  N.  Channer,  V.C., 
C.B.;  three  s.  (and  one  s.  deed.).  Educ. ;  Brad- 
field  College;  Jesus  College,  Cambridge  (Rustat 
and  Kay  Scholar);  Senior  Optime,  1896;  3rd 
Class  Theological  Tripos,  1898.  Ordained,  1898  ; 
Curate  of  St.  Sepulchre,  Cambridge,  1898-1901  ; 
Northam  and  Westward  Ho  !  1901-3  ;  Cairo, 
1904-9  ;  Shorncliffe,  1909-14 ;  Caterham,  1914  ; 
served  European  War,  1914-19  (C.M.G.,  de- 
spatches five  times);  Chaplain  to  King  George  V, 
1919 ;  retd.  pay,  1926;  Vicar  of  Boldre,  Hants, 
1926-32 ;  Vicar  of  St.  Michael's,  Sutton  Court, 
Chisxvick,  1932-37.  Chaplain  i/e  St.  John's, 
Eastbourne,  and  serving  in  H.G.,  1941-45.  Re- 
creations: Cambridge  Univ.  and  Corinthians 
Association  P.O.,  1895-96.  Address :  c/o  Lloyds 
Bank,  Chiswick,  "W.4;  Twynham  House, 
Lvminston,  Hants. 

ANDERSON,  Lieut.-Col.  FredericK 
Jasper,  C.I.E.  1939;  M..C.  1916;  I.M.S., 
retired ;  Hon.  Surgeon  to  Governor  of  Bengal ; 
Late  Prof,  of  Surgery,  Medical  Collet,  Cal- 
cutta; b.  10  March  1886  ;  s.  of  Alfred  Jasper 
Anderson,  Cape  Town.  Educ. :  Epsom 
College  ;  South  Africa  College;  London  Uni- 
versity. M.B.,  B.S.,  1912;  F.R.C.S.  Eng. 
1922 ;  Lt.  I.M.S.,  1912 ;  Capfc.  1915  ;  Major, 
1923  ;  Lt-CoL  1931 ;  served  European  War, 
1914-19  (despatches  twice,  M.C.).  Club: 
Naval  and  Military. 

ANDERSON,  Major  George  Denis; 
Deputy  Chairman  Quarter  Sessions ;  b.  15 
Nov.  1885 ;  s.  of  George  and  Alice  Anderson  ;  m. 
1926,  Mary  Myddleton-Evans ;  one  d.  Educ.: 
Eton ;  Christ  Church,  Oxford.  High  Sheriff  of 
Northumberland,  19S5.  Address:  Little  Harle 
Tower,  Harle,  Northumberland.  T. :  Kirk- 
whelpington  29.  Glitbs :  Junior  Cariton ; 

ANDERSON,    George    Henry    Garstin, 

C.B.E.  1946;  D.S.O.  1918;  M.C. ;  Estab- 
lishment Officer,  Foreign,  Office  (German 
Section) ;  b.  22  April  1896  ;  *.  of  late  James 
Brummond  Anderson,  Litt.D.,  I.C.S.,  and 
Frances  Loniaa  Cordue :  m.  1924-,  Doris  Con- 
stance, d.  of  late  E.  J.  Gross,  M.A.,  President 
of  Gonvffle  and  Caiua  College,  Cambridge  ; 
four  d,  Educ. :  Perse  School,  Cambridge. 
Joined  Rifle  Brigade,  1915  ;  aerved  European 
War  *  operations  in  France  and  Belgium, 
1915-18  (despatches,  D.S.O.,  M.C.  and  bar) ; 
Adjutant,  2nd  Battalion  Rifle  Brigade,  1918- 
1921  ;  entered  Indian  Civil  Service,  1921 ; 
served  as  Personal  Assistant  to  Chief  Com- 
missioner, Delhi :  Asst.  Principal,  India 
Office,  1925  ;  Principal,  1930  ;  Asst.  Secre- 
'tary,  Ministry  of  Lalbour,  1939 ;  Principal 
Officer,  Eastern  (Civil  Defence)  Region, 
1939-44 ;  Ministry  of  Labour,  1944-45 ; 
Director  of  Recruiting.  Control  Office  for 
Germany  and  Austria,  1945-46 ;  Director  of 
Overseas  Staff,  Foreign  Office  (German 
Section),  1947-49.  Address:  Horsley,  Oxted, 
Surrey.  T.:  Oxted  452.  Club:  Union, 

See  also  Sir  Jaanes  Anderson^  JSishrp  of 


ANDERSON,  Rev.  Hector  David, 
M.A. :  Rector  of  Sandringham,  and  Domestic 
Chaplain  to  the  King  since  1942  ;  b.  16  AUK. 
1906  ;  ».  of  Rev.  David  Anderson,  ULD., 
Dublin ;  w.  1931,  Muriel  Louise  Peters ; 
one  s.  Educ. :  Tbe  Abbey,  T!T>r>ef*ry ; 
Trinity  College,  Dublin.  Schol.  J.9£8»;B,A. 
Mods,  1929,  M.A.  1932,  B.D.  1949,  Curate, 
Shirley,  Croydon,  1930-33:  Rtr 
Cheater  Square,  S.W.I,  1933-39  : 
1939-42.  Addr&s:  The  Rec 
ham,  Norfolk. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

ANDERSON,  Lieut. -Colonel  Henry 
Stewart,  C.M.G.  1918;  late  B.A.M.C.; 
F.R.G.W. ;  &.  15  April  1872 ;  s.  of  Rev.  Samuel 
Anderson,  Dunmurry,  Ireland ;  m.  1910,  Cicely 
Mary,  d.  of  Rev.  Otho  W.  Steele,  Lichfield, 
Staffs. ;  one  s.  Educ. :  St.  Columba's  College, 
Dublin;  Queen's  College,  Belfast.  Served 
South  African  War,  1899-1902  ;  European  War, 
1914-19  fC.M. G.);  retired,  1924. 

ANDERSON,  Ian,  O.B.E.  1946 ;  M.C. ;  b. 
23  Dec.  18VU  ;  er.  9.  of  late  T.  J.  Anderson, 
Elgin,  Morayshire ;  m.  1917,  Mona,  d.  of 
late  L1eut.-Col.  G,  C.  Daintry,  East  York- 
shire Begt. ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Highgate 
School.  Served  European  War,  Seaforth 
Highlanders,  1914-18  (wounded,  M.C.,  de- 
spatches); High  Sheriff  of  Surrey,  1942 
and  1948.  Member  of  King's  Body  Guard 
for  Scotland.  Director  of  Public  Companies. 
Address :  Old  Surrey  Hall.  Dormansland, 
Surrey.  Clubs :  Conservative ;  New  (Edin- 

ANDERSON,  Col.  James,  C.M.G.  1918; 
D.S.0. 1916;  D.L,,  J.P. ;  late  H.L.I.;  6.  1872; 
m.  1914,  Elsie  Mary,  d.  of  J.  E.  Corby, 
Rowley  Bank,  Arkley.  Served  European  War, 
1914-18  (wounded,  despatches  five  times,  D.S.O. 
and  2  bars,  O.M.G.).  Address:  The  Elms,  Milli- 
ken  Park.  Renfrewshire.  Club :  New  (Glasgow). 

ANDERSON,  Sir  James  Drummond, 
K.C.I.E.  or.  1944  (C.I.E.  1939) ;  late  I.C.S. ; 
b.  10  Aug.  1886  ;  s.  of  late  James  Drummond 
Anderson,  I.C.S.,  and  Frances  Louise  Cordue; 
m.  Jean,  d.  of  late  W.  C.  Macpherson,  C.S.I., 
I.C.S.,  Blairgowrie  ;  three  st  one  d.  Educ.  : 
St.  Paul's  School ;  Wadham  College,  Oxford. 
Passed  Civil  Service  examination,  1909 ; 
served  in  the  Panjab  as  Assistant  Com- 
missioner, Settlement  Officer,  Deputy  Com- 
missioner, Sessions  Judge,  Legal  Remem- 
brancer, and  Commissioner,  Additional 
Secretary  to  Govt.  of  India,  Defence  Dept., 
and  Officiating  Secretary  of  Legislative 
Dept.;  Financial  Commissioner,  Punjab, 
1941-46;  retd.,  1946.  Address:  16  North  Park 
Terrace,  Edinburgh.  T. :  Edinburgh  34451. 
See  also  G.  H,  G.  Anderson,  Bishop  of 

ANDERSON,  James  Edward,  C.B.E. 
1920 ;  M.I.Mech.JE. ;  retired  Superintendent  of 
Motive  Power,  London,  Midland  &  Scottish 
Railway;  b.  1871;  m.  1902,  Agnes  Meikle,  d. 
of  Andrew  Davidson,  Glasgow.  Past  President 
Institution  of  Locomotive  Engineers.  Address: 
Dunstaffnage,  Ayr  Boad,  Prestwick,  Ayrshire. 

ANDERSON,  James  S.,  M.A.,  M.B., 
Ch.B.,  M.D.,  D.P.H. ;  Medical  Superintendent, 
Grove  Hosp.  since  1935;  b.  S  Dec,  1891 ;  s.  of  Wm. 
Anderson  and  Annie  Carrie;  in.  1928,  Mary 
Stirk,  M.B.C.S.,  L.B.C.P. ;  ones,  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Robert  Gordon's  College,  Aberdeen ;  University 
of  Aberdeen.  House  Physician  and  House 
Surgeon,  Aberdeen  Royal  Infirmary ;  Resident 
Physician,  City  Hospital,  Aberdeen ;  Assistant 
Medical  Officer  of  Health,  Aberdeen;  Deputy 
Medical  Superintendent,  Monsall  Hospital, 
Manchester;  Medical  Superintendent,  City 
Hospitals,  Leeds;  Lecturer  in  Infectious 
Diseases,  University  of  Leeds  ;  war  service  4th 
Bn.  Gordon  Highlanders,  1914-16  ;  editor  Aber- 
deen University  Magazine.  Publications : 
articles  in  British  Medical  Journal,  Lancet, 
Journal  of  Pathology  and  Bacteriology,  Archives 
of  Disease  in  Childhood,  Public  Health  and 
Clinical  Journal.  Recreations :  golf,  fishing. 
Address:  Grove  Hospital,  Tooting  Graveney, 
S.W.17.  T. :  Balaam  4271. 

ANDERSON,  Sir  John,  1st  TU.,  cr. 
1920  ;  J.P. ;  b.  Glasgow,  8  May  1878  ;  *.  of 
late  Peter  Anderson,  J.P. ;  m.  1st,  Janet  Barr 
(d.  1940),  o.  d.  of  late  Alexander  Bilsland, 
J.P. ;  2nd,  1941,  Muriel  Stanley- Wiggins, 
Astra,  Shoreham-by-Sea,  Sussex.  Ediw.  : 
Allan  Glen*s  School  and  University,  Glasgow. 
Writer  and  lecturer  on  the  philosophy  of 
"  Thought "  as  a  vital  power  which  governs 
the  Jives  of  humanity.  Recreations :  music, 
art,  and  writing  poems.  Address  :  Astra  Lea, 
Crowborough^  Sussex.  T. :  Crowborough  556. 
Clubs:  Caledonian,  Royal  Automobile. 

ANDERSON,    Rt.    Hon.    Sir    John, 

P.C.  1938  (P.C.  Ire.  1920);  G.C.B.,  cr.  1923 
(K.C.B.,  cr.  1919;  C.B.  1918);  G.C.8.I.,  cr. 
1937;  G.C.I.E.,  cr.  1932;  F.R.8.  1945;  Chair- 
man, Port  of  London  Authority  since  1946 ;  6. 
8  July  1S82;  o.  *.  of  D.  A.  P.  Anderson 
of  Westland  House,  Eskbank,  Midlothian; 
m.  1st,  1907,  Christina  (d.  ]920),  8rd  d.  of 
late  Andrew  Mackenzie,  Edinburgh;  one  s. 
one  d. ;  2nd,  1941,  Ava,  d.  of  late  J.  E.  C. 
Bodley  and  widow  of  Ralph  Wigram,  C.M.G. 
Educ. :  George  Watson's  College,  Edinburgh  ; 
Edinburgh  and  Leipzig  Universities  (M.A., 
B.Se.);  Hon.  LL.D.  (Aberdeen,  Cambridge, 
St.  Andrews,  Edinburgh,  Liverpool,  Leeds, 
Sheffield,  London);  Hon.  D.Sc.  (McGill  and 
Reading)  ;  Hon.  Fellow,  Gonville  and  Caius 
Coll.,  Cam  bridge.  Entered  O.O.,  1905;  Sec.  N. 
Nigeria  Lands  Cttee.  1909 ;  Sec.  West  African 
Currency  Cttee.,  1911 ;  Prin.  Clerk  in  office  of 
Insurance  Commissioners,  1912 ;  Sec,  to  Insu- 
rance Commissioners,  1913;  Sec.  Ministry  of 
Shipping,  1917-19;  additional  Sec.  to  Local 
Government  Board,  April  1919 ;  Second  Secre- 
tary, Ministry  of  Health,  1919 ;  Chairman  of 
Board  of  Inland  Revenue,  1919-22 ;  joint  Under 
Sec.  to  Lord  Lieut,  of  Ireland,  1920 ;  Permanent 
Under-Secretary  of  State,  Home  Office,  1922-32 ; 
Governor  of  Bengal,  1932-37;  M.P.  (Nat) 
Scottish  Universities,  1938-50;  Lord  Privy 
Seal,  1938-39 ;  Home  Secretary  and  Minister  of 
Home  Security,  1939-40;  Lord  President  of 
the  Council,  1940  -  43  ;  Chancellor  of  the  Ex- 
chequer, 1943-45.  Grand  Officer  Legion  of 
Honour ;  Order  of  St.  Anne ;  Commander  of  the 
Crown  of  Italy.  Address:  4  Lord  North 
Street,  Westminster,  S.W.I.  Clubs:  Athen- 
cenm,  Brooks's. 

ANDERSON,  Col.  (Temp.  Brigadier) 
John  D'Arcy,  C.B.E.  1945 ;  D.S.O.  1940 ; 
b.  23  Sept.  1908 ;  8.  of  late  Maj.  R.  D'A. 
Anderson,  R.G.A.,  and  Mrs.  Anderson,  Bally- 
hossett,  Downpatrick,  Co.  Down;  m.  1937, 
Elizabeth,  d.  of  Augustus  M.  Walker,  g.v. 
Educ. :  Winchester  ;  New  College,  Oxford. 
2nd  Lt.  5th  Royal  Inniskilling  Dragoon 
Guards,  1930  ;  served  War  of  1939-45,  France, 
Middle  East  and  Italy  (wounded  twice, 
despatches  twice).  Recreations :  horses, 
painting.  Address:  Ballyhossett,  Down- 
Patrick,  Co.  Down,  N.  Ireland.  T. :  Ard- 
gla,ss  227  ;  33  Arkwright  Road,  Hampstead, 
N.W.3.  T.;  Hampstead  7559.  Club : 

ANDERSON,  John  George  Clark, 
M.A.,  Hon.  LL.D.  (Aberdeen);  Honorary 
Fellowof  LincolnCollege,  Oxford;  Memberof  the 
German  Archaeological  Institute ;  a  Vice-Presi- 
dent, Society  for  Promotion  of  Roman  Studies; 
6.  6  Dee.  1870;  s.  of  Rev.  Alexander  Ander- 
son, D.D.,  Edinkillie,  Morayshire.  Educ, : 
Aberdeen  University ;  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 
Craven  Fellow,  1896 ;  Fellow  of  Lincoln  Col- 
lege, Oxford,  1897-1900;  travelled  widely  in 
Asia  Minor  for  arehseological  purposes,  1896- 
1900,  1912  ;  Senior  Student  and  Tutor  of  Christ 
Church,  1900-27;  Junior  Censor,  1907-8 ;  Senior 
Censor,  1908-11 ;  Conington  Prize,  1908 ;  Univer- 
sity Lecturer  in  Roman  Epigraphy  (appointed 
1914),  1919-27;  Reader  in  Roman  Epigraphy, 
1927 ;  Camden  Professor  of  Ancient  History  In 
the  University  of  Oxford  and  Fellow  of  Brase- 
nose  College,  1927-36.  Publications :  Numerous 
papers  in  Journal  of  Hellenic  Studies,  Journal 
of  Roman  Studies,  other  learned  periodicals ; 
contributions  to  Studies  in  the  Eastern  Roman 
Provinces,  1906,  Anatolian  Studies  pres.  to 
Ramsay,  1923,  and  to  Buckler,  1930 ;  Map 
of  Ancient  Asia  Minor,  1903;  The  Students' 
Gibbon,  Pt.  II.  (A.D.  565-1481),  1901  and  1911 ; 
Studia  Pontica,  jointly  with  F.  Cumont,  since 
1903;  The  Agricola  of  Tacitus,  1922  (2nd 
impression,  with  corrections,  1929) ;  con- 
tributions to  Carabr.  Anc.  Hist.  Vol.  X,  1934 ; 
The  Germania  of  Tacitus,  1938.  Recreations: 
golfing,  gardening,  motoring.  Address:  25 
Chnrlhnrv  Road,  Oxford.  T. :  Oxford  f^Ofl. 

ANDERSON,    John    HubbacK, 

C.M.G.,   1919;    C,B,E.    19}8  j    E.D.;  M.D. ; 

WHO'S  WHO    1951 


F.R^,C.P.;  J.P.;  Physician,  Ruthin  Castle  ; 
b.  Tirana,  N.S.W.,  20  Aug.  1883;  s.  of 
late  Dr.  J.  F.  Anderson,  Maloa,  Woodend, 
victoria ;  m.  1919,  Ruby  Clare  (d.  1937),  2nd  d. 
of  late  H.  C.,Moffatt,  of  Goodrich  Court,  Ross, 
and  Hamptworth  Lodge,  Salisbury ;  one  s.  one 
a.  Educ.:  Longford  Gram.  Sch.,  Tasmania- 
Ormond  Coll.,  Dniv.  of  Melbourne.  M.B.,  B.S. 
1908;  M.D.  1910;  Senior  Demonstrator  in  Ana- 
tomy, Univ.  of  Melbourne,  1909-11  and  1920-23; 
Hon.  Out-Patient  Physician,  St.  Vincent's 
Hospital,  Melbourne,  1911 ;  in  private  practice 
Benalla,  Victoria,  1914 ;  enlisted  A.I.F.  Sept. 
1914;  served  Gallipoli, Egypt,  France,  in  various 
positions  (despatches  twice).  Colonel  A.  A.M.  C. 
and  A.D.G.M.S.,  Australian  Army  Staff,  Lon- 
don, 1940-46.  Publications :  various  papers  to 
scientific  journals.  Recreation:  gardening.  Ad- 
dress:  Bryncelyn,  Ruthin,  North  Wales.  T.  : 
Ruthin  77.  Club:  Naval  and  Military. 

ANDERSON,  Major  Joseph  Ring- 
land,  M.C.  1919;  attached  R.A.A.F.  Hqrs., 
1941;  Consulting  Ophthalmic  Surgeon,  Alfred 
Hospital,  Melbourne,  Australia;  b.  Lilydale, 
Victoria,  29  Oct.  1894;  s.  of  Rev.  J.  R. 
Anderson,  M.A.,  Mont  Albert,  Victoria: 
m.  1919  Mary,  e.  d.  of  R.  B.  McComas,  29  Mary 
Street,  Hawthorn,  and  Commonwealth  Bank 
Board;  two  d.  Educ.  :  Scotch  College,  Mel- 
bourne;  University  of  Melbourne,  M.B.,  B.S. 
1916.  Enlisted  A.I.F.  Jan.  1917;  served  France 
R.M.O.  45th  Bn.;  acting  Sqd.-Ldr.  R.A.A.F., 
1940-46,  attached  Hqrs.;  post-graduate  study, 
Edinburgh  and  London,  1919-21 ;  F.R.C.S.  Edin- 
burgh, 1919;  D.O.M.S.  London,  1921 ;  F.R.C.S. 
Australasia,  1929;  M.D.  Melbourne,  1934. 
Publications:  Detachment  of  Retina,  1931; 
Anterior  Dialysis  of  the  Retina;  Congenital 
Glaucoma  or  Hydrophthalmia ;  Ocular  Vertical 
Deviations ;  various  papers  in  scientific  jour- 
nals. Recreation:  golf.  Address :  108  Collins 
Street,  Melbourne,  C.I,  Victoria,  Australia. 
T.:  Central  2699.  Clubs:  Melbourne,  Naval 
and  Military  (Melbourne) ;  Peninsula  Country 
Golf  (FrankstiOTi). 

ANDERSON,  Judith  (Frances 
Margaret  Anderson) ;  Actres* ;  6. 
Adelaide,  S.  Australia,  10  Feb.  1898 ;  d.  of 
James  Anderson  Anderson  and  Jessie  Salt- 
marsh  ;  m.  1937,  Prof.  B.  H.  Lehman 
(divorced  1939) ;  m.  1946,  Luther  Greene. 
Educ. :  Norwood  High  School,  S.  Australia. 
Started  Theatre  with  Julius  Knight ;  toured 
Australia  and  America,  1918  ;  has  played  in  : 
The  Dove,  1925  ;  Behold  the  Bridegroom, 
1927  ;  Strange  Interlude,  1930  ;  Mourning 
becomes  Electra,  1931 ;  Come  of  Age,  1934 
The  Old  Maid,  1935  ;  Hamlet,  1936  ;  Mac- 
beth (London),  1937  ;  Family  Portrait,  1939  ; 
Three  Sisters,  1942  ;  Medea,  New  York,  1947- 
1948.  Toured  America,  Medea,  1948-49. 
Films  :  Rebecca,  Edge  of  Darkness,  Laura, 
King's  Row,  Spectre  of  the  Rose,  The  Red 
House,  Pursued,  Tycoon.  Recreation:  gar- 
dening. Address  :  Famous  Artists  Corpora- 
tion, Calif.  Bank  Bids.,  Beverly  Hills,  Calif. 

ANDERSON,  General  Sir  Ken- 
neth Arthur  Noel,  K.C.B.,  cr.  ls>4-< 
(C.B.  1940) ;  M.C. ;  Governor  and  Commander- 
in-Chief,  Gibraltar,  since  1947 ;  b.  25  Dec. 
1891 ;  m.  1918,  Kathleen  Lorna  Mary,  d.  of 
late  Sir  Reginald  Gamble;  one  d.  (one  s. 
killed  in  action,  Malaya,  1949).  Educ.: 
Charterhouse;  JR.M.C.,  Sandhurst.  2nd 
Lieut.  Seaforth  Highlanders,  1911;  Capt. 
1915  ;  Major,  1923  ;  Bt.  Lt.-Col.  and  Lt.-Col. 
1930  ;  Col.  1934  ;  Maj.-Gen.  1940  ;  Lt.-Gen. 
1943;  General  1949;  Staff  Coll.,  1926-28;  O.C. 
British  Troops,  Palestine,  1930-32 ;  11  Inf. 
Bde.,  1938-40;  served  European  War,  1914-18 
(wounded,  M.C.) ;  N.W.  Frontier  of  India, 
1930-31  (despatches)  4  War  of  1939-45  (de- 
spatches, C.B.,  K.C.B.) ;  Comd.  11  Inf.  Bde. 
in  France  and  Flanders ;  3  Div.  Dunkirk ; 
1  Div.  8  Corps,  2  Corps,  1st  Army  Aug.  1942 
throughout  North  African  campaign  to 
victorious  end  in  May  1943 ;  2nd  Army  in 
U.K.,  June  1943- Jan.  1944;  Eastern  Com- 
mand Jan.-Dec.  1944;  G.O.C.-in-C.  East 
Africa  Command,  Jan.  1945 -Oct.  1946; 

Chief  Commander  U.S.  Legion  of  Merit; 
Commander  French  Legion  of  Honour ;  Croix 
de  Guerre  with  palm ;  Grand  Cordon  Moroc- 
can Ouissam  Alaouite ;  Grand  Cordon  Tu- 
nisian Nisham  Iftikar ;  Grand  Cordon  Star 
of  Ethiopia.  Address:  The  Convent,  Gib- 
raltar; Dun  Eaglais,  Kippen,  Stirlingshire. 
Club  :  Army  and  Navy. 

ANDERSON,  Kitty,  B.A.  Lond.;  Ph.D. 
Loud. ;  Head  Mistiess,  North  London  Col- 
legiate School,  since  J944  ;  b.  4  July  1903  ; 
a.  of  J.  H.  Anderson,  F.C.A.,  and  L  Anderson 
Educ. :  High  School  for  Girls,  Saltburn-bv- 
the-Sea  ;  Koyal  Holloway  College,  Univ.  of 
London.  Head  Mistress  Kings  Norton  Girls' 
Grammar  School,  Birmingham,  1939-44. 
Address:  North  London  Collegiate  School, 
Canons.  Edgware,  Middlesex. 

ANDERSON,  Maxwell,  Playwright;  I  15 
Dec.  1888;  s.  of  William  Lincoln  Anderson 
and  Premily  Stephenson  ;  m.  1st,  1911,  Margaret 
Haskett  (d.  1931);  2nd,  1933,  Gertrude 
Maynard  ;  three  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Univ.  of 
North  Dakota  (B.A.) ;  Stanford  University 
(M.A.).  Plays  produced  in  New  York  City: 
White  Desert,  What  Price  Glory?  (Collab.), 
Outside  Looking  In,  The  Buccaneer  (Collab.), 
First  Flight  (Collab.),  Saturday's  Children, 
Gods  of  the  Lightning  (Collab,),  Gypsy,  Eliza- 
beth the  Queen,  Night  Over  Taos,  Both  Your 
Houses  (Pulitzer  Prize  Play),  Mary  of  Scotland, 
Valley  Forge,  Winterset  (Critics'  Prize  Play), 
The  Wingless  Victory,  High  Tor  (Critics'  Prize 
Play),  The  Masque  of  Kings,  The  Star- Wagon, 
Knickerbocker  Holiday,  Key  Largo,  Journey 
to  Jerusalem,  The  Eve  of  St.  Mark ;  Storm 
Operation ;  Truckline  Cafe  ;  Joan  of  Lorraine ; 
Anne  of  the  Thousand  Days ;  Lost  in  the  Stars ; 
One  Act  Plays:  The  Feast  of  Ortolans,  Second 
Overture,  M  -^cle  of  the  Danube.  Poms :  You 
Who  Have  Dreams.  Books  of  Essays:  The  Essence 
of  Tragedy;  Off  Broadway.  Address:  New 
City,  New  York.  Club :  Century  (New  York). 

ANDERSON,  Captain  Sir  Maxwell 
Hendry  Maxwell-,  Kt.,  cr.  1934;  C.B.E. 
1919  (O.B.B.  1918);  E.G.;  Royal  Navy  (retired) ; 
"b.  1879 ;  e.  s.  of  late  Rev.  J.  H.  Anderson, 
Rector  of  Tooting  ;  m.  1913,  Mildred  (d.  1945), 
e,  d.  of  late  Rev.  I.  H.  Jones,  Rector  of  Nevern, 
Pembroke;  one  d.  Educ.:  privately;  H.M.S. 
Britannia.  Various  commissions  abroad; 
while  Navigating  Officer  of  Flora  thanked  by 
Admiralty  for  valuable  series  of  Magnetic  Ob- 
servations in  Pacific  Ocean:  Younger  Brother 
Trinity-House,  1910 ;  called  to  Bar,  1909 ;  re- 
tired from  R.N.  to  practise  at  Bar,  1912 ;  rejoined 
R.N.  on  outbreak  of  war ;  served  in  Trade  Divi- 
sion A.W.S.  for  special  service  at  Admiralty; 
Councillor  for  Tooting,  Wandsworth  Boro' 
Council,  1913-18 ;  Government  Member  Central 
Unemployed  Body  for  London,  1914;  retired 
Captain,  April  1919;  Liberal  Candidate  for  Par- 
liament, Balham,  Tooting,  Dec.  1918 ;  Attorney- 
General  of  Gibraltar,  1919-29 ;  Chief  Justice 
of  the  Supreme  Court  of  Fyi  and  Judicial 
Commissioner  for  the  Western  Pacific,  1929-36, 
Publications:  Elements  of  Pilotage  and  Navi- 
gation, 1908-16;  the  Navy  and  Prize,  1916; 
various  articles  on  Prize  and  kindred  matters. 
Clubs:  United  Service  ;  Union  (Malta). 
See  oZso  Vrmdr.  G.  M.  Temple. 

ANDERSON,  Lt.-Col.  Sir  Neville,  Kt.,  cr. 
1947;  C.B.B.  1923;  Referee  under  section 
42  Finance  (N.2)  Act,  1945,  since  1950 ;  b.  11 
Jan.  1881 ;  *.  of  late  W.  M.  Anderson  of 
Burghfield,  Oxted,  Surrey ;  m.  1906,  Dorothy 
(d.  1930),  d.  of  late  R.  Rowell,  Oxford ;  one  s. 
Educ.:  Rugby;  Oriel  College,  Oxford. 
Called  to  Bar,  1903 ;  Midland  Circuit ;  2nd 
Lt.  London  Rifle  Brigade,  1914;  Prance, 
1916-19 ;  D.A.A.G.  1st  Army  Headquarters ; 
M.B.B.  1917;  O.B.E.  1918;  despatches 
thrice ;  seconded  for  special  service  in  Ireland 
with  rank  of  Lt.-Col.  1920 ;  Ireland,  1920-22 ; 
gazetted  out  of  Army  with  rank  of  Lt.^Cbl.  A 
Special  Commissioner  of  Income  Tax,  1919- 
1950 ;  Presiding  Special  Commr,  of  Income 
Tax,  1946-50;  -retired,  1950.  Addres*: 
4  Ralston  Street,  Chelsea,  S.W.8.  21.: 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Flaxman  2365.  Clubs:  Brooks's;  Royal  St. 
George's  Golf  (Sandwich). 

See  also  Col.  R.  N.  Anderson. 
ANDERSON,    Venerable    Nicol    Keith; 

Archdeacon  of  Kingston-upon-Thames  since 
1946;  Secretary,  South  London  Church 
Fund  and  Southwark  Diocesan  Board  of 
Finance;  b.  10  Jiine  1882;  *.  of  William 
Richard  and  Edith  Anderson;  m.  1913, 
Kathleen  Irene  Dumn  ;  one  s.  (and  one  killed 
on  active  service).  Educ.:  Marlborough  ; 
Oriel  College,  Oxford  (Exhibitioner).  Assist- 
ant Curate,  St.  Pancras  Parish  Church, 
1908-11:  Chaplain,  Indian  Ecclesiastical 
Establishment,  Rangoon,  1911-34;  Arch- 
deacon of  Rangoon,  1930  (resigned,  1934)  ; 
Canon  Residentiary,  Southwark  Cathedral, 
1937-50  ;  Silver  Jubilee  Medal,  1935.  Ad* 
dress.-  Mary  wood,  Copt  Hill  Lane,  Kings- 
wood,  Surrey.  T.:  Burgh  Heath  1103; 
41  Whitehall,  S.W.I.  T.:  Whitehall  7051. 
Club:  Royal  Empire  Society. 

ANDERSON,  Colonel  Patrick  Camp- 
bell, D.S.O.  1918  ;  M.C,  ;  late  Seaforth  High- 
landers ;  Director  M.  Samuel  and  Co.  Ltd., 
Shell  House,  Bishopsgate;  6.  Nov.  1894;  m. 
1919,  Gladys  Erica  o.  d.  of  Sir  H.  B.  Abdy 
4th  Bt.  Educ.:  Harrow  School;  E.M.C., 
Sandhurst.  Served  European  War,  1914-18 
(despatches,  D.S.O.,  M.C.  and  bar).  Club  : 
ATTTTV  and  Naw. 

ANDERSON,  Peter  Corsar,  O.B.E.  1947; 
M.  A.,  J.P.  ;  Prin.  of  Scotch  Coll.  Swanbourne, 
W.  Australia,  1904-45  ;  b,  16  Feb.  1871  ;  s.  of  M. 
L.  Anderson.  M.A.,  D.D.,  and  Jane  Oorsar  ;  m. 
Agnes  Henrietta  Macartney  ;  six  s.  six  d. 
Edu&:  Madras  College,  8t.  Andrews,  St. 
Andrews  University.  M.A.  St.  Andrews,  1893  ; 
won  Amateur  Golf  Championship  at  Prestwick, 
1893  ;  Licentiate  of  Church  of  Scotland,  1895  ; 
Kaster  at  Geelong  Grammar  School,  1898  ; 
Silver  Jubilee  medal  1935  ;  Coronation  medal 
1987.  BAweations:  bowls,  golf,  shootingi  Ad- 
dress: 33  Cougdon  Street,  Swanbournf,  W. 
Australia.  Club  :  Oottesloe  Golf. 

ANDERSON,  Colonel  Richard  Neville, 
C<B.E.  1949  ;  D.S.O.  and  Bar,  1944  ;  Regular 
Army  Officer  ;  b.  28  April  1907  ;  s,  of  Colonel 
Sir  Neville  Anderson,  q.v,:  m,  1942,  Dorrie 
Norah  Wybergh  ;  two  s.  Educ.  :  Tonbridge  ; 
U.M.C,  Sandhurst.  Served  Palestine,  1988- 
1939;  War  of  1939-45;  Italy  campaign, 
1944-45;  Palestine,  1946-48.  Recreation: 
golf.  Address  :  c/o  Lloyds  Bank,  6  Pall  Mall, 
S.W.I.  Club:  Brooks'B, 

ANDERSON,  Robert,  C.M.G.  1903: 
M.Inst.C.E,  ;  b.  29  Nov.  1858  ;  s.  of  late  David 
Anderson  of  Mount  Pleasant,  Gambuslang,  Scot- 
land; m.  1st,  1884,  Susan  (d.  1915),  d.  of  late 
Donald  McNicol,  Loch  Awe  ;  2nd,  1920,  Grace, 
d,  of  Lewis  Macdonald,  Gilshoehill,  Glasgow. 
%duc.  :  Glasgow.  First  Resident  Engineer  on 
Bailways  in  Scotland  ;  then  went  to  Mexico 
and  Venezuela,  thence  to  Uganda,  1895  ; 
Superintending  Engineer  Uganda  (Govern- 
ment) Railway*,  1898-1901;  Deputy  Chief 
Engineer.  1901-3  ;  Chief  Engineer,  1903-4. 

ANDERSON,  Roger  Charles,  Litt.D., 
F.S.A.,  RR.Hist.Soc.,  F.R.G.S.t:  Trustee 
National  Maritime  Museum  ;  b.  28  July  1883  ; 
o.  c.  of  John  Rodgerson  Anderson,  and  Edith,  d. 
of  Edward  Tayloe  ;  fti.  1916,  Romola  Urctuhart, 
d.  of  Robert  Fowler  Mackenzie  ;  no  -  c. 
Educ.:  Winchester  ;  Clare  College,  Cambridge. 
R.N.V.R.  as  Midshipman  and  Sub-Lieut.,  1905- 
1911  ;  Lieut.'  and  Lieut.  Comdr.  1914-19  ;  Hon. 
Ed.  The  Mariner's  ,  Mirror  (Soc.  for  Nautical 
Research),  1914,  1919,22,  1931-82,  and  1989-46  : 
Joint  Hon.  Gen.  Ed.  Southampton  Record 
Society,  1930-39*  Publications:  Naval  -Wars  in 
thei  Baltic,  19TO?  Canoeingand  Camping  Adven- 
tures, 1910  ;  The  Naval  Pocket  Book,  1912-15  ; 
,  TJhei  SaHing  Ship  (with  R.  XL  Anderson),  1926  ; 
^he  ,  Rigging  of  Ships  (1600-1720),  1927,  For 

>  Southampton  Record  Society  :  Letters  of  15th 
/and  16th'  Centuries,  1921-22;  Assize  of  Bread 

diBook,   1928,  ;    Book   of  Examinati6nS,    19$6  ; 

;ti}xaminations  and  Depositions,  1931-36.    For 

1  .Navy.  Records  Society:  Journal  of  the  Earl  of 

Sandwich,  1929;  Journals  of  Thomas  Allin, 
1939-40  ;  Journals  and  Narratives  of  the  Third 
Dutch  War,  1946.  For  Society  for  Nautical 
Research  :  A  Treatise  on  Rigging  (1(525),  1921  ; 
Lists  of  English  Men-of-War  (1649-1702),  1935. 
Recreations:  Small-boat  cruising,  Ship-model 
building  and  rigging.  Address:  32  Dartmouth 
Row,  S.E.10.  Clubs:  Royal  Canoe,  Royal 
(>r>  i  sin  sr. 

ANDERSON,  Rudolph  Martin  ;  Zoologist; 
Hon1.  Curator  in  Mammalogy,  National  Museum 
of  Canada  since  1946;  b.  Winneshiek  County, 
Iowa,  80  June  1876  ;  e.  s.  of  John  E.  and 
Martha  Ann  Johnson  Anderson;  m.  1913, 
M.  B.  Allstrand,  B.A.,  M.A.  ;  three  d. 
Educ.  :  Public  and  High  Schools  ;  State  Uni- 
versity of  Iowa.  Ph.B.  1903,  Ph.D.  1900.  U.S. 
Volunteer  Army  (infantry)  for  duration  of 
Spanish-  American  War,  1898;  Assistant  in 
Zoology,  Museum  of  Natural  History,  University 
of  Iowa,  1902-6;  National  Guard,  Iowa, 
Militia,  1900-6,  instructor  and  assistant  com- 
mandant Blees  Military  Academy,  and  captain 
National  Guard  of  Missouri,  1906-8  ;  explorer, 
field  agent  and  assistant  in  mammalogy, 
Amer.  Museum  of  Natural  History,  N.Y.  City, 
1908-13,  explorations  for  Museum  in  N.W. 
Territories,  Canada,  and  Alaska,  1908-12,  for 
Geol.  Surv.  of  Can.,  1913-16  (zoologist,  1913- 
1920)  ;  Chief  Div.  of  Biology,  Nat.  Museum 
of  Canada  and  Consulting  Zoologist,  Lands, 
Parks  and  -Forests  Branch,  Department 
of  Mines  and  Resources,  Ottawa,  1920-46; 
Chief  of  Southern  Party  of  the  Canadian 
Arctic  Expedition,  1913-16,  and  general  editor 
of  the  Government  scientific  reports  of  the 
expedition,  1919-48  ;  Chairman  Library  Com- 
mittee, Bureau  of  Geology  and  Topography  and 
National  Museum  of  Canada,  1920-46;  Naturalist 
of  Canadian  Arctic  Expedition  of  1928  (Green- 
land and  Eastern  Arctic)  ;  field  work  in  every 
Province  .and  Territory  of  Canada  ;  Member  of 
Advisory  Board  on  Wild  Life  Protection, 
Canada,  1917-46;  Associate  editor  In  Zoology, 
1918-26,Canadian  Field-Natitralist,  Mammalogy, 
1927-  ;  M.A.O.U.,  1917-  ;  Biological  Soc.  of 
Washington,  1919-;  Cooper  Ornithological 
Club  of  California,  1916-;  Pacific  North- 
west Bird  and  Mammal  Soc.;  Member 
(charter)  American  Soc.  'of  Mammalogiats, 
1919,  Member  Board  of  Directors,  1919-40, 
1944-46  ;  Vice-Pres.  1946  ;  Hon.  (life)  Member, 
1947-  ;  Member  of  American  Society  of  Ichthy- 
ologists and  Herpetologists,  1937,  Member 
Board  of  Governors,  1988-  :  Member  Wildlife 
Society,  1937-  ;  F.R.S.O.,  1939;  Correspond- 
ing Member  Zoological  Society  of  London, 
1939,  and  of  Societe"  Provancher  d'Hfstoire 
Naturelle  du  Canada,  Quebec,  1940;  Mason, 
Ancient  Free  and  Accepted  Masons,  1904-, 
Royal  Arch  Mason,  1908-  .  Publica- 
tions: Birds  of  Iowa,  1907;  Report  on  the 
Natural  History  Collections  of  the  1908-12 
Arctic  Expedition,  1918  :  Recent  Explorations 
on  the  Canadian  Arctic  Coast,  1917;  Methods 
of  collecting  and  preserving  vertebrate  ani- 
mals, Nat.  Mus,  Canada,  Bull.  69,  Biol.  Ser.  18, 
1932,  2nd  revised  ed.,  1948;  Mammals  of 
Quebec,  1940;  Catalogue  Canadian  Recent 
Mammals,  National  Museum  of  Canada, 
Bull.  No.  102,  Biol.  Ser.  81,  1946  (issued 
1947);  asst.  ed.  names  of  fur  and  fur-bearing 
animals  Webster's  Internat.  Diet.  ;  contribu- 
tions to  Encyclopaedia  Britannica  and  many 
scientific  journals.  Recreations  :  Arctic  re- 
search, natural  history.  Address:  National 
Museum  of  Canada,  Ottawa,  Canada'  ;  58  Gov- 

.  .  , 

ANDERSON,    Maj.-Gen.  Samuel  E.  ; 

Director,  Plans  and  Operations,  United  States 
Air  Force;  6.6  Jan.  1906,;  *.  of  Wajter  Basel 
Anderson  and  Martha  Jane  Dick  ;  m.  1  928, 
Frances  Marjbrie  Adams  ;  one  d.  Educ.  : 
United  States  Military  Academy.  Bfos  served 
in  U.S.  Army  Air  Forces  since,  1928  in  all 
grades  from  2nd  Lib.  1;o  MaJ,-Gen.  Duty  with 
War  Dept.  General  Staff,  1942-43.  Com- 
manding General,  IX  U.S.  B6mbef  Command, 
1-943-45.  Recreations  :  golfing,  fishing,  shoot- 
ing1. Address:  fc/o  Adjutant-  General,  United 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

States  Air  Force,  Washington  25.  B.C.  Club  : 
Army  and  Navy  (Washington,  B.C.). 

ANDERSON,  Stanley,  R.A.  1941 
(A.R.A.  1934);  R.E.;  6.  11  May  1884;  m. 
1910,  Lilian  Pnelps,  London  ;  two  s.  Educ, ; 
Merchant  Venturers  Technical  College,  and 
Municipal  School  of  Art,  Bristol ;  Roy.  Coll.  of 
Art,  and  Goldsmith's  Coll.  of  Art,  London. 
Much  against  his  will,  apprenticed  to  father's 
business  as  a  heraldic  engraver  at  the  age 
of  15 ;  not  able  to  take  up  art  seriously  until 
1909;  won  The  British  Institution  Etching 
Scholarship  and  came  to  London,  1909. 
Has  exhibited  paintings  and  line  engrav- 
ings at  the  principal  galleries  in  England 
and  Scotland,  including  the  International 
Society,  National  Portrait  Society,  Vienna, 
Hamburg,  and  Dresden,  and  has  held  shows  in 
U.S.A.;  works  acquired  by  Print  Boom,  British 
Museum,  Victoria  and  Albert  Museum,  National 
Portrait  Gallery,  Bradford  Art  Gallery,  Bristol 
Art  Gallery,  National  Gallery  Australia,  Cali- 
fornia State  Library,  Southport  Art  Gallery, 
Manchester  Art  Gallery,  Pitzwilliam  Museum, 
Cambridge,  the  Art  Galleries  of  Hereford, 
Rochdale,  Bradford,  Exeter,  Cheltenham, 
Sheffield,  etc.,  Chicago  Art  Institute,  and 
Prague  Museum,  Adelaide,  Birmingham,  and 
Sydney  Art  Galleries,  Museum  of  Modern  Art, 
Venice,  chief  Art  Galleries  in  the  U.S.A.  and 
National  Museum,  Stockholm ;  chosen  by  the 
British  Council  as  sole  representative  of  British 
Line  Engraving  and  dry  point  at  Venice  Bi- 
ennial International  Art  Exhibition,  1938 ; 
retrospective  exhibition  of  his  prints  and 
drawings  at  Cheltenham  Art  Gallery,  1949; 
twice  winner  of  The  International  medal  and 
first  prize,  Chicago  Soc.  of  Etchers  Inter- 
national  Exhibition,  1931  and  1934 ;  winner 
of  Silver  Medal,  Los  Angeles  International 
Exhibition,  1932,  awards  at  the  National  Aca- 
demy, U.S.A.,  1946.  Elected  to  the  Engraving 
faculty,  British  Prix  de  Rome,  1980.  Re- 
creations: lawn  tennis  and  billiards.  Address : 
Old  Timbers,  Towersey,  nr.  Thame,  Oxon. 
£7o/J>:  Arts. 

ANDERSON,1!  Brig.-General  Stuart 
Milligan,  D.S.O.  191T;  late  R.A. ;  a  Director 
The  Exchange  Telegraph  Co.,  Ltd. ;  &.  1879  ;  m. 
1914,  Alexandra  Helen  Ganesco,  Bucharest;  one 
s.  one  d.  Served  South  African  War ,  European 
War,  1914-19  (D.S.O.,  Legion  of  Honour,  Ameri- 
can D.S.M.).  Addres&.  Harry  Warren  House, 
Stndland,  "Dorset. 

ANDERSON,  Thomas  Alexander 
Harvie,  C.B.  1917 ;  T.D. ;  o.  s.  of  late  Harvie 
Anderson  of  Quarter  and  Shirgarton,  Stirling- 
shire; m.  Nessie  Wilson  (<U938),d,  of  late  Sir  John 
Shearer,  D,  L.Glasgow;  one  d.  ISduc. :  Glasgow 
Academy  and  University.  M.A.,  B.L.,  LL.B. ; 
Solicitor  and  Partner  of  firm  of  Anderson,  Fyfe, 
Littlejohn  &  Co.,  solicitors,  Glasgow ;  formerly 
Secretary  Glasgow  Territorial  Army  Associa- 
tion ;  late  Hon.  Col.  The  Glasgow  Highlanders 
Highland  Light  Infantry;  Sec.  and  Treas. 
Princess  Louise  Hospital  for  Limbless  Sailors 
and  Soldiers,  Erskine  ;  D.L.,  J.P.  City  of  Glas- 
gow. Art  dress:  Quarter,  by  Denny.  StirliTijrs'hiT'A 

ANDERSON,  Gol.  Thomas  G.  G. ; 
see  Gaver- Anderson. 

ANDERSON,  Brig.  Thomas  Stephen 
James,  C.B.E.  1946  (O.B.E.  1944) ;  M\A. ; 

•  Director  of  Studies,  Royal  Militaty  Academy, 
Sandhurst,  since  1948  •  6.  Dublin,  3  Nov. 
1909 ;  2nd  *.  of  late  feev.  Wm.  Anderson, 
M.A. ;  m.  1938,  Elizabeth  Johnston,  yr,  d.  of 
Wm.  Balrd,  Lurgan,  N.  Ireland;  two  s. 
Bdu6.:  Mountjoy  School,  Dublin;  Trinity 
Coll.,  Dublin.  Asst.  Master,  Stamford  School, 
1633-39  ;  Teacher  of  Mathematics,  Stamford 
Technical  School,  1933-39  ;  embodied  Royal 
Lincolnshire  Regt.  T.A.,  Aug.  1939  ;  B.E.F. 
France,  Mar-June  1940 ;  M.E.F.,  Oct.  1942- 
March  1946  (O.B.B.).  External  Registrar, 
University  of  London,  1946-48.  Univer- 
sity of  London's  Representative  on  Governing 
Body  of  St.  Albans  School,  and  Trustees  of 
Kentish's  Educational  Foundation.  Recrea~ 
tions:  golf,  swimming.  AtMr&t:  OalrGr6ve 

House,     R.M.A.,     Sandhurst,     Camberley, 
Surrey.    T.:  Cainberley  1661. 
ANDERSON,    Major  -  Gen.    Thomas 

Victor,  D.S.O.  1918-;  p.s.c,  1920;  b.  Ottawa, 
4  July  1881 ;  s.  of  late  Colonel  William  P. 
Anderson,  C.M.G. ;  m.  1910,  Elizabeth  Grace, 
2nd  d.  of  late  Colonel  W.  D.  Gordon,  Kings- 
ton, Canada  ;  three  d.  Educ.  .•  Royal  Mili- 
tary College,  Canada;  McGill  University. 
Graduated  with  Honours  from  R.M.C.  Canada, 
1900 ;  McGill,  1901  (B.Se.) ;  Instructor  in  Civil 
Engineering,  R.M.C..  Canada,  1902  -  6 ;  entered 
Canadian  Permanent  Force  (Royal  Canadian 
Engineers),  1905 ;  in  charge  of  Military  Survey 
of  Canada,  1910-14 ;  served  European  War  in 
France,  Feb.  1915 -April  1917;  C.R.B.  3rd 
Canadian  Div.,  1916-17 ;  Commandant,  Canadian 
Engineers'  Training  Centre,  England,  1917-19 ; 
(severely  wounded,  D.S.O.,  Russian  Order  of 
St.  Anne,  2nd  class,  with  swords,  despatches 
four  times,  1914-15  Star,  British  War  Medal  and 
Victory  Medal,  Canadian  Volunteer  Service 
Medal,  War  Medal,  1939-45);  G.S.O.,  B.M-.C., 
Kingston,  1921-25;  Director  Military  Training 
and  Staff  Duties  at  National  Defence  Head- 
quarters, Canada,  1925-29 ;  District  Officer  Com- 
manding Military  District  No.  10,  Winnipeg, 
1929-33;  Comdg.  Military  District  No.  2,  Canada, 
1933-35 ;  Quarter  Master  General,  Canada,  1935- 
1938  ;  Chief  of  General  Staff,  Canada,  1938-40 ; 
Inspector -General  Central  Canada,  1940-42. 
Address:  34  Bussell  Hill  Rd., Toronto,  Ontario, 

ANDERSON,  William,  M.A.;  Professor  of 
Philosophy,  Auckland  University  College,  since 
1921 ;  6.  Kirkmaiden,  Scotland,  21  Dec.  1889  ;  s. 
of  Alexander  Anderson,  M.A. ;  m.  1919,  Mar- 
garet W.  Summers ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. : 
Hamilton  Academy;  Glasgow  ITniver.  (Scholar), 
Graduate  with  Honours  (1st  Class)  in  Philo- 
sophy, 1911 ;  Lecturer  in  Logic,  Glasgow,  1912- 
1920.  Served  European  War,  191 M8;  Tem- 
porary Assistant  to  Professor  of  Moral  Philo- 
sophy, Glasgow,  1919;  President,  Australian 
Association  of  Psychology  and  Philosophy, 
1930.  Publications:  articles  and  reviews. 
Recreations:  golf,  walking.  Address:  I  Grand 
Vi>\c  Road.  RATnnera,  Auckland.  N.Z. 

ANDERSON,  William  Alexander,  C.I.E. 
1946  ;  A.M.I.C.E. ;  M.I.Struct.B. ;  Retired  ; 
b.  Forfar,  Scotland,  29  Jan.  1890  ;  *.  of  late 
W.  Anderson,  O.B.E.,  J.P.,  Aberdeen;  m. 
1917,  Margaret  Grace  Dalley  ;  one  *.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Robert  Gordon's  College  ;  Aberdeen 
University,  Asst.  Engineer,  Indian  State 
Rlys.,  1913,  posted  N.W.  Rly. :  Executive 
Rank,  1920;  Administrative  Rank,  1938; 
General  Manager,  N.W.  Rly.,  1944-46; 
retired  finally,  from  the  Railway  service, 
1948.  Served  European  War,  1914-18,  with 
S.  "Waziristan  F.F.,  in  the  field,  1917. 
O.St..T.  Publications:  various  technical 
papers  and  articles.  Recreations;  gardening; 
organ.  Address:  High  House,  Selsey, 
Sussex.  T.:  Selsey  86. 

ANDERSON,  Major- Gen.  'William 
Beaumont,  C.M.G.  1919;  D.S.O.  1917;  O.St.J. 
1945;  b.  Ottawa,  9  Sept.  1877:  s.  of  late  Col. 
Wm.  P.  Anderson,  C.M.G.,  V.D. ;  w»  1903, 
Lois  Winnifred  Taylor;  one  s~  Educ.:  Royal 
Military  College,  Kingston;  McGill  Univ.  Mon- 
treal. First  Commission  in  R.G.E.;  Captain, 
1905;  Intelligence  Staff  Officer,  1908-6;  Assis- 
tant Director  of  Surveys  at  Militia  Head- 
quarters Ottawa.  1906-8 :  Staff  College,  Cam- 
berley, 1909-10 ;  G.S.O.  Halifax  Fortress,  1911  ; 
Director  of  Military  Training,  Canada,  1912-13 ; 
G.S.O.  4th  Division,  Montreal,  1913  tooufcbr^ak 
of  War ;  D. A. A.  and  Q.M.G-.  Canadian  Corps, 
1915416;  ,A.Q.M.<3k  191(5-19;  Gk&O^xiW,. 
No.  6.  Halifax,  1919-24;  D.O.O.  Hilifepar  Dis- 
trict No.  7,  St.  John,  1924-28,;  D.O.O.  Military 
District  No.  3,  Kingston,  1928-88;  Retiried, 
1938 ;  Bachelor  of  Applied  Science^  Qntajrio 
Land  Surveyor ;  Dominion  -Land  ^urveysor. 
Club :  Royal  Ottawa  Golf.  ,  '  >*«,* 

ANDERSON,  William  Blair,  D.Lftt., 
Hon.LUP.  (Aberdeari);  M.A:  OambrfdgeAd 
Manchester^  Kennedy  Professor  of  Latna,  Gato. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

bridge  Univ.  1986-42,  now  Emeritus  Professor ; ! 
Fellow  of  St.  John's  College ;  b.  Aberdeen, 
28  July  1877 ;  e.  s.  of  William  B.  Anderson 
Educ.':  Gordon's  College  and  University  of 
Aberdeen;  Trin.  College,  Cambridge.  Assist- 
ant Lecturer  in  Classics,  Victoria  University  of 
Manchester,  1903-6 ;  Professor  of  Latin,  Queen's 
University,  Kingston,  Canada,  1906-13;  Pro- 
fessor of  Imperial  Latin,  University  of  Man- 
chester, 1913-29;  Hulme  Professor  of  Latin, 
1929-36.  Publications  :  Livy,  Book  IX.,  edited 
with  introduction,  notes,  etc.,  1909;  third 
edition,  1928;  The  Works  of  Apollinaris 
Sidonius  (Loeb  Series),  Vol.  I  1936 ;  contribu- 
tions to  classical  and  other  periodicals. 
Address:  St.  John's  College,  and  Beaufort 
Lodge.  Hinton  Av.,  Cambridge.  T.:  87822. 
ANDERSON  Brigadier  William 
Henniker,  C.B.B.  1925;  Indian  Army, 
retired;  Secretary  of  the  Arab  Horse  Society 
of  England  since  1934;  Director  Upend  Stud 
Ltd.,  Newmarket;  6.  17  April  1880;  s. 
of  late  Colonel  John  Anderson ;  m, ;  twn 
s.  Muc. :  The  Hount,  Chesterfield.  Joined 
Royal  Norfolk  Eegiment,  1899;  transferred 
to  33rd  (Q.V.O.)  Light  Cavalry  Indian  Army, 
1903;  served  European  War,  1914-18,  Army  Head- 
quarters India  and  in  Mesopotamia  (despatches 
thrice,  Brevet  Lt.-Col.  1926);  in  Irak  (Arab 
Rebellion),  1920 ;  Assistant  Director  Remounts, 
1914;  Deputy  Director  Remounts  and  Director 
Remounts,  1918-20.  M.  B.  Force;  Deputy  Direc- 
tor Remounts,  A.H.Qrs.f  India,  1922-26;  Direc- 
tor Remounts  A.H.Qrs.,  India,  1926-30.  Polo 
Manager  Hurlingham  Club,  1936-39.  Group 
Commander  Essex  Home  Guard,  War  of  1939-45. 
Recreations:  polo,  "hunting,  and  racing.  Address: 
Orchard  House,  Waltham-St.-Lawrence,  Berks. 
2V  Shurlock  Row  32;  Upend  Stud,  New- 
market. T. :  Oheveley  347.  Club:  Cavalry. 
ANDERSON,  Rt.  Rev.  William 

Louis  ;  see  Salisbury,  Bishop  of. 
ANDERSON,  Right  Rev.  W(illiam) 
White,  M.C.  1917;  V.R.D.  1943;  M.A. 
(Glasg.)  1911,  Hon.  D.D.  (Glasg,)  1943; 
Moderator,  General  Assembly  of  the 
Church  of  Scotland,  1951 ;  Minister  to  St. 
Cuthbert's  Parish  Church,  Edinburgh  since 
1931;  Chaplain  to  the  King  in  Scotland 
since  1949 ;  b.  17  March  1888 ;  8.  of  Johan 
Anderson  and  Annie  White.  Educ.:  Bo'ness 
Academy;  Glasgow  University.  Missioner, 
New '.Brunswick,  Canada,  1912.  European 
War;  1914-18,  C.F.;  Senior  Chaplain  (9th 
Div.);  Army  of  Occupation,  Germany, 
Senior  Chaplain  Lowland  Div.  Chap. 
B.N.V.R.,  1926.  War  of  1939-45,  served 
with  Royal  Navy.  Bellahouston  Parish 
Church,  Glasgow,  1919-26 ;  New  Kilpatrick 
Pariah,  Bearsden,  1926-31;  translated  to 
St.  Cuthbert's,  Edinburgh,  1931  as  Jun. 
Minister;  Sen.  Minister,  1937.  Declined 
calls  to  St.  Andrew's,  Ottawa,  and  Central 
Presbyterian,  Hamilton,  Ont.,  1925.  Con- 
vener Home  Board  of  Church  of  Scotland, 
1942-47;  Vice-Convener  Business  Cttee. 
Gen.  Assembly,  1946-49 ;  Convener  Business 
Cttee,.,  1950;  Convener  Nomination  Cttee., 
1949-51;  Moderator  Presbytery  of  Edin- 
burgh, 1942;  Pres.  Scottish  Church  Soc., 
1943.  Chairman:  Donaldson  Trust  for 
Education  of  Deaf  and  Dnmb  Children; 
Soc.  for  Teaching  Outdoor  Blind  to  read 
in  their  own  Homes;  Member  Cttee.  Roy. 
Soc.  for  Belief  of  Indigent  Gentlewomen; 
Gov.  Fettes  College,  Edinburgh;  Director 
Edinburgh  Concert  Soc.  Recreations  :  golf, 
curling.  Address:  12  Garscube  Terrace, 
Edinburgh  12.  T.:  63820.  Club:  Scottish 
Conservative  (Edinburgh). 
ANDRADE,  Prof.  Edward  Neville  da 
Costa,  F.B.8.,  1935  ;  F.Inst.P.  ;  D.Sc. 
(Lond.),  Ph.D.  (Heidelberg) ;  Hon.  LL.D. 
(Edinburgh) ;  Director  in  the  Royal  Institu- 
tion, Resident  Professor  and  Director  of  Davy 
Faraday  Research  Laboratory,  since  1950; 
Quain  Prof,  of  Physics  University  of  Lon- 
don, 1928-50 ;  Scientific  Adviser  to  Director  of 
,  Scientific  Research,  Min.  of  Supply,  1939-48, 
.  .Member  Advisory  Council  on  Scientific  Re- 

search  and  Technical  Development  to  Ministry 
of  Supply  from  its  inception  to  1942 ;  Presi- 
dent Physical  Society,  1943-45  ;  CouncilRoyal 
Society,  1942-44 ;  Foreign  Secretary  Physical 
Society;  b.  London,  27  Dec.  1887;  2nd  s.  of 
S.  H.  da  C.  Andrade ;  m.  1st,  1917,  Katherine 
Barbara,  d.  of  T.  T.  Evans,  Manchester :  two 
$.  ;  2nd,  1938,  Mona,  widow  of  Clennell  Wilkin- 
son. Edtic. :  St.  Dunstan's  College ;  University 
College,  London ;  University  of  Heidelberg ; 
Cavendish  Laboratory,  Cambridge;  Univer- 
sity of  Manchester.  B.Sc.  (Lond.),  1st 
class  hons.  physics,  1907;  Trouton  scholar, 
Ellen  Watson  scholar,  Jessel  scholar,  Univ. 
Coll  London,  1907-10 ;  1851  Exhibition  scholar, 
1910-13;  Heidelberg  Univ.  1910-11;  Ph.D. 
(summd  cum  Imde),  1911;  Cavendish  Lab., 
Cambridge,  1911-12;  Univ.  Coll.  London,  1912-13; 
Univ.  of  Manchester,  John  Harling  Fellow, 
1913-14 ;  2nd  Lieut,  to  Captain,  R.G.A.,  1914- 
1919;  active  service,  France,  1915-17  (de- 
spatches); Fellow  of  University  College, 
London,  1916;  Christmas  Lecturer,  Royal 
Institution,  1927  and  1943 ;  Professor  of  Physics, 
Artillery  College,  Woolwich,  1920-28 ;  Guthrie 
lecturer,  Physical  Society,  James  Forrest 
Lecturer,  Institution  of  Civil  Engineers,  1941 ; 
Holweck  Prizeman,  1947  ;  Corresponding  Mem- 
ber Academie  des  Sciences,  Institut  de 
France;  Editor  for  Physics,  Encyclopaedia 
Britannica,  Fourteenth  Edition.  Chevalier 
Legion  d'Honneur.  Publications:  The  Struc- 
ture of  the  Atom  (3rd  edition,  1927):  Airs; 
The  Atom  (Burmese  Translation,  1928);  Kngines 
(Polish  Translation,  1932);  The  Mechanism 
of  Nature  (translated  into  French,  Italian, 
Polish,  Dutch,  Danish  and  Swedish);  (with 
Julian  Huxley)  Simple  Science ;  The  New  Chem- 
istry ;  The  Atom  and  its  Energy ;  Poems  and 
Songs;  Isaac  Newton;  papers  on  physical 
and  mathematical  subjects  in  Roy.  Soc.  Pro- 
ceedings and  Transactions,  Philosophical 
Magazine,  Annaleu  der  Physik,  and  other 
technical  lournals ;  numerous  articles  in 
Encyelopeedia  Britannica  and  elsewhere. 
Recreations :  golf,  poetry,  collecting  old 
scientific  books  and  useless  knowledge.  Afa 
dress:  The  Royal  Institution,  Albemarle  Street, 
W.I.  r,Jn"hs;  Ath0navnm,'SavaKe. 

ANDRADE,  Jorge  Carrera;  &.  18  Sept. 
1903;  s.  of  Abelardo  Carrera  Andrade 
and  Carmela  Andrade  de  Carrera  ;  m.  1937, 
Mrs.  Paulette  Colin-Lebas  ;  one  *.  Educ. : 
Central  University,  Quito,  Ecuador:  Univer- 
sity of  Aix-en-Provence,  France  ;  University 
of  Barcelona,  Spain.  Secretary  of  Congress, 
Ecuador,  1933 ;  Consul  of  Ecuador,  Paita 
(Peru),  1934,  Le  Havre,  1934 ;  Consul- 
General,  Yokohama,  1988  :  Consul-General, 
San  Francisco,  1940 ;  First  Secretary  of 
Legation,  1944,  Charg<5  d'Affaires,  1945, 
Counsellor  of  Legation,  1946,  Caracas 
(Venezuela);  Ambassador  of  Ecuador  in 
London,  Dec.  1949-Mar.  1950  (Munster, 
1948-49).  Senator  of  Republic  of  Ecuador, 
1947-.  Knight-Commander  of  Order  of 
Simon  Bolivar,  with  decoration  and 
Star  (Venezuela),  1945.  Publications :  in 
English  :  To  the  Bay  Bridge  (trans.  Eleanor 
L.  TurnbuU),  U.S.A.,  1941 ;  Spanish  Ameri- 
can Poets,  U.S.A.,  1942 ;  Twelve  Spanish 
American  Poets  (Anthology :  ed.  H.  R. 
Hays),  Yale  Univ.  Press,  1943;  Secret 
Country  (trans.  Muna  ,Lee),  MacnaiUan  & 
Co.,  N.Y.,  1946:  Latin  American  Poetry 
(anthology :  ed.  Dudley  Fitts),  U.S.A.  and 
Falcon  Press,  London,  1947.  Also  many 
other  books  in  Spanish,  French,  etc.  Recrea- 
tion: writing.  Clubs:  Les  Ambassadeurs ; 
Writer's  (San  Francisco). 

ANDREW,  George,  O.B.E.  1937;  M.A.  ; 
F.R.S.flJ, ;  K  28  Nov.  1873  :  s.of  A.  R.  Andrew, 
LL.D. ;  m.  1924,  Kathleen  Sturton,  d.  of  Alfred 
Lunti,  O.E.  ISduc. :  Keith  Grammar  School ; 
Aberdeen  University  ;  Christ  Church,  Oxford. 
Classical  Master,  Billhead  High  -School, 
Glasgow ;  Junior  Inspector  of  Schools,  Scottish 
Eduction  Department;  H.  M.  Inspector  in 
charge  of  (a)  Lanarkshire,  (b)  Dundee  and  For- 
farshire,  (c)  Glasgow ;  H.  M.  Chief  Inspector  in 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

charge  of  (a)  Highland  Division,  (b)  Western 
Division;  if.  M.  Senior  Chief  Inspector  of 
Schools  in  charge  of  (a)  Western  Division,  (b) 
Training  of  Teachers;  retired,  1938;  Deputy 
?o?5  AA Dlvif  °*al  Food  Officer  for  Scotland, 
1939-44.  Publications :  Various  official  reports. 
Recreation:  golf.  Address:  43  Cluny  Drive, 
Mormnffside,  Edinburgh. 
ANDREW,  Ian  Graham,  M.A.:  Head- 
master, George  Watson's  College,  Edinburgh, 

pQC£  194?  :  ,6'  6  S,ept  1893  >  '•  of  Rev-  John 
Graham  Andrew  M.A.,  and  Isabella  Ironside ; 
m.  Elizabeth  May,  y.  d.  of  Alfred  Smith, 
2^B-E"  Woodworth,  Keighley;  two  s. 
Educ. :  Glasgow  High  School  and  Glasgow 
University.  Enlisted  in  Cameron  High- 
landers, Sept.  1914  ;  2nd  Lieut.  5th  Scottish 
Rifles,  1916 ;  Senior  Supervising  Officer, 
Physical  and  Recreational  Training,  North  of 
Ireland,  with  rank  of  Captain,  1918 ;  wounded 

at-+u°??'  1915  ^Qd  Arra8'  1916 »  graduated 
with  Honours  m  English  and  Philosophy, 
1919  (Glasgow  University) ;  Rector  of  Elgin 
Academy,  1922;  Headmaster,  Robert 
Gordon's  Coll.,  Aberdeen,  1933-43.  Address  • 

• Edinbllrgh- 

ANDREW,  John  Harold,  D.Bc. ;  Pro- 
fessor of  Metallurgy,  and  Dean  of  the  Faculty 
of  Metallurgy,  Sheffield  University,  1932-50, 
retd. ;  6.  14  Jan.  1887 ;  s.  of  John  Andrew ; 
m.  1915,  Sarah  Elsie,  d.  of  H.  K.  Shaw. 
Educ. :  Manchester  University  (1st  class 
honours  in  Chemistry,  M.Sc.,  Dalton  Scholar) 
Research  Fellow  and  Demonstrator,  1910; 
Carnegie  Scholar,  Iron  'and  Steel  Institute 
(Bessemer  Gold  Medal  for  1949);  Chief  of  the 
Metallurgical  Research  Department  of  Sir 
W.  G.  Armstrong,  Whitworth  &  Co.,  Ltd., 
Manchester,  1914-20 ;  Professor  of  Metallurgy 
Royal  Technical  College,  Glasgow,  1920-32- 
Address:  Torwood,  Endcliffe  Grove  Avenue, 
Sheffield.  10. 

A  MORE  IV,  Brig.  Leslie  Wilton,  V.C. 
1917;  D.S.O.  1942;  i.d.c.;  Commander  Cen- 
tral Military  District,  N.Z. ;  6.  23  March  1897; 
s.  of  William  Jeffrey  Andrew  and  Francis  Hannah 
MacNeil;  m.  1918,  Bessie,  2nd  d.  of  T.  Ball, 
Brinsley,  Notts;  two  s.  two  d.  Educ.:  Ashhurst 
State  School ;  Wanganui  District  High  School 
and  Wanganui  Collegiate  School.  Served  in 
the  N.Z.  Expeditionary  Force  during  European 
War,  19H-18 ;  New  Zealand  Staff  Corps,  Oct. 
1919;  served  in  Egypt,  France,  Belgium, 
and  India  ;  commanded  22nd  Bn.,  2nd  New 
Zealand  Expeditionary  Force,  1940;  Middle 
East,  1941-42  (despatches,  D.S.O.).  Recrea- 
tions :  Rugby  football,  rowing,  swimming.  Ad- 
dress: I  Ranui  Cr.,  Khandallah,  Wellington, 
N.5,  N.Z.  Cliib :  Unit^  Service. 

ANDREW,  Colonel  Richard  Hynman, 
C.B.K.  1941;  M.C. ;  Solicitor;  b.  2  May 
1885  ;  er.  s.  of  Rev.  Canon  Henry  Andrew, 
Griston,  Norfolk  ;  m.  1915,  Aline,  e.  d.  of  Sir 
Henry  F.  Jervis-White-Jervis,  5th  Bt. ;  two 
d.  Educ.  :  Haileybury  ;  Jesus  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Solicitor,  1910 ;  served  European 
War.  1914-19:  H.A.C.,  1914-15:  Suffolk 
Rest.,  1915;  As^st.  Mil.  Secretary,  E.E.F., 
1918-19  (despatches  thrice,  O.B.E.,  M.C.. 
Order  of  the  Nile  3rd  Class) ;  in  practice  as 
solicitor,  1920-40  ;  served  War  of  1939-45  ; 
Asst.  Military  Secretary,  M.E.F.,  1940-42  : 
Dep.  Mil.  Sec.,  Persia-Iraq  Force,  1942-43 
(despatches  thrice,  C.B.E.).  Address :  Butt- 
fleld,  Nazeing,  Essex.  T. :  Nazeing  2130. 
Club :  Oxford  and  Cambridge ;  Royal 
Harwich  Yacht  (Harwich). 

ANDREW',  Samuel  Ogden,  M.A.  Oxon ; 
b.  8  Jan.  18d8 ;  e.  s.  of  Samuel  Andrew  and 
Mary  Ogden;  m.  Lilian,  y.  d.  of  William 
Pullinger;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ,:  Manchester 
Grammar  School ;  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford  (Scholar), 
First-class  Classical  Mods.  1888;  First-class 
Lit.  Hum.  1890 ;  a  year  in  Germany  studying 
psychology;  Master  at  Llandovery  College, 
1892-95;  Headmaster  of  Oldham  Grammar 
School,  1895-1902 ;  Headmaster,  Whitgiffc  School, 
Croydon,  1908-28.  Publications :  Greek  Prose 
Composition ;  Greek  Version* ;  articles  on 

Greek  Life  and  Thought  and  Old  English: 
Sir  Gawayne  and  the  Greene  Knight;  The 
Wrath  of  Achilles  (translation  of  Homer's 
Iliad);  Syntax  and  Style  in  Old  English; 
Homer's  Odyssey ;  Postcripton  Beowulf.  Re- 
creations :  walking,  tennis.  Address :  The  Hey, 
Sanderstead,  Surrey.  T.:  Sanderstead  1445. 
ANDREW,  His  Honour  Judge 
William  Monro,  M.B.E.  1946;  B.C.L,, 
M.A.Oxon  ;  J  udge  of  County  Courts,  Circuit 
:STo.  40  (Bow)  since  1950  (No.  58, 1946-50) ;  b. 
21  Feb.  1895  ;  s.  of  James  Andrew,  LL.D., 
Glasgow,  and  Jeannie  Jackson,  d.  of  William 
Monro,  M.D. ;  unmarried.  Educ. :  Glasgow 
Academy ;  Oriel  College,  Oxford.  Called  to 
Bar,  Lincoln's  Inn,  1921 ;  joined  the  Oxford 
Circuit;  Recorder  of  Dudley,  1934-36; 
Recorder  of  Walsall,  1936-46  ;  Asst.'  Judge 
Advocate  General,  1944  ;  served  European 
War  in  9th  Bn.  H.L.I,  (wounded  and 
prisoner  in  1917) ;  War  of  1939-45,  Squadron 
Leader  in  R.A.F.(V.R.),  1940  ;  Wing  Comdr. 

1944.  Address  :  20  Eaton  Mansions,  S.W.I. 
T. :    Sloane   2860 ;    1   Plowden  Buildings, 
Temple,  E.C.4.     T. :   Central  4843  ;    Cross- 
loan,   Gullane,    E.   Lothian.     T. :    Gullane 
3169.    Club:  Junior  Carlton.  .  . 

ANDREW,  Very  Rev.  William  Shaw, 
M.U.  1918  ;  M.A. ;  Dean  oi  Diocese  ol  St. 
Andrews,  Dunkeld,  and  Dunblane  since 
1943  ;  Hector  of  St.  Andrew's,  St.  Andrews, 
since  1935  ;  b.  6  Feb.  1884 ;  s.  of  Robert 
Andrew  and  Lucy  Shaw,  Sheffield :  m.  1st, 
1917,  Gladys  Barnard  Barnard-Smith  jjr  2nd, 

1945,  Margaret  Simpson  Baker-Jones.  Educ.  : 
Sheffield  Grammar  School;    Wadham  Col- 
lego,   Oxford   (Classical   Exhib.) ;    Bishop's 
Hostel,   Liverpool.     2nd    Cl.    Class.  'Mods 
1905  ;  B.A.  (3rd  01.  Lit,  Hum.)  1907  ;  M.A. 
1910  ;  Deacon,  1908  ;  Priest,  1909  ;  Curate, 
St.  Luke  Evang.,  Walton-on-the-HUl,  Liver- 
pool,  1908-11;    Beccles,   1911-17;    T.C.F., 
1917-19 ;  Hon.  C.F.,  1920 ;  Rector,  Boxl'ord, 
with    Hadleigh    Hamlet,    1919-32;     Rural 
Dean  of  Hadleigh,  1924-32  ;  Rector  Ingham, 
with  Culford,  Timworth,  and  Culford  Heath. 
1932-35 ;  Exam,  Chap,  to  Bp.  of  St.  Andrews, 
1941  and  to  Bp.  of  Moray,  1949 ;    Canon 
1943.     King  Haakon  VH  Liberty  Medal, 
1947.      Recreation:     golf.      Address:     The 
Rectory,  St.  Andrews,  Fife.   T. :  St.  Andrews 
344.  Club:  Royal  and  Ancient  (St.  Andrews). 

ANDREWES,  Dr.  Christopher 
Howard,  f.  it.  8. 1939  ;  Member  of  ScujuLiac 
fcitatf,  .National  Institute  for  Medical  Research 
since  1927 ;  in  charge  of  World  Influenza  Centre 
(World  Health  Organisation) ;  6.  7  June  1896 ; 
s.  of  late  Sir  Frederick  William  Andrewes,  M.D.. 

F.  R.S.  and  Phyllis  Mary  Hamer;  m.  1927  Kathleen 
Helen  Lamb ;  three  s.   Educ. :  Highgate  School ; 
St.  Bartholomew's  Hospital.  Surgeon  Sub-Lt. 
(R.N.V.R.),  1918-19  ;  M.R.C.S.  Eng.,  L.R.C.P., 
Lond.,    1921,    M.B.  B.S.    Lond.    (Univ.-  Gold 
Medal),   1921,  M.D.  Lond.  (Univ.  Gold  Msdal), 
1922,  M.R.C.P.  Lond.,  1923 ;  F.R.C.P.  Lond., 
1935  ;  House  Physician  and  Assistant  to  Medical 
Unit  St.  Bartholomew's  Hospital,  1921-23  and 
1925-26 ;  Assistant  Resident  Physician,  Hospital 
of  the  Rockefeller  Institute,  New  York  City, 
1923-25;   William   Julius   Mickle   Fellowship, 
University   of   London,   1931;  Oliver-Sharpey 
Lectureship,  Royal  College  of  Physicians;  1934 ; 
Bisset-Hawkins  Medal,  R.C.P.,  1947.    Publi- 
cations :  various  papers  on  viruses,  chieflyin  the 
Journal  of  Pathology  and  Bacteriology  and  the 
British  Journal  of  Experimental  Pathology. 
Recreations :  natural  history,  especially  ento- 
mology.    Address:   34    Ossulton   Way,  -N.2. 
T. :  Speedwell  3371. 

ANDREWES,  Rear-Admiral  William 
Gerrard,  C.B.  1949 ;  C.B.E.  1945  •  D.-S.O. 
1944 ;  Bag  Officer  Commanding  5tn  Crttfser 
Squadron  and  Flag  Officer,  Secon<Hn- 
Command,  Far  East  Station,  since  Jan.  1950 ; 
&.  3  Nov.  1899  ;  2nd  s.  of  late  R^v.  Canon 

G.  T.   Andrewes,   Winchester;    m.  fl#27, 
Frances  Audrey,  e.  d.  of  H.  G.  Welctean. 
Grove  House,  Winchester ;    one  *.  one  d. 
Educ.:  Twyford School, Winchester;  RJ&.C, 
Osborne  and  Dartmouth.    Midshipman  and 


WHO'S   WHO,   1951 

Sub-Lieut,  in  H.M.S.  Canada  (Jutland)  and 
H.M.S.  Walrus  during  European  War,  1914- 
1918  ;  specialized  in  Torpedo,  1923  ;  Com- 
mander. 1932  ;  Staff  College,  1934  ;  Comdr. 
H.M.S.  Rodney,  1937  ;  Capt.  1938  ;  Imperial 
Defence  College,  1939  ;  Joint  Planning  Staff, 
1939  and  1940-42.  Served  War  of  1939-45  ; 
commanded  H.M.S.  Albatross,  1939  ;  H.M.S. 
Uganda,  1942-44,  Atlantic,  Mediterranean 
Force  '  K  ',  invasion  of  Sicily  (despatches^ 
and  Italy  (D.S.O.)  ;  Chief  Staff  Officer  for 
administration  and  turn  round  invasion 
duties  to  C.-in-C.  Portsmouth,  1944  (C.B.E.)  ; 
Chief  of  Staff  to  Vicc-Adm.  (Q)  Pacific, 
1944-45;  commanded  H.M.S.  Indomitable, 
1946  ;  Chief  of  Staff  to  C.-in-C.  Portsmouth, 
1947;  Rear-Adra.  1948;  Senior  Naval 
Member  directing  Staff  Imperial  Defence 
College,  1948-49.  'Officer  American  Legion  of 
Merit,  1946;  Greek  Military  Cross,  1947.  Re- 
creation :  gardening.  Address  :  Wharf  House, 
Winchester.  T.  :  Winchester  3076.  Club  : 
United  Service. 

ANDRE  WES-  UTH  WATT,  A.;  see 

ANDREWS,  Maj.  Arthur  Treharne, 
C.M.G.  1918;  late  KE.  Served  European 
War,  1914-19  (C.M.G.),  with  Royal  Engineers, 
Assistant  Director  Inland  Waterways  and 
Docks,  1916  ;  Major  1918. 

ANDREW'S,  Lieut.  -Col.  Cecil  Rollp 
Payton,  J.J?.,  M.A.  ;  JD.Jbitt.  (Hon.)  Uni- 
versity 01  Western  Australia,  1929;  b.  London, 
2  Feb.  isro  ;  s.  of  Rev.  J.  M.  Andrews  (Vicar  of 
St.  Jude's,  Gray's  Inn  Road,  and  subsequently 
Vicar  of  Highgate);  m.  1900,  Bertha  Arnold,  d.  of 

•  T.  H.  Agnew,  Guernsey  ;  one  s.  two  d.    Educ.  : 
Merchant  Taylors'  School,  London  ;  St.  John's 
College,  Oxford  (Classical  Scholar).    1st  Class 
Honours,    Classical   Moderations,    1890  ;    2nd 

•  Class  Honours,  Literse  Humaniores,  1892  ;  B.A., 
.    1892;  M.A.,  1898;  Assistant  Master,  Highgate 

School,  1893-94;  Sixth  Form  Master,  Forest 
School,  1894-96;  Resident  Tutor,  St.  John's 
Training  College,  Battersea,  1896-1900  ;  Princi- 
pal of  Training  College,  Claremont,  Western 
Australia,  1901-3  ;  Head  of  Education  Depart- 
ment, 1903-29  ;  Officer  Commanding  Cadets, 
Commonwealth  Military  Forces,  W.A.,  1906-12  ; 
Major,  1906;  Lieut.-Col.,  1910;  Member  of 
University  Senate  and  Pro-Chancellor,  1912- 
1929  ;  represented  Western  Australia  at  Imperial 
Education  Conference,  London.  1911.  Recrea- 
tions :  gardening,  walking.  Address  :  Argyll, 
Rosftbftry  Rd.,  Cheam,  Surrey.  T.  :  Vigilant  1823. 
ANDREW'S,  Cyril  Frank  Wilton, 
Consul-General  at  Algiers  since  1949  : 

•  b.    22    Dec.    1892  ;     s,    of    late    Robert 
Parsons  Andrews  and  Mariannellan  Wilton 
Gleadhill  ;     m.    1929,    Dorothy    Constance 
Lascelles,  d.  of  late  Major  George  Thomas 
Pickering  ;    no  c.    Educ.  :    abroad.     Served 
European    War,    R.E.  ;     Foreign    Service, 
1920  ;   Vice-Consul  at  Antwerp,  1920-1921  ; 
Tunis,    1921-23  ;     Paris,    1923-24  ;     Genoa, 
1924-28:    Montevideo   (with  rank   of  2nd 
Secretary),  1929  :    Naples,  1929-30  ;    Kato- 
wice, 1930-32  ;  Philadelphia,  1933-35  ;  Consul 
and  1st  Secretary  at  Panama,  1935-1938  ; 
Consul     at     Madeira,     193S-42  ;      Minister 
to  Dominican  Republic,  1943-45  ;    Consul- 
General  at  Loureneo  Marques,  1946-49.    Re- 
creations :    tennis,  golf.     Address  :    British 
'Consulate-  General,  Loureneo  Marques,  Por- 

tuguese E.  Africa.    Club  :  Royal  Automobile. 
ANDREWS,     Edwin    Arthur     C.  ;     see 

•  UhaprnuT)-Andi'«\vs. 

ANDREWS*  Sir  Ernest  Herbert,  Kt.,  cr. 
1950;  C.B.E.  1946;  Mayor  of  the  City  of 

•  vChrfsiofturch,    New    Zealand,    since    1941  ; 
•  Chairman,  Prudential  Building  and  Invest- 

ment Society,  since  1940;  b.  Nelson,  BT.Z. 
*"v25  June  1873;  8.  of  late  Thomas  Andrews; 
mi  1900,  Caroline'  (&  1937),  d.  of  late  E.  H. 
Gouztns,  Christchurch?  twos,  one  d.  Mduc.: 
Ashburton  Public  Schools  ;  Normal  Training 
'College,  Christchurch,  New  Zealand;  Can- 
terbury "University  College,  Christehtirch. 
Teacher  in  Primary  and  Secondary  Schools  in 
GhrisichUTch,  Hastings,  Nelson, 

1890-1907 ;  founded  printing  and  publishing 
business  of  Andrews,  Baty  &  Co.  Ltd.,  Christ- 
church.  City  Councillor  of  Christchurch 
1919-  (Chairman  of  committees  sind  Deputy 
Mayor) ;  Chairman  of  Education  Board, 
1909-27,  and  of  Christchurch  Tramways 
Board,  1930-36;  Member:  Christchurch 
Unemployment  Committee ;  Christchurch 
Fire  Board ;  Governor  of  Christehurch 
Technical  College;  Member  Canterbury 
Board  of  Education  for  18  years;  J.P,  New 
Zealand.  During  War  of  1939-45,  was 
District  Controller,  Emergency  Precautions 
Service.  Jubilee  medal,  1935.  Address: 
The  Mayor's  Parlour,  City  Hall,  Christchurch, 
New  Zealand ;  148  North  Avon  Road,  Rich- 
mond, Christchurch,  New  Zealand. 
ANDREWS,  Major  Harold  Marcus 

E. ;  nee  JSrvme- Andrews. 
ANDREWS,  Harry  Thomson,  Ambas- 
sador of  South  Africa  to  France  since  1949  ; 
b.  Capetown,  South  Africa,  11  Dec.  1897 ;  s. 
of  H.  Andrews,  Capetown ;  in.  1926,  R.  D. 
Williams,  Pretoria ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Observa- 
tory High  School,  Capetown;  Marist 
Brothers'  College,  Capetown;  Univ.  of 
Pretoria.  Entered  South  African  Civil 
Service,  1913 ;  Department  of  External 
Affairs;  Political  Secretary  South  Africa 
House,  London,  1030-35 ;  Accredited  Repre- 
sentative of  Union  of  South  Africa  to  League 
of  Nations,  Geneva,  1936-40;  Assistant  Sec. 
for  Defence,  Pretoria;  Under-Secretary  for 
External  Affairs,  Pretoria ;  Head  of  South 
Africa  Govt.  Supply  Mission  to  U.S.A., 
1942-45;  Ambassador  of  South  Africa  to 
U.S.A.,  1945-49 ;  Permanent  Representative 
of  S.A.  to  United  Nations  1945-49.  Recrea- 
tions: golf,  tennis.  Address:  South  African 
Embassy,  51  Avenue  Hoche,  Paris  (8). 
Clubs:  Travellers'  (Paris);  Pretoria  (Pre- 
ANDREWS,  Mrs.  Henry  Maxwell; 

see  WftsT.,  Kebecca. 

ANDREW'S,  Rt.  Hon.  Sir  James, 
jf.C.  JNorttiern  Ireland,  1924;  1st  Bt.  cr. 
1942;  Lord  Chief  Justice  of  Northern 
Ireland  since  1937;  6.  8  Jan.  1*877;  *«  of 
late  Rt,  Hon.  Thomas  Andrews,  D.L.,of  Ardara, 
Comber,  and  Eliza  Pirrie;  m.  1922,  Jane 
Lawson  Haselden,  widow  of  late  Captain  Cyril 
Haselden,  R.E.,  and  d.  of  late  Joseph  Ormrod, 
Bolton.  Educ. :  Royal  Academical  Institution, 
Belfast;  Stephen's  Green  School,  Dublin; 
Trinity  College,  Dublin  (Mod.,  B.A.  1st  d.  hons. 
in  Logics  and  Ethics,  1st  cl.  hons.  in  Modern 
Literature,  hons,  in  Mathematics,  Senior 
Exhibitioners  Auditor,  Gold  Medallist,  Hon. 
Member,  and  Vice-Pres.  of  College  Historical 
Society;  Prizeman  in  Law).  Called  to  Irish 
Bar,  King's  Inns,  Dublin,  1900  (Prisjeman  in 
Law);  K.C.  1918;  Lord  Justice  of  Appeal 
for  Northern  Ireland,  1921-87;  a  Bencher  of 
King's  Inns,  1920 ;  a  Bencher  of  Inn  of  Court  of 
Northern  Ireland,  1926;  Senior  Pro-Chancellor 
of  Queen's  University,  Belfast ;  D.L.Co.  Down, 
1928;  Hon.  LL.D.  Dublin,  1988;  Chairman 
Ulster  Savings  Committee,  1939-46,  President 
1946 ;  Hon.  Member  of  Chartered  Surveyors' 
Institution,  1940.  Senior  Lord  Justice  for 
Government  of  Northern  Ireland  during  ab- 
sence of  the  Governor.  Recreations :  cricket, 
sailing,  shooting,  and  golf.  Address:  Eusenwe, 
Comber,  Co.  Down.  Z1. :  Comber  210.  Clubs: 
Ulster  (Belfast) ;  Royal  Ulster  Yacht  (Bangor). 
ANDREWS,  John  Alban,  M.C.,  M.B., 
Ch.B.,  Bdin.,  F.R.C.S.  Bng.;  Hon.  Con- 
sulting Surgeon:  St.  Peter's  Hospital 
for  Stone,  London?  Genito-Wrinary  Depart- 
ment Queen  Mary's  Hospital  for  the  Bast 
End;  late  Hon.  Surgeon  Assoc.  Retired 
Naval  Officers  ;  Member  Intemat.  Urological 
Association  and  British  Assoc,  of  Urologjcal 
Surgeons ;  Fell.  Assoc.  Surgeons,  Great 
Britain  and  Ireland  :  m.  Sarah  Helen  Davies, 
M.B.,  B.S.,  London  (d.  1949) ;  two  d.  Educ.  : 
Dean  Close  School,  Cheltenham  ;  Edinburgh 
University  ;  King's  College,  London.  House 
Physician,  Edinburgh  Royal  Infirmary ; 
Demonstrator  Anatomy,  Edinburgh  TJniver- 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

sity^  Sen.  Res.  Med.  Officer,  Royal  Free 
.Hospital,  London;  Res.  Surgic.  Officer,  St. 
Peter's  Hospital;  Capt.  R.A.M.C.  att.  2nd 
Battn.  Gren.  Gds.  (M.C.,  despatches). 
Address:  7  Wimpole  Street,  W.I.  T.:  Lang 
ham  1707;  Rottingdean,  Sussex.  T.: 
Ro'ttingdean  2202. 

ANDREWS,  John  Launcelot ;  b.  is  Dec. 
1893 ;  s^of  Launcelot  Andrews  and  Maud  Wisden ; 
in.  1929,  Bertha  Margaret  Happold ;  one  s.  one  d 
Ediuc. :  Rugby  School ;  Peternouse,  Cambridge 
(Exhibitioner).  1st  Div.  Class  II  Historical 
Tripos  Parti;  served  European  War,  1914-19; 
Capt.  5th.  Hampshire  Regfc.  (.T.F.)  and  T2nd 
Punjabis,  Indian  Army  ;  Staff  Capt.  1st  Peshawar 
Infantry  Brigade  (Khyber  Movable  Column). 
1916-17;  Palestine  E.E.F.,  1917-18  (wounded), 
passed  Home  Civil  Service  Examination,  1919 ; 
Assistant  Principal,  Board  of  Education,  1920- 
1921 ;  Temp.  Assistant  Master,  Rugby  School, 
1922  ;  Assistant  Master,  Marlborough  College, 
1923-27;  Headmaster,  Exeter  School,  1927- 
1949.  Recreations :  cricket,  tennis,  walking, 
archeology,  modern  languages.  Address: 
1  Manston  Terrace,  Exeter.  T. :  3334. 

ANDREWS,  Rt.  Hon.  John  Miller; 
P.C.  Northern  Ireland,  1922;  C.H.  1943. 
D.L. ;  LL.D. ;  M.P.  (Unionist)  Co.  Down, 
Parliament  of  Northern  Ireland,  1921-29, 
Mid-Down  since  1929;  flax  spinner;  land- 
owner ;  6. 17  July  1871 ;  e.  s.  of  late  Rt.  Hon. 
Thomas  Andrews,  D.L.,  of  Ardara,  Comber, 
Co.  Down,  and  Eliza,  d,  of  James  Alexander 
Pirrie.  Belfast ;  m.  1902,  Jessie,  e.  d.  of  late 
Joseph  Ormrod,  of  Horelands,  Heaton, 
Bolton ;  one  *.  two  d.  Educ. :  Royal  Aca- 
demical Institution,  Belfast.  High  Sheriff 
for  Co.  Down,  1929;  Member  of  County 
Council  of  Down,  1917-37;  President  of 
Ulster  Unionist  Labour  Association ;  Patron 
Ulster  Unionist  Council  ;  President  Belfast 
Chamber  of  Commerce,  1936'  Minister  of 
Labour  in  Cabinet  of  Northern  Ireland,  1921- 
1937 ;  Minister  of  Finance,  Northern  Ireland, 
1937-40 ;  Prime  Minister  of  Northern  Ireland, 
1940-43;  Grand  Master:  Orange  Institution 
of  County  Down  since  1941 ;  Orange  Institu- 
tion of  All  Ireland,  1948 ;  Imperial  Grand 
Council  of  World,  1949 ;  Hon.  Col.  R.A.O.C. 
since  1941.  Freeman  City  of  Londonderry, 
1943.  Recreations:  hunting,  yachting,  golf. 
Address:  Maxwell  Court,  Comber,  Co. 
Down,  N.  Ireland.  Clubs:  Ulster,  Ulster 
Reform,  Belfast  (Belfast);  Royal  Ulster 
Yacht  (Bangor);  Strangford  Lough  Yacht 
(Co.  Down). 

ANDREWS,  Air  Vice-Marshal  John 
Oliver,  C.B.  1942;  D.S.O.  1917;  M.C.; 
i.d.c. ;  b.  1896 ;  s.  of  John  Andrews,  Water- 
loo, Lanes ;  m.  1923,  Bertha,  d.  of  Wilfred 
Bjisdee,  Hambrook,  Glos. ;  two  s.  Lieut. 
Royal  Scots ;  seconded  R.F.C.,  1914 ;  served 
France,  1914-18;  S.  Russia,  1919;  India, 
1920  (M.C.  and  bar,  Montenegrin  Silver 
Medal  for  bravery,  D.S.O. ,  despatches  thrice) ; 
transferred  to  R.A.F.,  1919 ;  retired,  1945. 
Address:  106/7  Great  Saffron  Hill,  E.C.I. 

ANDREWS,    Rev.    Canon    Leonard 

.  Martin,    C.V.O.     1946 ;      M.B.E. ;      M.C. 

1917  :  Rector  of  Stoke  Climsland  since  1922  ; 

r  Chaplain  to  the  KihR  since  1936 ;  Hon. 
Canon  of  Truro  since  1082.  Educ, :  Queens' 
College,  Cambridge.  B.A.  1909  \  M.A.  1921 ; 
Deacon,  1909;  Priest,  1910;  Rector  of  Bre- 
warrina,  N.S.W.,  1913-14;  Vice-Principal 
'Brotherhood  of  the  (3-ood  Shepherd,  N.S.W., 
1914-15  ;  Temp.  C.F..  1914-19 :  Chaplain  at 

1  Khartoum,  1920-22 ;  Rural  Dean  of  Trigg 
Major,  1929-32.  Address :  The  Rectory, 
Stoke  Climsland,  Callington,  Cornwall.  Club  : 
United  University. 

ANDREWS,  Norman  R.  F. ;  see 
Fox- Andrews. 

ANDREWS,  Engineer  Rear-Admiral 
Rotert  Walter  Benjamin,  C.B.  1930 ; 
retd.,  1981 ;  6:  24  March  Ib7(5';  s.  of  late  Robert 
Henry  Andrews,  Engineer  Manager,  H.M.  Dock- , 
yard,  Devonporfc,  of  Elburton  Cross,  South 
Devon;  m.  1902,  BditU  Margaret  Hunter,  d.  of 
James  Davisson,  lateof Rochester;  tour «.  Bduc.: 
Sir  Joseph  Williamson's  Mathematical  'School, 

Rochester ;  Naval  Engineering  College,  Devon- 
port.  Assistant  Engineer  Empress  of  India, 
1895-1900;  Engineer,  Wildfire,  1901-3;  Senior 
Engineer  Queen,  1903-6 ;  at  Armstrong,  Whit- 
worth  &  Co.,  Els  wick  Works  and  Naval 
Ordnance  Dept.,  Admiralty,  1907-10;  Engineer 
Lieutenant  and  Eng.  Lt.  Commander,  Lyra, 
1911-13;  Gun  Mounting  Overseer.  Coventry 
Ord.  Works,  1913-17 ;  Engineer  Officer  Agamem- 
non and  Lord  Nelson  Flagship,  Eastern  Medi- 
terranean and  Black  Sea,  1917-19;  Engineer 
Inspector,  Naval  Ordnance  Dept.  Admiralty, 
1919-21 ;  Engineer  Officer,  Revenge,  2nd  Flag- 
ship Atlantic  Fleet,  1921-22;  Eng.  Captain 
1922;  Gun  Mounting  Overseer,  Messrs.  Arm- 
strong, Whitworth  &  Co.,  Elswick,  Newcastle 
on  Tyne  during  construction  of  the  gun 
machinery  of  Nelson  and  Rodney  and  8-inch 
cruisers,  1922-27;  Senior  Engineer  Inspector, 
Naval  Ordnance  Dept.,  Admiralty,  1927-31; 
Eng.  Rear  Admiral,  1928 ;  Admiralty  Regional 
Officer  (Northern),  1940-46.  Address:  B  Caul- 
eston  Close,  Exmouth.  Devon.  T. :  Exmouth 

ANDREWS,  Roy  Chapman;  M.A., 
Sc.D. ;  Hon.  Director,  American  Museum 
Natural  History,  New  York ;  leader  of  Asiatic 
Expeditions;  ft.  Beloit,  Wis.,  U.S.A..  2<5  Jan. 
1884 ;  s.  of  Chas.  E.  Andrews  and  Cora  M. 
Chapman  m.  1st  1914,  Tvette  Borup;  two 
s.  ;  2nd  1935,  Wilhelmina  A.  Christmas. 
Educ.:  Beloit  College,  A.B. :  Columbia  Uni- 
versity, A.M. ;  Hon.  Sc.D.  Brown  University 
and  Beloit  College,  Explored  in  Alaska, 
1908;  special  naturalist  U.S.S.  Albatross  on 
voyage  to  Dutch  E,L,  Borneo,  Celebes,  1909- 
1910;  explored  N.  Korea,  1911-12;  Borden  Alaska 
Expedition,  1913;  leader  1st  Asiatic  Expedi- 
tion of  American  Museum  Natural  History  to 
S.W.  China,  1917;  2nd  Expedition  to  Mongolia, 
1919;  3rd  Expedition  to  Central  Asia  and 
Mongolia,  1921-30.  In  U.S.  Intelligence  Ser- 
vice, 1917-18 ;  The  Central  Asiatic  Expeditions  ; 
discovered  great  fossil  fields  in  Mongolia; 
found  the  first  dinosaur  eggs  known  to 
science,  mapped  large  unknown  areas  of 
Gobi  Desert;  did  much  work  in  paleontology, 
archsBology,  botany,  zoology,  geology,  topo- 
graphy ;  Elisha  Kent  Kane  Gold  Medal,  Phila- 
delphia Geographical  Society;  Hubbard  Gold 
Medal,  National  Geographical  Society;  Ex- 
plorers Club  Medal,  New  York  City ;  Charles 
P.  Daly  Gold  Medal,  American  Geographical 
Society;  Vega  Medal,  Royal  Swedish  Geo- 
graphical Society ;  Loczy  Medal  of  Eoyal  Hun- 
garian Geographical  Society.  Publications : 
Whale  Hunting  with  Gun  and  Camera ;  Camps 
and  Trails  in  China ;  Across  Mongolian  Plains ; 
Oil  the  Trail  of  Ancient  Man;  Ends  of  the 
Earth ;  The  New  Conquest  of  Central  Asia ; 
This  Business  of  Exploring,  1935 ;  Exploring 

1  with  Andrews,  1938;  This  Amazing  Planet, 
1941 ;  Under  a  Lucky  Star,  1943 ;  Meet  your 
Ancestors,  1945 ;  scientific  publications ;  many 
papers  and  two  monographs  on  water  mammals. 
Recreations:  fly  fishing,  bird  snooting.  Ad- 
dress: American  Museum  Natural  History, 
N.  Y.  Clubs :  Explorers,  Boone  and  Crockett, 
Ends  of  the  Earth  (N.  Y.) ;  Peking  (Peking). 

ANDREWS,  Wilfrid;  Chairman  Royal 
Adtomobile  Club  since  1946;  b.  15  Jan. 
1892 ;  8.  of  late  Norris  Andrews,  Sitting- 
bourne,  and  Harriet,  d.  of  Chalman.  Taylor, 
Sittingbourae  ;  m.  1917,  Ruth  Eleanor,  d.  of 
late  W.  F.  Goodhew,  Sittingbourne  ;  one  s. 
ivfod.  Editc. :  Wreight'&Sehoal,3?a'Ve»9Mm. 
Vice-Pres.,  iFe'de'ration  Internationale  de 
1' Automobile ;  Member  Councils  of  Royal 
Institute  of  International  Affairs  and  English- 
Speaking  Union  r  Chairman  :  R.A.C,  Build- 
ings Co.  Ltd.,  Golf  Club  and  Country  House 
Ltd.'  and  other  companies.  Pres.  Rotary 
International  Association  of  Great  Britain 
and  •  Ireland,  1930-31 ;  Chm.,  Aims  and 
Objects  Cttee.,  1931-32,  Board  of  Directors, 
1932  -  33,  '  Rotary  International.  Founder 
Vice-Chin.  American  British  Commonwealth 
Association.  Widely  traveled  U.S.A. 'and 

,    Europe^    Order  of  the  Crown  ©f  Belgium, 

.  .1947  :  Swedish  Royal  Order  of  Vteto,$ 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Danish  Order  of  the  Dannebrog,  1948 ; 
Koyal  Order  of  St.  Olav,  Norway,  1949. 
Publications  :  articles  for  Rotary  and  other 
publications.  Recreations  :  motoring,  yacht- 
ing, golf.  Address  :  Eoonagh,  Sittingbourne, 
Kent.  T. :  Sittingbourne  126.  Clubs  : 
Athenaeum,  Royal  Automobile,  Royal  Motor 
Yacht ;  Cedars  (Sittingbourne). 

ANDREWS,  William  Horner,  D.Sc. 
(liOud.) ; ;  Annual  Health  Divi- 
sion. Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  .Fisheries  ; 
b.  22  June  1887  ;  s.  of  Major  H.  G.  Andrews, 
late  A.O.  Dept. ;  m.  1916,  Doris,  2nd  d.  of  late 
H.  Burls,  Christiana,  Transvaal ;  one  *.  one 
d.  Educ. .  Mathematical  School,  Rochester ; 
Royal  Veterinary  College,  London  ;  Institut 
Pasteiir,  Paris.  Assistant  Government 
Veterinary  Bacteriologist,  Transvaal,  1909 ; 
Veterinary  Research  Officer,  Union  of  South 
Africa,  1912 ;  Captain.  South  African 
Veterinary  Corps,  German  South- West  Africa, 
1914-15  :  Senior  Veterinary  Research  Officer. 
1918;  Professor  of  Physiology,  Transvaal 
University  College,  Pretoria,  1920  ;  Research 
Assistant,  Research  Institute  in  Animal 
Pathology,  London.  1924  ;  Director,  Veterin- 
ary Laboratory,  Weybridge,  1927-41,  and  of 
Imperial  Bureau  of  Animal  Health,  1929-41. 
Publications:  various  technical  articles  in 
scientific  journals  relating  especially  to  plant 
poisoning.  Recreation  •  gardening.  Address  : 
Animal  Health  Division,  Ministry  of  Agri- 
culture and  Fisheries,  99  Gresham  St..  E.C.2. 

ANDREWS,  William  Linton ;  Editor  of 
the  Yorkshire  Post  and  Leeds  Mercury  since 
1939,  director  since  1950;  Pres.  Institute 
of  Journalists,  1946  .and  P.J.I. ;  on  Council 
and  Court  of  Leeds  tlniv. ;  Vice-Pres.  Scot- 
tish Regimental  Assoc.  of  Yorkshire,  Society 
of  Yorkshiremen  in  London,  Assoc.  of 
Yorkshire  Bookmen;  Chairman  of  J9int 
editorial  committee  of  Newspaper  Society 
and  Guild  of  British  Newspaper  Editors ;  on 
Council  of  Empire  Press  Union;  on  com- 
mittee of  6th  Imperial  Press  Conference,  and 
delegate  to  conference  in  Canada,  1950; 
Chairman  of  Council  of  BrontS  Society  and 
Editor  of  Transactions ;  6.  Hull,  1886 ;  s.  of 
late  William  Andrews,  author;  m.  1915, 
Gertrude,  e.  d.  of  late  Alexander  Douglas, 
Dundee.  Educ.:  Hull  Grammar  School; 
Christ's  Hospital.  Began  Journalistic  career 
at  Hull  and  continued  it  at  Huddersfleld, 
Sheffield,  Portsmouth,  Dundee,  Paris,  and 
London.  Served  in  Black  Watch  throughout 
European  War,  three  years  on  Western  Front. 
Sub-editor,  Daily  Mail,  1919-23 ;  Editor  of 
the  Leeds  Mercury,  1923-39;  has  often 
broadcast  on  North  Country  topics.  M6daille 
d* Argent  de  la  Reconnaissance  Frangaise 
(Wdr  of  1939-45).  Publications:  Old  English 
Towns  and  Picturesque  York  and  the  North 
Riding  (with  the  late  W.  Andrews) :  Haunt- 
ing Years;  Wayside  Pageant  (with  A.  P. 
Maguire) ;  Yorkshire  Folk :  contrib.  to  Has 
the  Church  Failed  ?  and  If  I  Had  My  Time 
Again ;  many  articles  on  humours  and  pathos 
of  North  Country  industrial  life  and 
English  political  commentaries  for  American 
readers.  Recreations:  books  and  the  country. 
Address:  Grey  Garth,  West  Park,  Leeds,  6. 
T,:  Leeds  52973.  Clubs:  Athenaeum,  Devon- 
shire, Press,  Christ's  Hospital ;  Leeds,  Leeds 
and  County  Conservative  (Leeds) ;  Alwoodley 
Golf;  Sandmoor  Golf. 

ANDRUS,  Brig. -Gen.  Thomas  Alchin, 
C.M.G.  1916 ;  J  .P. ;  b.  1872 ;  s.  of  Capt.  Thomas 
Alchin  Andrus  (Militia)  of  Scadbury  Manor, 
Southfleet,  Kent;  m.  1918,  Loveday,  2nd  d.  of  late 
Adm.  Alfred  Arthur  Chase  Parr,  R.N.,  Bickley, 
Kent ;  one  s,  one  d.  Joined  1st  Batt.  Prince  of 
Wales  North  Staffordshire  Regt.  1893;  served 
Sudan  campaign,  1896  (British  medal,  Khedive's 
Sudan  medal);  Indian  N.-W.  Frontier  campaign, 
1897-98,  with  the  Malakand  Field  Force  and 
the  Utman  Khel  Column  ;  also  Buner  Field 
Force  in  the  attack  and  capture  of  the  Tanga 
Pass  (Indian  medal  and  clasps) ;  European  War, 
1914-18  ;  raised  the  7th  Service  Batt.  North  Staf- 
ford Regiment,  and  commanded  it  throughout, 
Aug.  1914-July  1916 ;  Brigadier-General,  July 

1916,  and  commanded  the  39th  Inf.  Brigade 
until  March  1919  in  Mesopotamia,  Persia,  and 
the  Caucasus  (severely  wounded  Aug.  1915 
in  the  attack  on  Sari  Bair  in  Gallipoli,  de- 
spatches thrice,  Bt.  Lt.-Col.,  C.M.G. ;  Imp. 
Order  of  St.  Anne  of  Russia,  2nd  class,  with 
swords;  1914-15  Star;  British  and  Victory  war 
medals);  Colonel,  1920;  Temp.  Colonel  Com- 
mandant in  Ireland,  1921-22 ;  retired,  1923 ; 
J.P.  Kent.  Address:  Hartley  Court,  Hartley, 
Longfield,  Kent.  T. :  Longfield  2258.  Club: 
Army  and  Navy. 

ANEY,  Madhao  Shrihari,  B.A.,  B.L. ; 
Governor  of  Bihar  since  1948 ;  b.  29  Aug. 
1880 ;  m.  1898,  S.  Yamuna  (d.  1925) ; 
two  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Morris  College, 
Nagpur.  Teacher,  Kashibai  Private  High 
School,  Amraoti,  1904  -  7 ;  joined  Bar, 
1908,  at  Yeotmal ;  Vice-Pres.  Indian  Home 
Rule  League ;  President,  Berar  Provincial 
Congress  Committee,  1921-30 ;  joined  Civil 
Disobedience  Movement;  Acting  Presi- 
dent, Indian  National  Congress,  1933 ; 
M.L.A.  for  Berar,  1924-26, 1927-30.  and  1935 ; 
Member  Congress  Working  Committee,  1924- 
1925  and  1931-34;  Member,  for  Indians 
Overseas,  of  Executive  Council  of  Governor- 
General,  1941-43 ;  Representative  of  Govt.  of 
India  in  Ceylon,  1943-47.  Founded  Yeotmal 
District  Assoc.,  1916 ;  Member  Nehru  Cttee. ; 
Vice  -  Pres.,  Responsivist  Party  ;  General 
Secretary,  Congress  Nationalist  Assembly 
Party,  1935;  Leader,  Congress  Nationalist 
Assembly  Group,  1935;  General  Secretary, 
Anti-Communal  Award  Conference  of  Work- 
ing Committee,  1935;  Member  of  Nagpur 
University  Court  since  1935  and  of  Hindu 
University  Court,  Benares,  since  1938.  Pub" 
lication  :  Speeches  and  Writings,  1931.  Ad- 
dress :  Government  House,  Patna/Ranchi. 

ANGAS,  Major  Lawrence  Lee  Bazley, 
M.O. ;  M.A. ;  iinauoiai  uori»ui&an&  and  writer 
on  economic  fluctuations;  6.  22  Feb.  1893; 
m.  Catherine  Lowe ;  one  s.  two  d.  JSduc. : 
Charterhouse ;  Magdalen  College,  Oxford.  Major 
1st  Cheshire  Regt. ;  served  France  and  Italy 
(M.O.,  Oroix  de  Guerre,  despatches  twice,  twice 
wounded);  resigned  1919.  Student  of  unem- 
ployment, currency  and  the  Business  Cycle. 
Publications:  Reparations  .Trade  and  Foreign 
Exchange;  Germany  and  Her  Debts:  Invest- 
ment for  Appreciation:  L'Art  du  Placement 
des  Capitaux;  The  Problems  of  the  Foreign 
Exchanges;  and  various  other  books  on 
economic  and  Stock  Exchange  subjects.  Recrea- 
tions: rackets,  ski-ing,  tennis,  golf.  Address: 
280  Park  Avenue,  New  York  City  17,  N.Y., 
U.S.A.  Clubs:  Bath.  Leander ;  Vincent's  (Ox- 

ANGEL,  John,  N.A.  1943  (A.N.A.  1944); 
Litt.U.,  F.R.B.S.;  Sculptor;  6.  Newton  Abbot, 
England,  1  Nov.  1881 ;  8.  of  Samuel  Angel  and 
Hannah  Maria  Bearne ;  m.  1914,  Elizabeth  D. 
(d.  1942),  d,  of  Prof.  Thomas  Day  Seymour, 
Yale  University;  twos.  Educ.:  Exeter  College 
of  Art ;  Lambeth  Art  School ;  Royal  Academy 
Schools,  London.  After  7  years  apprentice- 
ship carving  marble,  stone  and  wood,  and 
study  in  Exeter  and  at  Lambeth  Schools, 
entered  Royal  Academy  Schools  1906;  Land- 
seer  Scholarship,  Armitage  diploma,  two  first 
silver  medals,  gold  medal,  1911 ;  studied  in 
Rome  and  Athens,  1912 ;  assisted  Sir  George 
Frampton  4  years;  exhibited  at  Royal  Acad- 
emy, 1912-27;  designed  and  executed  Exeter 
and  Bridgwater  War  Memorials  and  statue  of 
St.  George  at  Rotherham ;  statuettes  and 
busts  in  various  collections,  including  Institute 
of  Fin'e  Arts,  Glasgow,  and  Albert  Memorial 
Museum,  Exeter ;  busts  of  Sir  John  Biles,  Sir 
Philip  Watts,  etc. ;  left  England  for  U.S.A.  1925, 
made  most  of  statuary  on  Cathedral  of  St.  John 
the  Diviae,  New  York  (Ralph  Adams  Gram 
Architect) ;  statuary  on  Altar  St.  Patrick's  Cath- 
edral, New  York,  also  marble  statue  of  Saint 
Patrick  in  its  choir ;  statues  of  William  M.  Rice, 
Rice  Institute,  Texas,  Francis  Vi$o,  (granite)  at 
Vincennes,  Ind.,  Alexander  Hamilton,  Chicago, 
also  a  bronze  statue  of  Stephen  Fuller  Austin, 
for  Austin,  Tex.,  St.  Paul  at  Concord,  N.H., 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Last  Supper  group  (marble)  for  East  Liberty 
Church,  Pittsburgh,  Crucifixion  group,  St. 
Louis,  Mo.,  Majestas  group,  and  The  Annun- 
ciation group,  Princeton  Univ.  Chapel,  Christ 
mthe  Temple  (marble  panel),  St.  Paul's  School, 
Ooncord,  N.H.,  Madonna  and  Child  (marble 
panel),  Chatham  Hall  .School,  Chatham,  Va. 
Bronze  Doors,  Central  Portal,  West  Front,  St. 
Patrick's  Cathedral,  N  ew  York,  etc. ;  (in  pro- 
gress) statue  Christ  the  Teacher  (bronze)  for 
Catholic  Central  High  Sch.,  Braintree,  Mass. ; 
statuary  reredos,  St.  John's  Church,  Youngs- 
town,  Ohio.  Bust  of  Judge  John  Munro 
Woolsey,  Phillips  Academy,  Andover,  Mass. ; 
designed  William  Edward  Parsons  Memorial 
Medal  for  Yale  University;  hon.  Litt.D. 
Columbia  University,  1936;  member  Mediaeval 
Academy  of  America,  Architectural  League, 
National  Sculpture  Society  of  America;  has 
lectured  at  Yale  University,  Metropolitan 
Museum,  New  York,  etc.  Recreations :  billiards 
and  photography.  Address:  Old  Mill  Road, 
Sandy  Hook,  Conn.  T. :  Newtown  136-J.2. 
Glub  :  Century  (New  York). 

ANGELIS,  A.  de  ;  see  De  Angelis. 

ANGELL,  Sir  Norman,  Kt.,  cr.  1931; 
author  and  lecturer :  6.  26  Dec.  1874  ;  $.  of  late 
Thomas  Angell  Lane,  J.P.,  Mansion  House,  Hoi- 
beach.  JEduc. :  privately ;  Lycee  de  St.  Omer, 
France;  Geneva.  Youth  passed  in  Western 
America,  first  ranching  and  prospecting,  and 
later  in  newspaper  work ;  returned  to  Europe, 
1898,  as  correspondent  various  American  news- 
papers ;  Editor,  G-alignani's  Messenger,  1899- 
1903;  staff  of  Eclair,  Paris,  1903-5;  General 
Manager  Paris  Daily  Mail,  1905-14  ;  Editor, 
Foreign  Affairs,  1928-31;  M.P.  (Lab.)  North 
Bradford  1929-31 ;  Member  of  the  Council  of 
Royal  Institute  of  International  Affairs,  1928- 
1942;  Co-President  of  the  Comite  mondial 
contre  la  guerre  et  le  fascism ;  co-director  of 
Glarte  (Paris);  awarded  Nobel  Peace  Prize  for 
1933;  inventor  of  The  Money  Game,  a  series 
of  card  games  which,  teach  the  principles 
of  elementary  economics,  particularly  of 
banking  and  currency.  Publications :  Patriot- 
ism under  Three  Flags,  1903  ;  Europe's 
Optical  Illusion,  1909 ;  The  Great  Illusion, 
1910 ;  Peace  Theories  and  the  Balkan  War,  1912 ; 
The  Foundations  of  International  Polity,  1914 ; 
Prussianism  ana  its  Destruction,  1914  ;  The 
World's  Highway,  1915  (in  America);  The 
Dangers  of  Half  -  Preparedness,  1916  (in 
America);  Why  Freedom  Matters,  1916;  War 
Aims,  1917 ;  The  Political  Conditions  of  Allied 
Success,  1918;  The  Economic  Chaos  and  the 
Peace  Treaty,  1919 ;  The  Fruits  of  Victory, 
1921 ;  If  Britain  is  to  Live,  1923;  Must  Britain 
Travel  the  Moscow  Road?  1926;  The  Public 
Mind,  Its  Disorders :  Its  Exploitation,  1926 ; 
The  Story  of  Money,  1930 ;  Can  Governments 
Cure  Unemployment  ?  1931  (with  Harold 
Wright) ;  The  Unseen  Assassins,  1932 ;  The 
Press  and  the  Organisation  of  Society,  1933 ; 
The  Great  Illusion,  1933,  1933  ;  From  Chaos 
to  Control,  1933 ;  The  Menace  to  Our  National 
Defence,  1934;  Preface  to  Peace,  ,1935;  The 
Money  Mystery,  1936:  The  Money  Game, 
1936;  This  Have  and  Have-not  Business, 
1936  ;  The  Defence  of  the  Empire,  1937 ;  Peace 
with  the  Dictators  ?  1938  ;  You  and  the  Refugee 
(with  Dorothy  Buxton)  1939;  For  What 
do  we  Fight?,  1939  ;  America's  Dilemma,  1940; 
Let  the  People  Know,  1943 ;  The  Steep  Places, 
1947.  The  Great  Illusion  has  appeared  in 
England,  America,  France,  Germany,  Holland, 
Denmark,  Sweden,  Spain,  Italy,  Russia,  Japan, 
and  China,  as  well  as  in  Hindi,  Bengali,  Urdu, 
Marathi,  and  Tamil.  Recreation :  small  yacht 
cruising.  Address:  501  West  113th  Street, 
New  York  City ;  T. :  University  4-6670 ; 
North ey  Island,  Maldon,  Essex. 

ANGERS,  Justice  Eugene-Rgal,  Judge 
of  the  Exchequer  Court  of  Canada  since  1932 ; 
1.  1  Oct.  1883;  s.  of  Real  Angers  and  Josephine 
Trudel;  m.  1909,  Germaine  Tousignant;  fours, 
three  d.  Edw.:  High  School,  St.  Mary's 
College  (B.A.)  and  Laval  University  (LL.L.), 
Montreal.  Admitted  to  Bar,  Province  of 

Quebec,  1907  ;  Practised  law  in  Montreal,  1907- 
1932;  KG.,  1930;  Hon.  LL.D.,  Ottawa  Univ., 
1937.  Address :  13  Blackburn  Avenue,  Ottawa, 
Canada.  T.;  3-8204;  2-8211,  Local  2094. 

ANGLESEY,  7th  Marquess  of  (cr.  1815), 
George  Charles  Henry  Victor 
Paget,  Baron  Paget,  of  Beau  Desert,  1549 ; 
Earl  of  Uxbridge,  1784  ;  Bt.  1730  ;  Lord  of 
the  Manor  of  Burton-upon-Trent ;  Major, 
Royal  Horse  Guards,  1946 ;  Lieut.  -  Col., 
County  Commandant,  A.C.F.,  Anglesey  and 
Caernarvonshire,  1947  ;  Commodore,  Royal 
"Welsh  Yacht  Club,  1948  ;  b.  8  Oct.  1922  ;  o.  s. 
of  6th  Marquess  of  Anglesey,  G.C.V.O., 
and  Lady  Victoria  Marjorie  Harriet  Manners 
(d.  1946),  d.  of  8th  Duke  of  Rutland;  S. 
father  1947 ;  m.  1948,  Elizabeth  Shirley 
Vaughan,  o.  d.  of  Charles  Morgan,  q.v.,  and  of 
HildaVaughan^.-y.;  oned.  Educ.:  Wixenford, 
Wokingham  ;  Eton  College.  Heir  :  u.  Lord 
Victor  Paget,  q.v.  Address  :  Plas-Newydd, 
Llanfair-Pwllgwyngyll,  Anglesey.  T. :  Llan- 
fairpwll  30. 

See  also  Sir  (C.)  M.  (R.  V.)  Duff,  Bt.,  Earl 
of  Pembroke,  Earl  of  Shrewsbury. 

ANGLESS,  V. ;  see  Brunton-Angless,  V. 

ANGLIN,  Arthur  Wtiyte,  Ji.(J.  lyoa  ; 
JVieuibBi-  uf  iii-iu  of  Biakb,  Anglin,  Osier  & 
Cassels,  Toronto  ;  o.  St.  John,  N.B.,  10  Jan. 
1867  ;  s.  of  late  Hon.  T.  W.  Auglin,  Speaker, 
Canadian  House  of  Commons ;  in,  1894,  Madeleine 
St.  George  (d.  1929),  e.  d.  of  late  Sir  Glen- 
holme  Falcon  bridge ;  five  s.  •  six  d.  Educ. : 
St.  Mary's  College,  Montreal ;  Ottawa  Uni- 
versity ;  Law  Society,  Upper  Canada ;  First 
scholarship,  1888  and  1889;  gold  medal,  1890. 
Called  to  Ontario  Bar,  1890.  Address:  71 
Clarendon  Avenue,  Toronto. 

ANGLIN,  Brig.  Gerald  G.,  C.B.E.  1945; 
M.C.  U316;  E.D. ;  General  Manager.  Eastern 
Bakeries  Limited,  Saint  John,  N.B.  ;  b. 
1894  ;  s.  of  late  Dr.  Jas.  V.  Anglin,  Saint 
John,  N.B. ;  m.  1926,  Doreen  Gillis,  d.  of  late 
Lt.-Col.  J.  L.  McAvity  ;  three  s.  one  d.  Educ.: 
Mt.  Allison  and  McGill  Universities.  Three 
years  six  months  European  War  with  26th 
Bn.  Canadian  Exped.  Force  (M.C.  and  Bar). 
Member  firm  Sanford  Harrison  <fe  Angliu, 
Barristers,  1921-28  ;  District  Officer  Comdg. 
Military  District  7,  1940-45.  Director  Saint 
John  Board  of  Trade  ;  Chairman,  Board  r>f 
Governors,  Canadian  Corps  of  Commis- 
sionaires, New  Brunswick  Division.  Address  : 
Rothesay,  Kings  Co.,  New  Brunswick, 

ANGLISS,  Hon.  Sir  William  Charles, 
Kt.,  er.  1939;  M.L.O.  Victoria  lor  southern 
Province  since  1912;  Chairman  of  Directors 
of  W.  Angliss  &  Co.  (Aust.)  Pty.  Ltd., 
Eagle.  Star  Insurance  Co.  Ltd.,  Investors  Pty. 
Ltd.,  Kenyu  Pastoral  Co.  Pty.  Ltd.,  Bluff 
Downs  Pastoral  Co.  Pty.  Ltd.,  Miranda  Downs 
Pastoral  Co.,  Queensland  Stations  Pty.  Ltd., 
Vanrook  Pastoral  Co.  Pty.  Ltd.  Benbow  Mills 
Pty.  Ltd.,  Premier  Printing  Co.  Pty.  Ltd.  ; 
Director  of  many  other  Companies ;  b.  Dudley, 
England,  29  Jan.  1865 ;  m.  1919,  J.  Grutzner, 
C.B.E.  1949.  Address :  Benbow,  Harcourt  St., 
Hawthorn,  Melbourne,  Australia. 

ANGU  S,  Alfred  Henry,  B.Sc.  (Viet.); 
P.C.I.S.  4  touncier  and  nrst  Editor,  The  British 
Advertiser  ;  Director,  Audit  Bureau  of  Circula- 
tions; Principal,  Hon.  Secretary  and  Hon. 
Chaplain,  TettenhaU  College,  Staffordshire 
1913-25;  1.  Hutton  Lowcross,  Guisborough, 
Yorks,  29  May  1873 ;  s.  of  G.  H.  Angus  and  E. 
Calvert;  m.  1st,  1900,  Nellie,  d.  of  Joseph 
Unsworth,  Liverpool ;  one  s.  one  d. ;  2nd,  1936, 
Selina  Jane  Arnott,  e.d.  of  late  James  Treble, 
Assistant  Director,  Education,  ^Torthumher- 
laud.  .Educ.  .*  Sir  Joseph  Pease's  School,  and 
Univ.  College,  Liverpool.  History  Lecturer, 
Leeds  Pupil  Teachers'  Centre,  1895-6;  House 
Master,  Harrogate  College,  1896-1900  ;  Second 
Master  and  Chief  Mathematical  Master,  Central 
Secondary  School,  Birmingham,  1901-6 ;  Head- 
master, George  Dixon  Secondary  School,  Bir- 
mingham, 1906-13.  Publications  :  Introduction 
to  Differential  and  Integral' Calculus?  -Mairaail 
of  Slide  Rule ;  Ideals  in  Teaching ;  numerous 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

articles  in  Educational  Journals.  Recreations : 
golf,  shooting,  motoring.  Address:  6  Purcell 
Mansions,  Queen's  Club  Gardens,  W.I 4.  T. : 
Fulham  5951. 

ANGUS,  Col.  Edmund  Graham,  C.B.E. 
1944:  M.G.;  T.D. ;  D.L.  (Co.  Durham), 
1945 ;  J.P.  (North' d),  1948 ;  Chairman  and 
Managing  Director  George  Angus  &  Co. 
Ltd.,  Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  since  1934:  also 
Director  of  Newcastle  &  Gateshead  Water 
Co.,  Newcastle-on-Tyne  Permanent  Building 
Society,  Boyal  Insurance  Co.  Ltd.  (Local) ; 
Mem.  North  Eastern  Electricity  Board ;  b. 
9  June  1889 ;  s.  of  Col.  W.  M.  Angus,  C.B. ; 
in.  1922,  Bridget  E.  I.  Spencer;  two  s. 
one  d.  (and  e.  s.  presumed  killed  in  action, 
Anzio,  Italy,  1944).  Educ. :  Felsted  School. 
Joined  George  Angus  &  Co.  Ltd.,  1906. 
Commissioned  in  Volunteer  Forces  (H.A.). 
Served  in  firm's  Boston  office,  1910-11, 
mobilised  Aug.  1914;  served  in  France 
and  Flanders  with  50th  Divisional  Artillery 
till  Feb.  1919;  demobilised  with  rank 
of  Major;  rejoined  G.  Angus  &  Co.  Ltd., 
Director  1920.  Uejoined  T.A.  1920  ;  comd. 
74th  Northumbrian  Field  Eegt.,  1925-32; 
subst.  Col.  with  effect,  1929.  Recreation: 
norticulture.  Address:  Uavenstone,  Cor- 
bridge,  Northumberland.  T. :  Corbridge 
122.  Clubs :  Carlton  ;  Northern  Counties, 
Union  (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). 

ANGUS,  Brigadier  (Hon.)  Tom 
Hardy,  D.fc.O. ;  b.  22  May  1899 ;  s.  oi 
late  J.  tf.  Angus  and  M,  8.  D.  Hardy ;  unmarried. 
Educ. :  privately  ;  B.M.C.  Sandhurst.  First 
Commission,  1918  ;  Joined  45th  Rataray's  Sikhs, 
now  3rd  Bn.  llth  Sikli  Begt.  (Kattray's 
Sikhs),  19]  8:  Regimental  duty  until  1982; 
Staff  College,  Quetta,  1932-33;  R.A.F.  Stafl 
College,  Audover,  1935  ;  Brigade  Major,  1st  In- 
fantry Brigade,  Abbotfcabad,  N.W.F.P.,  1936-40; 
Instructor  (G. 3. 0.2)  Staff  College,  Quetta,  1940. 
Recreation:  golf.  Address:  c/o  Lloyds  Bank 
Ltd.,  fi  Pall  Mall,  S.W.I.  Club :  United  Service. 

ANGWIN,  Col.  Sir  (Arthur)  Stanley, 
K.B.B.,  cr.  1945  ;  Kt.,  cr.  1941 ;  D.S.O.,  M.C. 
1917,  T.D.  1923 ;  Chairman  of  Cable  and 
Wireless  Ltd.  since  1947  ;  Chairman  Radio 
Research  Board  since  1947  ;  b.  11  I>ec.  1883  ; 
s.  of  George  William  Angwin ;  m.  1921, 
Dorothy  Gladys  Back;  three  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Bast  London  College.  Pupil  of  Messrs.  Yarrow 
and  Co.,  Shipbuilders  and  Engineers ;  sub- 
sequently entered  Post  Office  Engineering 
Dept. :  B.Sc.  (Bng.)  London ;  Whitworth 
Exhibitioner  ;  served  European  War,  Galli- 
poli,  Egypt,  France ;  Commanded  52nd 
(Lowland)  Divisional  Signals ;  after  war 
commanded  44th  Div.  Sigs. ;  later  Deputy 
Chief  Signal  Officer  (Supplementary  Reserve); 
President  Institution  of  Electrical  Engineers, 
1943-44 ;  Member  of  Council  Instn.  of  Civil 
Engineers,  1944-49;  Member  of  Tele- 
vision Cttee.  1934  and  1943,  and  Television 
Advisory  Committees,  1939  and  1945 ; 
Engineer-in-Chief,  General  Post  Office,  1939- 
1946.  Fellow  Queen  Mary  College,  1946. 
Address  :  Electra  House,  Victoria  Embank- 
ment, W.C.2.  T, :  Temple  Bar  1222.  Club  : 
Junior  United  Service. 

ANLEY,  Brigadier-General  Barnett 
Dyer  Lempriere  Gray,  C.B.  1925; 
C.M.G.  191Y;  L\o.O.  1900;  o.  22  Aug.  Ib73 ; 
e.  Si  of  Col.  Barnett  N.  Anley  ;  m.  1902, 
Gwendolyn,  e.  d.  of  Major  Leigh  Gwatkin, 
J.P.  Entered  Army,  1894 ;  served  South 
Africa,  1899-1900  (despatches  twice);  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-18  (despatches  six  times, 
Bt  Li -Col.  and  Col.,  C,M.G.t  Chevalier 
Legion  d'Honneur);  Commanded  183rd  Infantry 
Brigade;  G.S.O.I.  Staff  College,  1919;  com- 
manded 1st  Batt.  K.O.R.R.,  1919-20;  com- 
manded 3rd  London  Infantry  Brigade,  1920- 
1921 ;  Commandant  Senior  Officers'  School, 
Sheerness,  1921  -  25 ;  Commanded  125th  (Lanes. 
Fusiliers)  In&ntry  Brigade  T,A.,  1926-28; 
retired  s  pay,  1928.  Address:  St.  George's, 
Wych  Hill* Lane,  Waking.  '  T.:  Woking  868. 
ANLEY,  Major  Philip  Francis  Ross, 
C.B.E.  1927;  6,1874;  s.  of  GoL  B.  N.  Anley; 

m,  1911,  Adeline  Ellen  (d.  1932),  d.  of  late 
General  Sir  William  Sherbrook  Ramsay  Nor- 
cobt,  K.C.B.  Served  S.  Africa,  1899-1901 
(wounded,  despatches  twice,  Queen's  medal 
with  five  clasps) ;  European  War,  1914-18.  Ad- 
dress: 6  Oakmount  Avenue,  Highheld, 

ANNALY,  4th  Baron  (cr.  1868),  Luke 
Henry  White;  late  llth  Hussars;  b. 
7  Aug.  1885;  s.  of  3rd  Baron  Annaly  and  Hon. 
Lilah  Gaorgiana  Augusta  Constance  Agar-Bllis 
(d.  1944),  d.  of  3rd  Viscount  Clifden.  ;  5.  father, 
1922 ;  m.  1919,  Lady  Lavinia  Spencer,  2nd  d.  of 
6th  Earl  Spencer,  K.G. ;  one  s.  one  d.  Entered 
Army,  1900 ;  Captain,  1915  ;  Major,  1921 ;  re- 
tired, 1921;  was  A.  D.C.  to  Lord  Methuen  in 
South  Africa;  sorved  European  War,  1914-18 
(Officer  Legion  of  Honour,  M.C.X  Heir;  s. 
Hon.  Luke  Robert  White,  fo.  15  March  1927. 
Address:  1  Wythburn  Court,  W.I.  Club:  Turf. 
See  also  Viscount  Galway,  Col.  J.  G.Loirther. 

ANNAN,  William,  M.A.,  C.A.,  P.C.W.A., 
FMt.S.B.  j  Partner  ot  Graham  Smart  and  Annan 
C.A.,  Edinburgh  and  London;  Emeritus  Prof, 
of  Accounting  and  Business  Method,  Edinburgh 
University  ;  b,  Lochee,  Dundee,  23  Aug.  1872 ; 
s.  of  David  Annan  ana  Jane  Wilkie;  m.  1897, 
Margaret  Letts  Munro;  no  g.  MUG.:  High 
School,  Dundee.  Recreation:  golf.  Address; 
22  Charlotte  Square,  Edinburgh.  T.:  Edin- 
burgh 26253.  Cwft :  University  (Edinburgh). 

ANN  AND,  Richard  Wallace,  V.C. 
1940  ;  Personnel  Officer  at  Finchale  Abbey 
Training  Centre  for  the  Disabled,  near 
Durham,  since  1948 ;  late  Captain  Durham 
Light  Infantry  (B.A.R.O.) ;  b.  5  Nov. 
1914  ;  s.  of  Lieutenant-Commander  Wallace 
Moir  Annand.  Hoyal  Naval  Division 
(killed  Galiipoli  1915),  and  Dora  Elizabeth 
Chapman,  South  Shields:  m.  1940,  Shirley 
Osborne.  Educ. :  Pocklington,  E.  Yorks, 
Served  Staff  of  National  Provincial  Bank, 
1933-37  ;  commissioned  in  R.N.V.E.  1933 
(Tyne  and  London  Divisions) ;  transferred 
to  Durham  Light  Infantry,  Jan.  1938 ; 
served  in  France  and  Belgium,  1939-40 
(wounded,  V.C.).  Invalided,  Dec.  1948. 
Recreations  :  Rugby  football,  golf ;  interest : 
general  welfare  of  the  deafened.  Address : 
Springwell  House,  Whitesmocks,  Durham 

ANNE,  George  Charlton,  O.B.E. ; 
Director:  Tote  Investors  Ltd.  since  1934; 
Turf  Guardian  Society  since  1987 ;  ft.  1886 ; 
e.  s.  of  late  Ernest  Anne  of  Burghwallin 
and  Edith,  d.  of  Sir  Thomas  George  Augustus 
Parkyns,  6th  Bart. ;  ffi.  1st,  Amy  violet 
(d.  1935),  d.  of  late  James  Montagu  of  Melton 
Park  and  Hon,  Mrs.  Lindley  Wood ;  three  s. 
one  d. ;  2nd,  1938,  Constance,  d,  of  Alfred  Dag- 
nell.  JSduo. :  Oratory  School ;  Exeter  College, 
Oxford.  Major,  late  R.P.C.  and  E.A.F.; 
formerly  Capt.  K.O. Y.L.I.;  A.D.C.  to  Gover- 
nor of  Gold  Coast,  1909-10 ;  served  throughout 
European  War,  1914-18  (despatches) ;  founded 
Wire  Fox  Terrier  Association,  1912;  Secretary 
R.A.F.  Boxing  Association,  1924-27;  a  pioneer 
of  the  Totalisator  form  of  Betting  In  England 
and  Scotland;  Manager,  North  District  Bace- 
course  Betting  Control  Board,  1929-32 ;  General 
Manager,  Tote  Investors  Ltd.t  1032-39;  Life 
Member  (Hon.)  National  Playing  Fields 
Association.  Patron  of  one  living.  Address: 
Bardown,  Stonegate,  Sussex.  T. :  Ticehurst 
238,  Clubs :  United  Service ;  Kent  and  Sussex 
Counties  (Tunbridge  Wells). 

ANNESLEY,  family  name  of  Earl  Annesley, 
and  Viscount  Valentia. 

ANNESLEY,  8th  Bail  (or.  1789),  Beresford 
Cecil  Bingham  Annesley ;  Baron  Annes- 
ley, 1758;  Viscount  Glerawly,  1766;  late  Lieut. 
6th  Batt.  Boyal  Fusiliers;  Pilot  Officer  in 
B.A.F.V.R.,  1941;  b.  4  Apr.  1894;  o.  s.  of 
7,1?h ,  Earl  a-nd  a&qid  Fleming  (d.  19£S)»  &  of 
Hayhes  Bingham  Higgirison,  Bock  Ferry, 
Cheshire ;  5.  father,  1034  ;  m.  1st,  1921,  Edifch 
(who  obtained  a  divorce,  1940  ;  she  d.  1950),  o,d. 
of  Mai.  Kawlinson,  late  of  4  Aldford  St.,  W. ; 
2nd,  1945,  Josephine  Mary,  widow  of  Capt. 
G.  J".  S.  R-epton.,  29  Curzon  St.,  W.  and  of  Irish 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Guards,  d.  of  late  Phillip  Brandell,  New  York 
City.    Heir :  kinsman,  Arthur  Albert  O'Donel 
Valentia  Annesley,  6. 1867.    Club :  Union. 
ANNESLEY,  Capt.  Jonn  Campbell, 

D.S.O.  1918  ;  R.N.,  retd.  ;  o.  a  Aug.  IbWo  ;  *.  ol 
late  William  Gore  Annesley;  m.  1920,  Cicely 
Anne  Walton  Craig  (marriage  dissolved,  1947) ; 
one  s.;  m.  1947,  Thelma,  d.  of  A.  Powell, 
Toorak,  Victoria.  Educ. :  Eastman's,  South- 
sea;  R.N.  Colleges.  Served  European  War, 
1914-19  (wounded,  despatches,  D.S.O.,  Croix 
de  Guerre) ;  War  of  1939-45  (despatches  ;  Royal 
Norwegian  Order  of  St.  Olav) ;  retired,  1948. 
Address:  c/o  Coutts  and  Co.,  440  Strand,  W.C.2. 
ANNETT,  Engineer -Captain  George 
Lewis,  C.I.E.  1941 ;  Royal  Indian  Navy, 
retired ;  6.  1887  ;  s.  of  late  George  Samuel 
Annett,  M.C. ;  m.  1918,  Hessie  Mary,  d.  of 
late  Robert  Felpts,  Ulverston.  Arms  Traffic 
Operations,  Persian  Gulf,  1909-14;  served 
European  War,  1914-19  (despatches  twice) ; 
head  of  Engineering  Branch,  Royal  Indian 
Nayy ;  retired,  1941.  Address :  c/o 
Grindlay's  Bank  Ltd.,  54  Parliament  St., 

ANNETT,    Henry    Edward,    M.B.K ; 
M.  Jj. ,  JD. je.  Jt±. ;  retired;  Turner  Research  Fellow 
(Cancer),  1931-38  ;  Hon.  Lecturer  Pathology  of 
Meat,  etc.,  University  of  Liverpool,  1922-25; 
Lecturer  in  Animal  Pathology,  University  of 
Liverpool,  1922-28;   Cancer  Researcher,  Uni- 
versity of  Liverpool,  1923-80  ;  Superintendent, 
Research  Laboratories,  Higher  Runcorn,  1911- 
1922  ;    Professor   of  Comparative  Pathology, 
University  of  Liverpool,  1906  - 11 ;  &.  5  June 
1871 ;  m.  1906,  E.  L.,  d.  of  George  Bell.   Educ.  : 
University  College,  Liverpool ;  Victoria  Univer- 
sity,  Manchester.    Graduated  with   honours, 
1894.    Lecturer   on   Comparative    Pathology, 
University,  Liverpool,  1903;  Superintendent, 
Incorporated   Liverpool    Institute    of    Com- 
parative Pathology  since  1902 ;  member  of  first 
expedition  sent  out  by  Liverpool  School  of 
Tropical    Medicine    to   West    Africa,    1891; 
directed   second    expedition,    1900;    Director 
Animal  Diseases  Expedition  to  Uruguay  1905, 
and  of  Colonial  Office  Expedition  to  W.  Indies, 
1906-7  ;  M.O.H.  Runcorn  Urban  District,  1913- 
1923;   Acting  M.O.H.  Widnes  Borough  Dis- 
trict,  1915-19;    M.O,   in   command   Runcorn 
Vicarage  Military  Hospital;   Joint  Author- 
Report  of  Malaria  Expedition  to  Sierra  Leone, 
1899 ;  Report  of  Expedition  to  Nigeria  (Mal- 
aria), 1900;  Report  of  Expedition  to  Nigeria 
(Filariasis),  1900.  Address:  143  Highfield  Road, 
Rock  Ferry,  Cheshire.    T. :  Rock  Ferry  518. 
ANREP,  Glefr  V.;   Professor  of  Physiology, 
University  of  Cairo,  flJsypt,  since  1931 ;  b.  Petro- 
grad, 1891 ;  s.  of  Basil  von  Anrep,  pharmacolo- 
gist and  high  official,  pre-war  Russia ;  TO.;  one  s.; 
m.  Annie  Wieninger.  Educ. :  Medical  Academy, 
Petrograd ;  University  College,  London.    M.B. 
1914  ;  joined  the  Russian  Army  as  a  medica. 
officer,  1914,  till  the  end  of  the  participation  o: 
Russia  in  European  War,  1917 ;  M.D.  Medica1 
Academy  and   Lecturer  in  the   Institute   o: 
Experimental  Medicine,  Petrograd ;  joined  th< 
forces  of  General  Denikine  against  the  Bol 
sheviks,    1918;   settled   in   England  in  1920 
naturalised,  1925  ;  first  Assistant  at  University 
College,  London,  then  Lecturer  at  Cambridge 
M.Sc?  and    D.Sc.,   London;    M.A.    Cantab. 
F  R  S    1928 ;  Fellow   of  University  College 
Sharpey-Schafer  prize,  W.  Mickle  prize,  Sydney 
Ringer    Lecturer;     Cooper    Lane    Lecturer 
Stanford  Univ.,  San  Francisco,  U.S.A. ;  engaged 
in  research  work  since  1912.  Member :  Academy 
of  Medicine,  Roumania ;  Academy  of  Science 
Vienna.      Publications:    in    various    Physio 
logical  Journals,  chiefly  on  circulation  and  con 
ditioned  reflexes.    Recreations :  anything  which 
comes  along.    Address:  Physiological  Labora 
tory,  University  of  Cairo,  Egypt.    T.A. :  Maadi 
Cairo.,  T.:  Maadi  53479.   Clubs:  Gezira Sporting 
Turf  (Cairo). 

ANSELL,    Rev.    Prefr.    Georg 
Frederick    James;     Prebendary    of   S 
Paul's  Cathedral  since  1948 ;  Rural  Dean  o 
Poplar  since  1941 ;  Rector  of  S.  Mary,  Bow 

E.3,  since  1932  ;  6.  11  Feb.  1886  ;  s,  of  George 
and  Mary  Fiddy  Ansell;  m.  1912,  Alice 
Martha  Smith,  SJUST.  ;  two  *.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
King's  College,  London  University.  A.E.C. 
1916;  Deacon,  1916;  Priest,  1917  ;  Curate 
S.  Michael,  London  Fields,  1916-26  (in  charge 
of  S.  Martin,  1918-26);  Vicar  S.  Michael, 
London  Fields,  1926-32  ;  President  of  Sion 
College,  B.C.,  1947-48.  Address  :  Bow 
Rectory,  ^airfield  Road,  E.3.  T.  :  Advance 

ANSELL,  William  Henry,  M.C.; 
lioyai  Jtiiigineersj  ;  arcHD.  ;  i\Jtt.l.JtJ.A.,  A.K.JS.  ; 
b.  Nottingham,  Nov.  1872;  m.  1902,  Florence 
Lenian  (d.  1946),  Chipping  Norton,  Oxon. 
Edw.  :  Derby.  Articled  to  firm  of  architects 
in  Derby;  commenced  practice  in  London  as 
an  architect,  1900  ;  principal  works  :  hospitals, 
Westbury,  Sevenoaks  ;  country  houses,  Surrey, 
Derbyshire,  Devonshire  ;  churches,  Liverpool, 
London,  and  Suffolk  ;  Head  Offices,  National 
Deposit  Friendly  Society,  London  ;  Butchers 
Charitable  Institution,  Hounslow;  Convale- 
scent Homes,  Skegness,  St.  Margaret's  Bay, 
Everleigh,  Banstead,  Surrey  ;  Oresnams  School 
Holt  Sanatorium.  Etcher  of  architectural 
subjects;  University  Extension  Lecturer  on 
Architecture  in  connection  with  the  University 
of  London  ;  served  European  War,  Oct.  1915- 
1918  (M.C.,  despatches  twice);  President 
Architectural  Association,  1928;  Chairman 
Board  of  Architectural  Education,  1931*33; 
Vice-Pres.  Royal  Institute  of  British  Archi- 
tects 1933-35,  Pres.  1940-43;  Viee-Chairman 
National  Buildings  Record;  Master  Art 
Workers  Guild,  1944  ;  Deputy  Commissioner, 
War  Damage  Commission.  Address  :  5 
Verulam  Buildings,  Gray's  Inn,  W.C.I.  T.: 
Chancery  8169  ;  Little  Paddock,  Seal,  Seven- 
oaks.  T,  :  Seal  68.  Club  :  Athenaeum. 
ANSERMET,  Ernest;  Conductor;  ft. 
Vevey,  Switzerland,  1883.  Conductor  Mon- 
treux  Kursaal,  1912  ;  Subscription  Concerts, 
Geneva,  1915-18;  toured  with  DiaghileflE 
Ballet,  from  1915,  in  France,  Spain,  England, 
Italy  and  America;  founded  Orchestre  de 
la  Suisse-Eomande,  Geneva,  1918.  Gpest- 
conductoi  in  aU  important  concert  institutions 
in  Europe  and  America.  Address:  11  Rue 
Bollot,  Geneva. 
AN  SON,  family  name  of  Earl  of  Lien- 


ANSON,  Viscount;  Thomas  -William 
Arnold  Anson;  Major  Grenadier  Guards; 
o.  4  May  191  a  ;  s.  of  4th  Earl  of  Lichfield,  g.w  ,  ; 
m  1938,  Anne  Ferelith  (marriage  dissolved, 
1948:  she  TO.  2nd,  1950,  Prince  Georg  of 
Denmark),  d.  of  late  Hon.  John  Bowes-Lyon  ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  Harrow.  Caress: 
Shugborough  Park,  Stafford.  T.:  Milford 
(Staffs.)  22?  Clubs  :  Guards',  Boodle's,  Pratt  s. 
ANSON,  Sir  Edward  (ReyneUK  6th  Bt 
cr.  1831  ;  6.  31  Jan.  l»02  ;  o,  surv.  s.  oilatettear- 
Adm  Algernon  Horatio  Anson,  4th  $.  of  2nd  Bt., 
and  Hon.  Adela  Vernon,  d.  of  6th  Baron  Vernoh  ; 
S.  brother,  1918  ;  in.  1923,  Alison,  o.  d.  of  Hugh 
Pollock,  Crossways,  South  Chard,  Somerset; 
two  s.  Educ.  ;  Royal  Naval  Colleges,  Osborne 
and  Dartmouth  ;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge. 
Joined  B.  Navy,  1915;  retired,  1919;  served 
in  Eoyal  Artillery,  1989-45  CLt-Col).  P^fow- 
tion-  The  Owner-Gardener,  1934;  The  Small 
Garden,  1936.  Recreations:  gardening  and  fish- 
ing. Heir:  s.  Peter  Anson,  T).  31  July  1924. 
Sofcww.-  Meadows,  Hatch  Beauchamn, 
Taunton,  Somerset.  T.:  Hatch  Bjitrachsnfp 
202.  Club  :  St.  James'. 

ANSON,  George  H.,  M.C.,  T.D  ,  D.L.;  late 
commanding  Stalls.  Yeomanry;  J.P.  Derby- 
shire  ;  e.  s.  of  Henry  Anson  Horton,  of  Catton 
Hall,  Co.  Derby;  m.  1st,  1926,  Barbara  Mary 
(d.1939),  o.  d.  of  Algernon  H.  P.  Strickland  of 
Apperley  Court,  Gloucestershire  ;  '2nd,  1941, 
Magdabn  Luker,  Park  Lodge  Ked^sg)^ 
Educ.  :  Eton  ;  New  College,  Oxford.B.  A,  Bar- 
rister Inner  Temple,  1912;  served  in{Egyi)t  and 
XllrtSE  and  Syria  1914-19  ;  Master  SL  ttgb. 
Hounds,  1920-27;  Sheriff  of  Derbyshire,  Wfi. 
Address:  Catton  Hall,  Burton-on-Twk  ,JT.; 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Barton -under -Need-wood    222.    Clubs:   Con- 
servative, Boodle's. 
AN  SON,   Rev.   Harold,    M.A. ;     Mastet 

of  the  Temple  since  iys5  ;  Jtion.  Canon  of  South- 
wark,  1933;  b.  1867;  s.  of  Rev.  Frederick 
Anson,  Canon  of  Windsor,  and  Caroline,  e.  d.  ol 
5th  Lord  Vernon;  m.  1st,  1894,  Gwenllian  (c7. 
1935).  d.  of  Henry  Langridge ;  two  s.  one 
d. ;  2nd,  1944,  Lally  Anne,  A.  of  T.  Sydne> 
Walker,  Edgbaston.  Educ. :  Clifton  ;  Chris  i 
Church,  Oxtord.  Deacon,  1890 ;  Priest,  1891 
Curate  of  St.  Pancras,  1890-94;  Rector  ol 
Whitton,  1894-97 ;  Vicar  of  Hawera,  N.Z.,  1897 
1902  ;  Warden  of  St.  John's  College,  Auckland, 
N.Z.,  1902-5;  Rector  of  Badsworth,  1906-10; 
Rector  of  Birch-in- Rusholme,  1910-19;  Curatt 
of  St.  Mary's,  Primrose  Hill,  1919-22;  01 
St.  Martin  in  the  Fields,  1922-28:  Examining 
Chaplain  to  Bishop  of  Lincoln,  1920-25;  Select 
Preacher,  Cambridge,  1918  and  1938  ;  Vicar  0' 
Tandridge,  1928-35;  Rural  Dean  of  Godstone 
1930-35.  Publications :  Spiritual  Healing  ;  A 
Practical  Faith;  Thinking  Aloud;  Looking 
Forward,  1938  ;  The  Truth  about  Spiritualism ; 
Life  of  T.  B,  Strong,  1949.  Address :  Temple 
Cottage,  Ide  Hill,  Sevenoaks.  T.:  Ide  Hill 
221.  Club:  Athenseum,  __ 

A  N  S  O  R  G  E,  Sir  Eric  Cecil,  Kt., 
cr.  194<i;  O.b.l.  1942;  O.l.K  iy87;  1.0.8.  (retd.), 
B.A.  Hon.  (Oxon)  ;  6.  6  March  1887 ;  s.  of  lat- 
Dr.  W.  J.  Ansorge ;  m.  1915,  Wenonah,  d.  of  lat>- 
Major  J.  W.  Leather,  Educ. :  St.  Paul's  School ; 
St.  John's  Coll.,  Oxford  (Schol.).  Enteren 
I.C.S.  1910  and  posted  to  Bengal,  1911 ;  served 
under  Government  of  India  (Commercial  In- 
telligence Dept.,  19 18-19,  Commerce  and  Financ" 
Depts.,  1919-24) ;  Secretary  to  Government  ol 
Bihar  and  Orissa,  1926-29;  Registrar  of  Co- 
operative Societies,  1930-34;  Commissioner  of 
Tirhut,  1935-38 ;  Revenue  Commissioner, 
Orissa,  1938;  Adviser  to  Governor  of  Orissa, 
1939-Nov.  1941;  Chief  Commissioner  Designate 
Andaman  and  Nicobar  Islanete,  1941;  Super 
visor  I.C.S.  Probationers'  Training  Camp,  1941 ; 
Adviser  to  Governor  of  Bihar,  1943-46;  Mem- 
ber Board  of  Revenue,  Bihar,  1946  ;  retired. 
Employed  under  Colonial  Office,  in  Nyasaland, 
1948-50,  Publication :  Silk  in  India  (with  latf 
Prof.  Maxwell  Lefroy).  Recreation:  philately. 
Address  :  c/o  Lloyds  Bank,  6  Pall  Mall,  S.W.I. 
Clubs :  Oxford  and  Cambridge  University . 
Wildernesse  Country  (Seal,  Kent). 
ANSTEAD,  Rudolph  David,  C.I.E. 
1927 ;  M.A. ;  Fellow  Madras  University ; 
b.  Wisbeoh,  Cambridgeshire,  2  June  1878 :  s.  ol 
Walter  Henry  Anstead,  H.M.  Inspector  o' 
Schools ;  m.  1905,  Louisa  Lofting ;  no  c.  Educ.: 
Giggleswick  Grammar  School ;  Christ's  College 
Cambridge  (Scholar  and  Prizeman),  2nd 
Class  in  Natural  Science  Tripos;  Research 
Chemist,  Barbados,  British  West  Indies,  1901 ; 
joined  the  Imperial  Department  of  Agricul- 
ture, British  West  Indies,  as  Sugar  Chemist, 
1902  ;  Superintendent  of  Agriculture,  Grenada, 
in  same  Dept.,  1906 ;  transferred  to  Indian 
Agricultural  Service  as  Deputy  Director  ol 
Agriculture,  Planting  Districts,  1909 ;  Director 
of  Agriculture,  Madras  Agricultural  Dept., 
1922-31 ;  retired,  1981 ;  Member  Indian  Coffee 
Market  Expansion  Board,  1937,  retired  1946. 
Publications:  various  in  scientific  journals 
Recreations:  fives,  cricket,  tennis.  Hobby: 
botany  and  gardening.  Address :  St.  Alkelda, 
5  Maple  Av.,  Bishop's  Stortford.  T.:  Bishop  V 
Stortford  520.  Club :  Royal  Empire  Society. 
ANSTEY,  Most  Rev.  Arthur  Henry, 
C.B.E.  1944  ;  Hon.  D.D.  Oxford  and  Dur- 
ham. Educ. :  Keble  College,  Oxford.  Or- 
dained, 1898  ;  Curate  at  Ayleabury  and  "Bed- 
minster  ;  Principal  of  St.  Boniface  Missionary 
College  Warminster,  1 904-10 ;  Examining 
Chaplain  to  "Bishop  of  Barbados,  1911-18 ; 
Bishop  of  Trinidad,  1918-45  ;  Archbishop  of 
the  West  Indies,  1943-45. 
ANSTEY,  Brig.  Edgar  Carnegie, 
D.S.O.  1919 ;  fate  R.A. ;  b.  1882 ;  s.  of  H. 
Anstey.  Ectuc. :  "Wellington  College  and 
R.M.A.  Served  European  War,  1914-18 

Slespatches,  D.S  0.,  Legrion  d'Honneur,  Croix 
e  G-uerre) ;   Chief  Staff  Officer,  Armaments 

Sub-Commission  of  the  Inter-Allied  Com- 
mission of  Control  in  Germany,  1 920-22 : 
Brigadier,  R.A.,  Western  Command,  India, 
1931-32 ;  Brigadier,  General  Staff,  Western 
Command,  India,  1932-35 ;  retired  pay, 
1935  ;  Passive  Air  Defence  Officer,  London 
District,  1938-40 ;  Special  employment, 
Southern  Command,  1940;  Member  of  His- 
torical Section,  Offices  of  thr  Cabinet,  1940- 
1942  ;  Military  Correspondent,  Daily  Sketch 
and  Sunday  Times,  1942-44,  and  of  Daily 
Despatch  and  Sunday  Chronicle,  1944-4.r>. 
Publications  ;  The  Vanishing  Yacht,  193<*  ; 
The  Mystery  of  the  Blue  Inns,  11)37  ;  Peace 
in  Our  Time.  1945.  Club  :  Army  awl  Navy. 
ANSTEY,  Gilbert  T.,  C.B.  1049;  Comp- 
troller and  Accountant -General,  General 
Post  Office,  1947-50  ;  b.  31  Jan.  1889  ;  s.  of 
Robert  and  Elizabeth  Mary  Anstey  ;  in. 
1914,  Eva  Alice  Simpson  ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Sexey's  School,  Blackford,  Somerset. 
Entered  Civil  Service  (Post  Office),  190S ; 
Asst.  Accountant -General,  1940;  Deputy 
Comptroller  and  Accountant-General,  1,945. 
Address :  In4he-Wood,  Woldingham,  Surrey. 
T. :  Woldingham  2323. 

ANSTEY,  Vera,  D.Sc.  (Econ.);  Sir  Jfirnest, 
Cassel  Header  in  Commerce,  London  School  of 
Economics  and  Political  Science  since  1941 ;  6. 
1889 ;  2nd  d.  of  James-and  Mary  Powell;  m.  1913, 
Percy  L.  Anstey  (d.  1920);  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Ladies'  College,  Cheltenham;  Bedford  College 
for  Women ;  London  School  of  Economics  and 
Political  Science.  Studied  music  and  German 
at  Frankfurt  a/M,  1907-8;  Hygiene  Diploma, 
Bedford  College  for  Women,  1910 ;  Gerstenberg 
Scholar  in  Economics,  1912 :  B.Sc.  (Econ.)  with 
IstOlaSvS  Honours  in  Economic  History,  1913}  re- 
sided  in  Bombay,  India,  1914-20;  Assistant,  1921, 
Lecturer  in  Commerce,  1929,  L.S.E.;  D.8c.(Econ.) 
London  Univ.,  1930,Dean,  Faculty  of  Economics, 
1950-52.  Publications:  The  Trade  of  the  Indian 
Ocean,  1929;  The  Economic  Development  of 
India,  1929,  "Revised  Ed.,  1936.  Address :  Start- 
forth,  The  Green,  Esher,  Surrey.  T. :  Esher 

ANSTICE,  Rear-Acini.  Edmund  Walter, 
C.B.  1950 ;  "Blag  Officer  laying  Training  since 
1949  ;  b.  5  May  1899  ;  2nd  s.  of  late  Major 
J.  C.  A.  Anstice  ;  m.  1923,  Lesley,  d.  of  late 
L.  Ritchie,  Sydney,  N.S.W. ;  two  s.  Educ. : 
R.N.C.,  Osborne  and  Dartmouth.  Lieut., 
1920  ;  Comdr.,  1932  ;  Oapt.,  1939  ;  Rear- 
Adm.,  1948.  Served  European  War,  19]  4- 
1918  ;  specialised  in  Naval  Aviation,  1924  ; 
War  of  1939-45,  Admiralty ;  commanded 
H.M.S.  Fencer  ;  Chief  of  Staff  Flag  Officer, 
Carrier  Training ;  4th  Naval  Member 
Australian  Naval  Board,  194C-48  ;  Flap; 
Officer  Training  Squadron,  1948-49.  Recrea- 
tions :  fishing,  shooting.  Address :  Warb- 
lington  Lodge,  Havant,  Hants.  T. :  Savant 
659.  Club  :  United  Service. 
ANSTICE,  Brig.  John  Henry,  D.S.O. 
liHO :  6.  Oraneetteld,  Preatwiok,  Ayrshire,  25 
Oct.  1807:  f.  s.  of  late  Major  J.  C.  A ,  Anstice : 
w.  1926,  Sydney,  o.  d.  of  late  S.  "Williamson  ; 
two  d  Educ.  ':  Eton  ;  R.M.C.,  Sandhurst. 
2nd  Lt.  6th  Tnniskilling  Dragoon*,  1016; 
served  European  War,  France  and  Belgium, 
1916-18  (British  War  Medal,  Victory  Medal, 
Officer  of  the  Order  of  Leopold);  Rhine 
Army,  1919-20  ;  Egypt  and  India,  1022-28  ; 
Adjutant  Lanarkshire  Yeomanry,  1 034-R7  ; 
Commands!  5tb  Hoynl  InniskiUinjz  TV(V 
1939-40:  War  of  1939-45  (D.S.O.  and  B»^; 
in  Prance,  1939-40;  Acting  Brigadier,  1940; 
Brigadier,  1948  ;  retired  pay,  1949.  Order 
of  Polonia  Restitute  3rd  Class.  Recreations  : 
all  games,  shooting,  hunting,  etc.  Address  : 
Goodamoor,  Plympton,  S.  Devon. 
ANSTRUTHER,  Colonel  Philip  Noel, 
D.8.O.  19iti ;  M.O. ;  b.  2  Sept.  1891 ;  o.  a.  of  late 
Admiral  Robert  H.  Anstruther,  C.M.G.;  n.  of 
Sir  Ralph  Anstrntber,  6th  Bart,  of  Balcaskie, 
Fife  ;  m.lst,  1920,  Hope  Lewin  (who  obtained  a 
divorce,  1931) ;  one  s.  one  d. ;  2nd,  1937,  Mary 
Were,  Matamata,  N.Z.  Educ, :  Sherborne 
School:  R.M.O.,  Sandhurst.  Commission  in 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Regular  Army,  1911 ;  served  in  India  till  Jan. 
1914  ;  Adjutant  and  acting  Lt.-Col.  command- 
ing 7th  (Service)  Batt.  of  R.  W,  Kent  Regt. 
during  European  war,  1914-18  (M.C.,  D.S.O., 
despatches  twice,  seriously  wounded):  India. 
1921-26 ;  graduated  Staff  College,  Quetta,  1926  : 
Staff  Captain,  Malta,  1928-29 ;  Brigade  Major, 
Canal  Brigade,  Egypt,  1930-32  ;  India,  1932-37  ; 
commanded  1st  Bn.  The  Queen's  Own  Royal 
West  Kent  Regiment,  1937-40 ;  Temp.  Col.  1940. 
Recreations :  sailing  and  music.  Address : 
Lime  Court,  Beckley,  Rye,  Sussex,  Clubs: 
rntorr)afirvnM  Sportsmen's,  Little  PMp. 

ANSTRUTHER,  Sir  Ralph  Hugo,  7th 
Bt.,  cr.  1694;  M.C.  1943;  B.A. ;  Major  Cold- 
stream  Guards ;  b.  13  June  1921 ;  o.  s.  of  late 
Captain  Robert  Edward  Anstruther,  M.C.,  The 
Black  Watch,  o.  s .  of  6th  Bt. ;  S  grandfather, 
1934.  Educ. :  Eton  ;  Magdalene  College,  Cam- 
bridge. Recreations:  hunting,  ski-ing,  shooting. 
Heir:  cousin,  Douglas  Tollemache,  b.  15  July 
1893.  Address:  Balcaskie,  Pittenweem,  Fife; 
Watten,  Caithness.  Clubs:  Brooks's:  tfew 
See  nlsn  Sir  T.  T).  Frtf-'-n  P 

ANSTRUTHER,  Sir  W  i  n  d  h  a  m 
Eric  Francis  Carmichael-,  12th  Bt.,  cr, 
1694  and  1798;  Hereditary  Carver  to  Royal 
Household  in  Scotland ;  one  of  the  Hereditary 
Masters  of  the  Household  for  Scotland;  b. 
1900 ;  s.  of  late  Gerald  Yorke  Anstruther  and 
Ellen  Caroline,  d.  of  J.  Milne,  Cradock,  Cape 
Colony  ;  S.  cousin,  1928 ;  m.  1st,  1932,  Fay  Sibyl 
Marie  (marriage  dissolved),  o.  c.  of  Ernest 
Rechnitzer,  45  Charles  St.,  Berkeley  Sq.  (she 
m.  1948,  Oapt.  Jerzy  Bondorowski) ;  2nd,  1948, 
JoanCoates.  Educ.:  Marlborough ;  R.M.C., 
Sandhurst.  Heir :  u.  Hugh  John  Elphinstone, 
b.  27  Nov.  1876.  Address:  23  Ovington  St., 

THORPE,  Sir  FitzRoy  Hamilton, 
IstBt.,  cr.  1929;  J.P. ;  6.  1872;  m.  1898,  Hon. 
Rachel  Gough-Calthorpe,  e.  d.  of  6th  Baron 
Calthorpe ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Harrow.  Per- 
manent Staff  Officer  i/c  Army  Motor  Reserve. 
Served  European  War  on  General  Staff,  1914- 
1919;  Military  Order  of  Avis,  Portugal.  Heir: 
s.  Brigadier  Richard  Hamilton  Anstruther- 
Gough-Calthorpe,  q.v.  Address:  Elvetham 
Hall,  Hartley  Wintney,  Basingstoke.  T.  : 
Hartley  Wintney  10.  T.A.:  Hartley  Wintney. 
Clubs:  Marl  borough- Windham,  Royal  Thames 
Yacht ;  Royal  Yacht  Squadron. 
Rw  also  Enron  LuTce. 

Brigadier  Richard  Hamilton,  C.BJE. 
1946  (O.B.E.  1940);  Croix  de  Guerre,  1947; 
Hon.  LL.D.  (Birmingham) ;  M.A.  (Camb.) ; 
J.P. ;  Brig,  the  Greys,  retrl. ;  b.  190S ;  o.  s. 
and  heir  of  Sir  FitzRoy  Anstruther- Gough- 
Calthorpe,  1st  Bt.,  «?.».;  m.  1939,  Nancy 
Moireach,  d.  of  late  Vernon  Austen  Malcolm- 
son,  M.A.,  J.P.,  Aston  Bury,  Stevenage, 
Herts:  threes.  Educ. :  Harrow;  Magda- 
lene College,  Cambridge  (M.A.).  2nd  Lt. 
Royal  Scots  Greys,  1930,  Capt,.,  1938.  Served 
War  of  1939-45,  Norway  and  Middle  East ; 
Deputy  Director  Military  Operations,  War 
Office,  1944-47;  retired  1947.  C.C.  1949, 
Hants.  Address:  Brook  House,  Fleet, 
Hants.  T.:  Fleet  596.  Clubs:  Turf,  Royal 
Yacht  Squadron. 

William  John,  M.C.  1943 ;  b.  190;'> ;  o.  s. 
of  late  Colonel  W.  Anstrather-Gray,  M.P., 
D.L..  J.P. , of  Kilmany ;  m.  1934,MonicaHelen, 
O.B.E.  1946,  o.  c.  of  late  Geoffrey  Lambton, 
2nd  s,  of  4th  Earl  of  Durham;  two  d  Editc,.  • 
Eton  :  Christ  Church,  Oxford,  M.A.  (Hons.). 
Lieut.  Coldstream  Guards,  1926-30;  served 
Shanghai  Defence  Force,  1927-28  ;  rejoined 
Sept.  1939  and  served  N.  Africa,  France, 
Germany,  etc.  with  Coldstream  Guards  and 
Lothians  and  Border  Horse  :  Major,  1942  ; 
M.P.  (U.)  for  North  Lanark,  1931-45  ;  up  to 
Sept.  1939  Parl.  Private  Secretary  to  Rt.  Hon. 
Sir  John  Colville,  M.P.,  Secretary  of  State  for 
Scotland,  and  previously  to  tne  Financial 
Secretary  to  the  Treasury,  and  to  Secretary 

for  Overseas  Trade ;  Assistant  Postmaster- 
General,  May-July  1945;  contested  (U.) 
Berwick  and  East  Lothian,  Feb.  1950.  Ad- 
dress: Easter  Kilmany,  Cupar,  Fife.  T.: 
Gauldry  247.  Clubs:  Guards',  Carlton, 
Brooks's ;  New  (Edinburgh). 

ANTHONY,  C.  L. ;  see  Smith,  Dodie. 

ANTHONY,  Herbert  Douglas,  M.A. 
(Cantab.)  B.Sc.,  Ph.D.  (Lond.),  F.R.A.S. ; 
Colonel  (Research)  Army  Education  since 
1949  ;  b.  24  June  1892  ;  s.  of  Thomas  Michell 
Anthony;  unmarried.  Educ.:  Latymer 
Upper  School,  Hammersmith;  Queens*  Col- 
lege, Cambridge  (Mathematical  Sen.  and 
Prizeman,  Ryle  Beading  Prize);  King's 
Coll.,  London.  Loyal  North  Lancashire 
Begt.  (Asst.  and  Acting  Adjutant);  Royal 
Engineers  (Sound-ranging,  Western  Front) ; 
Asst.  Tutor,  Richmond  Coll. ;  Mathematical 
Lecturer,  Westminster  College ;  Headmaster, 
Elmfield  School,  York ;  Headmaster  Kilburn 
Grammar  School;  Territorial  Army  Anti- 
Aircraft;  Senior  Military  Testing  Officer, 
W.O.S.B.;  Chief  Inspector,  Army  Educa- 
tion ;  Panel  of  Asst.  Examiners  in  Mathe- 
matics, London  University;  Examiner, 
L.C.C. ;  Hon.  Local  Secretary,  Geography 
Section,  British  Association,  York  Meeting, 
1932  ;  District  Comr.,  Boy  Scouts,  Selby  and 
Richmond,  Surrey ;  M.R.S.T.,  etc.  Publica- 
tions: Relativity  and  Religion,  an  inquiry 
into  the  implications  of  the  theory ,  of  rela- 
tivity with  respect  to  religious  thought,  1927 ; 
Is  Christ  Final  ?  1929  ;  Science  and  its  Back- 
ground, 1948.  Recreations:  walking,  swim- 
ming, motoring.  Address:  102  Norcot  Boad, 
Tilehurst,  Beading.  T. :  Beading  67194. 

ANTHONY,  Irvin,  Author;  (serving  as 
Lieut.  U.S.  Coast  Guard  Reserve,  but  placed 
in  inactive  duty  status) ;  b.  5  March  1890  ; 
s.  of  Samuel  Anthony  and  Eliza  Conquest ; 
m.  1918,  Eleanor  L.  Cooper,  B.S.  and  M.A., 
University  of  Pennsylvania.  Publications  : 
Down  to  the  Sea  in  Ships,  1 925  ;  Three  Ships 
in  Azure,  1927  ;  Paddle  Wheels  and  Pistols, 
1929  ;  Voyagers  Unafraid,  1930  ;  Decatur, 
1931 ;  Ralegh  and  His  World,  1934 ;  The 
Saga  of  the  Bounty,  1935 ;  Revolt  at  Sea, 
1937  •  contributor  to  The  Bookman,  Satur- 
day Evening  Post,  The  Pictorial  Review, 
Rudder,  Fore  and  Aft,  Sea  Stories,  etc. 
Recreations :  swimming,  yachting,  travel. 
Address  :  Seaside  Park,  New  Jersey,  U.S.A. 

ANTHONY,  John  ;  see  Beckett,  R.  B. 

ANTIGUA,  Bishop  of,  since  1944;  Rt. 
Rev.  Nathaniel  William  Newnham 
Davis ;  b.  17  July  1903 ;  s.  of  William  Herbert 
Davis,  M.B. ;  m.  1948,  Margaret  Mary  Cole- 
man.  Educ. :  Harrow  School ;  Merton  Coll., 
Oxford;  Cuddesdon  Coll.  B.A.  1924  ;  M.A. 
1929;  Deacon,  1926;  Priest,  1927;  Curate  of 
Church  of  Holy  Spirit,  Beeston  Hill,  1926-30  ; 
Rector  of  St.  Anne,  Sandy  Point,  St.  Kitts, 
1931-44  ;  Archdeacon  of  St.  Kitts,  1941-44. 
Address:  Bishop's  Lodge,  St.  John's, 
Antigua,  B.W.I.  Clubs  :  Oxford  and  Cam- 
bridge, West  India. 

ANTRIM,  13th  Earl  of,  en  1630;  Randal 
John  Somerled  McDonnell;  Viscount 
Dunluce,  1785;  temp.  Lt.-Comdr.  R.N.V.R.; 
b.  22  May  1911;  er.  s.  of  12th  Earl  of 
Antrim  and  Margaret,  y.  d.  of  late  Rt.  Hon. 
J.  G.  Talbot;  S.  father,  1932;  m.  1934, 
Angela  Christina,  d.  of  Sir  Mark  Sykes,  6th 
Bt. ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  Eton ;  Christ  Church, 
Oxford.  Hon.  Attache  H.M.  Legation,  Tehran, 
1932 ;  Clerk  in  the  Hotise  of  Lords,  1933-34 ; 
D.L.,  J.P.  Co.  Antrim.  Served  War  1939-45, 
in  Royal  Navy.  Heir:  s.  Viscount  Dnnluee, 
q.v.  Address:  Glenarm  Castle,  Co.  Antrim. 
Clubs:  Beefsteak,  White's  ;  Ulster  (Belfast). 
See  also  Baron  Bicester,  Baron  Clinton,  Sir  M. 
Macgregor,  Bt. 

ANTROBUS,  Maurice  Edward,  C.M, G. 
1943;  O.B.E.  1938;  Assistant  Secretary, 
Commonwealth  Relations  Office;  b.  20  July 
1895;  er.s.  of  late  Sir  Reginald  Antrobus  and 
late  Dame  Edith  Antrobus,  D.B.E. ;  m.  1929, 
Betty,  &r.  d.  of  late  Sir  Llewelyn  Dalton;  two 
s.  Educ. :  Winchester ;  Trinity  Col.,  Cam- 


bridge  (Exhibitioner).  B.A.  1920;  served 
European  War,  1914-19,  K.RJEl.C.  (wounded 
twice) ;  Assist.  Principal,  Colonial  Office, 
1920  ;  Private  Sec.  to  Governor  of  Ceylon, 
1927-30  ;  Principal  Dominions  Office,  1930  ; 
Political  Secretary,  Office  of  U.K.  High  Cornr. 
in  Union  of  S.  Africa,  1935-39 ;  Assistant 
Secretary,  Colonial  Office,  1939;  Principal 
Secretary,  Office  of  U.K.  Representative  to 
Eire,  1939-41;  Official  Secretary,  Office  of 
U.K.  High  Comr.  in  Commonwealth  of 
Australia,  1941-44 ;  Official  Secretary,  Office 
of  U.K.  High  Commissioner  in  New  Zealand, 
1944-45.  Recreations :  golf,  philately,  gar- 
dening. Address:  South  Lodge,  Forest 
Row,  Sussex.  T. ;  Forest  Row  159. 
Clubs  :  United  University  ;  Royal  Ashdown 
Forest  Golf  (Forest  Row). 

ANTROBUS,  Captain  Sir  Philip 
Humphrey,  Oth  Bt.,  or.  1815 ;  M.C. ;  late 
Irish  Guards ;  Z>.  22  July  18T6 ;  s.  of  late  R.  C. 
Antrotaus ;  S.  cousin,  1939 ;  m.  1919,  Olive,  d.  of 
late  Louis  Dillon  FitzGibbon.  Educ.:  Eton. 
Served  European  War,  1914-19.  Heir :  cousin, 
Geoffrey  E.,  5. 1867.  Address:  West  Amesbury 
House,  Arnftsbury,  Wilts.  T. :  Amesbury  2260. 

ANWYL,  Rev.  John  Bod  van;  I.  Chester, 
1875 ;  4th  s.  of  John  and  Blen  Anwyl ;  I.  of  late 
Sir  Edward  Anwyl.  Minister  of  Blira  Welsh 
Congregational  Church,  Carmarthen,  1899-1901 ; 
Superintendent  of  the  Glamorgan  Mission  to 
the  Deaf  and  Dumb,  1904-19 ;  Cataloguer  at 
the  National  Library  of  Wales,  Aberystwyth, 
1919-21 ;  Dictionary  Secretary  to  the  Board  of 
Celtic  Studies  of  the  Univ.  of  Wales,  1921-35  ; 
winner  of  prize  offered  by  Mr.  William  George 
for  best  rendering  of  National  Insurance 
Act  terms  into  Welsh.  Publications :  SpurrelJ  V 
Welsh  -  English  Dictionary,  editions  1934, 
1915, 1918, 1920, 1926, 1930, 1934, 1937;  Spurrell's 
English-Welsh  Dictionary,  editions  1916, 1922, 
1926,  1932,1937;  Spurrell's  Pocket  Dictionary, 
Welsh-English  and  English- Welsh,  1919, 1929, 
1980, 1937, 1948 ;  Y  Pulpud  Bach,  1924 ;  Y  Bardd 
Owsg  (rev,  edn.),  1927 ;  Drych  y  Prif  Oesoedd 
(rev,  edn.)t  1982;  Englynion,  1988;  FyHanesi  ry 
Hunan,  1933  ;  Yr  Arian  Mawr,  1934 ;  haa  trans- 
lated about  a  dozen  volumes  into  Welsh ;  has 
written  numerous  articles,  stories,  essays,  ai(d 
poems,  chiefly  in  Welsh.  Recreation's :  garden- 
ing, etc.  Address:  Bryn  Bodfan,  Liang wnadl, 
Pwllhfill,  Caernarvon  shir  e. 

Augustus  Mervyn  Owen,  C.B.E.  1942 
(O.B.E.  1918);  D.L.  1927;  J.P.  Middlesex: 
Knight  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem;  Officer 
Crown  of  Italy;  Member  Chapter  General,  Order 
of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem;  b.  31  Aug.  1880;  y,  and  o. 
sv/rv.  s.  of  late  Major  Robert  T.  Anwyl-Passing- 
ham,  Bryn-y-Groes,  Bala,  Merioneth,  D.L.,  J.P. , 
and  Lucy  Emma,  er.  d.  and  co-heiress  of  late 
Jeffreys  Badger  of  Kingsland,  Salop ;  m.  1909, 
Margaret,  4th  d.  of  late  C.  J.  Radclyffe,  D.L., 
J.P.,  Hyde  House,  Wareham,  Dorset  and  Fox- 
denton  Hall,  Lanes ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Dover 
College.  Commissioned  Middlesex  Regiment, 
1901;  Major  1916;  Colonel  in  the  Army, 
1916 ;  retired,  1922  ;  Secretary,  Middlesex 
Territorial  Army  and  Air  Force  Association, 
1924-45;  County  Welfare  Officer,  County  of 
Middlesex,  1940-45  ;  served  South  African  War, 
1900-2 ;  Northern  Nigeria  with  Mounted  In- 
fantry,  Hadeija  and  Sokoto  Expeditions,  1906 ; 
Belfast  Riots,  Ireland  (severely  wounded) ; 
European  War,  1914-18  (O.B.E.,  despatches 
twice) ;  Upper  Silesia,  1919-21 ;  Assistant 
Inspector  Recruiting,  War  Office ;  Director  of 
Recruiting  for  Wales  ;  Special  Service,  Italy ; 
British  Empire  Exhibition,  Wembley;  High 
Sheriff  County  of  Middlesex,  1988.  Recreations : 
Rugby  football,  boxing,  riding,  shooting, 

,  fishing.  Address:  Orchard  Lea,  Priory  Road, 
Ascot.  T. :  Winkfleld  Row  3230,  <»a:Army 
and  Navy ;  RandpwTj  Park  (F5.<har) ;  TCempton 
Park  (Sunbury-pn-Thamea). 

AOTEAROA,  Bishop  of,  since  1928 ;    Rt. 

,  Rev.  Frederick   Augustus  Bennett , 

CJtG.  1948  ;   Suffragan  to  Bishop  of  Wai- 

<>-«apu.;<  6.  Ohinemufcu,  N.Z.,  1872.     Educ.: 

H  s  Qhtnemtttu ;  St.  Stephen's  College,  Auckland ; 


Nelson  College,  N.Z. ;  Bishopdale  Theological 
College.  Deacon,  1986  ;  Priest,  1897  ;  Mis- 
sionary to  Maoris  in  Southern  Taranaki,  1899- 
1905;  at  Rotorua,  1905-17  ;  Assistant  Super- 
intendent to  Maori  Mission,  Hawkes  Bay, 
1917-28.  Address:  Kohupa tiki,  Clive,  New 
Zealand.  [DMIQ  tiept.  1950. 

AP  ELLIS,  Group  Capt.  Augustine, 
C.B.E.  1925 ;  late  R.A.F. ;  b.  Westerdale,  1886 ; 
s.  of  Rev.  John  Rathbone  Ellis,  Wester- 
dale,  Yorks;  m.  1910,  Mary  Catherine,  d. 
of  Captain  James  White;  one  s.  Educ.: 
Market  Bosworth  Grammar  School ;  Workaop 
College.  Commissioned  in  the  London  Irish, 
1909;  attached  to  the  R.F.C.  from  the 
Royal  Engineers,  1915  ;  served  in  France,  1915- 
1916;  Air  Ministry,  Directorates  of  Training 
and  Demobilisation,  1917-19 ;  permanent  com- 
mission R.A.F.  as  Squadron  Leader,  1919; 
Headquarters  Inland  Area,  1919-22 ;  in  com- 
mand No.  208  Squadron,  1922-23 ;  Headquarters 
Iraq  Command,  1924-26;  Headquarters  Air 
Defence  of  Great  Britain,  1926-29 ;  Directorate 
of  Staff  Duties,  Air  Ministry,  1929-31 ;  Group 
Capt.  1U31 ;  in  command  No.  5  Flying  Training 
School,  1981-32  ;  No.  4  Flying  Training  School, 
Egypt,  1932-35 ;  No.  6  Flying  Training  School, 
1935-40  ;  No.  34  B.F.T.S.,  1941-44 ;  retired  from 
R.A.F.  1945.  Mentioned  for  War  Service,  1918  ; 
Belgian.  M.C.  (1st  Class),  1943;  Commander  of 
Order  of  Orange  Nassau  (Holland),  1947; 
Military  Medal  of  Merit,  1st  Class  (Czecho- 
slovakia), 1947.  Address:  77  Merrion  Road, 
BaUrtbricljLje,  Dublin,  Republic  of  Ireland.  T.  : 
Dublin  69740.  '"M :  Roval  Air  Force. 

APLIN,  Harold  D'Auvergne,  O.M.G. 
1930 ;  District  Manager  Witwatersrand  Native 
Labour  Assoc.,  Dowa,  Nyasaland,  since  1988; 
b.  1879 ;  s.  of  late  Gapt.  P.  H.  P.  Aplin,  the 
Buffs;  m.  1931,  Marion  Sylvester  Bostock. 
Educ.:  United  Services  College,  Westward  Ho. 
Secretariat,  Nyasaland,  1901 :  Provincial  Com- 
missioner, 1921 ;  Senior  Provincial  Commis- 
sioner, 1928 ;  Sec.  for  Native  Affairs,  1931 ;  ret, 
1933.  Address:  c/o  Standard  Bank  of  8. 
Afri<v»,  T/bd.,  Salisbury,  S.  Rhodesia. 

APPERLEY,  (George  Owen) 
Wynne,  R.I.  1913;  figure  and  landscape 
painter;  b.  Ventnor,  17  June  1884;  s.  of 
William  Wynne  Apperley,  who  was  0.*.  of 
0.  J.  Apperley,  the  author,  known  aa  Nimrod, 
and  Margaret  Tremenheere ;  on..  Bnriqueta 
Contreras ;  two  s.  Educ. :  Uppingham. 
Studied  art  under  Herkomer:  first  ex- 
hibited at  Royal  Academy,  1905 ;  one-roan 
exhibitions  in  London,  1906,  1908,  1910,  1912. 
1913,  1914, 1915;  exhibited  also  at  Paris  Salon, 
Venice  International,  Madrid,  etc. ;  one-man 
exhibitions  abroad  —  Madrid,  1919,  Buenos 
Ayres,  1924,  Madrid,  1928,  Granada,  1931, 
Tangier,  1940  and  1944,  Madrid,  1944;  one 
of  his'  pictures  bought  by  the  Spanish 
Government,  and  is  now  in  the  Modern 
Art  Gallery,  Madrid ;  represented  at  Victoria 
and  Albert  Museum,  Lever  Art  Gallery, 
Hull  Art  Gallery,  etc.  ;  given  the  Order 
of  the  Mehdauia  by  the  Jalifa  of  Tetuan, 
1938  ;  and  the  Order  of  Alfonso  X  el  Sabio  by 
Spanish  Govt.,  1945.  Publications :  Series  of 
Chapters  on  Water  Colour  painting  published 
in  Drawing,  1914-15 :  articles  in  The  Studio  and 
in  daily  press.  Recreation:  music.  Ad- 
dress :  Villa  Apperley,  Tangier.  Morocco. 

APPLEBY,  Sir  Alfred,  Kt.,  cr.  1923;  JJ?.; 
Head  of  firm  of  Appleby  &  Lisle,  solicitors ; 
6.  1866 ;  m.  1897,  May  Orandon,  o.  d.  of  Edward 
Ormas,  of  The  Elms,  Norwich ;  one  s.  on,e  d. 
Address  :  M»ncroft  Hon*e,  Newcastle-upon- 
Tvne.  T. :  Jesmond  223. 

APPLEBY,  Lieut.-Col.  John  Prinele, 
C.M.G.  1945;  late  Postmaster-General, 
Ceylon,  retired  1947  ;  6.  27  Sept.  1891 :  m. 
1917  ;  one  s.  one  d.  Entered  Post  Office  at 
Morpeth,  Northumberland,  1907.  Mobilised 
with  Northumberland  Hussars,  Aug.  1914; 
served  with  Royal  Signals  until  Jan.  1920  • 
Heado.uarters  G.P.O.,  London.  1921-33 ; 
Head  Postmaster,  Okehampton,  Devon,  1933- 
1936;  Asst.  P.M.G.  Ceylon,  1936-40.  Recrea- 
tions: tennis  and  golf,  riding.  Address; 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Hillcroft,  Post  Hill,  Tiverton,  Devon.     T.: 
Tiverton  2795. 
APPLEBY,    Sir     Robert     Rowland, 

K.B.E.,  vr.  1942  (C.B.E.  1937) ;  President 
of  Robert  Appleby  &  Co.  Inc.  (Exporters  & 
Importers),  New  York;  b.  London,  Eng- 
land, 26  Dec.  1887  ;  s.  of  George  William 
Appleby  and  Esther  Weatherhead  ;  m.  1912, 
Hilda  Victoria  Parsons  ;  no  c.  Educ. :  in 
England.  Director,  Past.  Pres.  and  Chair- 
man of  the  Board  of  The  British  Empire 
Chamber  of  Commerce  in  the  U.S.A.,  New 
York  ;  Founder  and  Vice-Pres.  British  War 
Relief  Society  of  the  U.S.A.  Recreation  : 
golf.  Address  :  Pelham  Manor,  New  York. 
T.A. :  Ronappleby  Newyork.  T. :  Plaza 
7-2270.  Clubs:  Bankers,  British  (New  York); 
Wykagyl  Country  (New  Rochelle,  N.Y.). 

APPLETON,  Sir  Edward  (Victor), 
G.B.E.,er.  1946:  K.C.B.,  cr.  1941 ;  F.R.S. 
1927 ;  M.A.,  D.Sc.,  Hon.  LL.D.  (Aberdeen, 
Birmingham,  St.  Andrews,  London  and  Glas- 
gow); Hon.  D.Sc.  (Oxford,  Brussels  and 
Leeds);  Hon.  Sc.D.  (Cambridge);  Hon. 
M.Inst.C.E. ;  Hon.  A.R.I.B.A. ;  Hon  Fellow 
of  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge ;  Fellow  of 
King's  College,  London ;  Principal  and  Vice- 
Chancellor,  University  of  Edinburgh,  since 
1949 ;  b.  6  Sept.  1892 ;  s.  of  Peter  Appleton, 
Bradford,  Yorks  ;  m.  Jessie,  d.  of  late  Rev.  J. 
Longson ;  two  d.  Educ. :  Hanson  School, 
Bradford ;  St.  John's  College,  Cambridge 
(Scholar  and  Exhibitioner) ;  Natural  Science 
Tripos,  Parts  I.  and  II.  (Physics),  1913  and 
1914.  Served  European  War,  1914-18,  West 
Riding  Regt.  and  Capt.  R.E. ;  Assistant 
Demonstrator  in  Experimental  Physics, 
Cavendish  Laboratory,  1920 ;  Wheatstone 
Professor  of  Physics,  University  of  London, 
1924-36 ;  Jacksonian  Professor  of  Natural 
Philosophy,  Cambridge  University,  1936- 
1939 :  Secretary,  Department  of  Scientific 
and  Industrial  Research,  1939-49.  Morris 
Liebmann  Memorial  Prizeman  (1929)  and 
Vice-President  (1932)  American  Inst.  Radio, 
Eng. ;  Hughes  Medallist  of  Royal  Society, 
1933 ;  Faraday  Medallist,  Institution  of 
Electrical  Engineers,  1946  ;  Ewing  Medallist, 
Institute  of  Civil  Engineers,  1949  ;  Hon. 
Freeman  of  Bradford,  Yorks,  1947  ;  Nobel 
Prize  fpr  Physics,  1947.  President  Inter- 
national Scientific  Radio  Union.  Publica- 
tions :  various  original  papers  on  electricity 
and  the  scientific  problems  of  wireless  tele- 
graphy. Address  :  Old  College,  The  Univer- 
sity, Edinburgh.  Club :  Athenseum. 

APPLETON,  Brigadier  Gilbert  Leonard, 
C.B.  1947;  O.B.E.  1941 ;  p.s.c.:  b.  24  Nov. 
1894 ;  «.  of  late  Charles  Seweil  Appleton, 
Paignton,  Devon  'm.  1918,  Dorothy  Essing- 
ton,  d.  of  late  William  Vosper,  Merafield, 
Plympton,  Devon  :no  c.  Educ. :  BlundelTs 
School ;  R.M.A.,  Woolwich.  R.A.,  2nd  Lt. 
1915;  Capt.  1926;  Bt.  Major  and  Major,  1935; 
Lt.-Col.  1942 ; '  Col.  1944 ;  Brigadier,  1948. 
Served  European  War,  France  and  Belgium, 
1914-18  (3  medals) ;  Mil.  Sec.  to  Governor  of 
Malta,  1923-26 ;  Gen.  Staff,  War  Office, 
1930-32  ;  Bde.  Major  12th  Inf.  Bde.,  1932-34 ; 
Gen.  Staff,  British  West  Indies,  1935-38 ; 
Gen.  Staff,  War  Office,  1938-39;  G.S.O.T. 
and  Brig.  Gen.  Staff,  A.A.  Command,  1939-42 
(O.B.E.) ;  Dep.  Director  R.A.,  War  Office, 
1942-44 ;  Bde.  Comdr.,  A.A.  Command, 
1944 :  Brig.  Air  Disarmament  Staff, 
S.H.A.E.F.,  1944-45  (3  medals);  Brig. 
Flak  Disarmament  2nd  T.A.F.  and  B.A.F.O.. 
Germany,  1945-46  (C.B.) ;  Director  of 
Technical  Training,  War  Office,  1946-48 ; 
retired,  1949.  O.St.J.  1926.  Address:  20 
Beauchamp  Place,  S.W.3.  T, :  Kensington 
5563.  Clubs  :  United  Service,  United  Hunts. 

APPLETON,  Sir  William,  Kt.,  cr. 
1950;  Mayor  of  City  of  Wellington,  New 
Zealand,  since  1944 ;  Company  Director ;  b. 
Alexandra,  N.Z.,  3  Sept.  1889 ;  s.  of  Edwin 
Appleton,  Yorkshire,  and  Margaret  Bruce, 
Scotland ;  m.  1st,  1913,  Helen  (deed.),  d.  of 
William*  Munro ;  two  s. ;  2nd,  1919,  Rose,  d. 
of  James  Hellewell ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ.  : 
Alexandra  Public  School ;  Wellington  Tech- 

nical College;  Victoria  University  College, 
Wellington.  Spent  6  years  in  Government 
service,  and  25  years  in  advertising  (Haines). 
Member :  Onslow  Borough  Council,  1915-19  ; 
Wellington  Hospital  Board,  1923-29;  Wel- 
lington City  Council,  1931- ;  Wellington  Har- 
bour Board,  1938- ;  Contested  Wellington 
South  (Coalition  United),  1931;  Otaki 
(Independent),  1935;  Wellington  Central 
(National),  1938,  1949.  Qualified  Account- 
ant ;  Pres.  Incorporated  Accountants  Insti- 
tute of  N.Z.  and  Life  Member  N.Z.  Soc. 
of  Accountants.  Editor  of  Accountants' 
Journal.  Recreations:  football  and  bowls. 
Address:  Mayor's  Parlour,  City  Hall,  Wel- 
lington, N.Z. ;  10  Oriental  Terrace,  Welling- 
ton, E.I,  N.Z. ;  154  Featherstone  Street, 
Wellington,  N.Z.  Clubs:  Wellington,  Welles- 
ley  (Wellington) ;  Nelson,  Otago  (Dunedin). 

APPLEYARD,  Col.  Kenelm  Charles, 
C.B.E.  1940(0.  B.E.  1937);  T.D.J  1942;  D.L. 
County  of  Durham;  J.P. ;  Consulting  Industrial 
Adviser;  Company  Director;  Vice-president 
Society  Birtley,  Brussels ;  President  Instn.  of 
Production  Engineers;  5.  25  March  1894 ;  s.  of 
Charles  Wormald  and  Ada  Leonora  Clare  Apple- 
yard;  w,  1920,  Monica  Mary,  d.  of  late  Professor 
Henry  Louis  ;  one  s.  Educ. :  St  Pauls  School ; 
privately.  Entered  works  of  C.  A.  Parsons  and 
Co.  Ltd.,  1912  ;  later  with  Sir  W.  G.  Armstrong 
Whitworth  and  Co.  Ltd.,  as  a  Production 
Manager;  Gen.  Manager  and  Managing  Dir. 
Birtley  Co.  Ltd.,  1919-47 ;  Chm.  and  Dir.  North 
Eastern  Trading  Estates,  Ltd.,  and  Northern 
Director  of  Special  Areas  Reconstruction 
Association,  1936-48;  Chairman  N.E.  Coast 
Engineering  Employers  Association,  1929-39; 
Member  of  the  Management  Board,  Engineering 
and  Allied  Employers  National  Federation, 
1929-39 ;  Chairman  of  the  Central  Conference  ; 
M.I.Mech.E.;  AJMM.Min.E. ;  Pres.  Junior  In- 
stitution of  Engineers,  1944-45 ;  Member  of  the 
Iron  and  Steel  Institute,  the  American  Institute 
of  Mining  and  Metallurgical  Engineers  and 
other  societies  ;  Member  of  the  Durham  County 
Council,  1922-25;  Chairman  of  Highways  and 
Works  Committee,  1922-25;  Vice-Chairman  Dur- 
ham Conn  tyUnionist  Association,  1923-30;  Vice- 
Chairman  Durham  Municipal  and  County 
Federation;  Member  of  Council  N.E.  Coast 
Development  Board ;  Military  Member  of 
Durham  Territorial  and  Air  Force  Association ; 
IA-Ool.  Royal  Engineers  (T.A.)  and  C.R.E. 
50th  (Northumbrian)  Division,  1931-36,  Hon. 
Ool.  1938;  Bt.  Col.  1935 ;  Col.  1937  ;  Brigadier 
1939  •;  local  Maj.-Gen.  1940;  Chief  Engineer 
Field  Force  Component  R.A.F.,  B.E.F., 
France,  1939-40  (despatches).  Director  of 
Labour  Supply  and  International  Labour 
Branch,  Ministry  of  Labour,  1940-41 ;  lent  to 
Ministry  of  Works  as  Director  of  Emergency 
Works,  1941 ;  Director  of  Opencast  Coal  Pro- 
duction,  1942-45;  Adviser  on  Regional  Or- 
ganisation, 1945-46.  Publications:  Miners, 
Owners  and  Mysteries,  1936 ;  numerous  tech- 
nical papers  before  institutions  in  this  country 
and  the  United  States  on  coal  preparation  and 
other  subjects  relating  to  mechanical  problems 
in  mining.  Recreations:  shooting,  tennis, 
travel.  Address :  Point  View,  Chester-le- 
Street,  Co.  Durham ;  17  Ashley  Road,  Wai  ton - 
on-Thames,  Surrey ;  85  Fountain  House,  Park 
Lane,  W.I.  T. :  Chester-le-Street  2196,  Walton- 
on-Thames  417,  May  fair  5371-2.  Clubs :  Army 
and  Navy ;  County  (Durham). 

APPLIN,  Lieut.-Col.  Reginald  Vincent 
Kempenfelt,  D.S.O.  1902,  O.B.E.  1919;  b.  11 
April  1869;  e.  s.  of  late  Capt.  V.  J.  Applin, 
late  R.M.T.;  m.  1st,  1902,  Beatrice  Caroline,  n6e  Bather  (d.  1933),  of  "Wroxeter, 
Salop ;  2nd,  1935,  Daisy  B.  Rogers,  ti&e  FifieW. 
Educ. :  Newton  College ;  and  Sherborne.  En- 
tered British  North  Borneo  Service  as  cadet, 
1889;  served  through  Syed  and  Mat  SaTleh 
Rebellions,  1895-97  (medal  and  clasp);  seryed 
through  South  African  War,  1899-1901  f  District 
Commissioner.  Bloemfontein  (medal.  Tpur 
clasps,  despatches  twice,  D.&O.);  Battles 
Messines  and  Passcnendaele,  1917  (^patches 
Brevet  Lt-Col.,  O.B.E.);  commawfed 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

14th  King's  Hussars,  1919-22  ;  M.P,  (C.)Elnfleld 
Division,  1924-29  and  1931-35  Publications: 
Across  the  Seven  Seas ;  Machine-gun  Tactics. 
Recreations :  shooting,  fishing.  Address:  c/o 
Lloyd's  Bank,  6  Pall  Mall,  S.W.I;  Howick, 
Natal,  S.  Africa. 

APSLEY,  Lady;  Violet  Emily 
Mildred  Bathurst;  President,  Glos. 
Women's  Section,  British  Legion ;  Member 
G-los.  T.A.  Association;  Governor  Royal 
Agricultural  College,  Cirencester,  since  1944 ; 
Lady  of  the  Manor  of  Ivor,  Bucks ;  Director 
Western  Airways ;  er.  d.  of  late  Capt.  B.  C.  S. 
Meeking,  Bichings  Park,  Combrook,  Bucks, 
and  late  Mrs.  Herbert  Johnson,  M.B.E., Marsh 
Court,  Stockbridge,  Hants;  m.  1923,  Lord 
Apsley,  D.S.O.,  M.O.,  M.P.  (killed  on  active 
service,  1942),  e.  s.  of  7th  Earl  Bathurst, 
C.M.G-. ;  two  s.  Succeeded  to  Bichings  Park, 
Colnbrook,  Bucks,  on  the  death  of  her  grand- 
father, 1910.  V.A.D.  at  Marsh  Court  Military 
Hospital,  1914-18.  Drove  own  car  in  Light 
Car  Trials ;  President  of  Southampton 
Women's  Conservative  Association,  1924-29  ; 
President  Links  of  Empire,  1926-38  ;  "  A  " 
certificated  air  pilot,  1930  ;  County  Com- 
mandant A.T.S.  for  Glos.  1938-39 ;  Group 
Cdr.  A.T.S.  1940  (rank  of  Chief  Commandant) 
senior  A.T.S.  Welfare  Officer,  County  of  Glos., 
1940-43  ;  Hon.  Sec.  A.T.S.  Benevolent  Fund, 
1941-44 ;  District  Councillor  Sedbury  R.D.C., 
1941-43.  M.P.  (0.)  Central  Division  of 
Bristol,  1943-45.  Member  Films  Council 
(Board  of  Trade),  1943-46;  Nat.  Chm. 
Women's  Section,  British  Legion,  1942-48. 
Conservative  and  National  Liberal  Candidate, 
Bristol  N.E.,  since  1947;  Pres.  Bristol 
Women's  Conservative  Assoc. ;  Pres. 
Women's  Electrical  Association  (Bristol 
Branch),  retired  1950 ;  Joint  Master  V.W.H. 
(Earl  Bathurst's)  Hunt  1946-.  Publications: 
The  Amateur  Settlers  (with  Lord  Apsley), 
1925 ;  To  Whom  the  Goddess,  1932 ;  Bridle- 
ways through  History,  1936;  Fox  Hunters 
Bedside  Book,  1949  ;  articles  in  Country  Life, 
Field,  Light  Car,  etc.  Recreations:  hunting 
and  outdoor  sports  and  games.  Address: 
Cirencester  Park,  Cirencester;  25  Berkeley 
Square,  W.I.  T.:  Mayfair  2333.  Club: 
Ladies'  Carlton. 

See  also  Earl  Bathurst. 
ARAGON,  Louis ;  poet ;  novelist ;  essayist ; 
leader  Socialistic  Realism  Movement ;  for- 
merlv  leader  Surrealist  Movement ;  Managing 
Editor,  Ce  Soir,  Paris,  1050;  b,  1897; 
Served  European  War,  1914-18,  Infantry; 
War  of  1939-45,  Tank  Div.,  1939-40  (prisoner, 
escaped  to  unoccupied  France) ;  one  of 
leaders  of  intellectual  Resistance.  Publica- 
tions :  poems :  Feudejoie,  La  Mouvement 
perpe"tuel,  La  grande  Gaite,  Persecute*  perse'- 
cuteur,  Hourra  1'Oural,  Le  Creve-Coeur,  Les 
Yeux  d'Elsa,  Broceliande,  Le  Muse"e  Gre"vin, 
La  Diane  francaise ;  novels  :  Anicet,  Le 
Libertinage,  Le  Paysan  de  Paris,  Les  cloches 
de  Bale,  Les  Beaux  Quartiers  (awarded  Prix 
Renaudot),  Les  Voyageurs  de  I'lmperiale, 
Aurelien ;  essays :  Traite"  du  Style,  Les 
aventures  de  Tetemaque,  Pour  un  r^alisme 
Socialist©,  La  Culture  et  les  Hommes, 
Chroniques  du  Bel-Canto,  Matisse  on  Comme 
il  vous  plaira. 

ARAMAYO,  Carlos  Victor,  s.  of  Don  F. 
Avelino  Aramayo,  Bolivian  Minister  to  Great 
Britain,  1899-1906,  and  to  France,  1920-25,  and 
E^ema  Zeballos ;  m.  1918,  Marie  Renee  Tucker- 
man,  Wduc,:  Beaumont;  Exeter  Coll.,  Oxford. 
Third  Secretary  of  Embassy  to  Argentine  on 
Special  Mission,  1916 ;  Deputy  to  National  Con- 
gress, 1916 ;  Secretary  to  Committee  of  Foreign 
Affairs  of  Chamber  of  Deputies,  1916-20 ;  sent  to 
Washington  on  Special  Mission,  1920  J  Delegate 
to  League  of  Nations,  1921 ;  Bolivian  Minister 
(Plenipotentiary)  to  Great  Britain,  1926 ;  Dele- 
gate to  London  Economic  Conference,  1933 ; 
Minister  of  Finance,  1934-35  ;  Special  Envoy 
to  Coronation  of  King  George  VI.,  1937.  Recrea- 
tions: polo,  hunting,  golf,  squash  rackets. 
Address:  Edificio  Aramayo,  Oasilla  674,  La 
Paz,  Bolivia.  Club :  Jockey  (Buenos  Aires). 

ARANDA,  Dr.  Francisco  L. ;  we  Linares- 


ARAS,  Dr.  Tevfic  Rilstii ;  b.  Canakkato, 
l&*a;  /«.;  our  d.  First  went  to  school  at 
flskub  and  afterwards  to  the  Medical  Uni- 
versities at  Beyrouth  and  Paris.  Later  be- 
came Inspector  General  of  Public  Health  of 
Salonica.  Took  part  in  the  Turkish  Revolu- 
tion of  1908  and  became  Inspector  General  of 
Public  Health  of  the  Ottoman  Empire  and 
Medical  Officer  to  the  1st  and  5th  Armies 
during  the  war  1914-18.  Took  an  important 
part  in  the  War  of  Independence,  11)18-23. 
Afterwards  became  a  Member  of  the  First 
National  Assembly  of  Turkey  and  President 
of  the  Tribunal  of  Independence  ;  was  twice 
Minister  for  Public  Health  ;  President  of  the 
Turkish  Committee  for  the  Exchange  of 
Populations  between  Turkey  and  Greece  ; 
Minister  for  Foreign  Affairs,  1925-38; 
Del,  and  Pres.  L.  N.  Council  and  Assembly ; 
Turkish  Ambassador  in  London,  1939-42. 
Atidre** :  Ankara,  Turkey. 
ARBER,  Agnes  (Mrs.  E.  A.  Newell 
Arber),  F.R.S.  1946 ;  F.L.S. ;  M.A.,  D.Sc. ; 
6.  1879  ;  e.  d.  of  H.  R.  Robertson  ;  m.  1909, 
Dr.  E.  A.  Newell  Arber  (d.  1918) ;  one  d. 
Educ. :  North  London  Collegiate  School ; 
University  College,  London ;  Newnham 
College,  Cambridge.  Linnean  Medal,  1948. 
Publication^:  Herbals,  1912;  2nd  edition, 
1938;  Water  Plants,  1920  ;  Monocotyledons, 
1 925  ;  The  Gramineae  :  a  Study  of  Cereal, 
Bamboo,  and  Grass,  1934;  The  Natural 
Philosophy  of  Plant  Form,  1950 ;  author  or 
jt.  author  of  about  80  memoirs  on  botany  and 
hist,  of  botany  in  scientific  jls.  Address:  r>2 
Huntingdon  Rd.,  Cambridge.  T.:  3144. 

See  also  D.  S.  Robertson. 
ARBERRY,  Arthur  John,  M.A.,  Litt.D., 
F.B.A. ;  Sir  Thomas  Adams's  Professor  of 
Arabic,  University  of  Cambridge,  since  1947  ; 
b,  12  May  1905 ;  y.  s.  of  William  Arberry, 
R.N.,  Portsmouth ;  m.  1932,  Sarina  Simons, 
Braila,  Roumania ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Ports- 
mouth Grammar  School ;  Pembroke  Collage, 
Cambridge  (Senior  Scholar).  1st  Class, 
Classical  Trip.  Pt.  1, 1925, 1st  Class.  Classical 
Trip.,  Pt.  II  (with  distinction  in  Literature), 
1927,  1st  Class,  Oriental  Languages  Tripos, 
Pts.  I  and  II,  1929  ;  Sir  William  Browne 
Medallist,  E.  G.  Browne  Scholar,  1927 ; 
Wright  Student,  1929 ;  Senior  Goldsmiths' 
Student,  1930;  Fellow  of  Pembroke  College, 
1931 ;  Head  of  Dept.  of  Classics,  Cairo 
Univ.,  1932;  Asst.  Librarian,  India  Office, 
1934;  seconded  to:  W.O.  (Postal  Censorship), 
1939 ;  M.O.I.,  1940 ;  Prof. :  of  Persian, 
Univ.  of  London,  1944 ;  of  Arabic,  Univ.  of 
London,  and  Head  of  Near  and  Middle  East 
Dept.,  School  of  Oriental  and  African  Studies. 
1946 ;  Corresponding  member  of  the  Royal 
Egyptian  Academy  of  Arab  Academy  of 
Damascus  ;  Vice-Pres.  Iran  Society,  Publica- 
tions :  Majmm  Layla,  1933 ;  ed.  al-Kala- 
badhi,  Kitab  al-Ta'arruf,  1934;  Niffari, 
Mawaqif  and  Mukhatabat,  1935 ;  The 
Doctrine  of  the  Sufis,  1935 ;  Catalogue  of 
Arabic  MSS.  in  the  India  Office  Library, 
Vol.  II,  Pt.  2,  1936  ;  Poems  of  a  Persian 
Sufi,  1937;  ed.  al-Muhasibi,  Kltab  al- 
Tawahhum,  1937;  Kharraz.  the  Book  of 
Truthfulness,  1937;  Catalogue  of  Persian 
"Books  in  the  India  Office  Library,  1937  ;  The 
Library  of  the  India  Office,  1938  ;  'Iraqi,  The 
Book  of  Lovers,  1939  ;  Specimens  of  Arabic 
and  Persian  Palaeography,  1939 ;  The 
Muslim  Attitude  to  the  War,  1940  ;  British 
Contributions  to  Persian  Studies,  1942 ; 
British  Orientalists,  1943  •  co-editor,  Islam 
To-day,  1943 ;  Introduction  to  the  History 
of  Suflsm,  1943  ;  Modern  Persian  Reader, 
1944;  Kings  and  Beggars,  1945;  Asiatic 
Jones,  1946;  Fifty  Poems  of  Haflz,  1947; 
The  Tulip  of  Sinai,  1947 ;  Pages  from  the 
Kitab  al-Luma*,  1947;  The  Cambridge 
School  of  Arabic,  1948 ;  Immortal  Rose, 
1948  ;  Ruba'iyat  of  Omar  Khayyam,  1949  ; 
Ruba'iyat  of  Jalal  al-Din  Rumi,  1949 ; 
Persian  Psalms,  1949 ;  Spiritual  Physick  of 
Rhazes,  1950;  Modern  Arabic  Poetry, 

1950;     Sufisra,    1950;     articles   in   learned 
and  en°yclopsedias.    Address;   250 
SH?brid*8-    Club:  Authors*. 
OT,    Brigadier   Alexander 

'™.-      917'  D'*'°-  19i±;  la 

.  ;  Major,  2nd  Bafct,  Somerset  Home 
Guard,  1940-44;  6.  30  Nov.  1873;  s.  of  late 
Gen.  Sir  Charles  Arbuthnot,  G.C.B.,  Col.  Com- 
mandant,  R.A.  ;  m.  1905,  Olive  Mary  Hay,  d.  of 
Col.  W.  H.  Burton,  R.E.  Educ.  :  Marlborough  : 
Woolwich.  Entered  Army,  1893;  Captain, 
1900;  Adjutant,  1904-7;  Major,  1910;  Colonel 
1920;  Col.  Commandant,  1924;  commanding 
R.A.,  1st  Div.,  1924-28;  Dist.  Oomdt.,  Kenyf 
Defence  Force,  1928-33  ;  served  European  War 
1914-19  (despatches  five  times,  severely 
wounded  Ypres,  1917  ;  Order  of  Karageocge 
I91£i  D.S.O.,  C.M.G.);  retired  payf  1929! 
Publications:  Contributor  to  Sportsman's 
Book  for  India,  1904,  and  Big  Game  Huntine 
in  Himalayas,  1921.  Recreations:  big  game 
hunting,  racing,  hunting.  Address:  Higher 
House,  Bagborough,  Taunton,  Somerset: 
Aberdare  Farm,  Kanya  fiolrmv 

ARBUTHNOT,  Clifford  William 
Ernest,  C.I.E.  1930;  Superintending  En- 
gineer (retired)  Indian  Service  of  Engineers  • 
b.  13  Feb.  1885;  s.  of  late  William  H. 
Arbuthnot,  Belfast;  m.  1921,  Josephine 
Turton  (d.  1922).  Educ.:  Campbell  College, 
Belfast;  Queen's  University,  Belfast,  B.A., 
B.E.  Entered  Indian  Service  of  Engineers, 
1908;  served  European  War,  Lieut.,  53rd 
Sikhs  (F.F.),  Capt.,  3rd  Sappers  and  Miners, 
Egypt,  Aden,  Mesopotamia  and  India; 
Member  Bombay  and  Sind  Public  Service 
Commn.  1937-42  ;  Rent  Controller,  Bombay, 
1942-47.  Club:  East  India  and  Sports. 

ARBUTHNOT,  Admiral  Sir  Geoffrey 
Schomberg,  K.C.B.,  cr.  1942  (C.B.  1938)  ; 
D.S.O.  1919  ;  R.N.  (retd.)  ;  s.  of  late  Admiral 
C.  Arbuthnot  and  late  Emily  Caroline,  d.  of 
Rear-  Admiral  C.  F.  Schomberg  ;  b.  1885  ; 
m.  1913,  Jessie  Marguerite  (d.  1947),  d.  of 
Win.  Henderson  of  Berkley  House,  Frome  ; 
one  s.  one  d.  (and  one  s.  killed  in  action). 
Served  European  War  (D.S.O.,  Chevalier 
Legion  of  Honour)  ;  Naval  Member  of  the 
Ordnance  Committee  at  Woolwich,  1927- 
1929;  commanding  cruiser  Suffolk,  1929- 
1931  ;  Deputy  Director  of  Training,  1932-33  ; 
Director  of  Training  and  Staff  Duties, 
Admiralty,  1933-34  ;  commanded  destroyer 
flotillas,  Home  Fleet,  1934-35  ;  commanded 
H.M.S.  Valiant,  1935-37  ;  Fourth  Sea  Lord 
and  Chief  of  Supplies  and  Transport,  1937- 
1941  ;  C.-in-C.  East  Indies,  1941-42  ;  Chm. 
Honours  and  Awards  Cttee.,  1942-45  ;  retired, 
1  944.  Address  :  Northend  House,  Heyshott, 
Sussex.  T.  :  Midhurst  69.  Clubs  :  United 
Service  ;  Royal  Naval  (Portsmouth). 

ARBUTHNOT,  Sir  Hugh  Fitz- 
Gerald,  7th  Bt.,  cr.  1823  ;  M.F.H.,  Ludlow 
Hounds,  1  948  ;  late  Temp.  Captain  Welsh 
Guards;  6.  2  Jan.  1922;  s.  of  Brigadier- 
General  Sir  Dalrymple  Arbuthnot.  5th  Bt., 
C.M.G.,  D.S.O.,  and  Alice  Maude,  d.  of  Hugh 
Arbuthnot  ;  S.  brother  1944  ;  m.  1949, 
Elizabeth  K.,  e.d.  of  Sqdn.  Ldr.  G.  G.  A. 
Williams,  Curral  Hall,  Tenbury  Wells; 
one  d.  Educ.:  Eton.  Heir:  u.  William 
Fitzgerald,  Major,  Seaforth  Highlanders, 
b.  1875.  Address  :  Whitton  Paddocks, 
T/udlow,  Salop.  T.  :  Cleehillstotie  219. 

ARBUTHNOT,  Major  John  Bernard, 
M.V.0.  1902  ;  Scots  Guards  ;  Knight  of  Justice,  I 
Order  of  St.  John  of  Jerusalem  ;  b.  1875  ;  e.  s.  \ 
of  late  Col.  George  Arbuthnot  of  Norton  Court, 
Gloucester  ;  m.  1908,  Olive,  o.  d.  of  late  Sir 
Henry  A.  Blake,  G.C.M.G.  ;  three  s.  (and 
one  died  on  active  service,  1943)  two  d. 
Educ.  :  Eton  ;  Sandhurst.  Entered  Army,  1896  ; 
served  South  Africa,  1900  ;  A.D.C.  and  Private 
Secretary  to  the  Governor  and  Commander-in- 
Chief  of  Hongkong,  1902-3;  A.D.C.  to  the 
Governor  of  Ceylon,  1907  ;  retired,  1913  ; 
rejoined  Scots  Guards,  1914;  appointed 
Brigade-Major  Brigade  of  Guards,  1914  ;  A.D.C. 
to  Gen.  Sir  A.  J.  Murray,  1916  ;  acting  Military 
Secretary,  E.B.F.,  1917  (despatches);  employed 
special  Intelligence  Department,  War  Office; 


Mission  to  .Rome ;  British  Mission  to  United 
States,  1918  (despatches);  H.Q.  Staff  Home 
Guard,  1940-45  ;  owns  about  1000  acres  of  land 
in  Cumberland;  assistant  editor  Daily  Express, 
1919.  Publications :  (pen  names  Beachcomber 
and  Sassenach)  Arms  and  the  Irishman;  Hands 
across  the  Sea;  The  Bunny  Book;  Irish 
Sketches.  Recreations :  golf,  fishing,  painting. 
Address:  47  Cadogan  Square,  S.W.I;  Myrtle 
Grove,  Youghal,  Co.  Cork;  Dorman steads, 
Cumberland.  Clubs:  Carlton,  Beefsteak; 
Eoyal  Cork  Yacht  (Queenstown);  Cork  County 
(Cork).  [Died  16  Sept.  1950. 

ARBUTHNOT,  John  Sinclair- Wemyss, 
M.B.B.  1944 ;  M.P.  (C.)  Dover  Division  of 
Kent  since  1950 ;  director  of  tea  and  other 
companies ;  b.  13  Feb.  1912 ;  *.  of  late  Major 
K.  W.  Arbuthnot,  the  Seaforth  Highlanders  ; 
m.  1943,  Margaret  Jean,  y.  d.  of  Alexander 
Gordon  Duff;  one  s,  one  d.  Educ.:  "Eton; 
Trinity  Coll.,  Cambridge.  M.A.Hons.  in  Nat. 
Sciences.  Contested  Don  Valley  Div.  of 
Yorkshire,  1935,  Dover  Div.  of  Kent,  1945. 
Served  as  Territorial  Officer  before  and  during 
War  of  1939-45,  66th  Medium  Regt.,  R.A* 
and  in  Inspector  General  of  Armaments 
Dept.;  retd.  1945,  with  rank  of  Major. 
Address:  JenMn's  Well,  Deal,  Kent.  T.: 
Deal  201.  Clubs:  Carlton,  City  of  London, 

ARBUTHNOT  -  LESLIE,  of  War  thill, 
'William  ;  landed  proprietor ;  b.  1S7S ;  s.  of 
George  Arbuthnot  (Royal  Scots  Greys)  and 
Mary  Rose  Leslie,  heiress  of  Warthill,  whom 
he  succeeded  1900  ;  m.  1st,  1921,  Madame  de 
Mier  (from  whom  he  obtained  a  divorce  1944) 
e.  d.  of  Don  Guillermo  de  Landa  y  Escandon; 
one  d. ;  2nd,  1944,  Georgiana  Nutter,  widow 
of  Oapt,  A.  B.  TTnu?ton,  Gordon  Highlanders, 
of  Glen  Morven,  Argyll.  Educ.  :  Eton 
Served  with  Gordon  Highlanders,  South 
African  War  (Queen's  medal  with  three 
clasps) ;  transferred  to  Scots  Guards  ;  A.D.C. 
to  Governor  and  Commander-in-Cliief,  Hong 
Kong,  1904-6 ;  invalided  from  Army,  1912. 
Member  of  King's  Bodyguard  for  Scotland 
(Royal  Company  of  Archers).  Address  : 
Warthill,  Aberdeenshire.  Club  ;  Carlton. 

ARBUTHNOTT,  family  name  of  Viscount 

ARBUTHNOTT,  14tb  Viscount,  cr.  1641; 
John  Ogilvy  Arbuthnott;  Lord- 
Lieutenant  of  KmeardmesJiiTe  ;  a  representa- 
tive Peer  for  Scotland:  President  County 
of  Kincardine  Territorial  Association ;  Con- 
vener Kincardineshire  County  Council  ;  b. 
15  Sept.  1882  ;  s.  of  13th  Viscount  and  Emma 
Marion  Hall  (d.  1930),  d.  of  Rev.  J.  H.  Parlby; 
m.  1914,  Dorothy,  d.  of  Adm.  Charles  L.Oxley, 
The  Hall,  Ripon ;  S.  father,  1920.  Heir.-  cousin, 
Maj.-Gen.  Robert  Keith  Arbuthnott,  q.v. 
Address:  Arbuthnott  House,  Fordoun,  Kin- 
cardineshire.  Club  :  New  (Edinburgh). 

ARBUTHNOTT,  Major  -  General 
Robert  Keith,  C.B.  1945;  C.B.E.  1944- 
D.S.O.  1938  ;  M.C. ;  Commander  Highland 
District  and  51st  (Highland)  Infantry 
Division  (T.A.)  since  1949  ;  b  21  Aug.  1897  ; 
s.  of  John  Campbell  Arbuthnott,  C.I.E. ; 
heir-$res.  to  14th  Viscount  Arbuthnott, 
g.v. :  m.  1924,  Ursula,  d.  of  late  Sir  William 
Collingwood,  K.B.E. ;  three  s.  one  d.  Educ. : 
Fettes ;  Sandhurst.  Joined  Black  Watch, 
1915  ;  Lieut.  1917  ;  Capt.  1924  ;  Maj.  1938  ; 
Lt.-Colonel,  1944 ;  Colonel,  1945 ;  sub- 
stantive rank  of  Maj.-Gen.  Dec.  1946  ante- 
dated t-o  April  1945.  Served  European  War, 
1916-18  (despatches,  M.O.,  wounded) :  Pales- 
tine, 1938  (D.S.O.) ;  Italy,  1943-45  (C.B.E., 
C.B.) ;  Chief  of  Staff,  Scottish  Command, 
3948-49;  Comdr.  Legion  of  Merit  (U.S.A.). 
Address:  Craigview,  Usan,  Montrose. 

Gen.  St.  John  Desmond,  C.B.E.  1946; 
F.R.S.A. ;  retired;  Director  of  Romary  &  Co. 
Ltd.,  Thermionic  Products  Ltd.  and  other 
companies ;  member,  Broadcasting  Advisory 
Committee,  Eire ;  &.  SO  Nov.  1896 ;  s.  of  late 
St.  John  Henry  Arcedeckne-Butler,  Dang- 
stein,  Petersfield,  Hants;  m.  1929*,  'Ethel 


Helen,  d.  of  late  Lt.-Col.  B.  Selby-Walker, 
R,B. :  two  s.  one  d.  Eduu.:  in  U.S.A.  and 
Switzerland;  R.M.C.,  Sandhurst;  Ecole 
Superieure  d'Electricite,  Paris  (Diploma  of 
Radio-Electric  Engineer).  2nd  Lt.  Royal 
Munster  Fusiliers,  L915  ;  served  in  Prance 
and  Belgium.  Transferred  to  Royal  Sussex 
Regt.  1922  ;  to  Royal  Corps  of  Signals,  1923  ; 
at  Boole  Superieure  d'filectricite,  1928-29 ; 
Superintendent  Signals  Experimental  Estab- 
lishment, L9S4-39  ;  Col.  1938  ;  France,  Sept. 
1939 ;  Col.  Gen.  Staff,  War  Office,  1940  ; 
Temp.  Maj.-Gen.  (Deputy  Director-General), 
Ministry  of  Supply,  1941-46  ;  late  Member  of 
Radio  Board  and  of  Television  Advisory 
Committee.  Recreations :  tennis,  golf {  winter 
sports.  Address ;  Orristown,  Killimck,  Co. 
Wexford,  Eire.  Clubs:  Army  and  Navy, 
Chatham  House. 

ARCHAMBAULT,  Brigadier  J.  P., 
D.S.0. 191V  ;  M.C. ;  &.  1890 ;  w.  Jeanne  Boulet ; 
two  s.  one  d.  Eduo. :  Mount  St.  Louis  College 
and  Normal  School,  Montreal.  Served  European 
War,  1914- -19  (twice  wounded,  despatches, 
D.S.'o.,  M.C.,  Chevalier  Legion  of  Honour, 
1914-15  star,  two  medals)  and  War  of  1930- 
1945.  Address:  1681  Winton  BrL, Montreal  ]il, 
P.Q.,  Canada. 

ARCHDALE,  Rev.  Canon  Eyre 
William  Preston;  &.  26  Feb.  1S71 ;  s.  of 
late  JRt.  Eev.  M.  Archdall,  Bishop  of  Killa- 
loe,  and  Henrietta,  d.  of  Byre  "W.  Preston, 
Olontarf;  in.  Edith  Gladys  Jeannette,  d.  of 
late  B.  de  Bos  Hose,  of  Ardhu  and  Aghabeg, 
Co.  Limerick;  one  s.  one  d.  Eduo.:  Trinity 
College.  Dublin  (M.A.).  Curate  of  Magherafelt, 
1894-96  ;  Shankhill,  Lurgan,  1896 ;  Ballywillan, 
jportrush,  1896-1900  ;  Chaplain,  Loretto  School, 
1900-1;  Curate  of  St.  Mary's  Cathedral,  Limerick, 
1901-5  ;  Precentor,  1905-8  ;  Rector  of  Killaloe, 
1D08*  Canon  of  Killaloe,  1908;  Chaplain  to 
Bishop  of  Killaloe;  Vicar  of  Stockland- 
Bristol,  1922-45. ;  retired,  1945.  JJecreaWous: 
golf,  lawn  tennis,  croquet,  motoring,  shooting, 
fishing.  Address :  Alcombe  Cottage,  Alcombe, 
near  Minehead,  Som.  T. :  Mineheafl  454. 
ARCHDALE,  Vice-Adm,  Sir  Nicholas 
Edward,  2nd  Bt.,  or.  1928 ;  O.B.B.  1920; 
Z>.  11  June  1881 ;  e.  s.  of  Right  Hon.  Sir  Edward 
X.  Archdale,  1st  Bt. ;  S.  father  1943  ;  m.  1920, 
Gerda,  2nd  d.  of  late  P.  C.  Sievers,  Copen- 
hagen ;  one  s.  one  d.  Bduc. :  Royal  Academy, 
Gosport;  H.M.S.  .Britannia.  Midshipman, 
1897;  Sub-Lieut.  1900;  obtained  4  ftrst-class 
certificates;  Lieut.  1902;  joined  Submarine 
Service,  1902;  qualified  in  Torpedo,  1904; 
Staff  of  H.M.S.  Vernon,  1905;  employed 
with  minelayers  and  destroyers  till  1908,  when 
rejoined  Submarine  Service ;  Commander,  1918, 
when  in  command  of  China  8.M.  Flotilla  ;  em- 
ployed with  submarines  during  European  "War ; 
Captain  1918 ;  Naval  A. B.C.  to  the  King,  1929  ; 
Rear-Adm.,  1929 ;  retired  list,  1930 ;  General 
Inspector  under  Ministry  of  Home  Affairs, 
Northern  Ireland,  1931-46;  Vice-Adrn.,  retired 
list,  1935.  Recreations:  shooting  and  golf. 
Heir:  s.  Edward  Folmer,  b.  1921.  Club:  Ulster 

See  also  P.  M.  Tottenham, 
ARCHDALL,  Rev.  Henry  Kingsley, 
M.A.,  Th.  Soe. ;  Principal,  Ht.  David's  College, 
Lampeter,  since  1938 ;  Chancellor,  St.  David's 
Cathedral  since  1950;  &.  Balmain,  Sydney, 
1886;  s.  of  late  Bev.  Canon  Mervyn  Arch- 
dall, M.A.,  Sydney;  in.  Laura  Madden; 
one  «,  (and  two  lost  in  War  of  1939-45)  one 
d.  Educ.:  Sydney  Grammar  School;  Sydney 
University  (First  Class  honours  in  philosophy 
and  classics,  Woolley  Travelling  Scholarship) ; 
Trinity  College,  Cambridge  (First  Class, 
philosophy  of  religion  Tripos);  Fellow  and 
Lect.  Corpus  Christi  College,  Cambridge,  Wll- 
1915  ;  Dean,  1915  ;  Dean  of  Newcastle,  N.S.W., 
1915-19  ;  Headmaster,  Armidale  School,  N.S.W.: 
1919-26 ;  Headmaster  King's  College,  Auckland, 
N.2.,  1926-35;  Chaplain,  Wellington  College, 
Berks,  1935-38;  Fellow  of  Jesus  College, 
Oxford,  1941.  Select  Preacher,  Cambridge, 
1940*  Oxford,  1947-48.  Publication:  A  Christian 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Instruction,  1933.  Recreation :  gardening.  Ad- 
dress: «t.  David's  Collet,  Lnnip^*',  Harris 
ARCHER,  Vice-Admiral  Sir  Ernest 
Russell,  k.C.B.  er.  1948  (C.B.  1945); 
C  B  E.  1942  ;  Flag  Officer  Commanding, 
Scotland  and  Northern  Ireland,  since  1948  ; 
b.  1891  ;  2nd  s.  of  late  Col.  Archer,  Lydd, 
Kent;  m.  1917,  Margaret  Elizabeth  Hope, 
d.  of  Reginald  Bewes,  Plymouth  :  three  d. 
Educ. :  Royal  Naval  Colleges,  Osborne  and 
Dartmouth.  Entered  R.N.  1904 ;  Rear- 
Adm.  1043  ;  Vice-Adm.  1947.  Served  Euro- 
pean War,  1914-19  (despatches) ;  War  of 
1939-45  (despatches);  commanded  H.M.S. 
Revenge,  1939;  Commodore  Royal  Naval 
Barracks,  Portsmouth,  1941 ;  Senior  British 
Naval  Officer,  North  Russia,  1943;  North 
Russia,  1943-44;  head  of  Joint  Services 
Mission  to  U.S.S.R.,  1944;  Rear-Adin. 
(Destroyers)  British  Pacific  Fleet,  1945; 
Flag  Officer,  Gibraltar,  1947.  Address: 
Wardour,  downhill,  Plymouth.  2'.:  Ply- 
mouth 71457.  Club:  United  Service. 
ARCHER,  His  Honour  Judge  Francis 
Kendray,  K.C.  1928;  Judge  of  County 
Courts  (Circuit  No.  50);  6. 1882  ;  TO.  1906,  d.  of 
F.  S.  Champion,  Burgess  Hill;  one  s.  Sdw.: 
St.  Peter's,  Adelaide;  London  University,  LL.B. 
Called  to  Bar,  Lincoln's  Inn,  1912;  Bencher, 
102/5.  Addrws:  Church  Street  TJoktWd, Sussex. 
ARCHER,  Sir  Geoffrey  (Francis), 
K.C.M.0.,  cr.  1920  (C.M.G.  14)13);  b.  1882; 
2nd  s.  of  Bradley  Archer,  Somers  Place,  Hyde 
Park,  W. ;  m.  1916,  Olive  Mary,  e.  d.  of  late 
Colonel  Charles  Bulkeley  Godinan,  Woldring- 
fold,  Horsharn.  Entered  Colonial  Civil  Service 
as  Assistant  Collector,  Bast  Africa  Protectorate, 
1902;  attached  Secretariat;  District  Com- 
missioner, 1907 ;  Officer  in  Charge,  Northern 
Frontier,  1911 ;  sent  to  Somaliland  to  administer 
Government,  1912 ;  Deputy  Commissioner,  Som- 
aliland,  1918  ;  Commissioner  and  Command&r- 
in-Chief,  1914;  present  at  action  at  SMmber 
Berris,  1915  (African  General  Service  medal 
and  clasp)  Member  of  British  Mission  at 
Coronation  of  the  Empress  Zauditu  of  Abys- 
sinia ;  awarded  Cuthbert  Peak  Grant  by 
the  Boyal  Geographical  Society  in  1918  for 
surveys  in  East  Africa  connecting  Maior 
Gwynn's  Abyssinian  triangulation  with  the 
triangulation  of  East  Africa;  Governor,  1919 ; 
directed  operations  against  Mullah,  1920,  re- 
sulting in  the  destruction  of  bhe  Dervish 
power  in  Somaliland  (K.C.M.G.,  clasp  to 
A.G.S.  medal);  Governor  and  Commander-in- 
Chief,  Uganda,  1922-24;  Governor-General  of 
the  Sudan,  Dec.  1924-26 ;  has  Grand  Cordon  of 
Star  of  Ethiopia  (1917)  and  of  Egyptian  Order 
of  Ismail  (1926).  Publication:  The  Birds  of 
British  Somaliland  and  the  Gulf  of  Aden  (with 
Eva  M.  Godman),  1938.  Recreations:  big-game 
shooting  and  ornithology,  Club;  Marlborough- 

ARCHER,  George,  C.M.G.  1945;  Direc- 
tor, Mond  STickel  Co.  Ltd,;  b.  5  May 
1896  ;  s.  of  Thomas  S.  Archer,  Lytham  St. 
Annes ;  m.  Winifred  May,  d.  of  John  Nelson 
King,  S.  Norwood ;  two  d,  Educ. :  King 
Edward  VII  School,  Lytham.  Entered  Civfl 
Service,  1913  ;  served  in  various  Depts., 
including  Customs  and  Excise,  Import  Duties 
Advisory  Cttee.,  and  Min,  of  Supply  (Under- 
Sec.)  ;  Sec.-Gen.  Br.  Eaw  Materials  Mission, 
Washington,  1942-44,  Head  of  Mission,,  1945  ; 
U.K.  Se,c.  Combined  Haw  Materials  Board, 
1942-45.  Address  :  30  Purley  Hill,  Puriey, 
Surrey.  Clitb :  Union. 

ARCHER,  (Henry)  Allan  (Fairfax  Best), 
O.B.E.  1924 ;  b.  5  Aug.  1887 ;  e.  s.  of  late 
Major  H.  F.  B.  Archer,  3rd  Bn.  Hampshire 
Begt.,  and  Catherine  Maria,  d.  of  Lt.-Col.  A. 
N.  Scott,  Madras  Artillery ;  m.  1928,  Ruth 
Isabel,  e.  d.  of  A.  E.  Taylor ;  two  s.  Edw.  : 
Rugby.  Student  Interpreter  Ifl  H.M.  Con- 
sular Service  in  China,  1912 ;  attached  to 
Tsinan  Consulate  for  service  with  Chinese 
Labour  Corps,  3.917-19;  Vice-Oonsul  at 
Tsingtao,  1919-21;  employed  in  foreign 
Office,  1922 ;  Acting  Oonssul  at  Chungking, 
Vtoe-Coasul  at  Shanghai,  1936; 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Asst.  Chinese  Secretary  at  British  Legation, 
Peking,  1928 ;  Senior  District  Officer  at 
Weihaiwei,  1929 ;  Consul  at  Weihaiwei,  1  Oct. 
1930,  on  the  rendition  of  the  Leased  Terri- 
tory ;  Consul  at  Changsha,  1932 ;  at  Hankow, 
1933,  and  Acting  Consul-General  there,  Jan.- 
April  1935;  Consul  at  Peking,  1937-39, 
with  rank  of  1st  Secretary ;  Consul  at  Wei- 
haiwei, 1940  ;  Consul-General,  1940  ;  Consul- 
General,  Harbin,  Manchuria,  1941 ;  retired, 
1946.  Is  a  Freeman  of  City  of  London  and 

j.»*o.     J.»  a  JDJ.eeiJ.ittu  ui  viuy  ui  j_iyuuuu  auu 

member  of  the  Grocers'  Company.    Recrea- 
tion: golf.   Address:  Peking,  Lady  Anne  Av., 
Newlands,C.P., S.Africa.  [DiedlQ Sept.  1950. 
ARCHER,   Wing  Commander  Jonn 
Oliver,  C.u.E.  lyso  (O.JB.E.  I9iy);  R.A.F. 
retd. ;  6.  Walton-on-the-Naze,  22  Sept.  1887 ;  s. 
of  late   John  Archer;   m.  1st,   1916,  Esther 
(d.  1930),  d.  of  late  C.  S.  Chilton;    one  d. ; 
2nd,  1939,  Kathleen,  d.  of  J.  E.  A.  Sissmore. 
EduG.:  Felsted  School;  University  of  London. 
B.Sc.  Engineering  (Honours),  1909.    Enlisted 
Seaforth    Highlanders,    1914 ;    commissioned 
R.F.A.,  S.R.    1915    and   transferred    R.F.C. ; 
served  in  France,  Egypt,  Palestine,  and  South 
Russia  (despatches  four  times) ;  Commanding 
No.  3  Indian  Wing,  1926-30;  retired  list,  1935; 
Group  Captain  R.A.F.O.,   1940-46.    Address: 
Cornhill  Cottage,  Mel  bury  Abbas,  Shaftesbury, 
Dorset  "•  T.  :  Shaftesbnry  2009.    Club:  B.A.F. 
ARCHER,  Norman  Ernest,  C.M.G.  1944; 
O.B.E.  1937 ;   6.  1892 ;  s.  of  late  Walter  E. 
Archer,  C.B. ;    m.  1925,  Hon.  Ruth  Evelyn 
Pease,  2nd  d.  of  1st  Baron  Daryngton,  P.C. ; 
one  s.  one  d,   Educ. :  R.N.  Colleges,  Osborne 
and  Dartmouth.    Lieut.  R.N.  1913  (six  1st 
class  certificates) ;  Lieut.  (T.),  1915  ;  Russian 
interpreter,  1917  ;  1909-20  served  in  Mediter- 
ranean   and    Home    Fleets    and    attached 
Russian  Navy  ;  Lieut.-Comdr.  (retd.),  1921 ; 
Colonial   Office,    1921 ;    Dominions   Office, 
1925  ;  Secretary  to  British  Economic  Mission 
to  Australia,  1928-29  ;  Admve.  Asst.  See.  Im- 
perial Conferences,  1930, 1932  and  1937  ;  Sec. 
Office  of  United  Kingdom  High  Commissioner 
to  Canada,  1932-36 ;   acting  High  Commis- 
sioner during  parts  of  1934,  1935  and  1036  ; 
Private  Sec.  to  Sec.  of  State  for  Dominion 
Affairs  (Mr.  Eden),  1939-40  ;  Principal  Sec., 
Office  of  United  Kingdom  Representative  to 
Eire,  1941  and  1944-48;    Assistant  Under- 
secretary of  State,  Commonwealth  Relations 
Office,  1948-49;  retired,  1949.    Recreations: 
fishing,  sailing.     Address:    Tapsell  House, 
Wadhurst,  Sussex.  T.:  Wadhurst355.  Club: 
United  Service. 

ARCHER,  Richard  Lawrence,  M.A.  ; 
Emeritus  Professor  of  Education,  University 
College  of  North  Wales,  Bangor  (Professor,  1906- 
1942)  •  6. 1874 ;  unmarried.  Educ. :  Leamington 
College ;  Wadham  College,  Oxford  (Scholar).  1st 
class  Classical  Moderations,  1895;  1st  class 
Litt.  Hum.,  1S97 ;  Classical  Master  in  second- 
ary schools,  1897-1904 ;  Assistant  Lecturer  in 
Education.  Cambridge  University  Day  Training 
College,  1904-6.  Publications:  The  Teaching 
of  Geography  in  Elementary  Schools,  1910; 
The  Teaching  of  History  in  Elementary  Schools. 
1916 ;  The  Passman,  1918 ;  Secondary  Educa- 
tion in  the  Nineteenth  Century,  1921.  Address . 
15  M^^^i  View  TftTTPfft.  Bfl/np-or. 
ARCHER-HOUBLON,  Major  R.A. ;  see 


ARCHER-JACKSON,  Lieut-Col.  Basil, 
D.S.O.  and  M.C.  1919  ;  &.  1884  ;  y.  s.  of  late 
John  Archer- Jackson.  Educ.:  Wellington 
Coll.  Entered  Militia,  1904 ;  served  .Shrop- 
shire Light  Infantry ;  European  War,  1914- 
1918,  France  and  Belgium  and  Macedonia ; 
Captain  and  Adjutant,  8th  Shropshire  Light 
Infantry ;  Major,  2nd  in  command,  1916 ; 
Lt  -Col  and  commanding  9th  King's  Own 
Royal  Lancaster  Regt.  (despatches  four 
times,  D.S.Q.,  M.C.,  French  Croix  de  Guerre 
wKh  Palmes),  Address  :  Culworth  Hall.  nr. 
Banbury,  Oxon.  T.;  Sulgrave  274.  Club: 
Naval  and  Military, 
ARCHIBALD,  family  name  of  Baron  Archi- 


A  ft  C  H I B  A  L  by  1st  Baron,  cr. ,  1949,  of 
Woou'sifte  to  the  W  of  Glasgow;  George 

Archibald;  J.P.;  late  Dip.:  J.  Arthur 
Bank  Productions  Ltd.  and  This  Modern 
Age  Ltd.  (now  associated  with  group  as 
hon.  adviser);  b.  21  July  1898;  m.  1926, 
Dorothy  Holroyd  Edwards  ;  one  s.  Educ. : 
elementary  and  secondary  school.  Deputy 
Regional  Commissioner  for  the  Midlands, 
1941-42  •  Director  Films  Division,  British 
Information  Services,  New  York,  1942-44 ; 
Controller  M.O.I.,  1944-45.  Labour  Member 
of  Glasgow  City  Council,  1920-28 ;  Magistrate 
of  the  City  of  Glasgow,  1925-28 :  contested 
(Lab.)  South  Aberdeen,  1924,  Spark- 
brook,  Birmingham.  1931.  Seir :  s.  Hon. 
George  Christopher  Archibald,  b.  30  Dec.  1926. 
Address :  5  Hanover  House,  St.  John's  Wood 
High  Street,  3ST.W.8. 

ARCHIBALD,  Raymond  Clare ; 
Professor  of  Mathematics,  Brown  University, 
Providence,  R.I.,  1923-43  ;  Professor  of  Mathe- 
matics Emeritus,  1943;  b.  Colchester  Co., 
Nova,  Scotia,  7  Oct.  1875  ;  s.  of  Abram  Newcomb 
Archibald  and  Mary  Hellish ;  unmarried.  Educ. : 
Mount  Allison  University,  Sackville,  N.B., 
B. A. ;  Harvard  University,  B. A.  and  M.A. ;  Uni- 
versity of  Berlin;  University  of  Strasbourg, 
Ph.D.;  University  of  Paris;  University  of  Borne; 
Mount  Allison  Conservatory  of  Music,  diplo- 

mas as  graduate  in  violin  playing,  1894  and 
1895 ;  Professor  of  Mathematics,  Librarian,  and 
Head  of  the  violin  department,  Mount  Allison 
Ladies'  College,  SackviUe,  N.B.,  1900-7;  Pro- 
fessor of  Mathematics,  Acadia  University,  Nova 
Scotia,  1907-8;  at  Brown  University,  Instructor 
in  Mathematics,  1908-11,   Assistant-Professor, 
1911-17 ;  Associate  Professor,  1917-23 ;  lecturer 
at  University  of  California,  1924  ;  at  Harvard 
University,  1931;   and  at  Columbia  Univer- 
sity, 1939-40;  F.A.A.S.  1918;  Hon.  Member 
Harvard    University  Chapter    of    Phi    Befca 
Kappa  Society,  1921 ;  Hon.  Member  of  English, 
Czech,     Polish     and     Rumanian     scientific 
societies ;   delegate  to  congresses  at   Padua, 
London,  Athens,  Bologna,  Cambridge  (Mass.), 
Oslo,    Zurich;    Hon.    Doctor   University  of 
Padua     1922;     Hon.   LL.D.    Mount   Allison 
University,  1923  ;  Associate  Editor  of  Revue 
Semestrielle  des  Publications  Mathdmatiques, 
Amsterdam,  1923-34;   Associate  Editor,  Isis, 
since  1924;  Associate  Editor,  Scripta  Mathe- 
matica,  since  1932 ;  Editor-in-chief  of  American 
Mathematical    Monthly,    1919-21;    Associate 
Editor    of    Eudemus,    1939;     President    of 
the    Mathematical    Association  of  America, 
1922 ;  Librarian  of  the  American  Mathematical 
Society,  1921-41;    member  of  the  American 
Section   of    the   International   Mathematical 
Union,  1924-28;  Member  International  Com-  ' 
mission  on  Mathematical  Bibliography,  1924- 
1928;  Vice-Pres.  of  American  Association  for 
Advancement  of  Science,  1928, 1937 ;  Member 
of  Division   of  Mathematical   and   Physical 
Sciences  of  National  Research  Council,  1928-31, 
1940-43,  1944-47;  Member  of  Executive  Com- 
mittee, 1941-43;    Founder  and  Joint  Editor 
of  its  Mathematical  Tables  and  other  Aids 
to  Computation  (quarterly  journal),  1943-49 ; 
Founder,    1905-50,    Mary   Hellish   Archibald 
Memorial  Library,  of  English  and  American 
Poetry  and  Drama,  Mount  Allison  University. 
Publications:  Carlyle's  First  Love,  Margaret 
Gordon,  Lady  Banner-man,  1910;  Euclid's  Book 
on  Divisions  of  Figures  with  a  Restoration, 
1915 ;  The  Training  of  Teachers  of  Mathematics, 
1918  •  Benjamin  Peirce,  1809-1880,  Biographical 
Sketch  and  Bibliography,  1925;  Bibliography 
of   Egyptian  and   -Babylonian   Mathematics, 
1927-29  •  Editor  of  second  English  edition  of 
F   Klein's  Famous  Problems  of  Elementary 
Geometry,  1930;  Outline  of  the  History  of 
Mathematics,  1932  (6th  edition,   1949);   Un- 
published Letters  of  James  Joseph  Sylvester, 
1936 ;  The  scientific  achievements  of  Nathaniel 
Bowditch,  1937;   A  Semicentennial  History 
of  the  American  Mathematical  Society  1888- 
1938,    1938:    Mathematical1  Table    Makers; 
Portoafts,  Paintings,  Busts,  Mrtnunentw'  iBio- 
biblibgraphical  Notes,  W48 ; '  lntrodu«togfl  rfnd 
Notes  to  an  English  translation  of  J.  Stouter; 
Constructions  with  a  Ruler,  given  a  Bmd 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Circle  with  its  Centre,  1950;  articlesin  Encyclo- 
pedia Britanniea,  14th  ed,,  1929,  and  Dic- 
tionary of  American  Biography,  1929-36, 1944; 
extensive  contributor  to  mathematical 
journals  and  reviews  of  Europe  and  America. 
Recreations:  music,  library  work.  Address: 
Brown  University,  Providence,  Rhode  Island. 
Club:  F«onltv  (Provirtance). 
ARCHIBALD,  Sir  Robert  George, 
Kt.,  cr.  1934,  O.M.G,  192»;  JD.S.O.  1917; 
M.D.  ;  R.A.M.C.,  retired  ;  Professor  ol 
Bacteriology,  Farouk  University,  Alexandria, 
1947,  of  Parasitology  since  1949;  Patho- 
logist, County  Laboratory,  Poole,  Dorset; 
Medical  Superintendent,  Leper  Settlement, 
Trinidad,  West  Indies ;  J.  P.  County  St.  George, 
Trinidad ;  6.  1880 ;  s.  of  Rev.  W.  F.  Archibald, 
C.F. ;  w.  1919,  Olive  Chapman,  o.  c.  ol- 
Arthur  Cant,  Claremont  House,  Colchester; 
two  dL  Educ.:  Dollar  Academy;  Edinburgh 
University.  M.B.,  Ch.B.  1902  ;  corresponding 
member  Societe  Pathologie  Hxotique,  1920; 
Member  of  Council  Section  of  Tropical  Diseases 
and  Parasitology,  Royal  Society  of  Medicine ; 
President  Sudan  Branch  British  Medical 
Association.  1935-1936;  entered  Royal  Army 
Medical  Corps.  1906;  Pathology  Prizeman, 
Army  Medical  College,  1906;  Ambulance 
Surgeon,  Northern  Hospital,  Liverpool; 
Assistant  Medical  Officer,  Rainhill  Asylum ; 
House  Surgeon,  St.  Mary's  Hospital  for  Women 
and  Children,  Plaistow ;  seconded  for  Sleeping 
Sickness  Commission,  Uganda,  1907 ;  attached 
Egyptian  Army,  1908 ;  Blue  Nile  Operations, 
1908  (despatches);  Mediterranean  Expeditionary 
Force,  Dardanelles,  1915  (despatches);  Darfur 
Expedition  (despatches),  Sudan,  1916  (Order  4th 
Class  Medjidieh,  Order  2nd  Class  Nile,  and 
D  S  O  ) ;  Director  Wellcome  Tropical  Research 
Laboratories,  Khartum,  1920;  Director  Stack 
Medical  Research  Laboratories,  1928 ;  retired, 
1986.  Publications:  Reviews  of  Recent  Ad- 
vances in  Tropical  Medicine,  Supplements  to 
Reports,  Wellcome  Research  Labs,  (with  Dr. 
Andrew  Balfour) ;  Editor  (with  W.  Byam)  Prac- 
tice of  Medicine  in  the  Tropics ;  contributor 
Oxford  Index  of  Therapeutics,  1921 ;  many  con- 
tributions to  medical  and  scientific  journals. 
Recreations:  riding,  shooting,  golfing,  fishing. 
Address:  c/o  Holt  &  Co.,  Kirkland  House, 
Whitehall,  S.W.I.  Clubs:  Athenaeum,  Cale- 
donian ;  Union  (Alexandria,  Egypt). 

ARCOT,  Prince  of  (Omdatul  -  Omara, 
Amir  -  ul  -  umara,  Sirajul  Omara, 
Madar  -  ul  -  Mullc,  Omdatul  Mulk, 
Azimud  Dowlah,  Asadud  Dowlatul 
Ingleez,  Nawab  Azim  Jah,  H.H. 
Sir  Ghulam  Muhammad  Ali  Khan 
Bahadur,  Amir  -  t  -  Arcot),  G.C.LE., 
cr.  1917  (K.C.I.E.,  cr.  1909);  b.  26  Feb.  1882; 
S.  father  (Sir  Muhammad  Munawar  Khan 
Bahadur,  K.C.I.E.),1908.  Premier  Mahomedan 
nobleman  of  Southern  India,  being  the  direct 
male  representative  of  the  Sovereign  Rulers 
of  the  Carnatic;  acknowledged  leader  of 
Muslim  community  of  Madras  Presidency; 
two  d.  Educ.  :  Newington  Institution, 
Madras,  under  C.  Morrison,  M.A. ;  received 
title  of  Khan  Bahadur  in  1897 ;  Mem- 
ber of  Madras  Legislative  Council,  1904-6; 
Member  of  the  Imperial  Legislative  Council 
(Mahomedan  Electorate)  of  the  Madras  Presi- 
dency, 1910-13 ;  Member  of  the  Madras  Legisla- 
tive Council  by  nomination.  1916 ;  Patron  Cos- 
mopolitan Club,  Madras ;  Life  Member  South 
Indian  Athletic  Association;  President  All  India 
Muslim  Association,  Lahore;  Life  Member 
Lawley  Institute,  Ootacamund;  celebrated 
Silver  Jubilee,  1928;  Distinction  of  Highness 
conferred,  1935.  Address :  Amir  Mahal, 
Madras.  T.:  3679.  Club:  Gymkhana  (Madras) 

ARCTIC,  Bishop  of  the,  since  1950;  Rt. 
Rev.  Donald  Ben  Marsh,  D.D. ;  6.  24 
Nov.  1903 ;  s.  of  William  John  Marsh  and 
Kathleen  Daisy  (yiie  Peters) ;  m.  1933,  Wini- 
fred Florence  (nee  Petchey) ;  one  s.  two  d. 
jEdue.:  Emmanuel  College,  Saskatchewan; 
Hon.  D.D.  1950.  Deacon,  1926 ;  priest,  1929, 
Keewatin.  Missionary  at  Eskimo  Point, 
1926-44= ;  Incumbent  of  All  Saints  Cathedral, 

Aklavik,  Diocese  of  the  Arctic,  1944-47 ; 
Archdeacon  of  Baffin  Land,  1939-44  ;  Arch- 
deacon of  Aklavik,  1939-50  ;  Administrator 
of  Diocese  of  the  Arctic,  1949-50.  Recreation : 
photography.  Address:  57  Lascelles  Blvd., 
Toronto,  Ont.,  Canada;  G04  Jarvis  St., 
Toronto,  Ont.,  Canada.  T.:  MA.  1016. 

Bishop  of,  (R.C.),  -nice  \<M  ;  Rt.  Rev. 
James  Joseph  Mac-Namee ;  b.  is7b. 
Educ.:  St.  Macarten's,  Mouaghan ;  St.  Patrick's, 
Maynooth.  Ordained,  1900;  Professor  in  St. 
Macarten's,  1900-6;  C.  C.  Clones,  1906-8; 
Monaghan,  1908-20 ;  Administrator  of  Cathedral 
Monaghan,  1920-25 ;  Parish  Priest  of  Clones, 
1925-27.  Address :  Bishop's  House,  St. 
Michael's.  Longford,  Ireland. 

ARDEE,  Lord,  John  Anthony 
Brabazon ;  6. 11  May  1941 ;  e.  s.  of  14th  Earl 
of  Meath,  q.v.  Address:  Templecarrig, 
Greystones,  Co.  Wicklow,  Ireland. 

ARDEN-CLARKE,  Sir  Charles  Noble, 
K.C.M.G.,  cr.  1948  (C.M.G.  1941) ;  Kt.,  cr. 
1946*  Governor  and  C.-in-C.,  Gold  Coast, 
since' 1949;  &.  25  Jnly  1898;  e.  s.  of  Rev. 
C.  W.  Arden  Clarke,  Bournemouth ;  m.  1924, 
Georgina  Dora  Reid;  one  s.  two  d.  Name 
changed  by  Deed  Poll  to  Arden-Clarke. 
Educ.:  Rossall.  Joined  Machine  Gun  Corps, 
served  France,  Germany  and  military  mission 
to  Southern.  Russia,  temporary  Captain 
(despatches),  1917-20 ;  joined  Colon  al 
Administrative  Service,  1920;  Adminis- 
trative Officer,  Northern  Nigeria,  1920-33; 
Actc.  Principal  Asst.  Sec.,  Nigerian  Secre- 
tariat, 1934-36 ;  Asst.  Resident  Commissioner 
and  Government  Secretary,  Bechuanaland 
Protectorate  ,1936  ;  Resident  Commissioner, 
Bechuanaland  Protectorate,  1937-42 ;  Resi- 
dent Commissioner,  Basntoland,  1942-46; 
Governor  and  C.-in-C.  of  Sarawak,  1946-49. 
Recreations:  cricket,  golf.  Address:  Govern- 
ment House,  Accra,  Gold  Coast. 

AR DEN-CLOSE,  Colonel  Sir  Charles 
{Frederick),  K,B.K.,  cr.  1918;  O.B.  1916; 
C.M.G.1899 ;  F.R.S.  1919;  Hon  Sc.D. (Cantab.), 
1928;  R.B.;  Officierde  VOrdrede  Leopold;  b.  10 
Aug.  1865;  s.  of  late  Maj.-Gen.Frederick  Close  of 
Shanklin ;  changed  surname  to  Arden-Close, 
1938;  m.  1913,  Gladys  Violet,  d.  of  late  Theodore 
Percival ,  Shanklin ;  one  s.  one  d.  Entered  army, 
1884 ;  served  on  Balloon  Det.,  1887-88  ;  Survey 
of  India,  1889-93 ;  in  charge  Niger  Protectorate 
— Kamerun  Boundary  Survey,  1895  ;  British 
Commissioner  on  the  Nyasa  -  Tanganyika 
Boundary  Commission,  1898  ;  served  in  South 
African  War,  1899-1900  ;  Head  of  the  Geographi- 
cal Section,  General  Staff,  1905-11 ;  Director- 
General  Ordnance  Survey,  1911-22;  retired 
pay,  1922  ;  Delegate  at  Conference  on  Frontiers 
between  Uganda,  German  E.  Africa,  and  Congo, 
Brussels,  1910 ;  Boundary  Commissioner 
under  Representation  of  the  People  Bill,  1917  ; 
President  S.B.  Union  of  Scientific  Societies, 
1922 ;  President  Geographical  Association, 
1927;  President  Royal  Geographical  Society, 
1927-30;  President  International  Population 
Union,  1931-37 ;  President  Hants  Field  Club, 
1929-32,  1935-36;  President  International  Geo- 
graphical Union,  1934-38 ;  Chairman  Palestine 
Exploration  Fund,  1930-45  ;  Victoria  Research 
Medal,  R.G.S.,  1927;  Hon.  Mem.  Soc.  Royale 
Beige de  Ge"ographie ;  Hon.  Mem.  K.  Nederland 
Aardsijk.  Gen  Amsterdam;  Hon.  Corr.  Mem. 
Geographical  Soc.,  Madrid;  Hon.  Mem.  Geog. 
Soc.  of  Russia.  Publications:  Text  Book  of 
Topographical  Surveying;  The  Early  Years 
of  the  Ordnance  Survey,  1926;  The  Map  of 
England,  1932;  Geographical  By-ways,  1947  ; 
various  technical  papers.  Address:  220hrist- 
ohnreh  Rnad,  Win  Chester. 

A  R  D I L  L,  Rev.  John  Roche,  LL.D. ; 
rn.  1887,  Blanche  Annie  Morrison  (d.  1929); 
four  s.  three  d.  Educ. :  Trinity  College,  Dublin. 
Ordained  1884 ;  Curate  of  St.  Mary,  Athlone, 
1884-86 ;  North  Derryvullen,  1886-87 ;  St.  An- 
drew's, Dublin,  1887-89  ;  Incumbent  of  Drum- 
cliffe,  1889-99 ;  Rector  of  Calry,  1899-1944 ;  Dean 
of  Elphin  Cathedral,  1933-44  ;  Canon  of  Blphin 
Cathedral,  1902,  Publications :  Forgotten  Facts 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


of  Irish  History,  1905  ;  The  Closing  of  the  Irish 
Parliament,  1907  ;  St.  Patrick,  A.D.  180,  1931. 
Address:  Rosses  Point,  Co.  Sligo. 

ARDIZZONE,  Edwardjeffrey 
Irving;  Artist;  Fellow  of  Society  of 
Industrial  Artists  ;  b.  16  Oct.  1900  ;  «.  of 
Auguste  Ardizzone  and  Margaret  Irving  ; 
m.  1929,  Catherine  Berkley  Anderson  ;  two  s. 
one  d.  Educ. :  Clayesmore  School.  Worked 
for  6  years  for  Eastern  Telegraph  Co.  ; 
studied  art  at  Westminster  and  Central 
Schools  of  Art ;  Official  War  Artist.  1940- 
1946 ;  pictures  purchased  by  Tate  Gallery, 
Sheffield,  Leeds  and  Liverpool  Art  Galleries 
and  Contemporary  Art  Society.  Publications: 
Little  Tim  and  the  Brave  Sea  Captain,  1930  , 
Lucy  Brown  and  Mr.  Grimes,  1937 ;  Tim  and 
Lucy  go  to  Sea,  1938  ;  Baggage  to  the  Enemy, 
1941 ;  Nicholas  and  the  Fast  Moving  Diesel, 
1947 ;  Paul  the  Hero  of  the  Fire,  1947  ;  Tim 
to  the  Rescue,  1949.  Illustrated:  In  a  Glass 
Darkly,  1929 ;  Crabbe's  poems,  1929 ;  My 
Uncle  Silas,  1939 ;  The  Local,  1939 ;  Mimff, 
1939;  Peacock  Pie,  1947;  The  Poems  of 
Francois  Villon,  1947;  The  Pilgrim's  Pro- 
gress, 1947;  The  Three  Brothers,  1947; 
Desbarollda  the  Waltzing  Mouse,  1 948 ;  The 
Otterbury  Incident,  1948 ;  Charles  Dickens 
Birthday  Book,  1948;  Back  to  the  Local, 
1949;  Ah*  Baba  and  the  Forty  Thieves, 
1949 ;  Showmen  and  Suckers,  1950.  Recrea- 
tions: walking,  cooking.  Address:  130 
Elgin  Avenue,  Maida  Vale,  W.9.  T.; 
Cunningham  7000. 

ARENDZEN,  Rev.  John,  M.A.  Cantab.  . 
D.D.,  D.Jfh.  ;  Spiritual  Director  of  St 
Edmund's  College,  Ware,  since  1937  ;  a  Canon 
of  Metropolitan  Chapter  of  Westminstei 
since  1938 ;  Member  of  Catholic  Missionary 
Society  since  1902  ;  6.  Amsterdam,  6  Jan.  1873  ; 
s.  of  P.  J.  Arendzen,  Dutch  Etcher,  Assoc. 
Royal  Academy  of  Belgium,  who  settled  iii 
England,  and  E.  Stracke,  of  Belgian  parentage ; 
unmarried.  Educ. :  Christ's  College,  Cambridge 
(Research  degree).  Theological  course  al 
Oscott  College,  1891-95 ;  Holy  Orders  in  1895 ; 
at  Bonn  University,  1895-97 ;  Doctor  of 
Philosophy  (Semitic  Philology),  1897;  Munich 
University,  1900,  Doctor  of  Theology.  PuUica 
tions:  Theodori  Abu  Kurra  Libellus  de  Cultu 
Imaginum  (Arabic-Latin),  1897;  Gospels — Fact, 
Myth  or  Legend  ?  ;  Prophets,  Priests  and  Pub 
licans;  What  becomes  of  the  Dead?;  Whom 
do  you  say?;  Men  and  Manners  in  the  Days  ol 
Christ;  articles  in  Catholic  Encyclopaedia, 
Journal  of  Theological  Studies,  Jewish  Quar- 
terly, etc.  Recreation:  chess.  Address:  St. 
Edmund's  College,  Old  Hall,  Ware,  Herts. 

ARGENT  I,  Philip  Pandely,  M.B.E. 
1920 ;  Hon.  Attache"  Royal  Greek  Embassy 
in  London ;  4th  s.  of  late  Pandely  Leonidas 
Argenti  and  late  Fanny,  3rd  d.  of  late  John 
Stephen  Schilizzi ;  m.  1930,  Alexandra  Helen 
Schilizzi  (Grand  Officer  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre), 
3rd  d.  of  Stephen  John  Schilizzi,  formerly  of 
Loddington  Hall,  and  of  Julia,  2nd  d.  of  Sir 
Lucas  Ralli,  1st  Bt.  ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ. : 
Winchester  College  ;  Christ  Church,  Oxford  ; 
Athens  University.  B.A.,  M.A.  1919,  and 
D.Litt.  1941  (Oxon.) ;  LL.B.  1920  (Athens) ; 
Silver  Medallist,  Athens  Academy,  1938 ; 
Corresp.  Mem.  Athens  Academy,  1947 ; 
Barrister-at-Law,  1922  (Athens).  Entered 
Greek  Diplomatic  Service,  1923  ;  Counsellor 
to  Greek  Legations  to  exiled  Govts.  of  Poland, 
Belgium  and  Luxemburg.  Served  European 
War,  1914-18,  in  3rd  Greek  cavalry  regt.  and 
as  Adj.  to  G.O.C.  2nd  Greek  Army  Corps 
(despatches,  Greek  M.C.  and  Greek  M.M., 
1919).  Freeman  of  town  of  Chios.  Officer 
Order  of  George  I,  1947 ;  Grand  Officer 
Order  of  Holy  Sepulchre,  1928.  Publications: 
Massacres  of  Chios,  1822, 1932  ;  The  Expedi- 
tion of  Colonel  Fabvier  to  Chios,  1827,  1933  ; 
Chius  Liberata,  1912, 1933  ;  The  Expedition 
of  the  Florentines  to  Chios,  1599, 1934  ;  The 
Occupation  of  Chios  by  the  Venetians,  1694, 
1935-  Bibliography  of  Chios,  1940;  Chius 
Vinctsa,  1566,  1941 ;  (with  Prof.  Stilpon 

KyriaMdes)  'H  Xto?  -rrapa  rols  l>a>ypd(jE>o«r  KO.L 

nepHrwrais    'Effri'a  (3  vols.,  Athens),  1946; 

(with  Prof.  H.  J.  E.ose)  The  Folklore  of 
Chios,  1949.  Recreation:  travelling.  Ad- 
dress :  Royal  Greek  Embassy,  51  Upper 
Brook  Street,  W.I ;  Argentikon,  Campos, 
Chios;  8  Princes  Gardens,  S.W.7.  T. : 
Kensington  1653.  Clubs :  St,  James'  ; 
Athe"nien  (Athens). 

SOUTH  AMERICA,  with  the  FALK- 
LAND ISLANDS,  Bishop  in,  since 
1946 ;  Rt.  Rev.  Daniel  Ivor  Evans  ;  b. 
5  July  1900 ;  m.  1940,  Leone  Helene  Trery. 
Educ.:  St.  David's  College,  Lampeter.  Served 
European  war,  1916-18  with  R.N.V.R.  Or- 
dained 1924 ;  Curate  of  St.  John's,  Swansea, 
1924-27 ;  St,  Martin's,  Roath,  1927-30;  Asst. 
Chaplain,  St.  John's,  Buenos  Aires,  1930-34 ; 
Bishop's  Chaplain,  ]  932 ;  Hon.  Assoc.  Padre 
of  Toe  H,  1933;  Chaplain  of  Hurlingham 
(Arg.),  1936-38;  Christ  Church,  Riode  Janeiro, 
1938-46:  Assistant  Bishop,  1939-46.  Ad- 
dress: Calle  25  De  Mayo  282,  Buenos  Aires, 
Argentina.  T.A. :  Bishop  Evans,  Baires. 

ARGYLL,  llth  Duke  of  (cr.  1701),  Ian 
Douglas  Campbell,  Marquis  of  Lome 
and  EJntyre :  Earl  Campbell  and  Cowal ;  Vis- 
count of  Lochow  and  Glenisla ;  Baron  Inver- 
aray,  Mull,  Morvern,  and  Tiry,  1701  ;  Baron 
Campbell,  1445;  Earl  of  Argyll,  1457; 
Baron  of  Lome,  1470  ;  Baron  Kintyre,  1633 
(Scotland) ;  Baron  Sundridge,  1766  ;  Baron 
Hamilton,  1776 ;  Baronet  of  Lundy ; 
35th  Baron  ,  and  45th  Knight  of  Lochow. 
Celtic  title,  Mac  Cailean  Mhor,  Chief  of  Clan 
Campbell  (from  Sir  Colin  Campbell,  knighted 
1286).  Hereditary  Master  of  the  Royal 
Household,  Scotland ;  Hereditary  High 
Sheriff  of  the  County  of  Argyll ;  Admiral 
of  the  Western  Coast  and  Isles  ;  Keeper  of 
the  Great  Seal  of  Scotland  and  of  the  Castles 
of  Dunstaffnage,  Dunoon,  and  Carrick  and 
Tarbert ;  formerly  Capt.  Argyll  and  Suther- 
land Highdrs. ;  b.  Paris,  18  June  1903  ; 
s.  of  late  Douglas  Walter  Campbell  (g.s. 
of  8th  Duke),  and  Aim6e,  3rd  d.  of  John 
Lawrence,  New  York ;  S.  cousin  1949  ;  m. 
1st,  1927,  Hon.  Janet  Gladys  Aitken  (who 
obtained  a  divorce,  1934),  d.  of  1st  Baron 
Beaverbrook,  q,v. ;  one  d. ;  2nd,  1935, 
Hon.  Mrs.  Louise  Vanneck,  o.d.  of  Henry 
Clews ;  two  s.  Educ. :  Milton ;  Mas- 
sachusetts ;  Christ  Church,  Oxford.  Served 
War  of  1939-45  (prisoner).  Heir :  s.  Mar- 
quess of  Lome,  q.v.  Address:  Inveraray 
Castle,  Argyll.  T. :  Inveraray  75  ;  Kittera, 
Biarritz,  B.-P.,  Trance.  Clubs  :  St.  James', 
Marlborough-Windham,  M.C.;  New  (Edin- 
burgh) ;  Travellers'  (Paris). 

of,  since  1942;  Rt.  Rev.  Thomas 
Hannay;  6.  10  June  1887;  y.  s.  of  John 
Haunay  and  Martha  Johnstone.  Educ. : 
University  of  Liverpool,  B.A.  1907  ;  Queens' 
College,  Cambridge,  B.A.  1910  ;  M.A.  1914. 
Ordained,  1910  ;  Curate  of  Holmflrth,  1910- 
1914;  Universities*  Mission  to  Central  Africa, 
Diocese  of  Nyasaland,  1914-27;  Community 
of  the  Resurrection,  Mirfield,  1927-42; 
Principal,  College  of  the  Resurrection,  1933- 
19*40.  Recreation:  walking.  Address 3  St. 
Bride's,  Onieh,  Inverness-shire  T.  •  Onich  54. 

of,  (R.C.)t  since  1946;  Rt.  Rev. 
Kenneth  Grant;  b.  18  March  1900. 
Educ. :  St.  Mary's  College,  Blairs,  Aberdeen  ; 
St.  Peter's,  Bearsden,  Glasgow.  Chaplain  to 
the  Forces;  Prisoner  of  War,  June  1940- 
May  1945.  Address  :  Bishop's  House,  Oban, 
Argyll.  T. :  Oban  2123. 

of ;  see  Mclnnes,  Very  Eev.  Duncan. 

ARIS,  Ernest  Alfred,  F.Z.S. ;  S,G.A. 
artist ;  6.  22  April  18h2  ;  s.  of  Alfred  Aris,  and 
Emily  Wright:  m.  1913,  Winifred  ArcherOuld; 
one  s.  Educ. :  Technical  College  and  School  of 
Art,  Bradford  ;  Boyal  CoUege  of  Art,  London. 
Started  as  a  portrait  painter;  later  drifted  into 
commercial  art,  book  illustrations,  magazines, 
etc. ;  later  specialised  in  animals  and  writing 
and  illustrating  story  books  and  nature  articles. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Publications:  about  150  books  for  children; 
Bunny  o'  the  Cosy  Corner  Series,  1920 ;  Tales 
for  Tiny  Tots  ;  The  Dainty  Series,  1921 ;  Rock- 
a-bye  Stories  1919 ;  The  Bunny  o'  the  Bracken 
Series,  1920  ;  The  Woodland  Series,  1919  ;  That 
Little  Animal  Series,  1915;  Famous  Animal 
Tales  re-pictured  by  Ernest  Aris,  including 
stories  by  E.  A.,  1935;  Fishing,  1946;  The 
Brambledown  Tales,  1946;  Ernest  Aris'n 
Nature  Series,  1947;  The  Art  of  the  Pen, 
1948,  etc.  Recreations :  angling,  entomology, 
swimming,  collecting  old  furniture,  gardening, 
travel.  Address:  9  Oak  Avenue,  Priory  Road, 
Hornsey,  N.8. 

ARIS,  Major  Herbert,  ]MLA.,  ff.R.aS., 
J.P.  Hants;  b.  1668;  *.  of  late  John  Aii-., 
of  Lois  Weedon  House,  Northants;  m.  1915, 
Sydney  Dorothy,  d.  of  late  John  Thomas 
Arundel;  one  *.  one  d.  Edw. :  Rossall ; 
King's  College,  Cambridge.  House  Master, 
Winchester  College,  1911-20;  0.0.  Win- 
cheater  Coll.  O.T.C.,  1908-18  ;  Member  of 
Council  of  Central  Landowners'  Association, 
3921-30;  Verderer  of  New  Forest,  1936; 
Governor  of  University  College,  South- 
ampton ;  High  Sheriff  for  County  of  South- 
ampton, 1940.  Recreations :  hunting  and 
shooting.  Club :  Royal  Societies. 

ARKELL,  John  Heward;  Controller,  Staff 
Administration,  B.B.C.,  since  1949:  b.  20 
May  1909 ;  8.  of  Rev.  H.  H.  Arkell,  M.A., 
and  Gertrude  Mary  Arkell ;  m.  1940,  Helen 
Birgit  Euitfeldt,  d.  of  late  Hans  Emil  Huit- 
feldt,  Norwegian  Minister  to  Denmark :  two 
s.  one  d.  Mduc.:  Badley  College;  Christ 
Church,  Oxford  (M.A,).  Sir  Max  Michaelis 
(Investment)  Trust,  1931-37.  Asst.  Sec., 
C.F.R.E.,  1937-39,  Member  of  Exec.  Cttee., 
1945-.  Commissioned  Territorial  Officer, 
Z.R.R.C.  1939;  served  War  of  1939-45; 
demobilised  1945,  Major.  Personnel  Man- 
ager to  the  Company  of  Messrs.  J.  Lyons, 
1945-49.  Gen.  Hon.  Sec.  Christ  Church 
(Oxford)  United  Clubs,  then  Chm.  London 
Exec.  Cttee.,  1932-.  Address:  Hollow 
Dene,  Frensham,  Surrey.  T.:  Frensham  168. 
Clubs;  Savile,  Leander. 

ARKELL,  Sir  Noel ;  m  Arkell,  Sir  I.  N. 

ARKELL,  Reginald ;  Author  and  Dramatist; 
ts.  01  late  Daniel  Arkeil,  Lechlade,  Gloucester- 
shire ;  m.  Elizabeth  Evans ;  one  s,  Etiuo.  : 
Burford  Grammar  School.  Trained  as  a  journal- 
ist until  outbreak  of  war  (1914-18);  has  writ- 
ten many  revues  and  musical  comedies, 
including  libretto  or  lyrics  for  Jumble  Sale, 
1920 ;  Now  and  Then,  1921 ;  The  Last  Walte, 
1922;  Catherine,  1923;  Our  Nell,  1924;  Frasquita, 
1924;  Blue  Train,  1927;  Chelsea  Follies,  19SO ; 
Savoy  Follies,  1932 ;  Listeners'  Inn,  1932 ;  1066 
and  All  Thab,  1935 ;  Gay  Deceivers,  1935 ; 
Kingdom  for  a  Cow,  1935  ;  Paganini,  1937 ; 
Laughing  Cavalier,  1937;  Moonshine,  1940; 
More  1066  and  All  That,  1942;  lyrics  for  Mr. 
Brown  of  London  Town,  Big  Ben  and  other 
popular  songs  ;  has  broadcast  on  many  occa- 
sions ;  wrote  Bast  is  Bast  and  West  is  West,  two 
Kipling  broadcasts,  1942  ;  Compere  and  contri- 
butor to  Country  Magazine  and  Transatlantic 
Call,  1045 ;  Hon.  Secretary  Dramatists'  Club, 
194S.  Publications :  Colombine  and  Other 
Verses,  1912 ;  Tragedy  of  Mr.  Punch,  1920 ;  Meet 
These  People,  1928;  Winter  Sportings,  1929; 
Richard  JefFeries,  1933;  A  Cottage  in  the  Country; 
Bridge  Without  Sighs  ;  Green,  Fingers,  1934; 
Playing  the  Games,  1935 ;  Pedlar's  Pack ;  More 
Green  Fingers,  19S8 ;  War  Rumours,  1939 ; 
Green  Fingers  Again,  1942  ;  Old  Herbaceous  ;  > 
And  a  Green  Thumb,  1950  ;  Editor  of  Men 
Only  and  London  Opinion  Magazines.  He- 
creations:  I  always  like  to  call  a  slam; 
That  is  the  sort  of  fool  I  am.  Address: 
Marston  Mejsey,  Cricklade,  Wilts.  T.  : 
Kempsford  217 ;  Paramount  Court,  "University  1 
Street,  "W.C.I.  X.  c  Temple  Bar  4363.  Cl.uls:\ 
Savage;  prarAafcists'.  i 

ARK  EL  L,     Captain      Sir     (Thomas) 
Noel,    Kt*,  -or.    1987;    JJ.L.    Wilts;    Joins  j 
.Managing  Director  of  J.  Arkell  and   Sons,  j 
Ltd*,  Swindon,  Wiltshire :    6.  25  Dec.  1893 ; 
and   s,   of    James   Arkell,  Bedlands   Court,  j 

Hishworth.  Wiltshire,  and  Laura  Jane 
Rixon;  m.  1919,  Olive  Arscott  Quick,  Tiverton, 
Devon;  two  s.  three  d.  Educ. :  Brad  Field 
College.  Joined  4th  Wiltshire  Regt.  (Terri- 
torials) in  1912  as  2nd  Lieut. ;  served  European 
War  in  India,  Mesopotamia  and  Palestine 
(thrice  wounded);  invalided  with  rank  of 
Captain,  1919;  Chairman,  Swindon  Conserva- 
tive Assoc.,  1927-47,  Pres.  1947  ;  Chm.  Wessex 
Provincial  Area  of  Conservative  Party,  1933-35 ; 
Member  of  National  Executive  Committee  of 
Conservative  Party,  1933-38;  Chairman  of 
Swindon  and  District  National  Savings  Com- 
mittee; Commissioner  of  Income  Tax;  Member 
of  Bristol  Diocesan  Conference;  Member  of 
Lloyds  Bank  Ltd.,  Salisbury  Board.  Recrea- 
tions: fishing,  archery.  Address:  Westhill, 
Highworth,  Wilts.  T.A. :  Arkell  Highworth. 
T. :  Highworth  16. 

ARKELL,  William  Joscelyn, 
tf.fljd.,  1U47;  M.A.,  D.Sc.;  Fellow  of 
Trinity  College,  Cambridge ;  &.  9  June 
1904 ;  y.  s.  of  James  Arkell,  Redlands  Court, 
Highworth,  Wilts;  TO.  1929,  Ruby  Lillian 
Percival ;  threes.  Educ. :  Wellington  College  ; 
New  Coll.,  Oxford.  B.A.  (1st  Class  Honours 
in  Natural  Science),  1925 ;  Burdett-Coutts 
Scholar,  1925-27;  B.Sc*,  1927;  M.A.,  D.Phil., 
1929;  D.Sc.,  1934  (Oxford);  engaged  in  re- 
search on  palaeontology,  stratigraphy  and 
tectonics.  Associate  of  the  Prehistoric  Survey 
of  the  University  of  Chicago,  investigating  the 
geology  and  prehistoric  archaeology  of  the  Nile 
Valley  in  Egypt,  1926-30 ;  Lecturer  in  Geology, 
New  College,  Oxford,  1929-83 ;  Fellow,  1983-40 ; 
Ministry  of  War  Transport,  1941-43  ;  Fellow 
of  the  Geological  Society;  Thompson  Gold 
Medallist,  National  Academy  of  Sciences, 
Washington,  1944;  Lyell  Medallist,  Geological 
Society  of  London,  1949.  Publications:  The 
Jurassic  System  in  Great  Britain  ;  The  Geology 
of  Oxford;  Oxford  Stone;  The  Geology  of 
Wey mouth,  Swanage,  Oorfe,  and  Lul worth 
(Geological  Survey);  A  Monograph  of  the 
British  Oorallian  Lamellibranchia  (Palae- 
ontographieal  Society)  ;  Monograph  of  the 
Ammonites  of  the  English  Corallian  Beds 
(Palaeontographical  Society) ;  scientific  papers, 
etc.  Address  :  14  Oranmer  Road,  Cambridge. 
T. :  Cambridge  57646. 

ARK  WRIGHT,  Rev.  Ernest  Henry, 
M.V.O. 1911 ;  M.A.  Oxon  ;  b.  28  Marcn  lUtfb  ;  4i>h 
s,  of  late  Rev.  George  Ark  wright,  Rector  of  Pen- 
combe,  Co.  Hereford ;  m.  1912,  Bertha  Blaiw 
(d*  1943).  d.  of  late  Rev.  Canon  Hearth,  vicar  of 
Bearstea,  Kent.  Edue. :  Haileybury.  Assistant 
Chaplain  of  Clifton  College,  1900-3;  Royal  Naval 
College,  Osborne,  1903-5;  Royal  Naval  College, 
Dartmouth,  1905-19  ;  Harrow  -School,  1939-20; 
Rector  of  Binfield,  1920-27;  Chaplain  of  St. 
Stephen's  Hospital,  8.W.10,  1927-30;  Vicar  of 
Hollingbourne,  Kent,  1930-36,  Addrrss :  Palace 
Corner,  Charing  Kent.  [Died  16  Sept.  1950. 

ARK  WRIGHT,  Sir  John  Stanhope, 
Kt.,cr.  1934;  M.A.,  K.L.8.  ;  JL).L.,  J.P,,  L>**- 
rister-at-law ;  Chief  Steward,  City  of  Here- 
ford ;  5.  1872 ;  o.  s.  of  late  J.  Hungerford  Ark- 
wright,  Lord-Lieutenant  of  Herefordshire,  and 
Charlotte  Lucy,  3rd  d,  of  John  Davenport 
of  Poxley,  Hereford;  m.  1906,  Helen  Muriel 
Stephanie  (d.  1947)  y.  d.  of  Stephen  Robinson  of 
Lynhales,  Kington ;  one  s.  Educ, :  Eton ;  Christ 
Church,  Oxford ;  Newdigate  Prizeman,  1895 ; 
M.P.  (C.),  Hereford,  1900-12  Publications:  The 
Last  Muster ;  The  Supreme  Sacrifice,  and  other 
poems  in  time  of  War,  Address:  Kfasham 
Court,  Presteigne,  Radnorshire.  Clubs :  Athen- 
aeum. Oar  1  ton. 

ARKWRIGHT,  Major-Gen.  Robert 
Harry  Bertram,  C.B.  1945:  D.S.O. 
1943;  Commander  7th  Armoured  Division 
since  1949;  b.  30  July  1903:  8.  of  late 
Bertram  Harry  Godfrey  Arkwright:  m.  1927, 
Kathleen  Gladys,  d.  of  late  Major  B.  B.  Han- 
bury,  Scots  Guards;  two  s.  one  d,  Educ.: 
Eton;  &oyal  Military  College,  Sandhurst. 
Joined  12th  Royal  Lancers,  1924  ;•  Staff  Coll., 
Cambcrley,  1934-35  ;  Bde.  Major  1st  Cavalry 
Bde.,  1936-39;  G.S.0.2  War  Office,  Juno- 
Due.  1939;  D.A.A.0. 1st  Armoured  Div.,  1940 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


(France);  G.S.0.1  8th  Armoured  Div., 
1940-42;  Brigadier  A.F.V.  Eighth  Army, 
1942-43  ;  Commander  23rd  Armoured  Bde.,, 
1943-46  (D.S.O.  and  Bar,  C.B.) ;  Com- 
mander 2nd  Division,  1946  ;  D.R.A.C.  War 
Office,  1947-48  ;  Commander,  56th  (London) 
Armoured  Division,  T.A.,  1948-49.  Recrea- 
tions :  hunting,  fishing.  Address :  Bagshot 
Heath,  The  Maultway,  Camberley.  T.  : 
Camberley  1483.  Club  :  Cavalry. 

A  R  L  E  N,  Michael  (changed  by  deed  poll 
from  Dikran  Kouyoumdjian) ;  author ;  Public 
Relations  Officer  for  West  Midlands  since  1940 ; 
b.  Roustchouk,  Bulgaria,  16  Nov.  1895,  of 
Armenian  parents ;  naturalised  British  subject, 
1922 ;  m.  1928,  Atalanta,  d.  of  Count  Mercati ; 
one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Malvern  College.  Publica- 
tions: Novels  and  short  stories:  The  London 
Venture  ;  The  Romantic  Lady ;  Piracy ;  These 
Charming  People ;  The  Green  Hat ;  May  Fair ; 
Young  Men  in  Love  ;  Lily  Christine ;  Babes  in 
The  Wood;  Men  Dislike  Women.  1931;  Man's 
Mortality,  1933 ;  Hell !  said  the  Duchess,  1934 ; 
The  Crooked  Coronet,  1937 ;  Flying  Dutchman, 
1939.  Plays :  The  Green  Hat ;  These  Charm- 
ing People;  (with  Walter  Hackett),  Good 
Losers.  Clubs:  Garrick,  Savagre. 

ARLISS,  Vice-Adm.  Stephen  Harry  Tol- 
son,  C.B.  1949;  D.S.O.  1941;  b.  11  July 
1895 ;  2nd  *.  of  Edward  and  Florence  Helena 
Arliss,  New  Lodge,  Hanbury,  Burton-on- 
Trent ;  m.  1926,  Alice  Dugdale  Greenwood ; 
one  s.  Educ.:  Bramcote,  Scarborough: 
R.N.C.,  Osoorne  and  Dartmouth.  Served 
European  War,  1914-18 ;  Midshipman  H.M.S. 
Hercules,  1913-15 ;  Sub-Lieut.  H.M.S.  Snow- 
drop, 1915-16 ;  Lance  and  Miranda,  1917 ;  Lt. 
(First)  H.M.S.  Viking,  1917,  Speedwell,  1918  ; 
Lt.-in-command  H.M.S.  Saltburn,  1918-19 ; 
Lt.  (First)  H.M.S.  Leamington,  1920,  Wis- 
teria, 1920-23,  Wivern,  1923-25  ;  Lt.-Comdr. 
in  command  H.M.S.  Stirling,  1926-29, 
Waterloo,  1929-31 ;  Commander  H.M.S. 
Waterhen,  1931,  Thruster,  1932-33,  Effing- 
ham,  1933-34,  Delight,  1934,  Wild  Swan, 
1934-36,  Hero.1936-37  ;  Capt.  H.M.S.  Hero. 
1937;  served  War  of  1939-45  ;  naval  attache 
West  Coast,  South  America,  1938-40 ;  Capk 
EK  Napier,  7th  Destroyer  Flotilla,  1940-42  ; 
Commodore  D,  Eastern  Fleet,  1942-44 ; 
Capt.  Berwick,  1944-46;  Flag  Officer  com- 
manding British  ISTaval  Forces,  Germany, 
1947-49;  retired  list,  1949.  Recreations: 
riding,  shooting,  fishing,  polo.  Address: 
Arden,  Kingswood,  Surrey;  Robin's  Oak, 
Oljoro  Orok,  Kenya.  T.:  Mogador  2745. 
Club:  United  Service. 

ARMAGH,  Archbishop  of,  and 
Primate  of  All  Ireland,  since  lyyy ; 
Most  Rev.  John  Allen  Fitzgerald 
Gregg ;  ft.  4  July  18T3 ;  s.  of  late  Rev.  J.  B. 
Gregg,  Vicar  of  St.  Nicholas',  Deptford  ;  m.  1st. 
1902,  Anna  Alicia  (d.  1945),  d.  of  late  F. 
M.  Jennings,  Brookfield,  Cork ;  two  d. ; 
2ndt  1947",  Lesley  Alexandra,  d.  of  Very 
Rev.  T.  J.  McBndoo,  Dean  of  Armagh. 
Educ. :  Bedford  School ;  Christ's  College, 
Cambridge.  1st  Classical  Scholar;  Stewart 
of  Rannoch  Scholarship,  Camb.,  1894;  1st 
Class,  Classical  Tripos,  Part  i.,  1894  ;  1st 
Class,  Part  iL,  1895 ;  Hulsean  Prize,  1896 ; 
B.A.  1894;  M.A.  1897;  B.D.  1909;  D.D. 
1929  (B.D.  ad  eundem,  T.C.D.  1911)  ;  D.D. 
1918  (T.C.D.) ;  Hon.  Fellow  Christ's  Col- 
lege, Cambridge,  1934;  Curate  of  Bally- 
mena,  1896 ;  Cork  Cathedral,  1899  ;  Incum- 
bent of  Blackrock,  Cbrk,  1906;  Canon  of 
St.  Patrick's  Cathedral,  Dublin,  1912 ;  Chaplain 
to  the  Lord  Lieutenant,  1912;  Examining 
Chaplain  to  the  Archbishop  of  Dublin,  1913 ; 
Archbishop  King's  Professor  of  Divinity,  Trin- 
ity College,  Dublin,  1911-15;  Bishop  of 
Ossory,  Ferns,  and  Leighlin,  1915-20;  Arch- 
bishop of  Dublin,  1920-38;  M.R.I.A.  1914; 
Select  Preacher,  Cambridge,  1916,  1930, 
1936;  Select  Preacher,  Oxford,  1946,  1947. 
Publications :  Decian  Persecution,  1897; 
Epistle  of  St.  Clement  of  Rome,  1899 ;  Com- 
mentary of  Origen  on  the  Epistle  to  the 
Ephesoans(in  Journal  Theological  Studies),  1900; 
Book  of  Wisdom,  Cambridge  Bible  for  Schools, 

1909 ;  Additions  to  Esther  (in  Charles1 
Apocrypha  and  Pseudepigrapha  of  the  Old 
Testament),  1913.  Address :  The  Palace, 
Armagh.  Clubs:  Athenaeum;  University 
(Dublin);  Ulster  (Belfast). 

ARMAGH,  Archbishop  of,  and 
Primate  of  all  Ireland,  (R.C.),  since 
1946;  Most  Rev.  John  D'Alton, 
D.D.,D.Litt.;  Bishop  of  Meath,  (E.G.),  1943- 
1946.  Publications :  Horace  and  his  Age  : 
a  study  in  Historical  Background,  1917  ; 
Roman  Literary  Theory  and  Criticism,  A 
Study  in  Tendencies,  1931 ;  Selections  from 
St.  John  Chrysostom,  1940:  Address :  Ara 
Coeli,  Armagh. 

ARMANAZI,  Dr.  Najeeb;  Syrian 
Minister  in  London,  1945  -  49 ;  b.  1898  ;  s. 
of  Mohammad  Armanazi ;  m.  1934,  Talat, 
d.  of  Sami  Pasha  Mardam  Bey  ;  three  s. 
Educ. :  Ottoman  and  French  Universities. 
Doctor  in  Law  (Paris),  1929.  Journalist. 
Chief  Secretary  of  Syrian  Congress,  1920  ; 
Gen.  Sec.  of  the  Presidency  of  Republic, 
1932-45  (with  interruptions) ;  Syrian  dele- 
gate to  Conf.  of  the  Arab  League,  1943  and 
1944 ;  Syrian  delegate  to  Cultural  Congress 
in  London  ;  Syrian  delegate  to  Preparatory 
Commission  of  U.N.O.,  1945  ;  Syrian  dele- 
gate to  Gen.  Assembly  of  B.N.,  1946  and 
1947  ;  Syrian  delegate  to  Conf.  on  Palestine, 
London,  1946  and  1947.  Publication: 
Islamism  and  International  Law,  (Paris) 
1929,  (Damascus)  1930. 

ARMBRUSTER,  Charles  Hubert, 
O.B.E.  1919;  M.A.  (Camb.);  b.  London,  1874; 
2nd  s.  of  late  C.  Annbruster,  Musical  Adviser 
to  London  County  Council,  and  Jeanie,  2nd  d. 
of  F.  A.  Ford ;  m.  Stefana,  widow  of  F.  Knobel. 
Educ. :  Christ's  Hospital  (Senior  Grecian,  1893  ; 
Lamb,  Pitt,  and  Thomson  medals ;  Pitt  Club 
Exhibitioner);  King's  College,  Cambridge 
(Minor  Scholar) ;  B.A.  (Classical  Honours),  1896. 
Assistant  Collector  and  Judicial  Officer  in 
British  Central  Africa  Protectorate  Adminis- 
tration, 1897 ;  transferred  by  Lord  Cromer  to 
Sudan,  1900 ;  served  hi  Dongola  and  Kasala ; 
accompanied  as  Political  Officer  expedition 
into  Abyssinia  against  Haila  Maryam,  1906 ; 
sent  by  Sudan  Govt.  on  political  missions  to 
Abyssinia,  1907, 1908 ;  accompanied  the  Sirdar 
(Gen,  Sir  R.  Wingate)  on  his  mission  to  Somali- 
land  as  Intelligence  Officer,  and  sent  on  poli- 
tical mission  to  Addis  Ababa,  1909  ;  Examiner 
in  Amharic  for  Civil  Service  Commissioners, 
1910, 1911,  for  Sudan  Govt.,  1922,  and  in  Arabic 
for  Sudan  Govt.,  1911,  1912 ;  Senior  Inspector 
in  the  Legal  Department,  Sudan  Govt.,  1909-12  ; 
H.M.  Consul  for  North- West  Ethiopia,  1912-19 ; 
retired  from  Sudan  Political  Service,  1926; 
temp.  Lieut.,  Intelligence  Corps,  Force  in 
Egypt,  1915  ;  Egyptian  Expeditionary  Force, 
1916-19  (1914-15  Star,  despatches  four  times, 
O.B.E.) ;  Local  Major  and  General  Staff  Officer, 
2nd  Grade,  1918 ;  4th  class  Medjidieh,  1909 ; 
3rd  class  Nile,  1917;  Commander,  Star  of 
Ethiopia,  1932.  Publications:  Initia  Am- 
harica :  Amharic  Grammar,  1908  (awarded  £100 
by  Prime  Minister);  English- Amharic  Vocab- 
ulary, 1910 ;  Amharic-English  Vocabulary,  1920 ; 
in  map  of  Africa  1 : 250, 000  :Qavtya,  Wolqait 
(56-1,  J),  Wogera,  Sfmyen  (56-J,  N),  Gondar, 
Dembya,  Sac[qalt  (56-M).  Recreations :  music, 
remembering.  Address :  MarmaceX  Puerto  de 
Andraitx,  Mallorca,  Spain.  Club :  Athenaeum. 

ARMER,  Isaac  Frederick,  C.B.  1945; 
M.C.  1918;  -Under -Secretary,  Ministry  of 
Health,  since  1946 ;  b.  1891 ;  2nd  8.  of  William 
and  GwenlHan  Armer ;  m.  1925,  Elsie  Maude 
Neale  ;  one  *.  two  d.  Educ.  :  univ.  College, 
S.  Wales  and  MoDmouth,  B.Sc.  (Hona.). 
Served  European  War,  1914-19.  Entered 
Civil  Service  Sept.  1919  as  Asst.  Principal ; 
Secretary  Royal  Commission  on  London 
Squares,  1928  ;  Asst.  Secretary,  1938  ;  Chair- 
man Welsh  Board  of  Health,  1940-44. 
Address:  Ministry  of  Health,  Whitehall, 
S.W.I.  Club:  Eeform. 

ARMFELT,  Roger  Noel ;  Professor  of  Edu- 
cation, Leeds  University,  since  1949 ; ,  b.,  24 
Dec.  1897 ;  s.  of  Paul  Alexander  Camming 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Armfelt  and  Isabel  Bertram ;  m.  1926,  Mona 
Adele  "Ward,  A.  of  Col.  A.  J.  Thompspn, 
D.S.O. ;  two  s.  three  d.  Educ. :  Cranleigh 
School ;  King's  College,  Cambridge.  Assistant 
Master;  Dujwich  College,  1923-24  ;  Inspector, 
Kent  Education  Cttee.  1925-28  ;  Asst.  Sec., 
Bucks  Education  Cttee.,  1928-30 :  Sec., 
Devon  Education  Cttee.,  1930-41  ;  Asst. 
Controller  (Home  Division),  B.B.C.,  1941-45. 
Secretary  of  School  Broadcasting  Council, 
1945-49,  and  Educational  Adviser  to  B.B.C. 
Publications :  County  Affairs,  1945  ;  Village 
Affairs,  1946 ;  Shapton  Affairs,  1948  ;  Educa- 
tion :  New  Hopes  and  Old  Habits,  1949 ; 
Our  Changing  Schools;  articles  in  Times 
Educational  Supplement  and  other  educa- 
tional journals.  Recreation:  fishing.  Ad- 
dress: Glebe  Place,  Pulborou<?h,  Sussex.  T,: 
Pulborough  88.  Glub:  Savile. 

ARMFIELD,  Maxwell  Ashby,  R.W.S. ; 
s.  of  Joseph  J.  Armneid  arid  Margarei 
Maxwell;  TO.  Constance  Smedley  (d.  1941). 
Educ.:  Sidcot  and  Leighton  Park;  Birming- 
ham School  of  Art ;  Paris  ;  Italy.  Writer, 
Lecturer,  Designer  and  Painter;  Exhibitor, 
R.A.,  Salons  N.E.A.C.,  Venice  International, 
Berlin,  New  York,  Chicago,  and  all  principal 
exhibitions  ;  Lectures  on  Design  and  Stage 
Decoration  at  the  Universities  of  Columbia, 
California,  New  Mexico,  etc. ;  Special  Studies, 
Esoteric  Symbolism,  Design,  Tempera  Paint- 
ing ;  represented  Luxembourg,  British  Museum, 
etc.  Publications :  The  Hanging  Garden,  1914 ; 
White  Horses ;  An  Artist  in  America ;  An 
Artist  in  Italy ;  (technical)  Rhythmic  Shape ; 
Stencil  -  Printing ;  A  Manual  of  Tempera 
Painting,  1030;  Tempera  Painting  Today, 
1946;  3  Rhythmic  Plays;  Homage  to  Masters, 
1949;  articles  in  art  journals.  Recreations  : 
music,  walking.  Address:  Rhosmare,  Wood- 
pcr«ftn.  Fordingbridge,  Hants. 

ARMIDALE,  Bishop  of,  since  1929;  Rt. 
Rev.  John  S  to  ward  Moyes,  U.JJ. 
(Trinity  Coll.,  Toronto);  M.A.  (AdeL),  Th.D. 
(Aust.  Coll.  Theol.)  ;  b.  Koohmga,  S.  Aus- 
tralia, 25  July  1884 ;  s.  of  John  Moyes  and 
Ellen  Jane  Steward  ;  m.  1909,  Helen  Margaret, 
e.  d.  of  late  Sir  Richard  Butler,  Premier  and 
Treasurer  of  S.A. ;  four  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  St. 
Peter's  College,  Adelaide  (Dux) ;  University  of 
Adelaide ;  S.  Barnabas  Theological  College, 
Adelaide  ;  1st  Class  Honours  in  Th.L.  of  Aust. 
Coll.  of  Theology ;  course  in  honours  Maths., 
gaming  B.A.,  1905;  supplemented  this  with 
course  in  Classics,  gaining  M.A.  degree,  1907. 
Assistant  Curate,  Port  Pirie,  1907-10 ;  S.  Mary, 
Lewisham  (Southwark),  1911-13 ;  Rector  of  S. 
Cuthbert's,  Prospect,  1913-19 ;  S.  Paul's,  Port 
Pirie,  1919-1921,  S.  Bartholomew's,  Norwood, 
1021-29;  Archdeacon  of  Adelaide  1925-29; 
Examining  Chaplain  Bishop  of  Adelaide,  1925- 
1929  ;  Chaplain  Commonwealth  Forces,  1918-20. 
Publications:  Marriage  and  Sex;  The  Church 
and  The  Hour;  Australia,  the  Church  and 
the  Future  (Moorhouse  Lectures),  1941; 
American  Journey,  1944;  In  Journeyings  Often 
(Oxf.  Univ.  Press),  1949.  Recreations :  cricket, 
music.  Address:  Bishop's  Court,  Armidale, 
N.8.W.  T. :  Armidale  355. 

ARMITAGE,  Bernard  William 
Francis,  M.A.  (Camb.);  M.B.C.S., 
L.R.O.P. ;  Psychiatrist,  L.C.C. ;  b,  6  July 
1800  ;  s.  of  William  Armitage  and  Clara, 
niece  of  late  Sir  Jonathan  Hutchinson 
of  Inval,  Haslemere,  Surrey ;  m.  1938, 
Lucy  Mitchell,  d.  of  late  John  Charles 
Molteno,  M.P.  (S.A.)  and  of'Mrs.  Molteno, 
Virginia,  U.S.A.,  and  g.d.  of  late  Sir  John 
Molteno,  Prime  Minister  of  Cape  Colony. 
Educ. :  Gresham'a  School.  Holt ;  St.  John's 
Coll..  Cambridge  ;  St.  Bartholomew's  Hosp,, 
London.  Fellow  and  Tutor  of  St.  John's 
Coll.,  Camb.,  1919-23;  Demonstrator  of 
Anatomy,  Cambridge  University,  1919-23 ; 
Assistant  Director  of  Psychology  and  Psycho- 
therapeutic  Officer,  Bethlem  Royal  Hospital, 
1935-41 ;  Clinical  Assistant,  Medico-Psycho- 
logical Dept,,  St.  Bartholomew's  Hospital ; 
Member  of  the  British  Repatriation  Com- 
mission, 1918 ;  Medical  Adviser.  Olympic 
Games,  Antwerp,  1920 ;  F.R.S.M.,  F.B.Ps.S., 

Member  of  Council  and  Sec.  Parl.  Committee  of 
Royal  Medico- Psychological  Assoc. ;  Member 
,  of  Anatomical  Assoc.  of  Great  Britain  and 
Ireland ;  Member  of  Committee,  Psycho- 
logical vSection,  British  Association.  Publica- 
tions .  occasional  articles.  Recreations : 
represented  Cambridge  in  3  miles  u.  Oxford, 
1910-12;  painting,  music,  field  sports  and 
country  pursuits,  travel.  Address ;  10 
Harley  Street,  W.I ;  Woodlands  Grange, 
Chaucer  Rd.,  Cambridge.  T. :  Langham 
4280.  Clubs:  Athenaeum,  Savage,  .Royal 
Automobile,  Hoyal  Aero,  Achilles ;  Uni- 
versity Pitt,  Hawks  (Cambridge). 
See  al*o  Vice-Adm.  V.  B.  Molteno. 

ARMITAGE,  Cecil  Henry,  uJj.Ji.  iwia ; 
D.L.,  J..f,  jJuruysmre;  0.  i»77;  s.  of  late 
Frederick  Armitage,  North  Allerton ;  m.  1902, 
Mary  Mai-cheat,  d.  of  late  John  Edwards, 
Taunton ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  King  "William's 
College,  I.O.M.  Recreations:  hunting  and 
gardening.  Address:  Longstone  Grange,  nr. 
Bakewell,  Derbyshire.  T. :  Great  Longstone  8. 
T.A.:  Armitage,  Great  Longstone. 

ARMITAGE,  General  Sir  (Charles) 
Clement,  K.C.B.,  cr.  1938  (C.B.  1033); 
C.M.G.  1918;  D.S.O.  1916;  D.L. ;  lato  Col. 
Comdt.  R.A.;  b.  12  Dec.  1881;  8.  of  late 
C.  T.  Armitage  of  High  Itoyd,  Honley,  York- 
shire; m.  1st,  1915,  Hilda  Caroline  (d.  1931), 
d.  of  late  T.  J.  Hirst,  Meltham  Hall,  York- 
shire; two  s.  one  d.;  2nd,  1933,  Eileen, 
widow  of  Lieut.-Col.  F.  A.  W.  Armitago. 
Served  South  African  War,  1901-2 ;  European 
War,  1914-18  (Croix  de  Guerre,  D.S.O.  and 
bar,  C.M.G.,  Chevalier  of  the  Legion  of 
Honour,  Officer  of  the  Order  of  Leopold, 
despatches  seven  times) ;  Coraclt.  School  of 
Artillery,  1927-29;  Comdr.  7th  Infantry 
Brigade,  1929-32 ;  A.D.C.  to  the  King,  1930- 
1932;  Comdt.  Staff  College,  Camberley, 
1934-36 ;  Commander  1st  Division,  1936-38 ; 
Master  General  of  the  Ordnance,  India, 
1933-42;  retired,  1942.  D.L.  Glos.,  1950. 
Address:  Downington  House,  Lechlade,  Glos. 
Club:  United  Service. 

ARMITAGE,  Major  Charles  Leathley, 
D.S.O.  1915;  O.B.E.  191H;  late  6th  JBatt. 
Worcestershire  Regt. ;  b.  6  Mar.  1871.  Entered 
Army,  1892 ;  Captain,  1900 ;  retired  Liverpool 
Regt.,  1907 ;  joined  6tn  Batt.  Worcestershire 
Regt.  1914 ;  served  European  War,  1914-15 
(D.S.O.  for  assault  on  the  German  lines  at 
Richebourg),  Chief  Constable  of  Southpprt, 
1907-19.  Address:  Maple  Bay,  Duncan,  v,l., 

ARMITAGE,  Rev.  Cyril  Moxon, 
M.V.O.  1948 ;  M.A. ;  Precentor  of  West- 
minster Abbey,  1934  ;  Deputy  priest  to  the 
King,  1934-35  ;  Priest  in  Ordinary  since 
1935  ;  Minor  Canon  since  1932 ;  b.  4  June 
1900  ;  a.  of  late  Harry  and  late  Charlotte 
Elizabeth  Armitage,  St.  John's,  Wakefleld: 
m,  1931,  Eva,  e.  d.  of  Herbert  John  and 
Winifred  Brinsmead,  Hendon  ;  one  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Queen  Elizabeth's  School,  Wake- 
field  ;  St,  Chad's  College,  Durham.  Diploma 
in  Theology,  1923.  Deacon.  1923  ;  Priest, 
1924 ;  Assistant  Curate  S.  Augustine's, 
Kilburn,  1923-31 :  Deputy  Minor  Canon  of 
Westminster,  1931 ;  Assistant  Secretary 
Church  Lads'  Brigade,  1931 :  General  Secre- 
tary and  Headquarters  Staff  Chaplain, 
Church  Lads'  Brigade,  1932-35  :  Chaplain 
R.N.V.R.  Boyal  Marines,  Plymouth  Division, 
1940-42  ;  Chaplain  H.M.S.  Defiance,  Devon- 
port,  1942  ;  Chaplain  H.M.S.  Lynx,  Dover 
Patrol,  1945;  Proctor  in  Convocation, 
1950.  Publication:  Courage,  1942.  Re- 
creatiom: music,  architecture,  golf. 
Address  :  4  The  Little  Cloister,  Westminster 
Abbey,  S.W.I  ;  Willow  Bend,  Dymchurch, 
Kent.  T. :  Abbey  4688  ;  Dymchurch  135. 
Clubs  :  R.N.V.R.,  Royal  Automobile. 

ARMITAGE,  Francis  Paul,  (J  U  JB.  H>3o ; 
M.A.  Oxuii. ;  Director  oi  Education  for  the  City 
of  Leicester,  1919-40  (retired) :  b.  21  April  1875  ; 
s.  of  Rev.  William  Armitage,  Vicar  of  Scotforth, 
Lancaster  and  Margaret  Robinson ;  m.  1907, 
Louise,  (d.  1950),  d.  of  Lt.-Col.  J.W.Wilson,  J.P., 

Trinidad ;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  Royal  Grammar 
School,  Lancaster ;  Magdalen  College.  Oxford  : 
Bonn  University.  Assistant  Master  at  St 
Paul's  School,  London,  1898-1918  (Head  of 
Modern  Side  from  1910 ;  Housemaster);  Jubilee 
Medal,  1935:  Coronation  Medal,  1937. 
Publications  :  A  History  of  Chemistry,  1906; 
Chemistry,  Part  I  (1915);  Part  II  (1916);  Diet 
and  Race,  1922 ,  Leicester,  1914-18,  1933.  Re- 
creations: gardening,  writing.  Address:  Red 
Roses,  Barton  Court  Road,  New  Milton,  Hants 
T. :  NPW  Milton  309. 

ARMITAGE,  Frank,  C.I.E.  1927;  retired; 
b.  19  Jan.  1S72  ;  s.  01  late  Arthur  Armitage, 
J.P.,  D.L.,  pf  Dadnor,  Ross,  Herefordshire; 
m.  1905,  Muriel,  d.  of  late  Rev.  Frederic  Louis 
Byrde  ;  two  s.  Educ.  :  Marlborough  College. 
Entered  Police  Department,  Madras,  1890; 
Commissioner  of  Police,  Madras  City,  1910-20  ; 
Inspector-General  of  Police,  Madras  Presi- 
dency, 1921-27.  Address:  Nynehead  Court, 
Wellington,  Somerset. 

ARMITAGE,  Hugh  Traill,  C.M.G. 
1941 ;  ft.  17  Feb.  1881 ;  2nd  s.  of  late 
C.  C.  Armitage,  Colombo,  Ceylon ;  m.  1900, 
Edith  J.  Callow  ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.  :  St. 
Philip's  Church  of  England  Grammar  School, 
Sydney.  Joined  Bank  of  New  South  Wales 
in  1897.  Left  in  order  to  assist  with  organisa- 
tion of  Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia 
at  its  inception  in  1912 ;  successively  Chief 
Accountant,  Secretary,  Head  Office  Manager, 
Chief  Inspector,  Deputy  Governor,  Governor 
Commonwealth  Bank  of  Australia,  1941-48  ; 
retired,  1948.  Recreations  :  golf,  swimming, 
and  boating ;  also  breeds  stud  cattle  and 
farm  horses.  Address :  21  Boyle  Street, 
Cremorne,  Sydney,  New  South  Wales.  T.  : 
XM5050.  Clubs:  Royal  Automobile,  Royal 

ARMITAGE,  John;  London  Editor 
Encyclopaedia  Britannica  ;  Editor,  The  Fort- 
nightly, since  1939 ;  b.  25  Sept.  1910 ;  s.  of 
C.  V.  Armitage,  J.P.,  Lincoln;  m.  1934, 
Margaret  Rosa,  y.  d.  of  W.  G.  Watkins ; 
three  s.  Educ. :  Bedford  School ;  Emmanuel 
College,  Cambridge.  Editor  Rackets  Pub- 
lications Ltd.,  1932-39  ;  Asst.  Editor,  The 
Fortnightly,  1937-39  ;  R.A.F.  1942,  Educa- 
tional Service,  Squadron  Leader,  1943-46 
(Editor  Target  with  J.  A.  S.  Bartlett) ;  Times 
Educational  Supplement,  1946-49.  Publica- 
tions :  A  History  of  Ball  Games  and  Rugby 
Fives  (Lonsdale  Library),  1934  ;  To  Christian 
England,  1942  ;  Europe  in  Bondage,  1943  ; 
contributor  to  Partnership  in  Education 
(1948),  The  Times,  The  Times  Educational 
Supplement,  The  Times  Literary  Supplement, 
B.B.C,,  The  Manchester  Guardian,  etc. 
Recreations :  Rugby  fives  (Captain  Cam- 
bridge Univ.  1932 ;  amateur  champion, 
1938),  cricket  (Editor  Kent  County  Cricket 
Club  Year  Book).  Address :  35  St.  Michael's 
Road,  Bedford.  Clubs:  National  Liberal, 

ARMITAGE,  Rev.  Robert,  D.S.O.  1902; 
M.A. ;  Preb.  of  Hereford,  iyjw-39,  now  Preb. 
Emeritus ;  b.  5  March  1857 ;  e.  s.  of  Arthur 
Armitage  of  Bridstow,  Co.  Hereford.  Educ.: 
Marlborough;  Magdalen  College,  Oxford. 
Deacon,  1880  ;  Priest,  1882 ;  Curate  of  Llandin- 
gat,  1880-82 ;  Chaplain,  Oxford  Military  College, 
1882-84 ;  Curate  of  St.  John  Baptist,  Leaming- 
ton, 1884-86;  served  Aldershot,  1886-90; 
Wellington  Barracks,  1890  -94  ;  Barbados,  1894- 
1898  ;  Woolwich,  1898-99  ;  Cape  of  Good  Hope, 
1899-1902 ;  served  South  Africa,  1899-1902 ; 
Woolwich,  1902-7;  C.F.,  Cairo,  1907-11;  Ply- 
mouth, 1911-12  ;  Vicar  of  St.  Chad's,  Tushing- 
ham,  1912-15;  Bunbury,  1915-22;  Vicar  of 
Stanton  Lacy,  1922-45  ;  Rural  Dean  of  Ludlow, 
1931-35.  Addrws:  15  Mevrtok  Street,  Hereford. 

ARMITAGE,  Stephen  Cecil,  C.B.E. 
1943 ;  D.L.,  J.P.  Notts ;  Alderman,  Not- 
tingham ;  6. 16  July  1889  ;  s.  of  Stephen  and 
Margaret  Armitage ;  m.  1920,  Irene  Bowen 
Smith  ;  one  8.  two  d.  Educ. :  ftugby  School. 
Solicitor,  1911 ;  served  European  War,  Capt. 
TF  1914-19:  Commerce,  1919  onwards. 
Recreations :  Eugby,  cricket,  hockey,  shoot- 
ing. Address  :  Hawksworth  Manor,  Notting- 


ham.     T.A. :    Armitage,  Nottingham.     T. : 
Nottingham  3475.     Club  :  Farmers'. 
ARMITAGE,  Valentine  Leathley,   M.A. 

(Oxon);  Diplom6  es  lettres  (Rennes);  "6. 
Feb.  1888:  s.  of  late  Rev.  A.  L.  Armitage; 
M.  1921,  Evelyn  Muriel,  d.  of  late  B.  C. 
Nichols,  Yockleton  Hall,  Salop ;  no  c.  Educ.  : 
King's  School,  Canterbury;  Balliol  College, 
Oxford.  Teaching  and  Lecturing  at  Rennes 
University,  1909-11 ;  Grange,  Folkestone  and 
Gore  Court,  Sittingbourne,  1 911-13 ;  Rossall 
.School,  1914-15  ;  War  Service,  England  and 
France  and  Germany,  Northamptonshire 
Regt.  and  Provost  Corps,  1915-19  ;  Rossall, 
Housemaster,  1919-22;  St.  Bees  School, 
Housemaster,  Senior  Modern  Language 
Master,  1922-25;  Headmaster,  Bloxhain 
School,  1925-40;  Member  of  the  Head- 
masters Conference,  1929-40;  Member  of 
Education  Committee  of  County  of  Oxford, 
1937-39  ;  military  appointment  Intelligence 
Corps,  1039  ;  Lieut.-Colonel  and  T.D.,  1944 ; 
demobilised  1947  with  rank  of  Lt.-CoI. ;  in 
Germany  with  Office  of  Educational  Adviser 
(Foreign  Office,  German  Section),  1947-50. 
Recreations:  walking,  writing,  acting.  Ad- 
drees:  29  Ross  Court,  S.W.15.  T.:  Putney 
4448.  Club:  Royal  Automobile. 

ARMOUR,  Rt.  Rev.  T.  M. ;  see  Wangar- 
atta,  Bishop  of. 

ARMS,  John  Taylor,  A.R.E.  1934;    N.A. 

1933  (A.N.A.  1930) ;    Etcher  ;   Pres.  Soc.  of 
American    Etchers,    Inc.,     and    American 
National  Committee  of  Engraving  ;  President 
Emeritus,  The  Society  of  American  Etchers, 
Gravers,   Lithographers   and   Woodcutters ; 
President,  Tiffany  Foundation  ;  b.  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  U.S.A.,  1887,  of  American  parent- 
age ;  m.  1913,  Dorothy  Noyes  ;  two  s.  one  d. 
Educ. :  Princeton  Univ.,  Massachusetts  Inst. 
of  Technology,  S.B.  1911 ;  S.M.  1912.   Archi- 
tect until  1917  ;  Etcher ;  represented  in  the 
Permanent    Collections    pf:     Congressional 
Library,    Museum    of   Fine    Arts    (Boston, 
Mass.),    United    States    National    Museum 
(Washington,  D.C.),  Bibliotheque  Nationale 
(Paris),  The  British  Museum,  Victoria  and 
Albert  Museum,  etc. ;   Hon.  M.A.  Wesleyan 
Univ.  1939  ;    Hon.  Litt.D.  Hobart  College, 
1940  ;    Hon.  M.A.  Princeton  Univ.,   1947. 
Member  :    National  Institute  of  Arts  and 
Letters,  1932  ;    American  Academy  of  Arts 
and  Letters,  1947.    Chevalier  of  the  Legion 
of  Honour   (France),   1933.     Publications : 
Handbook  of  Print  Making  and  Print  Makers, 

1934  ;  (with  wife)  Design  in  Flower  Arrange- 
ment, 1937  ;  illustrated  Churches  of  France 
and  Hill  Towns  and  Cities  of  Northern  Italy, 
by  Dorothy  Noyes  Arms.     Address :    Mill 
Stones,  Greenfield  Hill,  Fairfield,  Connecticut, 
U.S.A.      T. :     Fairfield    9-0477.      Clubs: 
Century.  Lotos,  Grolier,  National  Arts  (Life 
Member),     Salmagundi,     Princeton     (New 
York) ;  Eiwanis  (Bridgeport). 

ARMSTRONG,  2nd  Karon,  of  Bam  burgh 
and  Oragside  (cr.  1903),  William  John 
Montagu  "Watson  -  Armstrong,  laie 
Capt.  7th  Batt  florthornberland±tifaiiiers(T.F.); 
b.  10  Oct.  1892 ;  o.  surv.  c.  of  1st  Baron 
Armstrong  and  Winifreda,  d.  of  late  Sir 
John  Adye,  G.C.B. ;  S.  father,  1941 ;  m. 
1917,  Zaida  Cecile,  e.  d.  of  Cecil  Drummond- 
Wolff,  Caplanne,  Billere,  Pau,  France ;  one  s. 
Educ.:  Eton  College; Trinity  College, Cambridge; 
M.A.,  first-class  honours  Historical  Tripos,  1914; 
Bowen  Modern  History  Prize,  etc.  Contested 
Berwick-on-Tweed  Division  as  Independent 
Candidate,  1918  ;  obtained  commission  in  7th 
N.F.  (T.F.),  1913;  served  abroad  France  and 
Belgium  (severely  wounded,  April  1915,  2nd 
battle  Ypres,  despatches);  invalided  home, 
Nov.  1917 ;  served  in  India,  1918-19 ;  Siamese 
Consul  in  Canada,  1924-29;  Siamese  Consul- 
General  in  Canada,  1929-42  ;  Consul  of  the 
Netherlands  for  British  Columbia  and  Yukon 
Territory,  1942-46  ;  Commander  of  the 
Order  of  the  Crown  of  Siam ;  Commander  ot 
the  Order  of  the  White  Elephant ;  Commander 
Order  of  Orange-Nassau  (Netherlands),  Publica- 
tions :  various  articles  in  the  Press ;  My  First 
Week  in  Flanders  (2nd  battle  Ypres).  etc. 


ARMSTRONG  WHO'S   WHO,    1951 

Recreations :  travel  and  exploration ;  fishing,  ] 
motoring,  cricket.  Heir:  s.  Hon.  William 
Henry  Cecil  John  Robin  Watson-Armstrong 
"b.  6  Mar.  1919 ;  m.  1947,  Baroness  Maria-Teresa 
du  Pour  Chiodelli  Manzoni,  o.  c.  of  Mme. 
Ruegger  (see  Paul  J.  Ruegger)],  Address:  1545 
West  Fifteenth  Avenue,  Vancouver,  B.C., 
Canada ;  Cragside,  Rothbury,  Morpeth.  T. : 
Roth  bury  3 ;  Bamburgh  Castle,  Northumber- 
land. T. :  Bamburgh  5.  Clubs :  International 
Sportsmen's,  M.C.C. ;  Canadian,  Vancouver 

ARMSTRONG,    Anthony    (A.    A.);    see 

Willis,  A.  A. 
ARMSTRONG,    Arthur    Campbell, 

c.Ufi.  luaaj  U.15.E.  193^  (U.B.JB.  lyiy) ;  o.  ao 
Nov.  1878.  Joined  Indian  Police  Service,  1805  * 
retired,  1933  ;  Kincc's  Police  Medal,  1909 
ARMSTRONG,  His  Honour  Judge 
Arthur  Henry ;  Judge  of  County  Courts 
eince  1940;  b.  19  Dec.  1893;  8.  of  Rev. 
W.  D.  H.  Armstrong,  Ilchester,  Somerset ;  w. 
1917,  Monica  Clare,  d.  of  Rev.  C.  F.  Benthall, 
Cofton,  Devon ;  one  s.  two  d.  Educ.:  Eton: 
Christ  Church,  Oxford.  Somerset  L.I.  and 
M.G.C.,  1914-18:  Called  to  Bar,  1919; 
Western  Circuit.  Wiltshire  Regiment,  1940- 
1945.  Recreations;  "The  meanest  chares". 
Address:  The  Old  Vicarage,  Queen  Camel, 
Somerset.  T. :  Maraton  Maffna  210. 
ARMSTRONG,  Arthur  Leopold,  C.M.G. 
19t4  •  O.B.K  1939;  Commissioner  for 
Reconstruction,  Fiji ;  b.  1888.  Cadet.  Fiji, 
1915:  Principal  Assistant  Colonial  Secre- 
tary, 1936  ;  Agent  and  Consul.  Tonga,  1937, 
Address  :  Government  House,  Suva,  Fiji. 
ARMSTRONG,  Brigadier  (retd. 
Charles  Douglas,  C.B.E.  1945;  D.S.O 
1940  ;  M.C. ;  late  Bast  Surrey  Ilegt. ;  b.  11 
June  1897 ;  s.  of  late  C.  F.  Armstrong,  Kitale 
Kenya  Colony  ;  m.  1935,  Sylvia  Holden  Ear 
Bailey  ;  one  s.  three  d.  Educ. :  Cheltenham 
College ;  R.M.C.,  Sandhurst.  Served 
European  War,  France,  1916-18,  North 
Russia,  1919  (wounded  twice,  M.C.) ;  Meso- 
potamia, 1920-21 ;  N.W.F.  India,  1930-31 
War  of  1939-45,  served  in  France  1939-40, 
North  Africa  1943,  Jugoslavia  1943-44  (Africa 
Star,  wounded  twice).  Retired,  1948,  Ad- 
dress ;  Homefields,  Tivetshall  St.  Margaret, 
Norfolk.  T. :  Tivetshall  204.  Club  :  Special 

ARMSTRONG*  Rev.  Claude  Blakeley, 
E.A.,  B.D. ;  Canon  residentiary  of  Worcester 
since  1947  ;  b.  31  Oct.  1889  ;  e.  s.  of  late 
Rev.  J.  B.  Armstrong,  M.A. ;  m.  1914, 
Hester,  d.  of  late  Sir  Samuel  Dill,  Litt.D.  ; 
one  d.  Educ. :  St.  Stephen's  Green  School 
and  Trinity  College,  Dublin  (First  Classical 
Scholar).  Senior  Moderator  in  Classics  and 
Philosophy  ;  Fellowship  prizeman ;  Vice- 
chancellor's  prizeman  and  medallist.  Deputy 
for  the  Professor  of  Greek,  Queen's  University 
Belfast.  1913-14 ;  Headmaster  of  Cork 
Grammar  School,  1914-19 ;  Warden  of  St. 
Cotamba's  College,  Rathfarnham,  1920-33  ; 
Headmaster  of  St.  Andrew's  College, 
Grahainstown,  S.A.,  1934-38 ;  Rector  of 
Clannaborough,  near  Exeter,  1940-43; 
Rector  of  Clyst  St.  George,  1943-47  ;  Lec- 
turer in  Classics,  University  College  of  the 
South-West,  Exeter,  1940-47.  Pres.  Irish 
Schoolmasters  Assoc.,  1929;  Pres.  Exeter 
Clerical  Soc.,  1942 ;  Member  of  Council 
Classical  Assoc.  Observer  Officer,  R.O.C., 
1940-45.  Examining  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop 
of  Worcester,  1948.  Publications:  The 
Persians  of  Aeschylus  translated  into  English 
verse ;  contributor  to  Reviews  and  Punch ; 
Editor  Sir  S.  Dill's  Roman  Society  in  Gaul 
in  the  Merovingian  Age.  Address :  9  College 
Green,  Worcester.  T. :  Worcester  4857. 
Club  :  University  (Dublin). 
ARMSTRONG,  Edmond  Arrenton, 
C.BJE.  1947 ;  Under  Secretary,  Ministry  of 
Civil  Aviation,  since  1947 ;  b.  5  April  1899 ; 
2nd  s,  of  late  Rev.  Thomas  Armstrong,  St. 
Mans,  Perthshire ;  m.  1924,  Lillie,  e.  d.  of 
S.  Carson*  Bellaghy,  N.  Ireland;  one  d. 
Educ.:  Morrison's  Academy,  Crieff;  Edin- 
burgh University*  M.A.,  1st  01.  Hons., 

1921.  Served  European  War,  1914-18,  in 
Royal  Field  Artillery,  in  France,  Italy,  and 
the  Balkans,  2nd  Lieutenant.  Asst.  Prin- 
cipal, War  Office,  1924;  Private  Sec.  to 
Permanent  Secretary  (Sir  Herbert  Greedy), 
1934-35 ;  served  in  Scottish  Office,  1935-41, 
and  War  Cabinet  Office,  1941-47;  Dep. 
Adviser  to  Viceroy  on  War  Admin,  in  India, 
1943-44.  Attended  the  Malta  and  Yalta 
Confs.,  1945 ;  Leader  of  U.K.  Delegation  to 
fnternat.  Civil  Aviation  Orgri.  Assembly  of 
1949  at  Montreal.  Recreations;  golf,  hill 
climbing.  Address:  19  Chatsworth  Way, 
W.  Norwood,  S.E.  27.  T.:  Gipsy  Hill  0060. 
aiub:  Aldington  Palace  Golf  (Croydon). 
ARMSTRONG,  Lieut.-Col.  Edward, 
U.M.U.  Wits;  .U.S.u.  MU7;  b.  l»t59;  and  s.  of 
late  C.  B.  Armstrong,  of  Staunton  Wyville, 
Leicestershire;  m.  1907,  Constance  E.,  2nd  d. 
of  late  A.  R.  Tull,  D.L.,  J.P.,  of  Crookham 
House,  near  Newbury  ;  one  d.  Educ. :  Hailey- 
bury.  Entered  H.L.1. 1802;  retired  as  Lieut.- 
(Jolonel,  1919  ;  served  N.W.  Frontie-r  of  India, 
1897-8  (medal  with  clasp) ;  South  African  War, 
1901-2  with  Mounted  Infantry  (despatches 
Queen's  medal  three  clasps ;  Brevet  Major); 
European  War,  1914-10  (despatches,  C-M.G., 
D.S.O.).  Address:  Aberdnnant,  near  Port- 
madoc,  Carnarvon$hire.  Club :  Army  and  Navy. 
ARMSTRONG,  Frederick  Ernest; 
Member  ot  the  aw)ck  iiixchange,  London,  and 
Senior  Partner  in  the  firm  of  Killik  and  Co., 
stock  brokers ;  &.  20  Aug.  1884 ;  o.  *.  of  late 
Frederick  and  Louisa  Armstrong;  TO.  1910, 
Elizabeth  Marion,  e.  d.  of  late  Thomas  Daniel 
Follett ;  three  s.  two  d.  Educ. :  Portsmouth, 
Plymouth  and  London.  Authority  on  Stock 
Exchange  procedure  and  lecturer  on  Exchange 
Law  and  Practice.  Governor  of  City  of  London 
Coll. ;  Member  of  Advisory  Committee  to 
L.C.C,  Commercial  Evening  Institutes ;  late 
Examiner  to  Institute  of  Bankers.  Contri- 
butor to  the  Press  on  financial  matters. 
Publication  :  Tho  Book  of  the  Stock  Ex- 
change. Recreations  :  motoring,  sport,  and 
travel.  Address :  48  Withdean  Crescent, 
Brighton.  T.A.  :  Mvopia  London,  T. : 
Brighton  52086.  Clubs :  Savile,  Canning, 
Minlriar  and  Metallurgical. 
ARMSTRONG,  George  James,  C.B.E. 
1946  (O.B.E.  1942  ;  M.B.B.  1938} ;  Deputy 
Resident  Commissioner  and  Government 
Secretary,  Basutoland,  since  1948  ;  6, 15  June 
1903  ;  *.  of  P.  G.  Armstrong,  retired  Magis- 
trate, Union  of  South  Africa  Public  Service  ; 
m.  1936,  Viva  Pearl  Rhodes  Forrester :  three 
s.  one  d.  Educ. ;  St.  Andrew's  College, 
Grahamatown.  Entered  South- West  Africa 
Protectorate  Admin.,  Jan.  1920 ;  Colonial 
Service,  Basutoland,  July  1920;  District 
Commissioner,  Basutoland.  1938  :  Financial 
Secretary,  Swaziland,  1940 :  Dep,  Resident 
Commissioner  and  Oovt.  Sec.,  Swaziland, 
1943-48.  Recreation:  fishing.  Address  : 
Government  Secretary's  House.  Maseru, 
Basutoland.  T*A. :  c/o  Maluti,  Maseru. 
T. :  (home)  No.  2,  (oflGtce)  No.  18.  Club  : 
Civil  Service  (Maseru). 

ARMSTRONG,  Sir  Godfrey,  Kt.,  cr. 
1944;  O.B,E.  .1919;  Chairman  Madras  Port 
Trust,  1928-48 :  retired,  1948 ;  &.3  Oct.  1882 ; 
s.  of  James  Armstrong,  senior  partner  of 
Sandilands  &  Co.,  solicitors,  London;  m.  1919, 
Margaret  Gardiner,  C.B.E.  1946;  two  5. 
Educ. :  Bradfield  Coll. ;  Oriel  Coll.,  Oxford. 
Joined  Madras  Railway  Traffic  Dept,  1905  ; 
Army  in  France,  1915-19,  last  position  Lt.- 
Col.  General  Service,  Asst.  Director  of  Rail- 
way Traffic,  Calais  area.  Traffic  Dept.  of 
Madras  and  Southern  Mahratta  Railway  to 
1928.  Attached  Govt.  of  India  as  Special 
Officer  for  Ports,  1944-46:  retired.  1948.  Ad- 
dress: Hale  Edge  Forth,  South  Nutfleld, 

ARMSTRONG,  Hamilton  Fish;  Editor 
of  Foreign  Affairs  since  1928  :  Writer :  6. 
Kew  York,  7  April  1893 ;  s.  of  late  David 
Maitland  Armstrong  and  Helen  Nellson ;  m. 
1st,  1918,  Helen  Macgregor  Byrne  (divorced 
1938) ;  one  d, ;  2nd,  1945,  Carman  Barnes. 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 


Educ. :  Princeton  University.  1st  Lieut. 
U.S.  Army.  1917  ;  Acting  Military  Attache, 
American  Legation,  Belgrade,  Serbia,  1918- 
1919  :  Member  of  Editorial  Staff  of  New  York 
Evening  Post,  1919-22  ;  Managing  Editor  of 
Foreign  Affairs,  1922-28 ;  Director,  Council 
on  Foreign  Relations ;  Member,  Advisory 
Cttee.  on  Post-war  Problems,  State  Dept., 
1942-44 ;  Special  Assistant  to  Mr.  Winant, 
1944 ;  Special  Adviser  to  Secretary  of 
State,  U.S.A.,  1944-45;  Adviser  to  U.S. 
Delegation,  San  Francisco  Conference,  1945  ; 
Trustee,  Woodrow  Wilson  Foundation 
(Vice-President,  1928-30;  President,  1935- 
1937) ;  President,  New  York  Society 
Library ;  Member  of  President's  Advisory 
Committee  on  Political  Refugees ;  Corre- 
sponding Member,  School  of  Slavonic  Studies, 
London;  B.A.  Princeton,  1916:  Hon. 
LL.D.  Brown  University,  1942;  Order  of 
St.  Sava  (Serbian),  1918  ;  Order  of  the  White 
Eagle  (Serbian),  1919  ;  Order  of  the  Crown 
(Rumanian),  1924 ;  Legion  of  Honour 
(French),  Officer  1937,  Commander  1947  ; 
Order  of  the  White  Lion  (Czechoslovakia), 
1937.  Publications:  The  New  Balkans, 
1926  ;  Where  the  East  Begins,  1929  ;  Hitler's 
Reich:  The  First  Phase,  1933;  Europe 
Between  Wars  ?,  1934 ;  Can  We  Be  Neutral  ? 
(with  A.  W.  Dulles),  1936 ;  We  or  They,  1937 ; 
When  There  is  no  Peace,  1939  ;  Can  America 
Stay  Neutral?  (with  A.  W.  Dulles),  1939; 
Chronology  of  Failure,  1940  ;  The  Calculated 
Risk,  1947;  Editor:  The  Book  of  New  York 
Verse,  1918 ;  Foreign  Affairs  Bibliography 
(with  W.  L.  Langer),  1933  ;  The  Foreign 
Policy  of  the  Powers,  1935  ;  The  Foreign 
Affairs  Reader,  1947.  Address :  58  East 
68th  St.,  New  York  21,  N.Y.  T.A. :  For- 
affairs,  New  York.  T. :  Butterfield  8-6750. 
Clubs :  Century,  Knickerbocker  (New  York). 

ARMSTRONG,  James  Shelley 
Phipps  ;  Agent  -  General  for  Ontario  in 
U.K. ;  b.  28  Dec.  1899 ;  8.  of  Joseph  E.  Arm- 
strong, M.P.,  Petrolia,  Ont.,  and  Margaret 
Phipps  Armstrong,  Petrolia  and  Philadelphia; 
m.  1924,  Helen  Strawn,  d.  of  late  C.  W.  I. 
Woodland,  Toronto  ;  one  s.  one  d. ;  m.  1948, 
Eileen-  Mary,  widow  of  Harry  Lascelles  Carr, 
and  d.  of  Sir  Bracewell  Smith,  q.v.  Educ. : 
Ashbury  College,  Ottawa  ;  Univ.  of  Toronto. 
Supt.  of  Agencies,  Norwich  Union  Fire 
Insurance  Soc.,  1922-29 ;  Agency  Manager 
of  ""Dominion  of  Canada  General  Insurance 
Company  and  Casualty  Company  of  Canada, 
1930-39.  Past  Pres.  Life  Underwriters  Assoc. 
of  Toronto  ;  Vice-Pres. :  Insurance  Institute, 
Toronto ;  Empire  Club ;  Canadian  Veterans 
Assoc.  of  the  U.K.;  first  Vice-Pres.  of 
Canadian  Chamber  of  Commerce  of  Great 
Britain;  Hon.  Sec.  of  the  Canada  Club. 
A.IJ.A.  Major,  48th  Highlanders  of  Canada. 
Address:  Ontario  House,  13  Charles  II 
Street,  S.W.I;  National  Trust  Company, 
Toronto.  T.A.:  Ontarilon  Piccy  London. 
T.:  Whitehall  6404. 

ARMSTRONG,  John,  Painter;  b.  Nov. 
1098  ;  8.  of  Rev.  W.  A.  Armstrong  and  B.  M. 
Grippe  ;  m.  1936,  Benita  Jaeger ;  one  s.  one 
d.  Educ.:  St.  Paul's  School;  St.  John's 
College,  Oxford.  Served  in  Army  Aug.  1914- 
Dec.  1918  in  cavalry  and  R.F.A.  One-man 
exhibitions,  1927  and  1929,  at  Leicester 
Galleries,  1938, 1945  and  1947  at  Lefevre  Gal- 
leries. Designer  of  costumes,  etc.,  for  numerous 
films  theatrical  productions  and  ballet; 
paintings  in  the  Tate  gallery,  Birmingham 
and  Aberdeen  galleries,  etc.  Recreation  : 
looking  at  things.  Address:  Oriental 
Cottage,  Lamorna.  Penzance,  Cornwall ; 
Lancaster  Lodge,  107  Bayswater  Road,  W.2. 
T. :  Mousehole  209,  Bayswater  0934. 

ARMSTRONG,  Brigadier  John  Cardew, 
C  B  E.  1942  ;  M.C. ;  b.  3  June  1887  ;  *.  of 
late"  Henry  George  Armstrong,  M.BuC.S., 
L  S.A. ;  -m.  1916,  Winifred  Helen,  yr.  d.  of 
late  Maj.-Cten.  A.  A,  Sutton,  CJ.B.,  D.S.O. ; 
one  *  twod.  ffduc.  '  Weljmeton  :  GonviUe 
and  Caius  College.,  Cambridge  (B.A,  1&10). 
Entered  R.A$.,C.,  WO ;  Lieut.  1912; 
Capt.  1915;  Maii  J«29  ;  Lt.70P .  1935; 

Col.  1939:  (Temp.)  Brig.  1941.  Served 
with  B.E.F.,  France,  1914-10  and  1918-19 
(despatches,  M.C.);  with  Middle  Bast  Force, 
1939-42  ;  A.D.S.T.,  Egypt,  1939  ;  B.D.S.T., 
Western  Desert  Force,  1940 ;  DJD.S.T.,  Ninth 
Army,  1941-42  (despatches  twice,  C.B.E.).; 
retired,  1944.  Address:  109A  Shooters  Hill 
Road,  Blackheath,  S.E.3.  T.:  Greenwich 

ARMSTRONG,  Col.  John  Cecil,  C.B. 
1918  ;  C.M.G.  1916 ;  6.  28  Aug.  1870 ;  y.  s.  of  late 
Maj.-General  John  Armstrong,  C.B. ;  w.  1st, 
1890,  Minnie  (d.  1936),  d.  of  late  Charles  Morrell, 
J.P.,  The  Manor,  Dorchester;  one  s.  ;  2nd, 
Dorothy,  d.  of  late  W.  O.  Aves.  Educ. :  "Wel- 
lington College ;  R.M.C.,  Sandhurst  (Queen's 
Cadet).  Served  S.  Africa,  1899-1902  (Queen's 
medal  3  clasps,  King's  medal  2  clasps) ;  JJuro- 
pean  War,  1914-18  (C.M.G., C.B.) ;  Chief  Pay- 
master, War  Office,  and  Officer  in  charge  of 
Records^  R.A.P.C.,  1924-28 ;  retired  pay,  1930; 
CoL-Comdt.  R.A.P.C.,  1928-43.  Address:  Mill- 
brook  Cottage,  Stogursey,  Bridgwater. 

ARMSTRONG,  John  D.  H. ;  see  Heaton- 

ARMSTRONG,  John  Elliot,  C.I.E. 
1927;  O.BJG.  1923;  b.  21  Sept.  1W5;  r.  of  the 
late  Lt.-Col.  Manse)  Armstrong,  20tU  Hussars 
and  Bengal  Staff  Corps.  Joined  Indian 
Police  Service,  1897 ;  Deputy  Inspector- 
General  C.I.D.,  Bengal,  1920;  Commissioner 
of  Police.  Calcutta,  1926;  retired,  1929; 
Director-General  of  Police,  Hyderabad,  1927- 
1935.  King's  Police  Medal,  1,926.  Address  : 
Gilnockie,  Beaumont,  Jersey,  -CJ.  <!lvb : 
East  India  and  Sports. 

ARMSTRONG,  His  Honour  John 
WarnefordScobell,  C.B.E.  1920j  Officier 
d' Academic ;  Chairman  of  Cornwall  Quarter 
Sessions  since  1945 ;  b.  1  March  1877 ;  o.  s. 
of  late  John  and  late  ITanny  Scobell  Arm- 
strong, of  Nancealverne,  nr.  Penzaace ;  m. 
1926,  Winifred  Amy,  yr.  d.  of  Rev.  Douglas 
Hamilton,  of  Renhold,  near  Bedford;"  one 
s.  Educ.:  Abroad.  Called  to  Bar,  Inner 
Temple,  1905 ;  member  of  "Western  Circuit ; 
Assistant  Postal  Censor,  1914-15 ;  in  charge 
of  sub-section  of  Directorate  of  Military 
Intelligence,  War  Office,  1915-19 ;  Assistant 
Legal  Adviser  to  the  Foreign  Office,  1919-20 ; 
Legal  Adviser  to  Reparation  Claims  Depart- 
ment, Board  of  Trade,  1920-22.  Judge  of 
Circuit  No.  59,  Cornwall,  Plymouth,  etc., 
1940-50.  Publications:  The  Trade  Con- 
tinuation Schools  of  Germany,  1913;  "War 
and  Treaty  Legislation,  1914-21;  The 
Taxation  of  Profits,  1937 ;  Victorian  Verses, 
1950.  Address:  Nancealverne,  Penzance. 
T.:  Penzance  3101.  Clubs:  St.  James*, 

ARMSTRONG,  Katharine  Fairlie, 
,SJR,.N.,  S.G.M.,  Diploma  of  Nursing,  JUqndon 
University ;  President  of  the  National  Council 
of  Nurses  since  1948-;  b.  6  July  1892.  Educ.  : 
Kendrick  Girls  School,  Reading  ;  University  of 
Beading.  After  4  years'  .teaching  experience 
started  to  train  as  a  nurse  at  King's  Coll.  Hosp., 
London,  8.B.5,  in  1916  ;  took  midwifery  train- 
ing, 1919-20 ;  Ward  Sister.  King's  College  Hos- 
pital, 1920-22 ;  Sister  Tutor,  Royal  Northern 
Hospital,  1922-23  ;  Sister  Tutor,  King's  College 
Hospital,  1923-37;  Member  of  the, College  of 
Nursing ;  Chairman  of  the  Sister  Tutor  Section, 
College  of  Nursing,  1934-37;  iE&ito^,  The 
Nursing  Times,  1937-47 ;  Examiner  to  gen- 
eral Nursing  Council.  Publicctfipns  :  Teaching 
in  Schools  of  Nursing  (with  M>  Jackson) ;  Aids 
to  Surgical  Nursing,  1938 ;  Aids  tp  Anatojny 
and  Physiology,  1939  ;  A  Handbook  ,of  JKrst 
Aid  and  Bandaging  (with  A.  Belilfos  <fc  D. 
Mulvany),  1941 ; '  British  Red  Gross  Ble- 
mentary  Anatomy  and  Physiology  Manual 
(wtffo  A.  Belilips  and  JD.  J^ulvanj^  JjU^. 
Address:  Stiielswood,  Reades  Lane,  i^QTfiiiiig 
Common^  Reading. 

ARMSTRONG,  Martin  Donisthorpe; 
author;  &.  Newcastle-on-Tyne,  Oct.  1$82;  s. 
of  late  Charles  Armstrong,  Brisco  Hill,  CarlMe; 
m.  1930r  Jessie  McDonald  Aiken  ;ione  A  jE*$pc» 
Charterhouse  School ;  Pembroke  QoIlflge,fjC%m- 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

bridge  (B.A.).  Private  in  2nd  Batt.  Artiste 
Rifles,  1914-15 ;  Commission  in  8th  Batt.  Middle- 
sex Regt.,  1915-19  ;  served  in  France  ;  Associate 
Literary  Editor  of  The  Spectator,  1922-24. 
Publications :  Exodus,  and  other  poems,  1912; 
Thirty  New  Poems,  1918 ;  The  Buzzards,  1921 ; 
The  Puppet  Show,  1922;  Jeremy  Taylor,  a 
Selection  from  his  Works,  1923;  The  Bazaar, 
1924  ;  The  Goat  and  Compasses,  1925  ;  Desert, 
1926 ;  Sir  Pompey  and  Madame  Juno,  1927 ; 
The  Stepson,  1927 ;  Saint  Hercules,  1927 ; 
St.  Christopher's  Day,  1928 ;  The  Birdcatcher 
(poems)  and  The  Sleeping  Fury.  1929 ;  Adrian 
Glynde,  1930 ;  Collected  Poems,  Mr.  Darby, 
and  The  Paintbox,  1931;  Lover's  Leap,  1932; 
The  Foster-Mo ther  and  Fifty  Four  Conceits, 
1933 ;  General  Buntop's  Miracle,  1934;  (Bd.)  This 
Major  Pleasures  of  Life,  1934;  Venus  over 
Lannery,  1936 ;  A  Case  of  Conscience,  1937  ; 
Spanish  Circus  (1788-1808),  1937 ;  The  Snake 
in  the  Grass,  1938;  Victorian  Peep-Show, 
1938 ;  Simplicity  Jones,  1940  ;  The  Butterfly, 
1941;  Chichester  Concert  (An  Ode),  1944; 
Said  the  Cat  to  the  Dog,  1945 ;  Said  the 
Dog  to  the  Cat,  1948;  George  Borrow,  1950. 
Address :  Sutton,  near  Pulborough,  Sussex. 

ARMSTRONG,  Sir  Nesbitt  William, 
4tti  Bart.,  cr.  1841;  6.  8  July  1875;  8.  of  2nd 
Bart,  and  Alice,  d.  of  W.  W.  Fisher ;  S.  brother, 
1922 ;  m.  1910,  Clarice  Amy,  d.  of  John  Carter 
Hodgkinson,  Maryborough,  Victoria,  Australia, 
one  s.  one  d.  Heir :  s.  Andrew  St.  Clare,  6.  27 
Dec.  1912.  Address:  Mount  Maunganui, 
Auckland,  N.Z. 

ARMSTRONG,  General  St.  George 
Bewes,  C.B.  1919;  U.M.G.  1919;  t>,  23 
May  1871 ;  s.  of  Col.  W.  G.Armstrong,  R.M.L.I., 
and  Augusta  Annie,  d.  of  Augustus  Bewes : 
m.  1914,  Constance  Dorothy  Christian,  d, 
of  J.  E.  Friar,  of  Duddo,  Co.  Northumber- 
land ;  one  s.  (d.  1931).  Educ. :  Mannamead 
School,  Plymouth.  2nd  Lieut.  Plymouth  Div, 
R.M.L.1. 1889;  Major-General,  1923;  Lt.-Gen. 
1925 :  General.  1926;  Naval  Intelligence  Depart- 
ment, 1899-1904 ;  p.s.c.  1907;  Staff  R.N.  War 
College,  1907-10;  G,S.0.2  Western  Coast 
Defences,  1913;  A.A.  and  Q.M.G.,  H.Q.  L.  ol 
C.  Mediterranean  Expeditionary  Force,  1915  , 
after  evacuation  of  Gallipoli  held  varioui* 
staff  appointments  in  Egyptian  Expeditionary 
Force,  including  A.A.  and  Q.M.G.  54  Div.  1917 
and  D.A.  and  Q.M.G.  (temp.  Brig.-General) 
21st  Army  Corps  and  North  Force,  1917-20 
(Brevet  Colonel,  C.M.G.,  O.B.,  3rd  Class  Nile, 
Croix  de  Guerre,  despatches  5  times);  Com- 
mandant, Portsmouth  Division  Royal  Marine 
Light  Infantry,  1920-23;  retired  list,  1927; 
Hon.  Col.Comdt.,  Chatham  Div.  R.M.,  1934-41. 
Address:  Highfleld,  South  Brent,  Devon 
Club:  United  Service. 

ARMSTRONG,  Samuel,  GJ.B.E.  1937, 
J.P. ;  Cnairmau  smee  1937  and  Managing  Di- 
rector since  1908  of  Oranfleld  Bros.  Ltd.,  Flour 
Millers,  Ipswich ;  I.  1878 ;  s.  of  late  Samuel 
Armstrong,  Shingay,  Cambridgeshire ;  m.  1903, 
Florence  Eva,  d.  of  late  Thomas  Dixon, 
Chelmsford;  two  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  Kem 
College,  Canterbury.  Commenced  business  at 
Cranfteld  Bros.,  1893;  Member  of  Council  of 
National  Association  British  and  Irish  Millers 
since  1914 ;  Member  of  Executive  Committeft 
since  1917;  President  1920-21;  Member  of 
Board  of  Millers  Mutual  Association  since 
1930 ;  Member  of  Ipswich  Dock  Commission 
since  1909;  Chairman  since  1949;  Membet 
of  Wheat  Commission  since  1932;  Member 
of  Ipswich  Town  Council,  1945- ;  Membei 
of  Board  Alliance  Assurance  Co.,  Ipswich 
Branch.  Recreations:  golf,  tennis,  shooting, 
Address:  Barncroft,  Stone  Lodge  Lane,  Ips- 
wich, Suffolk.  T.A.  and  T. :  Ipswich  3331, 
Club :  County  (Ipswich). 

ARMSTRONG,  T.  I.  F. ;  see  Gawsworth, 

ARMSTRONG,  Thomas ;  Author ;  6.  3 
Sept.  1899:  s.  of  late  Charles  Plaxton  and 
late  Alice  Lily  Armstrong,  Airedale,  Yorks ; 
m.  1930,  Una  Dulcie,  er.  d.  of  late  Edgar 
and  Amy  Jane  Bray,  Huddersfleld.  Educ. : 
Queen  Elizabeth's  School,  Wakefield  ;  Royal 


Naval  College,  Keyham.  Served  in  Royal 
Navy  during  European  War,  1914-19.  Sub- 
sequently entered  wool  trade.  Publications  : 
The  Crowthers  of  Bankdam,  1940 ;  Dover 
Harbour,  1942  ;  King  Cotton,  1947.  Recrea- 
tions :  reading,  mediaeval  architecture, 
country  pursuits,  any  ball  game,  racing. 
Address :  Lawn  House,  Low  Row,  Swaledale, 
North  Yorkshire.  T. :  Gunnerside  47. 

ARMSTRONG,  Thomas  Henry  'Wait, 
M.A.,  U.Mus. ;  F.K.G.M.  ;  Hou.  F.R.C.U.  ; 
Hon.  R.A.M. ;  Organist  of  Christ  Church, 
Oxford,  since  1933  ;  Student  of  Christ  Church, 
1939  ;  Choragus  of  the  University,  1937  ;  Con- 
ductor  of  the  Oxford  Bach  Choir  and  the  Oxford 
Orchestral  Society;  Musical  Director  of  the 
Balliol  Concerts ;  &.  15  June  1898 :  o.  s.  of 
A.  E.  Armstrong,  Peterborough,  Northants; 
m.  1926,  Hester,  2nd  d.  of  late  Rev.  W.  H. 
Draper;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ.:  Choir  School, 
Chapel  Royal,  St.  James's :  King's  School, 
Peterborough;  Keble  College*  Oxford;  Royal 
College  of  Music.  Organist,  Thorney  Abbey, 
1914;  sub-organist,  Peterborough  Cathedral, 
1915;  Organ  Scholar,  Keble  College,  Oxford 
1916;  served  in  R.A.,  B.E.F.,  France,  1917-19; 
sub  •  organist,  Manchester  Cathedral,  1922; 
organist,  St.  Peter's,  Eaton  Square,  1923 ; 
organist  of  Exeter  Cathedral,  1928.  Cbmpcm- 
tions :  The  Passer-by,  for  chorus  and  orchestra ; 
The  World  of  Light,  for  soprano  solo,  chorus, 
and  orchestra;  Quintet  for  pianoforte  and 
strings ;  sonata  for  violin  and  pianoforte ; 
songs,  part-songs,  anthems,  etc.  Address: 
Christ  Church,  Oxford.  Club :  Athenaeum. 

ARMSTRONG,  'William,  M.A.;  b.  Edin- 
burgh, 80  Nov.  1882.  Mduc. :  George  Heriot's 
School  and  University,  Edinburgh.  Studied  for 
the  musical  profession,  and  was  for  some  years 
a  schoolmaster  ;  studied  for  stage  under  F.  R. 
Benson ;  first  appearance  on  London  stage  in 
1909  with  Beerbohm  Tree's  company ;  acted  in 
Germany,  America,  and  in  London  under  the 
management  of  Arthur  Bourchier,  J.  B.  Fagan, 
Matheson  Lang  and  others ;  for  many  years  act- 
ing with  various  Repertory  Theatre  Companies 
in  Glasgow,  Liverpool,  Birmingham,  and  Every- 
man Theatre ;  played  leading  parts  with  Mrs. 
Patrick  Campbell  ;  appointed  Producer  to  the 
Liverpool  Repertory  Theatre,  1922,  and  was 
Director  of  the  Theatre,  1923-44 ;  produced  for 
the  O.U.D.S.  in  1925;  Shute  Lecturer  in  the 
Art  of  the  Theatre  at  Liverpool  University, 
1929;  'worked  in  an  administrative  capacity 
with  ENSA  at  Drury  Lane  Theatre,  London, 
1941-42,  Has  directed  several  West  End  pro- 
ductions including  Van  Druten's  Old  Acquaint- 
ance and  Somerset  Maugham's  The  Circle; 
Assistant  Director  to  Sir  Barry  Jackson, 
Birmingham  Repertory  Theatre,  1945-47. 
Hon.  M.A.  Liverpool  Univ.,  1930.  Publications: 
Collaborated  in  a  children's  play,  King  of  the 
Castle,  with  A.  P.  Herbert,  and  with  Francis 
Brett  Young  in  the  play  entitled  The  Furnace ; 
has  edited  several  volumes  of  One- Act  Plays. 
Clubs:  Garrick  ;  University  (Liverpool). 

ARMYTAGE,  Rev.  Canon  Duncan, 
M.A. ;  Canon  of  St.  George,  Windsor,  since 
1947  ;  6.  22  Aug.  1889 ;  s.  of  William  Kaye  Lewis 
Armytage  and  Florence  Beatrice  Daniel ;  m. 
1940,  Pleasaunce  Elizabeth  Hope,  yr.  d.  of 
late  H.  B.  Napier,  Long  Ashton,  Bristol. 
Educ.:  Leeds  Grammar  School;  St.  Edmund 
Hall,  Oxford  ;  Cuddesdon  Theological  College. 
Asst.  Curate,  St.  Peter's,  Plymouth,  1913-17  ; 
Asst,  Master,  St.  Guthbert's  School,  Worksop, 
and  Licensed  Preacher  in  the  diocese  of  South- 
well, 1917-18  ;  Asst.  Curate,  The  Annunciation, 
Chislehurst,  1918-19 ;  Asst.  Curate,  St.  James', 
Devonport,  in  charge  of  the  Kelly  College 
Mission,  1919-23;  Vice-Principal,  Dorchester 
Missionary  College,  1923-27;  Warden  of  St. 
Anselm  Hall,  University  of  Manchester, 
1927-34;  Canon  of  South wark  and  Diocesan 
Missioner;  Warden  of  the  College  of  St. 
Saviour,  and  Warden  of  the  Southwark 
Diocesan  House,  Warlingham,  Surrey,  1934- 
1947 ;  Examining  Chaplain  to  the  Bishop  of 
Southwark,  1932-48;  Hon.  Chaplain  to 
Bishop  of  Hereford,  1941-48.  Publications: 

WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

Christianity  in  the  Roman  World  ;  Firmly  I 
believe;  One  Sufficient  Sacrifice.  Recreations: 
golf,  etc.  Address  ;  6  The  Cloisters,  Windsor 
Castle.  T.  :  Windsor  313.  Club  :  Authors'. 
ARMYTAGE,  Brig.-Gen.  Sir  George 
(Ayscough),  7th  ±Jt.,  cr.  1738  ;  C.M.G.  1918; 
D.S.O.  1917  J  b.  2  Mar.  1872;  s.  of  6th  Bt. 
and  Ellen  (d.  1890),  d.  of  Rev.  A.  Fawkes  of 
Farnley  Hall,  Yorkshire  ;  S.  father,  1918;  m. 
1899,  Aimee,  3rd  d.  of  Sir  Lionel  Milborne 
Swinnerton-Pilkington,  llth  Bt.  ;  two  s.  one  d 
J.P.,  W.  Riding  of  Yorkshire;  formerly  Lt.- 
Col.'  K.R.R.C.,  and  Col.  commanding  2nd 
West  Riding  Inf.  Brig.,  T.A.,  1921-22  (now 
Hon.  Brig.-  Gen.);  European  War,  1914-18. 
Brig.-Gen.  commanding  an  Infantry  Brigade, 
1916-18  (despatches  four  times,  Bt.  Lt.-CoL, 
D.  S.  0.  ,  C.  M.  G.,  Col.  ,  Croix  de  Guerre).  Heir  ; 
s.  John  Lionel  [b.  23  Nov.  1901  ;  m.  1st,  1927. 
Evelyn  Mary  Jessamine  (marriage  dissolved, 
1946),  d.  of  Edward  Herbert  Fox,  of  Adbury 
Park,  Newbury  ;  one  s.  one  d.  ;  2nd,  1949,  Maria 
Margarete,  o.  d.  of  Paul  Tenhaeff,  Bruenen 
Niederrhein.  Educ.:  Eton;  R.M.C.,  Sand- 
hurst. Capt.  King's  Royal  Rifle  Corps].  Club  : 

ARMYTAGE,  Vivian  B.  G.  ;    see  Green- 

Army  tage. 
ARNASON,    Fru    Barbara  ;      see    Moray 

Williams,  B. 

ARNAUD,  Yvonne,  Actress  ;  6.  Bordeaux, 
20  Dec.  1895  ;  d.  of  Charles  Leon  Arnaud  and 
Antoinette  de  Montagu;  m.  1920,  Hugh 
McLellan.  Educ.  :  Paris.  Debut  as  Princess 
Mathilde  in  The  Quaker  Girl  at  the  Adelphi, 
1911  ;  parts  include  Suzanne  in  The  Girl  in  the 
Taxi,  1912  and  numerous  revivals  ;  Noisette  in 
Oh,  be  Careful  1  1915  ;  Kitty  Pearson  in  Jerry, 
1916  ;  Georgette  St.  Pol  in  Kissing  Time,  1919  ; 
Chiquette  in  The  Naughty  Princess,  1920: 
Louise  Allington  in  Tons  of  Money,  1922-24  ; 
Marguerite  Hickett  in  A  Cuckoo  in  the  Nest. 
1925  ;  Mrs.  Pepys  in  And  so  tB  Bed,  1926,  and 
same  part  in  New  York,  1927  ;  Elizabeth  in  By 
Candle  Light,  1928  ;  Blma  Melton  in  Canaries 
Sometimes  Sing,  1929,  and  same  part  in  New 
York,  1930  ;  Duchess  of  Tann  in  The  Improper 
Duchess,  1931  ;  Louise  in  Will  you  love  me 
always?  1932;  Helene  Lorimer  in  Doctor's 
Orders,  1933;  Princess  Katharine  in  Henry  V., 
1934  ;  Mrs.  Val  Shannon  in  Tread  Softly,  1935  ; 
also  in  Plan  for  a  Hostess,  1938  ;  What  Say 
They,  1939;  In  Good  King  Charles's  Golden 
Days,  1940  (also  at  Malvern  Festival,  1939)  ; 
The  Nutmeg  Tree,  1941  ;  Love  for  Love,  1943  ; 
The  Circle,  1944;  Jane,  1947;  Travellers'  Joy. 
1948.  Entered  films  1924  and  has  appeared 
in  Desire,  On  Approval,  Tons  of  Money, 
Canaries  Sometimes  Sing,  A  Cuckoo  in  the 
Nest,  Stormy  Weather  j  The  Improper  Duchess, 
Neutral  Port,  To-morrow  we  Live,  etc.  Ad- 
dress: Banks  Way  Farm,  Effingham  Common, 
Surrey.  T.  :  Bookham  350. 
A  R  N  O,  Peter;  Cartoonist  for  The  New 
Yorker  since  1925,  and  for  numerous  publica- 
tions in  America  and  abroad  ;  b.  8  Jan.  190C  ; 
$  of  Hon.  Curtis  Arnoux  Peters  and  Edith 
Theresa  Haynes  ;  m.  1927,  Lois  Long 
(divorced  1931)  ;  one  d.  ;  m.  1935,  Mary 
Livingston  Lansing  (divorced  1939).  Educ.  : 
Hotchkiss  School,  Lakeville,  Conn.;  Tale 
College.  Has  held  56  exhibitions  throughout 
America  and  in  London  and  Paris.  PwWi 
tions:  Peter  Arno's  Parade,  1930;  Peter 
Arao's  Hullabaloo,  1932;  Peter  Arno's 
Circus  1933  ;  Peter  Amo'a  Favorites,  1934  ; 
Peter  Arno's  For  Members  Only,  1935  ; 
Peter  Arno's  Cartoon  Revue,  1941  ;  Peter 
Arno's  Man  in  the  Shower,  1944  ;  Peter 
Arno's  Pocket  Book,  1946.  Recreations: 
color  photography,  piano,  composing,  riding, 
swimming.  Address:  New  Yorker  Magazine, 
25  W.  43  St.,  N.Y.C.,  U.S.A.  Club  :  Yale 
(New  York). 

ARNOLD,  Major  -  Gen.  Allan  Choi- 
mondeley,  O.IE.  1947;  C.B.E.  1941; 
M.C.;  -Principal  Deputy  Divisional  Food 
Officer,  South  Western  Division;  &.  2$  May 
1893  •  *.  of  Lt.-Col.  A.  S.  Arnold,  late  Indian 

Army ;  m.  Dorothy  Hamilton,  o.  d.  of  Arthur 
Webster  •  Wedderbnrn,  Deputy  Inspector- 
General  Police,  Jamaica;  no  c.  Educ.: 
Wellington  College.  Berks;  H.M.C.,  Sand- 
hurst. 2nd  Lt.  Middlesex  Regt.,  1912; 
Captain,  1915 ;  Bt.  Major,  1919 ;  Subs. 
Major,  Royal  Fusiliers,  1930  ;  Bt.  Lt.-Col., 
1935  ;  Colonel,  1938  ;  Acting  Maj. -General, 
1942;  Temp.  Maj.-Gen.,1943  ;  retd.  pay, 
1946.  Served  European  War,  1914-18  (M.C., 
despatches  thrice);  North  Russia,  1919 
(O.B.E.,  despatches) ;  Indian  Frontier, 
1921-22  (medal  and  2  clasps) ;  War  of  1939-45 
(despatches,  C.B.E.).  Joined  Govt.  of  India 
Food  Dept.,  1946;  joined  Ministry  of  Food, 
1949.  Recreations:  shooting,  fishing.  Ad- 
dress: The  Well  House,  Bayford,  nr.  Win- 
canton,  Somerset.  Club :  Army  and  Navy. 

ARNOLD,  Arthur,  A.M.I.Mech.E. ; 
A.M.I.E.E. ;  F.Inst.F.;  Editor  of  Power  and 
Works  Engineering;  b.  31  Aug.  1891;  s.  of 
Arthur  and  Maria  Arnold,  Lymington  ;  m.  1919, 
Elsie  Milnes ;  one  s.  one  d.  Educ. :  King  Edward 
VI.  Grammar  School,  Southampton.  Pupil  to 
J.  H.  Bolam,  M.Sc.,  M.I.B.E.,  at  Weymonth 
Corporation  Electricity  Works ;  subsequently 
on  Technical  Staff  of  various  electricity  under- 
takings; two  years  during  the  1914-18  War  with 
Grand  Fleet;  Eng.-Lt.  R.N.;  joined  The  Power 
Engineer,  1919.  Publications:  technical  books ; 
sundry  papers  to  technical  societies;  many 
articles  in  technical  press.  Address:  43 
Kineneld  Road,  Ealing,  W.5. 

ARNOLD,  Major  Bening  Mourant, 
D.S.O.  1918;  M.A.;  5.  4  Aug.  1884;  s.  of 
late  Bening  Arnold  and  Emilie  Mourant; 
m.  1914,  Elsie  Kate,  e.  d.  of  Rev.  J.  D.  Best 
of  Sandon  Rectory,  Chelmsford ;  two  s.  three 
d.  Educ. :  St.  Paul's  School ;  Jesus  College, 
Cambridge;  B.A.  degree  in  mech.  sciences  ; 
0ve  and  a  half  years  at  J.  I.  Thornycroft  & 
Co. ;  Supervisor  in  Royal  Gun  Factory,  Wool- 
wich, 1914;  mobilised  31  July  1914;  com- 
manded L.  Anti-aircraft  Battery,  B.E.F. ,  1916-18 
(despatches,  D.S.O.) ;  Major  Instructor  in  A.A. 
gunnery,  1918-19;  Assistant  Master,  Bradfield 
College,  1920,  House  Master,  1926-40.  Recrea- 
tions :  sculling,  cruising  (Riduna  III).  Address  : 
Cannonwalls  Farm,  Woodbury  Salterton, 
Exeter.  Clubs:  Leander,  Thames  Rowing, 
Royal  Cruising,  Little  Ship. 

ARNOLD,  Ivor  Deiniol  Osborn,  M.A., 
Doctor  of  University  of  Strasbourg;  Professor  of 
Old  French  Language  and  Literature,  University 
of  Leeds,  since  1938 ;  6.  8  Dee.  1895 ;  s.  of 
Edward  Vernon  Arnold  and  Violet  Osborn ;  m. 
1924,  Inger  Margrethe  Ellgaard ;  no  c.  Educ. : 
Friars  School,  Bangor;  Perse  School,  Cam- 
oridge  ;  Universities  of  Wales  and  Strasbourg. 
Served  European  War,  France,  Salonika,  Malta, 
Turkey,  1914-20;  Assistant  Lecturer,  University 
of  Manchester,  1924-27 ;  Independent  Lecturer 
in  Mediaeval  French,  University  of  Belfast, 
1927-38.  Publications :  Edition  of  L'Apparicion 
Maistre  Jehan  de  Meun,  by  Honore  Bonet,  1926; 
edition  of  Wace's  Brut,  voL  1. 1938,  vol.  2. 1940 ; 
articles  on  Old  French  literature  in  Romania 
and  Medium  Aevum.  Address :  The  University, 

ARNOLD,  Ronald  Nathan,  D.Sc.  (Glas- 
gow) ;  D.Eng.,  Ph.D.  (Sheffield);  M.S. 
Illinois);  F.R.S.E.;  MJ.Mech.E.;  Ajtfl.C.E.; 
Regius  Prof,  of  Engineering,  Univ.  of  Edin- 

a. OI  jHJ,UUJ.U.  .».vv¥uuu.  aiu.\j.  AVI.C*  ^jv\.ujjv  *»-«,»»«.•.•>», 

Glasgow;  m.  1940,  Jessie  Beattie  Blake, 
Edinburgh;  one  *.  JSdvc *.:  Shawlands 
Academy,  Glasgow ;  Royal  Technical  Coll.. 
Glasgow;  Univ.  of  Sheffield;  tTniv.  of 
Illinois.  Engineering  apprenticeship  with 
Mirrlees  Watson  Co.  Ltd.,  Glasgow.  B.Sc. 
1st  Class  Hons.  in  Mechanical  Engineering, 
Glasgow  Univ.,  1932 ;  electe<l,an  Associate  of 
Royal  Technical  College  and  awarded. Mont- 
ponierie  ETeilson  Gold  Medal  tn,Kech*nJcal 
Engineering  1932 ;  Sir  Jamea  .Caird  Sefnior 
TraveUingSchoIar,  Sheffield  Univ.,  1932,84 
(Ph.D.  in  Engineering,  1934);^  Opmifcon- 
wealth  Fund  FeUow,  Univ.  of  Dlinola,  1^4- 


WHO'S  WHO,  1951 

1936  (M.S.  in  Theoretical  and  Applied 
Mechanics,  1936) ;  elected  to  Sigma  Xi  and 
Phi  Kappa  Epsilon  Scholastic  Fraternities  of 
U.S.A. ;  Assistant  Lecturer  in  Engineering, 
Royal  Technical  College,  Glasgow,  1936-40 ; 
Gold  Medal  of  Institution  of  Engineers  and 
Shipbuilders  in  Scotland,  1940;  Thomas 
Lowe  Gray  Prize.  1940,  and  Thomas  Hawk- 
sley  Gold  Medal,  1946,  of  Institution  of 
Mechanical  Engineers.  Research  staff  of 
Metropolitan  Vickers  Elec.  Co..  Manchester, 
1940-44  ;  D.Sc.,  Glasgow  Univ.,  1943  ;  Pro- 
fessor of  Engineering,  University  College  of 
Swansea,  1944-46 ;  D.Eng.,  Sheffield  Univ., 
1947  ;  Member  of  Mechanica